Word for seeming real

Let’s say a person’s reality sucks and he starts living in a fantasy but time to time again he realizes the reality, his status, his real image in front of other people. What would this realization be called?

The closest word I can think of is becoming self-conscious.

Any other word you would like to suggest

asked Jan 25, 2017 at 11:02

Kid's user avatar


«getting real» seems to be the idiom you’re looking for.

  • Getting real is the act of giving yourself a reality check.

  • When someone tells you to get real, they want you to get a reality check and to stop behaving as though you’re living in a fantasy world.

  • Hey, it’s time you got real.
  • You think you’ll win the lottery if you buy one ticket a week? Get real!
  • Get real! He’s never going to give you the money.

Community's user avatar

answered Jan 25, 2017 at 11:51

Centaurus's user avatar


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What do you think about the adjective disillusioned?

  • disappointed and unhappy because of discovering the truth about something or someone that you liked or respected: — He’s become a disillusioned man.
    All the other teachers are thoroughly disillusioned with their colleague.

Cambridge Dictionary

answered Jan 25, 2017 at 11:07

Michael Rybkin's user avatar

Michael RybkinMichael Rybkin

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You could say this person had a flash of self-awareness, meaning they became conscious of their own character and position in life. You could even say that they had a sudden epiphany, or moment of insight, that brought upon a flash of self-awareness.

answered Jan 25, 2017 at 15:43

Cameron's user avatar


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An electronic environment seems real for an electronic creature.

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When you’re alone for too long, nothing seems real.

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He seems real depressed and a…♪ Okay, not helping!

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Он выглядел расстроенным, и это…♪- Ладно, это не помогает!

She’s so small, but her name is Jessa-Hannah and she seems real feisty.

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Она такая маленькая, но ее имя- Джесса- Ханна и она кажется реально смелой.

Look, I understand that it seems real to you, but it may not be.

context icon

They advocate a separate genre, so in any messenger it hardly seems real— send a postcard.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Они выступают отдельным жанром, поэтому в рамках любого мессенджера это вряд ли представляется реальным— пересылать открытки.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

But the more I try to think back,

the more it all starts to unravel. None of it seems real.

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И чем больше я стараюсь вспомнить,

тем больше я начинаю обнаруживать,… что все это нереально.

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кажущийся, мнимый, ненастоящий, видимость, внешность, внешний вид


- видимый; кажущийся, воображаемый

seeming friend — ненастоящий друг
to speak with seeming composure — говорить, внешне сохраняя полное спокойствие

- притворный, лицемерный, лживый, фальшивый

seeming sincerity — лицемерие
his seeming loyalty — его мнимая преданность
in spite of his seeming friendship he would not give me any help — несмотря на свои лицемерные заверения в дружбе, он отказался помочь мне


- видимость

to all seeming — по всей видимости
the seeming and the real — а) мнимое и настоящее; б) филос. видимость и действительность

- внешнее; внешность

the outer seeming — внешность; форма

Мои примеры


a seeming piece of good luck, which later led to all kinds of trouble — вроде бы большая удача, которая впоследствии привела к разного рода неприятностям  
natural cause of a seeming miracle — естественно-научное объяснение кажущегося чуда  
speak with seeming composure — говорить, внешне сохраняя полное спокойствие  
outward seeming — судя по внешности; по всей видимости; по виду  
seeming to — как бы  
well seeming — хороший на вид  

Примеры с переводом

Parents discussed the teacher’s seeming lack of interest in the students.

Родители обсудили кажущееся отсутствие интереса учителя к ученикам.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I was fooled by the seeming simplicity of the instructions.

…her altruism is all seeming—she cares only about herself…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

seem  — казаться, представляться, мерещиться, померещиться, чудиться, почудиться, думаться
seemingly  — на вид, судя по виду, по-видимому
seemly  — приличный, подобающий, приличествующий, пристойно, подобающим образом

Seeming adjective — Appearing to be true on the basis of evidence that may or may not be confirmed.

Usage example: a seeming contradiction that disappeared upon closer analysis of the text

Show all Definitions

Synonyms for Seeming

Antonyms for Seeming

Real is an antonym for seeming in apparent topic.

Nearby Words: seemly, seemingly, seem, seemed

Need another word that means the same as “seemingly”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “seemingly” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Seemingly as an Adverb
  • Definitions of «Seemingly» as an adverb
  • Synonyms of «Seemingly» as an adverb (14 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Seemingly» as an adverb
  • Associations of «Seemingly» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Seemingly” are: apparently, ostensibly, to all appearances, as far as one can see, as far as one can tell, to all intents and purposes, outwardly, evidently, superficially, supposedly, avowedly, allegedly, professedly, purportedly

Seemingly as an Adverb

Definitions of «Seemingly» as an adverb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “seemingly” as an adverb can have the following definitions:

  • According to the facts as one knows them; as far as one knows.
  • From appearances alone.
  • So as to give the impression of having a certain quality; apparently.
  • From appearances alone-Thomas.

Synonyms of «Seemingly» as an adverb (14 Words)

allegedly Used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.
Allegedly obscene material.
apparently From appearances alone.
Irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land.
as far as one can see To the same degree (often followed by `as.
as far as one can tell To the same degree (often followed by `as.
avowedly As acknowledged.
The article is avowedly a historical analysis.
evidently In a way that is clearly seen or understood; obviously.
Evidently Mrs Smith thought differently.
ostensibly From appearances alone.
Had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it.
outwardly In outward appearance.
Outwardly she seemed no different.
professedly By open declaration.
Susan Smith was professedly guilty of the murders.
purportedly As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; allegedly.
A purportedly independent arbitrator.
superficially As to the outward appearance only; on the surface.
He was superficially wounded in the neck.
supposedly Believed or reputed to be the case.
There were rumours of a rift between him and his colleagues supposedly because they were jealous of his relationship with the Duchess.
to all appearances To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole’ is often used informally for `wholly.
to all intents and purposes To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole’ is often used informally for `wholly.

Usage Examples of «Seemingly» as an adverb

  • A seemingly competent and well-organized person.
  • It’s touch-and-go, seemingly, and she’s asking for you.
  • The child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned.

Associations of «Seemingly» (30 Words)

apparent Seeming real or true, but not necessarily so.
The committee investigated some apparent discrepancies.
apparently From appearances alone-Thomas.
The child nodded apparently content with the promise.
casual A youth belonging to a subculture characterized by the wearing of expensive casual clothing and frequently associated with football hooliganism.
The business employs eight full time sales staff and ten casuals.
clearly Without doubt or question.
I could clearly see myself in his situation.
detectable Easily seen or detected.
There is a detectable note of bitterness when he talks of his father.
discernible Perceptible by the senses or intellect.
The skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles.
distinctly To a distinct degree.
Two distinctly different cultures.
effortless Requiring no physical or mental exertion.
The swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air.
evident Clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment.
She ate the biscuits with evident enjoyment.
evidently Used as an affirmative response.
Evidently Mrs Smith thought differently.
exterior The outer side or surface of something.
Exterior grade plywood.
facile (especially of success in sport) easily achieved; effortless.
A facile seven lengths victory.
identifiable Capable of being identified.
There are no easily identifiable features on the shoreline.
justified Having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason.
A neatly justified list of names.
manifest Record in a ship s manifest.
Bad industrial relations are often manifested in strikes.
marked Strongly marked easily noticeable.
A scar marked face.
noticeable Undesirably noticeable.
Noticeable shadows under her eyes.
observable Capable of being seen or noticed.
Observable differences.
obvious Predictable and lacking in subtlety.
Unemployment has been the most obvious cost of the recession.
obviously Unmistakably (`plain’ is often used informally for `plainly.
Obviously everyone has to do what they think is right.
palpability The quality of being perceivable by touch.
perceptible Easily seen or detected.
He continued after a perceptible pause.
plain Express complaints discontent displeasure or unhappiness.
Stuck to the plain facts.
rightly In accordance with justice or what is morally right.
He was rightly considered the greatest singer of his time.
seeming Appearing as such but not necessarily so.
Ellen s seeming indifference to the woman s fate.
unambiguous Admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion.
As a horror apartheid is absolutely unambiguous.
unattractive Not appealing to the senses.
If the revised bid is unattractive it may not be accepted.
unequivocal Leaving no doubt; unambiguous.
An unequivocal answer.
visible Visible imports or exports.
The visible trade gap.
visibly In a visible manner.
The defendant paled visibly as the guilty verdict was announced.

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