Word for sales representative

Last updated:

February 28, 2022

Knowing what to say, how to say it and when to say it can put you at the top of your sales team.

The following two lists are here to help.

The first one gives you 30 handy words and phrases you absolutely must know.

The second consists of 15 additional phrases that are extremely helpful for those situations where you simply don’t have the time to think about what to say.

At the end of this article, you can check your understanding of your new sales vocab with an exercise and answer key.

Let’s get selling!


  • Sales Words and Phrases You Absolutely Must Know
    • 1. After-sales service
    • 2. Client
    • 3. Customer
    • 4. Cold calling
    • 5. Guarantee
    • 6. To buy in bulk
    • 7. To buy on credit
    • 8. Prospect
    • 9. Retail
    • 10. Wholesale
    • 11. Catalog price
    • 12. Agreed price
    • 13. Bargain
    • 14. Payment by installments
    • 15. Advance payment
    • 16. Price conscious
    • 17. Price reduction
    • 18. Sales pitch
    • 19. Price/quality ratio
    • 20. Quote/Quotation
    • 21. Faulty goods
    • 22. Complimentary gift
    • 23. Free trial
    • 24. To submit an invoice
    • 25. Recommended price
    • 26. Terms of payment
    • 27. Sales target
    • 28. Sales volume
    • 29. Supplier
    • 30. To close the sale
  • Sentences to Help You Out in Tough Sales Situations
    • 31. I’m sure you’re quite busy at the moment, so I’ll be very brief.
    • 32. I won’t take very much of your time.
    • 33. Would you be interested in…?
    • 34. With your permission, I’d like to ask you some questions.
    • 35. The two most important things to remember are…
    • 36. The best feature of the product is…
    • 37. When I first started using this…
    • 38. The price of this product is unbeatable.
    • 39. Let me take care of that for you.
    • 40. I’d be happy to solve this for you.
    • 41. I’ll send you an update by…
    • 42. I appreciate your business.
    • 43. I know you’ve been a customer for a long time and your loyalty is important to us.
    • 44. I really appreciate you letting us know.
    • 45. Is there anything else I can help you with?

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Sales Words and Phrases You Absolutely Must Know

1. After-sales service

Meaning: Regular maintenance (upkeep) or repair of products. After-sales service may be offered by the manufacturer (company who makes the product) or supplier (see below), during and after a warranty (guarantee, see below) period.


“They promised after-sales service, but the warranty period was not specified.”

You may want to use this phrase when talking to customers about specific products that may benefit from after-sales service.

2. Client

Meaning: A person who pays a professional person or organization for services. These services might be from a lawyer, an accountant, advertising agency, etc.


“As an inexperienced employee in an advertising agency, it can be difficult to get new clients.”

Clients are generally people who buy more intangible services (like advice, or other things you can’t actually see). Pay attention to the difference between this word and the next one.

3. Customer

Meaning: A person who buys goods or services from a store or other business.


“New customers are tough to get in times of financial crisis.”

You may have heard the sayings “the customer is king” or “the customer is always right.” Customers generally appreciate your respect, so you want to let them know that you value their decision to do business with you.

Don’t confuse the word “customer” with the word “client” above. Customers buy products and more tangible services (like a bank account, an insurance policy or a vacation). If you’re selling products, you’re dealing with customers, not clients.

4. Cold calling

Meaning: A technique that involves contacting potential (possible) customers who have had no previous contact with the salesperson who is making the call.


“I always get annoyed when a cold caller decides to disturb my rest.”

“Cold calling” generally refers to phone calls, but it may also involve door-to-door sales. Cold calling is usually seen as a difficult sales technique because many people dislike being disturbed. It’s difficult to sell something to someone who doesn’t want you to be talking to them.

The opposite is “warm calling,” in which the salesperson has already had some contact with the potential customer, like an email or another conversation.

5. Guarantee

Meaning: A written assurance that a product will be repaired or replaced if it breaks down. “Guarantee” means almost the same thing as “warranty,” but “guarantee” is a bit wider in meaning. “Warranty” is only used to refer to the written agreement, but you can use “to guarantee” as meaning “to ensure” (that something happens).


“We offer a two-year guarantee/warranty for this phone.”

“I guarantee the weather will be fine tomorrow.”

This is a word all customers want to hear. It may help you sell faster and more if you use it a lot, because people like having control over the things they buy.

6. To buy in bulk

Meaning: To purchase goods in large amounts, usually at a discount.


“We bulk-buy office supplies because it’s a lot cheaper.”

People can often be convinced to buy in bulk if you emphasize the lower price. This works especially well for non-perishable food (food you can keep for a longer period of time) or other products that last for a while. When customers buy in bulk, you sell more and they pay less. It’s a win-win (situation where everyone benefits) all the way!

7. To buy on credit

Meaning: To purchase something and pay for it later, normally with interest (extra paid for the money loaned).


“I usually buy a lot on credit because I tend to shop on impulse (without planning on it).”

People can often be talked into buying on credit, especially when you’re selling expensive products that are still very good value for money.

8. Prospect

Meaning: Potential customer or client.


“Salespeople can identify prospects by direct mailing, emailing or cold calling.”

You’ll never actually call a potential customer a prospect when you talk to them. Customers like to be treated as individuals, not as potential sources of income for you. But you may want to use this word with your sales team, or you may come across it when researching the market.

9. Retail

Meaning: The selling of goods or services in small quantities to customers.


Retail sales are up three percent from last year.”

If you work as a store assistant, you’ll want to understand the retail process and how buyers think. They want to make sure they get the best deal, but that doesn’t always mean the lowest price. Talk to them and find out what their needs are, and more importantly, what their wants are. Help them make decisions, because it can be tricky for them to decide with so many products to choose from.

10. Wholesale

Meaning: The sale of large quantities of goods (to retailers or to other wholesalers) at lower prices than in retailing.


“Is that price retail or wholesale?”

You may want to play the wholesale card (use wholesale as an advantage for you) when you want to focus on the low price you can offer. Customers are often instantly attracted to products sold at wholesale price.

11. Catalog price

Meaning: The price shown for a product in a catalog, before any money is taken off or added (the cost of packing and shipping, for example).


“This product is sold at 10% less than the catalog price.”

Customers like being given discounts from the catalog price. You may want to use this to your advantage if you think the price might seem too high to them.

12. Agreed price

Meaning: Price which has been accepted by the buyer and seller.


“I was so disappointed that they suddenly increased the agreed price.”

How to use this in sales: Some salespeople can have a bad reputation for raising agreed prices, or “gazumping” (a term used mainly in British English). Sometimes they even lower prices at the last minute to secure a sale (“gazundering, also used in British English). While customers may like the last one, pay attention not to be tricked into gazundering.

13. Bargain

Meaning: A product bought or offered for sale at a much lower price than is expected.


“The laptop was a real bargain.”

Telling customers that a certain product is a bargain may win them over. You’ll want to present it as a good “price/quality ratio” (see below), and not just as something cheap.

14. Payment by installments

Meaning: A system by which a buyer pays for a product in stages (rather than all at once), while being able to use it.


“We couldn’t afford a washing machine at that point, so we paid for it in installments.”

As a salesperson, you’ll have to be able to explain details to a customer wishing to buy in installments: During the repayment period, the buyer is not the owner of the product. When they finally finish paying for it, the ownership passes to the buyer. This can be thought of as an advantage because the customer can use a product they haven’t paid for yet.

15. Advance payment

Meaning: A system by which a customer pays part of the price of a product ahead of time. The balance (the remaining amount) is to be paid when the product is delivered.


“We require advance payment for this car, as it is custom-made.”

Advance payment is used as a guarantee that customers will pay at a later date when they get the product. Some may be reluctant to give money in advance, but you can explain that this is a system in which they can be certain they will receive the exact product they ordered. You’ll have to make sure they understand that they will only be billed the remaining amount when they get the product.

16. Price conscious

Meaning: Seeking the lowest prices.


“She was so price conscious that she kept looking for the best deal until the product wasn’t available anymore.”

Price conscious customers are tricky to sell to because they will always look for a better deal. The best way to get them to buy from you is to convince them that their purchase is only valuable if they look for quality as well.

17. Price reduction

Meaning: A lowering of the price of goods.


“After the huge price reduction, everybody wanted to buy the new model.”

Price reductions almost make products sell themselves. However, some customers who are normally willing to spend more can become suspicious if a product is too cheap. They may consider it not good enough for them. At this point, you’ll have to emphasize the best qualities of the product.

18. Sales pitch

Meaning: A sales presentation that tries to persuade someone to buy a product.


“Her sales pitch was so good that it convinced almost everyone in the room.”

It’s good to have a sales pitch, but pay attention to your voice. Customers don’t like it when you learn sentences by heart (memorize them) and deliver them like a robot. You should make a presentation that is more personal, so that they actually believe what you’re saying.

19. Price/quality ratio

Meaning: A product’s ability to deliver performance for its price.


“This product has such a good price/quality ratio that I simply have to have it.”

When customers are not immediately drawn to a product because it’s on sale, the card you must play is the price/quality ratio card (you can count on this argument). This doesn’t mean that a product is cheap, it means that you pay an amount that is fair for what it’s worth. When a product has a good price/quality ratio, it means it has great quality for a reasonable price. A less technical way to say this is that a product is “great value for the money.”

20. Quote/Quotation

Meaning: A formal statement setting out the estimated cost for a particular product or service.


“This company gave us the lowest quote, so we chose them.”

A quote or quotation is a formal document that you can give to prospective (possible) customers to inform them about the price you can offer. It may also contain the terms of sale and payment. If a buyer accepts the quote, this represents an agreement to buy the product.

21. Faulty goods

Meaning: Defective goods, imperfect products.


“Their bad reputation was a result of having sold several faulty goods.”

When dealing with customers who have purchased faulty goods from you, you have to try to put yourself in their shoes (imagine yourself in their situation) so that you can be truly helpful. If there’s warranty coverage, helping them will probably be easier. If there isn’t, you’ll have to make sure you only promise to do what your company can do for that customer.

22. Complimentary gift

Meaning: A free gift offered to you when you purchase something or when you visit a store.


“She received a complimentary gift on her purchase and was very pleased.”

Everybody loves free stuff! Once word gets around that you offer free gifts, your sales may suddenly go through the roof.

23. Free trial

Meaning: A product or service that is offered to customers for free for a short period of time so that they can try using it.


“A free trial was available for that laptop. In the end, I liked it so much that I bought it.”

Customers like to try out things for free. It’s a good way to start a connection with them and even to try to sell them other related products.

24. To submit an invoice

Meaning: To send or give a bill for a purchase.


“They submitted the invoice late, so I assumed the product wouldn’t arrive on time.”

Be sure not to talk about payment documents before the customer is fully convinced, as this may make you look too eager and unprofessional. Invoices are official documents that are very important, but only talk about them after you’ve closed the deal (see below).

25. Recommended price

Meaning: The price at which a manufacturer suggests a product should be sold. This price may be changed by the retailer.


“Retailers who sell this model for more than the recommended price are counting on uninformed customers.”

You should know if there’s a recommended price for the products you’re selling, and have an explanation ready if your price is different.

26. Terms of payment

Meaning: Conditions of payment agreed on by the buyer and seller for goods or services.


“I really wanted to buy the product, but the terms of payment were worse than I expected: They accepted cash only.”

Once the customer has made up their mind and is willing to buy a product, you have to discuss the terms of payment. These may include:

  • How long the buyer has to pay the amount due.
  • Whether they have to pay in advance (before they get the product).
  • Whether you require cash on delivery (full payment when the goods are handed over) or accept deferred payment (let the customer pay later).

27. Sales target

Meaning: A goal set for a salesperson.


“The sales target was so high this month that nobody in the team managed to reach it.”

Your sales target is your personal mission (assignment), and you should think of it as a motivation to sell more. In times of recession (economic crisis), sales targets can be discouraging, as it’s difficult to reach them. However, in times of economic growth, you may even exceed (go over) your sales target!

28. Sales volume

Meaning: The amount of goods or services sold by a company in a specified period.


“Good sales reps can help increase the sales volume.”

Sales volume is one of the key factors in how successful a company is. To increase sales volume, a company must make sure its salespeople are motivated and take care of a lot of other essentials like a marketing plan, advertising and customer care, to name just a few.

29. Supplier

Meaning: A person or company that provides goods or services.


“We stopped working with our supplier because he was late delivering the products.”

A good supplier needs to communicate well and be flexible. They must also be reliable and have good prices.

30. To close the sale

Meaning: To complete the transaction, to close the deal.


“Jack was very good at presenting products, but he simply couldn’t close a sale.”

Closing is very important in sales. Without closing, you have pretty much wasted your time. You have an informed customer who will probably be buying from somewhere else. In order to close a deal, you need to help the customer make a decision.

Sentences to Help You Out in Tough Sales Situations

Reluctant customers can be intimidating. But try to think of them as customers you just haven’t had a chance to win over yet. People never have time to listen to long sales presentations, so it’s essential to assure them that you’ll be brief. You can use the following two introductions for that.

31. I’m sure you’re quite busy at the moment, so I’ll be very brief.

32. I won’t take very much of your time.

Once you have their attention, it’s a good idea to involve them in what you’re saying, so ask them questions. They will probably answer. Here are a couple ways to start:

33. Would you be interested in…?

34. With your permission, I’d like to ask you some questions.

You can maximize the time they give you by being brief. That may sound strange, because you might think that the longer you have, the better your chances are at selling.

However, as we’ve talked about, customers don’t have a lot of time to listen to you and they can be reluctant at first. So by being brief, you actually show them you respect them and the time they give you. Here are some phrases you could use to help you structure your pitch:

35. The two most important things to remember are…

36. The best feature of the product is…

37. When I first started using this…

38. The price of this product is unbeatable.

Customers like it when you take care of them. They will be returning to you if you give them the feeling that you’re doing your best to meet their needs. Here are a few wonder sentences to bring across the feeling that you’re there for them no matter what:

39. Let me take care of that for you.

40. I’d be happy to solve this for you.

41. I’ll send you an update by…

42. I appreciate your business.

43. I know you’ve been a customer for a long time and your loyalty is important to us.

44. I really appreciate you letting us know.

45. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Now to practice the words and phrases from above, try filling in the gaps with one of the options provided. Then check your answers with the key at the end.

1. She works in a bank, but it’s not her job to talk ___ into taking loans. (clients, customers, prospects)

2. They couldn’t afford the product, so they decided to ___. (buy in bulk, buy on credit, close the deal)

3. Being a new store assistant, John didn’t know the ___ yet. (catalog price, agreed price, advance payment)

4. The customer already knew the ___, so they didn’t want to spend more. (complimentary gift, recommended price, sales target)

5. This is the best ___ you’re going to get. (price/quality ratio, faulty goods, sales target)

6. Customer: I’m really disappointed with this product! I want it replaced for free right now!


a) I know you’ve been a customer for a long time and your loyalty is important to us.

b) I appreciate your business.

c) I’d be happy to solve this for you.

7. Customer: I’m not sure if this is the product I want.


a) When I first started using this…

b) I won’t take very much of your time.

c) I’ll send you an update by…

8. Salesperson (cold calling): Hello, I’m Jane from [company name], could I talk to you about our new product?

Customer (annoyed): Sorry, I’m a bit busy right now…


a) Would you be interested in…

b) I’m sure you’re quite busy at the moment, so I’ll be very brief.

c) The best feature of the product is…

Now use the key below to check your answers.

  1. customers
  2. buy on credit
  3. catalog price
  4. recommended price
  5. price/quality ratio
  6. c (a and b might also work as an introduction, after which the salesperson should get into details about the problem)
  7. a
  8. b

Sales is a tough field, but oh, how rewarding it can be!

If you say the right things at the right time, it can make all the difference in the world.

And don’t forget—it’s as easy as ABC: Always be closing!

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can take anywhere.
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Figuring out ways to cope with the tight competition in the sales industry? We can assist you with it. As an account executive or sales representative, you must find ways to make your simple resume marketable. If you must give employers the impression that you have the skills, knowledge, and talents to promote yourself which translates to how effectively you can promote the product shortly.

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To help you make your sales resume in Word more stunning and marketable, we have here sales resume templates that you can study, understand, and review. The templates are professional and easy to understand. You can save your precious time by making them your inspiration and guide.

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1. 5 Components That Must Be Included in a Sales Resume

Employers who are reviewing sales basic resumes are not just looking for any kind of sales representative or worker. They are looking for the best people to promote, represent, and embody their brands. Here are some 5 components that you can reflect in your good resume to increase its marketability based on trends and studies:

  • Provide them with accomplishments. Be specific in outlining and describing your accomplishments. Be confident. Write and identify key results that give them an impression that you’ve rendered both quality and quantity results in your previous endeavors. You may also see Sales Associate Resume Templates
  • Showcase your work history. If you were able to work with big and famous companies and clients before, emphasized them in your cool resume. Focus on the big names or huge projects that you’ve contributed.
  • Give them a glimpse of your sales strategies. If you’re into sales, your strategies make you unique and different from the rest of the applicants. Explain some of your successful strategies and how efficiently you conduct them.
  • Share your core values. Amid the competitive industry, the employer will truly appreciate it if you mentioned your skills as a part of your core values. What are the pertinent work ethics that help you in your daily work? You may also see Sales Manager Resume Templates.
  • Provide clear titles. In writing your work history, solidify your work positions to give employers an idea of what you can offer and do.
  • Give them an idea of how you negotiate and close an offer. This is somewhat related to strategies. Describe some of your successful negotiations and dealings.

These are some points that you can include in your sales custom resume.

2. How to Write References in Sales Resume?

In the world of sales, references play a key role. It is a way of validating the credentials and acknowledged skills by the applicant.

You must ask permission from your reference persons before listing them. It is also a way of preparing them and giving them a heads-up. After getting their consent, plan out how you are going to present them. You can prioritize those persons who are your partners in a successful sale venture or your immediate supervisor who made favorable assessments about you in your previous job. You can also see more on Sales Consultant Resumes.

In terms of formatting, ensure that it is in line with the other aspects of your design resume. Remember that a reference sample list is an optional part of a resume but is useful when requested and required by employers. And lastly, be grateful and considerate to your references by giving them professional thank you letters.

For more sales resumes in Pages and sales consultant resume templates, you can also check out our provided links that can guide you through the process.

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Including keywords in your modern resume is not just helpful for you but also beneficial on the part of the hiring officer. It makes it easier and more convenient for them. Here is a simple list of keywords that will emphasize your key competencies. Choose the keyword that suits your professional background:

  1. Competitive analysis
  2. Product development
  3. Marketing strategies
  4. Prospect qualifying
  5. Contract negotiation

Speaking of sales resumes, you can also check out our sales assistant resume samples and templates.

4. How to Write A Sales Resume

Regardless of your work history or experienced, there is no excuse in writing a professional and well-formatted resume outline. Here are some basic points to know in writing a sales resume:

  • Personal details. Introduce yourself briefly and formally. Include your full name, address, and other pertinent contact details. Ensure that you provide the updated ones.
  • Professional summary or objective. Here, emphasize your chosen career path and field of sales. Be objective and consistent. Your overarching objective must be consistent with the other sections of your format resume unless you wanted to diverse to a different path. In that case, you have to make a targeted resume.
  • Educational background. Here, you have to mention the educational institutions that you’ve attended and the span of hours of study. For employers, this is a must-see portion. They are looking for competent and well-rounded sales agents or workers. Aside from them, highlight the specific courses that you took. You can also see more on Sales Representative Resumes.
  • Work experiences. If you’re an experienced sales officer, make sure that you include your relevant sales-related job positions. Showcase the big clients that you’ve worked with. On one hand, freshers should focus on their internship experiences and the relevant activities and events they’ve participated in.
  • Certifications and licenses. Highlight the relevant certifications that you’ve acquired. Here, the employers can see that you’ve complied with all the legal requirements and core competencies. You can also see more on Blank Resumes.

These are some basic components of a sales resume. You can also add your touch and twist to it, provided that you preserve the professional character of your creative resume.

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5. Most Common Mistakes in Writing a Sales Resume

Based on research studies, recruiters are very keen on dealing with resumes. This is because they may have encountered thousands or hundreds of resumes and applications development resume Here are some common mistakes that you need to avoid to shun away from being branded as having a boring and ordinary sales resume:

  • Poor Formatting. There is no excuse for adopting a poor format. There are various formal templates available for you to check out. Plus, there are guides and samples that you can refer to. Poor formatting is a big no and a way of saying goodbye to sales career opportunities.
  • Poor grammar usage. Being in sales requires core competencies. Improper choice of words and abundant grammatical errors can make your professional resume unprofessional. Proofread and update your resume.
  • No specific skills. Technical skills are required by most companies. List them logically and systematically rather than generalizing them. Specific skills make it easier and more convenient for recruiters to find a job position that fits them.
  • Long resumes. A resume is generally a one-page document. Emphasize your key responsibilities and accomplishments concisely.
  • Using flowery words. A printable resume must not contain poetic words and terminologies unless the nature of the job requires it. But in the field of sales, utmost formality is needed from you. Apply the rules in writing formal documents.

These are just some mistakes that you should avoid. For more details, you can check out our resume format and samples.

6. How about a Marketing and Sales Officer Resume Cover letter?

Like any other profession, creative cover letters enhance the overall professional character of your resume. It guides the recruiter and sets the bar in terms of points that the employer will anticipate before reading the resume. It is likened to a sales brochure or a sales manual that prepares and teases the customers’ minds. Here are some easy points to remember in writing a teacher cover letter:

  • Avoid writing verbose sample cover letters. Stick to the point. Do not discuss unnecessary and irrelevant information. Remember that the recruiter does not have all the time in the world.
  • Formatting matters. You can follow the format of your resume in terms of font style and design. Follow the rules in creating formal documents. Keep in mind the basic components such as the header, salutation, your content proper, and the endnote.
  • Always be positive. Avoid including negative, false, and statements that are products of job frustrations.

For more graphical examples, you can refer to our printable sales manager resume cover letter.

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Synonyms for Sales representative. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sales_representative

Synonyms for Sales representative. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sales_representative>.

Synonyms for Sales representative. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/sales_representative.

For Sales Representative novices and veterans alike who are pursuing a new job, the value of a well-crafted cover letter cannot be overemphasized. Even if there is no application requirement to submit a cover letter along with your resume, opting not to include one makes no sense for those who are serious about their next career move. 

In fact, you could be doing yourself a disservice by overlooking the resume’s inherent limitations. As Hays global recruiting agency advises job seekers, cover letters can make all the difference in compensating for what resumes tend to lack in the way of personality and context. “So use the cover letter as your opportunity to add depth and dimension to the sort of candidate that you are.”

Yes, your resume is designed to function as a stand-alone document in outlining essential job qualifications and background. But the potential to influence recruiters is greatly diminished without a cover letter, which has a distinctively different but complementary purpose: to introduce yourself in a manner that is at once more directly informal and readily engaging. 

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Sales Representatives who have mastered the art and science of positive first impressions can well appreciate that cover letters are like an extended handshake in writing … a throwback to the days when job hunters would walk into an office with no appointment and ask if the employer was hiring before leaving their resume at the front desk.

This guide, incorporating a Sales Representative cover letter example, looks at the following aspects of writing a winning cover letter:

  • The best format for a cover letter and components it should include
  • How to maximize the impact of each cover letter part: header, greeting, introduction, body and conclusion
  • Writing psychology to reveal the person inside the professional (backed up by cover letter samples of actual writing).

Best format for a Sales Representative cover letter

What’s the difference between a winning sales presentation and an outstanding Sales Representative cover letter? The short answer is a well-chosen format that includes all the necessary components plus the writing style to maximize the effect of each section.

Consistently apply this cover letter format containing these components in the same order:

  • Cover letter header
  • Cover letter greeting
  • Letter introduction
  • Cover letter middle paragraphs (body)
  • Cover letter ending (conclusion / call to action + sign-off).

There is no magic formula for cover letter writing, any more than your best sales presentation is cooked up from a secret recipe. But there is a proven, simple cover letter writing approach that starts with keeping it simple and keeping it short: 300 to 400 words, never exceeding a single page and with ample white space for ease of reading.

According to hubspot.com, an effective sales presentation tells a compelling story, highlights your value proposition, aligns with your audience’s needs and desires and ends with a strong call-to-action. 

Below is a cover letter example that you can use as basic inspiration for your own application document. Alternatively, you can take the cover letter sample writing if it’s particularly applicable to your own experience (just remember to make it unique, there’s nothing worse than a copy-pasted cover letter).

Adaptable cover letter example

Dear Ms. Underhill,

With a seasonal product such as garden furniture, you need a sales rep who can go into marketing mode for half a year and sales mode for the other half. Having been a rep for two gardening manufacturers previously, I understand the investment that this requires.

My career began with a sales management degree from Northwestern University and a graduate placement selling hot tubs. It was a perfect introduction to selling a high-value seasonal product and many conferences and events later, I had perfected my sales pitch. In my first two years as a sales rep, I skyrocketed my region’s sales by 80%, attracted 55 more customers and won the national sales prize in my second year.

I have just left a role with your competitor due to a change of company ownership – they brought in their own sales team. This was disappointing, as I took great pleasure in eating away at your market share (the net gain for my previous employer was 6%), but after an acrimonious exit and on finishing my gardening leave, I am keen to stay in garden furniture and feel that my three years of direct experience will prove useful.

My accomplishments there are readily transferable:

  • Developed a marketing brochure that increased ATV by 35% on tables and chairs.
  • Cultivated a sophisticated sales pipeline, including social media in the sales funnel.
  • Negotiated payment terms from 60 days to 51 days on average.
  • Sourced new products at exhibitions and sourcing trips with the company buyer.

I know that we have met before, but as I was a rival rather than a potential hire, I hope that the current circumstances may be a little more interesting. I would love the opportunity of an interview to discuss the market and how I might contribute to your sales team.


Tyler Bellinger

As you can see, this cover letter example bridges the gap between a human connection and a professional track-record. While the cover letter sample writing may not be applicable to your own personal story, you can take the methods used here to enrich your own application letter.

Cover letter header

Just as a sales presentation incorporates visually appealing design elements to create a distinctive identity and consistent look, your cover letter header provides another opportunity to stand out and stay readily accessible. An eye-catching advantage can win your cover letter more than a passing glance in the crowd of many others. 

But the header’s importance is practical as well as esthetic. As the place where your name, occupation and contact information appears clearly and prominently, it ensures anyone in the hiring manager’s office, department, or organization can readily identify where your job application came from and how to reach you easily. It’s not unusual for printed copies of a cover letter to go missing on someone’s desk, or even for an electronic file to end up in the wrong online or downloads folder, thus giving the header a useful ID label purpose. 

Expert tip

A matching pair

It’s not unheard of for a cover letter to become separated from the corresponding resume in a busy hiring staff office. So making them a matched pair makes good sense: one or the other is easier to spot and recognize as belonging to you. 

A matching Sales Representative cover letter and resume reinforces you have your act together down to every polished detail. It’s one more way to illustrate your regard for the target audience of a sales presentation —  in this case the recruiter on the receiving end of your job application. You understand not only what the employer needs and wants from a top-flight sales representative, but how to make it easy for the recruiter
to literally see right away what you have to offer.

If you are stuck for ideas or time, check out the dozens of cover letter samples
and cover letter templates
available at resume.io. Click on the most appealing cover letter example, type in your replacement text, and that’s it. Your cover letter design and formatting step is done. It’s just as easy to come up with a matching cover letter and resume pair this way.

Whatever document style you go with this time, you will naturally want to change it up next time. Again, you can’t go wrong with a customizable template from resume.io.

Aim of the cover letter header: Stand out in the crowd of job applicants by attracting the right brand of visual attention. Convey that you are a polished Sales Representative with regard for detail and accessibility in delivering the whole integrated package.

Cover letter greeting

Nothing could be simpler than to properly address a cover letter greeting, except for the kind of slips that can happen by taking that simplicity for granted. We are guessing that won’t happen to you, being a Sales Representative, especially if you start off with “Dear …” 

As you can see from the cover letter sample presented at the start of the article, “Dear …” is usually the most failsafe and widely accepted business letter salutation. It’s courteous and respectful, without sounding too stuffy, and almost always appropriate. Alternatives such as “Greetings,” “Hello” or “Hi” may be fine in some circumstances but use discretion regarding the company, culture or familiarity with the person being addressed.

What comes next — “Dear <who>”? 

A job applicant’s cover letter should always be addressed to a specific person if the recipient’s name can be determined. However, unless it’s someone you know personally or well enough to address on a first-name basis, the correct form of greeting is “Dear Mr. Black” or “Dear Ms. Blanco.”

Expert tip

Most Sales representatives have likely heard different versions of this customer service advice hundreds of times, as author and speaker Jeff Mowatt puts it: “If you deal with customers, the two most important words are not please or thank you, but are your customer’s first and last names.“ 

The same evidence-based psychological principle — from infancy, our brain is hardwired to respond positively to the sound of our own name — applies to cover letter greetings. The proper business communication form is “Dear Mr. or Ms. Surname.”

If you are unsure or have no idea who your cover letter should be addressed to, make every reasonable effort to find out. First check the job listing to see if any contact information is provided for the hiring manager (or other cover letter recipient). Failing that, check the company’s website and other online sources such as LinkedIn or industry-related sites.

As a last resort, these workarounds are preferable to the generic cover letter examples of  “To Whom It May Concern.” Even if you can’t come up with anyone’s name, a greeting along these lines at least indicates your cover letter is targeting a specific employer and/or position: “Dear Company Name Hiring Manager,” “Dear Department Name Recruitment Officer” or “Dear Job Title Hiring Team.” 

Aim of the cover letter greeting / salutation: Addressing the hiring manager (or other recipient) by name is professionally appropriate while also creating a personal connection with the employer.

Adaptable cover letter greeting example

Dear Ms. Underhill,

Cover letter introduction

Next up is a cover letter introduction designed to resonate right away. When it comes to sales introductions, you’ve learned how to hit the mark every time with a customer-winning first impression. How can your cover letter introduction win the chance to show and tell that to your next employer? 

Consider how this cover letter sample intro immediately shows you understand the employer’s needs and priorities:

Adaptable cover letter introduction example 

With a seasonal product such as garden furniture, you need a sales rep who can go into marketing mode for half a year and sales mode for the other half. Having been a rep for two gardening manufacturers previously, I understand the investment that this requires.

You probably learned from some top-notch trainers and read all the right books on rapport-triggering sales openers. Maybe you could write a book or two yourself on how to gain sustained attention from customers within minutes of an introductory greeting that is equal parts personable and professional. But you only have a few carefully worded opening lines in a cover letter to catch and hold the hiring manager’s interest for longer than the few seconds spent skimming on average. 

  • Awaken this hiring manager’s interest in you as an interview-worthy applicant.
  • Why do you want this sales opportunity? What motivates you to make this your next career move?
  • Why would you be perfect for this job? What blend of talent, personality, experience and work ethic do you bring to the table
  • Shift perspectives:“what’s in it for this employer?”
  • Provoke enough curiosity in the recruiting manager to keep reading more. Make it all about “what’s in it for you (sales representative job applicant)?”
  • Waste your breath stating the obvious: “I am applying for the administrative officer position at ABC Inc., as advertised on DEF.”
  • Make it all about “what’s in it for you (Sales Representative job applicant)?”
  • The person reading your cover letter already knows that, and is also quite aware of your motives in expressing an interest in this job: you want an interview!
  • Squeeze too much information that discloses too much of your story in the cover letter introduction.

Aim of the cover letter introduction: Grab the recruiter’s attention by focusing your strongest  selling suit on what the job and the employer require.

Cover letter middle part (body)

Just as an effective sales presentation gains traction in the middle section, the cover letter body carries on with highlights of your compelling success story. You’ve got this! That is, as long as keep the focus where it belongs: not on yourself but on your audience. Normally that would be the customer, but here it’s the employer you are trying to convince. What does this employer need and what advantage do you offer over other Sales Representatives whose resumes might appear to measure up just as well? 

Check out how our cover letter example quickly emphasized facts and figures to prove the candidate’s record in the cover letter middle paragraph: In my first two years as a sales rep, I skyrocketed my region’s sales by 80%, attracted 55 more customers and won the national sales prize in my second year.

Pull substance from your resume but never in such a way that replicates or rehashes the content. Your cover letter is the place to add meaningful context and interpretation. Obviously, your sales track record holds the center-stage spotlight from various angles. Financial profits and market share growth are easy to quantify in dollar amounts. But flesh in this section of your cover letter with anecdotes for added color and shade. Showcase your special talents and interests. Let your personality shine through — especially your passion for the products or services you believe in wholeheartedly and the people you interact with on all sides of the selling process.

Expert tip

Drawn from interviews with a cross-section of leading business experts, Business News Daily compiled this list of 14 traits that most successful salespeople have in common.

These sales professionals:

  1. care about the customer’s interests
  2. are confident
  3. are always on
  4. are subtle
  5. are resilient
  6. are extroverted
  7. are good listeners
  8. are multi-taskers
  9. provide insight
  10. are persistent
  11. are honest
  12. are focused
  13. are optimistic and upbeat
  14. have a broad worldview and cultural understanding

Aim of the cover letter body: Illustrate how this employer would benefit from your contributions as a seasoned sales representative with an outstanding track record.

Adaptable cover letter middle part example

I have just left a role with your competitor due to a change of company ownership – they brought in their own sales team. This was disappointing, as I took great pleasure in eating away at your market share (the net gain for my previous employer was 6%), but after an acrimonious exit and on finishing my gardening leave, I am keen to stay in garden furniture and feel that my three years of direct experience will prove useful.

My accomplishments there are readily transferable:

  • Developed a marketing brochure that increased ATV by 35% on tables and chairs.
  • Cultivated a sophisticated sales pipeline, including social media in the sales funnel.
  • Negotiated payment terms from 60 days to 51 days on average.
  • Sourced new products at exhibitions and sourcing trips with the company buyer.

How to close a Sales Rep cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

Perhaps the tightest parallel between a sales presentation and a Sales Representative cover letter lies in the closing. The purpose in each case is to provide an ending that actually aims to secure, rather than conclude, the relationship. The tone of both is persuasive, confident and upbeat, with the door left open for further interaction and follow-up.

However, that does not mean the fate of your job application should be left up in the air by a cover letter conclusion that is too open-ended. If the hiring manager is still reading at this point, your cover letter has already scored some big wins towards the desired outcome: an interview. So what happens now? How do you want the recruiter to feel, think and respond as you wrap up the closing?

Let’s go back and see how we closed our cover letter sample:

Adaptable cover letter example of the conclusion & sign-off

I know that we have met before, but as I was a rival rather than a potential hire, I hope that the current circumstances may be a little more interesting. I would love the opportunity of an interview to discuss the market and how I might contribute to your sales team.


Tyler Bellinger

What every cover letter requires in the final paragraph, just like every effective sales pitch, is a call to action. Before signing off, you need to gently but firmly nudge the employer in the direction of inviting you for an interview. And that’s it! You can now sign off with a simple closing salutation like “Sincerely,” above your name.  “Best regards” or even “Best,” are fine also. 

Aim of the cover letter closing: End on an enthusiastic note that implies you anticipate the hiring manager will be in touch soon.

Writing and selling psychology

This guide has drawn comparisons between a winning sales presentation and an effective cover letter. In both instances, the perspective and needs of the target audience  — customer and employer, respectively — should take precedence. 

Listening skills are the key to making that connection, Timothy Tolan, Tolan Group CEO and managing partner, told a Business News Daily interviewer, “Great salespeople sell solutions to problems, and they do that by understanding and listening to the customer.»

In the same article, Mark Stevens, CEO of Almost Science, spoke about subtlety as a selling trait: «Great salespeople never look like they are selling anything. They are educating, instilling faith and confidence. They are quietly and invisibly demonstrating why customers should believe in them and, in turn, buy from them.» 

Infusing personality into a sales pitch or cover letter can enhance their effectiveness as communication tools.

Renowned personal and professional development leader Brian Tracy contends,“Your personality is more important than your product knowledge and your selling skills. So focus on continuous improvement, and become a well-read professional.”

Expert tip

Psychological insights into storytelling as a selling technique are also interesting and potentially helpful when writing a persuasive cover letter. 

Matt Sunshine at hubspot.com explains: “The power of storytelling stems from our ability to empathize with characters who face familiar challenges, persevere, and overcome. In a salesperson’s case, you’re trying to sell a product or service through that same medium. Storytelling humanizes your pitch and process, and it creates lasting connections with prospective customers.”

Key takeaways

  1. Sales presentations and Sales Representative cover letters have common ground, notably the persuasive goals, target audience angle and opportunity to let elements of personality shine through.
  2. The need to establish an immediate direct connection with the hiring manager in your cover letter by addressing the employer’s needs is crucial.
  3. Taking the employer’s perspective gives job applicants an edge over candidates whose approach is relatively impersonal and generic.
  4. Like an effective sales closing, every cover letter should conclude with a call to action encouraging the recruiter to respond with an interview invitation.
  5. Use our sales cover letter examples

This resume guide has a high conversion rate. It will turn job seekers like yourself into hired sales reps.


You’ll show them you have the job experience, closing skills, and sales background they’re looking for with a great sales representative resume.

No worries— 

Read on and you’ll see a professional sales representative resume example you can adjust and make yours. Plus, you’ll learn an easy formula for writing a resume for sales rep jobs that will land you 10x more interviews than any other sales representative resume you’ve written in the past.

This guide will show you:

  • A sales representative resume example better than 9 out of 10 other resumes.
  • How to write a resume for a sales representative that will land you more interviews.
  • Tips and examples of what skills to put on a resume for sales representative.
  • How to describe your sales representative experience on a resume to get any job you want.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

sample sales representative resume

Sample sales representative resume—See more resume samples here.

Sales Representative Resume Template

Holly L. Gardner

Sales Representative





Efficient and effective sales representative with over 4 years of experience in medical and pharmaceutical sales and managing business, professional, and corporate client accounts. Member of the National Association of Pharmaceutical Sales Reps and awarded the CNPR Certification after completion of the Pharmaceutical Sales Training Program. Exceeded sales goals by more than 15% each quarter. Seeking to leverage solid negotiation skills and extensive product knowledge to be the senior pharmaceutical sales rep for Photon Pharma.


Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

Jurius Pharma, Boise, ID

August 2016–October 2019

Key Qualifications & Responsibilities

  • Serviced pharmaceutical client accounts for 20 organizations providing revenue of $1m per year or more.
  • Assessed client needs based on current objectives, supply and demand, and seasonable variables.
  • Developed customer relationships with more than 100 local physicians and dental practices around the Boise area in 3 years.
  • Cooperated with the sales and marketing team leaders to determine best products to promote or withdraw.

Key Achievement

  • Exceeded sales goals by more than 15% in every quarter since being hired at the company.

Junior Medical Sales Representative

Stanford Medical Equipment, Boise, ID

June 2015–August 2016

Key Qualifications & Responsibilities

  • Assisted mid-level and senior sales representatives in managing client accounts, generating leads, and maintaining customer relationships.
  • Organized meetings and appointments with regional companies to promote Stanford Medical Equipment’s services and supplies.
  • Reviewed sales performance for sales division and generated key reports for weekly, monthly, and quarterly meetings.


Bachelor of Science in Retail and Sales Management

DeVry University, Arlington, VA

Completion: 2015

Relevant Coursework: Business Administration, Consumer Behavior, Sales and Marketing Fundamentals, Pharmaceutical Merchandising Management, Advertising and Public Relations.


  • Lead Generation
  • Closing Deals
  • Maintaining Profitable, Amicable Relationships
  • Knowledge of Pharmaceutical Supplies, Drugs, Medications, and Medical Equipment
  • Contract & Deal Negotiation


  • CNPR Certification — Pharmaceutical Sales Training Program


  • Sales Management Association (SMA)
  • American Management Association (AMA)
  • National Association of Pharmaceutical Sales Reps (NAPSR)


Use the Right Format for Your Sales Representative Resume

The BANT framework helps determine how likely a lead is to become a customer.

Our formatting guidelines below will help determine how likely you are to become an employee.

Before you go ahead with writing a sales representative resume, format it correctly to make it neat and orderly and a breeze for sales managers to read.

Here’s how to format a sales representative resume:

  • Layout: go reverse-chronological in dated resume sections.
  • Subheadings: bold subtitles make it easier for hiring managers to parse.
  • Fonts: use fonts for a resume which are easy for sales managers to read.
  • Font size: use an 11pt or 12pt font size for regular text, and 2–4pts larger for headings.
  • Margins: leave a 1” margin on all sides of your sales executive resume template.
  • Line spacing: go with single-line spacing in the body text of your resume.
  • Sections: adequate white space makes it easy on the eyes of the reader. 
  • Filetype: save the file as a PDF, to ensure it renders correctly on any screen.

Now, here’s what a sales representative resume should include:

  • Header: add the right contact information details in the heading area.
  • Introduction: write a short intro paragraph that compels them to read more.
  • Work experience: a bullet-point history of your past sales experience and job duties.
  • Education: a short description of your college background and accomplishments.
  • Skills: a list of the most sales-related abilities you bring to the table.
  • Extra sections: sales certifications, industry awards, foreign languages, etc.

One trick we’re going to show you here— 

We won’t start at the top. 

Instead, we’ll begin with your work history section and finish it off with your heading paragraph. This way, you’ll have a better idea of the most effective things to include by the time you come back around.

Read more about formatting a resume: How to Choose the Best Resume Layout


Start With a Sales Representative Resume Work Experience Section

Sales jobs are being added each and every day, meaning you’ve got more and more competition. Just have a look at the employment outlook for different  positions for the decade between 2018 and 2028:

  • Insurance sales representatives will increase by 48,300 jobs (10%).
  • Real estate sales reps will increase by 32,400 jobs (7%).
  • Financial services sales representatives will increase by 18,500 jobs (4%).
  • Wholesale and manufacturing sales reps will increase by 35,400 jobs (2%).

As you can see, you’re facing off against plenty of other applicants.

To make sure you stand above the crowd, your past employment resume section should be organized and written correctly.

Here the gist for doing it right:

  • List positions in reverse-chronological order, starting with the most recent on top.
  • Include your professional title, the company’s name and location, and the span of time you were employed there.
  • Give them around 4–6 bullet point entries describing your past work responsibilities.
  • Make it a targeted resume by listing only past duties which relate to sales jobs.
  • Always quantify achievements whenever possible so they get a solid picture of just how well you have and will perform.
  • Use action verbs to begin each bullet point for max impact.


Let’s look at two experienced sales professional resume examples to see those rules in action:

Sales Representative Job Description for a Resume Example


Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

Jurius Pharma, Boise, ID
August 2016–October 2019

Key Qualifications & Responsibilities

  • Serviced pharmaceutical client accounts for 20 organizations providing revenue of $1m per year or more.
  • Assessed client needs based on current objectives, supply and demand, and seasonable variables.
  • Developed customer relationships with more than 100 local physicians and dental practices around the Boise area in 3 years.
  • Cooperated with the sales and marketing team leaders to determine best products to promote or withdraw.

Key Achievement

  • Exceeded sales goals by more than 15% in every quarter since being hired at the company.

Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

Jurius Pharma, Boise, ID
August 2016–October 2019

Key Qualifications & Responsibilities

  • Worked with other sales representatives.
  • Met sales targets and goals.
  • Assisted in managing corporate client relationships.

See the differences?

While the second sales representative resume example falls short, the first one meets all its targets—it’s detailed, personalized, and uses numbers to seal that deal. 

They’ll immediately see you’re a candidate with a high lifetime value!


What about when writing an entry-level sales representative resume? 

Don’t worry. 

Even if you’ve only a little job experience with another job title, all you have to do is list the most sales-relevant job duties and achievements you had.

Here are another two sales representative resume samples for your reference:

Beginner Sales Representative Resume—Work History Example


Customer Relationship Officer

Zabar Pharmamed Solutions, Augusta, GA

September 2018–October 2019

Key Qualifications & Responsibilities

  • Acted as liaison between Zabar and corporate clients to facilitate and maintain healthy business relationships.
  • Checked in on clients on a weekly basis to ensure needs are being met and supplies are being filled.
  • Managed database of clients and potential leads in a customer relationship manager (CRM) program.

Key Achievement

  • Maintained positive and happy client relationships with 15 corporate customers.

Customer Relationship Officer
September 2018–October 2019
Zabar Pharmamed Solutions, Augusta, GA

Key Qualifications & Responsibilities

  • Kept clients happy.
  • Brought client issues to company meetings.
  • Managed CRM program upkeep.

See the difference?

The first candidate used their past experience and proved it’s relevant to the new position they’re applying for.

Continue reading up on how to describe work experience: Tips for Creating an Awesome Experience Section on a Resume

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check. Start building a professional resume template here for free.

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When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better.


Enter Your Education (It’s Not That Straightforward!)

Depending on the particular sales job or company you’re applying to, they might require a bachelor degree, high school diploma, or nothing at all.

No matter what academic level they’re looking for— 

Format the education section the same way.

Do you have years of sales representative experience?

List just the basics: 

  • degree or certificate name 
  • school name and location
  • date of completion.

Here’s how that looks:

Sales Representative Resume Sample—Education


Bachelor of International Sales and Marketing Management

VIA University Campus, Horsens, Denmark

Completion: 2016


What if you are writing an entry-level sales representative resume with no experience? 

Be more detailed, adding extras such as relevant classes, awards, GPA, Latin honors, and specializations, like this:

Entry-Level Sales Representative Resume Example—Education


Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Major in Professional Sales

Florida State University College of Business, Tallahassee, FL

Completion: 2017

Relevant Coursework: Professional Selling, Sales Management, Advanced Sales & Selling Techniques, Cloud-Based CRM Systems, Sales Organization Fundamentals, Inside Sales & Outside Sales, Using AI and ML to Facilitate Lead Generation.

Minor: Leadership & Communication

Leave your high school diploma off resume if you’ve completed a university degree.

If your education is more impressive than your work history, say on a junior pharmaceutical sales resume, put it above your job education section for maximum visibility.

Read further on adding your academic experience: How to Add Education on a Resume


List the Right Skills to Put on a Resume for Sales Representative Jobs

A sales representative resume must show the manager or account executive that you are the best applicant to close deals on their behalf.

How do you show them?

By identifying the sales rep skills and abilities they’re looking for and adding it to your resume.

Here’s what to do:

  • Make a master list of all the skills you have related to sales jobs in general.
  • Identify skills-related resume keywords in the sales job description by scanning the job responsibilities section.
  • In the sales representative skills resume section, include 5–10 of the most relevant talents which are both on your list and requested in the sales rep job description.
  • Include both hard skills and soft skills in your sales representative skills section.


Let’s look at some general skills:

30+ Skills to Put on a Resume for a Sales Representative

  • Product Knowledge
  • Rapport Building
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Lead Qualification
  • Social Media
  • Communication Skills
  • Relationship Building
  • Presentation Skills & Demoing
  • Active Listening
  • Organizational Skills
  • Time Management Skills
  • Lead Prospecting 
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Customer Needs Analysis
  • Referral Marketing
  • Collaborative Skills
  • Objection Handling
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Self Motivation
  • Client Nurturing
  • Optimizing Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)
  • Increasing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  • Reducing Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  • Adaptable
  • Closing Sales & Signing Contracts
  • CRM Software (e.g., Salesforce CRM, Hubspot CRM, Zoho CRM, Freshsales)
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Goal-Oriented
  • Research & Analysis
  • Law & Policy Knowledge 
  • Decision Making Skills
  • Project Management Skills


Take a look at these example salesperson resume skills sections:

Sales Rep Resume Example—Skills

  • Time management skills
  • Lead qualification & prospecting
  • CRM Software — Salesforce CRM & Hubspot CRM

Sample Resume Skills for a Sales Representative With No Experience

  • Market research & analysis
  • Interpersonal & collaborative skills
  • Organizational & time management skills

That’s how you create a sales representative resume skills section. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll definitely be their most qualified lead!

Read more about including your talents on a resume: 99 Skills to Put on Resumes


Show Don’t Tell: Add “Extra” Sections to Your Sales Rep Resume

When they survey all the resumes they receive, do you know which one will have the highest Net Promoter Score?

The one with additional, relevant sales rep resume sections.

Extra sales representative resume sections round you out as a candidate and allow you to show them how uniquely qualified you are.

Here are a few great options to consider for any inside or outside sales resume:

Sales Representative Resume ExamplesExtra Sections

  1. Resume Certificates & Licenses

IT certificates you’ve earned look amazing on any resume. Here are great certification options to bolster any programming resume:

  • Certified Professional Sales Person (CPSP) from the National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP)
  • Certified Inside Sales Professional (CISP) from the American Association of
  • Inside Sales Professionals (AA-ISP)
  • Certified Sales Leadership Professional (CSLP) from the Sales Management Association (SMA)
  1. Volunteering Work on Resumes

Are you struggling with writing entry-level sales representative resumes? If you have any unpaid work, you not only add valuable experience to your resume, but you also look like a hero. 

  1. Language Proficiency on Resumes

Are you fluent in French, proficient in Portuguese, or articulate in Armenian? Showing off your proficiency in a second language could open up new markets for them and interview room doors for you.

  1. Hobbies on Resumes

If you have interests and passions related to sales, marketing, or client relationships, add those onto your industrial or medical sales rep resume for added oomph. Skip the “long walks on the beach” and save that for your diary.

  1. Industry Memberships

Do you have a membership in a sales organization or other trade body? Adding a small section to the bottom of your sales representative resume shows your dedication. Here are just a few examples:

  • The Sales Association (SA)
  • The National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP)
  • American Association of Inside Sales Professions (AA-ISP)

There are many other sections you may consider for resumes for sales rep positions: What to Include on a Resume: 20+ Top Examples


Collect the Best Pieces to Craft a Sales Representative Resume Summary or Objective

When cold calling, a catchy opening line makes the difference between a possible lead and a missed opportunity.

It’s the same on a sales rep resume.

The sales rep resume opens with a heading statement, known as either a summary or objective

If you catch their interest here, they’ll read on and call you for a sales job interview.

Have years of expertise generating leads and closing deals?

The resume career summary is for you.

A resume summary is a short paragraph highlighting your experience, skills, and accomplishments from past sales jobs. It promotes you further by including a numbered achievement or two which you’re most proud of to verify your sales talent.

Here are two example summaries:

Sales Representative Resume Summary Sample

Results-oriented sales representative for over 5 years with 2 years of experience as a sales manager for industrial supplies and products. Skilled at maintaining profitable client relationships and developing ambitious sales targets. Achieved over $500K in sales in each fiscal quarter from 2018 until the present.
I have several years of sales management experience, with a few more years of sales representative experience before that. I’m looking for a job where I can use the vast knowledge I have in sales to land a better job.

If your sales representative resume summary resembled the second example, you’ll have a high churn rate.

The right example resume for sales reps, on the other hand, does everything we need—it’s short, relevant, and uses numbered achievements.

You can just about relegate this resume into the “Closed-Won” column! 


Don’t have experience on a sales team? 

The resume career objective is for you.

A resume objective is ideal for a resume with little or no experience in sales rep jobs.

Rather than show your illustrious past, give them the future. Explain your career goals and how you plan on sticking around as a sales representative. Also use a numbered win here to address any of the employer’s pain points.

Here are two sales rep resume objective examples:

Resume Sales Representative Objective Sample

Relatable customer relationship officer at large Augusta corporation with 1+ year of experience maintaining excellent relations with 15 company clients. Skilled at communication, collaboration, and using CRM software (Hubspot & Salesforce, primarily). Seeking to leverage ability to anticipate needs and increase NPS to become the junior sales representative at Zabboo Pharmaceuticals.
I don’t have experience as a sales representative or even in sales, but I would like to switch to it from my current career path as a customer relationship specialist. I am available to work anywhere in and around the Augusta, Georgia metropolitan area starting immediately.

Always show rather than tell on a resume for sales positions, meaning give them numbers to prove your worth to them. 

Read up more on writing a heading statement: How to Write a Resume Profile


Write a Sales Cover Letter

There’s one timeless sales acronym to remember when sending a resume— 

ABC = Always Bestow Cover (letters).

Most hiring managers prefer a sales rep cover letter with your resume, so application letters are quite important if you want to be considered.

We’ve got the general guidelines here on writing a cover letter for sales representative jobs.

How to write a sales representative cover letter:

  • Format the application letter using the right fonts, spacing, and margin.
  • Write an introduction on a cover letter which intrigues them to read further.
  • As you talk up your sales work experience and marketing skills, give numbered achievements.
  • Create a cover letter closing with a powerful call to action.


But, to get a better understanding and increase your chances of getting the interview call, check our articles on how to create a cover letter and what to discuss in a cover letter.

Read on: Sales Rep Cover Letter: Example and Guide

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here. Here’s what it may look like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Key Takeaway

Across all industries, good sales reps are in high demand, and with your perfected, tailored resume for sales rep jobs, you’re going to be in high demand, as well.

Let’s sum it all up— 

  • Structure your sales rep resume right by using bold headings, a legible font, and plenty of white space. 
  • Save the heading statement on outside or inside sales resumes for the end.
  • Document your work experience with detailed bullet points, numbered achievements, and action verbs.
  • Highlight your education with extra details when writing an industrial, medical, or car salesman resume with less or no experience.
  • Create a list of skills using the most relevant abilities as found in the sales representative job description.
  • Add extra sales rep resume sections such as languages, certifications, or awards, to stand out from the other job applicants.
  • Go back to the top and craft a compelling sales job resume objective or summary.
  • Always include a sales cover letter attached to your email before sending it off.

Now, we’d love to hear from you:  

  • Need help writing pharmaceutical sales resumes or medical sales resumes? 
  • Struggling for the best abilities to add on a sales skills list for resumes?
  • Have any stories to share about past sales job interviews or places of work?

Let’s talk about it in the comments below, and thanks for reading

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