Word for seeing the future

The future is full of possibilities. Adjectives can help us describe what we think those possibilities might be. Here are some future-oriented adjectives to get you started.

List of Adjectives for Future | How to talk about Future

1. Anticipatory
2. Bright
3. Hopeful
4. Promising
5. Progressive  Adjectives for future

6. Reinventive
7. Bold
8. Game-changing
9. Disruptive
10. Innovative
11. Trailblazing
12. Creative
13. Imaginative
14. speculative
15. visionary
16. far-reaching
17. idealistic
18. utopian
19. big-picture
20. long-term
21. sustainable
22. green
23. clean
24. efficient
25. effective
26. safe
27. secure
28. private
29. equitable

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1. Radiant
2. Gleaming
3. Vibrant
4. Lively
5. Bustling
6. Thriving
7. Flourishing
8. Growing
9. Expanding
10. Booming

Positive Adjectives for Future

1. Positive
2. Certain
3. Definite
4. Probable
5. Likely
6. Possible
7. Conceivable
8. Achievable
9. Realistic
10. attainable

Adjectives for Future Wife

1. Beautiful
2. Stunning
3. Cute
4. Sweet
5. Lovely
6. Adorable
7. Charming
8. Graceful
9. Elegant
10. Phenomenal

Conclusion: Therefore, these are some of the adjectives which can be used for describing future. We hope this article was helpful to you. Thank you for reading!

>>>> Read Also: ” Adjectives For Welcome “


What’s another word for seeing the future?

Predicting the future. Other ways to say this are “foresight,” “hindsight,” and “retrospect.”

Is futuristic an adjective?

No, “futuristic” is an adjective. Other words that can be used as adjectives are “futuristic,” “modern,” and “contemporary.”

I am James Jani here, a frequent Linguist, English Enthusiast & a renowned Grammar teacher, would love you share with you about my learning experience. Here I share with my community, students & with everyone on the internet, my tips & tricks to learn adjectives fast.

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Being able to tell the future is something that’s extensively debated. Whether you believe in the possibility of it or not is unimportant in this article. For now, we simply want to run you through the 15 best words for people that can tell the future and how you can use them.

What Do You Call Someone Who Can Tell The Future?

Someone who can tell the future goes by many names. You may hear “fortune-teller,” “seer,” “prophet,” or something else. “Fortune-teller” is the most appropriate term for someone who can generally tell the future, while the other terms are much more specific.

What Do You Call Someone Who Can Tell The Future?

The term “psychic” is closely related, though this often refers to a spiritual connection to the departed (like talking to ghosts rather than seeing the future).

In this article, we’ll look at these 15 terms, as well as learning more closely what each one means and refers to:

  • Fortune-Teller
  • Seer
  • Prophet
  • Augur
  • Cassandra
  • Crystal Gazer
  • Doomsayer
  • Futurist
  • Jeremiah
  • Oracle
  • Palm Reader
  • Prophesier
  • Prognosticator
  • Sibyl
  • Soothsayer


We’ll start with the most popular choice on the list. “Fortune-teller” is the most common word you’ll hear given to a person that can tell the future.

A fortune-teller is someone who can foretell events. That means they’ll be able to share with a client some events that will affect them in the future.

Generally, a fortune-teller is the name of a job that people who when they are paid to tell the future. “Fortune” is closely related to things that happen in the future, though it most closely relates to good things since “fortune” also means “luck.”


The next word we want to go through is “seer.”

“Seer” is the term used when talking about somebody who can predict future events as if they can see them. Generally, modern experts are referred to as “seers” because “fortune-teller” is slowly falling out of favor.

To pronounce “seer,” remember to think of it as the word “see” first. We say “see-er,” not “sear,” which is a common confusion, even for native speakers.


Next, we’ll talk about “prophets.” This is a great term to use, but it’s a little more specific in its application.

A prophet is someone who knows about future events based on some form of divine inspiration. This is an even more debatable thing in the modern world, but you might have read about prophets in religious texts before.

Generally, if a person is saying that they’re getting their knowledge and predictions from divine power, you can call them a “prophet” over any of the other terms on this list.


“Augur” is another more specific term that we can use to talk about someone who can see future events.

An “augur” is someone who uses omens to analyze and predict future events and patterns. It can also be used as a verb, like “this augurs well” (meaning “this bodes well” or “this will go well” in a sarcastic tone).

“Augur” stems from the Ancient Roman Empire. It was the term used to describe people who used omens to predict the future back then. It’s much less common now, but it still occurs in certain traditions and cultures.


This is one of the three names on this list that refers to a person in some historical context.

A “Cassandra” is a name for somebody who predicts the future. However, the predicted events are often unfortunate and are done in vain, much like the character Cassandra in Greek mythology, who was cursed to prophesize unfortunate happenings.

Again, this is a very specific term to call somebody. It’s much less common today, especially because of the deeper-rooted superstitions that surrounded the Ancient Greek traditions, which are no longer as prevalent today.

Crystal Gazer

“Crystal gazer” is a fairly well-known term today. It’s also one of the more commonly used terms to emphasize fortune-tellers in film and television (since it gives them a physical medium to demonstrate their abilities).

A crystal gazer uses a crystal ball or other related objects to predict the future. It’s commonly practiced today and is known as a modern sense of prediction without sufficient information. It can result in truths coming out but also might backfire and be incorrect.

Since information is important most of the time when doing any form of future telling, crystal gazing can sometimes be seen as ineffective. However, it’s also generally more acceptable when the foretold events do come true since there wasn’t a lot of information to work with.


While not the most desirable form of a person who tells the future, a doomsayer is still an option to use.

A doomsayer is somebody who frequently predicts disastrous events. Usually, doomsayers are ignored, as they will often talk about the end of the world (which never happens when they tell you it will).

Of all the fortune-telling professions and terms, a doomsayer is definitely the most mocked of the bunch. Many people will simply pass a doomsayer on the street and consider them nothing more than a crazy person.

All of a doomsayer’s predictions are typically not found on any specific information or visions.


The next term is “futurist,” which might sound like a simple one, but there’s a little more to explain about it.

A futurist is somebody who gives an opinion about the future based on past or current events. They usually have a lot of information to work with compared to other fortune-telling terms.

A futurist will almost never tell you that they can predict the future. They will simply say that they’re offering you a serious discussion about the impact of your past and current situations that might lead to something in the future.

They understand that there isn’t a guarantee any of their predictions will come true.


Jeremiah is the second of the three names on this list which are also used as terms in this regard.

A “Jeremiah” is somebody who predicts disaster. It is from the Bible and refers to the pessimistic prophet with the same name. It’s similar to a doomsayer, though it’s much less common to use.


You might have heard of the term oracle before, as it’s one of the more popular choices to use in media.

An “oracle” is historically somebody who acts as a mouthpiece for a deity. It originates from Ancient Greek stories and allows us to explain who certain people were blessed with foresight and predicting the future. Now, it refers to anyone who can predict the future.

“Oracle” is an umbrella term for anyone with the ability to predict the future. It’s commonly used in film and television, but the original meaning of the deities speaking through the people seems to be lost.

Palm Reader

A “palm reader” is another very popular choice for people to refer to because it gives an obviously readable medium for the fortune-teller to work with.

A palm reader can also be called a palmist. They predict the future based on the lines in a person’s palm. Everyone has different lines across their palms, and each line refers to a different future event for the person.

Many people believe in the power of palm readers and will allow them to read their palms to foretell what comes next for them. Typically, a palm reader will charge for their abilities.


A prophesier is somebody who reads prophecies and makes predictions based on them. Typically, these predictions are more poetic than a typical one, leaving a lot up for interpretation.

A prophecy is usually a message relating to events in the future. Generally, they are kept very loose and poetic to allow people to interpret them in any way they want. They’re an older profession than most, and not many prophesiers exist today.

However, most written prophesies are passed down through generations, and some families still believe in the ones that closely relate to themselves.


The next term is “prognosticator,” which is perhaps one of the least popular choices on this list. It’s also the rarest version of fortune-telling to come across based on how it works.

A prognosticator is somebody who predicts the future based on phenomena. That means they’ll pay close attention to miraculous things that happen and try to interpret exactly why those things came about and what it means for the future.

A prognosticator usually deals with groups of people rather than an individual.


The final named term on the list is known as Sibyl.

A “Sibyl” was a female prophet in Ancient Greek. Much like some of the other Ancient Greek names on this list, it is still used today, though not very common to see.

It’s another general term that refers to any woman who is capable of reading the future. No matter what type of fortune-telling they practice, they are known as Sibyl if they can read it.


Finally, we’ll look at “soothsayer.” These can almost be considered the opposites of “doomsayers.”

A soothsayer is somebody who predicts the future based purely on reason, intuition, and, in very rare circumstances, magic. While the magic portion of soothsayers seems to have fallen out of trend, reason, and intuition are still incredibly important to them.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Table of Contents

  1. What are antonyms for future?
  2. What is the synonym and antonym of future?
  3. What is the opposite of future antonyms?
  4. What are synonyms for future?
  5. What means foresight?
  6. Why foresight is important?
  7. What does perspicacity mean?
  8. What does forward planning mean?
  9. What is planning for the future?
  10. What is forward planning in teaching?
  11. How can forward planning be improved?
  12. What are planning skills?
  13. How will you identify your success in planning?
  14. What are strategic planning skills?
  15. What is the most important planning skill according to you?
  16. What are the six stages in the planning process?
  17. Is event planning a skill?
  18. What are the uses of planning?
  19. What is the value of planning?
  20. What are the 5 steps in the planning process?
  21. What is the concept of planning?
  22. What is the importance of planning in business?

Precognition (from the Latin prae-, “before” and cognitio, “acquiring knowledge”), also called prescience, future vision, or future sight, is a claimed psychic ability to see events in the future.

What are antonyms for future?

Antonyms of FUTURE scheme, knightly, volition, distant, bygone, free will, preceding, gone, aim, past, choice, one time, antecedent, precedent, anterior, plan, uninvolved, available, retrospective, design, prior, present.

What is the synonym and antonym of future?

noun. ( Synonyms. by-and-by time to come time kingdom come futurity manana tomorrow hereafter offing. Antonyms. past presentness tardiness succeeding seasonableness.

What is the opposite of future antonyms?

future. Antonyms: gone, bygone, past. Synonyms: forthcoming, coming, advenient.

What are synonyms for future?

other words for future

  • eventual.
  • forthcoming.
  • imminent.
  • impending.
  • planned.
  • prospective.
  • subsequent.
  • ultimate.

What means foresight?

1 : an act or the power of foreseeing : prescience Through foresight she could tell what the outcome would be. 2 : provident care : prudence had the foresight to invest his money wisely.

Why foresight is important?

Foresight, in the simplest terms, can be considered an act of looking to and thinking about the future. This activity can involve amateur or professional, trained or untrained skills and it is one of the most critical to sustain performance and contribute to building positive environments.

What does perspicacity mean?

: of acute mental vision or discernment : keen.

What does forward planning mean?

taking into account future circumstances

What is planning for the future?

Future Planning is creating a guide for a person with an intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD) to lead a good life as independently as possible. The plan should include information about all aspects of a person’s life including: Daily routines, needs and supports. Living arrangements.

What is forward planning in teaching?

1.4 The importance of Forward Planning in relation to effective teaching and learning, to curriculum and staff development, and to the management of the school justifies the allocation of some “Planned Activity Time” for the purposes of discussion, drafting, writing and evaluation of plans, such drafting being …

How can forward planning be improved?

Here are some key steps in using knowledge of your natural brain strength to build resilience with planning:

  1. Recognize your natural strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Accept the difficulty.
  3. Let go of all-or-nothing thinking.
  4. Find systems that work.
  5. Borrow other people’s brains.
  6. Keep trying.

What are planning skills?

Planning is a fundamental cognitive skill that forms part of our executive functions. Planning can be defined as ability to “think about the future” or mentally anticipate the right way to carry-out a task or reach a specific goal. Even though everyone has the ability to plan, some people do it in a different way.

How will you identify your success in planning?

Here are some tips on selecting and using these measures.

  1. Tie to strategic objectives. Some metrics will be financial, such as profit, revenue and cash flow.
  2. Keep it simple. Don’t overload staff with too many KPIs to track.
  3. Maintain up-to-date data.
  4. Use dashboards.

What are strategic planning skills?

Strategic thinking skills are any skills that enable you to use critical thinking to solve complex problems and plan for the future. These skills are essential to accomplish business objectives, overcome obstacles, and address challenges—particularly if they’re projected to take weeks, months, or even years to achieve.

What is the most important planning skill according to you?

Here are the six event planning skills you need for career success:

  • Organizational Skills. Event planners are highly organized people.
  • Networking Savvy. All the best planners are savvy networkers.
  • Resilience and Adaptability.
  • A Basic Understanding of Events.
  • Unbridled Creativity.
  • Dedication to Client Service.
  • More like this:

What are the six stages in the planning process?

The six steps are:

  • Step 1 – Identifying problems and opportunities.
  • Step 2 – Inventorying and forecasting conditions.
  • Step 3 – Formulating alternative plans.
  • Step 4 – Evaluating alternative plans.
  • Step 5 – Comparing alternative plans.
  • Step 6 – Selecting a plan.

Is event planning a skill?

Event planning is one of the most stressful jobs in the world and requires specialized skills. It is a rewarding career for a rare breed of hyper-organized, hard-working individuals.

What are the uses of planning?

Planning involves the setting of goals and these predetermined goals are accomplished with the help of managerial functions like planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. Planning provides standards against which actual performance is measured.

What is the value of planning?

Planning enables communities to be heard – and to confer their authority in contested decisions – so that even those who disagree with a decision can still support the fair basis on which it was made. Planning also works to share the benefits of growth and investment fairly across cities and regions.

What are the 5 steps in the planning process?

The 5 Steps of the Strategic Planning Process

  1. Determine your strategic position.
  2. Prioritize your objectives.
  3. Develop a strategic plan.
  4. Execute and manage your plan.
  5. Review and revise the plan.

What is the concept of planning?

Planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired goal. It is the first and foremost activity to achieve desired results. It involves the creation and maintenance of a plan, such as psychological aspects that require conceptual skills.

What is the importance of planning in business?

Why is a business plan important? A business plan is a very important and strategic tool for entrepreneurs. A good business plan not only helps entrepreneurs focus on the specific steps necessary for them to make business ideas succeed, but it also helps them to achieve short-term and long-term objectives.

What is another word for seeing the future?

What is another word for see the future?

prophesy predict
foretell presage
divine foresee
prognosticate vaticinate
forewarn soothsay

What do you call a predictor?

A soothsayer is someone who can foretell the future. A fortune teller is also known as a soothsayer, or someone who claims to be able to predict the future.

What are some words to describe your future?


  • forthcoming,
  • imminent,
  • impending,
  • nearing,
  • oncoming,
  • pending,
  • upcoming.
  • How do you say your future plan?

    6 English Phrases for Talking about Future Plans

    1. I’m going to…
    2. I’m planning to…
    3. I hope to…
    4. I’d like to…
    5. I might… / I may… Click here for the difference between may and might.
    6. I’m thinking about… Click here for the different prepositions to use after “think”

    What’s another word for dreamer?


    • Don Quixote,
    • fantast,
    • idealist,
    • idealizer,
    • ideologue.
    • (also idealogue),
    • romantic,
    • romanticist,

    What is a synonym for bright future?

    List search

    20 »promising future exp.
    -1 »brighter future exp.
    -1 »brilliant future exp.
    -2 »shining future exp.
    -3 »glittering future exp.

    How would you describe bright future?

    What does have a bright future mean? Definition (expr.) destined to be happy and successful; exciting future; positive future. Examples Jan has a bright future ahead of her.

    What is another word for see the future?

    Synonyms for seeing the future include prophesying, predicting, auguring, forecasting, foretelling, presaging, divining, foreseeing, prognosticating and vaticinating

    What is another way to say in the future?

    A very common way of expressing the future is to use the present tense of ir (to go), followed by a and the infinitive. It is the equivalent of saying “going to …” in English and is used in basically the same way.

    What is another word for “in the future”?

    Synonyms for in future include hence, after this, henceforward, hereafter, hereinafter, subsequently, from now on, in the future, from this day forth and from this day forward. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!


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    Image search results for See the future

    binoculars, looking, man fisherman, ocean, female looking, person, see fisherman, ocean, make orchestra, jazz drum, the prophet mary orchestra, electric guitar, the prophet mary

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    Synonyms for See the future. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/see_the_future

    Synonyms for See the future. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/see_the_future>.

    Synonyms for See the future. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/see_the_future.

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