Word for right then and there

Idioms browser

  • right guy
  • right in front of (one’s) eyes
  • right in the kisser
  • right now
  • right of center
  • right of way
  • right off
  • right off the bat
  • right on
  • right on (one’s) heels
  • right on (one’s) tail
  • right on the button
  • right on the mark
  • right on the money
  • right on the nail
  • right on time
  • Right on!
  • right out
  • right royal
  • right side of the tracks
  • right side up
  • right side, on someone’s
  • right smart
  • right tack/track, to take/on the
  • right the ship
  • right then and there
  • right to
  • right to do
  • right to life
  • right to work
  • right up (one’s) alley
  • right up one’s alley
  • right up one’s alley, to be
  • right up your alley
  • right up your street
  • right you are
  • right you are!
  • right/wrong place at the right time, to be in the
  • right-brained
  • righteous
  • righteous collar
  • right-hand man
  • rightly
  • rightly so
  • right-o
  • right-of-way
  • right-side out
  • right-side up
  • righty
  • righty tighty, lefty loosey
  • rigmarole

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  • Right subclavian
  • Right subclavian
  • Right subclavian artery
  • Right subclavian artery
  • Right subclavian artery
  • Right subclavian artery
  • Right Subclavian Vein
  • Right Subscapular Line
  • Right Superficial Femoral Artery
  • Right Superior Divisional Block
  • Right Superior Hepatic Vein
  • Right superior intercostal
  • Right superior intercostal vein
  • Right Superior Pulmonary Vein
  • Right Superior Pulmonary Vein
  • right suprarenal vein
  • right tack
  • right tack/track, to take/on the
  • Right tackle
  • Right Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
  • right testicular vein
  • right testicular vein
  • right testicular vein
  • Right Testis Posterior Extremity
  • right that wrong
  • Right the First Time
  • Right The Freak Now
  • Right the Freak On
  • right the ship
  • right the wrong
  • right then and there
  • Right Thing
  • Right This Freaking Minute
  • right this wrong
  • right thoracic duct
  • right through like a dose of salts
  • Right Time Peak Velocity
  • Right Time, Right Place
  • right to
  • right to (do) (something)
  • right to (something)
  • Right to a fair trial
  • Right to Adequate Housing
  • right to an attorney
  • Right to Appeal
  • Right to Appeal
  • Right to Appeal
  • Right to Appeal
  • Right to Appeal
  • Right to assemble
  • Right to asylum
  • right to be forgotten
  • right to be forgotten
  • right to be forgotten
  • right to be forgotten
  • right to be forgotten
  • Right to be free from slavery
  • Right to be free from slavery
  • Right to be free from slavery
  • Right to be free from slavery
  • Right to Bear and Keep Arms


You shoulda slapped a b*tch right then and there.

by yaboip August 28, 2015


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right right right

Common phrase used when someone is pretending that they are listening to you but they really don’t care about any of the words that are coming out of your mouth.

«I just bought these brand new shoes this weekend. Aren’t they dope vader?»

«Right right right.»

by J Kerns May 12, 2008


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right right

actually from the movie clockwork orange

«do you agree?»

«right right»

by nos October 25, 2004


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right right

Listening, but not listening, blah blah blah………Thinking to yourself….» Lying ass, would this motha fucka shut up for a fuckin minute». ( see Serious ? )

Jaime: Yeah I bet you I get more skins than Barney

Joe: Right Right!

by Rule 3 May 10, 2005


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Right Right!

A common way of starting a story when changing the subject

girl 1: Right right! You never guess what happened the other day?

Boy 1: *sigh* what?

Girls 1: *giggle* well right, I was walking down the street right?

by Buzzybee12354 January 2, 2016


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right right

Confirmation that one should go right

Hey its right right.

by Mr Meraz January 30, 2012


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An expression which adds a positive emphasis to an idea. It

can mean «cool» or «fantastic» or «you-got-it». Very popular

in the ’70’s when Isaac Hayes hit record «Shaft» used the

expression in its lyrics.

«Right-on, brother.»

by Mamashaina46 May 27, 2008


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More random definitions

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

прямо здесь и сейчас

прямо тогда и там

прямо там и тогда

прямо сейчас и там

прямо на месте

именно тогда и там

прямо оттуда

прямо тут

там и прямо тогда

хорошо и там, и там

тот самый момент

It’s not wise to start chasing links or citations right then and there.

I could feel the dream deflate right then and there.

Bingo. I was ready to do you right then and there.

I wanted to ask you to marry me right then and there.

I knew I had to have you… right then and there.

I swear, I could have taken Bobby right then and there.

I just wanted to die, right then and there.

Of course not all of them are going to make a purchase right then and there.

You’ll get your money right then and there.

Ask for their credit card number right then and there.

You must have paid cash for it, right then and there.

Check to see if they’re busy right then and there.

He clearly really needed my money, right then and there.

Because I knew right then and there, you’d be an amazing father.

By getting them to sign up right then and there, you increase the likelihood that they’ll build a strong connection with your brand.

Мотивируя их подписаться прямо здесь и сейчас, Вы увеличиваете вероятность построения долгосрочных отношений с Вашим брендом в будущем.

Carrie is immediately concerned for Brody’s life when she recognizes the man, and proposes capturing the three conspirators right then and there.

Кэрри сразу же беспокоится за жизнь Броуди, когда она узнаёт мужчину, и предлагает захватить трёх заговорщиков прямо здесь и сейчас.

I decided to tell Mitchell right then and there what I was thinking and feeling.

Я решил сказать Митчелл прямо тогда и там, о чем я думал и чувствовал.

And I decided right then and there, to call myself Jay Gatsby.

Do what makes you happy right then and there.

И сделайте сейчас то, что сделает вас счастливее ЗДЕСЬ И СЕЙЧАС.

I wanted to strangle him right then and there.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 264. Точных совпадений: 264. Затраченное время: 213 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • #1

He decided right then and there that from that day foward, he would go through life as Troy Phelan, Jr. The name was magic….

Hi, Is there any nuance between «right then and there» and «immediately»? Why not use «immediately» here instead?

    • #2

    «right then and there» is a slightly stronger version. There’s not a great deal of difference, but it’s more emotive.

    • #3

    Fish, Thanks for your help~

    Translation examples

    • прямо тогда и там

    • прямо здесь и сейчас

    Explicit linkage to rights

    Прямая связь с правами

    Right ascension (RA): 129.389º

    Прямое восхождение: 129,389°

    The right moment is now.

    И указанный момент уже настал прямо сейчас.

    Well, here is what is happening now — right now, today.

    Но вот что происходит сейчас, — прямо сейчас, сегодня.

    Right ascension of the ascending node:

    прямое восхождение восходящего узла: Right-angle turns. повороты под прямым углом.

    His opinion is right on the mark.

    Его тезис бьет прямо в точку.

    I was ready to do you right then and there.

    Я была готова наброситься на тебя прямо тогда и там.

    I wanted to ask you to marry me right then and there.

    Я хотел спросить вас жениться меня прямо тогда и там.

    And I decided… right then and there to call myself Jay Gatsby.

    И решил прямо тогда и там назвать себя Джеем Гэтсби.

    I’m gonna shoot you in the head right then and there.

    Я собираюсь стрелять в тебя в голове прямо тогда и там.

    Because I knew right then and there, you’d be an amazing father.

    Потому что я знал прямо тогда и там , Вы были бы удивительным отцом.

    It’s like every time I’m sitting with a young man she wants me to kiss him, right then and there.

    Это происходит каждый раз, когда я сижу с молодым человеком она хочет, чтобы я поцеловала его, прямо тогда и там.

    She aimed right for us.

    Он шел прямо на нас.

    “But they’ve put him right down as the murderer now!

    — Да ведь они ж его прямо в убийцы теперь записали!

    And then, from right behind them, a drawling voice spoke.

    И тут, прямо за их спинами, раздался голос.

    They stole that shirt right off o’ the line!

    Эту самую рубашку стянули прямо с веревки!

    But what is known—you’re right on that score.»

    Но в отношении того, что все-таки известно, ты попал прямо в точку.

    And he was standing right in front of where you were sitting.

    А он стоял прямо против того места, где сидела ты.

    Could Dobby be following him right at this very moment?

    Неужели он прямо сейчас, в эту секунду следует за Гарри по пятам?

    Naturally, this crazy nut and I became good friends right away.

    Ну, чокнутый, конечно, потому-то мы с ним прямо на той вечеринке и подружились.

    There was a gap right in front of them: the entrance to the vast maze.

    Прямо перед ними в изгороди чернеет проем — вход в лабиринт.

    And he was gonna kill me right then and there because he knew I would make sure he would never get out again.

    И он намеревался убить меня прямо здесь и сейчас потому что у него никогда бы не было другого шанса.

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    Это происходит каждый раз, когда

    я сижу с молодым человеком она хочет, чтобы я поцеловала его, прямо тогда и там.

    context icon

    Потребовалась… вся моя сила, чтобы просто не подойти к тебе


    не сделать предложение прямо там и тогда.

    Anyway, uh… today at the house of the woman that I was… theoretically going to marry,

    context icon

    В любом случае, ух… сегодня в доме женщины, на которой я… теоретически собираюсь жениться,

    у меня появились потребности


    я почувствовал необходимость позаботиться о них… прямо там и тогда.

    context icon

    Carrie is immediately concerned for Brody’s life when she recognizes the man,

    context icon

    Кэрри сразу же беспокоится за жизнь Броуди, когда она узнает мужчину,

    I knew


    then and there, my days as a confirmed bachelor were over.

    context icon

    Именно тогда и там я понял, что мои дни как убежденного холостяка пришли к концу.

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    I knew


    then and


    that I wanted to do magic.

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    Тогда и поняла, что хочу стать фокусником.

    We just came up with the song»Faget»


    then and


    context icon

    Впоследствии концерт вышел на DVD« There and Then».

    We knew


    then and there… you were gonna be a cowgirl.

    context icon

    И тогда мы поняли, что ты станешь звездой родео.

    If they wanted to kill Cassie, they would have done it

    right then 

    and there.

    context icon

    Если бы они хотели убить Кэсси, они бы это сделали здесь и сейчас.

    How did you keep yourself from grabbing her right then

    and there and

    take her home?

    context icon

    Как ты удержалась от того, чтобы не забрать ее прям тогда, забрать ее домой?

    There’s no way I was… I had to have you

    right then 

    and there.

    context icon

    Не важно как, но мне нужно было заполучить тебя здесь и сейчас.

    context icon

    Normally I stop and pray right

    then and 

    there maybe a sentence or two.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Обычно я останавливаюсь и молюсь прямо там в нескольких предложениях.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    that first night at the derby,

    all I wanted was to have you





    context icon

    В тот первый ечер

    в» Дерби» больше всего мне хотелось взять тебя прямо там, прямо тогда.

    Zack found a bag underneath the seat, and he knew



    and there,

    Brian was juicing.

    context icon

    Зак нашел сумку, спрятанную под сиденьем, и тогда он узнал, что Брайан принимает допинг.

    And I knew

    right then and there

    that I didn’t deserve you.

    context icon

    И я знал, что я не заслуживаю тебя.

    I would have married her right

    then and there.

    context icon

    Я бы тотчас же на ней женился.

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    Time: 0.0225





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    Chicago Classic Thesaurus. -0001. «Synonyms for Right then and there» https://www.classicthesaurus.com/right_then_and_there/synonyms (accessed April 14, 2023).
    Harvard Classic Thesaurus -0001, Synonyms for Right then and there, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 14 April, 2023, <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/right_then_and_there/synonyms>.
    MLA Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Right then and there» 30 November -0001. Web. 14 April 2023. <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/right_then_and_there/synonyms>

    What is right then and there?

    Masturbating with your right hand

    Jake: Yo Nick, I was up till 12 am righting.
    Parker: Same!

    👍37 👎11

    right then and there — video

    Right then and there — what is it?

    A 200ml bottle of Hennessey

    Lemmie git that right there!

    👍177 👎39

    What does «right then and there» mean?

    Exercise your rights or you are just another norm

    We all have the right to:

    1. Make our own choices.
    2. Not be controlled by those who believe they are superior to us because they earn the money and pay the bills.
    3. Be in control of our destinies (although we must listen to the universe when she calls).
    4. Privacy, even from those we believe love us (When someone loves you they respect your privacy).
    5. To dream, to hope for a better future for ourselves and for those that we love.
    6. Forgive and be forgiven (true love does not require forgiveness).
    7. Be understood and to understand ourselves (to understand ourselves we must first be honest with ourselves — Refer: Choice
    8. To be happy (Refer: point 2)
    9. To be able to tell the one you love that you love her while you are making love to her without fearing that she will never speak to you again.
    10. To not be stoned everytime she is willing to love you.
    11. To be able to hold her in your arms after sharing so much.
    12. Give of ourselves freely; to not be told to follow the rules of Bogans.
    13. Be respected; to be helped to find ourselves again when we are lost. (those who love you, will sacrifice everything to help you. Those who only say they love you, do not care enough to show you the respect that you deserve.
    14. Follow our hearts and not our minds.
    15. Take a risk even when there never was one.
    16. Not be blackmailed by those we have become dependant on. — example: When you come home after an amazing day and they are sitting on the edge of the bed with their suitcases packed telling you they are going to leave — that is blackmail. It also suggests that they are willing to risk losing you.
    That they do not respect your intelligence and are more than willing to exploit your gullibility.
    Just in case you are wondering — if they were going to leave, they would have already left.
    The dilemma for you in this situation is that you do not have time to make a choice even if you tell the one who really loves you, that you did have to make a choice.
    17. Love and be loved.

    👍279 👎49

    Right then and there — what does it mean?

    An expression which adds a positive emphasis to an idea. It
    can mean «cool» or «fantastic» or «you-got-it». Very popular
    in the ’70’s when Isaac Hayes hit record «Shaft» used the
    expression in its lyrics.

    «Right-on, brother.»

    👍515 👎79

    Right then and there — meaning

    Confirmation that one should go right

    Hey its right right.

    👍45 👎29

    Right then and there — definition

    A common way of starting a story when changing the subject

    girl 1: Right right! You never guess what happened the other day?
    Boy 1: *sigh* what?
    Girls 1: *giggle* well right, I was walking down the street right?

    👍35 👎17

    Right then and there — slang

    Listening, but not listening, blah blah blah………Thinking to yourself….» Lying ass, would this motha fucka shut up for a fuckin minute». ( see Serious ? )

    Jaime: Yeah I bet you I get more skins than Barney

    Joe: Right Right!

    👍59 👎43

    Right then and there

    actually from the movie clockwork orange

    «do you agree?»

    «right right»

    👍161 👎37

    Right then and there

    Common phrase used when someone is pretending that they are listening to you but they really don’t care about any of the words that are coming out of your mouth.

    «I just bought these brand new shoes this weekend. Aren’t they dope vader?»

    «Right right right.»

    👍141 👎33

    Right then and there


    You shoulda slapped a b*tch right then and there.

    👍105 👎35

    Примеры из текстов

    His coolness enraged Grimes and it took all his willpower to not just pull the trigger right then and there.

    Спокойствие Мэддена привело Граймса в такую ярость, что он едва не убил его на месте.

    De Lint, Charles / The Little CountryДе Линт, Чарльз / Маленькая страна

    Маленькая страна

    Де Линт, Чарльз

    The Little Country

    De Lint, Charles

    © 1991 by Charles de Lint

    If whoever it was just wanted to kill her, he could have waited until the cops left and had the ceremony right then and there

    Если бы кто-то из них хотел убить ее, он мог просто дождаться, когда полиция уедет, и совершить задуманное прямо на месте.

    Zahn, Timothy / The Green And The GrayЗан, Тимоти / Зеленые и серые

    Зеленые и серые

    Зан, Тимоти

    The Green And The Gray

    Zahn, Timothy

    He would set to work on it with his oil-drenched cloths right then and there.

    Он обработает его тут же, на месте, завернув в пропитанную жиром простыню.

    Suskind, Patrick / Perfume. The story of a murdererЗюскинд, Патрик / Парфюмер. История одного убийцы

    Парфюмер. История одного убийцы

    Зюскинд, Патрик

    © Э.В. Венгерова, перевод, 1999

    © «Азбука-классика», 2002

    © 1985 by Diogenes Verlag AG Zürich

    Perfume. The story of a murderer

    Suskind, Patrick

    © 1986 by Alfred A. Knopf

    © 1985 by Diogenes Verlag AG

    The mental state of the DBPK survivor was low on Conway’s order of priorities right then, and there was no way he could conceal his impatience from Prilicla.

    Но в данный момент психологическое состояние ДБПК не значилось первым в списке приоритетов для Конвея, и он никак не сумел скрыть от Приликлы свое раздражение.

    White, James / QuarantineУайт, Джеймс / Карантин


    White, James

    © 2002 by the Estate of James White

    © 1980 by James White

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