Word for shallow person

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

пустого человека

мелкого человека


I despise myself for not being able to hate a shallow person like her.

Я презираю себя за то, что не в состоянии возненавидеть такого пустого человека, как она.

A shallow person can only have shallow relationships.

Don’t be obscene BЂ You are going to look like a shallow person who doesn’t want anything more than a physical relationship

Не будь непристойным — вы будете похожи на мелкого человека, который не хочет ничего больше, чем физические отношения

I actually became angry with her and called her a shallow person.

Возможно, я был очень зол на неё и называл её подлой тварью.

Don’t make her out to be a shallow person like you.

Turns out, one of the reason you can’t find a nice guy is because you are a shallow person.

Оказывается, одна из причин, по которым вы не можете найти хорошего парня, это то, что вы сами являетесь пустышкой.

Deep down, I am an incredibly shallow person.

Are you here to lecture me again on what a shallow person I turned out to be?

Вы здесь, чтобы прочесть мне лекцию еще раз о том, что каким пустым человеком я оказался?

They may even get married, but they are still the same shallow person they always were.

If you consider this as revolting and perverted, understand that you will be seen as an intolerant, shallow person who should visit a psychiatrist.

The US elite has completely reconsidered its opinion on George Bush as no longer considers him a «shallow person, who managed to come to power due to his good luck and the family».

Американская элита полностью пересмотрела свое мнение о Буше как о «недалеком человеке, сумевшем подняться до высот власти благодаря везению и семье».

Everything began with Berezovsky’s February interview, in which Gref was called «a shallow person too weak to play the role of the president’s court strategist».

Все началось с февральского интервью Бориса Березовского, в котором Греф был назван «малосодержательным человеком, слабоватым для роли штатного стратега».

So shallow, and I’m not a shallow person, Doc.

Так поверхностно.Я не такой, Док.

I’m a terrible, shallow person.

Because I cannot hate that shallow person, I’m the real shallow person.

«If money is your motivation you’re going to be such an empty shallow person

Если ваша мотивация — деньги, то можно так и остаться пустышкой .

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  • 1


    1) surface, superficial

    пове́рхностное дыха́ние — shallow breathing

    2) superficial, shallow

    пове́рхностный челове́к — shallow person

    пове́рхностное зна́ние — superficial/shallow knowledge

    пове́рхностное натяже́ние — surface tension

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > поверхностный

  • 2


    1) (соска)

    baby’s dummy

    2) (о человеке)

    shallow person, hollow man

    * * *

    1) baby’s dummy 2) shallow person, hollow man

    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > пустышка

  • 3


    1) empty; hollow; uninhabited; vacant

    пусто́й взгляд — blank/vacant look

    на пусто́й желу́док — on an empty stomach

    в на́шем ряду́ есть два пусты́х ме́ста — there are two vacant seats in our row

    2) idle, shallow, empty; futile

    пуста́я болтовня́ — idle talk/chat

    пусты́е обеща́ния — empty/hollow promises

    пусто́й челове́к — shallow person

    пусты́е вопро́сы/расспро́сы — futile questions

    пусты́е угро́зы/мечты́ — vain/idle threats/dreams

    пусты́е слова́ — empty/mere words

    пуста́я отгово́рка — lame excuse

    — пустое место
    — разом пусто, разом густо

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > пустой

  • 4
    ограниченный человек

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ограниченный человек

  • 5
    непроницательный человек

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > непроницательный человек

  • 6


    highly coll



    sing only

    usu. subj-compl

    with copula (


    : human or


    with называть, считать кого (


    : human)) a lightheaded, shallow person



    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-69

  • 7
    ветряная мельница






    usu. subj-compl

    with copula (


    : human) or


    with называть, считать кого (


    : human)]


    a lightheaded, shallow person:


    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ветряная мельница

  • 8


    superficial / shallow person, smatterer

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > верхогляд

  • 9


    1. () baby’s dummy

    2. () shallow person, hollow man*

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > пустышка

  • 10
    мелко плавать

    Новый русско-английский словарь > мелко плавать

  • 11

    superficial / shallow person, smatterer

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > верхогляд

  • 12

    shallow person, hollow man

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > пустышка

  • 13
    мелко плавать

    to be a shallow person, not to have what it takes (for

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > мелко плавать

  • 14

    1) (baby’s) dummy,



    Русско-английский учебный словарь > пустышка

  • 15
    Тихие воды глубоки

    A quiet person can have strong emotions. See Большая река течет спокойно (Б), Где река глубже, там она меньше шумит (Г)

    Cf: The shallow brook warbles, while the still water is deep (Am.). Smooth waters run deep (Br.). The stiller the water, the deeper it runs (Br.). Still water flows (runs) deep (Am.). Still waters run deep (Am., Br.). Waters that are deep don’t babble as they flow (Br.). Where the river is deepest it makes least noise (Am., Br.)

    Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок > Тихие воды глубоки

  • 16

    1) baby’s dummy

    2) shallow / hollow person

    3) zero-suit domino bone, bone with a blank face; zero-zero bone

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > пустышка

См. также в других словарях:

  • Shallow Graves (video game) — Shallow Graves is a first person shooter video game created with FPS Creator. Shallow Graves got the 2nd place in the 2006/2007 Game Dev Competition, hosted by The Game Creators and sponsored by NVIDIA …   Wikipedia

  • Shallow water blackout — A shallow water blackout is a loss of consciousness caused by cerebral hypoxia towards the end of a breath hold dive in water typically shallower than five metres (16 feet), when the swimmer does not necessarily experience an urgent need to… …   Wikipedia

  • shallow — 01. The sign said, Warning: [Shallow] water Do Not Dive. 02. The children were wading around in the warm [shallow] water of the bay, trying to catch fish. 03. The body of an unknown man has been found in a [shallow] grave in a forested area on… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • shallow — [[t]ʃæ̱loʊ[/t]] shallower, shallowest 1) ADJ GRADED A shallow container, hole, or area of water measures only a short distance from the top to the bottom. Put the milk in a shallow dish… The water is quite shallow for some distance. …the… …   English dictionary

  • shallow-pate — ˈ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun archaic : a person of superficial intellectual achievements or abilities …   Useful english dictionary

  • superficial — adjective 1) superficial burns Syn: surface, exterior, external, outer, outside, slight Ant: deep, thorough 2) a superficial friendship Syn: shallow …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Mork & Mindy — First season title card Genre Science fiction sitcom Created by Garry Marshall Dale McRaven Joe Glauberg …   Wikipedia

  • frivol — 1. verb a) To behave frivolously. b) To trifle. 2. noun a) An unserious person; a shallow person. b) An idle diversion or pastime; a frivolity …   Wiktionary

  • tri|fler — «TRY fluhr», noun. a person who trifles; frivolous, shallow person …   Useful english dictionary

  • Superficialist — Su per*fi cial*ist, n. One who attends to anything superficially; a superficial or shallow person; a sciolist; a smatterer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • My Cage — Author(s) Melissa DeJesus and Ed Power Current status / schedule Canceled (print) Unknown (web) Launch date May 5, 2007 …   Wikipedia

Table of Contents

  1. What is a simplistic statement?
  2. What does too simplistic mean?
  3. What’s another word for simplistic?
  4. What is the difference between simple and simplistic?
  5. What is the opposite word for shallow?
  6. What hate feels like?
  7. How do you work with someone who hates you?
  8. How do you deal with haters?
  9. How do you deal with a coworker who doesn’t like you?
  10. How do you handle a conflict with a coworker?
  11. How do you deal with rude and disrespectful coworkers?
  12. How do you ignore coworkers?

The adjective shallow can describe things that aren’t very deep, like a shallow puddle, or people who don’t have much emotional or intellectual depth, like shallow people who judge others on their looks and how much money they have.

What is a simplistic statement?

Those sorts of things are simply simple. However, if something is too simple—misleadingly so—then it is correctly called simplistic. An argument that glosses over or omits relevant facts and presents trite, hackneyed, slogan-like statements and sound bites is indeed simplistic.

What does too simplistic mean?

1. characterized by extreme simplicity; naive. 2. oversimplifying complex problems; making unrealistically simple judgments or analyses. ▶ USAGE Since simplistic already has too as part of its meaning, it is tautologous to talk about something being too simplistic or over-simplistic.

What’s another word for simplistic?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for simplistic, like: naive, condensed, oversimplified, childish, plausible, overly simplified, simple, facile, one-sided, nonsensical and formulaic.

What is the difference between simple and simplistic?

Commonly Confused Words The adjective simple means plain, easy, ordinary, or uncomplicated. The adjective simplistic is a pejorative word meaning overly simplified—that is, characterized by extreme and often misleading simplicity. A simplistic solution to a problem is usually a bad solution.

What is the opposite word for shallow?


What hate feels like?

Hatred is a relatively stable feeling of intense dislike for another person, entity, or group. Hatred is distinct from short-lived feelings such as anger and disgust.

How do you work with someone who hates you?

Fortunately, with the right tactics, you can still have a productive working relationship with someone you can’t stand.

  1. What the Experts Say.
  2. Manage your reaction.
  3. Keep your distaste to yourself.
  4. Consider whether it’s you, not them.
  5. Spend more time with them.
  6. Consider providing feedback.
  7. Adopt a don’t-care attitude.

How do you deal with haters?

How to Deal with “Haters”

  1. What is a “Hater?”
  2. How to Deal with Haters.
  3. Ignore it. Walk away.
  4. Block online haters.
  5. Be kind and respectful, even to haters.
  6. Stick with supporters.
  7. Remind yourself that comments from a hater are a reflection of them and aren’t really about you.
  8. Understand criticism can be a sign of pain.

How do you deal with a coworker who doesn’t like you?

Here are six tips for getting along with even the most annoying people you dislike.

  1. Document the Disliked Coworker’s Bad Behavior.
  2. Identify Whether You’re Actually the Problem.
  3. Try to Learn About the Coworker You Don’t Like.
  4. Be the Adult in the Room.
  5. Never, Ever Gossip About the Coworker You Dislike.

How do you handle a conflict with a coworker?

How to Handle Conflict in the Workplace

  1. Talk with the other person.
  2. Focus on behavior and events, not on personalities.
  3. Listen carefully.
  4. Identify points of agreement and disagreement.
  5. Prioritize the areas of conflict.
  6. Develop a plan to work on each conflict.
  7. Follow through on your plan.
  8. Build on your success.

How do you deal with rude and disrespectful coworkers?

Five Ways to Deal With Rudeness in Your Team

  1. Be a good role model. How you treat your people can impact the way that they treat others.
  2. Don’t ignore it. If you ignore rude behavior, you send out a signal that, in effect, you condone it.
  3. Deal directly with the culprit.
  4. Listen.
  5. Follow up on any offender.

How do you ignore coworkers?

9 Ways to Ignore an Annoying Coworker

  1. Wear your headphones, even when you’re not listening to music. People are less likely to talk to you when you’re wearing headphones.
  2. Become persistently political.
  3. Say you’re in a bad mood and don’t want to talk about it.
  4. Act like you’re asleep.

More from The Question & Answer (Q&A)

What is another word for shallow?

483 synonyms found


[ ʃˈalə͡ʊ], [ ʃˈalə‍ʊ], [ ʃ_ˈa_l_əʊ]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    affected (adjective)

    • pretentious,
    • gone hollywood,
    • awkward,
    • theatrical,
    • Imitated,
    • put-on,
    • ostentatious,
    • phony,
    • pedantic,
    • shallow,
    • insincere,
    • counterfeit,
    • pretended,
    • melodramatic,
    • assumed,
    • ham,
    • schmaltzy,
    • self-conscious,
    • spurious,
    • faked,
    • studied,
    • conceited,
    • high falutin’,
    • unnatural,
    • artificial,
    • stilted,
    • Counterfeited,
    • false,
    • apish,
    • stiff,
    • feigned,
    • precious,
    • overdone,
    • contrived,
    • playacting,
    • simulated,
    • pompous.

    dull (adjective)

    • not bright,
    • unintellectual,
    • Numskulled.

    facile (adjective)

    • picnic,
    • easy as pie,
    • apparent,
    • obvious,
    • skillful,
    • effortless,
    • child’s play,
    • glib,
    • adept,
    • hasty,
    • deft,
    • flipper,
    • breeze,
    • accomplished,
    • fast talk,
    • adroit,
    • proficient,
    • fluent,
    • pushover,
    • smooth,
    • untroublesome,
    • light,
    • dexterous,
    • uncomplicated,
    • articulate,
    • ready,
    • voluble,
    • practiced.

    flatulent (adjective)

    • tumescent,
    • wordy,
    • turgid,
    • tumid,
    • swollen,
    • bombastic,
    • prolix,
    • overblown,
    • oratorical,
    • inflated,
    • windy.

    flimsy (adjective)

    • insubstantial,
    • unsubstantial,
    • infirm,
    • gauzy,
    • gossamer,
    • inadequate,
    • rickety,
    • meager,
    • delicate,
    • decrepit,
    • frail,
    • sheer,
    • shaky,
    • transparent,
    • tacky,
    • sleazy,
    • feeble,
    • diaphanous,
    • wobbly,
    • fragile,
    • defective.

    frivolous (adjective)

    • flippant,
    • volatile,
    • flip,
    • impractical,
    • playful,
    • barmy,
    • light-minded,
    • juvenile,
    • niggling,
    • minor,
    • facetious,
    • tongue-in-cheek,
    • peripheral,
    • unprofound,
    • gay,
    • childish,
    • sportive,
    • pointless,
    • whimsical,
    • nonserious,
    • harebrained,
    • idiotic,
    • unimportant,
    • senseless.

    hasty (adjective)

    • touch-and-go.

    ignorant (adjective)

    • unlearned,
    • unenlightened,
    • unschooled,
    • blind to,
    • unscholarly,
    • birdbrained,
    • apprenticed,
    • unknowledgeable,
    • uncultured,
    • uncultivated,
    • unlettered,
    • uninformed,
    • uneducated,
    • innocent,
    • naive,
    • untrained,
    • nescient,
    • unsuspecting,
    • uninstructed,
    • inexperienced,
    • cretinous,
    • unmindful,
    • untaught,
    • in the dark,
    • insensible,
    • unread,
    • illiterate,
    • benighted,
    • oblivious,
    • unconscious,
    • misinformed,
    • uninitiated,
    • Unconversant.

    inconsiderable (adjective)

    • of no account,
    • inconsiderable.

    indiscriminate (adjective)

    • Designless,
    • unsystematic,
    • wholesale,
    • Imperceptive,
    • unselective,
    • unmethodical,
    • motley.

    la-di-da (adjective)

    • la di da.

    light-headed (adjective)

    • swimmy,
    • vertiginous.

    lightheaded (adjective)

    • bird brained.

    low (adjective)

    • low-set,
    • ground level,
    • low-hanging,
    • rock bottom,
    • junior,
    • bottommost,
    • squatty,
    • lower,
    • not high,
    • lowset,
    • low-lying,
    • unelevated,
    • rock-bottom,
    • ground-level.

    one-dimensional (adjective)

    • onedimensional,
    • one dimensional.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • superficial,
    • not serious,
    • la-di-da,
    • penny ante,
    • dull,
    • facile,
    • high falutin,
    • frivolous,
    • in firm,
    • thin,
    • facial,
    • petty,
    • papery,
    • half-assed,
    • chiffon,
    • low,
    • simple,
    • affected,
    • hammy,
    • unpersuasive,
    • campier,
    • lightheaded,
    • shoestring,
    • emptyheaded,
    • sketchy,
    • unreasoning,
    • on the surface,
    • Depthless,
    • surface,
    • weak,
    • smattery,
    • no big deal,
    • scratcher,
    • cursory,
    • campy,
    • skin-deep,
    • flatulent,
    • light-headed,
    • tongue in cheek,
    • campiest,
    • airheaded,
    • house of cards,
    • rinkydink,
    • shoaler,
    • cut rate,
    • cut-rate,
    • penny-ante,
    • indiscriminate,
    • ignorant,
    • parochial,
    • vacuous,
    • one-dimensional,
    • tip of the iceberg,
    • passing,
    • nickel-and-dime,
    • flimsy,
    • lamebrained.

    parochial (adjective)

    • most inward looking,
    • more inwardlooking,
    • more inward looking,
    • inward looking,
    • inwardlooking,
    • smallminded,
    • inward-looking,
    • most inward-looking,
    • most inwardlooking,
    • more inward-looking,
    • smalltown,
    • small town,
    • small minded.

    passing (adjective)

    • impermanent,
    • fugacious.

    petty (adjective)

    • pennyante,
    • more penny-ante,
    • scratchest,
    • most shoestring,
    • more penny ante,
    • narrowminded,
    • most penny-ante,
    • in essential,
    • more pennyante,
    • piddling,
    • more pettifogging,
    • most pennyante,
    • more nickel and dime,
    • narrow minded,
    • in-essential,
    • more peanut,
    • sub ordinate,
    • more nickel-and-dime,
    • in-consequent,
    • most pettifogging,
    • in consequent,
    • most nickel-and-dime,
    • two bit,
    • nickel and dime,
    • most penny ante,
    • most nickel and dime,
    • more shoestring,
    • twobit,
    • most peanut,
    • sub-ordinate.

    senseless (adjective)

    • silly,
    • half-baked.

    shallow (adjective)

    • meaningless,
    • frothy,
    • flat,
    • paltry,
    • featherbrained,
    • slight,
    • wishy-washy,
    • epidermal,
    • hollow,
    • empty,
    • farcical,
    • lightweight,
    • puerile,
    • vain,
    • flighty,
    • inane,
    • sand bar,
    • empty-headed,
    • unsound,
    • trifling.

    simple (adjective)

    • Soft-headed,
    • nitwitted,
    • halfwitted,
    • softheaded.

    sketchy (adjective)

    • un finished,
    • more outline,
    • most outline,
    • un-finished,
    • out-line,
    • out line,
    • in-sufficient.

    skin-deep (adjective)

    • skindeep,
    • skin deep,
    • on surface.

    superficial (adjective)

    • most quickfix,
    • more smattery,
    • more quick-fix,
    • most smattery,
    • more quick fix,
    • shoalest,
    • quick-fix,
    • flashest,
    • more warped,
    • nodding,
    • in-attentive,
    • most quick-fix,
    • most warped,
    • tip the iceberg,
    • more quickfix,
    • most quick fix,
    • quickfix,
    • flasher,
    • tip of iceberg,
    • tip iceberg.

    surface (adjective)

    • out side,
    • more covering,
    • most facial,
    • more facial,
    • sur-face,
    • top-pest,
    • most covering,
    • sur face.

    thin (adjective)

    • more stretched,
    • un-convincing,
    • in-credible,
    • more weak-kneed,
    • most weakkneed,
    • in conceivable,
    • most diluted,
    • more weakkneed,
    • most unpersuasive,
    • most stretched,
    • in-conceivable,
    • un tenable,
    • most weak-kneed,
    • weakkneed,
    • un-tenable,
    • in credible,
    • un persuasive,
    • un believable,
    • un-persuasive,
    • weak kneed,
    • more unpersuasive,
    • more weak kneed,
    • un-believable,
    • un convincing.

    trifling (adjective)

    • in-consequential,
    • forget it,
    • no big thing,
    • in sipid,
    • most loitering,
    • in-sipid,
    • more loitering,
    • in consequential,
    • idling.

    uncritical (adjective)

    • unexacting,
    • undiscerning,
    • easily pleased,
    • imprecise.

    unimportant (adjective)

    • small.

    uninstructed (adjective)

    • un-instructed,
    • un instructed.

    unscholarly (adjective)

    • un studious,
    • un scholarly,
    • un-scholarly,
    • un-studious,
    • most unstudious,
    • more unstudious,
    • unstudious.

    vacuous (adjective)

    • un-comprehending,
    • most unreasoning,
    • most airheaded,
    • un reasoning,
    • un comprehending,
    • more lamebrained,
    • more unreasoning,
    • more airheaded,
    • more emptied,
    • most emptied,
    • un-reasoning,
    • most lamebrained.

    weak (adjective)

    • forceless,
    • weakest.
  • n.

    • heavily,
    • breathless,
    • choke,
    • bronchial,
    • labored,
    • pulmonary,
    • chesty,
    • indrawn.

    ankle-deep (noun)

    • ankle-deep.

    fordable (noun)

    • fordable.

    knee-deep (noun)

    • knee-deep.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • shelf.

    reefy (noun)

    • reefy.

    shallow (noun)

    • shoaly,
    • shelvy,
    • wakeful,
    • shelfy.

    shelf (noun)

    • shallows,
    • mantelpieces,
    • mantelpiece.

    shoal (noun)

    • sandbanks,
    • sandbank.
  • v.

    change (verb)

    • shoal.
  • Other synonyms:

    • jejune,
    • merrily,
    • improvident,
    • blindly,
    • myopic,
    • unconsidered,
    • ford,
    • injudicious,
    • mindless,
    • indiscreet,
    • reckless,
    • bumbling,
    • rudderless,
    • short-sighted,
    • blithe,
    • blithely,
    • unwary,
    • incautious,
    • knee jerk,
    • impolitic,
    • disconnected,
    • unthinking,
    • ill-considered,
    • undiscriminating,
    • ill-judged.

    • precipitous,
    • trenchant,
    • impulsive,
    • impetuous,
    • breezy,
    • irresponsible,
    • foolish,
    • clumsy,
    • unguarded,
    • rash,
    • learned,
    • vulgar,
    • unwitting,
    • uncritical.

    • automatically.

    • sterile,
    • mad,
    • lightly.


    • perfunctory.


    • idle.


    • trivial.

How to use «Shallow» in context?

There are many different definitions of «shallow,» but all of them imply a lack of depth or understanding. A shallow person is not aware of the feelings and thoughts of others, and is not interested in learning. They are single-minded and focused on themselves. Shallow people are often judgmental and Pharisaical. They want to control everything and everybody.

Paraphrases for Shallow:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Adjective
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      casual, cosmetic, cursory, deep, flat, frivolous, low-level, narrow, perfunctory, slight, surficial, thin, deepest, Above-ground, supracrustal.

Homophones for Shallow:

  • salal, sea eagle, shale oil, shallu, seawall, salol, seashell, sicily, sell, shawl, shiloh, sial, sky glow, sly, skull, sloe, sagaciously, sewellel, squiggly, scheol, swell, shyly, scull, showily, sequel, swallow, sea coal, sea lily, scowl, sequella, salaah, scaly, sally, Sei Whale, shill, sickly, skilly, school, suckle, slew, sea holly, sessile, Sea Cole, squill, sill, squally, social, slowly, sickle, shale, solo, seal, saale, scylla, sea swallow, skysail, sole, secale, szell, swahili, sale, seoul, shekel, slaw, seal oil, seel, sialia, shelley, socle, shockley, scheele, sex cell, sallow, sle, sagely, Sea Squill, seagull, sea kale, Swale, sisal, scaley, shigella, shoal, sully, saccule, SL, shoaly, saul, sick call, sail, swill, sequela, sol, squiggle, sulla, squilla, schalow, seckel, solea, segal, sicilia, shell, sego lily, squall, sexual, soul, saucily, soil, silo, slue, squeal, sea gull, swizzle, slay, seseli, scilla, salah, sula, silly, saxicola, swallow hole, shawwal, sage willow, slyly, shackle, solely, scale, slow, sizzle, skill, shillalah, salai.

Hyponym for Shallow:

  • n.

    • object
      water, body of water.
  • v.

    • change
      modify, change, alter.

Word of the Day

narrowed down

calm down,
cut down,


  • SHALLOW synonyms at Thesaurus.com
  • SHALLOW synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
  • Powerthesaurus.org
    — SHALLOW synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of SHALLOW
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for SHALLOW

Shallow person: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Произношение и транскрипция

Перевод по словам

shallow [adjective]

adjective: мелкий, мелководный, поверхностный, пустой, маловодный

noun: мелководье, отмель, мель, мелкое место

verb: мелеть, уменьшать глубину

  • shallow water anchor — якорь для мелководья
  • shallow shelf — мелкий шельф
  • shallow angle — малый угол скольжения
  • shallow craft — мелководное судно
  • shallow dam — перегородка
  • shallow depth — небольшая глубина
  • shallow draft ship — судно с малой осадкой
  • shallow water areas — мелководные участки
  • shallow shell — пологая оболочка
  • shallow pool — мелкий бассейн

person [noun]

noun: человек, лицо, личность, особа, персонаж, субъект, юридическое лицо, действующее лицо, особь, внешность

  • white person — белый человек
  • incompetent person — некомпетентный человек
  • like-minded person — единомышленник
  • person in the uniform — человек в форме
  • hard of hearing person — инвалид по слуху
  • help of another person — помощь другого человека
  • person of criminal responsibility — лицо от уголовной ответственности
  • wicked person — плохой человек
  • educated person — образованный человек
  • humble person — скромный человек

Предложения с «shallow person»

We think him either a humbug or a shallow person who has not realized the inadequacy of words to express what is deepest.

Мы считаем его или обманщиком, или мелким человеком , который не осознал недостаточность слов, чтобы выразить то, что является самым важным.

Because I cannot hate that shallow person, I’m the real shallow person.

Из — за того, что я не могу ненавидеть этого пустого человека , я самый настоящий пустой человек .

Buying merchandise, for example, may require meeting another person but usually needs only a very shallow relationship between the buyer and seller.

Покупка товара, например, может потребовать встречи с другим человеком , но обычно требуется только очень поверхностные отношения между покупателем и продавцом.

If a person knows what he or she wants then the search engine will act as a shallow expert and simply locate that information.

Если человек знает, чего он хочет, то поисковая система будет действовать как поверхностный эксперт и просто найдет эту информацию.

  • «shallow person» Перевод на арабский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на бенгальский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на китайский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на испанский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на хинди
  • «shallow person» Перевод на японский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на португальский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на русский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на венгерский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на иврит
  • «shallow person» Перевод на украинский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на турецкий
  • «shallow person» Перевод на итальянский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на греческий
  • «shallow person» Перевод на хорватский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на индонезийский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на французский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на немецкий
  • «shallow person» Перевод на корейский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на панджаби
  • «shallow person» Перевод на маратхи
  • «shallow person» Перевод на узбекский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на малайский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на голландский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на польский
  • «shallow person» Перевод на чешский

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