Word for showing understanding

There are many different reasons why you might need to tell someone that you understand what they are saying.

Perhaps you want to make it clear that you understand the literal meaning of what they have said, for example, when you ask a teacher to explain what a new word means, or when you ask someone for directions in the street.

At other times, you might need to show that you understand someone on a deeper level. That could mean that you understand them intellectually (meaning that their point makes sense to you: you can see why they think something, even if you don’t agree), or that you understand them emotionally (meaning that you understand why they feel a certain way about something).

In these situations, it’s good to mix up your vocabulary so that you don’t just repeat the words “I understand” over and over!

Here are some other terms and phrases that you could use instead.

When You Understand the Literal Meaning:

Sometimes you need a quick way to show that you understand what someone just said to you, without expressing any opinions on this. You can do that by saying:

OK / Alright / Sure

When somebody is explaining something to you, or asking you to do something, replying to them with one of these words is a polite way to show that you are listening and can follow what they are saying.

Got it.

This is another way of saying “ok, I understood what you said / what you want from me!”

OK, I get it now / That’s clear, thank you.

If you had trouble understanding someone the first time round but now it is clear, these phrases are very useful.

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When You Understand Someone’s Opinion:

Fair enough / I see where you’re coming from / I take your point / That makes sense.

These are all polite ways to show that you understand and respect someone’s opinion, without having to say if you agree with them.

Of course / Absolutely.

Use these phrases to show that you not only understand what someone is saying, you also agree with them.

I appreciate why you think that, but…

This is a polite way to show that you understand the person’s point, but you don’t agree with it.

I hear what you’re saying, but…

This is very similar to the above, but by saying ‘I hear’ you show that you are really listening and trying to see things from their point of view, too.

When You Understand Someone’s Feelings:

That’s totally fair / I don’t blame you.

These are both good ways to reassure someone that you understand their feelings and point of view, especially if they are angry or upset about something.

I know what you mean.

This goes a step further by suggesting that you feel the same / have had a similar experience, so you really understand their feelings.

I would feel the same.

This show the person that, even though you haven’t experienced the same thing, you understand their emotions and you would react in the same way if you did.

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Here are some common phrases and expressions you can use to express your lack of understanding and ask for clarification in English.

Checking for Understanding:

 Do you understand?

 Are you following me?

 Do you understand what I mean?

 Do you understand what I’m saying?

 Any questions?

 Got it?

Expressing lack of understanding:

 I don’t get it.

 Sorry, I didn’t get your point.

 What do you mean?

 I’m not sure I got your point.

 I beg your pardon, but I don’t quite understand.

 I don’t quite follow you.

 I’m sorry. I don’t understand what you mean.

 Sorry, I didn’t quite hear what you said.

Asking for clarification:

 Could you clarify that, please?

 Could you explain that, please?

 What do you mean by that?

 Could you say that again, please?

 Could you repeat, please?

 Could you put it differently, please?


 Sorry, let me explain…

 Let me clarify it for you…

 To put it differently…

 Let me put it in another way…

Showing Understanding:

 I see.

 I understand.

 I got it.

 Ok, I got what you mean.

 I understand what you mean.

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The word had been used with «nodding [such-ly]«. If I remember correctly, the person I heard this from was describing one of the attributes you needed to be a manager was to be able to listen to someone and «nod» this way, maybe rubbing your chin with your hand or something to signal to that person that you are listening (even if you’re not).

There is even a Wikipedia article about this word, but I cannot remember it at all.

At 58-y.o., this is one of the few times i hear a new word i never heard before (and look it up). Unfortunately, i forgot it right after.

absinthe's user avatar


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asked May 26, 2014 at 22:51

robert bristow-johnson's user avatar


Could it be «nodding sagely

answered May 27, 2014 at 5:10

Erik Kowal's user avatar

Erik KowalErik Kowal

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Ways I could nod to show I’m listening: sympathetically, knowingly.

Ways I could nod to show I’m listening when I’m not really listening: automatically, absentmindedly.

answered May 27, 2014 at 20:50

Carolyn's user avatar


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Could it be acceptingly or appreciatively? Acceptance and appreciation do not imply adherence or assent.

answered May 27, 2014 at 21:04

Drew's user avatar


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i wanted to put this in an answer, just so that people who may have read or contributed would see it pop into visibility. the word i was looking for was «sagaciously». i know it doesn’t mean exactly what i took from it (from the context of usage), but normally when i hear of some manager or expert or someone «nodding sagaciously», there is an appearance of faux understanding or assent.

thanks everyone who answered and Erik for being the closest.

answered Jul 26, 2014 at 15:50

robert bristow-johnson's user avatar

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Validate — their experience by showing understanding and reassurance that they are not to blame

Validate — подтверждайте значимость их опыта, демонстрируя понимание и уверяя их в том, что они не виноваты в случившемся

Showing understanding with the huge immigration flow the state is facing, Azerbaijan praised the will of the Dominican Republic to accede to ICRMW.

Демонстрируя понимание тех проблем, которые связаны с колоссальным притоком иммигрантов в страну, Азербайджан дал высокую оценку стремлению Доминиканской Республики присоединиться к МКПТМ.

Descriptions of regional centers, district centers contain all the historical, geographical, demographic informitsiya showing understanding of the area.

В описаниях областных и районных центров содержится вся историческая, географическая, демографическая информация, отражающая полное представление о районе.

At the same time the new management started showing understanding of lameness of former orientation to the external economic methods of coercion.

В то же время новое руководство начинало демонстрировать понимание ущербности прежней ориентации на внешнеэкономичес-кие методы принуждения.

Conversations with the child and showing understanding of its complexities give a chance to improve the situation.

Беседы с ребенком, понимание его сложностей и помощь, дают шанс на улучшение ситуации.

Here’s an example of showing understanding and validation

India had demonstrated its commitment not only by promptly paying its contributions in full, but by showing understanding for delays in reimbursements for troop contingents.

Индия не только своевременно и полностью выплачивает свои взносы, но и с пониманием относится к задержкам с выплатой компенсации странам, предоставляющим контингенты.

It also includes demonstrating a sense of responsibility, as well as showing understanding of and respect for the shared values that are necessary to ensure community cohesion, such as respect for democratic principles.

Оно включает проявление чувства ответственности, а также понимания и уважения к разделяемым ценностям, таким как уважение к демократическим принципам, которые необходимы для социальной сплоченности.

As Simone attempted to contradict him, Bobby interrupted her, showing understanding and respect for her anger, and told her to take a look at the other survivors, who had all managed to find something positive in their horrific experiences.

Когда Симона попыталась опровергнуть его, Бобби прервал ее, проявив понимание и уважение к её гневу, и попросил ее взглянуть на других выживших, которым все удалось найти что-то позитивное в их ужасающем опыте.

This is not an easy job and requires talking to people and showing understanding, but the group must consist of highly skilled professionals so that their authority would be recognised by both the Government and the lending organisations.

Это непростая работа, требует конкретных разговоров с людьми, понимания ситуации, но группа должна обладать высочайшими профессионалами, чтобы авторитет признавался и в Правительстве, и в кредитных организациях.

Do not force them to trust you; you’ll have to prove to them that you are trustworthy, and this can be done by showing understanding and communicating in a clear and polite way.

Не нужно заставлять их доверять вам; нужно показать им, что вы достойны доверия, а это достигается посредством вежливого общения и сопереживания их чувствам.

However, as soon as they see that the other party is intimidated and has made the first steps towards satisfying their demands, they relax and begin showing understanding and sympathy for the other person’s «difficult» situation.

Однако, если они видят, что другая сторона запугана и начала делать свои первые шаги в направлении к удовлетворению собственных требований, они расслабляются и начинают проявлять понимание и сочувствие к трудностям других людей.

Instead of showing understanding for justified measures undertaken against terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija, diverse disinformation emerged followed by unfounded criticism of the actions of state authorities of the Republic of Serbia.

Вместо того, чтобы продемонстрировать понимание в отношении оправданных мер, принятых против терроризма в Косово и Метохии, появилась различная дезинформация, за которой последовала необоснованная критика действий органов государственной власти Республики Сербии.

By the way, this is a violation of Gazprom’s contracts with its partners in Western Europe but we are turning a blind eye to this and showing understanding.

Это, правда, нарушение контрактов между «Газпромом» и его контрагентами в Западной Европе, однако мы смотрим на это уже через пальцы, с разумением.

My favorite points from the book circle around the ideas of understanding or showing understanding for the other party, looking for ways to «make the pie bigger,» and not making ourselves the issue.

Мои любимые моменты из книги вращаются вокруг идей понимания или демонстрации понимания для другой стороны, поиска путей «сделать пирог больше», а не превращения себя в проблему.

In an important essay published earlier this month in Der Spiegel magazine, Mr. Winkler expressed alarm about a current rise in German sentiment, both left and right, showing understanding or even traces of support for Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Crimea and Ukraine.

В серьёзной статье, опубликованной в этом месяце в журнале «Der Spiegel», Винклер выразил обеспокоенность по поводу нарастания в Германии как левых, так и правых настроений, демонстрирующих понимание, а то и признаки поддержки действиям Владимира Путина в Крыму и на Украине.

Showing understanding and patience rather than sounding alarm and threats of isolation would have normalized the situation and restored the relationships between Russia and the West.

Большее понимание, готовность проявить терпение, а не бить во все колокола и угрожать изоляцией, — вот что помогло бы нормализовать ситуацию и восстановить отношения России и Запада.

The Party will continue to work in a spirit of high responsibility to the people, constantly broadening and deepening its link with them and showing understanding for people’s needs and concerns.

Партия и дальше будет действовать в духе высокой ответственности перед народом, постоянно расширять и углублять связи с массами, жить их нуждами и заботами.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 18. Точных совпадений: 18. Затраченное время: 44 мс


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Azerbaijan praised the will of the Dominican Republic to accede to ICRMW.

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Азербайджан дал высокую оценку стремлению Доминиканской Республики присоединиться к МКПТМ.

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Instead of showing understanding for justified measures undertaken against terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija,

diverse disinformation emerged followed by unfounded criticism of the actions of state authorities of the Republic of Serbia.

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Косово и Метохии, появилась различная дезинформация, за которой последовала необоснованная критика действий органов государственной власти Республики Сербии.

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who are often in an irregular situation and face possible expulsion(Algeria);

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ищущих убежище, которые часто находятся в неурегулированном положении и сталкиваются с возможностью высылки( Алжир);

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and you remember that with former measures it is impossible to approach to the new phenomena of life if the sense of transformation of the World now is understood.

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что с прежними мерками к новым явлениям жизни подходить невозможно, если теперь понят смысл преображения Мира.

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Many States were aware of those difficulties and showed understanding, though without necessarily taking any action.

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Многие государства сознают эти трудности и проявляют понимание, не предпринимая, однако, никаких действий.

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The Institution requested the employer to look into the complaint and show understanding, and the employer, to his credit, acceded to the request.

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Бюро предложило работодателю рассмотреть жалобу и проявить понимание, и работодатель, к его чести, поддержал эту просьбу.

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This can only be achieved if States,

in pursuing their national interests, show understanding and respect for global realities and the needs of others.

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Это можно достичь только в том случае,

если государства, преследуя свои национальные интересы, будут демонстрировать понимание и уважение глобальных реальностей и потребностей других.

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Finally, in order to meet the development challenges ahead,

the international community must show understanding and flexibility in its discussion of the outcome document on reviewing

the implementation of the Monterrey Consensus and, above all, make every effort to ensure the resumption of the Doha Round.

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И, наконец, с целью обеспечения решения поставленных задач в

области развития международному сообществу необходимо продемонстрировать понимание и гибкость при обсуждении итогового документа о рассмотрении

хода осуществления Монтеррейского консенсуса и, прежде всего, предпринять все усилия для возобновления Дохинского раунда переговоров.

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Convinced that you will show understanding and readiness to respect the facts that I have presented,

I request you once again to take urgent measures within the United Nations that would prevent a more aggressive policy of Croatia.

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Будучи убежден, что Вы проявите понимание и готовность и учтете изложенные мною факты, вновь

прошу Вас принять срочные меры в рамках Организации Объединенных Наций, которые позволили бы предотвратить проведение Хорватией более агрессивной политики.

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In the interests of peace, stability and cooperation in that region as well as in the world,

it is essential that all the parties concerned show understanding and mutual trust

in order to find a peaceful solution to the issues between them.

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В интересах мира, стабильности и сотрудничества в этом регионе, а также в мире важно,

чтобы все заинтересованные стороны проявили понимание и взаимное доверие с целью поисков мирного урегулирования вопросов,

касающихся отношений между ними.

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The Committee commends the State party for its establishment of a system of domestic violence coordinators in all

27 police districts to ensure that the police show understanding and insight in their dealings with victims and their families;

a countrywide system of mobile violence alarms; and a pilot project for a»reverse alarm» for violent offenders who have violated a ban on visits.

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Комитет воздает должное государству- участнику за создание во всех 27 полицейских округах системы координаторов по проблеме бытового

насилия, с тем чтобы сотрудники полиции, имея дело с пострадавшими и членами их семей, проявляли понимание и знание предмета;

общенациональной системы мобильной сигнализации о насилии; а также экспериментального проекта<< ответной тревоги>> в отношении применявших насилие лиц, которые нарушили запрет на посещение семей.

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Moreover, a large part of Ukrainians are the parish of Greek Catholic and other Christian churches which have nothing in common with Moscow and

have been showing understanding and tolerance during all years of Ukraine’s independence.

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Более того, значительная часть украинцев принадлежит ко Греко- католической и других христианских церквям, которые не имеют ничего общего с Москвой и

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He therefore appealed to the developing countries’ partners to show understanding and to maintain a forum that was of importance for development.

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В этой связи оратор призвал партнеров из числа развивающихся стран продемонстрировать понимание и сохранить форум, столь важный для процесса развития.

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I call on the international financial institutions and donor countries to show understanding and to arrange as soon as possible

a general cancellation of the multilateral and bilateral debt which is currently drowning our economies.

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Я призываю международные финансовые учреждения и страны- доноры продемонстрировать понимание и как можно скорее договориться об общем списании многосторонней

и двусторонней задолженности, бремя которой тянет сейчас наши экономические системы ко дну.

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This delicate stage makes it incumbent upon all parties to


clear political will and

a sincere desire for peace, to show understanding, moderation and wisdom,

and to refrain from extremism, confrontation, the arrogance of power, and the ambitions of expansion.

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Этот сложный этап диктует необходимость того, чтобы все стороны проявили свою четкую политическую волю и

а также воздерживались от экстремизма, конфронтации, высокомерия власти и экспансионистских амбиций.

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The Coordinator repeatedly called on the then Iraqi authorities to show understanding and goodwill

so that the pending files could be closed and the suffering of the families of the missing people could come to an end as soon as possible.

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Координатор неоднократно призывал тогдашние власти Ирака проявить понимание и добрую волю,

чтобы как можно скорее закрыть нерешенные дела и прекратить страдания семей пропавших без вести лиц.

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His delegation also deeply regretted the fact that the vote was on the entire draft text and not on certain paragraphs, as had been proposed, which demonstrated yet again that the

developing countries were the only ones to show understanding and flexibility.

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Она выражает также глубокое сожаление по поводу того, что голосование будет проводиться по проекту в целом, а не по некоторым его пунктам, как это было предложено ранее, что в очередной раз

свидетельствует о том, что лишь развивающиеся страны проявляют понимание и гибкость.

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for a limited period until the entry into force of the amendments to the AETR, by already taking the necessary measures to accept and control on their territory EU vehicles equipped with a digital control device;

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протяжении ограниченного периода до вступления в силу поправок к ЕСТР, путем принятия необходимых мер, которые позволят принимать и контролировать на их территории транспортные средства ЕС, оборудованные цифровыми контрольными устройствами.

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China noted that poverty and the unstable situation represented the main obstacles in the area of human rights, and called on the international

community to continue to follow the situation closely, to show understanding with regard to Fiji’s practical difficulties

and to provide the necessary financial and technical support.

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Китай отметил, что нищета и неустойчивое положение представляют основные препятствия в области прав человека,

и призвал международное сообщество по-прежнему тщательно следить за ситуацией, проявлять понимание в отношении практических трудностей Фиджи

и предоставлять необходимую финансовую и техническую поддержку.

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At the 3rd plenary meeting, on 1 December, the representative of Benin stated on behalf of the African Group that, Africa being host continent of the second session of the Conference of the Parties,

it wished to show understanding and flexibility with respect to that group’s representation on the Bureau.

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На 3- м пленарном заседании 1 декабря представитель Бенина заявил от имени группы африканских государств, что эта группа как представляющая континент, принимающий вторую сессию Конференции Сторон,

желала бы проявить понимание и гибкость в отношении представленности этой группы в Президиуме.

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In the second circular(No. 53, of 12 February 1992), which reports a certain deterioration in the relations between security agents and the citizenry, the Minister of the Interior urged all the officials involved to make efforts to improve

their relationship with citizens, to help them and to show understanding and patience see annex.

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Во втором циркуляре№ 53 от 12 февраля 1992 года, где констатируется некоторое ухудшение отношений между сотрудниками сил охраны порядка и гражданами, министр внутренних дел рекомендовал всем соответствующим сотрудникам предпринять усилия для того, чтобы улучшить отношения с ними,

оказывать им содействие и проявлять понимание и терпимость в контактах с ними см. приложение.

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For example, a member would make a statement

and another would smile and nod while he spoke, thereby showing that an understanding has been made.

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Например, один участник делает сообщение,

Through interesting and thought-provoking questions based around the citizenship curriculum, pupils will work collaboratively to produce a creative piece(e.g. written, audio, film)

of research showing their understanding of the history and legacies of the slave trade.

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Интересные и заставляющие задуматься вопросы по программе, посвященной теме гражданства, побудят учащихся к тому, чтобы подготовить сообща творческие материалы( например, сочинение, аудиоматериал,

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There can be some progress, though, the talks being conducted in Belarus, says Petrović, explaining that the Belarus president, Lukashenko,

gave moderate statements during the crisis,


understanding for Ukraine’s territorial integrity,

but also for some demands of the seceded regions, such as the introduction of Russian as an official language or, maybe, decentralization and some other issues as well.

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Определенные результаты могут быть достигнуты, учитывая, что переговоры ведутся в Беларуси, сказал Петрович, пояснив, что президент этой страны Александр Лукашенко во время кризиса делал весьма сдержанные заявления, поддерживая территориальную целостность Украины,

но в то же время выражал понимание требований представителей отдельных областей Юго-Востока страны,

включая придание официального статуса русскому языку, возможную децентрализацию власти и решение других острых вопросов.

We hope that the United Nations and the IAEA will


understanding and support for these ideas.

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Мы надеемся, что Организация Объединенных Наций и МАГАТЭ с пониманием и поддержкой отнесутся к этим идеям.

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I know what you mean., No, it hasn’t, has it?, I hear what you’re saying …, I can see where you’re coming from. , I totally understand., It’s quite hectic over here, too., I know this is a tricky time for a lot of you, I had a similar problem at … , That happened to me, too., It might be worth asking…, I still think you should ask … , You might want to ask… , What about asking…?, Have you tried asking…?.

Таблица лидеров

Эта таблица лидеров в настоящее время является частной. Нажмите Поделиться, чтобы сделать ее общедоступной.
Эта таблица лидеров была отключена владельцем ресурса.
Эта таблица лидеров отключена, так как у вас и у владельца ресурса разные значения параметров.

Привести в порядок — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.

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Дополнительные форматы будут отображаться при выполнении занятия.

Play Урок 9

William: Hello and welcome to How to… the programme from BBC Learning English where we help you to help yourselves in some everyday situations.

My name’s William Kremer. Now, when you’re in English class, are you ever unsure how to show your teacher that you understand what he or she is saying? Do you just wait for your teacher to finish explaining a point and then say something like ‘Thank you… I understand’? If you do, you might feel that that sounds a bit unnatural – and you’d be right, it is unnatural.

In English, as in many other languages, we tend to signal to the person who is talking, that we are listening to them, and that we either understand or don’t understand what they’re saying. The most obvious way to do this is to ….

Well, you couldn’t see me but I just nodded my head – I moved my head up and down! Nodding can show that you’re listening carefully and that you understand – or follow – what someone is saying. Nodding can also mean that you agree with what a person is saying or asking.

Now, the body language of showing that you’re not following what someone is saying – that you don’t understand – is more complicated. It’s basically to look confused… here in Britain, this tends to be by frowning or squinting your eyes to show that you’re thinking very hard.

OK? Let’s practise looking confused.
That’s great! You don’t understand a word I’m saying, do you?!

So much for body language. But what noises can we make to show that we understand? We’re going to hear a clip now of Tim talking to Elena. Tim is a sound engineer who works for BBC Learning English – and he’s talking about sound technology. Don’t try to understand what he’s saying, but listen carefully to Elena. What noise does she make?

Tim: … pressure wave is leaving my mouth and it’s going to the microphone just over where you’re sitting…
Elena: Umm-hmm.
Tim: And what’s happening is there’s like a, sort of like a, drum skin…

William: Did you hear Elena?

Elena: Umm-hmm.

William: Elena made a noise like this: umm-hmm. This means that she is listening to Tim and she’s following what he’s saying. umm-hmm. Another noise that English speakers make is this one: uh-huh.

Notice that Elena only made the noise once, when Tim paused to check that she was following him. She wasn’t going umm-hmm umm-hmm umm-hmm umm-hmm umm-hmm….. that would be totally crazy! Let’s listen to another clip. Once again, don’t listen to what Tim is saying – listen for Elena. Is she still following Tim?

Tim: … so as I’m speaking to you, pressure – air pressure – is leaving my mouth…
Elena: Right…
Tim: And it’s going to your ear…

William: Elena said…

Elena: Right…

William: Elena says ‘right’. But, is she following what Tim is saying? Well, I think her intonation – the way that she says the word – means that at the moment she’s listening very hard and isn’t yet sure if she understands completely.

Elena: Right…

William: Intonation is really important in showing whether you understand someone or not. Let’s listen to a different clip.

Tim: It’s not an exact representation of what the analogue sound is actually doing…
Elena: Right – OK!

William: Now Elena is speaking more confidently and brightly. She sounds like she understands….

Elena: Right – OK!

William: Well – we’ve looked at body language, we’ve looked at noises and words and we’ve looked at intonation – the way we say words. But there is also another way you can show that you’ve not understood something or someone – just say so! You might even wish to interrupt the speaker…

Tim: … making an electrical signal into an acoustic signal…
Elena: Hang on. Run me through that again.
Tim: Right, OK, a microphone is basically one way of turning…

William: ‘Hang on’ means ‘stop’. Elena might also have said ‘hold on’ – which has the same meaning.

Elena: Hang on. Run me through that again.

William: ‘Run me through that again’. To run somebody through something means to explain it to them. But what else might Elena have said?

Elena: Er… you’ve lost me there…

William: ‘You’ve lost me’. This means that Elena was following Tim, but she’s not anymore – now, she doesn’t understand.

Elena: Er… you’ve lost me there…

William: Well, if you’re listening, I hope that I haven’t lost you! That’s all we’ve got time for on How to…this week, but we’ll be back next week with more useful language for everyday situations. Goodbye!


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