Word for shortened version

6 years, 6 months ago

15k times

Often we see classic novels/articles that are modified to be shorter to be easier for specific people such as kids to read. What is the proper word for the «shortened» version? Is it «an abbreviated version»?

asked Oct 4, 2016 at 2:58

xuhdev's user avatar


A literary work which has been shortened without losing the overall plot is said to be abridged.

The Reader’s Digest organisation used to produce books like this and call them «condensed» but what they were really doing was «abridging» them.

«Abbreviate» is a close synonym of «abridge» in some ways but would tend to be used for shorter pieces of text or, possibly, to a version that did not tell the whole story. For example many children’s versions of Gulliver’s travels only include the voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag and ignore the later voyages.

answered Oct 4, 2016 at 12:04

BoldBen's user avatar


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Have you shortened a word and are trying to figure out the best term to refer to the process?

For example, turning “administrator” into “admin” shortens it. But is there a specific term to describe that?

Check out the following terms for shortening words:

  • Contraction
  • Truncation
  • Stump word
  • Clipping
  • Syncopation
  • Shrivel

Other words for the short version of a word are “contraction,” “truncation,” and “stump word.” These are the clearest ways to show that you are shortening a word to make reading it easier. It’s common to do this in both formal and informal cases when you want to sound concise.

1. Contraction

“Contraction” is the name given to the process of shortening a word. It’s a great word for shortening words when you are contracting them into smaller chunks.

Here are a few examples to help you understand how to use “contraction” in a sentence:

  • The contraction of “refrigerator” is “fridge.” Did you know that?
  • What is the short form of “administrator?” I’m trying to figure out the contraction.

Generally, a contraction happens in two ways.

The first way relates to creating one word from two words. This could mean that “it is” becomes “it’s.” However, this isn’t what we’re looking for here.

“Contraction” can also refer to turning a lengthy word into a shorter one. For example, you could turn “university” into “uni,” which is commonly seen in English.

2. Truncation

“Truncation” is a slightly lesser-known alternative, but it’s very effective in most situations. It means that you’ve shortened a word by removing excessive letters at the end.

Check out these examples to help you:

  • What’s the point in truncating this word if you’re not going to explain the meaning behind it?
  • I would like to truncate “university” to “uni,” but I’m not sure if it’s smart in my resume.

A truncated word usually only contains the first few letters of a longer word. As long as it’s still understandable to a native reader, then you can use truncated words in formal and informal contexts.

3. Stump Word

“Stump word” is the phrase used to refer to shortened words. It means you’ve created a “stump” from a longer word.

Here are a few examples showing you how to use “stump word” in a sentence:

  • Why do we have so few stump words in English? It would make sense to have a few more to keep reading easily.
  • I need to use the stump words “min” and “max” in this novel. Do you think people will mind the shortened version of words like that?

This phrase comes from the idea of chopping down trees. When you chop down a tall tree, there is only a stump left.

The same rules apply to “chopping down” a word. You can remove the excess letters at the end of a word to create a “stump word.” It starts just like the longer word, but you can leave out the letters at the end to create a simpler term.

4. Clipping

“Clipping” is a great alternative you can use to demonstrate the process of shortening a word. It suggests that you have cut down a long word into a short one.

These examples will show you how to use “clipping” in your writing:

  • I’m not keen on clipping longer words in my writing. I will try to avoid it because it sounds a bit conversational.
  • Clipping long words help to make things readable. Trust me; it’s much better to include a shortened version of a word in your writing.

This is a fairly simple term to work out. After all, “clipping” means that you have cut something to a shorter (and often neater) length.

For example, a hairdresser might “clip” someone’s hair to make it neater. The same thing applies to words. You can clip them to make them readable and easy to follow.

5. Syncopation

“Syncopation” is an uncommon term here, but it works as an alternative. It means you have removed letters from the end of a word to make it easier to read.

Check out these examples to help you with it:

  • Is it possible to syncopate some of these words to make them easier to read?
  • I would like to syncopate a few words here, but I’m not sure which ones I’m allowed to change.

Most associate syncopation with musical theory, which is why it’s not as common in this context. However, it still applies here (as well as the shorter word, syncope).

6. Shrivel

“Shrivel” is the last word we want to run through. It means you have made a large word shorter to help readers.

Here are a couple of examples showing you how to use “shrivel” in a sentence:

  • If you’re not going to shrivel the words appropriately, then I will have to mark you down.
  • She wanted to shrivel “university” to “uni.” I let her do it, but I’m not sure how well it’ll work out for her.

“Shrivel” is a verb meaning to make something smaller. Obviously, it can apply to any situation where you can change the size of something. However, we only want to refer to it here when shortening words.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


Abridgement noun — A shortened version of a written work.

Shortened version

Definitions of Abridgement not found.

Abridgement and shortened version are semantically related. Sometimes you can replace term «Abridgement» with «Shortened version», this terms are similar.

Similar words of abridgement

  • APA
  • MLA
  • CMS

Google Ngram Viewer shows how «abridgement» and «shortened version» have occurred on timeline

Often we see classic novels/articles that are modified to be shorter to be easier for specific people such as kids to read. What is the proper word for the “shortened” version? Is it “an abbreviated version”?


A literary work which has been shortened without losing the overall plot is said to be abridged.

The Reader’s Digest organisation used to produce books like this and call them “condensed” but what they were really doing was “abridging” them.

“Abbreviate” is a close synonym of “abridge” in some ways but would tend to be used for shorter pieces of text or, possibly, to a version that did not tell the whole story. For example many children’s versions of Gulliver’s travels only include the voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag and ignore the later voyages.

Source : Link , Question Author : xuhdev , Answer Author : BoldBen

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

сокращенная версия

сокращенный вариант

укороченная версия

укороченной версии

сокращенную версию

сокращенной версией

укороченный вариант

укороченную версию

сокращенной версии

укороченной версией

сокращенным вариантом

сокращенном варианте

сокращенного варианта

Organisers officially cancelled the second stage, though an unofficial shortened version was held.

Организаторы официально отменили второй этап, хотя была проведена неофициальная сокращенная версия.

Essentially a shortened version of the Camry, this was part of Toyota’s very cautious approach to introducing front-wheel-drive vehicles.

По сути, это сокращенная версия Самгу, это было частью осторожного подхода Toyota к внедрению переднеприводных автомобилей.

Pap is a shortened version of the name of the doctor who developed the screening test.

Edgar made a shortened version, but I couldn’t

The film was produced for Norwegian television, but a shortened version was later prepared for international theatrical release.

Фильм был снят для норвежского телевидения, укороченная версия демонстрировалась в международном прокате.

Its shortened version A330-200 was launched later.

A shortened version of the protein can circulate through the blood system.

Укороченная версия этого белка может циркулировать в кровеносной системе.

A shortened version comprising of the first and last lines is also used at certain occasions which takes about twenty seconds.

Сокращенная версия, состоящая из первых и последних строк, длиной всего двадцать секунд, также исполняется в определенных случаях.

«Tai» is the shortened version of his name.

She indicated that she will look carefully at the agenda for the next meeting and discuss a shortened version with the Secretariat.

Она отметила, что тщательно проанализирует повестку дня следующего совещания и обсудит ее сокращенный вариант с секретариатом.

The shortened version of the interview is published on the IWPR website.

However, here there is a shortened version of the name of the Sun.

The 302 was effectively a shortened version of the Peugeot 402 with a smaller engine.

Фактически, 302 — это укороченная версия Peugeot 402, с уменьшенным двигателем.

Liam is actually just a shortened version of the name William.

Luke is just a shortened version of Lucas.

In 2013, carried out a shortened version of a summer exchange where only Russian students participated in the program in the United States and Russia.

В 2013 году проводилась укороченная версия летнего обмена, где только российские студенты участвовали в программе в России и США.

Below is a shortened version of the key features from Microsoft’s site.

In 2016, the Czech Republic government decreed that «Czechia» would become the new English language shortened version of the country’s name.

В 2016 году правительство Чехии постановил, что «Чехия» станет новым английский язык сокращенный вариант названия страны.

Mr. Akram (Pakistan): I will read out a shortened version of my statement.

Г-н Акрам (Пакистан) (говорит по-английски): Я зачитаю сокращенный вариант своего выступления.

The shortened version is most commonly attributed to the American senator John Sherman.

Сокращённая версия выражения чаще всего приписывается американскому сенатору Джону Шерману.

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‘SHORTENED VERSION’ is a 16 letter
starting with S and ending with N


Clue Answer



Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SHORTENED VERSION

We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word shortened version will help
you to finish your
crossword today. We’ve arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.

shortened version 4 letter words

shortened version 5 letter words

shortened version 6 letter words

shortened version 7 letter words

shortened version 8 letter words

shortened version 10 letter words

shortened version 11 letter words

shortened version 12 letter words

shortened version 15 letter words

Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver «shortened version».

We’ve listed any clues from our database that match your search for «shortened version». There will also be a
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The synonyms and answers have been arranged depending on the number of characters so that they’re easy to

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We hope that you find the site useful.

Regards, The Crossword Solver Team

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  9. ballet position
  10. put into order
  11. work out
  12. gardening items
  13. suffrage
  14. burma
  15. artist’s stand
  16. national
  17. biographical film
  18. the state of being
  19. supreme greek god
  20. publishes
  21. venerated emblem
  22. recurring every five years
  23. spiny shrub
  24. grabber
  25. a scottish child?
  26. trailblazer
  27. doorbell
  28. store in a silo
  29. icy cold
  30. admonish


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Web Oct 4, 2016 1 Answer Sorted by: 4 A literary work which has been shortened without losing the overall plot is said to be abridged. The Reader’s Digest organisation used to …
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Предлагаемый маршрут является сокращенной версией тура« Треккинг Тажеранские степи+ Ольхон 12 дней».

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Live at the Hollywood Bowl.

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Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl».

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Логотип фирмы- это индивидуальное начертание, изображение целого или сокращенного варианта названия компании.

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ARKA News Agency has to provide a shortened version of the newsletter, which includes only part of the main indicators.

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Агентство« АРКА» вынуждено представить сокращенный вариант бюллетеня, включающий только часть основных показателей.

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Yastrzhembsky said Pope Francis saw a shortened version of his film before publicly speaking out in Nairobi against ivory poaching in Kenya.

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По словам Ястржемского, папа римский Франциск посмотрел сокращенную версию фильма, после чего публично выступил в Найроби против браконьерства с целью добычи слоновой кости в Кении.

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When Olcott instructed Leadbeater to prepare a shortened version of the Buddhist Catechism, Dharmapala undertook to translate it to Sinhala.

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Когда Олкотт поручил Ледбитеру подготовить сокращенный вариант« Буддийского катехизиса», Дхармапала взялся перевести его на сингальский.

On January 22, 2010,

Danny Jones from McFly sang a shortened version of the song in the second round of ITV’s Popstar to Operastar.

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Января 2010 года Денни

Джонс из британской группы McFly исполнил сокращенную версию во втором раунде британского телевизионного шоу Popstar to Operastar.

Mi. Go» is a shortened version of the Korean phrase»Areumdaun Minyeoreul Joahamyeon Gosaenghanda»,

which can be translated to»The heart aches when you fall in love with



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Mi. Go» является сокращенной версией корейской фразы« арымдаун минерыль чонахамен косэнханда»(

кор. 아 름 다 운 미 녀 를 좋 아 하 면 고 생 한 다), что можно перевести как« ты будешь страдать, если влюбишься в красавицу».

A shortened version, the Strahan-Gerbasi only comprises ten items, but some have raised questions regarding the reliability of this measure.

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Укороченная версия содержит 10 вопросов, но некоторые из них вызывают сомнения относительно надежности измерений.

If IP anonymisation has been activated for the website,

only a shortened version of IP addresses from Member States of the European Union

or the European Economic Area is transmitted to Google in the USA.

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Но если активирована анонимность IР- адреса для сайта,

Google будет передавать в США только сокращенную версию IР- адреса из стран Европейского союза

или Европейской экономической зоны.

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committee, mainly composed of housewives, decided to broadcast a shortened version of the video during the day so as to not shock children.

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Комитет, главным образом состоящий из домохозяек, решил транслировать сокращенную версию клипа, дабы не травмировать психику детей.

Rescue Me and was performed live by the band in Michael Winterbottom’s film 9 Songs.

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Сокращенная версия песни была использована в заставке к телесериалу Спаси меня,

а также была вживую исполнена группой в фильме Майкла Уинтерботтома 9 песен.

It was agreed that the Committee would recommend that the Conference of the

Parties should provide funding for translating a shortened version of the handbook.

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Была достигнута договоренность о том,

что Комитет рекомендует Конференции Сторон выделить средства на перевод сокращенного варианта руководства.

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Mr. Johnsson(Inter-Parliamentary Union): The Secretary-General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU) was unable to remain in New York over the weekend,

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Гн Джонссон( Межпарламентский союз)( говорит поанглийски): Генеральный секретарь Межпарламентского союза( МС) не смог остаться в Нью-Йорке на выходные,

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Ms. Haynes(Trinidad and Tobago): In the interests of time, I shall deliver a shortened version of my statement.

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Г-жа Хейнз( Тринидад и Тобаго)( говорит поанглийски): Для экономии времени я представлю вниманию делегатов сокращенный вариант своего выступления.

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Mr. Lee Joo-il(Republic of Korea): I shall deliver a shortened version of my statement

and make available the full text in the back of the room.

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Г-н Ли Чжу Ил( Республика Корея)( говорит по-английски): Я выступлю с кратким вариантом своего заявления,

а копии


его полным текстом можно найти на столе в конце зала.

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cautious approach to introducing front-wheel-drive vehicles.

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Toyota к внедрению переднеприводных автомобилей.

On February 25, 2014, a shortened version of the mixtape was released on iTunes without the songs»Shotgun

Love» or»I Got It.

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Февраля 2014 года на iTunes вышел сокращенный микстейп миньона без песен« Shotgun Love»

и« I Got It».

I would kindly ask delegations to consider delivering a shortened version and to distribute their full texts in the room.

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пространными заявлениями я любезно прошу распространить тексты в письменном виде и выступить в зале с их сокращенным вариантом.

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Ms. Gottemoeller(United States of America):

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Г-жа Готтемеллер( Соединенные Штаты

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A shortened version of that paper was presented at the expert meeting on national adaptation plans(NAPs)

that took place also in Vientiane, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, just after the twentieth meeting of the LEG, from 15 to 17 September 2011.

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Сокращенный вариант этого документа был представлен на совещании экспертов по национальным планам адаптации(

НПА), которое также состоялось во Вьентьяне, Лаосская Народно-Демократическая Республика, 15- 17 сентября 2011 года непосредственно после завершения двадцатого совещания ГЭН.

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In our opinion, attempts to prohibit hadith collections,

including a shortened version of the most authoritative Sahih al-Bukhari collection,



obvious mistake of the authorities, which discredits them in the eyes of Muslims.

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С нашей точки зрения, попытки запрещать сборники хадисов,

Бухари», являются очевидным заблуждением властей, дискредитирующим их в глазах мусульман.



form-fitting red rhinestone outfit(with side cutouts) and emerged onto


stage to perform»… Baby One More Time.

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После исполнения укороченной версии она ушла на перерыв, чтобы переодеться в плотно облегающий красный

костюм со стразами( с вырезами по бокам), и вышла на сцену, чтобы исполнить«… Baby One More Time.».

April-May 1918. Documented Pogroms of the Muslim”(Baku 552p.) published in 2010 with the support of the Ministry of National Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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г. Мусульманские погромы в документах»( Баку, 552 стр.), изданного в 2010 году при содействии Министерства государственной безопасности Азербайджанской Республики.

Mr. Kennedy(United States of America): In the interests of time, our full statement is being circulated in writing and

I will deliver a shortened version, because some of the things have already been referred to.

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Г-н Кеннеди( Соединенные Штаты Америки)( говорит по-английски): В интересах экономии времени полный текст нашего заявления будет распространен в

письменной форме, и я выступлю с сокращенным вариантом, поскольку мы уже ссылались на некоторые аспекты.

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As part of the OHCHR technical cooperation project to support the dissemination and implementation of the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,

UNAMSIL has produced a shortened version of the report and conducted various workshops,

including with the members of the Parliament, to create awareness on the findings and recommendations of the Commission.

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В рамках проекта технического сотрудничества УВКПЧ, посвященного оказанию поддержки распространению и выполнению рекомендаций, содержащихся в докладе Комиссии по установлению истины,

МООНСЛ подготовила укороченный вариант доклада и провела различные практикумы, в

том числе с участием членов парламента, в целях осведомления общественности о выводах и рекомендациях Комиссии.

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