Word for relieving stress

Everybody gets stressed sometimes. Starting a new job, moving to a new place, getting everyone ready in your household in the morning, or even simply walking into a room full of people you’ve never met before can make your heart beat a little faster and your forehead sweat a little more. But what you don’t realize is that you already have the best possible tool for stress relief at your disposal: your voice. Yes, by uttering a few key words and phrases, you can instantly calm down and unwind, making those worries fade away. Here are 17 of those magic words that’ll help you keep calm and carry on.

closeup of hands opening envelope to pull out a thank you note


We all know that getting thanked is a huge mood-booster. But did you know that thanking someone else can have similar effects? According to a 2005 study published in the journal American Psychology, expressing gratitude can lead to an increased boost of happiness. In their research, Martin Seligman, PhD, and his team asked a group of participants to write and hand-deliver letters of gratitude to people from their past who had been especially kind to them but who they had never properly thanked. The study subjects assigned this task had a far happier attitude as a result, which lasted at least an entire month later. Yes, it might be hard to remember to show gratitude when you’re stressed, but a little «thank you» can go a long way—for everyone involved.

senior white man thinking while sitting on picnic table, with a half smile on his face


When you’re under the gun, it’s all too easy to be completely consumed by the problem at hand. That’s why it’s crucial to be able to look past the problem, and thankfully, there’s a one-word solution that can help you do just that: nevertheless. As Stanley Hibbs, PhD, told Psychology Today, «nevertheless» is a magic word that can help you kill stress at its core. If you follow your stressed out thought with a positive one, separating the two with a «nevertheless» in between, «it’s good for your health, your self-esteem, and can make you a more productive, better person,» Hibbs says.

older black couple smiling and laughing outside while leaning on fence


Relationships can lead to joy and stress in equal measure. When dealing with a problem involving a loved one, reminding yourself that they love you and that you deserve their love is crucial. «As a person who has anxiety in her close relationships, something that is often helpful to repeat to myself when anxiety starts to build are sayings like, ‘You are lovable and/or deserve love,'» Chantelle Doswell, a licensed counselor and a lecturer at Columbia University’s School of Social Work, told HuffPost. These phrases can help the problem seem more manageable, and can help banish your stress in kind.

older couple hugging and smiling in the kitchen


Just as reminding yourself you are worthy of love helps calm you down, reminding yourself you are also capable of love helps fight everyday stress. «Sub out ‘loving’ for any word that you feel describes you when you’re being your best self. Now close your eyes and think about how it feels when you’re embodying that trait,» Heidi Hanna, PhD, writes in Stressaholic: 5 Steps to Transform Your Relationship with Stress. So the next time you wake up feeling stressed, take a couple seconds and tell yourself what kind of person you want to be that day. It will take the focus away from how stressed you might be feeling.

man sits on sandy beach as gun glares while meditating


Telling someone who’s stressed to «just calm down» is an exercise in futility—we all know that. However, when you’re telling yourself to calm down, it’s not nearly as useless. According to Doswell, telling yourself to calm down while also performing mindful breathing exercises can have a big impact on your stress levels. «Breathing out to counts of four to C-A-L-M [on the in breath] and D-O-W-N [on the out breath] is my go-to for physical anxiety,» Doswell told HuffPost.

red headed young woman in red and white striped shirt grips fists in excitement as she smiles and closes her eyes


According to Alison Wood Brooks, an associate professor at Harvard Business School, there’s actually a completely different emotion that can combat stress besides the typical antonyms of calm and relaxation. In a 2013 study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Brooks found that participants who faced stressful tasks with excitement—rather than the relaxed attitude that’s generally prescribed—were far more likely to see a decrease in stress levels. So next time you’re feeling the walls close in, pump yourself up!

yes no maybe checklist with pen laying atop paper


Unfortunately, not all the things that are causing you stress are things you can control. But if you’re dealing with a task that is indeed something you can control, and it’s causing you a lot of stress, you might want to consider dropping it altogether.

«When we want to live a stress-free life, we have to choose ‘no,'» writes Darius Foroux, author of What It Takes to Be Free. «Saying blindly yes to invitations from our colleagues, friends, or family causes us stress. We often regret saying yes for days. We worry about damaging our relationships. We worry that we burn bridges. We worry what people would think if we say no. … By saying no you don’t miss anything. The world is filled with opportunity and beauty.»

man sits back in chair, photographed from behind, with hands behind his head as he relaxes


It sounds like too obvious of a solution for something like stress that can be all-encompassing, but reminding yourself that any given problem is just a passing storm is a surefire way to help get to the other side. Neglecting to look at the big, inevitable picture only exacerbates feelings of anxiety. «Remind yourself that this panic-filled moment won’t last forever,» Diane Sherry Case, a life and writing coach, told HuffPost. «Enter this mantra. Repeat ‘this too will pass’ in rhythm with your breath.»

young white man looking at himself in the mirror


A speech, a performance, a presentation—any activity that involves getting in front of a crowd is bound to cause stress. But if you choose to focus on the importance of what you’re doing rather than how people might judge you for it, the stress will dissipate.

«Sometimes I get anxious about a new podcast episode or a video I’ll be releasing because I’m worried about what the reception will be,» Joy Harden Bradford, the founder of Therapy for Black Girls, told HuffPost. «Reminding myself that it’s not about me, but more about who needs to hear what I have to say, is incredibly helpful.»

Black woman takes deep breath outdoors


Who doesn’t want someone to tell them that everything will be okay? The good news is, you needn’t find someone else to tell you—you can just do it yourself! Maryam Hasnaa, who leads workshops on spirituality and consciousness, told HuffPost she uses the phrase «all is well» religiously during her daily life. After all, it is a little harder to be stressed when you believe everything is going smoothly.

closeup on handshake between two men


Business relationships can become big sources of stress. But telling someone that you respect them in the workplace can end up going a long way in not only making that person happy, but also lowering your stress levels in the long run.

«Respect creates respect; the relationship grows. Conflicts that otherwise would create massive stress are transformed into problems you solve together,» Inc. reporter Geoffrey James wrote in an article for Business Insider. So, the next time a problem with a coworker or business partner has you feeling the pressure, try telling that coworker that you respect them and want to find a resolution together. You might be surprised by how fast the problem gets solved.

two sets of hands grasp cup of coffee from across a table, photo taken from above


Holding onto grudges can lead to a lot of stress. But forgiveness, on the other hand? That can make your stress levels go down instantly. Actually, according to a 2019 study from the American Psychology Associates, letting go of hostility or resentment can lower your risk of heart attack, ease pain, improve your cholesterol levels, and reduce anxiety and depression. All of that just from telling someone, «I forgive you» and working on living up to that.

«It is an active process in which you make a conscious decision to let go of negative feelings whether the person deserves it or not,» Karen Swartz, MD, director of the Mood Disorders Adult Consultation Clinic at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, explained in an article for Johns Hopkins.

hands shown cutting paper with scissors that reads "i can't" so that it becomes "i can"


Beating yourself up for not meeting your personal expectations is extremely detrimental, yet you probably do it all the time. So why not try to do the opposite next time and tell yourself that, yes, you are in fact enough? Repeat that phrase a couple times and you’ll be ready to face your next challenge stress-free!

«Giving ourselves positive messages will combat negative self-talk,» writes Kathleen Hall, PhD, of the Mindful Living Network. «You can choose to do this simple practice to create prosperity, balance, and health in your life.»

control concept photo with black background shows hands with strings tied to them, like a puppet master


You may not believe it at the time, but try repeating this positive affirmation to yourself. «Research at the University of California tells us that individuals who repeat an affirmation when they experience fear or stress have lower cortisol levels,» writes Hall. «Cortisol is the stress hormone that causes our bodies to have a fight-or-flight response in a time of fear.» So the less of that, the better!

older man with face in hands


This phrase may sound silly, but hear us out. Society naturally conditions people to bottle up their negative feelings. And yet, expressing those negative feelings is step one when it comes to resolving them. According to a 2014 study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, participants who shared feelings of stress with others before giving a speech ended up experiencing a decrease in stress. So the next time you’re stressed, acknowledge what you’re feeling. It might just make all the difference. And for more ways to minimize your stress, quit these 20 Mistakes That Will Only Compound Your Stress.

Home » Разговорник » Английские выражения о стрессеАнглийские фразы на тему СТРЕССОВЫЕ СИТУАЦИИ — stress situations (с переводом и озвучиванием)

Если нужно сказать о том, что у вас стресс или вы переживаете похожее чувство, потребуются фразы to be stressed (переживать стресс), а также to be stressed out или wound up (быть взвинченным, на нервах). Оба эти выражения являются неформальными  (informal), поэтому, если вы хотите быть более формальным, можно сказать, что вы  under a lot of pressure/stress.

Когда разговор заходит о стрессах, всегда говорят о причинах (reasons), вызвавших его.  Вы можете сказать, к примеру, что ваша работа нервирует вас (the job stresses out) или сводит с ума (drives crazy). Это неформальные выражения, которые мы используем ежедневно.

Работа, особенно если ее слишком много, является обычной причиной стресса (common cause of stress). Когда у нас слишком много работы, можно сказать, что мы буквально по уши погрязли в ней (snowed under work или up to our ears in work).

Если вы считаете, что слишком много работаете, можно сказать, что “I’m overworked”, а если вам приходится задерживаться после работы, скажите “I’m working/ doing overtime”.

Если вы чувствуете, что стресс переполняет вас (you feel too stressed), вам нужно снять его (relieve your stress), отправившись куда-то, чтобы расслабиться (relax), снять напряжение (de-stress) или успокоиться (wind down). Все эти фразы означают одно и то же. Как только вы расслабились (relaxed), можно сказать, что вы чувствуете себя спокойно (feel calm или de-stressed).

Вот несколько примеров того, как люди говорят о своих стрессах:

  • Jane is so stressed about completing her report! – Джейн нервничает из-за того, что нужно завершить свой отчет.
  • I’m stressed about passing my exam tomorrow – я переживаю из-за экзамена, который нужно сдать завтра.
  • With these difficult calculations I’m so stressed- эти трудные расчеты измотали меня.
  • I’m going crazy with making her believe me – я схожу с ума, пытаясь убедить ее верить мне.
  • My problem is that I can’t stop thinking about it and it keeps me up all night! – моя проблема в том, что я не могут прекратить думать об этом и это мучает меня всю ночь.

От стресса необходимо избавляться, иначе он может обернуться такими проблемами, как бессонница (sleeplessness/insomnia), нарушение пищевого поведения (eating disorders), депрессия (depression).

Поэтому специалисты советуют бороться со стрессом (deal with stress), и чаще отключать мобильный телефон, проводить время на природе, устраивать пикники с друзьями и покупать новую одежду, завести питомца, принимать ароматические ванны и т.п.

Collocations with stress

Со словом «stress» есть несколько устойчивых словосочетаний, которые ниже указаны в примерах:

  • You must learn to control stress — вы должны научиться контролировать напряжение.
  • Mental stress can lead to serious problems— психологический стресс может привести к серьезным проблемам.
  • I can’t work under stress — я не могу работать в условиях стресса.
  • Stress control must be a part of our life — контроль над стрессом должен стать частью нашей жизни.
  • We are having times of stress caused by the economic crisis – мы переживаем тяжёлые времена, вызванные экономическим кризисом.
  • I have said it under the stress of anger – я сказал это под воздействием гнева.
  • Stress of work makes me feel exhausted – загруженность работой заставляет меня чувствовать себя истощенным.
  • I have reached the stress limit – я достиг максимального напряжения.
  • Shopping is good for stress relieving – шопинг хорошо снимает стресс.

Английские фразы на тему СТРЕССОВЫЕ СИТУАЦИИ — stress situations (с переводом и озвучиванием)

Источник: https://englsecrets.ru/razgovornik/vyrazheniya-o-stresse.html


Nowadays people are very busy at school, at university, at work and so on. Sometimes they have no time to relax or to spend free time with their family or friends because, actually, they have no free time. Besides, people do many stressful activities, for example, they drive a car, work with something important and dangerous and so on. Also, there are many conflicts between colleagues, family members and friends. Such factors lead to stress. Stress is a big problem nowadays. People can be under pressure for a long time. В наши дни люди очень заняты в школе, в университете, на работе и так далее. Иногда у них нет времени на отдых или проводить свободное время со своей семьей или друзьями, потому что, на самом деле, у них совсем нет этого свободного времени. Кроме того, люди могут оказываться в различных стрессовых ситуациях, например, они управляют автомобилем, работают с чем-то важным и опасным и так далее. Кроме того, существует много конфликтов между коллегами, членами семьи и друзьями. Такие факторы приводят к стрессу. Стресс является большой проблемой в наши дни. Люди могут находиться в стрессовой ситуации в течение долгого времени.
We often hear that the drivers are very nervous people. While driving a car they are under pressure. They have to be focused and very careful. There are many dangerous situations on the road. Drivers do their best to avoid them. Such conditions lead to stress. Another stressful activity is a work. People say that office workers are always under pressure. They spend much time at the office. Often they have to do some work in a very short time. Besides, there are usually many workers in a room, so office workers cannot relax. Different conflicts only add pressure. Мы часто слышим, что водители очень нервные люди. Во время управления автомобилем они находятся в стрессовой ситуации. Они должны быть сосредоточены и очень осторожны. На дороге возникает много опасных ситуаций. Водители делают все возможное, чтобы избежать их. Такие условия приводят к стрессу. Другая напряженная деятельность – это работа. Говорят, что офисные работники всегда находятся под давлением. Они проводят много времени в офисе. Зачастую им приходится делать некоторую работу за очень короткое время. Кроме того, в кабинете обычно много работников, поэтому офисные работники не могут расслабиться. Различные конфликты только усиливают давление.
What can people do to keep cool under pressure? I think preventive actions are very important. People should relax for a while and take a break. Besides they should be ready for some stressful situations. Of course, sometimes it is impossible to collect yourself, so, maybe, it is important to be near someone who can put you at your ease. Что люди могут сделать, чтобы сохранить спокойствие в стрессовой ситуации? Я считаю, что предупреждающие меры очень важны. Люди должны расслабляться иногда и делать перерыв. Кроме того, они должны быть готовы к некоторым стрессовым ситуациям. Конечно, иногда невозможно взять себя в руки, поэтому, может быть, важно быть рядом с кем-то, кто может вас успокоить.

Источник: https://1hello.ru/leksika/stress.html

Тема Стресс на английском языке

Основные выражения по теме:

anxiety [энгз’айети] about/over smth.- беспокойство, тревога о ч.-л.

; tension [теншн]- напряжение; stress [стрес]- стресс, эмоциональная перегрузка; stress-related illnesses [стрес рил’ейтид ‘илнесиз]- болезни, вызванные стрессом; intense/deep anxiety [инт’енс/дип энгз’айети] — сильное беспокойство; anxiety disorder [энгз’айети диз’оде]- тревожное расстройство; nervous tension [нёвес теншн]- нервное напряжение; to be under stress [ту би ‘анде стрес]- находиться в условиях стресса; emotional stress [им’оушнл стрес] — душевные переживания, эмоциональный стресс; to cause anxiety/stress [ту коз энгз’айети]- вызывать беспокойство/ быть причиной стресса; to release tension [ту рил’из теншн] — снимать напряжение; skills to cope with stress [скилз ту к’оуп уиз стрес]- умение справляться со стрессом; a stressful job [э стр’есфул джоб] — напряженная работа (ведущая к стрессу); emotional well-being [им’оушнл у’элбиин] — эмоциональное равновесие; negative and positive emotions/feelings [н’егатив энд п’озитив им’оушнс/ф’илинз] — отрицательные и положительные эмоции/чувства;

  • helathy lifestyle [х’элфи л’айфстайл]- здоровый образ жизни.
  • Фразы и устойчивые выражения по теме для употребления в диалоге с психологом:

Take it easy. [тейк ит ‘изи]- Расслабься. Relax. [рил’экс] — Не волнуйся. She is suffering from stress. [ши из с’афферинг фром стрес]- Она подвержена стрессу. I’m exhausted. [айм игз’остид] — Я выбился из сил/очень устал. You need to have a rest. [ю нид ту хэв э рэст] — Тебе необходимо отдохнуть. Calm down! [кам д’аун] — Успокойся, не нервничай!

Everything will be OK. [‘эврисин уил би окей] — Все будет хорошо.

Диалог о стрессе на английском языке

— Hey, buddy! You look sad. Is everything OK? — Everything is fine. I’m just under a lot of stress at the moment. — Why? What’s the matter? — I’m completely exhausted.

— Is it family or work? — Work, as usual. I’ve been working day and night lately. — I think your job is too stressful. Your need to have a rest. Take a couple of days off work. — Yeah, I think I’ll do that.

But who is going to do my job?

— Don’t worry! Everything will be all right.

Ways to release tension (способы снятия напряжения).

What can you do to relieve tension? (Каким образом можно снять напряжение?) What helps you to relax? (Что помогает Вам расслабиться?)

Варианты ответов: to do yoga (заниматься йогой); to eat a balanced diet (придерживаться сбалансированного питания); to take a walk (прогуляться); to take a hot bath (принять горячую ванну); to listen to chillout or lounge music (послушать музыку в стиле чилл-аут или лаундж); to exercise (заниматься физическими упражнениями).

Источник: https://150slov.com/temy/stress/

Перевод stress situation с английского на русский

  • Stress-Situation — D✓Strẹss|si|tu|a|ti|on, Strẹss Si|tu|a|ti|on …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
  • Stress — Strẹss der; es; nur Sg; 1 eine unangenehme, starke Belastung durch Probleme, zu viel Arbeit, Lärm usw : Von all dem Stress hat er einen Herzinfarkt bekommen || K : Stress, situation 2 im Stress sein… …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
  • Stress intellectuel — Stress Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tension et Stress (homonymie). Le stress ou tension nerveuse est le syndrome général d adaptation. Il s agit d un anglicisme : ce mot signifie contrainte en anglais. Le stress fait partie des troubles …   Wikipédia en Français
  • Stress émotionnel — Stress Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tension et Stress (homonymie). Le stress ou tension nerveuse est le syndrome général d adaptation. Il s agit d un anglicisme : ce mot signifie contrainte en anglais. Le stress fait partie des troubles …   Wikipédia en Français
  • STRESS — Le stress est un terme emprunté à la physique. Ce terme désigne la contrainte exercée sur un matériau. Normalement, un matériau est capable de résister à toute une série de contraintes modérées. Mais, si la contrainte est excessive ou si le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle
  • Stress oxydatif — Stress oxydant Les espèces réactives oxygénées (abréviation anglaise : ROS) et leur système de détoxification (version simplifiée). SOD : superoxyde dismutase, GSH peroxydase : glutathion peroxydase. Si ce système est submergé, il… …   Wikipédia en Français
  • Stress (biological) — Stress is a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined. [ The Stress of Life , Hans Selye, 1956.] …   Wikipedia
  • Stress — (engl. für „Druck, Anspannung“; lat. stringere: „anspannen“) bezeichnet zum einen durch spezifische äußere Reize (Stressoren) hervorgerufene psychische und physische Reaktionen bei Lebewesen, die zur Bewältigung besonderer Anforderungen befähigen …   Deutsch Wikipedia
  • Stress-related disorders — Stress is a conscious or unconscious psychological feeling or physical situation which comes after as a result of physical or/and mental positive or negative pressure to overwhelm adaptive capacities.Stress is a psychological process initiated by …   Wikipedia
  • stress — [stres] noun [uncountable] continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing: • a stress related illness (= one caused by stress ) • She s been under stress at work. • a stress management consultant …   Financial and business terms
  • Stress intensity factor — Stress Intensity Factor, K, is used in fracture mechanics to more accurately predict the stress state ( stress intensity ) near the tip of a crack caused by a remote load or residual stresses.It is a theoretical construct applicable to a… …   Wikipedia

Источник: https://translate.academic.ru/stress%20situation/en/ru/

Топик по английскому как я борюсь с стрессом

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Стресс/ Stress с переводом на русский язык.

Almost everyone is society has a job to do. Having work is important as it gives certain social status, pays salary and maintains self-esteem. Job can be rather rewarding. However, many people nowadays are leading hectic lifestyles. They work too much and have little breaks.

This inevitably leads to stress. We often hear the word “stress” in everyday life, although it is not clear what it really is. “Stress” means pressure and tension. It is a common problem in modern life. Unfortunately, too much stress results into physical, emotional and mental health problems.

The reasons for stress are numerous. It’s not only overworking or having no time for rest. Stress factors also include dangerous situations, difficulties at home, divorce, loss of close friends, etc. Changes for the better can also cause stress.

For example, getting married, having a baby, moving houses, entering a university. Of course, everything depends on the way a person reacts. Experts advise not to worry too much and stay calm in any situation. It is very important to try to avoid stress or at least to minimize it.

When noticed on early stages, it can be fixed easier.

One of the best ways to fight stress is to keep a sense of humor in difficult situations. Even doctors agree that laughter is the best medicine for all diseases.

Other ways to cope with stress include regular leisure activities and interesting hobbies. If someone feels depressed, a good solution is taking up yoga classes or swimming, bicycling, knitting, gardening, painting, etc.

Anything, that can help a person to relax and get a new lease on life, is considered to be helpful.

Почти все в обществе имеют работу. Иметь работу очень важно, поскольку это дает определенный социальный статус, выплачивает заработную плату и поддерживает чувство собственного достоинства. Работа может быть весьма полезной. Тем не менее, многие люди в настоящее время ведут беспокойный образ жизни. Они работают слишком много и мало отдыхают.

Это неизбежно приводит к стрессу. Мы часто слышим слово «стресс» в повседневной жизни, хотя и не ясно, что это действительно такое. «Стресс» означает давление и напряжение. Он является часто встречающейся проблемой в современной жизни. К сожалению, слишком много стресса в результате приводит к физическим, эмоциональным и психическим проблемам со здоровьем.

Причин для стресса множество. Это не только изнурение на работе и отсутствие времени для отдыха. К факторам стресса также относятся опасные ситуации, трудности дома, развод, потеря близких друзей и т.д. Изменения в лучшую сторону также могут приводить к стрессу.

Например, свадьба, рождение ребенок, переезд, поступление в ВУЗ. Конечно, все зависит от того, как человек реагирует. Специалисты советуют не волноваться слишком много, и сохранять спокойствие в любой ситуации. Очень важно пытаться избежать стресса или, по крайней мере, свести его к минимуму.

Если диагностировать его на ранних стадиях, то можно легче справиться с этим.

Одним из лучших способов борьбы со стрессом является сохранение чувства юмора в сложных ситуациях. Даже врачи соглашаются, что смех является лучшим лекарством от всех болезней.

К другим способам справиться со стрессом относятся регулярный досуг и интересные увлечения. Если кто-то чувствует себя подавленным, хорошим решением будет начать занятия йогой или плаванием, езду на велосипеде, вязание, садоводство, живопись и т.д.

Все, что может помочь человеку расслабиться и начать новую жизнь, считается полезным.


Stress and How to Cope Well With It

Nowadays many people say that they are tired of their hectic lifestyle. They work too much and stop taking breaks. They forget about everything striving for their goals and they constantly raise the bar. Very often they don’t find personal satisfaction in their work and don’t love what they do.

They have no sense of personal accomplishment and self-satisfaction. Some people don’t feel content even when they achieve their goal. One the contrary, they feel disillusioned and dissatisfied. Having climbed the ladder of success they find nothing worthwhile on the top.

Constant fatigue, physical and moral exhaustion, monotony and impossible pressure at work and at home can cause stress.

Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by people’s response to pressure from the outside world. Stress causes tension, irritability, anxiety, alarm, loss of concentration, sensations of fear and panic as well as headaches and a fast heartbeat. It can result in a real breakdown of health. Stress can even cause heart disease and cancer.

Источник: https://deltarecycling.ru/stress/topik-po-angliyskomu-kak-ya-boryus-s-stressom/

Решебник Spotlight 11 Английский в фокусе Афанасьева О.В. 11 класс

  • 4 Портфолио: Подготовьте двухминутный разговор на тему стресса.
  • Скажите: • что это такое и чем это вызвано • как он влияет на наши тела • что подвергает вас стрессу • что вы делаете, чтобы снять стресс
  • Ответ №1:

Stress is the natural reaction the human body has to deal with life’s changes.

When we are stressed, our muscles tense, our breathing becomes shallow and adrenaline is released into our bloodstream. This helps us focus and gives us the strength to survive in difficult situations. Stress is sometimes good because it keeps us alert, but it is bad for the heart and our general well-being if we have a lot.

Thankfully, we can quite often avoid stress and we can also learn how to cope with it. When I feel stressed, for example, when I have too much work to do, am sitting exams or am organizing an important event, I try to do a lot of aerobic exercise or listen to some calm music. That usually helps. Etc


Стресс это естественная реакция человеческого организма направленная на то, чтобы справляться с жизненными изменениями. Когда мы в стрессе, наши мускулы напряжены, наше дыхание становится поверхностным и адреналин выпускается в кровь. Это помогает нам сфокусироваться и дает нам силы выживать в сложных ситуациях.

Стресс иногда хорош, потому что он держит нас в готовности, но это плохо для сердца и нашего общего хорошего состояния, если стресса много. К счастью, очень часто мы можем избежать стресса и мы можем узнать как с ним справиться.

Когда я чувствую себя напряженно, например, когда мне нужно много сделать, сидеть учить экзамены или организовывать важное мероприятие, я стараюсь делать много аэробных упражнений или слушать немного спокойной музыки. Это обычно помогает.

Ответ №2:

Stress is the body’s state of tension.It causes a change in life. When I’m stressed, I’m worried. But stress also helps us. For example, to get used to a new life. The stress for me is when my favorite team missed a goal. In stress I listen to music or drink tea. BUT I’m a calm person.


Стресс это Состояние напряжения организма. Вызвана изменениями в жизни. Когда у меня стресс я волнуюсь. Но стресс также и помогает нам. Например, привыкнуть к новой жизни. Стресс для меня это,когда моя любимая команда пропустила гол. От стресса я слушаю музыку или пью чай. НО я спокойный человек.

Ответ №3:

Stress is a response of the body man on overvoltage and negative emotions. Stress affects the whole body, can lead to headaches, heart palpitations, chronic sleep deprivation and high fatigue the body. For example, I have stress before the test at school. I eat sweets and listen to music to relieve stress.


Стресс — это ответная реакция организма человека на перенапряжение и негативные эмоции. стресс влияет на работу всего организма, может привести к головным болям, учащению сердцебиения, хроническому недосыпанию и высокой утомляемости организма. Например, я испытываю стресс перед контрольной работой в школе. Я ем сладости и слушаю музыку, чтобы избавиться от стресса.

Источник: https://gndak.org/gdz/11/115/95

Параллельный текст на английском: Как справиться со стрессом. How to let go of stress | Паралелльные тексты на Study.ru

Перевод: Екатерина Шамшурина.

Kate was almost relieved when the school term started. She no longer had to get up at 6am to prepare packed lunches before driving the children to their various courses and rushing to work.

Now she dashes home to pick them up from their after-school activities before taking work calls amid the noise of squabbling over supper. She’s often up till midnight working and doing laundry.

She can just about hold everything together, until her boss asks her to come in for a 9am meeting.

Кейт почти почувствовала облегчение, когда начался новый учебный год у детей. Больше не нужно было вставать в 6 утра, потому что надо готовить обед и упаковывать его, чтобы взять с собой, потом везти детей на различные занятия и после этого мчаться на работу.

Сейчас она несется домой, чтобы забрать их после всех школьных занятий, а затем отвечает на телефонные звонки по работе, несмотря на шум и возню детей во время ужина. Часто она не ложится спать до полуночи, потому что работает или занята стиркой.

И, кажется, она вполне со всем справляется, пока босс не пригласит ее к себе на встречу в 9 утра.

At home and work we have become increasingly more demanding as we have more choices to make than ever before.

Наши запросы и дома, и на работе растут, мы никогда не удовлетворены полностью, потому что сейчас у нас гораздо больше выбора, чем раньше.

Increasingly, research shows that so much choice and opportunity leaves us feeling needy and incomplete.

The harder we work, the more stuff we want to accumulate, the more we consume, the hungrier we seem to get. Much of the time, we’re concentrating on resolving crises instead of preventing them.

Many of us are exhausted, but only realise it when an apparently small problem floors us.

Исследования показывают, что наличие большого количества возможностей и выбора ведет к тому, что нам кажется, как будто нам чего-то не хватает.

Чем больше мы работаем, тем больше мы хотим приобрести, чем больше мы получаем, тем больше нам хочется еще чего-то. Большую часть времени мы думаем о том, как разрешать сложные ситуации вместо того чтобы предотвращать их.

Силы многих из нас просто истощены, но мы понимаем это только тогда, когда довольно маленькая проблема станет последней каплей и добьет нас.

It is estimated that 100,000 Britons have chronic fatigue. Many more feel wiped out or physically and mentally depleted.

Dr Frank Lipman, author of Spent? End Exhaustion & Feel Great Again, has identified the condition in hundreds of his patients.

He believes feeling spent is an understandable response to the times we live in.

По последним оценкам в Британии около 100 000 человек страдают синдромом хронической усталости. И еще больше людей чувствуют себя постоянно вымотанными и физически, и морально, не хватает сил ни на что.

Доктор Фрэнк Липман, автор книги «Силы на исходе? Положи конец усталости и почувствуй себя снова великолепно», заявляет, что несколько сотен его пациентов страдали именно от этого состояния.

Он считает, что это вполне объяснимо, учитывая времена, в которые мы живем.

Источник: https://www.study.ru/parallel/how-to-let-go-of-stress

Фразы для собеседования на английском

Хотите попробовать найти работу за границей? Или написать резюме и разослать его в иностранные компании, пройти интервью, произвести хорошее впечатление и получить желаемую должность?

Если вы задумываетесь о подобном и начинаете предпринимать какие-то действия в этом направлении, то рекомендую ознакомиться с текстом ниже – там собран приличный список живых фраз английского языка, которые, возможно, дополнят ваше резюме и повысят шансы на успешное прохождение собеседований.

Личные качества

  • I’m a wide profile (your fields) professional – фраза для перечисления сфер деятельности, в которых у вас есть опыт работы. “Wide profile” звучит значительнее и профессиональнее, нежели “I’ve been working in…”.
  • I perform well under pressure – о вашей способности эффективно работать в стрессовых ситуациях.
  • I’m used to work in a busy environment – еще одно выражение о работе в сложных условиях. При собеседовании можно сделать акцент на этой вашей особенности, употребив обе эти фразы.
  • Customer-orientated – да, доброжелательность и хорошее отношение к клиентам – важные составляющие во многих сферах деятельности. Если это относится и к вашей профессии, непременно включите этот пункт в свое резюме.
  • Meeting targets — это слова тру-профессионала о том, что он в состоянии “to get things done in time”. Согласитесь, “to meet targets” звучит очень значительно и очень по-деловому.
  • Handle stress easily – эта фраза хорошо подходит для вакансий, требующих непосредственного общения с людьми – будь то позиции официантов или менеджеров по продажам.
  • Team player – если вы в состоянии поддерживать легкую атмосферу в коллективе и выстраивать отношения с коллегами, скажите об этом.
  • Can-do attitude – значит, что вы не приемлете поражений, не боитесь временных трудностей – просто преодолеваете их, находя правильные решения.
  • Drive to succeed – стремление к успеху. Такая фраза подходит далеко не для каждой позиции, так как может звучать слишком амбициозно, а иногда даже смешно, в зависимости от вакансии, на которую вы хотите претендовать.
  • Results driven – для нацеленных на результат, замотивированных соискателей.
  • Eager to learn – устойчивое выражение, которое сделает акцент на вашем желании учиться и познавать новое. Скрытое сообщение работодателю о том, что вы можете разобраться во всех делах компании.
  • Good at multitasking – вы способны работать одновременно над несколькими проектами и переключаться при необходимости с одного на другой. Иногда это важно работодателю.

Описание предыдущего опыта

  • I have … years’ experience in the field – возможность в одном предложении озвучить и область деятельности, и стаж. Неплохо.
  • Proven track record – официально подтвержденный опыт работы и соответствующие рекомендации, сертификаты и т.п.
  • Work against the clock – можно добавить при случае, если предыдущая работа была динамичной и требовалось серьезно потрудиться, чтобы выполнять задачи вовремя. Фраза-синоним – “to meet deadlines”.
  • Liaise with other departments – не совсем обычный синоним слова “communicate”, который обратит на себя внимание. Так что если на собеседовании зайдет речь о том, как активно вы взаимодействовали с разными подразделениями, вспомните об этой фразе.

Почему вы хотите получить эту работу

Избитый, надоевший вопрос, который, тем не менее, повторяется на каждом интервью и требует от соискателя какого-то ответа. Очевидно, что ответы также не блещут разнообразием – «хорошая зарплата», «возможности и развитие»:

  • I want to further my career in… – можете заявить о ваших ожиданиях и дать понять, что отсутствие развития – одна из причин ухода с предыдущей работы.
  • In line with my qualifications – хорошая реплика. Вы заявляете о себе как о профессионале, соответствующем требованиям вакансии. Неплохо, если это утверждение будет соответствовать действительности.
  • I want to take on more responsibility – покажите вашу амбициозность и желание брать на себя ответственность.

Обсуждение будущей зарплаты

В 9 из 10 случаев люди ищут новую работу с более высокой зарплатой, чем на старом месте – понятное и вполне естественное желание улучшить финансовое состояние. Само собой, работодатель тоже это понимает.

Но как продать себя подороже? Как не указать чрезмерно высокую зарплату или не занизить свою стоимость как профессионала? К этому этапу собеседования лучше подготовиться заранее и продумать, что вы будете говорить:

  • Competitive salary – понятие расплывчатое, но в целом даст понять, что небольшая зарплата вас не устраивает и, кроме того, вы в курсе положения дел на рынке труда и средних доходах на данной должности.
  • My remuneration/salary/reward was adequate – если вас спросят об уровне зарплате на предыдущей работе, а вы не считаете нужным сообщать эту информацию, то заучите эту фразу.
  • I expect experience based remuneration – говорить сразу о конкретных цифрах не принято, поэтому можно сослаться на ваш бесценный опыт и сказать, что уровень дохода должен соответствовать вашим знаниям и навыкам.
  • My salary expectations are in line with my qualifications and education –упомяните и свое образование, если оно соответствует желаемой должности и может заинтересовать работодателя.

Что отличает вас от других кандидатов?

  • Еще один стандартный вопрос. Своего рода возможность преподнести себя в наиболее выгодном свете:
  • I’m self-motivated – слишком затерто, но все же можно сказать и так. Хороший работник должен иметь какую-то мотивацию к качественному выполнению своих обязанностей.
  • I take pride in my work – с большой долей вероятности руководитель примет на работу человека, который гордится своей работой и хорошо выполняет ее день за днем.
  • I’m very attentive to detail – это качество действительно выделит вас среди других претендентов, ведь часто маленькие недочеты могут привести к серьезным ошибкам, особенно в бумажной работе.
  • I’m good at resolving problem situations – если вы способны «разруливать» сложные ситуации, общаться с проблемными клиентами и легко устранять другие трудности, скажите об этом и приведите примеры из вашего опыта.

Знание иностранного языка

Если вы устраиваетесь в иностранную компанию, знание иностранного языка является одним из ключевых требований для большинства вакансий. Как преподнести ваши знания максимально привлекательно? Смотрите:

  • I have effective communication skills in English – both verbally and in writing – хорошо для включения в резюме, так как информирует и о письме и о разговорных навыках. “Fluent” в резюме лучше не использовать, так как беглость – понятие очень растяжимое и может видеться по-разному вами и работодателем.
  • I’ve been speaking English for the last … years – скажите о том, сколько лет вы говорите по-английски. Чем больше «стаж», тем меньше сомнений у нанимателя.
  • I’ve been working in an English speaking environment for the last … years – похоже на предыдущую фразу, но с акцентом на то, что у вас уже есть опыт работы в англоязычной среде, соответственно, вам будет несложно взаимодействовать с людьми на новом месте.
  • My English is competent for this industry – если вы хорошо знакомы с терминологией и лексикой в вашей области деятельности и на 100% сможете понимать документацию и общаться на профессиональные темы, обязательно скажите об этом.

Источник: http://begin-english.ru/article/frazy-dlya-sobesedovaniya-na-angliyskom/

Как эффективно учить фразовые выражения на английском языке

Трудно представить себе английский язык без фразовых выражений. Они насыщают его смысловыми нюансами, делая речь более точной и образной.

Но их изучение осложнено тем, что логику построения таких выражений порой невозможно проследить. Единственно верный способ «приручить» их – выучить наизусть и постоянно практиковать.

Как же сделать это максимально эффективно? Читайте в этом материале.

Фразовые (устойчивые) выражения в английском языке представляют собой единую лексическую конструкцию из слов, которые вместе переводятся не так, как по отдельности. К устойчивым выражениям принято относить фразовые глаголы и идиомы. Они образуются разными способами, но их объединяет тот факт, что значение выражения целиком не отделимо от контекста его употребления.

Перед тем, как приступить к изучению устойчивых выражений, важно запомнить правило: не пытайтесь учить выражения, образующиеся с одним и тем же смысловым глаголом или предлогом.

То есть крайне неэффективно надеяться заучить, например, все фразовые глаголы с take. В паре с разными предлогами эти глаголы будут давать абсолютно различные значения, не подвластные никакой логике.

И, заучивая их все разом, можно легко перепутать затем созвучные «take off», «take on» или «take over».

Группируем по темам

Но все же группировать можно и нужно! Один из проверенных способов эффективно запоминать фразовые глаголы – сгруппировать их значения по определенным темам. Например, вспомните частые разговорные темы: работа, семья, отношения.

  • Например, к теме «работа» можно отнести такие выражения, как
  • be off – отсутствовать (на работе)
  • call off – отменить (встречу)
  • pull off – завершить (начатое, проект)
  • take on – нанимать, принимать (на работу)
  • take over – взять руководство, прийти к власти
  • lay off – увольнять
  • А вот фразовые глаголы, при помощи которых можно обсудить тему борьбы, преодоления:
  • put down – подавлять
  • let down – подставить, подводить
  • give up – сдаться
  • stand up for – биться за что-то, стоять за что-то
  • hold on – держаться, не падать духом

Контекст решает все

  1. В обращении с фразовыми глаголами всегда важно помнить правило:
  2. Не переводите фразовый глагол в отрыве от контекста!
  3. Потому что даже одна и та же пара глагол + предлог в разных речевых ситуациях может иметь разный смысл.

Например, вы наверняка слышали фразовое сочетание make up.

Часто в контексте оно означает «макияж» (makeup) и в качестве глагола может переводиться как «подкраситься». Но основное значение фразового глагола to make upпридумать. Как вы видите, у этого значения нет ничего общего с предыдущим.

Поэтому этот фразовый глагол лучше всего запомнить в контексте определенного предложения.

Come on! You just made it up! / Да ладно! Ты только что это выдумал!

  • Кроме того, если к этому сочетанию добавить другие предлоги – получатся самостоятельные фразовые глаголы с совершенно иным смыслом.
  • Например,
  • To make up with – помириться с

I need to make up with my brother. / Мне необходимо помириться с братом.

To make up for – возместить, компенсировать, восполнить, наверстать

My landlord demands to make up for damage. / Хозяин квартиры требует возместить ущерб.

Источник: https://www.wallstreetenglish.ru/blog/kak-effektivno-uchit-frazovyye-vyrazheniya-na-angliyskom-yazyke/

Word and Sentence stress in English

This time I am going to draw your attention to some delicate item of the English language. To begin with, you’ve got to remember that each time you learn new vocabulary, it is important to make sure you know the following:

• the meaning of the word you’re learning;

• collocation (which other words commonly go with it);
• “currency” — whether or not the word is restricted to certain situations or can be used widely;
• its spelling;

• and pronunciation.

Let’s take the word “ DESPERATE“.

  •  —   feeling that you have no hope and are ready to do anything to change the situation you are in (desperate with sth) ;
  •  —  needing or wanting something very much (desperate for sth, desperate to do sth );
  •  —    a desperate situation is very bad or serious.
Collocation desperate attempt/bid/effort; desperate battle/struggle/fight
“Currency” quite frequently used (especially by pessimists) 
Spelling desperate (not disparate or whatever else)
Pronunciation /ˈdes.pər.ət/

Although the last point is crucially important, very often it’s neglected by students and even by teachers. There are two interesting features of English pronunciation which give you the key to understanding and being understood and these are STRESS and INTONATION. Today we’ll start by considering WORD and SENTENCE STRESS (наголос). 

English is considered a stressed language while many other languages are considered syllabic. What does that mean? It means that in English, certain words have stress within a sentence, and certain syllables have stress within a word.

And it is this stress that allows our ears to understand the meaning and also to pick up the important parts of the sentence. We give stress to certain words while other words are quickly spoken (some students say eaten!). In other languages, such as French or Italian, each syllable receives equal importance (there is stress, but each syllable has its own length).

English however, spends more time on specific stressed words while quickly gliding over the other, less important, words.

What is word stress?

In multi-syllable words (багатоскладових словах) the stress falls on one of the syllables while the other syllables tend to be spoken over quickly. For example, try saying the following words to yourself: qualify, banana, understand.

All of them have 3 syllables and one of the syllables in each word will sound louder than the others: so, we get QUAlify, baNAna and underSTAND. (The syllables indicated in capitals are the stressed syllables).

What makes a syllable stressed? It is usually higher in pitch (the level of the speaker’s voice). It’s pronounced louder. And finally, it’s longer in duration.

Stress can fall on the first, middle or last syllables of words, as is shown here:

Ooo oOo ooO
SYLlabus enGAGEment usheRETTE
SUBstitute baNAna kangaROO
TECHnical phoNEtic underSTAND

In order for one syllable to be perceived as stressed, the syllables around it need to be unstressed. Have another look at the groups of words in the table above. In the word SYLLABUS, we said the first syllable was stressed. This logically implies that the final two are unstressed.

Also, in the word BANANA, the first and third syllables are unstressed, and the middle one is stressed. In order to improve your pronunciation, focus on pronouncing the stressed syllable clearly. However, don’t be afraid to «mute» (not say clearly) the other unstressed vowels.

  But how do we recognize where the stress falls? Well, there are a couple of ideas:

1. Try putting this word in the end of a short sentence, and saying it over a few times: for example, It’s in the syllabus; He had a prior engagement; I don’t understand. 

2. Try saying this word as though you have been completely taken by surprise: for example, SYLlabus? baNAna? kangaROO? 

Источник: https://greenforest.com.ua/journal/read/word-and-sentence-stress-in-english

Перевод — non-stress situation — с английского — на русский

  • Stress intellectuel — Stress Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tension et Stress (homonymie). Le stress ou tension nerveuse est le syndrome général d adaptation. Il s agit d un anglicisme : ce mot signifie contrainte en anglais. Le stress fait partie des troubles …   Wikipédia en Français
  • Stress émotionnel — Stress Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tension et Stress (homonymie). Le stress ou tension nerveuse est le syndrome général d adaptation. Il s agit d un anglicisme : ce mot signifie contrainte en anglais. Le stress fait partie des troubles …   Wikipédia en Français
  • STRESS — Le stress est un terme emprunté à la physique. Ce terme désigne la contrainte exercée sur un matériau. Normalement, un matériau est capable de résister à toute une série de contraintes modérées. Mais, si la contrainte est excessive ou si le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle
  • Stress (biological) — Stress is a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined. [ The Stress of Life , Hans Selye, 1956.] …   Wikipedia
  • Situation awareness — Situation awareness, or SA, is the perception of environmental elements within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future. It is also a field of study concerned with… …   Wikipedia
  • NON-VIOLENCE — Le principe de non violence, prêché et pratiqué par les sages dès la plus haute antiquité, par exemple par le Bouddha, Mô Tseu, le Christ, certains stoïciens et, à l’époque moderne, par une foule de fondateurs de sectes ou de philosophes, a été… …   Encyclopédie Universelle
  • Stress chez l’humain — Le stress qualifie à la fois une situation contraignante et les processus physiologiques mis en place par l organisme pour s y adapter. À court terme, le stress n est pas nécessairement mauvais, sinon indispensable, mais ses effets à long terme… …   Wikipédia en Français
  • Stress des soldats — Trouble de stress post traumatique Le trouble de stress post traumatique désigne un type de trouble anxieux sévère qui se manifeste à la suite d une expérience vécue comme traumatisante. c est une appellation liée a une approche behavioriste, et… …   Wikipédia en Français
  • Stress post-traumatique — Trouble de stress post traumatique Le trouble de stress post traumatique désigne un type de trouble anxieux sévère qui se manifeste à la suite d une expérience vécue comme traumatisante. c est une appellation liée a une approche behavioriste, et… …   Wikipédia en Français
  • Stress posttraumatic — Trouble de stress post traumatique Le trouble de stress post traumatique désigne un type de trouble anxieux sévère qui se manifeste à la suite d une expérience vécue comme traumatisante. c est une appellation liée a une approche behavioriste, et… …   Wikipédia en Français
  • Stress (biology) — This article is about the concept of stress in relation to biology. . For the concept of stress in physics and mechanics, see Stress (mechanics). Stress is a term in psychology and biology, borrowed from physics and engineering and first used in… …   Wikipedia
  • Stress measures — The most commonly used measure of stress is the Cauchy stress. However, several other measures of stress can be defined. Some such stress measures that are widely used in continuum mechanics, particularly in the computational context, are [J.… …   Wikipedia
  • Non-governmental organization — NGO redirects here. For other uses, see NGO (disambiguation). A non governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any government. The term originated… …   Wikipedia
  • Trouble de stress post-traumatique — Classification et ressources externes CIM 10 F43.1 CIM 9 309.81 DiseasesDB …   Wikipédia en Français
  • Syndrome de stress post-traumatique — Trouble de stress post traumatique Le trouble de stress post traumatique désigne un type de trouble anxieux sévère qui se manifeste à la suite d une expérience vécue comme traumatisante. c est une appellation liée a une approche behavioriste, et… …   Wikipédia en Français
  • État de stress post-traumatique — Trouble de stress post traumatique Le trouble de stress post traumatique désigne un type de trouble anxieux sévère qui se manifeste à la suite d une expérience vécue comme traumatisante. c est une appellation liée a une approche behavioriste, et… …   Wikipédia en Français

Источник: https://translate.academic2.ru/non-stress%20situation/en/ru/

Verywell / Joshua Seong

From minor challenges to major crises, stress is part of life. And while you can’t always control your circumstances, you can control how you respond to them. When stress becomes overwhelming or chronic, it can affect your well-being. That’s why it’s essential to have effective stress relievers that can calm your mind and body. 

Some effective stress management techniques include:

  • Guided imagery
  • Meditation
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Deep breathing
  • Going for a walk
  • Hugs
  • Aromatherapy
  • Creativity
  • Healthy diet
  • Stress relief supplements
  • Leisure activities
  • Positive self-talk
  • Yoga
  • Gratitude
  • Exercise
  • Evaluating priorities
  • Social support
  • Eliminating stressors

Highly Effective Tips for Relieving Stress

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all option when it comes to stress relief, however. What works for one person might not work for another.

And what works for you at home might not be an option when you’re at work or in the community (dancing around your living room might be helpful but dancing in the grocery store might not be). 

So it’s important to have a variety of stress relief tools at your disposal. Then, you’ll be able to pick a strategy that works best for your current circumstances. 

Fast-Acting Stress Relief Strategies

What strategies can relieve stress fast? A number of helpful techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, are fast-acting tools that you can do anywhere, anytime.

Whether you’re about to be interviewed for a job or you’re feeling overwhelmed by your child’s behavior at the playground, it’s important to have some stress reduction tools that can lower your stress right now.

The best short-term strategies:

  • Can be performed anywhere
  • Take very little practice to master
  • Are free
  • Provide immediate relief

Try Guided Imagery

Guided imagery is like taking a short vacation in your mind. It can involve imagining yourself being in your «happy place»—maybe picturing yourself sitting on a beach, listening to the waves, smelling the ocean, and feeling the warm sand underneath you.

Guided imagery can be done with a recording where you listen to someone walk you through a peaceful scene. Or, once you know how to do it yourself, you can practice guided imagery on your own. 

Simply close your eyes for a minute and walk yourself through a peaceful scene. Think about all the sensory experiences you engage in and allow yourself to feel like you’re really there. After a few minutes, open your eyes and return to the present moment.


Meditation brings short-term stress relief as well as lasting stress management benefits. There are many different forms of meditation to try–each one is unique and brings its own appeal.

You might develop a mantra that you repeat in your mind as you take slow deep breaths. Or, you might take a few minutes to practice mindfulness, which involves being in the moment. Simply pay attention to what you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell.

When you’re focused on the here-and-now, you won’t be able to ruminate about something that already happened and you can’t worry about something in the future. Meditation and mindfulness take practice, but it can make a big difference in your overall stress level as it brings you back to the present.

Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation involves relaxing all the muscles in your body, group by group. To practice, you can start with a few deep breaths.

Then, practice tightening and relaxing each muscle group, starting with your forehead and moving down to your toes. 

With practice, you’ll learn to recognize tension and tightness in your muscles and you’ll be able to relax more easily. Each time you practice, however, you should experience a feeling of relaxation sweeping through your body. 

Focus on Breathing

Just focusing on your breath or changing the way you breathe can make a big difference to your overall stress level. Breathing techniques can calm your body and your brain in just a few minutes.

The best news is that no one around you will know you’re doing them. So whether you’re in a stressful meeting or you’re sitting in a crowded theater, breathing exercises could be key to reducing your stress. 

While there are many different breathing exercises, like karate breathing, a few simple ones include:

  1. Breathe in through your nose and watch your belly fill with air. Count slowly to three as you inhale. Hold for one second, and then slowly breathe out through your nose as you count to three again.
  2. Breathe in through your nose and imagine that you’re inhaling peaceful, calm air. Imagine that air spreading throughout your body. As you exhale, imagine that you’re breathing out stress and tension. 

Take a Walk

Exercise is a fantastic stress reliever that can work in minutes. Taking a walk allows you to enjoy a change of scenery, which can get you into a different frame of mind, and brings the benefits of exercise as well.

So whether you just need to take a stroll around the office to get a break from a frustrating task or you decide to go for a long walk in the park after work, walking is a simple but effective way to rejuvenate your mind and body.

Get a Hug From a Loved One

Physical touch can do a lot to relieve your stress. Hugging a loved one can be especially beneficial.

When you hug someone, oxytocin (also known as the «cuddle hormone») is released. Oxytocin is associated with higher levels of happiness and lower levels of stress.

Oxytocin also causes a reduction in blood pressure. It reduces the stress hormone norepinephrine and can produce a sense of relaxation. 

So don’t be afraid to ask a loved one for a hug if you need it. It’s good for both of you and it can be one of the simplest forms of stress relief available.

Enjoy Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has real benefits for stress relief—it can help you to feel energized, more relaxed, or more present in the moment.

Emerging research suggests certain scents can alter brain wave activity and decrease stress hormones in the body.

So whether you enjoy candles, diffusers, or body products, consider incorporating some aromatherapy into your day. 

Create Artwork

Getting in touch with your creative side may have been easy for you during childhood, but it’s not too late to pick it up again if you’ve lost touch with your penchant for artwork.

If you aren’t into drawing or painting, consider coloring in a coloring book. Adult coloring books have risen in popularity, and for good reason—coloring can be a great stress reliever.

Research consistently shows that coloring can have a meditative effect. One study found that anxiety levels decline in people who were coloring complex geometric patterns, making it a perfect outlet for stress reduction.

Long-Term Stress Relief Strategies

What can you do to calm mental stress over the long term? Certain habits can promote resilience to stress and increase overall wellness. For example, those who exercise or meditate regularly tend to become less stressed in the face of a difficult challenge.

So it’s important to create a lifestyle that will help you ward off stress and deal with challenges in a healthy way. 

Eat a Balanced Diet

A poor diet can bring greater reactivity toward stress. Emotional eating and reaching for high-fat, high-sugar foods can provide a temporary sense of relief that adds to your long-term stress.

Refined carbs, like cookies and potato chips, can cause a spike in blood sugar. When your blood sugar crashes, you might experience more stress and anxiety.

Consuming a healthy diet can help you combat stress over the long haul. Foods like eggs, avocado, and walnuts support mood regulation and energy balance. 

Try Stress Relief Supplements

Some vitamins and supplements may have benefits for stress relief. What vitamins help with stress? A daily multivitamin may help address nutritional deficits and ensure you get the necessary vitamins and minerals to feel your best. Other supplements that may help relieve stress include:

  • Melatonin: This natural hormone can help regulate your body’s circadian rhythm. Improving sleep can help you feel less stressed.
  • Ashwagandha: This adaptogenic herb is thought to help improve the body’s resilience to mental and physical stress.
  • L-theanine: This amino acid has been shown to help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality.
  • B vitamins: Some research indicates that B vitamins may help lower homocysteine levels, reduce stress, and improve mood.

Make Time for Leisure Activities

Leisure activities can be a wonderful way to relieve stress. Yet, many people feel as though their lives are too busy for hobbies, games, or extra fun.

But building time for leisure into your schedule could be key to helping you feel your best. And when you feel better, you’ll perform better, which means leisure time may make your work time more efficient.

Whether you find joy in caring for a garden or you like making quilts, hobbies and leisure are key to living your best life.

Develop a Positive Self-Talk Habit

The way you talk to yourself matters. Harsh self-criticism, self-doubt, and catastrophic predictions aren’t helpful. If you’re constantly thinking things like, «I don’t have time for this,» and «I can’t stand this,» you’ll stress yourself out.

It’s important to learn to talk to yourself in a more realistic, compassionate manner. When you call yourself names or doubt your ability to succeed, reply with a kinder inner dialogue.

Positive self-talk can help you develop a healthier outlook. And an optimistic and compassionate conversation can help you manage your emotions and take positive action. 

Practice Yoga

Yoga combines physical movement, meditation, light exercise, and controlled breathing—all of which provide excellent stress relief.

And while you’re likely to reap immediate benefits from a single yoga session, you’re likely to receive long-term benefits if you incorporate it into your life in a consistent way. 

Yoga offers a variety of physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits. To get started, you might take a class, enroll in an online program, or use an app to help you begin practicing.

Express Gratitude

Gratitude helps you recognize all the things you have to be thankful for. Whether you’re grateful for a sunny day or thankful you arrived at work safely, think about all the good things you have in life.

Gratitude also reminds you of all of the resources you have to cope with stress, which can be quite empowering. 

Studies also show grateful people enjoy better mental health, lower stress, and a better quality of life.

So whether you decide to make it a habit to identify what you’re grateful for as you sit around the dinner table or you decide to write down three things you’re grateful for in a gratitude journal every day, make gratitude a regular habit. 

Prioritize Exercise

Physical activity is key to managing stress and improving mental health. And the best news is, there are many different kinds of activities that can reduce your stress.

Join a gym, take a class, or exercise outside. Keep in mind that there are many different ways to get more physical activity in your day too.

Walking, strength training, kayaking, hiking, and spin class are just a few different examples of ways you can get stress relief.

Problem-Focused Coping Stress Relief.

Most stress relievers focus on changing your emotions. But sometimes, you won’t necessarily get relief until you change the environment. 

This is referred to as problem-focused coping (as opposed to emotion-focused coping). Problem-focused coping involves taking steps to remove the stressor from your life (as opposed to changing how you feel about the stressor).

Get Advice From The Verywell Mind Podcast

Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares how you can change your mindset to cope with stress in a healthy way.

Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

Reassess Your To-Do Lists

If you’re trying to squeeze 20 hours worth of work into 16 hours, you’re going to feel stressed. Reducing your workload could be key to helping you get through the day feeling better.

Whether that means stepping away from a committee you joined or it involves hiring someone to complete some of your household chores for you, 

Honing your time management skills can allow you to minimize the stressors that you experience, and better manage the ones you can’t avoid.

When you are able to complete everything on your «to do» list without the stress of rushing or forgetting, your whole life feels easier.

Obtain Social Support

Having supportive people in your life is the key to stress management. If you lack emotional support and friendship, it’s important to get it.

That may mean reaching out to your existing network. Perhaps confiding in a family member or distant friend can help you become closer and it may give you the social support you need.

You may also need to expand your network. Join an organization, attend a support group, or get professional help if you lack supportive people in your life. 

Cut out Things That Add to Your Stress

Sometimes, the best way to reduce your stress is to cut something out of your life. Get rid of the things that are adding to your stress so you can experience more peace. 

Watching the news, being constantly connected to your digital devices, drinking alcohol, and consuming too much caffeine are just a few of the things that may add more stress to your life. Making some changes to your daily habits could be instrumental in helping you feel better.

A Word From Verywell

Finding the best stress relief strategies may take some experimenting. Some strategies may take practice too.

But it’s important to keep looking for the tools that will help you manage life’s inevitable ups and downs in a healthy way. Keeping stress at a manageable level is important for your overall well-being.

Managing stress is something that we all have difficulty with. We encounter stress triggers every single day of our lives. Whether it’s work, family, or school, stress is always present and waving it’s ugly hand in our direction. Despite the way it might seem, stress doesn’t have to rule your life.

Even the richest and most successful people in the world deal with stress just like us.What separates the happy people who enjoy life from the people that are miserable and constantly have headaches is the way that they deal with stress. Since stress is unavoidable, we’re going to work on managing it.

In my efforts to figure out ways to manage stress, I’ve compiled a list of 170 stress management techniques that you can implement in your life to help keep the stress in your life to a minimum. The list includes things you can do to prevent stress and what you can do to help relax once you’re stressed out.

As silly as some of them might seem (like playing paddy cake), you’ll be amazed by how effective they are.

2. Don’t Procrastinate — Do it Now!​

Do you have a tendency to procrastinate and put things off for the last minute? If so, it’s probably causing you a lot of unnecessary stress. Instead of procrastinating, get in the habit of doing things as early as possible. If you find out about a homework assignment, start it the same week. If you have to prepare a presentation at work, don’t wait until the day before.

14. Avoid Secondhand Stress

Secondhand stress means hanging out with other people that are stressed. Your brain can read other people’s body language and expressions and mimic their stress. Plus, the negative energy makes it hard to see the positive side of things.


16. Set Aside Time Every Day To Do Something Fun

Every single day, you need to have fun. A perfect life is a balance between hard work and fun, and without fun, you get depressed and are less motivated, which makes work even harder. Even if you only have an hour a day for fun, make the most of it.


17. Take A Nap

Did you know that Chinese corporations encourage their employees to take a nap around noon every day? That’s because they know that a nap can completely rejuvenate you and make last half of the workday just as productive as the first.


18. Unplug

We spend way too much time on our laptops, computers, mobile phones, tablets and other devices. Sometimes, all it takes is unplugging from everything, going into a room with no electronics and just existing for 10-15 minutes.


19. Plan Ahead

Don’t let the things you have to do come up on you suddenly. Even if you aren’t a planner by nature, take a few minutes a day and sketch out a basic one.


20. End One Bad Habit

You don’t have to work miracles. All you need to do is end one bad habit. It can be something as difficult as quitting smoking or something as basic as chewing on pen caps. Just pick a habit and try to end it, and if you mess up, just start again.


21. Clean Your Room

You would be surprised how much a dirty room or house can affect your mood. Some people find that they have been depressed all day and when they decide to clean up their space they suddenly feel better.


22. Stop Trying To Control Everything

If you try to control everything you are going to fail, and then you are just going to feel like a failure. Control what you can and let go of the things that you can’t.


23. Don’t Take Everything So Personal

Remember, 95% of the time when someone says something that you take personally, they probably didn’t mean it. This has been demonstrated in business seminars and study groups. Don’t take it personally, because it probably wasn’t meant that way.


24. Stop Over Analyzing Situations

You can definitely get stressed out by overanalyzing. Instead, analyze once and make a decision and then take action. You can always reevaluate later on.


25. Focus On One Task At A Time. Try Single-Tasking

Multi-tasking can cause all kinds of stress. Instead of multi-tasking like you normally do, just do single-tasking for a while. Forget about all of the other tasks that you have to do and then go ahead and complete the single task you have decided upon.


26. Don’t Worry About Things That Haven’t Happened Yet

When you worry about things that “might” happen, you are wasting your time and energy. You have no idea if it will actually happen, and while having a game plan for rough spots down the road can be useful, worrying about them constantly can be destructive.


27. Be Honest With People

You might think that the world wants you to lie to them, but honesty is really refreshing. Even if you tell someone something that hurts their feelings, they will probably appreciate the fact that you were honest, even if takes them a little while to see it.


28. Take 10 Minute Breaks At Work

If you look at a block of time that you need to be working, it can be very intimidating and disheartening. Instead of looking at a four hour block until lunch, take a 10 minute break every 90 minutes. That way, you are only looking at 90 minute blocks at one time.


29. Stop Judging Others

If you are the type of person to judge other people, you might be causing your own stress. It’s very human to judge, but divine to forgive. Try to look at other people objectively, without any judgment whatsoever. Imagine that you are them and try to find reasons for the actions that made you feel judgmental.


30. Don’t Grind Your Teeth

Grinding your teeth can definitely be a symptom of stress, but it can also cause stress because your brain figures if you are grinding your teeth, there must be stress somewhere. If you notice yourself grinding your teeth, take a breath and stop. Not only will you feel less stressed but your dentist will thank you as well!


31. Don’t Add New Tasks To Your To-Do List Until You Do One Thing On It

If you are the type of person to make a to-do list and add things to do it but have a hard time completing things, then you might want to consider forcing yourself to complete one task before you add anything new. This will reduce stress in a big way.


32. Don’t Invest Your Time In Energy Into Everything

Sure, you might want to study Spanish, learn how to play the guitar and take those real estate courses on DVD you bought six months ago, but if you don’t have the time and you are feeling stressed because of your busy schedule, don’t be afraid to drop them.


33. Exercise At Least 3-4 Days A Week

Sure, it’s a cliché. But it’s a cliché for a reason. Exercise is probably the number one thing that people can do in their daily lives in order to reduce stress. Even 30 minutes 3-4 days a week will go a long way towards de-stressing.


34. Stop Stressing Over Bad Decisions You’ve Made In The Past. What’s Done Is Done

Every single person has made mistakes in the past and believe it not, most of them were probably way worse than yours. You made mistakes, now learn what you can and forget them.


35. Hug Your Loved Ones (Hug Therapy)

Some families don’t hug and those are the families that have the most stress and arguing among themselves. Consider adding more hugging to your life. Not only will it let your family know you love them, it will reduce your own stress too.


36. Start Believing In Yourself

If you don’t believe in yourself then no one else is going to believe in you. That’s such a trite saying, but it’s absolutely true and the reason is: people can tell when you don’t believe. It’s all over your face and in your body language. If you believe, they’ll believe.


37. Quit Being A Pessimist

If you find yourself always looking for the negative in everything then you should really try to change that habit. Look for the positive every time you think of something negative. You’ll be amazed how much this positive energy can help your stress.


38. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

You’re not superman or superwoman. You’re just a human being, and like every other human being, sometimes you need help. It doesn’t make you weak or vulnerable – it makes you human.


39. Take A Break When Things Get Too Difficult

When things are overwhelming you because they are so difficult, just stop whatever you are doing and then step back from the situation for a few minutes. Trying to solve the same problem for hours on end will do nothing but stress you out. A break can be all you need for a new perspective.


40. Play Paddy Cake With A Kid (Or Adult)

How long has it been since you played ‘Pat-a-Cake’? Too long to remember? Well, it’s time to sit down and get those hands ready. Play with a kid if there is one available and if not, find a willing adult. It really does reduce stress.


41. Drink Tea

In 2009, several newspapers in the U.K. reported on studies that showed that not only does the act of drinking a cup of tea relieve stress – the entire ritual reduced stress as well.


42. Watch A Great Movie

Have you had time to go to the movies recently? If not, consider checking out one of the new releases. If you can’t find time for that, just pick a good movie from one of the millions of “top ten” movie lists and watch it on Netflix.


43. Try An Adult Coloring Book

Yes, they exist if you know where to look. Not only are there books like “Go %$#@ Yourself I’m Coloring” but there are books on religion, pop culture and even automobiles. Get some and break out the crayons. Hide in the closet with a flashlight if you have to.


44. Cry

Crying has amazing therapeutic value. In fact, people that don’t cry often grow up to be serial killers. Okay, I just made that up, but the truth is, there have been studies by independent researchers that prove people feel better after they cry.


45. Stop Stressing About Why You’re So Stressed Out

If you are stressing about the reason that you’re stressed out, then you’re basically a cat who won’t stop chasing his own tail. You can’t make good decisions when you’re stressed out, so you need to relax before you start thinking again about whatever it is that is stressing you.


46. Get A Massage (Or Do It Yourself)

There are lots of people in this world who have never had a professional massage. If you’re one of those people, go and find yourself a massage therapist immediately. No matter how much stress you had when you got on the table, it will be gone when you get up. If you’re ticklish, then try giving yourself the massage.


47. Go For A Run

If you’ve never put on a pair of jogging shorts, running can be really fun – maybe not the first, second, third or even fourth time – but eventually, you will enjoy it, and as far as stress reduction goes, go for a jog and your cares will just fly away in the wind.


48. Leave Work Early If You Can

If you’re stressed and you think you can leave work without getting in trouble, then play hooky! Go to the park and check out the squirrels. Go home and soak in the bath for an hour. Go ahead and get out of there. That report will still be there tomorrow.


49. Watch A Cooking Channel

Maybe you don’t have the time – or the talent – to cook an amazing meal. But watching a cooking show can have the same stress reducing effect as actually cooking the meal.


50. Cut Negative People Out Of Your Life

You might love that negative person in your life, but they are adding to your stress, and at some point, you have to make a choice – is your life yours or theirs? You don’t need negativity when you are stressed out.


51. Stop Checking Facebook And Twitter So Often

Do you really need to check and see if anyone liked the picture you posted of your lunch ten minutes ago? Do you really need to see what Beyonce is tweeting about today? You really don’t, and if you want to reduce stress, then consider just checking those networks once a day.


52. Think Of Yourself As A Winner

Do you feel like a winner? That’s the first step to becoming one. Every successful person that has ever made a million dollars thought they were successful before they actually got there. You get what you concentrate on. If you want to win then think of yourself as a winner.


53. Start Writing A Journal

A journal is a great way to relieve stress, and the best part is, you can go back and read it years from now and remember what your life was like. You’ll be surprised how much comes back to you from reading your old journal entries.


54. Don’t Rely On Chemical Substances

You know what almost every overstressed person has? A deep addiction to caffeine. You don’t need chemicals to deal with stress because they actually cause more stress than they prevent.


55. Stop Trying To Memorize Everything. Write Stuff Down

Slow down, Captain Mnemonic, you don’t need to remember everything. Paper is cheap and your phone doesn’t charge you anything to enter reminders. Worrying about remembering stuff causes stress big time.


56. Backup Your Computer Regularly

Do you have an online backup that stores you important files off-site regularly in case of a computer crash? If not, then it’s no wonder that you’re stressed. Sign up for one of the many $5 a month online backup services.


57. Have Someone You Can Vent With

Make a pact with a friend. When you’re feeling stressed, angry or frustrated, you can come and vent to them. Then when they need to blow off some steam, they can come to you. Just remember that you agreed to be each other’s listening post and make time to do it.


58. Learn A New Hobby

Have you ever thought of learning a new language, or taking a cooking class? Hobbies can be one of the best ways to relax. Many people say gardening is their all-time best de-stresser but any hobby will do the trick. Except maybe skydiving.


59. Set Attainable Goals

Are you setting a goal for yourself that you’re going to make your first million dollars this year? I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you’re probably not going to get there that soon. Striving for something you know you can’t reach will stress you out. Set goals that you know you can achieve.


60. Make Funny Faces

Your face won’t get stuck like that, no matter what your mother told you. Parents who make funny faces with their kids have less stress, but you don’t need to run out to Kiddo Mart and buy a rug-rat. Just make funny faces at your best friend, your co-worker or that weird guy who is always at the copier when you walk by.


61. Cook A Real Meal And Enjoy It

Braised Leeks with Mozzarella. Pappardelle with Sea Urchin and Cauliflower. Beef Stroganoff with Giant Meatballs. Gobblygook Covered in Rice and Parmesan. Mmmmm. Cook a real meal that will take at least an hour and then enjoy it. Also, I may have made the last one up.


62. Stop Talking So Much And Start Listening

Have you heard the well-worn adage, you have two ears and one mouth, so you should be listening twice as much as you talk? Well, most people seem to think they have four mouths and half an ear. Try listening for a while and see what you learn.


63. Don’t Be The Center Of Attention

Unless you’re a rock star, you’re standing on a stage, and all these people came to see you, you don’t have to be the center of attention. In fact, if you just melt into the background for a while, you’ll be surprised how much stress you’ll release.


64. Wake Up 10-15 Minutes Earlier Than Usual

Do you wake up at 6:00AM every morning? Try 5:50AM or 5:45AM. You won’t miss that extra 15 minutes from your sleep but you will definitely notice it benefitting your morning. That extra 15 minutes might just be enough to keep you from getting stressed before work.


65. Go To Sleep 30 Minutes Earlier

Do you find yourself at the computer, trying to accomplish just one more thing before bed, even if you’re yawning and the Sandman is waiting impatiently at your bedroom door, tapping his watch? Knock off 30 minutes earlier and lay down. That extra sleep or relaxation time is a big de-stresser.


66. Develop A Sense Of Humor

This may seem like a tall order for those who will need to have a funny bone surgically installed. But laughing and having a sense of humor about life will keep you from getting stressed, and allow you to deal with it when it happens.


67. Realize That Not Everyone Will Like You

If someone doesn’t like you, then don’t worry about it. Stressing about someone who seems to dislike you is not only a waste of time, it is also a good way to multiple your stress.


68. Break Large Jobs/Tasks Into Smaller Manageable Ones

How do you eat an elephant? With salt and a side salad. Also, one bite at a time. If you’re trying to do something big – like get rich or start your own business, then break down your tasks into small, bite-sized steps and start eating. Also, FYI, elephants taste terrible.


69. Learn More About What You Need

Have you ever sat down and actually tried to figure out what you need in order to reduce some stress. If you can figure it out, and then get that thing you need, you’ll have a lot less stress.


70. Compliment Someone

It’s difficult to break the ice the first time, but once you try it out once or twice, you’ll love complimenting people. Watching their faces light up will reduce your own stress.


71. Stop Waiting For Tomorrow

If you are waiting to live life or do the things you want until ‘X’ happens or until you finish ‘Y’ you probably aren’t very happy. Live today and forget about tomorrow. You might find you like today better.


72. Realize That The Grass Is Not Always Greener

We have this terrible propensity for thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. But often, when we make the climb, we find that it’s yellowed and dry and we wish we had our own grass back. Love what you have; It’s probably better than what you don’t.


73. Make Sure You Have A Plan B

While you definitely shouldn’t stress over the future obsessively, having a Plan B is the best way that you can relax about uncertain events. You know what Plan A is, but if it doesn’t work out, you have a Plan B. You now have permission to relax.


74. Make Being Happy A Priority

What are your priorities? Making a lot of money? Making sure that your responsibilities are met? What about personal happiness? It isn’t something that you hope will come along someday. It won’t. You have to make it a top priority. Your stress will magically disappear if you do.


75. Don’t Worry About Getting Ahead At Work

Whether you get ahead at work or not isn’t really up to you. You think it is, but the truth is, you could worry about it every day for the next six months, and do everything you can think of to get ahead, and Brian from sales could still get that promotion you wanted. Just do the best possible job you can.


76. Whistle Or Hum A Catchy Tune

Your co-workers might not appreciate you breaking into song at your desk but hum something fun under your breath or go into the bathroom and let your singing voice free. Music makes the heart soar, and that means your stress levels reduce.


77. Dance

Yes, you heard that right. Find a private patch of grass and kick off your heels or dress shoes and just dance. Dance like no one is watching. Dance like it will be the last time you ever get to dance again.


78. Practice Moderation

Addiction can be a major cause of frustration and stress. Try not to become addicted to anything – no matter if it’s good for you or not. Everything in moderation which includes things that are good for you and others that may not be.


79. Spend Less Time On The Internet

Sometimes the internet sucks. Advertisers are triggering pop-up ads when you’re trying to check the weather, trolls are trying to make you angry by taking extreme positions on ridiculous things and hackers are trying to get your credit card so that they can sun themselves in Key Largo. Spend less time on the internet. You’ll be happier.


80. Step Outside And Just Breath In The Air At Least Twice A Day

Is the only time you get any air when you walk from the elevator to your space in the parking garage? You need sunshine and sky! Get out and breathe the air a couple of times a day.


81. Realize That There Is Always Another Option

If you feel backed into a corner, sit down and list your options – all of them, not just the ones that you would prefer. You might see that things aren’t as bad as you thought and you’ll feel less stressful.


82. Stop Having All The Answers

If you have all of the answers all of the time, it probably means that you’re wrong quite often. You’re not expected to have all of the answers – just the ones you know. You’ll feel a lot better once you take that pressure off of yourself.


83. Don’t Be Afraid To Say You Don’t Know Something

The person who speaks up when they don’t know learns something new. But if you don’t speak up, people will assume you know, and you’ll never learn it. In addition, you’re going to look foolish later if someone calls you on it. This is not a good thing for stress.


84. Listen To Calm Soothing Music

Everyone has music that they find calm and soothing, but try to find something that actually makes you slow down, your mind unwinds and you feel calmer just by listening to it.


85. Don’t Hold In Farts, Urine, Or Bowel Movements

Believe it or not, holding in your bodily functions can affect your health, and will actually add to your stress. Holding in gas can contribute to digestive problems like bloating and abdominal pain and can even affect your breath. Plus, your body physically gets more stressed when you hold that stuff in.


86. Screen Phone Calls Sometimes

You don’t have to answer the phone when it rings. Whether you are answering your mobile or a landline, you can almost always tell who is calling. If you don’t want to talk to them, don’t answer the phone. It’s your phone. You’re allowed to not answer it sometimes.


87. Stop Trying To Reply To Every Email Immediately

Your email isn’t going to self-destruct if you don’t get to it within the first five minutes of it arriving in your inbox. If it’s not an emergency, let it sit in there and marinate in the bits and bytes of your mail client.


88. Become More Aware Of Your Surroundings And Nature

Every day for six months, a man took his lunch outside with him to a park bench, along with his tablet and briefcase, so he could eat and work. One day, he forgot everything but his lunch, and sat down to eat and realized that there were birds making beautiful music in the trees behind him. He’d never noticed it before. Nature relaxes you. Make some time for it.


89. Eat Foods That Help Fight Stress

There are some great foods out there that fight stress really well. Here are a few that you might want to add to your grocery list: dark chocolate, wild Alaskan salmon, blueberries, pistachios and many more. Also, sunlight gives you vitamins that help reduce stress so open a window!


90. Do Something Nice For Someone Else Every Single Day

Have you done something nice for someone today? You would be surprised how better you feel about your own problems when you talk to someone about theirs – and especially if you can help them with their problem. Whether it’s a compliment, a favor or just a cup of coffee for a stranger, do something nice for someone and reduce your stress.


91. Drop Unnecessary Commitments

Do you have commitments that you don’t want to keep, but you feel obligated to keep them, even if they are only to yourself? Drop them. Unnecessary commitments that aren’t required are going to stress you out and you need to concentrate on the ones that really do matter.


92. Tell Your Loved Ones You Love Them As Often As Possible

Garth Brooks had a huge hit in 2002 with a song called “If Tomorrow Never Comes.” If you haven’t heard it you should. The message is that you should tell your loved ones you love them as often as you can – because you never know when “tomorrow” isn’t going to come.


93. Have Someone You Can Confide In

Do you have someone that you trust, that you can talk to when you get stressed and you know that they aren’t going to laugh at your or betray you by telling others what you told them? If not, then see if you can find someone because everyone needs someone like that. You’ll drop some major stress that way.


94. Don’t Let Others Pressure You

When others pressure you, you get stressed out, but here’s the thing: you don’t have to let them. You choose whether or not you feel pressured by them; if you don’t want to do what they are asking you to, then just tell them no.


95. Don’t Invite Drama Into Your Life

Drama causes stress and when you see someone who is looking for attention and is creating drama – run the other way as fast as you can. Don’t invite drama into your life and kick it to the curb straightaway if it does squeeze in somehow.


96. Don’t Live Vicariously Through Others

Do you know why people watch television shows like “Keeping up with the Kardashians” or the various “Real Housewives” incarnations? Because they are unhappy with their life and are living through those people. That not only causes them stress, but it also probably destroys a few hundred brain cells as well. Be happy with your own life and don’t live through others. If you are always looking to others, you’ll never be happy with your own life.


97. Play A Video Game

How long has it been since you played a video game? Did you know that it’s one of the best ways to release a whole bunch of stress? Playing video games can make you forget about your own world and get lost in another for a while, and these days, you even have virtual reality if you want to try it.


98. Take 10 Deep Breaths Once Every Hour

Taking deep breaths actually lower your blood pressure, your pulse and decrease the rate of brain activity. Believe it or not, it also affects your digestive system, your immune system and most importantly, your stress levels. Every hour, take 60 seconds or so to take 10 deep breaths. You’ll feel better all over.


99. Help Others When You Can

Helping someone else will definitely relieve your own stress. When you find someone in need and you have the ability to help them, then go ahead and do it when you can. Don’t compromise yourself by doing so though, or else you’ll just add to your stress.


100. Don’t Check Your Phone While You’re Eating

When you’re eating and looking at your phone, you don’t even know what your tasting or digesting. This makes your brain pay little attention to your food and you’ll be hungry sooner and not as satisfied. Make it a rule. If you’re eating, your phone stays off.


101. Don’t Check Your Phone During Bed Time

The same thing goes for your bedtime, which means that once you decide to go to bed, you can’t answer your phone, read or send texts or browse the web. If you can teach your body to disconnect at bedtime, you will feel stress melt away when your day ends.


102. Play With Your Children Or Pets Every Day

Both children and pets elicit relaxation responses, as long as you aren’t chasing them or scolding them. Pets in particular are highly recommended to relieve stress, and many mental health patients have “therapy pets” that help their mental state.


103. Try To Get Your Body To Learn To Wake Up So You Don’t Rely On An Alarm Clock

Waking to an alarm adds stress to your day because you feel like your sleep was interrupted. You have to obey because you know you have to go to work, school or some other commitment. But when you wake up naturally, without an alarm, your body feels fully rested.


104. Don’t Blame Other People For Your Mistakes Or Problems

Some of your problems might be the fault of someone else, but it’s like not entirely their fault, and it won’t help your stress levels to blame them. Instead, see your own part in the problem and accept responsibility. You will have less stress by doing so.


105. Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously

Don’t take things so seriously. It’s just life, and it’s meant to be enjoyed. You may only be here for a little while so try to enjoy life as much as you can, even if you don’t particularly like every activity you do throughout the day.


106. Try To Be Early For Appointments

Showing up early for appointments is one of the best habits you can create. When you start showing up early instead of late for everything, your stress levels will drop considerably.


107. Try To Have Peace Of Mind

Peace of mind can be hard to achieve. You have to look at yourself and see objectively how far you are coming along and whether you are giving it your best effort. If you are, then relax. Be at peace. All you can do is your best.


108. Don’t Think About What You Could Have Done

When you have made a decision and the moment passes, there is absolutely nothing to be gained from thinking about what you could have done. If you made a mistake, learn from it, and then move on.


109. Find Your Creativity

Everyone has something that flexes their creativity. Yours might be painting, singing, writing, cooking or tens of thousands of other things. When you find out what it is, exercise that creativity to reduce stress.


110. Surround Yourself With Positive People

Find positive people in your life and make sure that you approach them. Just make sure that you are positive too or else they won’t want to hang around you very long. Positive people will make you feel happy which will reduce stress.


111. Complain Less

Everyone has things in their lives that suck. But when you complain, you just increase your stress. You give yourself permission to feel stressful because you are confirming that your life sucks. When you avoid complaining, you might be able to convince yourself that life is good.


112. Eat Slow And Savor Your Meals

Did you know that the taste of your food is important to your mental health? That’s because when you are eating as fast as you can so that you can get back to work or make some other appointment, your body goes into “fight-or-flight” response – otherwise known as “stress response”. Take your time and eat slowly. Tell your body that you’re not having an emergency and your stress levels will go down.


113. Don’t Try To Rush Through Life

This is a huge one, and a really simple instruction. Don’t rush through life. Savor every moment. Take every opportunity to enjoy whatever you are experiencing.


114. Keep Your Energy Levels Up

Keep your energy levels up and your stress levels will go down. But you have to do it right. Don’t use caffeine or energy drinks. Instead, eat healthy, exercise and get enough sleep.


115. Inhale Calm, Exhale Tension

When you breathe in and out, imagine that every breath you take is bringing calming energy into your body and that every breath you exhale is pushing out the stress that you are feeling.


116. Identify Your Stressors And Try To Avoid Them

If you can identify what is stressing you, and especially the triggers that cause that stress, you can try to avoid them. This is a great strategy for reducing the amount of stress you have.


117. Drink Less Coffee

Coffee is a stimulant and no matter how much you might think it’s relaxing you, the truth it, it’s raising your heart rate, blood pressure and putting your nerves on high alert. None of that is stress-relieving.


118. Stop Smoking

You know smoking is bad for you. Therefore, every time you smoke another cigarette, your stress levels rise, because you know that your chance of getting cancer has just increased again. Plus, smoking raises your heart rate and blood pressure.


119. Don’t Get Involved With Issues That Don’t Involve You

It might be tempting to try to help a friend or co-worker out with a problem, but if they don’t bring it to you, don’t get involved. You have enough to deal with and it will just cause more stress. Of course, if they ask for help, then by all means help them.


120. Don’t Engage In Gossip

All gossip does is create an “us against them” mindset and that sends your stress levels through the roof. Instead, try to avoid gossip and ask others not to gossip to you.


121. Think Positively

Always think positively. That’s hard at first, but once you get into the groove, you’ll find that the sun is a little brighter and each day is a little better for it.


122. Get Regular Checkups At The Doctor

According to scientific studies, between 75% and 90% of illnesses can be traced back to stress. In addition, five out of the six leading causes of death are stress-related. Make sure you are getting regular checkups.


123. Don’t Focus On What Has To Be Done Tomorrow

While you should definitely be aware of what you have to do tomorrow, don’t focus on it. Once your to-do list is made, forget about tomorrow until tomorrow actually arrives.


124. Don’t Think Of Everything Else You Have To Do, Focus On Everything You’ve Done

Same principle; if you think of all of the things that you need to do, you won’t be relaxing you’ll be getting more stressed. But thinking of what you accomplished has the opposite effect.


125. Listen To Your Favorite Music

Whether your favorite music is pop, rock, country, Broadway musicals or Gangster Rap, listen to some of it when you feel stressed. You’ll feel better after a song or two.


126. Go For A Walk

When you get out into the sunshine and soak up those rays, you get medicine for your stress levels. Several different foods and sunlight all physical affect stress. Plus, walking is exercise, which also reduces stress. In addition, the beauty of nature, the sound of kids playing and the smell of the evening might reduce stress as well.


127. Don’t Worry About Minuscule Details

When you worry about tiny details, you are expending unnecessary energy and increasing stress. It’s like tossing a basketball onto a court and trying to predict exactly where it will end up. It’s impossible.


128. Schedule Your Time Reasonably

If you are scheduling your tasks with no time between them to allow for problems, emergencies or just a simple rest period, then you are not scheduling reasonably. Try to be realistic when you create your schedule.


129. Don’t Live To Please Others

While it’s not bad to try to please others once in a while, don’t live your life that way. Live your life to please yourself. When you’re happy, you’re not stressed.


130. Don’t Try To Change Other People

You can’t change other people. You can only change how you act or react towards them. When you try to change people you are attempting the impossible and that’s a huge stressor.


131. Realize That Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

Rome wasn’t built in a day and your tasks aren’t going to be accomplished overnight. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to achieve something, as long as you move towards it every day. Trying to make them happen faster just causes stress.


132. Remember That Things Are Never As Bad As They Seem

As human beings, we can see the worst-case scenario as a real possibility, even if it actually pretty remote. Remember that your mind is probably making things out to be way worse than they are, so wait until you actually know before you stress.


133. Practice Acceptance

When you accept things, you tell your body and brain that it doesn’t need to stress about those things. When you are more accepting, you are less stressed about events. Try to practice acceptance, even if you don’t feel very accepting at the time.


134. Don’t Argue With Ignorance

If someone is rude, uninformed and combative, or will not listen to reason, then why do you want to argue with them? Just nod and smile and walk away. You will do nothing by engaging them except raise your own stress levels top epic heights.


135. Project Calmness

Even if you don’t feel calm, take a moment and center yourself. Then try to project calmness. If you practice it enough, your body will get the message and your stress levels will go down.


136. Try To Develop A Stress Free Attitude

It sometimes seems as if that instruction is akin to “try to grow some wings and fly,” but the truth is, with enough practice you can change your attitude, mindset and even your thoughts and beliefs. It takes practice, and it takes commitment. Most of all, it takes a willingness to take the first steps.


137. Use More Positive Words And Less Negative Words

Words have power, whether you realize it or not, both to you and to people who hear you. Children who grow up hearing negative words all the time tend to do worse in school, act up more and have problems as an adult. Kids that hear positive words growing up are much more likely to be positive, happy and successful. It’s the same with grownups. It just takes a little longer.


138. Don’t Try To Do Everything At Once

Do things one at a time, starting with the most important, or starting with the most difficult. The sooner you get those important or most difficult things out of the way, the sooner your stress levels drop.


139. Be Inspired, Not Envious

Don’t be jealous of other people. Instead, be inspired by them. Look at what they did right and try to emulate it. You can have it too, as long as you work for it and do similar things to what they did.


140. Eliminate Things From Your Life That Make You Upset Or Angry

No matter what it is, from an apartment with a leaky roof to a partner that doesn’t show you the respect you deserve, if it gets you angry or upset consistently, it has to go.


141. Stop Trying To Get Everyone To Agree With You

People don’t have to agree with you for you to be happy. In fact, successful people often are at odds with other people around them. Those successful people couldn’t care less. They just do them.


142. Walk Away Sometimes

When you feel yourself getting stressed, politely excuse yourself and walk away. If you leave before things get really stressful, your levels will go down.


143. Avoid “What If’s”

You could ask “what if” about an upcoming event for months and still be no closer to knowing that will actually happen. Instead, just be aware of the possibilities and then await the event.


144. Think Of Challenges As Opportunities

When something happens to challenge you, it can be easy to get frustrated and negative. Turn it around and think to yourself that this is an opportunity that will move you closer to your goal.


145. Remember, What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

Every event that happens to you in your life makes you stronger and the ones that take you right to the brink are the ones that are really going to mold you into the person that you want to be.


146. Practice Gratitude

Be grateful when something good happens to you, or when someone helps you. This is one of the habits that all successful people share, according to self-help author Stephen Covey.


147. Stop Eating Fatty Unhealthy Foods

Unhealthy foods are the basis of so many modern problems in the United States, and even around the world. Try to learn about what is healthy and what isn’t – and you might be surprised if you haven’t done the research recently – and then try to eat healthy food.


148. Stand Up And Stretch At Least Once Every Hour

When you stand up and stretch, you give your body a signal that it is okay to relax. Your muscles will release tension and you will feel better and less stressed for doing it.


149. Go For a Drive

Driving can be very relaxing if you aren’t battling traffic. Take a rural route and go for a drive in order to reduce your stress levels. Roll down the windows and breathe fresh air and feel the sun on your face.


150. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

No one is more critical of you than you. When you accomplish something, take the time to congratulate yourself and feel good about what you have been able to achieve. This will help you remember your successes which will in turn, reduce your stress levels.


151. Work Smarter, Not Harder

Imagine this. A man lives next to a dry tributary. The river is about a half-mile walk from his house. Every day, he walks to the river and brings back 10 buckets of water for his family to drink, cook, bathe and use for the day. One day, a man comes along and teaches him to build a dam that forces the river to run back into the dry tributary, just fifteen feet from his porch. Now, go find someone to teach you to build a dam.


152. Use A Stress Ball

Stress balls are great. You squeeze them and take out your frustrations on them. Get one and keep it with you, in your purse or briefcase, in your car, and in your desk drawer. Use it whenever you feel stressed.


153. Soak Your Feet In Warm Water

You might have to wait until you get home, unless your job is at a very easygoing workplace, but soaking your feet in warm water can have a marvelous effect on your stress levels.


154. Learn T’ai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient non-combative martial arts form that not only teaches self-defense, but also has enormous health benefits, including reducing stress.


155. Go For A Swim

Most professional adults don’t make time for swimming anymore. But you likely have a local pool near your home or office. Join up and take a trip once a week or so and swim. It’s a great stress reliever and good exercise as well.


156. Watch Stand Up Comedy

Comedians can often make you laugh even when you don’t think you’re in the mood. When you feel stressed, go on YouTube and watch one of your favorite stand-up comics perform. You’ll feel better afterward.


157. Laugh Out Loud

It’s not just a cool text abbreviation; it’s something that we should all do regularly, because it is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Find a way to laugh out loud a little every day. Find the humor in life.


158. Meditate

Meditation has been shown over and over again to reduce stress. It is hard to get the hang of at first, but when you start to practice it regularly, you’ll start feeling a lot more Zen.


159. Organize A Closet Or Cabinet

For many people, organizing something is very relaxing. Just focusing on one task for a half an hour or so can have a wonderful effect on your stress levels. Plus, you’ll have an organized closet.


160. Delegate Tasks

If you have people that can help you with stuff – delegate. If you are a supervisor at work, don’t take on all the work yourself; share it with your team. If you have kids or a partner, ask everyone to pitch in and help.


161. Volunteer When You Can

Volunteering can really reduce stress because you are doing something to help other people, and you feel a lot of the pressures that come with modern life lift away when all you have to do is help out.


162. Join a Social Group

Find a social group that shares your interests and start meeting with them. Meetup.com is a great place to find people who like the same things that you do. Meeting with new friends is a surefire stress reducer.


163. Call A Friend And Chat

When you feel stressed, just call a friend to talk. You don’t have to vent to them. Just ask them about their own day. Just talking to a friend will make you feel better, no matter what you talk about.


164. Go To The Park And Sit On A Bench

Go to the park, bask in the sunshine and take some bread to feed the birds. Just hanging out in a park has been shown to reduce stress levels and feeding the birds will definitely make you feel better.


165. Read A Book

Most adults are so busy that they have basically given up on reading for pleasure, even if they loved reading as a kid or teenager. Find one of your favorite books and reread it, or go to the library and find a new favorite author.


166. Light Candles Or Incense

Scented candles and incense can help you relax, as can sitting in a room with just the glow of candlelight around you. At about $1 each for both candles and incense, this is probably the most inexpensive stress relievers ever.


167. Practice Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations may seem silly to some people, but the truth is, they actually work. If you do them every day, and actually allow them to sink in, they will begin to change your mindset and make your life better, not to mention reduce stress.


168. Take Responsibility

If you are the one responsible for something – good or bad – own it. That’s what successful people who become respected leaders do. Take responsibility for your actions and you won’t be stressing over them.


169. Don’t Live Your Life In Competition With Someone Else

Don’t compete against anyone except your past self. If you are doing better now than you were six months ago, or even three months ago, or if you have progressed at all this week, you are winning.


170. Think About One Of Your Favorite Memories From Childhood

Favorite memories from your childhood will evoke pleasant emotions, and that will reduce stress. Think of a time when you were really happy. Think about where you were, who you were with and what you were doing.

Give these stress management techniques a try the next time you’re feeling stressed out!

It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.

Не стресс убивает нас, а наша реакция на него.

Hans Selye

Время от времени каждый из нас переживает какие-то неприятности. Проспал (to oversleep) и опоздал на работу (to be late for work), сломал каблук (to break the heel) или потерял кошелек (to lose a wallet). Кто-то провалил экзамен (to fail the exam), не может расплатиться с долгами (to pay the debts) или просто очень устал (to be tired). Наши волнения (worries) и эмоции (emotions) накапливаются, что в дальнейшем может привести к стрессу.

Слово «стресс» произошло от английского stress. В переводе это означает «напряжение», «давление», «усилие». В небольших количествах стресс нам полезен, поскольку он способствует поиску выхода (the way out) из сложной ситуации. Однако продолжительный стресс плохо влияет на нашу внешность (appearance) и иммунную систему(an immune system).

Говорим о стрессах на английском языке

Базовая лексика для обсуждения жизненных проблем и невезений:

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
Misfortune Несчастье, беда, неудача
Unfortunate Несчастный, неблагополучный
A pickle Неприятное положение
Unlucky Неудачный, несчастливый
To jinx Приносить несчастье, сглазить
Mischance Неудача, несчастный случай
A run of good/bad luck Удачная полоса / полоса невезения
An ill luckstar Несчастливая звезда
Hard times Сложности, тяжелые времена
Hardship Трудность, тяжелое испытание
Misery Горе, несчастье, страдание
Affliction Печаль, огорчение, несчастье
Mishap Неудача, несчастье
Torment Мучение, мука
Failure Провал, неудача
Hoodoo Невезение, сглаз
A fiasco Провал, фиаско
Loss Потеря, утрата, проигрыш
The onus Бремя, долг

Узнайте больше о стрессе и его причинах от преподавателя Gill из нашего следующего видео. Список полезной лексики поможет вам в будущем с легкостью общаться на эту тему.

Список полезной лексики из видео:

  • particular – особый, конкретный;
  • to get stressed out – получить стресс;
  • to survive – выживать;
  • upset and agitated – огорченный и взволнованный;
  • to cope with smth – справиться с чем-либо;
  • strain – напряжение;
  • to have control over smth – контролировать что-либо;
  • pressure – давление;
  • traumatic – травмирующий;
  • anxiety – беспокойство, тревога, опасение;
  • to see the point of doing smth – видеть смысл в каком-либо действии;
  • highly-pressured – под большим давлением;
  • a term – термин;
  • a comfort zone – зона комфорта;
  • to stay inside your comfort zone – пребывать в зоне комфорта;
  • to step outside your comfort zone – покинуть зону комфорта;
  • to push the envelope – покинуть зону комфорта;
  • upbringing – воспитание;
  • to thrive on stress – получать пользу от стресса;
  • a hormone – гормон;
  • to give smb a boost – дать кому-то толчок;
  • to manage smth – справиться с чем-то;
  • to go ahead – двигаться вперед;
  • a psychologist – психолог;
  • to be in control of smth – контролировать что-либо;
  • sense of status – ощущение статусности;
  • anticipation – ожидание, предчувствие;
  • a panic attack – приступ паники;
  • to get obsessed about smth – быть одержимым чем-либо;
  • a encounter – встреча;
  • to feel threatened – ощущать угрозу;
  • to withdraw from society – избегать общества;
  • occasionally – иногда, изредка;
  • to gain confidence – обрести уверенность;
  • to avoid stress – избегать стресса;
  • I can’t take the stress of this job! – Я не могу вынести напряжение этой работы!

А эту группу слов и всевозможных словосочетаний, связанных со стрессом, мы собрали для вашего удобства в таблицу. Запоминайте их и используйте в соответствующей речевой ситуации.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
Under a lot of pressure/stress Угнетенный, подавленный / Подверженный стрессу
Stressed out В стрессовом состоянии
Wound up Заведенный, на взводе
To alleviate stress Облегчать, смягчать стресс
To combat stress Бороться со стрессом
To counteract stress Противодействовать, нейтрализовать стресс
To minimize stress Минимизировать стресс
To reduce stress Сокращать стресс
To relieve stress Уменьшать, облегчать стресс
To create stress Создавать стресс
To induce stress Вызывать, стимулировать стресс
To place stress on someone Создать стрессовую ситуацию для кого-либо
To put someone under stress Подвергнуть кого-либо стрессу
To experience stress Переживать стресс
To suffer from stress Страдать от стресса
Stresses and strains Стресс и напряжение

Как подбодрить человека в стрессовой ситуации

Правильно говорить о своих волнениях и опасениях вам поможет преподаватель Benjamin. Он также расскажет в своем видео, как подбодрить окружающих в случае стрессовой ситуации.

Список полезной лексики из видео:

  • to worry about – беспокоиться о;
  • fear – страх;
  • anxious – тревожный, беспокойный;
  • apology – извинение;
  • genuine sense – первоначальный смысл;
  • to have fear for – бояться чего-либо;
  • intense – интенсивный;
  • to suggest – предлагать;
  • to be dumped – быть брошенным (девушкой/парнем);
  • I’m afraid that… – Я боюсь, что…
  • I can’t help thinking… – Не могу не думать о…
  • I’ve been worried sick about… – Я ужасно беспокоюсь о…
  • It’s been keeping me up at night. – Это не дает мне спать по ночам.
  • I’m dreading. – Я боюсь.
  • I’m really nervous. – Я действительно нервничаю.
  • Mustn’t grumble! – Не жалуюсь!
  • Stiff upper lip! – Молодцом!
  • Practice makes perfect. – Практика – путь к совершенству.
  • Keep trying! – Пробуй, не сдавайся!
  • It’s not the end of the world. – На этом жизнь не заканчивается.
  • Cheer up! – Приободрись!
  • Chin up! – Выше нос!
  • Plenty more fish in the sea. – Свет клином на ней (нем) не сошелся.
  • Lighten up! – Воспринимай все легче!
  • No use crying over spilt milk! – Слезами делу не поможешь!
  • Look on the bright side! – Взгляни на это с другой стороны!

Возьмите себе на заметку еще несколько полезных фраз, связанных с удачей и невезением в нашей стремительной жизни.

Фраза Перевод
Best of luck! Удачи!
Beginner’s luck! Новичкам всегда везет!
You’re in luck! Вам необыкновенно повезло (посчастливилось)!
Better luck next time! Повезет в другой раз!
Just my luck! Везет как утопленнику!
Down on your luck Полоса невезений
No such luck! Не тут-то было!
What rotten luck! Что за невезение!
Pushing your luck Испытывать свою судьбу
As luck would have it К счастью / к несчастью (в зависимости от контекста)

Английские приметы

Согласитесь, очень удобно находить объяснение своих проблем и неудач в окружающих нас обстоятельствах. Мы верим в приметы, приносящие удачу, а если что-то не ладится, вспоминаем о дурных предзнаменованиях. Вот некоторые приметы и символы, связанные с везением (good luck) и неудачами (troubles) в англоязычных странах.

Слово Перевод Значение Картинка
A ladybird (ladybug, ladybeetle) Божья коровка Приносит счастье, процветание и удачу, особенно если приземляется вам на руку. Ladybird – божья коровка
The first dollar earned Первый заработанный доллар Символ, приносящий удачу в финансах. Его всегда следует носить с собой в кошельке. The first dollar earned – первый заработанный доллар
Crossed fingers Скрещенные пальцы Принесут удачу. Если вы произносите фразу “Fingers crossed!”, это означает на русском языке «Буду держать кулачки!» или «Надеюсь, что все получится!» Crossed fingers – скрещенные пальцы
A shamrock Четырехлистный клевер Четыре листика символизируют надежду, веру, любовь и удачу. Четырехлистный клевер охраняет от злых людей, колдовства, отводит болезни и притягивает только хорошее. Shamrock – четырехлистный клевер
A falling star Падающая звезда Увидеть падающую звезду считается плохим предзнаменованием, но если успеть до того, как она исчезнет, трижды произнести слово money, это принесет вам богатство. A falling star – падающая звезда
Knitting needles in the ball of threads Спицы в клубке Втыкать спицы в клубок шерсти – плохая примета. Это принесет неудачу тому, для кого вы вяжете изделие. Knitting needles in the ball of threads – спицы в клубке
To open the umbrella indoors Зонт, открытый в помещении В XVIII веке в Англии зонты были очень большими и их было неудобно открывать в тесном помещении. Возникал риск задеть или поранить кого-то из окружающих. Так появилась плохая примета, приносящая неудачу. To open the umbrella indoors – зонт, открытый в помещении
Walk under the ladder Проход под лестницей Англичане считают, что, проходя под лестницей, человек приближает собственную смерть. Исторически считалось, что лестница представляет собой триединое начало – Святую Троицу. Walk under the ladder – проход под лестницей
  • Не забудьте почитать нашу статью о суевериях «Кролики – это не только ценный мех, но и хороший знак».

Идиомы о неприятностях и проблемах на английском языке

Английский язык настолько богат фразеологизмами, что и наша тема не осталась без внимания. Некоторые из них довольно необычные, но легко запоминающиеся. Вы можете сказать: I have butterflies in my stomach! Конечно, никаких бабочек в вашем животе нет, просто вы имели в виду, что испытываете волнение.

Предлагаем вам несколько интересных фразеологизмов с переводом для подробного рассмотрения.

  1. The tip of the iceberg – верхушка айсберга.

    My parents’ arguing about which hotel to stay in was only the tip of the iceberg; they treated each other horribly throughout their vacation. – Ссора моих родителей относительно того, в каком отеле остановиться, была только верхушкой айсберга. Они ужасно обращались друг с другом весь отпуск.

  2. A vicious cycle (circle) – замкнутый круг.

    The more I try to remember getting ready for my exams, the more I forget. The more I forget, the more facts I need to remember. It’s a vicious cycle. – Чем больше я пытаюсь запомнить, готовясь к экзамену, тем больше я забываю. Чем больше я забываю, тем больше мне нужно запоминать. Это замкнутый круг.

  3. At your wits’ end – на грани нервного срыва, в отчаянии.

    Jane is at her wits’ end because she’s just got fired. – Джейн в отчаянии, поскольку ее только что уволили.

  4. To ask for trouble – напрашиваться на неприятности.

    Driving too fast when you have a police car behind is really asking for trouble! – Превышать скорость, когда за тобой следует полицейская машина, значит напрашиваться на неприятности!

  5. To be back to the wall – быть загнанным в угол, оказаться в безвыходной ситуации.

    With his back to the wall, my business partner had to accept the deal. – Оказавшись в безвыходной ситуации, мой партнер по бизнесу вынужден был принять условия сделки.

Предлагаем вам сохранить список всех слов и выражений на тему «Все о стрессах, проблемах и невезении на английском языке» и пройти тест, чтобы проверить, насколько хорошо вы усвоили лексику из статьи.

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In deep trouble. О стрессах, проблемах и невезении на английском языке

Сопоставьте фразы из левой колонки с фразами из правой

John is broke.

During the illness she should see her children.

He got promoted and wanted to ask for more money.

I tried to take the online exam, but I couldn’t get past Level 3.

I’m afraid you will never improve

What about yoga?

Though Lucy kept on crying

Steve is giving an important performance tonight.

Don’t delay this serious surgery.

They successfully reached the peak of the mountain

But it would be pushing his luck.

His business flopped.

Putting off the date is just asking for trouble.

Bill tried to cheer her up.

He is all wound up before the big concert.

Better luck next time!

It will give her a real boost.

It’s an effective technique against stress.

if you stay inside your comfort zone.

despite all the hardships of the journey.

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  • Word for relevant to the time
  • Word for relaxing time
  • Word for relaxed person
  • Word for relaxed lifestyle
  • Word for refusing to listen