Word for sad but beautiful

We may have known someone in our life that we considered to be sad, but also incredibly beautiful. However, we may not have been aware of a proper term that we can refer to this person as, like melancholic. Therefore, this article will be exploring appropriate alternatives we can use.

What Words Can Describe Being Sad And Beautiful At The Same Time?

This article will be taking an in-depth look at useful terms to describe someone that we consider to be sad and beautiful at the same time. The particular terms that we will be going over are:

  • A Melancholic Beauty
  • A Wistful Beauty
  • A Poignant Beauty
  • An Enigmatic Beauty
  • A Forlorn Beauty
  • A Solemn Beauty
  • A Tristesse Beauty
  • A Pathos Beauty
  • Hauntingly Beautiful
  • An Anguished Beauty

Words For Being Sad And Beautiful At The Same Time

The preferred version that we will look at is “a melancholic beauty”. This is because describing someone as a “melancholic beauty” is the best way to express that we find someone to be both beautiful and yet, sad in appearance.

A Melancholic Beauty

Cambridge Dictionary defines “melancholic” as expressing feelings of sadness. Therefore, we considered “a melancholic beauty” to be someone who is very beautiful but is also obviously quite sad or depressed. We often relate the term “melancholy” to a sense of serenity and beauty in the face of sadness.

Here are a few examples of this term used in a sentence:

  • She was a known melancholic beauty; incredibly enchanting, yet undeniably sad.
  • After my grandfather passed, my grandma was known as a melancholic beauty. She was incredibly stunning, even in old age, yet her heart was broken.
  • A melancholic beauty is someone who despite seemingly having it all, is hurting immensely.

A Wistful Beauty

Cambridge Dictionary defines “wistful” as sad and thinking about something impossible or in the past. Therefore, when we describe someone as “a wistful beauty”, we are meaning to say that they are an immensely beautiful person, that is hurting, perhaps because of a yearning for a past relationship.

To help showcase the proper use of this term, here are some examples:

  • She was a wistful beauty, that was seemingly hung up on her past relationship, despite the fact that he had moved on.
  • Despite being a man, he had the appearance of a fashion model, but in a way that carried tremendous wistful beauty.
  • The actress was known amongst her peers as a wistful beauty, longing for her long-lost passed-on husband.

A Poignant Beauty

Cambridge Dictionary defines “poignant” as causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness. Because of this, when we’re expressing that we think someone is “a poignant beauty”, we’re saying that regardless of finding them physically attractive, their appearance also causes feelings of pity or sadness.

To further highlight the use of this particular statement, we’ll go over a few examples:

  • The portrait carried immense poignant beauty, depicting a woman who clearly longed for so much more out of life.
  • The runway model was known for her stunning catwalk and her poignant beauty. She often caused the audience to be awestruck, yet seemingly upset or saddened.
  • She was a poignant beauty, but her presence brought instantaneous sadness to her peers.

An Enigmatic Beauty

Cambridge Dictionary defines “enigmatic” as mysterious and impossible to understand completely. Therefore, when we say that someone is “an enigmatic beauty”, we often mean to express that they are perplexing, causing confusion that leaves us feeling unsettled or upset.

We will now go over some examples of how to appropriately use this term:

  • He was so kind, but an enigmatic beauty. He was overly confusing and the relationship left me feeling incredibly sad.
  • The painting was done of a woman who was a known enigmatic beauty. Her appearance stunned and bewildered all who saw her.
  • The actress was an enigmatic beauty. She was stunning at her craft but left audiences feeling mystified and sometimes mildly upset.

A Forlorn Beauty

Cambridge Dictionary defines “forlorn” as alone and unhappy or left alone and uncared for. Therefore, we often describe someone as “a forlorn beauty” when they are aesthetically gorgeous, yet it’s clear that they have experienced tremendous pain. This is often someone with who we will sympathize.

Here are a few examples that showcase the use of this term:

  • The song was about a forlorn beauty. It described the story of a woman who had been through so much, that she could no longer feel love.
  • She was a known forlorn beauty, that often turned all gentleman suitors away. She was very fearful of love and getting hurt again.
  • Despite being quite manly, he carried the image of a forlorn beauty. Someone who had clearly carried immense pain on such broad shoulders.

A Solemn Beauty

Cambridge Dictionary defines “solemn” as being serious or without any humour”. When we say that someone is “a solemn beauty”, we’re often meaning to describe someone who is incredibly serious. Despite being very stunning, this is generally someone who goes with smiling, laughing, or showcasing any happiness.

To help clarify how we can use this term, we will go over a few examples:

  • He was a very handsome man, but women often described him as a solemn beauty. He was not known to smile or laugh while on dates.
  • The model carried the appearance of a solemn beauty, which is often seen on high-end runway models.
  • The portrait was immaculate and depicted a solemn beauty; a woman that was quite literally painted with a frown.

A Tristesse Beauty

“Tristesse” is a known French word for sadness. Therefore, when we describe someone as “a tristesse beauty”, we are meaning to say that despite their outer beauty, they are very bothered or upset. Someone who is “a tristesse beauty” is often thought to be mournful or going through tremendous loss.

For additional information on this unique term, here are some examples of its use in a sentence:

  • The French model was a known tristesse beauty in the community. Her face was stunning but carried immense sorrow.
  • She was a tristesse beauty who, despite seemingly having a good life, was very depressed.
  • My grandmother was known by her friends as a tristesse beauty after my grandfather passed away. She never loved again and was seemingly lonely.

A Pathos Beauty

Cambridge Dictionary defines “pathos” as the power of a person, situation, piece of writing, or work of art to cause feelings of sadness, especially because people feel sympathy. Therefore, “a pathos beauty” is someone stunning, but often evokes a feeling of pity or sadness.

Some examples of sentences using this term are:

  • The poem was a pathos beauty of written artwork. It evoked a feeling of warmth and sadness all at the same time.
  • She was a pathos beauty, that everyone truly cared for, but also immensely sympathized with.
  • The Mona Lisa may be one of the most renowned paintings in the world, yet folks often feel conflicted when looking at her – almost sad.

Hauntingly Beautiful

We often consider something or someone that is “hauntingly beautiful”, we’re meaning to express that their beauty takes on a special meaning in our minds and often causes a physical reaction. This is not your average beautiful person, generally causing others to be taken back or stunned.

This person’s beauty causes us to get chills, stomach aches, our heart races, or perhaps we tear up. However, we want to see this beauty again.

To further explain the use of this particular term, here are a few examples:

  • The song was hauntingly beautiful, evoking a feeling of sadness, yet I wanted to listen to it on repeat.
  • The model was hauntingly beautiful, yet the audience couldn’t take their eyes off of her.
  • She was so hauntingly beautiful that she made me feel nervous and I shed a tear in her presence.

An Anguished Beauty

The last alternative we will go over is “an anguished beauty”. Cambridge Dictionary defines “anguished” as someone having or showing extreme physical or mental suffering. Therefore, we often refer to someone as “an anguished beauty” when they are someone who has been through immense abuse or trauma.

For our last examples, we will go over the use of this term:

  • She was an anguished beauty after coming out of her last relationship. She wouldn’t talk about it much.
  • The photo showcased an anguished beauty; someone who was facing tremendous pain.
  • My mother is an anguished beauty. She went through a lot in her marriage with my father and it left her feeling worthless for years.

What Does It Mean To Be Sad And Beautiful At The Same Time?

When we consider someone to be “sad and beautiful” we mean to express that while they are very physically attractive or stunning, they carry immense sadness. This sadness is often so overwhelming, that it is plain to see from an outside perspective.

What’s An Example Of Something That Is Sad And Beautiful At The Same Time?

An example of something that is sad and beautiful at the same time is the famous painting, the Mona Lisa. This painting is immensely beautiful, yet often evokes feelings of sadness in audiences. She’s considered to be mysterious in the sense that no is aware if she’s happy, lonely, etc.

Similarly, famous runway models are known to walk the catwalk with very stoic expressions. While gorgeous, they can sometimes allude to feelings of sadness or loneliness.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


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bittersweet is the closest i can think of.

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Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but when it comes to language, it is strange that some beautiful words have meanings that are… well… a bit ugly. Read on to find some words that sound very beautiful but stand for ugly, embarrassing, sad or unpleasant things that you might just like to know.

The following beautiful words all have a lovely sound.

So much so that you would think they had beautiful meanings, too. Unfortunately, this is not the case. But there is something rather nice about a beautiful word even if its meaning is less than lovely. After all, we all experience situations and emotions that are sad or upsetting and at least now, we might have a beautiful word to describe how we are feeling.

Read on to find the perfect word to describe how you feel on a bad day, or in bad company!

1. Lacuna

A gap or missing part, for example, a missing section of a manuscript or a gap in an argument.

2. Eccedentesiast

A person who fakes a smile. It is often used to describe celebrities who have to smile for the camera no matter how they are feeling inside.

3. Lassitude

Fatigue and lack of energy. A weariness of body or mind.

4. Kuidaore

A Japanese word literally meaning: “to ruin oneself by extravagance in food” or in other words to eat yourself into bankruptcy!

5. Schwellenangst

From the German Schwelle (“threshold”) + Angst (“anxiety”). A fear or aversion to entering a place or crossing a threshold to embark on something new.

6. Dystopian

A hellish society characterized by human misery and problems including brutality, oppression, disease, hunger, etc.

2. Hiraeth

A Welsh word meaning a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return; a home which maybe never was. Nostalgia, yearning, and grief, for the lost places of your past or a sense of home.

I am homesick for a place I am not sure even exists. One where my heart is full. My body loved. And my soul understood.

8. Amorphous

Lacking a definite form, being shapeless like a thick fog.

9. Beguile

To influence by trickery or flattery or to mislead or delude.

10. Inexorable

Relentless, unyielding, unmoveable, unalterable and not to be persuaded.

11. Visceral

Dealing with crude or elemental emotions.

12. Hirsute

Hairy or shaggy.

13. Curare

A blackish, resin-like substance used by certain Indigenous South Americans for poisoning arrows. It stops the motor nerves working effectively.

14. Imbroglio

A complicated or difficult situation. An embarrassing situation or a misunderstanding of a complicated or bitter nature between people.

15. Absquatulate

To leave without saying goodbye or without permission. To abscond.

16. Ubiquitous

Found everywhere. This is not actually a negative word, but it seems to have lately acquired negative connotations and imply commonplace and without uniqueness or value.

17. Knell

The sound made by a bell rung slowly, especially for a death or funeral. Also a mournful sound in general, or a warning sound.

18. Languid

Lacking in spirit or vigour, listless, indifferent.

19. Tartle

This is a Scottish word which means to hesitate while introducing someone because you have forgotten their name.

20. Contumacious

Perverse, stubborn, obstinate, rebellious or willfully disobedient.

21. Hydra

This word comes from the water serpent in Classical Mythology of the same name, whose heads regrew as they were cut off. This word means a persistent, many-sided problem that is difficult to solve.

22. Toska

A Russian word that can be roughly translated as sadness or melancholia.

23. Desiderium

An ardent longing or desire, often for something lost.

24. Hikikomori

This Japanese word means “pulling inward, being confined” and is often used to describe social withdrawal. Hikikomori is a perfect word to describe when a young person becomes obsessed with video games and withdraws from society.

25. Woebegone

Exhibiting great sorrow, or misery.

26. Pusillanimousstar

Cowardly, faint-hearted, fearful or timid. Lacking in courage.

27. Saturnine

This comes from the Latin Saturnus and refers to the planet Saturn which was supposed to have a gloomy influence over people. It means having a gloomy or surly disposition.

28. Languishing

This was a favorite of Victorian romantic novelists where heroines would often let out a languishing sigh because of unfair treatment. It means tender, sentimental, melancholy.

29. Unrequited

Not returned, as in unrequited love. Also an unrequited wrong as in when you have not avenged yourself against someone who has done something bad to you.

30. Taciturn

Inclined to silence, not conversing readily, unsociable.

31. Estrange

To break contact, remove or keep at a distance from someone. To remove affection or attention from someone, or to behave in an unfriendly or hostile manner towards someone you previously liked or loved.

32. Morose

Sullen and ill-humored or pessimistic.

33. Deluge

Heavy, drenching rain or a great flood. Can be used to describe anything that overwhelms such as ‘a deluge of information‘.

34. Pettifog

To bicker about unimportant issues. To be petty.

35. Chicanery

To use subterfuge to trick or deceive.

Closing thoughts

Of course, words that seem beautiful to me might sound ugly to you and in the end, it is just personal preference. But I hope you can use some of these words and that they might make you feel a bit better about some of the ugly things in life. We’d love to hear your beautiful words for ugly things – or just beautiful words in general. Please share them with us in the comments below.

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Contributing writer at Learning Mind

Kirstie Pursey holds a diploma in creative writing from the Open University and works as a writer, blogger, and storyteller. She lives in London with her family of people, dogs, and cats. She is a lover of reading, writing, being in nature, fairy lights, candles, fireside, and afternoon tea.

Copyright © 2012-2023 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

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Enjoy collection of 50 Sad But Beautiful quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Sad But Beautiful. Righ click to see and save pictures of Sad But Beautiful quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

#1. It’s what I’ll be singing in the morning. It won’t be God Save the Ruddy King or All Things bleeding Bright and Beautiful. It’ll be Orange and Lemons for Big Joe, for all of us. — Author: Michael Morpurgo

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Michael Morpurgo

#4. You have always been my only muse. I cannot paint or sculpt. I have only my words to render your likeness. Sometimes I wish I were both God and Adam so I could tear out my rib and create you from my own flesh. I would say I’d create you from my heart, but I gave that to you when you left me. But that’s a cliché, isn’t it? Sadly, that’s all I have these days. The whole story is a cliché. I desired you. I ate of you. I lost you. That ancient story – older than the Garden, old as the Snake. I would have liked to call this story of ours The Temptation but the word temptation, once the province of pious theologians, has now been co-opted by every third second-rate romance novelist. And although I loved you, my beautiful girl, this is not a romance novel. — Author: Tiffany Reisz

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Tiffany Reisz

#6. I understand that you want to have fun. That you like to distract yourself from life by going and doing these ridiculous things and laughing the whole time while you do them. I know you want to pretend that everything’s okay by trying your best to act normal, but I don’t. I want to sit in this house and mope around and be sad and revel in the fact that my life is complete shit from here on out. — Author: John Corey Waley

Sad But Beautiful quotes by John Corey Waley

#7. No one can make you feel anything. Emotions are whatever you choose to feel. It might be an instantaneous decision — to choose to be happy or sad or offended or hurt — but it’s still a decision. — Author: Lisa Magnum

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Lisa Magnum

#8. The memoirs that have come out of Africa are sometimes startlingly beautiful, often urgent, and essentially life-affirming, but they are all performances of courage and honesty. — Author: Alexandra Fuller

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Alexandra Fuller

#13. A woman can be very beautiful and an ideal model and she will photograph incredibly well, but she’ll appear in film and it won’t work. What works is some fusion of physical beauty with some mental field or whatever you call it. I don’t know. — Author: Oliver Stone

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Oliver Stone

#14. I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment; it is its appointed consummation. It is not out of compliment that lovers keep on telling one another how beautiful they are; the delight is incomplete till it is expressed. It is frustrating to have discovered a new author and not to be able to tell anyone how good he is; to come suddenly, at the turn of the road, upon some mountain valley of unexpected grandeur and then to have to keep silent because the people with you care for it no more than for a tin can in the ditch; to hear a good joke and find no one to share it with. . . . The Scotch catechism says that man’s chief end is ‘to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.’ But we shall then know that these are the same thing. Fully to enjoy is to glorify. In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to enjoy Him. — Author: C.S. Lewis

Sad But Beautiful quotes by C.S. Lewis

#15. You are not your past. You are the warrior that rose above it to become the example of someone who didn’t survive, but thrived in creating the most beautiful last chapter of their life. — Author: Shannon L. Alder

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Shannon L. Alder

#17. The government of my country snubs honest simplicity but fondles artistic villainy, and I think I might have developed into a very capable pickpocket if I had remained in the public service a year or two. — Author: Mark Twain

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Mark Twain

#20. Each band or level, being a particular manifestation of the electromagnetic spectrum, is what it is only by virtue of the other bands. The color blue is no less beautiful because it exits along side the other colors of a rainbow, and blueness itself depends upon the existence of the other colors, for if there were no color but blue, we would never be able to see it. — Author: Ken Wilber

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Ken Wilber

#21. The years move forward and everyone is attending to their life’s priorities, focusing on how to be happy, make a living, raise a family. The years turn into decades and sooner or later, (hopefully later) sickness or accidents happen and all are again confronted with the big questions: Why? What’s next? What has this life that I’ve lived been about? As one begins to consider their own eventual departure: What have I been able to do to make things a little better? What have I passed along to make others’ lives more beautiful? — Author: Gene O’Neil

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Gene O'Neil

#22. His own image; no longer a dark, gray bird, ugly and disagreeable to look at, but a graceful and beautiful swan. To be born in a duck’s nest, in a farmyard, is of no consequence to a bird, if it is hatched from a swan’s egg. — Author: Hans Christian Andersen

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Hans Christian Andersen

#31. I’d like to think that the day I realize we will always be miserable will differ from every other. I hope it will so obnoxiously stand out from the monotonous cycle of my days, that I wouldn’t forget that sorrowful moment of comprehension. But, when that breeze of reality comes by, it wont be a memorable hurricane, nor a momentous tornado. It will be the same, sad, soft wind that I felt the day before, and the day before that. Because the moment you understand your inevitable misery in life, may also be the day you see you are to always be dejected. — Author: Temperance

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Temperance

#34. Don’t fall for the ones who say, I am always yours. They are liars, unfortunately humans too — Author: Rushabh Patel

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Rushabh Patel

#35. Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were. — Author: Margaret Mitchell

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Margaret Mitchell

#36. It could be yesterday
when I was less in love
I think
For I didn’t see you in the mirror
behind me
while getting dressed.
The way your hands couldn’t stay away
and our bodies always found their ways back to each other
as if they were meant to be together

But then it was today and I saw you
in the mirror
behind me while getting dressed

So I go to sleep tonight
without actually falling asleep because I’m scared of the moment I will wake up
and realise it was just a dream
You’re actually gone.

Now all I can do is get through to another tomorrow
hoping that I will be less in love
Like yesterday

But not today.
I was never really well with things at all. — Author: Charlotte Eriksson

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Charlotte Eriksson

#37. Every time he moved, with every breath he took, it seemed the man was carried along by iridescent orange and black wings.

She tried to convey how it was like travelling through the inside of a living body at times, the joints and folds of the earth, the liver-smooth flowstone, the helictites threading upward like synapses in search of a connection. She found it beautiful. Surely God would not have invented such a place as His spiritual gulag.

It took Ali’s breath away. Sometimes, once men found out she was a nun, they would dare her in some way. What made Ike different was his abandon. He had a carelessness in his manner that was not reckless, but was full of risk. Winged. He was pursuing her, but not faster than she was pursuing him, and it made them like two ghosts circling.

She ran her fingers along his back, and the bone and the muscle and hadal ink and scar tissue and the callouses from his pack straps astonished her. This was the body of a slave.

Down from the Egypt, eye of the sun, in front of the Sinai, away from their skies like a sea inside out, their stars and planets spearing your soul, their cities like insects, all shell and mechanism, their blindness with eyes, their vertiginous plains and mind-crushing mountains. Down from the billions who had made the world in their own image. Their signature could be a thing of beauty. But it was a thing of death.

Ali got one good look, then closed her eyes to the heat. — Author: Jeff Long

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Jeff Long

#43. Hope may be an illusion, but it’s what keeps you from jumping in the river or swallowing hemlock. Hope is a beautiful lie and it requires talent to create it for others. And back then on that day when they say it first began, I truly believed that the creation of hope was the greatest of all the arts, the noblest of all the lies. I was wrong. — Author: Karen Maitland

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Karen Maitland

#45. Discomfort and awkwardness are places where you feel things. I’m a big advocate for being happy. We can choose to live in a happy bubble. But part of being happy is understanding how sad things can be. — Author: Laurel Nakadate

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Laurel Nakadate

#47. Snow pouted. «I hate roses! They hurt!»
Her mother smiled, her image softening along with the sound of her voice. She seemed so far away. «They can, yes, when you get nicked by a thorn.» She plucked a single red rose off the bush. It was petrified from the snow and frozen, but still perfectly preserved and almost crimson in color. Snow peered at it closely. «But you shouldn’t be afraid to hold on to something beautiful, even if there are thorns in your path. If you want something, sometimes you have to take risks. And when you do»- she handed Snow the rose- «you reap wonderful rewards. — Author: Jen Calonita

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Jen Calonita

#48. I may not be perfect, but i’m always me — Author: Selena Gomez

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Selena Gomez

#49. She was the kind of elegance
That would never tarnish.
A mixture of lace and mesh,
Like a classic heirloom that begged to be worn.
She was sharp intellect and quick wit.
The type of woman that spoke her mind,
Even if it shook.
(Or even if no one was listening.)
She was beautiful.
But not someone you’d see in magazines,
Her hips were too wide, her hair a mess of wispy tendrils,
(Rather, she was actually very ordinary.)
My, was she stubborn! She’d drive you mad!
(Sometimes, you’d probably call her crazy.)
But mostly, her laughter was a joyful moments.
Like a warm towel fresh from the dryer,
Or finding a twenty-dollar bill in your winter coat.
And that was the true revelation.
That magic does exist,
It ran through her like a wild, fiery current. — Author: M.J. Abraham

Sad But Beautiful quotes by M.J. Abraham

#50. My God, he whispered. What have I done to her? He thought, humbled. The spell was broken, but it wasn’t sealed, and her soul was bare to him, the scars of her tragic past and her triumphs over pain and her aching need to find her place. He just wanted to hold her to him and tell her it would be okay, that she had survived and was beautiful. — Author: Kim Harrison

Sad But Beautiful quotes by Kim Harrison


Discover and share beautiful sad quotes. Some of these quotes are sad because well they are just sad but some of these are sad because you probably read the book.

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Sad but beautiful quotes. But no one knows its value until they have it in their own eyes for someone. 5039 matching entries found. Be yourself being who you are being true to yourself happy sadness emotions feelings sad friendship sad heartbroken sad breakup sad break up sad love pain influence.

Mark haddon behind every beautiful thing there s some kind of pain. Sad beautiful quotes about crying. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love.

Crying quotes funny crying quotes by mandy. Life isn t easy for anyone but you need to pass the test every time or else you will be left alone behind all the people. Sometimes we get sad about things and we don t like to tell other people that we are sad about them.

Below you will find the 20 saddest quotes that will make you cry found in ya books. Crying quotes each drop of a tear is costly than anything in the world. You are sad because you re a personal problem or any other reason you need these sad quotes that you can read and share with others to express your feelings.

Sometimes you just want to feel the feels embrace the saddness and just go with it. Showing search results for sad but beautiful sorted by relevance. Following are the beautiful and inspiring quotes about crying with images.

Or sometimes we are sad but we really don t know why we are sad so we say we aren t sad but we really are. 31 incredibly sad quotes that will give you feelings. Sad but beautiful quotes sayings.

We like to keep it a secret.

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