Word for science and technology

10000+ результатов для ‘science and technologies’

A2, Technologies,definitions

A2, Technologies,definitions
Случайное колесо

от Marina430

6 класс
Средняя школа

A2 Technologies, vocabulary

A2 Technologies, vocabulary
Случайное колесо

от Marina430

6 класс
Средняя школа


Случайные карты

от Shalyginapolina


Случайные карты

от Margaritaten



от Tatjanapouchok

Computers and technologies.

Computers and technologies.
Случайные карты

от Vagapovayw

Technologies and communication questions

Technologies and communication questions
Случайное колесо

от Mkurkova1

Flashcards EN-RU Speak about Science and Technology

Flashcards EN-RU Speak about Science and Technology

от Sofiedelight

Science and Technology


Перевернуть плитки

от Meinherzschlagt

Computer technologies and tools

Computer technologies and tools
Групповая сортировка

от Varvaramaksimov

Computers and technologies

Computers and technologies

от Vagapovayw

Gadgets and technologies

Gadgets and technologies
Найди пару

от Gushinadi

Technologies: Before and now

Technologies: Before and now
Совпадающие пары

от Savinmariy

9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс

Technologies and nature

Technologies and nature
Случайные карты

от Olefir150295


Поиск слов

от Yelena



от Lilytheteacher


Случайные карты

от Stepanova


Случайное колесо

от Natalefarova


Угадай буквы

от Orinocoflow2010

academy stars 4

Cutting Edge technologies and Communication

Cutting Edge technologies and Communication

от Mcartstoys

10-й класс
11 класс



от Vikusyassvikusy


Opinions about feelings and technologies

Opinions about feelings and technologies
Случайное колесо

от Mini2000


Случайные карты

от Pervukhinanv

Особое потребность в образовании


Откройте поле

от Teckhy



Угадай буквы

от Evgenushka47

Английский язык
Prepare 2



от Dashabazanova



от Marina332


Случайные карты

от Arinapaloran


Угадай буквы

от Gach92



от Wowspeak1

9-й класс



от Erinovaer


Пропущенное слово

от Volshebstvo13


Найди пару

от Alekhina


Угадай буквы

от Tanya10


Случайное колесо

от Meinherzschlagt


Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Natalefarova


Случайное колесо

от Gamburgenok



от Vystavkinanadez



Случайные карты

от Fsmvsm



от Mart1st


Случайные карты

от Courage

FCE Speaking Part 1 Technologies and Discoveries & Innovations

FCE Speaking Part 1 Technologies and Discoveries & Innovations
Случайные карты

от Udovichenkoas

FCE Cambridge
9-й класс
10-й класс

Modern Technologies

Modern Technologies

от Dom56

6 класс
Modern Technologies

ЕГЭ Reading Modern technologies and communication

ЕГЭ Reading Modern technologies and communication

от Anutatkachenko

Task 2 ОГЭ Hobbies and technologies

Task 2 ОГЭ Hobbies and technologies
Случайные карты

от Zadoyatatyana

PET: communication and technologies (1/4) ana

PET: communication and technologies (1/4) ana

от Maltaza

PET: communication and technologies (2/4) ana

PET: communication and technologies (2/4) ana

от Maltaza

 Phrasal verbs (science and technology)

Phrasal verbs (science and technology)

от Kira23karp

Science and Technology

Science and Technology
Откройте поле

от Nadia57



от Zhanna18

Starlight 11Day of Russian Science

Risk and hazard

Risk and hazard
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Languages2


Objects and shadows

Objects and shadows

от Languages2


technologies gg2

technologies gg2

от Lyahova93

Go Getter 2

H and R revision.

H and R revision.

от Languages2


Light sources and reflectors

Light sources and reflectors
Откройте поле

от Languages2




от Languages2


Sources of light and reflection. Revision

Sources of light and reflection. Revision

от Languages2


Animals and their babies

Animals and their babies
Совпадающие пары

от Avkeng7

1-й класс

HW Light and objects

HW Light and objects
Групповая сортировка

от Languages2


Magnetic and non-magnetic objects

Magnetic and non-magnetic objects
Групповая сортировка

от Languages2


use modern gadgets – использовать
современные гаджеты

browse the Internet – просматривать

access websites – иметь доступ к

social media – социальные сети

wireless networks – беспроводные сети

cutting-edge/up-to-date//state of the art technologies
– ультрасовременные технологии

time-consuming and inefficient – трудоемкий и неэффективный

apply scientific knowledge in practical ways – применять научные знания в практических целях

conduct experiments – проводить эксперименты

genetic engineering/modification – генная инженерия/модификация

face challenges –
сталкиваться с вызовами, трудностями

breakthrough – прорыв

accumulate knowledge – накапливать знания

advances in science – достижения в науке

rapidly become obsolete – быстро устаревать

the computer age – компьютерная эра

make discoveries in the field of – совершать открытия в сфере

revolutionise the way people live – кардинально изменить образ жизни людей

provide incontrovertible

предоставлять неопровержимые доказательства

unravel the mysteries of the Universe – раскрывать тайны Вселенной

contribute to the public good –
способствовать общественному благу

new vehicles –
новые транспортные средства

launch satellites –
запускать спутники

labour-saving/user-friendly devices –
трудосберегающие/удобные в использовании устройства

cybercrime –

spy on somebody –
шпионить за кем-либо

enhance data security/protection – усилить защиту информации

intrusion on privacy – вторжение в личную жизнь

artificial intelligence – искусственный интеллект

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Методичка: “Примерные темы и аргументы для эссе (с лексикой)”

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science technology vocabulary ielts

This page contains some of the most common science and technology-related questions on the IELTS exam, along with some sample answers and exercises for you to practice using the most essential and frequently used vocabulary. Science and technology topics can incorporate a wide range of our everyday activities and thoughts. Using specific IELTS vocabulary related to the individual scientific field will help you form relevant and coherent answers with a high degree of accuracy.

Table of Contents

  1. Computer, IT & Internet Vocabulary
  2. Activity 1 – IT Vocabulary Exercise
  3. General Science & Technology Vocabulary
  4. Activity 2 – Science & Technology Vocabulary Exercise
  5. Vocabulary for Science Domain & Scientists
  6. Activity 3 –Vocabulary Exercise for Science Domain & Scientists

1. Computer, IT & Internet Vocabulary

Computer, IT, and internet vocabulary –

The internet and computers are a part of most people’s lives so it is vital that you know and can use the vocabulary correctly. The following are some of the most common words on the IELTS examination related to computers and the internet, followed by an exercise for you to practice using the words.

  • AI (artificial intelligence) – Computer systems that can perform tasks without human assistance
  • Boot-up / Start-up – To start a computer
  • Computer literacy – The ability to use a computer and its functions
  • Cyber-crime – Crime committed over the internet such as fraud and identity theft.
  • Personal data – The information held by websites/companies on internet users and customers
  • Database – A structured set of data held in a computer
  • Device/gadget – A small mechanical/electrical tool such as a phone
  • Hacker – A person who accesses data illegally
  • Hardware – Tools, physical devices, and machinery such as computers and monitors
  • Internetsecurity – Security processes aimed at deterring crime and exploitation
  • Laptop – A portable personal computer
  • Online – Connected to the internet
  • PC (personalcomputer) – A computer used mainly by people at home, such as a desktop PC
  • Privacy – A person’s right to keep their data private
  • Reboot – To restart a computer
  • Socialmedia – Websites designed for people to socialise and interact
  • Software – Computer programs and games
  • Technophobe – A person who is not very good at using technology
  • Tech-savvy – A person who is good at using technology
  • Tobrowse – Scan through a text or website
  • Tocrash – When the operating system or program stops functioning correctly
  • Tosurftheinternet – To navigate different websites on the internet
  • Viral – To become extremely popular online
  • Virus – Malicious software designed to cause damage to computer systems
  • Website – A set of pages on the internet typically produced by an organization or person
  • Wi-Fi – A system that allows connection to the internet without cables

2. Activity 1 – IT Vocabulary Exercise

Activity 1

Exercise 1 – Complete the following IELTS answers using the word(s) belowviral, software, crash, laptop, PC, surf, websites, cyber-crime, virus, database, social media, personal data

1. How often do you use a computer and what do you use it for the most?
I use a computer every day of my life for my job and in my personal life. For work, I have a company _____1_____, which I take everywhere with me. I work for a food exportation business, and I have a huge ___2________that contains all the information on my customers and clients. I also have a _____3_____at home, which I use to _____4________different _____5_________ on the internet. I try to avoid popular _____6____ sites like Facebook and Twitter because I think they are too invasive, and I am not comfortable with the way they handle my ____7___________. I do occasionally use sites like that if there is something that has become really ____8________and everyone is talking about it.

2. What types of products do you buy on the internet?
The only things I have bought online in the last year are two computer ____9________programs to make music and edit videos. In general, though, I try not to buy too many products on the internet because I am a little worried about ______10________and someone stealing my identity. I once clicked on a great looking offer on a flight, but it turned out to be a ______11______,which made my computer ____12_________ constantly until I had had it repaired.


  1. laptop
  2. database
  3. pc
  4. surf
  5. websites
  6. social media
  7. personal data
  8. viral
  9. software
  10. cyber-crime
  11. virus
  12. crash

The following are words used to describe processes and developments in science and technology. At the end of the vocabulary list, there is an exercise for you to practice using the words in context.

  • Affect – To cause or provoke change
  • Attribute – A quality or characteristic of something
  • Breakthrough – A new or dramatic discovery or advancement
  • Cloning – To reproduce genetically identical organisms
  • Evidence – The facts that show whether beliefs and opinions are valid
  • Experiment – The process of testing a theory or demonstrating known fact
  • Genetically modified – Something that has had its genetical structure altered
  • High-tech – Something that is or uses advanced new technology
  • Impact – The effect of something
  • Invention – A new process or device
  • Mechanism – A system of parts working together in a particular process
  • Obsolete – No longer produced or not useful because it is too old
  • Outdated – Not effective because it is too old or uses old technology
  • Placebo – An inactive substance used in experiments as a control to test new drugs
  • Plausible – Something that is reasonable or possible
  • Revolutionise – To change something drastically and fundamentally
  • State of the art – The most modern technology
  • Systematic – Done according to a fixed plan or system

4. Activity 2 –Science & Technology Vocabulary Exercise

Activity 2

Use the word(s) above to complete the following sentences1. The thing I enjoyed most about science class at school was conducting ______________in chemistry class to see the reactions of mixing chemicals.

2. Homeopathic medicine has been proven to perform no better than a _______________ in trials involving over 500 medical conditions.

3. The latest mobile phones are produced using ________________technology, which is why they are so light and thin.

4. Quantum computing is eventually expected to ________________the way we use computers and the internet because of the increased processing speeds.

5. There is overwhelming ______________that climate change is caused by human actions.

6. One of the main ______________of climate change is more extreme weather events around the world.

7. The speed at which new technology like computers and phones become _____________ and _______________ has continued to increase in recent years.

8. Many countries do not allow _________________crops to be sold because they are worried about the health consequences.

9. _____________has come in for serious criticism due to the ethical concerns of recreating a human life.


  1. experiments
  2. placebo
  3. state of the art
  4. revolutionise
  5. evidence
  6. impacts
  7. outdated / obsolete
  8. genetically modified
  9. cloning

5. Vocabulary for Science Domain& Scientists

There are many different branches of science, and the people who work in these fields have different names. When answering IELTS questions, It is better if you are more specific, so instead of simply stating ‘scientists’, you can use the specific name for the scientific field you are referring to. Below are some of the most commonly discussed branches of science and the names given to people who work in those fields. Then there is an exercise for you to practice using the words.

  • Astronomy – The study of space and the universe – Astronomist
  • Biology – The study of living organisms – Biologist
  • Botany – The study of plants – Botanist
  • Chemistry – The study of the substances of which matter is composed – Chemist
  • Computation – The study of computers and IT – Computer scientist
  • Ecology – The study of the environment – Ecologist
  • Forensics – The use of scientific methods to investigate crime – Forensicscientist
  • Genetics – The study of genes and hereditary characteristics – Geneticist
  • Neuroscience – The study of the brain – Neuroscientist
  • Physics – The study of the nature and properties of matter and energy – Physician
  • Psychology – The study of the mind and behaviour – Psychologist
  • Virology – The study of viruses – Virologist
  • Zoology – The study of the structure and classification of animals – Zoologist

6. Activity 3 – Vocabulary Exercise for Science Domain & Scientists

Activity 3

Exercise 3 – Complete the sentences using the scientist names above1. ______________have been investigating ways in which leaves from certain tropical plants could be used to make biodegradable plastic substitutes.

2. ______________ are currently studying how brain chemistry can alter stress levels in monkeys.

3. ______________ should be given credit for the speed at which they produced a vaccine for COVID.

4. _______________ have been saying for years that if we do not reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, the environment will suffer.

5. ____________created the PH scale around 100 years ago to measure the difference between acid and alkaline

6. _________________have been responsible for solving many historical crimes that would otherwise have remained unsolved.

7. __________________are constantly looking for ways to speed up processing speeds and data storage.

8. ________________are a useful option for people who are suffering from anxiety or depression.


Hamish invented a watch with an in-built colour detection sensor. – Хеймиш изобрел часы со встроенным датчиком обнаружения цвета.


    • to invent a story/new techniques/a system/a machine

It is the time to analyse what we are doing well and where we have to improve. – Настало время проанализировать, что у нас хорошо получается, и что нам нужно улучшить.


  •  to analyze the nature of…/the structure/the pattern/the process/the samples/the situation/the relation between…./the data/the problem/the performance

Scientists explore drugs that could keep us forever young. – Ученые исследуют лекарства, которые могут сохранить нас вечно молодыми.


  • to explore the area/the nature/the world/the issues/the idea of…/the consequences/the question/the issues
  • to explore more/fully/further/

NIH scientists combine technologies to view the retina in unprecedented detail. Ученые NIH объединяют технологии, чтобы рассмотреть сетчатку в беспрецедентных деталях.


  • combine both approaches/the two approaches/the two methods/the data/the analysis/

Scientists discover gene editing technique that could stop kidney disease. – Ученые обнаружили технику “редактирования” генов, которая может остановить заболевание почек.


  • to discover the reasons for/the sources of/the truth/the secret/the treasure

Researchers continue to actively investigate how the eye functions. – Исследователи продолжают активно исследовать то, как функционирует глаз.


  • to investigate the impact/the influence/the phenomenon/a crime
  • fully/thoroughly/properly invetigate

Scientists from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will examine the bones that were discovered in the in Aigai royal tombs in Vergina. – Ученые из Университета Аристотеля в Салониках исследуют кости, обнаруженные в королевских гробницах Айгая в Вергине.


  • to examine the data/the development/the reasons/the issue of

Scientists conduct first genetic study of Antarctic seabirds.  – Ученые проводят первое генетическое исследование морских птиц Антарктики.

AI changing the way scientists carry out experiments.Искусственный интеллект изменяет то, как ученые проводят эксперименты.

Scientists simplify and accelerate evolution bioengineering method. – Ученые упрощают и ускоряют развитие биоинженерного метода.

Warmer air causes more water to evaporate from lakes. – Более теплый воздух заставляет больше воды испаряться из озер.

Scientists and technologists are pushing back the frontiers of knowledge every day. – Ученые и технологи каждый день расширяют границы знаний.

Science and Technology Vocabulary (Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate)

  • Contemporary/modern science is typically divided into three major branches that consist of the natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and physics); the social sciences (e.g., economics, psychology, and sociology), and the formal sciences (e.g., logic, mathematics, and theoretical computer science). – Современная  наука обычно делится на три основные отрасли, которые состоят из естественных наук (например, биологии, химии и физики); социальных наук (например, экономики, психологии и социологии) и формальных наук (например, логики, математики и теоретическая информатики).
  • Science is often justified to the public as driving economic growth, which is seen as a return-on-investment for public funding. – Наука часто называется общественностью движущей силой экономического роста, которая окупает инвестиции на финансирование.
  • Science and research can contribute to education at all levels of society – Наука и исследования оказывает благоприятное влияние на образование
  • The proliferation of the undesirable consequences of scientific knowledge—such as overpopulation, social inequality, nuclear arms and global climate change—resulted from the abandonment of the principle of the use of reason under a humanistic framework. – Распространение нежелательных последствий научных знаний, таких как перенаселение, социальное неравенство, ядерное оружие и глобальное изменение климата, явилось результатом отказа от принципа использования разума в рамках гуманизма.
  • Disciplines that use existing scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as engineering and medicine, are applied sciences. – Науки, которые используют существующие научные знания для практических целей, такие как инженерия и медицина, являются прикладными науками.
  • Most major/significant advances in science are based on existing knowledge.


The most important application of science

data findings – результат сбора данных

figures – цифры

statistics (stats)  – статистика

results – результаты

a report – доклад

a recommendation – рекомендация

a discovery -открытие

an invention – изобретение

an innovation – инновация, новшество, нововведение

a breakthrough – прорыв

design – разработка

genetically modified crops – генетически измененные зерновые

modern biotechnology – современная биотехнология

selective breeding – селекция

resistance to insect, fungal and viral pests устойчивость к вредителям: насекомым, грибкам, вирусам

to increase yields – повышать урожайность

to enhance nutritional value – улучшать пищевую ценность

to object to genetically modified foods – возражать по отношению к ГМО

potential risks to human health and the environment – потенциальные риски для человеческого здоровья и окружающей среды

food manufacturers – производители продуктов

genetic manipulation is unnatural – генетическая обработка неестественна

to stimulate pest resistance – стимулировать устойчивость к вредителям

genetically modified food is neither toxic nor allergenic – ГМО ни токсичны, ни аллергенны

mandatory labelling of genetically modified food – обязательная маркировка ГМО

the prospect of lower chemical costs – перспектива меньших затрат на химикаты

organic produce – органическая продукция

a matter of consumer preference – вопрос потребительского предпочтения

agricultural biotechnology – сельскохозяйственная биотехнология

the next generation of genetically modified foods – следующее поколение ГМО продуктов

obvious consumer benefits – очевидные выгоды для потребителей

overly simplistic approach – слишком упрощенный подход

heredity – наследственность

the chain reaction – цепная реакция

a compound – компонент

insoluble – нерастворимый

a carnivore – плотоядный

fauna – фауна

a herbivore – травоядный

to hibernate – впадать в спячку

mammal – млекопитающее

an omnivore – всеядный

a predator – хищник

a prey – добыча

biodiversity – биоразнообразие

ecosystem – экосистема

  • to withdraw money – изымать/выводить деньги (из проекта)
  • to promote innovation – продвигать инновации
  • to pour money into research – вливать деньги в исследования
  • to unravel the mysteries of the universe – раскрывать тайны вселенной
  • funnelling taxpayers’ money into more down-to-earth projects – инвестирование денег  налогоплательщиков в более приземлённые проекты
  • to contribute to the public good – способствовать общему благу
  • to lead to underinvestment – приводить к недостаточному финансированию
  • crucial to societies’ well-being – крайне важно для благосостояния общества
  • to bolster the case for government subsidies to science – поддерживать идею государственных субсидий для науки
  • the returns in terms of innovation – возврат в виде инноваций
  • to derive benefits – извлекать пользу
  • scientific pursuits – научные исследования
  • to make human space flight commercially viable – сделать космические полёты людей коммерчески жизнеспособными
  • the market seems vulnerable – рынок выглядит уязвимым
  • space tourism is a luxury service – космический туризм – услуга из ряда роскоши
  • traditional spacefaring powers – традиционные космические державы
  • robotic exploration of the solar system – исследование солнечной системы роботами
  • public interest is likely to wane – интерес публики, похоже, угаснет
  • satellite imagery – фотографии спутников


Why are planets all the same shape?

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Вы верите в пользу научно-технического прогресса? Наука и современные технологии предлагают спорные достижения. Прочитайте короткие тексты на английском языке про основные достижения науки и техники и сделайте выводы сами.

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Мы начинаем тему «Science and Technology» с исследования космоса. Как известно, Россия занимает ведущее место в космических исследованиях. Советский ученый Константин Циалковский является создателем теории «космического полета», инженер Сергей Королев спроектировал первую космическую ракету «Восток» и первый спутник «Салют». А первым в космос полетел советский космонавт  — Юрий Гагарин. Выучите английские слова по теме «Science and Space Research» и прочитайте текст про исследование космоса (Russia’s achievments in Space Research).

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Sceince and technology is what we cannot imagine our life nowadays. Throughout the history inventors’ ideas have changed the way we live, making it easier and more enjoyable. The twenty-first century is no exception as it is noted for the invention of the television, computers, spacecraft, genetic engineering and many others. Read the texts about famous inventors and their inventions and remember their names. Before reading you should make sure that you know the words — Science. Английские слова. Список №1 

Science and Technology. Тексты по теме для подготовки к экзамену

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Прочитав этот текст на английском языке, вы узнаете много интересных фактов о зарождении понятия «времени», о появлении первых часов, о видах часов и о том, как полезно следить за течением времени, которое проходит мимо нас так незаметно.

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  • Word for scattered about
  • Word for saying at the same time
  • Word for say one thing but do another
  • Word for saw it coming
  • Word for saving time and money