Word for set in one ways

What is another word for set in one ways?

80 synonyms found


[ sˈɛt ɪn wˈɒn wˈe͡ɪz], [ sˈɛt ɪn wˈɒn wˈe‍ɪz], [ s_ˈɛ_t ɪ_n w_ˈɒ_n w_ˈeɪ_z]

Related words: what is the best set in one ways, how to make a set in one ways, sets in one ways ideas, what are sets in one ways, what are the best sets in one ways, sets in one ways examples, ideas for sets in one ways, best set in one ways to use

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  • What is set in one ways?
  • Table of Contents

    • adj.

      inalterable (adjective)

      • ironclad,
      • invariable,
      • unalterable.

      incompliant (adjective)

      • grim,
      • brassbound,
      • mule,
      • remorseless,
      • die-hard,
      • intransigent,
      • unbendable.

      inflexible (adjective)

      • steadfast,
      • immovable,
      • immutable,
      • indomitable,
      • relentless,
      • set in one’s ways,
      • hard-and-fast,
      • rigid,
      • firm,
      • stiff,
      • staunch,
      • uncompliant,
      • uncompromising,
      • dyed-in-the-wool,
      • hard,
      • obdurate,
      • unyielding,
      • adamantine,
      • rigorous,
      • determined,
      • unrelenting,
      • implacable,
      • dogged,
      • single-minded,
      • stand one’s ground,
      • adamant,
      • fixed,
      • intractable,
      • unbending,
      • strict,
      • resolute,
      • unchangeable,
      • steely,
      • inexorable,
      • unadaptable,
      • stringent,
      • Unswayable,
      • obstinate,
      • set,
      • iron.

      stubborn (adjective)

      • recalcitrant,
      • pertinacious,
      • persistent,
      • willful,
      • persevering,
      • tenacious,
      • hardheaded,
      • bullheaded,
      • self-willed,
      • perverse,
      • tough,
      • contumacious,
      • unshakable,
      • ornery,
      • balky,
      • unreasonable,
      • inflexible,
      • insubordinate,
      • refractory,
      • unmanageable,
      • untoward,
      • cussed,
      • opinionated,
      • headstrong,
      • mulish,
      • cantankerous,
      • pigheaded,
      • stiff-necked,
      • rebellious.

      unbendable (adjective)

      • Incompliant.

    How to use «Set in one ways» in context?

    What is a Set?

    A set is a collection of objects that have a specific property in common. Sets can be contrasted with arrays, which are collections of objects with no specific property in common.

    Consider a set of students in a classroom. Each student has a unique name, and the set includes all of the names of the students in the room. A set can also be objects that do not have a specific name, such as the set of all positive integers.

    Sets are often talked about in terms of their members.

    Word of the Day

    narrowed down

    calm down,
    cut down,

    Nearby words

    • set in
    • set in concrete
    • set in context
    • set in contrast
    • set in motion
    • Set in one ways
    • ‘s Gravenhage
    • (somewhere) in the middle
    • S
    • s & l
    • s & ls


    • SET IN ONE WAYS synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • SET IN ONE WAYS synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — SET IN ONE WAYS synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of SET IN ONE WAYS
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for SET IN ONE WAYS

    The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

    I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

    In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

    Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

    Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

    be set in one’s ways

    закоснеть в своих взглядах, привычках; быть неуступчивым, неуживчивым человеком

    …at our time of life, we are too set in our ways, too selfish perhaps, to share our home with a third person. (P. White, ‘The Burnt Ones’, ‘Cheery Soul’) — …в нашем возрасте привычки уже укоренились, и мы, возможно, стали эгоистичны и не можем терпеть в своем доме лишнего человека.

    Henry had laughed at him. Said he was too set in his ways to try to please any woman. (H. Robbins, ‘79 Park Avenue’, ch. 6) — Генри посмеивался над Питером, уверяя того, что он совсем закоснел в своих холостяцких привычках и не может больше понравиться ни одной женщине.

    Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа»..

    Смотреть что такое «be set in one’s ways» в других словарях:

    • set in one’s ways —    A person who is set in their ways is unable or unwilling to change their ideas, habits or methods, often because they are old.     My grandmother has the same routine every day. She is very set in her ways …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

    • set in one’s ways — {adj. phr.} Stubborn; opinionated; unchangeable. * /My grandfather is so old and set in his ways that he ll eat nothing new./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • set in one’s ways — {adj. phr.} Stubborn; opinionated; unchangeable. * /My grandfather is so old and set in his ways that he ll eat nothing new./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • set in one’s ways — adjective Driven by habit; inclined or determined to continue according to ones custom or established preferences. Hes as set in his ways now as a little old man. Syn: headstrong, inflexible …   Wiktionary

    • set in one’s ways — adj. phr. Stubborn; opinionated; unchangeable. My grandfather is so old and set in his ways that he ll eat nothing new …   Словарь американских идиом

    • One Eye to Morocco — Studio album by Ian Gillan Released March 6, 2009 …   Wikipedia

    • set theory — the branch of mathematics that deals with relations between sets. [1940 45] * * * Branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of sets. It is most valuable as applied to other areas of mathematics, which borrow from and adapt its… …   Universalium

    • Set (mathematics) — This article gives an introduction to what mathematicians call intuitive or naive set theory; for a more detailed account see Naive set theory. For a rigorous modern axiomatic treatment of sets, see Set theory. The intersection of two sets is… …   Wikipedia

    • set — I [[t]se̱t[/t]] NOUN USES ♦ sets 1) N COUNT: oft N of n A set of things is a number of things that belong together or that are thought of as a group. There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country… I might need a spare set of… …   English dictionary

    • Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun — Song infobox Name = Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun Artist = Pink Floyd Album = A Saucerful of Secrets Released = 29 June 1968 (UK) 27 July 1968 (US) track no = 3 Recorded = 7 8 August, October 1967, January 1968 Abbey Road Studios,… …   Wikipedia

    • One Life to Live storylines (1990–1999) — One Life to Live is an American soap opera that has been broadcast on the ABC network since 1968. The series starts with One Life to Live storylines (1968–1979). The plot continues in One Life to Live storylines (1980–1989). The plot in the next… …   Wikipedia

    set in (one’s) ways

    Inflexible; unwilling to change. Grandma will never retire—she’s been a teacher for 50 years and is totally set in her ways. You’ll never convince him to change, he’s too set in his ways now.

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    set in one’s ways

    leading a fixed lifestyle; living according to one’s own established patterns. At her age, she’s getting sort of set in her ways. If you weren’t so set in your ways, you’d be able to understand young people better.

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    set in your ways

    If someone is set in their ways, they have very fixed habits and ideas which they are unwilling to change. At 76, he was too set in his ways to change. His brother’s wife made no secret of the fact that she thought him boring and too set in his ways. Note: This expression is usually used to show disapproval.

    Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

    See also:

    • set in ways
    • set in your ways
    • fixed in (one’s) ways
    • be set in (one’s) ways
    • be set in your ways
    • be young at heart
    • be, stay, etc. young at heart
    • a state of affairs
    • be intimate with (someone)
    • set price

    synonyms for set in one’s ways

    • unalterable
    • adamant
    • adamantine
    • determined
    • dogged
    • dyed-in-the-wool
    • firm
    • fixed
    • hard
    • hard-and-fast
    • immovable
    • immutable
    • implacable
    • indomitable
    • inexorable
    • intractable
    • invariable
    • iron
    • ironclad
    • obdurate
    • obstinate
    • relentless
    • resolute
    • rigid
    • rigorous
    • set
    • single-minded
    • stand one’s ground
    • staunch
    • steadfast
    • steely
    • stiff
    • strict
    • stringent
    • unadaptable
    • unbending
    • unchangeable
    • uncompliant
    • uncompromising
    • unrelenting
    • unswayable
    • unyielding
    • adamant
    • adamantine
    • balky
    • brassbound
    • bullheaded
    • cantankerous
    • contumacious
    • cussed
    • determined
    • die-hard
    • dogged
    • firm
    • fixed
    • grim
    • hardheaded
    • headstrong
    • implacable
    • inexorable
    • inflexible
    • insubordinate
    • intractable
    • intransigent
    • iron
    • mulish
    • obdurate
    • opinionated
    • ornery
    • persevering
    • persistent
    • pertinacious
    • perverse
    • pigheaded
    • rebellious
    • recalcitrant
    • refractory
    • relentless
    • remorseless
    • rigid
    • self-willed
    • single-minded
    • steadfast
    • stiff-necked
    • tenacious
    • tough
    • unbendable
    • unbending
    • uncompliant
    • uncompromising
    • unmanageable
    • unreasonable
    • unrelenting
    • unshakable
    • untoward
    • unyielding
    • willful
    • adamant
    • immutable
    • intractable
    • obstinate
    • resolute
    • rigid
    • rigorous
    • steadfast
    • strict
    • stringent
    • uncompromising
    • unyielding
    • adamantine
    • determined
    • dogged
    • dyed-in-the-wool
    • firm
    • fixed
    • hang-tough
    • hard
    • hard-and-fast
    • immovable
    • implacable
    • indomitable
    • inexorable
    • iron
    • obdurate
    • relentless
    • set
    • single-minded
    • stand one’s ground
    • staunch
    • steely
    • stiff
    • unadaptable
    • unbending
    • unchangeable
    • uncompliant
    • unrelenting
    • unswayable
    • adamant
    • determined
    • dogged
    • headstrong
    • inflexible
    • intractable
    • ornery
    • persistent
    • perverse
    • relentless
    • rigid
    • single-minded
    • steadfast
    • tenacious
    • tough
    • unshakable
    • willful
    • balky
    • bloody-minded
    • bullheaded
    • cantankerous
    • contumacious
    • cussed
    • firm
    • fixed
    • hang-tough
    • hardheaded
    • inexorable
    • insubordinate
    • mulish
    • obdurate
    • opinionated
    • persevering
    • pertinacious
    • pigheaded
    • rebellious
    • recalcitrant
    • refractory
    • self-willed
    • stiff-necked
    • unbending
    • unmanageable
    • unreasonable
    • untoward
    • adamant
    • adamantine
    • balky
    • brassbound
    • bullheaded
    • cantankerous
    • contumacious
    • cussed
    • determined
    • die-hard
    • dogged
    • firm
    • fixed
    • grim
    • hardheaded
    • headstrong
    • implacable
    • incompliant
    • inexorable
    • inflexible
    • insubordinate
    • intractable
    • intransigent
    • iron
    • mulish
    • obdurate
    • opinionated
    • ornery
    • persevering
    • persistent
    • pertinacious
    • perverse
    • pigheaded
    • rebellious
    • recalcitrant
    • refractory
    • relentless
    • remorseless
    • rigid
    • self-willed
    • single-minded
    • steadfast
    • stiff-necked
    • tenacious
    • tough
    • unbending
    • uncompliant
    • uncompromising
    • unmanageable
    • unreasonable
    • unrelenting
    • unshakable
    • untoward
    • unyielding
    • willful
    • adamant
    • adamantine
    • balky
    • brassbound
    • bullheaded
    • cantankerous
    • contumacious
    • cussed
    • determined
    • die-hard
    • dogged
    • firm
    • fixed
    • grim
    • hardheaded
    • headstrong
    • implacable
    • incompliant
    • inexorable
    • inflexible
    • insubordinate
    • intractable
    • intransigent
    • iron
    • mulish
    • obdurate
    • opinionated
    • ornery
    • persevering
    • persistent
    • pertinacious
    • perverse
    • pigheaded
    • rebellious
    • recalcitrant
    • refractory
    • relentless
    • remorseless
    • rigid
    • self-willed
    • single-minded
    • steadfast
    • stiff-necked
    • tenacious
    • tough
    • unbendable
    • unbending
    • uncompromising
    • unmanageable
    • unreasonable
    • unrelenting
    • unshakable
    • untoward
    • unyielding
    • willful

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    On this page you’ll find 331 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to set in one’s ways, such as: unalterable, adamant, adamantine, determined, dogged, and dyed-in-the-wool.


    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • adamant
    • adamantine
    • determined
    • dogged
    • dyed-in-the-wool
    • firm
    • fixed
    • hard
    • hard-and-fast
    • immovable
    • immutable
    • implacable
    • indomitable
    • inexorable
    • intractable
    • invariable
    • iron
    • ironclad
    • obdurate
    • obstinate
    • relentless
    • resolute
    • rigid
    • rigorous
    • set
    • set in one’s ways
    • single-minded
    • stand one’s ground
    • staunch
    • steadfast
    • steely
    • stiff
    • strict
    • stringent
    • unadaptable
    • unalterable
    • unbending
    • unchangeable
    • uncompliant
    • uncompromising
    • unrelenting
    • unswayable
    • unyielding
    • adamant
    • adamantine
    • balky
    • brassbound
    • bullheaded
    • cantankerous
    • contumacious
    • cussed
    • determined
    • die-hard
    • dogged
    • firm
    • fixed
    • grim
    • hardheaded
    • headstrong
    • implacable
    • inexorable
    • inflexible
    • insubordinate
    • intractable
    • intransigent
    • iron
    • mulish
    • obdurate
    • opinionated
    • ornery
    • persevering
    • persistent
    • pertinacious
    • perverse
    • pigheaded
    • rebellious
    • recalcitrant
    • refractory
    • relentless
    • remorseless
    • rigid
    • self-willed
    • set in one’s ways
    • single-minded
    • steadfast
    • stiff-necked
    • tenacious
    • tough
    • unbendable
    • unbending
    • uncompliant
    • uncompromising
    • unmanageable
    • unreasonable
    • unrelenting
    • unshakable
    • untoward
    • unyielding
    • willful
    • adamant
    • adamantine
    • determined
    • dogged
    • dyed-in-the-wool
    • firm
    • fixed
    • hang-tough
    • hard
    • hard-and-fast
    • immovable
    • immutable
    • implacable
    • indomitable
    • inexorable
    • intractable
    • iron
    • obdurate
    • obstinate
    • relentless
    • resolute
    • rigid
    • rigorous
    • set
    • set in one’s ways
    • single-minded
    • stand one’s ground
    • staunch
    • steadfast
    • steely
    • stiff
    • strict
    • stringent
    • unadaptable
    • unbending
    • unchangeable
    • uncompliant
    • uncompromising
    • unrelenting
    • unswayable
    • unyielding
    • adamant
    • balky
    • bloody-minded
    • bullheaded
    • cantankerous
    • contumacious
    • cussed
    • determined
    • dogged
    • firm
    • fixed
    • hang-tough
    • hardheaded
    • headstrong
    • inexorable
    • inflexible
    • insubordinate
    • intractable
    • mulish
    • obdurate
    • opinionated
    • ornery
    • persevering
    • persistent
    • pertinacious
    • perverse
    • pigheaded
    • rebellious
    • recalcitrant
    • refractory
    • relentless
    • rigid
    • self-willed
    • set in one’s ways
    • single-minded
    • steadfast
    • stiff-necked
    • tenacious
    • tough
    • unbending
    • unmanageable
    • unreasonable
    • unshakable
    • untoward
    • willful
    • adamant
    • adamantine
    • balky
    • brassbound
    • bullheaded
    • cantankerous
    • contumacious
    • cussed
    • determined
    • die-hard
    • dogged
    • firm
    • fixed
    • grim
    • hardheaded
    • headstrong
    • implacable
    • incompliant
    • inexorable
    • inflexible
    • insubordinate
    • intractable
    • intransigent
    • iron
    • mulish
    • obdurate
    • opinionated
    • ornery
    • persevering
    • persistent
    • pertinacious
    • perverse
    • pigheaded
    • rebellious
    • recalcitrant
    • refractory
    • relentless
    • remorseless
    • rigid
    • self-willed
    • set in one’s ways
    • single-minded
    • steadfast
    • stiff-necked
    • tenacious
    • tough
    • unbending
    • uncompliant
    • uncompromising
    • unmanageable
    • unreasonable
    • unrelenting
    • unshakable
    • untoward
    • unyielding
    • willful
    • adamant
    • adamantine
    • balky
    • brassbound
    • bullheaded
    • cantankerous
    • contumacious
    • cussed
    • determined
    • die-hard
    • dogged
    • firm
    • fixed
    • grim
    • hardheaded
    • headstrong
    • implacable
    • incompliant
    • inexorable
    • inflexible
    • insubordinate
    • intractable
    • intransigent
    • iron
    • mulish
    • obdurate
    • opinionated
    • ornery
    • persevering
    • persistent
    • pertinacious
    • perverse
    • pigheaded
    • rebellious
    • recalcitrant
    • refractory
    • relentless
    • remorseless
    • rigid
    • self-willed
    • set in one’s ways
    • single-minded
    • steadfast
    • stiff-necked
    • tenacious
    • tough
    • unbendable
    • unbending
    • uncompromising
    • unmanageable
    • unreasonable
    • unrelenting
    • unshakable
    • untoward
    • unyielding
    • willful

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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