Word for sign of the times

What is another word for Sign of the times?

  • foretaste

    ominous indication

  • fate

    ominous indication

  • hunch

    ominous indication

  • omen

    indication of coming event, ominous indication

  • portent

    indication of coming event, ominous indication

  • fair warning

  • harbinger

    indication of coming event

  • indication

    indication of coming event

  • indicator

    indication of coming event

  • sign

  • slight hint

  • writing on the wall

  • straw in the wind

  • ominous indication

Synonyms for sign of the times


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Photo search results for Sign of the times

A Smiling Man Using a Cellphone Red Oh La La Light Woman Wearing Gray Zip-up Jacket Colorful Hotel Building Led Signage in Night Time Person Wearing Black Jacket Holding Black Umbrella Walking on Street Open Neon Signage Turned on

Image search results for Sign of the times

time, business, clock clock, design, time clock, zodiac sign, time of clock, fate, life time calender, icon, pictogram opening time, open, business time

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Synonyms for Sign of the times. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sign_of_the_times

Synonyms for Sign of the times. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sign_of_the_times>.

Synonyms for Sign of the times. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sign_of_the_times.

What is another word for sign of the times?

14 synonyms found


[ sˈa͡ɪn ɒvðə tˈa͡ɪmz], [ sˈa‍ɪn ɒvðə tˈa‍ɪmz], [ s_ˈaɪ_n ɒ_v_ð_ə t_ˈaɪ_m_z]

Related words: lyrics sign of the times, sign of the times alexisonfire, sign of the times line dance, sign of the times allman brothers, sign of the times meaning, sign of movement, signs of the times, what does the sign of the times mean, sign of the times song meaning

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  • What does sign of the times?
  • Table of Contents

    • n.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • foretastes,
      • fair warning,
      • writing on the wall,
      • straw in the wind,
      • foretaste,
      • slight hint.

      straw in the wind (noun)

      • indication,
      • portent,
      • indicator,
      • omen,
      • harbinger,
      • sign.

      writing on the wall (noun)

      • hunch,
      • fate.

    How to use «Sign of the times» in context?

    When looking out into the world today, one could sense something different happening. Many people have speculated about what this «sign of the times» could be, but no one has been able to give a definitive answer.Many believe that the current state of the world is a sign of the times, but no one can be sure. It could be the end of an era, or a new beginning. It is difficult to tell.What is abundantly clear, however, is the instability of the world and the attendant fear that has gripped many people. Terrorism, famine, and refugee crises are all present in unprecedented numbers.

    The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

    I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

    In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

    Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

    Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

    a sign of the times

    Something regarded, usually negatively, as emblematic of the current time period. Nobody looks up from their mobile phones anymore. I guess it’s just a sign of the times. Kids today hate the music you loved growing up? Well, that’s just a sign of the times, I guess. There’s lots of ways to contact people today, and, yet, no one ever gets back to you—it’s a sign of the times.

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    sign of the times

    something that signifies the situation evident in the current times. Your neighbor’s unmowed grass is just a sign of the times. Nobody really cares any longer.

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    sign of the times

    something typical of the nature or quality of a particular period, typically something undesirable.

    Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

    sign of the times, a

    Typical of a particular period, notably the present. This term appears in the Bible. When the Pharisees asked Jesus to show them a sign from heaven, he replied, “O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” (Matthew 16:3). Many centuries later, historian Arnold J. Toynbee wrote (The World and the West, 1953), “The people who have read the signs of the times and have taken action . . . are the obscure missionaries of half-a-dozen Oriental religions.”

    The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

    See also:

    • a sign of the times
    • sign of the times, a
    • be a sign of the times
    • casualty
    • a casualty of (something)
    • play Old Harry with (something)
    • count against
    • count against (one)
    • personally
    • take (something) personally
    • fair warning
    • fate
    • foretaste
    • hunch
    • omen
    • portent

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    On this page you’ll find 15 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to sign of the times, such as: harbinger, indication, indicator, omen, portent, and sign.


    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • harbinger
    • indication
    • indicator
    • omen
    • portent
    • sign
    • sign of the times
    • slight hint
    • fair warning
    • fate
    • foretaste
    • hunch
    • omen
    • portent
    • sign of the times

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    “Sign of the Times” is a slow paced pop-rock track about avoiding emotion and reality during times of grief and hardship. The song draws inspiration from ‘70s rock songs from artists like David Bowie and Queen.

    The track is Harry Styles’ debut solo single after releasing five studio albums and going on four world tours with the global sensation pop band One Direction. “Sign of the Times” is also the lead single from Harry’s debut self-titled album and was released on April 7, 2017, over a year after One Direction began their hiatus.

    The track was teased through television ads, though the release date and title were later announced by Styles on Twitter along with the cover art on March 31, 2017, which aptly coincided the 30th anniversary of Prince’s ninth studio album, Sign O’ the Times. Although Harry’s song shares a name with a song of Prince’s, the similarities do not continue beyond that. A collaborator of Prince’s, Sheena Easton, has even stated that the “Purple maestro” would have approved.

    “Sign of the Times” debuted atop UK Official Singles chart with the #1 slot and landed #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 after only the first week of tracking. Harry taking the top position on the UK charts meant that he had dethroned his friend Ed Sheeran, who had spent the thirteen previous weeks in that #1 slot. To accompany the song’s debut, a two hour pre-recorded interview done with Harry’s close friend Nick Grimshaw was aired on BBC Radio 1.

    “Sign of the Times” made its live TV debut on Saturday Night Live on April 15, 2017, the first episode of the show to be aired across the entirety of The United States of America simultaneously. Harry performed a second song, a new track released with his album on May 12, 2017, titled “Ever Since New York”.

    The music video for this song was released on May 8, 2017 and depicted Styles flying through the air above mountains and walking on water. Upon release, the music video shot to the #8 slot on the YouTube trending list.

    Use ‘sign of the times’ in a sentence | ‘sign of the times’ example sentences

    1- The sixth sign of the times is civic apathy.

    2- Perhaps this is another sign of the times .

    3- A sign of the times I guess.

    4- It was a sign of the times .

    5- This is also another ” sign of the times .

    6- Its a dramatic sign of the times .

    7- These days are just signs of the times .

    8- sign of the times i’m afraid.

    9- It’s the sign of the times .

    10- It is also a sign of the times .

    11- He can read the signs of the times .

    12- We are bound to observe the signs of the times .

    13- Is this a sign of the times ?

    14- Is it a sign of the times ?

    15- The fourth sign of the times is the destruction of nature.

    16- Call it a sign of the times .

    17- Another sign of the times is that dealers are taking smaller spaces.

    18- sign of the times , isn’t it.

    19- What is the sign of the times ?

    20- A sign of the times , I’m afraid.

    21- We have encouragement in the signs of the times .

    22- Or maybe these are just the signs of the times .

    23- Signs of the times appeared in a number of different places.

    24- Yet we have this sign of the times .

    25- The extravagance of living is a menacing sign of the times .

    26- The second sign of the times is the dominance of the automobile.

    27- The fifth and perhaps most ominous sign of the times is urban decay.

    28- He rebuked those who could not tell the signs of the times !

    29- sign of the times I suppose.

    30- The first sign of the times is sprawl, low-density urban development.

    31- The signs of the times indicate that covenanting is a seasonable duty.

    32- Reflect on the above paragraph from Signs of the Times .

    33- sign of the times in Kabul ?

    34- Aviation analyst Geoffrey Thomas said the partnership was a sign of the times .

    35- Each year this number gets smaller, a definite sign of the times .

    36- Prominent writers and researchers share their perspectives on the signs of the times .

    37- We recognize the phenomenon of migration as an authentic sign of the times .

    38- It is a sign of the times that despite the cost research is continuing. It is what it is-a sign of the times, mosque security employee Ray Brewster told The Desert Sun.

    39- Macka B’s first album, sign of the times, was released in 1986 on the Mad Professor’s Ariwa label.

    More Sentences:
    Related Words:
    move with the times – in the nick of time – for old times’ sake – once upon a time – play for time – the time is ripe – at the same time – sign of the times – a stitch in time – have a whale of a time – ahead of time – behind time – about time – before time – valuable time –

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