Word for shopping spree

Покупки на английском языке. Shopping vocabulary

  • 13.11.2018

Слова по теме шоппинг. Покупки на английском языке. Слова и выражения, обозначающие названия товаров и магазинов, а также связанные с покупкой и продажей товаров.

General – Общие слова

retail organization организация (предприятие) розничной торговли
shop  магазин
shopping area  торговый центр
shopping mall  крытый торговый центр
department store  универсальный магазин
chain store  один из филиалов, принадлежащих одной торгующей организации
mail-order firm  фирма «товары почтой», торгующая по заказам, сделанным по каталогу
booth  ларек
stall  киоск
rag fair  «толкучка»
shop-window (window display)  витрина
to dress the shop-window  оформлять витрину
show-case, case  витрина-прилавок
counter  прилавок
check-out point  контрольный пункт
cash-desk  касса
salesman (shop assistant)  продавец
saleswoman  продавщица
customer (shopper)  покупатель
consumer  потребитель
consumer goods  потребительские товары
shopping queue, line  очередь
to do one’s shopping  делать покупки
to go shopping  идти по магазинам
shopping spree  «прогулка» по магазинам с совершением многочисленных покупок и затратой больших сумм денег
impulse buying  незапланированная покупка
bargain  выгодная покупка (с точки зрения цены для покупателя)
to buy (to purchase, to shop for)  покупать (что-либо)
to sell  продавать
to supply  снабжать, поставлять
to deliver (goods)  доставлять (товары)
to display (goods)  выставлять (товары)
to be in (full) stock  быть в продаже
to be out of stock  не иметься в продаже
cheap  дешевый
expensive  дорогой
to cost  стоить
price, at a price  цена, по цене
discount, at a discount  скидка, со скидкой
sale  распродажа
sales tax  налог на продажу
mark-down  уценка
boutique  маленький магазин модной одежды и аксессуаров

Some shops and the goods they sell – Некоторые магазины и их товары 

Antique shop  Антикварный магазин
valuable old articles  ценные старинные вещи
bric-a-brac  антикварные безделушки
Art shop  Магазин «Искусство»
painting  картины (масло)
water-colour  акварель
engraving  гравюра, эстамп
etching  гравюра
sculpture  скульптура
books on art  книги по искусству
Chemist’s (drugstore)  Аптека
drugs (medicines) and related articles  лекарства и сопутствующие товары
Florist’s (flower shop)  Цветочный магазин
plant  растение
pot plant  комнатное растение
wreath  венок
bouquet  букет
seed  семена
Furniture shop  Мебельный магазин
bedroom suite  мебельный гарнитур для    спальни
sitting-room suite  мебельный гарнитур для гостиной
Haberdasher’s  Галантерейный магазин
thread reel  катушка ниток
tape  тесьма
ribbon  лента
needle  игла (швейная)
knitting-needle  спица (вязальная)
pin  булавка
safety-pin  английская булавка
button  пуговица
gloves  перчатки
mittens  варежки, рукавицы
muffler  теплый шарф
scarf  шарф
toiletries  туалетные принадлежности
Ironmonger’s (hardware shop)  Магазин металлических (скобяных) изделий
spade  лопата
nail  гвоздь
hammer  молоток
screw  винт
screwdriver  отвертка
gardening tools  садово-огородный инвентарь
watering-can  лейка
bucket (pail)  ведро
Jeweller’s  Ювелирный магазин
ring  кольцо
engagement ring  кольцо в знак помолвки (с драгоценным камнем)
wedding ring  обручальное кольцо
earrings  серьги
necklace  ожерелье
brooch  брошь
pendant  кулон
bracelet  браслет
silverware  посуда и столовые приборы из серебра
Sports shop (sorts outfitter’s)  Магазин спортивных товаров
sportswear  спортивная одежда
sport equipment  спортивное оборудование
Stationer’s  Магазин канцелярских товаров
note paper  писчая бумага
writing paper  писчая бумага
writing pad  блокнот
wrapping paper  оберточная бумага
carbon paper  копировальная бумага
notebook  записная книжка
file  папка для бумаг (документов)
pocket diary  карманный (настольный) деловой календарь
paper clip  скрепка
drawing pin  кнопка
ruler  линейка
rubber  резинка
fountain pen  авторучка
ink  чернила
ball-point pen  шариковая ручка
refill  стержень для шариковой ручки
fibre / felt-tip pen  фломастер
China shop  Магазин «Фарфор, фаянс, стекло»
china (porcelain)  фарфор
glassware  изделия из стекла
pottery (ceramics)  изделия из керамики
crockery (ware)  глиняные, фаянсовые изделия
Newsagent’s  Магазин периодических изданий (печати)
newspapers  газеты
magazines  журналы
posters  плакаты
paperbacks  книги в мягких бумажных переплетах
greeting cards  поздравительные открытки
plain / picture postcard  простые / видовые почтовые открытки
envelopes  конверты
stamps  марки
Bookseller’s (bookshop)  Книжный магазин
Dress shop (Women’s outfitters  Магазин женской одежды
Draper’s  Магазин тканей
Men’s outfitters  Магазин мужской одежды
Record shop  Магазин продукции звукозаписи
Shoe shop  Обувной магазин
Milliner’s  Магазин дамских головных уборов
Toy shop   Магазин игрушек

Departments – Отделы

Textiles  Ткани
satin  атлас
baize  байка
cambric  батист
velvet  бархат
cotton velvet  вельвет
cotton  хлопчатобумажная ткань
nylon  нейлон
corduroy  рубчатая ткань
print  ситец
calico  набивной ситец
linen  полотно
pure-wool cloth  чисто шерстяная ткань
worsted  тонкая шерсть
tweed  твид (шерстяная материя)
silk (natural, artificial)  шелк (натуральный, искусственный)
plain  однотонный
flowered  в цветочек
background  фон
striped  в полоску
pin-striped  в тонкую полоску
chequered  в клетку
polka dot  в горошек
Footwear  Обувь
shoes  туфли
pattern  модельные
pattern-leather  лакированные
pumps  «лодочки»
suede (chamois)  замшевые
canvas  парусиновые
leather-soled  на кожаной подошве
rubber soled  на резиновой подошве
crepe soled  на каучуковой подошве
flat-heeled  без каблука
high-heeled  на высоком каблуке
boots  ботинки
high furlined boots  сапоги на меху
laced  на шнурках
sandals  босоножки
slippers  комнатные туфли
trotters  тапочки
overshoes  галоши
wellingtons  резиновые сапоги (обычно до колена)
shoe horn  рожок для обуви
shoe polish  крем для обуви
Knitted goods (wear)  Трикотажные изделия
cardigan  вязаный жакет, кофта
sweater  свитер
jumper  джемпер
pull-over (jersey)  пуловер
Hosiery  Чулочно-носочные изделия
socks  носки
stockings  чулки
tights (panty-hose)  колготки
knee-high stockings  гольфы (женские)
knee-length socks  гольфы (мужские)
Linen  Постельное и столовое белье
sheet  простыня
pillow-case  наволочка
bed-cover  покрывало
table cloth  скатерть
napkin  салфетка
Underwear  Нижнее белье
lingerie  дамское белье
slip  комбинация
waist-slip  юбка-комбинация
bra (brassiere)  бюстгальтер
panties  панталоны
panty briefs  трусы
vest  майка
Men’s underclothes  Мужское белье
sleeveless vest  майка
short-sleeved vest / T-shirt  футболка с коротким рукавом
briefs, trunks  трусы
long johns  кальсоны
Perfumery (Cosmetics)  Парфюмерия
perfume (scent)  духи
cream  крем
lipstick  губная помада
varnish  лак для ногтей
powder  пудра
eye-shade  тени
mascara  тушь
make-up  крем-грим
Household goods  Хозяйственные товары
tableware  столовые приборы и посуда
dinnerware  столовая посуда
kitchen utensils  кухонная утварь
iron  утюг
broom  метла
mop  швабра
electric appliances  электроприборы
bulb  электрическая лампочка
Ready-made clothes  Готовая одежда
garments  предметы одежды
dress (frock)  платье
gown  длинное платье
pinafore-dress  платье-сарафан
house-coat  халат
dressing-gown  ночной халат (утепленный)
blouse  блузка
skirt  юбка
shirt  рубашка
trousers (slacks, pants)  брюки
jeans  джинсы
suit  костюм
lounge suit  (повседневный) пиджачный костюм
jacket  пиджак, куртка
dinner jacket  смокинг
coat  пальто, пиджак
tail-coat  фрак
fur-coat  шуба
raincoat (mackintosh)  плащ, дождевик
parka  куртка с капюшоном
wind jacket, wind cheater  ветровка

Supermarket – Супермаркет

wire basket  проволочная корзина
shopping trolley  корзина на колесиках
shopping bag  хозяйственная сумка
entrance to the sales area  вход в торговый зал
patisserie / confectionary / bakery  хлебобулочные и кондитерские изделия
gondola (sales shelves)  стойка с полками товаров
scales for weighing fruit  весы для взвешивания фруктов
dairy products  молочные продукты
fresh-meat counter  отдел взвешивания мяса
freezer for frozen foods  холодильник для замороженных продуктов
drink gondola  стойка с напитками
soft drinks  безалкогольные напитки
canned beer  баночное пиво
bottled fruit juice  фруктовый сок в бутылках

Food shops – Продуктовые магазины

baker’s / bakery  булочная
butcher’s  мясной
confectioner’s / confectionary  кондитерский
dairy  молочный
greengrocer’s  овощной
fishmonger’s  рыбный
fruiterer’s  фруктовый
sweet-shop  сласти
off-license shop (wine and spirit merchant’s)  винный
tobacconist’s  табачный

Quantities and package – Количество и упаковка

bunch of flowers  букет цветов
bunch of grapes  гроздь винограда
bunch of keys  связка ключей
bar of (chocolate)  плитка (шоколада)
cake / tablet of (soap)  кусок (мыла)
joint of (beef)  кусок (говядины)
loaf of (bread)  батон (хлеба)
lump of (sugar)  кусочек (сахара)
slice of (bread)  кусок
dozen of (eggs)  дюжина
half a dozen  полдюжины
ball of (wool)  клубок
reel of (thread)  катушка
bottle of (milk)  бутылка
box of (clips)  коробка
carton / packet of (milk, cigarettes)  пачка / пакет
roll of (paper)  рулон
tube of (toothpaste)  тюбик
jar of (cream)  банка
can / tin of (peaches)  консервная банка

Some useful words and expressions – Некоторые полезные слова и выражения

to change  разменять
(small) change  мелочь, сдача
to pay  платить
how much is it / what’s the price of  сколько стоит?
open from…to…  открыто с…до…
closing (opening) time  время закрытия (открытия)
to attend (to), to serve  обслуживать
to be attended to, to be served  обслуживаться
to wrap  заворачивать (покупку)
fitting room  примерочная
to try on  примерять
to be stock size  иметь стандартную фигуру
to fit  сидеть (о платье и т.д.)
to be a misfit  плохо сидеть
to suit, to become  быть к лицу, идти, подходить
to match, to go with  сочетаться, гармонировать
to look (well)  выглядеть, смотреться (хорошо)
style, design  фасон
cut  покрой
fashion, vogue  мода
to come into fashion  войти в моду
all the vogue  крик моды
up-to-date  современный
stylish  модный
dowdy  непривлекательный
drab  неинтересный, скучный
to be long-wearing  быть носким
to wear well  хорошо, долго носиться
to be shrinkproof (colour-fast, waterproof, crease-resistant)  быть из несадящейся (нелиняющей, непромокающей, немнущейся) ткани
to afford  иметь возможность, быть в состоянии, позволить себе
can’t afford smth  не по средствам что-либо купить


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borkum, commercial street, tennis court city, shenyang, liaoning heart, gift, cardboard woman, silhouette, bike

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Synonyms for Shopping spree. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/shopping_spree

Synonyms for Shopping spree. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/shopping_spree>.

Synonyms for Shopping spree. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/shopping_spree.

shopping dialogs, shopping, buying, purchasing, look for

Here is what you will find in this article. Click on any topic you want to read more about!

  1. Shopping Vocabulary
  2. Finding the right store / shop
  3. Opening times
  4. Selecting goods
  5. Making Payment
  6. Returns and complaints
  7. Things written on signs
  8. Using a credit card
  9. Prices and numbers
  10. Making comparisons
  11. Different ways of asking someone to SHOW you something
  12. When you want to TRY something
  13. If you’d like the shop assistant to give you a DIFFERENT SIZE OR COLOUR
  14. When you finally decide what you want to BUY
  15. Example conversations between a shop assistant, customer and cashier
  16. Phrasal verbs related to shopping

Whether you love shopping, or just shop when you need to, you can practice your English at the same time!

Shopping is a great way to communicate with lots of different people, and it really helps to boost your confidence in speaking English!

You might hesitate or make mistakes to begin with, if you’re a bit nervous, but that’s completely normal. You may even find it hard to understand what the shop assistant is saying to you, if you don’t understand all the words!

If you familiarise yourself with the phrases and vocabulary in this blog, then you’ll know what you should expect to hear from the people you talk to on your shopping spree. It’ll make shopping a more enjoyable experience, and improve your English too!

The more you do it, the easier it will get, and the more natural it will feel!

shopping vocabulary

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  • Customer
  • Cashier / clerk
  • Attendant / assistant
  • Manager


  • Wallet (male)
  • Purse (female)
  • Scale
  • Till / Counter
  • Barcode
  • Receipt
  • Gift receipt
  • Aisle
  • Shelf / shelves
  • Trolley / s
  • Basket / s
  • Lift / s
  • Escalator / s
  • Bag / s
  • Fitting rooms / changing rooms

Ways to Pay:

  • Cheques
  • Cash
  • Notes
  • Coins
  • Card machine
  • Chop and pin machine
  • Credit cards / debit cards
  • Loyalty card

Where to Buy:

  • convenience store / general store / newsagents / department store / shop / store
  • chemist / pharmacy
  • toy shop / toy store
  • book shop
  • ladies clothing shop / boutique
  • men’s clothing shop / tailor
  • shoe shop / cobbler’s
  • jeweller’s / jewellery store
  • opticians / optometrists
  • electrical store
  • record shop
  • ironmonger’s / ironmongery
  • charity shop / second hand shop
  • haberdasher’s / haberdashery
  • shopping centre
  • shopping mall / mall
  • market
  • florist / botanist
  • butcher’s
  • fishmonger’s / seafood store
  • greengrocers / grocery store
  • baker’s / bakery
  • delicatessen
  • grocer’s
  • DIY store / home supply store
  • hardware store
  • off-licence
  • post office
  • supermarket
  • gardening store / gardening centre


1. Finding the right store / shop


  • Can you recommend a good toy shop/store?
  • Is there a chemist / pharmacy in this area?
  • Where can I get pet food from?
  • Where is the nearest shopping centre?
  • Could you direct me to the nearest post office please?
  • Do you know where the nearest hardware store is?


  • There is a really good book shop just around the corner.
  • You can buy that here in the hotel.
  • The nearest one is a few mile away.
  • The best toy shop is in the shopping centre.
  • The post office isn’t open on Sundays.
  • The convenience store on the corner might sell that.

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2. Opening times


  • What time are you open until?
  • What time do you close today?
  • Are you open on the weekends?
  • Are you open all day?
  • What are your opening hours?
  • Are you open on Sundays?
  • Are you open every day during the week?
  • What time do you open tomorrow?


  • We’re open from 9am to 6pm.
  • We’re open on weekdays only (Monday to Friday).
  • We’re open from 10am to 8pm.
  • We’re open 7 days a week.
  • We’re open 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
  • We’re closed at lunchtime, between 12pm and 2pm.
  • We’re closed on Bank Holidays (national holidays).

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3. Selecting goods

Clerk’s / Assistant’s Questions:

  • Can / May I help you?
  • Can I help you find something?
  • What colour would you like?
  • What size would you like?
  • Is there anything else I can help you with?
  • Would you like to try it on?
  • Is that any good?
  • What can I do for you?
  • How does it fit?
  • How about this one?
  • Anything else?
  • Would you like anything else?

Customer’s Questions:

  • Excuse me, do you work here?
  • Could you help me please?
  • I’m looking for a ….
  • I’m trying to find a ….
  • Could you tell me where the …. is, please?
  • How much is this?
  • How much are these?
  • How much does this cost?
  • How much is that …. in the window?
  • Where can I find the …. ?
  • Do you sell …. ?
  • Do you have any … ?
  • Would you have this in another colour?
  • Have you got anything cheaper?
  • Do you have something less pricey (expensive)?
  • Do you have this item in stock?
  • Do you have a smaller/bigger/larger size?
  • Do you know where else I could try?
  • Does it come with a guarantee/warranty?
  • Where is the changing/fitting room?
  • Is there somewhere I can try it/this/them on, please?
  • Where can I weigh my groceries?
  • Do/Can you deliver?
  • Do you have a refund policy?
  • Is this in the sale?

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Clerk’s / Assistant’s Responses:

  • I’m afraid that’s the only colour we have.
  • Sorry, we don’t have any more in stock.
  • Sorry, we don’t sell those / them here.
  • I’m afraid we don’t have any more left.
  • I have exactly what you’re looking for.
  • This one is on sale right now!
  • It comes with a manufacturer’s warranty.
  • It comes with a 1-year guarantee.
  • The changing / fitting rooms are that way.
  • The scales are by the counter over there. That’s where you can weigh your groceries.
  • That one is ….(price).
  • They’re ….(price) each.
  • You can get a refund if you keep the receipt safe, and bring it back within 2 weeks.

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Customer’s Responses:

  • I don’t need any help. I’m just browsing, thanks.
  • No, I’m just looking, thanks.
  • Wow, that’s cheap!
  • That’s good value.
  • Oh, that’s expensive.
  • That’s quite reasonable.
  • That’s a little over my budget.
  • That’s not exactly what I’m looking for.
  • I’ll take it.
  • I’ll take this, please.
  • It’s too long / too short.
  • It’s too tight / too loose.

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4. Making payment

Cashier’s / Clerk’s Questions:

  • Are you in the queue?
  • Are you being served?
  • Who’s next?
  • Next, please!
  • How would you like to pay?
  • Will that be cash or credit?
  • Do you have a loyalty card?
  • Would you like a bag?
  • Can I help you with anything else?
  • Will that be all?
  • Would you like a gift receipt for that?
  • Would you like me to gift wrap it for you?
  • Would you like that gift wrapped?
  • Would you like any cashback?
  • Put your card into the machine, please.
  • Enter your PIN, please.
  • That comes to ….(price), please.
  • The total is ….(price).
  • That’s ….(price), please.

Customer’s Questions:

  • Do you take credit cards?
  • Can I pay by cheque, please?
  • Could I have a receipt, please?
  • Could I have a gift receipt, please?
  • Could you gift wrap that for me please?
  • Can I put one item back, please? I’ve changed my mind about this one.
  • Could I leave my bags here, and pick them up later, please?
  • Do you offer a cash discount?
  • Does it have a warranty / guarantee?

Cashier’s / Clerk’s Responses:

  • We take / accept all major credit cards.
  • Sorry, we don’t accept cheques.
  • I’m afraid we take cash only.
  • We’re offering 6 months credit, with no deposit, if you’re interested.

Customer’s Responses:

  • I’ll pay in cash
  • I’ll pay by card
  • Here’s ….(money), keep the change!
  • That’s it for today.
  • That’s all, thanks.
  • Thank you. Have a good day!

5. Returns and complaints


  • Who can I speak to about making a complaint?
  • Could I have a refund please?
  • Can I speak to the manager please?
  • I’d like to return this please.
  • I’d like to make a complaint.
  • I’d like to change this for a different size please.
  • Do you have the original receipt?
  • Did you buy it from one of our other stores?
  • Can I ask why you’re returning it please?
  • Can I ask why you’ve changed your mind please?


  • It doesn’t work.
  • It doesn’t fit.
  • It was a gift, but I don’t like it.
  • It was a gift, but the person I bought it for doesn’t like it.


  • OPEN
  • Open 24HRS (HOURS) a day
  • Special offer
  • SALE
  • Clearance sale
  • Closing down sale
  • Everything must go!
  • Liquidation sale
  • Great value products
  • Good value
  • Bargains
  • BUY 1 GET 1 FREE
  • Buy one get one half price
  • Half price sale
  • Reduced to clear
  • Out for lunch
  • Back in 15 minutes
  • Back at 2PM
  • Shoplifters will be prosecuted
  • CCTV in operation


  • enter your pin
  • please wait
  • remove your card
  • signature


£5.99 = “Five pounds and ninety-nine pence” (long way)

£5.99 = “Five, ninety-nine” (short way)

$12.75 = “Twelve dollars and seventy-five cents” (long way)

$12.75 = “Twelve seventy-five” (short way)

€3.20 = “Three euros and twenty cents” (long way)

€3.20 = “Three twenty” (short way)

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Example Conversation 1:

A: Which sofa should we buy? I can’t decide!
B: This one is larger, but it’s more expensive. I prefer the smaller one.

Example Conversation 2:

A: I need a new watch, but I don’t know which one to get. Can you give me any suggestions?
B: Rolex watches are better than Sekonda, but they’re not as affordable. Sekonda watches are better value for money.

Example Conversation 3:

A: I like the red sweater. What do you think?
B: I like the red one too, but I think the blue one is better, and the green one is best. The green colour really suits you.

Example Conversation 4:

A: What do you think of this dress? Does it suit me?
B: It suits you well, but the floral print one is my favourite, and it’s more suitable for this season.

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Different ways of asking someone to SHOW you something

  • Can you show me the ….. please? (Informal)
  • Could you show me the ….. please? (Informal / Formal / More Polite)
  • Would you be so kind to show me the ….. please? (Formal)
  • I’d like to see the ….. please.
  • Could you direct me to the …. aisle please?

When you want to TRY something, you can say:

  • Do you have any testers for these (lipstick) colours?
  • Can I try it / them on, please?
  • Could I try it / them on, please?
  • Is it okay if I try this / these on?
  • Where can I try it / them on?
  • Where are the changing rooms, please?

If you’d like the shop assistant to give you a DIFFERENT SIZE OR COLOUR, you could say:

  • Do you have it / them in size ….. please?
  • Do you have this/these in a smaller / bigger / larger size please?
  • Can I try the larger / small one please?
  • Do you have it / them in a different colour please?
  • This is a little too tight / loose, do you have another one?

When you finally decide what you want to BUY, you can say:

  • Wow, this one is great. I’ll take it!
  • This one is perfect, I’ll take it thanks.
  • I’ll have this one, please!
  • Can I buy the …. , please?
  • How much is it / are they?
  • I’d like to buy this one, please.
  • I’d like to buy it / them, please.



A: Hi there, can I help you with anything?
B: Yes please, I’m looking for a T-shirt.
A: What size are you?
B: I’m a medium.
A: What colour would you like?
B: Maybe a blue or green one.
A: Here you are. How about these?
B: Thank you. Can I try them on anywhere?
A: Certainly, the changing room is over there.
B: Thank you.
A: How do they fit?
B: They’re both fantastic. I really like them.
A: Yes, the blue looks nice on you, it really brings out your eye colour.
B: Thank you. I’ll buy both of them!
A: Great! Please go to the tills, and pay over there.
B: Alright, thank you for your help.
C: Who’s next please!
B: Hi there, I’d like to buy these please.
C: OK, how would you like to pay?
B: Do you take credit cards?
C: Yes, we do.
B: Okay, here’s my credit card.
C: Enter your pin number into the machine please.
B: Okay, done.
C: Thank you. Shall I put your receipt in the bag?
B: Yes please.
C: Here you go. Have a nice day!
B: Thank you, goodbye!

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A: Are you next in the queue sir?
B: Yes, I’d like to buy this watch as a gift for my wife please.
A: Okay, would you like me to gift wrap it for you?
B: Yes please, that would be great!
A: Are you sure this is the right size for your wife?
B I’m not sure, it’s just a guess!
A: I can print a gift receipt so she doesn’t see the price, but can bring it back to change the size if she needs to. Would you like me to do that?
B: Yes please, that would be amazing!
A: Okay, that’ll be sixty-five dollars and ninety-five cents for the watch please.
B: Can I pay by cheque please?
A: No, I’m afraid we don’t accept cheques.
B: Okay no problem, I’ll pay by debit card then.
A: Please insert your card into the machine, and then enter your PIN.
B: Okay, done.
A: Would you like me to put the gift receipt in the box with the watch?
B: Yes please, that’ll be perfect.
A: Here you go sir. Enjoy the rest of your day.
B: Thank you very much!

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PUT ON (to place something on a surface or person)

  • Put your items on the counter please.
  • Why don’t you put on that new jacket you bought yesterday?

[Tweet “TRY ON – to test an item to see if it is suitable)”]

TRY ON (to test an item to see if it is suitable)

  • Can I try these dresses on somewhere please?

TRY OUT (to test something to see if you like it)

  • I’d like to try out this lipstick colour please, do you have a tester for it?

THROW ON (to wear something casually)

  • I’m looking for a simple, comfortable dress that I can just throw on.

DROP IN (to visit someone casually)

  • Drop in during your lunch break when you have more time, and I’ll help you find the right pair of shoes for you.

POUR IN (enter in high quantity)

  • The supermarket was so busy over the Christmas weekend. The customers started pouring in, as soon as the doors opened!

POP IN (to visit someone, informal)

  • I’ll book you an appointment, and you can pop in for a consultation with one of our opticians.

[Tweet “BROUGHT IN – to make something new for the first time”]

BROUGHT IN (to make something new for the first time)

  • We have brought in a brand new summer collection now, so the old winter range is on sale.

CAVE IN (to surrender or give up to persuasion)

  • The shop assistant was so convincing that this dress was the best one for me, that I caved in and bought it, even though it was so expensive!

THROW IN/CHUCK IN (to include in addition to something – ‘chuck’ is more informal than throw)

  • If you buy this laptop, I’ll chuck in a free laptop case for you.

END UP (to finally make a decision abut something, after lengthy consideration)

  • I couldn’t decide which one to buy, so I ended up buying both of them

COME UP (when something is approaching/arriving)

  • I need to buy a gift for my friend, his birthday is coming up.

TAKE UP (to choose to start doing something new)

  • I’m thinking of taking up the violin, could you buy one for my next birthday please?

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BRING DOWN (reduce the amount of something)

  • We have brought down the prices, because we’re having a huge sale before the winter!

TURN DOWN (to refuse or reject something)

  • He bought a really expensive watch for me, but I turned it down. I couldn’t accept it!

[Tweet “POP OUT – to leave to go somewhere for a short time”]

POP OUT (to leave to go somewhere for a short time)

  • I’m just going to pop out to the cash machine, could you save these items for me please?
  • I’m just popping out to buy some bread and milk from the local store.

OPT OUT (to choose not to be a part of something)

  • They gave me the option of getting everything on credit, but I opted out because I prefer buying things upfront, than being in debt.

RULE OUT (to decide that something is not suitable / remove something from a list of options)

  • I’m not sure which laptop to buy. I think I’ll rule out this one, because it’s too expensive. Now I just have to decide between these two.

PHASE OUT (to gradually remove something from existence in one place)

  • Sorry, we don’t sell those anymore. We phased them out last year, because they weren’t very popular.

SELL OUT (to sell the whole supply of something)

  • I’m afraid all those watches have sold out now; they were very popular over Christmas!

HELP OUT (to assist someone)

  • Could you help me out please? I can’t do the zip up on this dress!

[Tweet “DO UP – to fasten something”]

DO UP (to fasten something)

  • Could you do the zip up on this dress for me please?

STAND OUT (to be distinctive or more noticeable than others)

  • This sweater stands out from the rest. I love the vibrant colours!

WALK OUT ON (to abandon someone angrily)

  • I was so disappointed with their service, that I just walked out on them, and I didn’t pay!

PAY OFF (to pay back all you owe)

  • I have finally paid off all the money I owed on my credit card! It’s such a relief!

PULL OFF (to succeed in doing something difficult)

  • Wow, not many people can pull off that outfit, but you look stunning in it!

TOP OFF (to end or finish something in a special way)

  • I got an amazing deal on this computer, and to top it off, they gave me an extra three years free warranty!!

[Tweet “RIP OFF – to charge someone excessively”]

RIP OFF (to charge someone excessively)

  • They ripped you off! I bought that for half the price in a different store!

GIVE BACK (to return something)

  • I’ll have to give this ring back to Tom, because he broke off the engagement.

TAKE BACK (to decide on returning something in the near future)

  • I’m going to take this back to the store, and see if I can get a different colour.

PAY BACK (to pay what you owe)

  • If you get our loyalty card now, you won’t have to pay the whole amount today, instead you can pay us back in installments each month.

TALK OVER (to discuss something before making a decision)

  • I do love this sofa, but I’ll need to talk it over with my wife before committing to buying it.

Shopping is one of the regular activities that people love to do to relax while buying their essentials. However, for some, shopping is a challenge. Some people fret when they shop in a different country because they cannot express their self well in English. Meanwhile, others worry that they might not be able to understand what is being said to them. Afraid of making mistakes, some delay or avoid shopping even when they need to. Good thing that there is a way to avoid this situation. You can learn and familiarize yourself with the different vocabulary and idioms being used in shopping. Knowing these words will help you to anticipate the words that shop assistants or shoppers will be more likely to use when they talk to you. By being able to communicate well, you’ll find shopping as an enjoyable activity instead of a challenge. Moreover, not only will you be able to speak confidently while shopping at the stores but you can also share your shopping experience. You can talk about sales, discounts, favorite stores, and recently bought items with others. This will help you to easily start a casual conversation and connect with different people. In this post, we’ve listed the most commonly used vocabularies and idioms you’ll need when shopping.

Words and idioms that are used to refer to kinds of shopping activity

Window shopping

When you do window shopping, you look at the items for sale in stores, but you don’t have the intention to purchase anything yet. You are more interested in seeing what’s available by looking at things through the window display of the store. You do window shopping because you want to relax and pass time by looking at items that might interest you or you don’t have the budget to buy extra items yet. 


Since the student haven’t received her allowance yet, she  spent the afternoon window shopping

Grocery shopping 

This means shopping for food items at markets or stores. 


Tom’s mother couldn’t stay long because after visiting us she would go grocery shopping.

Retail therapy or shopping therapy 

These two terms mean that you are shopping and buy things to feel better. Some believe that shopping can relieve stress as it brings temporary relief or happiness. This is the reason why some used it as an outlet when dealing with a bad situation.


After hearing the news, Tony was disappointed so he went to his favorite sports store for some shopping therapy.

Shop online

To shop online means that you will buy items from online stores. When you shop online you are engaging in e-commerce. 


Due to her busy schedule, she prefers to shop online than go to brick and mortar stores.


A shopaholic is a person who loves to keep on shopping. This person regularly shops not just because he or she needs to buy something but because he or she really enjoys the act of shopping and obtaining new items.


The newly opened mall will definitely be the favorite place of shopaholics.

Shop til you drop

Shop til you drop is an expression that you use when you like to shop until you get tired. It could also mean shopping until you run out of money to spend. 


She enjoys shopping till she drops, that’s why she complains that her feet hurt and not having enough budget the following day.

Hit the shops

Hit the shops means going to a shop and spending time there to buy an item. It could also mean that a new product will be released in stores.


The advertisement mentioned that the latest compact camera will hit the shops next month. 

Words and idioms that are used to describe malls, markets, and stores

Outlet mall

An outlet mall is a large shopping place that houses different stores in one location. The stores in this mall sell their products at a reduced price. Shoppers go here to find sales and discounts. 


To buy more items at a discounted price, she goes to that outlet mall even though it requires traveling for three hours. 

Shoppers paradise

A place where many items are available and on sale makes people who love to shop excited and happy. This kind of place is called a shopper’s paradise. 


The market on the next street is a shopper’s paradise. It has plenty of items available that are sold at a bargain price. 

Bargain hunting 

Bargain hunting is the act of spending time searching for items to buy at the lowest price.


To be able to buy more items, my friends and I like to go bargain hunting.

Yard sale or garage sale

A garage sale or yard sale is typically seen in front of houses, yards, or garages. The items for sale here include old furniture, clothes, toys, kitchenware, or anything that the owner of the house and his family doesn’t use anymore. 


We’ll drive around the residential area located on the south side of the town to see if there are garage sales.

Words and idioms that are used when you need to try a clothing piece when shopping

Fit like a glove

When you try on clothes or jewelry and it fits perfectly on you, you say fits like a glove.


She bought the dress right away after seeing that the dress fits like a glove on her.

Fitting room 

A fitting room is an area in a shop or department store where you can go to try on clothes.


After she picked her preferred shirt, she went to the fitting room to try it on.

Words and idioms that are used to describe discounts and sales

Unbeatable offer

When you say an unbeatable offer, it means that the price of an item is very low that makes you want to buy it. Thinking that you would not find another store or an opportunity to buy the product at a very low price makes the offer really tempting to grab. 


Even without a plan of buying a new TV, the unbeatable offer made Tommy buy it.

Clearance sale 

This term is used when you refer to a store selling their products at a very low price for a limited time. The purpose why businesses do this is for them to get rid of excessive stocks and make space for new items. Another reason could be because the shop is closing down soon so it has to sell all of its products quickly.


After reading the recent post of the gift shop on their social media, Tracy and Brad went hurriedly to the store to catch its clearance sale before it ends.

A steal

A steal means finding an item that is unexpectedly cheap. Due to the low price of the product, you do not have to pay much for it, which makes buying it feel like a “robbery.”


At $5, this shirt is definitely a steal. 

Killer deal

You say a killer deal when an item is usually priced at a higher price, but you find it unexpectedly being sold at an affordable rate or low price. 


I didn’t expect that this sofa would be sold at nearly 60% off. I couldn’t leave the store without buying it because it’s a killer deal.

Good value for money

When you say good value for money, it means that the item you bought is worth the money you spent on it.


Although organic products are more expensive than usual products, they are good value for money, because they are natural and safer to use.

Good deal

When you say a good deal, it means that you paid for an item at a low price. It is an alternative term that you can use for “a steal”


I was impressed that he was able to buy his car on a really good deal.


The word doorbuster is used when a store is newly opened, and they are selling their products at a discounted price for a limited time. 


The craft supplies store has a lot of doorbusters for this month.


Overpriced means that an item you are buying is expensive or costs more than it is worth. 


The shopper returned the items on the shelves and left the store, after seeing that the products are overpriced

Shopping spree

A shopping spree means that you are buying and spending a lot of money in a short period of time.


To reward the hardworking staff, the owner gave her a $500 gift card to go on a shopping spree

Price tag

Price tag refers to the label that indicates the price of an item being sold in a store.


To have an estimate of how much you will pay, always check the price tag of each item you pick and compute it all before going to the cashier. 

Words and idioms that are used to tell about branding and how products are made


Items that are made by artisans using their hands are handmade. Products that are often handmade include arts, crafts, accessories, etc.


Buying handmade products is one way of supporting local artisans.


When a product is produced using a machine, the term machine-made is used to describe it.


The pattern and counting of stitches on these bags are the same because they are all machine-made.


When an item is designed and made for a particular client it means it is bespoke. This word is usually used by tailoring shops.  


The suit that he was wearing last night fits perfectly on him because it is bespoke.

Brand name

A brand name is a name being used by manufacturers. Typically, the brand name of a product can be seen on its label or container.


My mentor prefers to buy the items under that brand name because likes using proven and tested products.


Suit means that an item looks good on you. Oftentimes it is being used interchangeably with the word “fit”. However, the word “fit” should be used when you are referring to size. 


You should buy this dress. It really suits you. 


The next time you shop there’s no need for you to worry. Strike up a conversation with someone and use the vocabularies and idioms listed above. The more you use them, the more natural and easier for you to include them in your sentences. Learning and using these terms will improve your fluency. Let the list given above be your starting point and add more words to it as you expand your vocabulary.  

Would you like to practice these shopping words in an actual conversation? Avail LingualBox’s two free trials. You will not only be able to use the words above but you’ll also learn more English expressions.  Sign up now.

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Kaycie Gayle is a freelance content writer and a digital publisher. Her writings are mostly about, travel, culture, people, food, and communication.

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Shopping Vocabulary List: Most Common Words And Phrases

Shopping Vocabulary List: Most Common Words And Phrases

You need to enhance your English vocabulary in order to prepare for your test. We have have made a complete list of vocabulary worksheets on numerous topics:

  • Anthropology Vocabulary
  • Chemistry Vocabulary
  • Stock Market Vocabulary
  • Real Estate Vocabulary
  • Purchase Vocabulary
  • Product Vocabulary
  • Research Vocabulary
  • Phone Vocabulary
  • Payment Vocabulary
  • Office Supplies Vocabulary
  • Management Vocabulary
  • Law Vocabulary
  • Human Resources Vocabulary
  • The Factory Vocabulary
  • Vocabulary List: Bank and Finance
  • Computer Vocabulary
  • Marketing Vocabulary
  • Social Media Vocabulary
  • Meteorology Vocabulary
  • Culture Vocabulary List
  • Architecture Vocabulary
  • Sociology Vocabulary

a shopping district in japan

Shopping Vocabulary List: Most Used & Common Terms

Vocabulary Explanation Example
(Some) Change Money exchange. Have you got change to pay the swimming pool?
A banknote/a note/a bill Paper money. How many banknotes have you got?
A bargain A good deal. That’s a real bargain.
A bid An offer in an auction. What bids did you make?
A bill An invoice. I need the bill to be refunded.
A billboard A large panel for advertising. The billboards are huge.
A brand A trademark. Children love brands nowadays.
A carrier bag A bag (usually plastic) supplied by shops. Carrier bags are always provided.
A cashier A person who operates cash register. The cashier is so nice.
A catchphrase/a motto A repeated phrase, slogan. Do you know the brand’s catchphrase?
A chain A company with branches. I usually shop in chains.
A changing room/cloakroom//fitting room A booth for trying on clothes. Where are the fitting rooms?
A charge/to charge A fee/To ask for money. How much do you charge for this?
A check/cheque An order for bank to pay. I usually pay the doctor by check.
A client/customer Someone who buys products. Clients should always be satisfied with what you sell.
A coin Metal money. How many coins have you got?
A consumer Someone who consumes, who buys. How many customers will you target?
A corner shop A small, local shop that sells a little of everything – it needn’t be on a corner. He loves shopping in the corner shop.
A cost/to cost A price. The cost of the product is too high.
A counter A flat, elevated surface. Meet me at the counter.
A coupon A discount voucher. We love using coupons when we shop.
A deal A transaction. They got such a good deal yesterday.
A delivery/to deliver An act of delivering. The delivery was done on time.
A department A division of organization. Which department do you work for?
A department store A large store that sells a range of items in different departments such as food and clothing. Department stores are heaven.
A design A pattern, a styling. He loves the new design of the product.
A discount store/pound shop A shop where all the goods are sold at a discount. My parents love going to discount stores.
A discount/to discount A reduced price/to deduct from price. They got a very good discount today.
A flea market A market where antiques and second hand goods are sold. It is so different to shop at the flea market.
A franchise A business with a commercial licence. Franchises are fun to shop in.
A fur trader Person who deals in animal-fur products. The fur trader did an excellent job with my coat.
A gift/present Something you give to make the other person happy. I love the gift he offered me.
A guarantee A promise. How long does the guarantee last?
A leaflet A brochure. Have you seen the company’s leaflet?
A loyalty card a card issued by a shop to allow customers to save money on the basis of what they spend. She has all the loyalty cards of her favorite shops.
A mall (US)/shopping centre (GB) Place where many shops are gathered. I love shopping in malls.
A market study a study that analyzes market demand for a particular product or service. Market studies are capital in advertising.
A must-have product A product that is very popular that a lot of people want to have. This bag is a must-have product.
A poll A survey. According to the poll, more and more clients shop there.
A purchase/To purchase Something you buy/To buy. What is this purchase I can see on your account?
A receipt A proof of payment. Did you get the receipt?
A retail park An area normally on the outskirts of a town/city with several large retail outlets. We love going to retail parks at the weekend.
A retailer Someone who sells goods to ultimate consumers, usually in small quantities. The retailer does good prices.
A rip-off A cheat, a con. He was disappointed as this was a real rip-off!
A sample A representative piece, specimen. CanI get a sample to try it before buying it?
A shelf A flat storage space. The shelf is full of books.
A shop assistant The person who serves customers. The shop assistant was extremely helpful.
A shopping basket A container for your purchases. She nicely gave me a shopping basket.
A shopping channel A television channel that is dedicated to promoting sales. They love watching the shopping channel.
A stock A reserve in storage. The stock is huge.
A storage room Place where to stock things. Where is the storage room?
A supply/to supply A stock/To provide. There is no more supply.
A target/to target An objective/to aim. Who is your main target?
A till A cash register. I’m waiting for you at the till.
A turnover Revenues of business. What was your turnover last year?
A wedge A V-shaped block. The wedge under the door is efficient.
A wholesaler Someone who sells goods in quantity, as to retailers or jobbers, for resale. The wholesaler sales in bulk.
Affordable You have enough money to buy it This item is affordable so I’ll buy it.
An amount A quantity, a total, a sum. What is the amount of products you bought?
An appliance A device, piece of equipment. The electronic appliance I have broke down.
An auction A sale with bids. Auctions are quite exhiliarating.
An item A shopping unit. How many items are you going to buy?
An offer/to offer A proposal/to propose to give. What offers can you make?
Big brand names Large well-known companies or product names. They are fans of big brand names.
Flooding the market An excess amount of inventory for sale causes an undesired drop in price for the product, in extreme cases making the products impossible to sell at any price. Spinners are flooding the market.
High street names Well-known shops. She fancies shopping in high street names.
Mink fur Hair of a small furry mammal. Mink fur is my favorite.
Opening hours When the shop is open. What are your opening hours?
Pricey Expensive This is too pricey for my budget.
Second-hand Previously owned. Second-hand shops are affordable.
To be a shopaholic To be addicted to shopping. She is such a shopaholic.
To be on a tight budget To have a limited amount of money to spend. We are on a tight budget this month.
To browse To look for goods in shop before you buy. Let’s browse before buying anything.
To catch the eye To get someone’s attention, especially by looking at them. It directly caught my eye.
To cost an arm and a leg Very expensive. I won’t buy it as it costs an arm and a leg.
To deceive To disappoint. We were so deceived by the quality of the product.
To do the grocery shopping Technically to buy fruit and vegetables, but normally used to mean to buy food and drinks for the household. We do the grocey shopping every week.
To get into debt To owe money. He got into debt last month.
To give someone the hard sell To put pressure on someone to buy something. They gave him the hard sell but it didn’t work.
To go on a shopping spree To go shopping and buys lots of items that you may not be able to afford. How about going on a shopping spree?
To indulge in some retail therapy To go shopping to make yourself feel better. She decided to indulge in some retail therapy.
To nip to To go somewhere quickly. We’ve nipped to stores.
To pick up a bargain To buy something much cheaper than the normal price. I’m so proud as I picked up a bargain yesterday.
To refund To reimburse. She was refunded last month.
To return To give back. Can I return the item I bought yesterday?
To run up a credit card bill To owe money on a credit card. He runs up a credit card bill.
To shop around To try different shops to find the best deal. Let’s shop around and make up our mind then.

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