Word for reliable friend

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И таким большим и надежным другом для них является Организация Объединенных Наций.

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walk through dark valleys.

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Имея надежный друг, скорее Обеспечение когда надо ходить по темным долинам.

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It is a merry and tender dog, a reliable friend and the quintessence of virtue on Earth.

The British Empire», declared Hughes,»must have a reliable friend in the Pacific.

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Австралийский премьер Уильям Хьюз заявил,

что« Британская империя должна иметь верного друга на Тихом океане».

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Viet Nam is ready to be a reliable friend and partner of all countries in the international community and of international organisations,

striving for peace, independence and development.

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Вьетнам готов быть надежным другом и партнером для всех стран международного сообщества и международных организаций и стремится к

миру, независимости и развитию.

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Many consider such a girl a good and reliable friend on which help you can count on at any time.

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М ногие считают такую девушку хорошим и надежным другом, на помощь которого можно рассчитывать в любой момент.

Suitable for children at the age of six months on,

Haba’s cute cuddly doll»Inga» will be a reliable friend for your child.

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Начиная с шестого месяца жизни Симпатичные куклы« Инга»,

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Suitable for children at the age of six months on,

the cuddly doll»Jonas» will be a reliable friend for your child.

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Начиная с шестого месяца жизни

Симпатичные куклы« Jonas» по HABA является верным другом для вашего ребенка.

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In October 2008, at the signing of an Austro-Moldovan agreement on development cooperation,

Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik said»Austria is a reliable friend and partner of Moldova.

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В октябре 2008 при подписании австрийско- молдавского соглашения по сотрудничеству в развитии, министр

иностранных дел Урсула Плассник сказала, что« Австрия является надежным другом и партнером Молдовы».

Then we need to find a reliable friend that will be your prompter in the exam;

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Потом надо найти надежного друга, что станет для вас суфлером при сдаче экзамена;

Using our car rental with a driver service you get not only driver but

also a reliable friend who guides you to your desired destinations.

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Используя услуги водителя при аренде автомобиля в Ереване, Вы получаете не только водителя,

но также надежного друга, который будет сопровождать Вас все время.

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We are confident that our in-your-face sports club will find a reliable friend and partner.

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Мы уверены, что в Вашем лице наш спортивный клуб найдет надежного друга и партнера.

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Луке 7, единственная его игрушка и самый верный друг— эта кошка!

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Martin the Guardian will certainly become your reliable friend who can guide you to the lands surrounded by a thick blanket of fog.

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Хранитель Мартин обязательно станет для вас надежным другом и проводником в дивных землях, которые затаились за густым туманом.

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Viet Nam is a reliable friend and partner, as well as a responsible member of the international community,

working for the prosperity of every nation, national independence, global peace, democracy and social progress.

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Вьетнам является надежным другом и партерном, а также ответственным членом международного сообщества, стремящимся способствовать процветанию

каждого государства, национальной независимости, миру во всем мире, демократии и социальному прогрессу.

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All his clients see him not only as a guide but also as a reliable friend it’s easy to feel genuinely comfortable with

and with whom it becomes easy to overcome the hardships of mountaineering.

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Поэтому все клиенты видят в нем не просто гида, а хорошего и надежного товарища, с которым не страшно вместе переживать трудности высокогорья,

и с которым душа испытывает полный комфорт.

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According to Serzh Sargsyan, the striking illustration of this was the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Chile in 2007

thereby wining the sympathy and respect of all Armenians as an honest and reliable friend.

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Ярким свидетельством этого, по словам Сержа Саргсяна, является официальное признание Геноцида армян со стороны Чили в 2007 году,

снискавшее Чили безостаточную симпатию и уважение армянства всего мира как искреннего и надежного друга.

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According to President Serzh Sargsyan, the striking illustration of this is the fact that being the first country of the world to recognize the Armenian Genocide in 1965, Uruguay stood on the pedestal of the defender of justice and won the sympathy and

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Ярким доказательством этого, по словам Сержа Саргсяна, является то, что еще в 1965 году первым признав Геноцид армян, Уругвай встал на платформу защитника справедливости,

снискав безостаточную симпатию и уважение всего армянства как искренний и надежный друг.

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The fact is that more than two hundred people, who are not indifferent foot-halls,

have gathered to honor the memory of a wonderful person, a reliable friend who, with all my heart and soul,

was in favor of the KPI, in the gym, in the sports complex of NTUU»KPI named after Igor Sikorsky»the first mini-football tournament was held in memory of the prominent trade union leader, the head of the trade union committee of the» KPI»VI Molochanov.

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Все дело в том, что более двухсот людей, которым небезразличен фут- зал, собрались,

чтобы почтить память прекрасного человека, надежного товарища, который всем сердцем и душой болел за КПИ,

в спортивном зале, в спорткомплекса НТУУ« КПИ имени Игоря Сикорского» состоялся первый турнир по мини-футболу памяти выдающегося профсоюзного деятеля, многолетнего председателя профкома сотрудников« КПИ» В. И. Молчанова.

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It is in this way that groups of true and reliable friends with common spiritual goals form.

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Именно так формируются группы настоящих, надежных друзей, объединяемых общими духовными целями.

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Mentors are adults who become reliable friends for children from orphanages,

share their experience and knowledge, and provide important psychological support.

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Наставники- это взрослые люди, которые становятся надежными друзьями для детей из детского дома,

делятся с ними опытом и знаниями, оказывают важную психологическую поддержку.

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We sincerely wish you and your family a lot of bright and happy days in the upcoming 2016, great happiness, peace of mind, harmony in the family,

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Искренне желаем вам и вашим близким много светлых и радостных дней в наступающем 2016 году, огромного счастья, мира в душе, гармонии в семье,

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Women of this constellation have a special sensitivity, they are sensitive to other people’s problems, are always ready to help,

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Женщины этого созвездия обладают особенной чуткостью, они чувствительны к чужим проблемам, всегда готовы помочь,

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Mentors are people who become reliable friends for children from the orphanage,

share their experience and knowledge with them, and provide psychological support», said Sholpan Baibolova, head of the PM»The Child Must Live in the Family.

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Наставники- это люди, которые становятся надежными друзьями для детей из детского дома,

делятся с ними опытом и знаниями, оказывают психологическую поддержку»,- отметила руководитель ОД« Ребенок должен жить в семье» Шолпан Байболова.

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The young people thanked the President of Armenia for the warm welcome and noted that for the European Democrat Students meetings such as this one are very important and useful;

they are important also from the viewpoint of having in the region reliable friends such as the Armenian youth.

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Представители молодежи поблагодарили Президента РА за теплый прием и отметили, что для организации« Студенты- демократы Европы» чрезвычайно важны и полезны такие встречи,

важны также с точки зрения наличия в регионе доверенных друзей в лице армянской молодежи.

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Find heartwarming words to describe friendship and people. These words lists will help you to describe any personality!

  • Friend Adjectives
  • Friend Nouns
  • Friend Verbs
  • Negatives
  • Friend Phrases
  1. accepting
  2. affectionate
  3. agreeable
  4. always
  5. always there
  6. amazing
  7. amiable
  8. appreciated
  9. appreciative
  10. beautiful
  11. best
  12. bestest
  13. blessed
  14. brotherly
  15. buddy-buddy
  16. caring
  17. cheerful
  18. cherished
  19. close
  20. comfortable
  21. comforting
  22. comical
  23. connected
  24. considerate
  25. cooperative
  26. cordial
  27. crazy
  28. dauntless
  29. dear
  30. dependable
  1. intimate
  2. irreplaceable
  3. kind
  4. kindhearted
  5. laidback
  6. lasting
  7. long-lasting
  8. lovable
  9. loving
  10. loyal
  11. marvelous
  12. meaningful
  13. mutual
  14. nicest
  15. noble
  16. one-of-a-kind
  17. ours
  18. patient
  19. perfect
  20. personal
  21. precious
  22. priceless
  23. profound
  24. protective
  25. rare
  26. real
  27. receptive
  28. relaxing
  29. reliable
  30. remarkable
  1. easy
  2. effortless
  3. empathizing
  4. encouraging
  5. enjoyable
  6. everlasting
  7. everyday
  8. extraordinary
  9. fabulous
  10. faithful
  11. favorite
  12. fond
  13. forever
  14. fortunate
  15. friendly
  16. fun
  17. funnest
  18. funny
  19. generous
  20. genuine
  21. grateful
  22. grounded
  23. happy
  24. heartfelt
  25. heartwarming
  26. hilarious
  27. honest
  28. important
  29. in agreement
  30. in common
  1. sincere
  2. sisterly
  3. special
  4. steadfast
  5. supportive
  6. sweet
  7. sweet-hearted
  8. thankful
  9. thoughtful
  10. timeless
  11. together
  12. touching
  13. treasured
  14. tried-and-true
  15. true
  16. trustworthy
  17. truthful
  18. uncommon
  19. unconditional
  20. understanding
  21. unique
  22. unpretentious
  23. unselfish
  24. uplifting
  25. valued
  26. warm
  27. warmhearted
  28. wonderful

  1. a friendly face
  2. a helping hand
  3. accord
  4. acquaintance
  5. admiration
  6. adventure
  7. advice
  8. affection
  9. ally
  10. amigo
  11. angel
  12. back
  13. best buds
  14. best friend
  15. blessing
  16. blossoming friendship
  17. bond
  18. bosom buddy
  19. brethren
  20. brotherhood
  21. buddy
  22. camaraderie
  23. caring
  24. character
  25. chat
  26. cheer
  27. chum
  1. history
  2. honesty
  3. hug
  4. humor
  5. inspiration
  6. interaction
  7. joy
  8. kindness
  9. laughing
  10. life
  11. loyalty
  12. mate
  13. memories
  14. mentor
  15. old friend
  16. pal
  17. partner
  18. patience
  19. personality
  20. playmate
  21. presence
  22. qualities
  23. rapport
  24. relationship
  25. reliance
  26. saint
  27. sanity
  1. closeness
  2. club
  3. comfort
  4. communication
  5. companion
  6. companionship
  7. company
  8. concern
  9. confidante
  10. connection
  11. conversation
  12. decisions
  13. devotion
  14. discussion
  15. disposition
  16. encouragement
  17. fellowship
  18. forgiveness
  19. free therapy
  20. friend
  21. friendly face
  22. friendship
  23. fun
  24. girl friend
  25. good times
  26. guy friend
  27. happiness
  1. security
  2. sentiment
  3. shared interests
  4. shoulder
  5. shoulder to cry on
  6. sisterhood
  7. smile
  8. someone special
  9. soul mate
  10. spirit
  11. strength
  12. sunshine
  13. support
  14. supporter
  15. team
  16. therapist
  17. therapy
  18. thoughtfulness
  19. thoughts
  20. ties
  21. trust
  22. us
  23. warmth
  24. willingness
  25. wisdom
  26. worth

  1. accept
  2. admire
  3. adore
  4. advise
  5. agree with
  6. appreciate
  7. assist
  8. assure
  9. be friends
  10. be in like
  11. be myself
  12. be partners in crime
  13. befriend
  14. believe in
  15. bounce ideas off of
  16. brighten
  17. call up
  18. care about
  19. celebrate
  20. chat
  21. cheer on
  22. cherish
  23. chime in
  24. chitchat
  25. comfort
  26. communicate
  27. confess to
  28. confide
  29. confide in
  1. have a great time with
  2. have my back
  3. help
  4. hug
  5. identify with
  6. keep company
  7. keep promises
  8. keep secrets
  9. know
  10. know me
  11. last
  12. laugh
  13. laugh with
  14. lean on
  15. learn
  16. lift spirits
  17. like
  18. listen
  19. live
  20. love
  21. love unconditionally
  22. make my day
  23. mean what you say
  24. overcome
  25. party with
  26. play
  27. provide
  28. rant & rave
  29. reciprocate
  1. connect with
  2. converse
  3. counsel
  4. count on
  5. crack me up
  6. cry
  7. depend
  8. discuss
  9. empathize
  10. encourage
  11. enjoy
  12. entrust
  13. experience
  14. express
  15. extend your heart
  16. feel
  17. feel at ease
  18. flatter
  19. fool around
  20. forgive
  21. gab
  22. giggle
  23. give
  24. give advice
  25. go out
  26. go out of your way
  27. go out on the town
  28. gossip
  29. guide
  1. relish
  2. rely
  3. respect
  4. satisfy
  5. share
  6. share clothes
  7. share secrets
  8. shop
  9. show
  10. show you care
  11. smile
  12. sort out
  13. speak the truth
  14. speak up for me
  15. spend
  16. stick up for
  17. support
  18. sympathize
  19. talk
  20. tell
  21. tell it like it is
  22. think of
  23. treasure
  24. treat
  25. trust
  26. trust in
  27. understand
  28. value
  29. voice

  1. accusatory
  2. accuse
  3. adversary
  4. alone
  5. argue
  6. argument
  7. attack
  8. backstabber
  9. betray
  10. bicker
  11. blue
  12. bored
  13. cold shoulder
  14. companionless
  15. compete
  16. deceive
  17. depressed
  1. jerk
  2. joyless
  3. lack
  4. lacking
  5. lonely
  6. lonesome
  7. loss
  8. lost
  9. mean
  10. meanie
  11. miserable
  12. neglectful
  13. nemesis
  14. offend
  15. offensive
  16. oppose
  17. pose
  1. difficulty
  2. disagree
  3. disagreement
  4. disappointment
  5. distrust
  6. drift apart
  7. empty
  8. enemy
  9. failure
  10. far away
  11. fear
  12. fight
  13. fighting
  14. gossip
  15. hard to talk to
  16. hardship
  17. hateful
  1. regret
  2. removed
  3. rival
  4. rude
  5. sad
  6. scared
  7. solitary existence
  8. sorry
  9. squabble
  10. steal
  11. struggle
  12. tell
  13. underhanded
  14. unhappy
  15. untrustworthy

  1. 10 years as friends and going strong
  2. a friend is a gift whose worth cannot be measured
  3. a friend is like a psychiatrist with a sense of humor
  4. a friend like you
  5. a friend through thick and thin
  6. a friendly face to greet me
  7. a friendship like ours
  8. a friendship that grows better with time
  9. a friendship that never fades
  10. a gem of a friend
  11. a good long talk can cure almost anything
  12. a part of my life
  13. a shoulder to cry on
  14. a warm, welcoming personality
  15. always there for me
  16. best friends carry you when your wings forget how to fly
  17. best friends like us stay close in heart
  18. best friends to the end
  19. BFF
  20. BFFL (best friends for life)
  21. calories don’t count when you are having lunch with a friend
  22. central to my life
  23. cherish the time we spend together
  24. close at heart
  25. dance like no one is watching
  26. enjoy your company
  27. forever friends
  1. live by the golden rule
  2. live well, love much, and laugh often
  3. make new friends, but keep the old, some are silver and the others are gold
  4. my friend and therapist
  5. not afraid to be myself around you
  6. on the same page
  7. our friendship is a journey without end
  8. our friendship is easy/effortless/natural
  9. our special friend blend
  10. ours is a beautiful friendship
  11. partner in crime
  12. side by side or miles apart
  13. so much in common
  14. spending time together is effortless
  15. stand by my side
  16. thank you for being my unbiological sister/brother
  17. thanks for being my friend
  18. thanks for your support
  19. that’s what friends are for
  20. the bond of friendship
  21. the comfort of your friendship
  22. the friendship we share
  23. the love and laughter of friends
  24. the meaning of true friendship
  25. the time we spend together is []
  26. there for each other
  27. there is nothing we can’t get through together
  1. friends are angels without wings
  2. friends are flowers that never fade away
  3. friends are the best accessories
  4. friends are the sunshine of life
  5. friends bring sunshine to our lives
  6. friends forever
  7. friends since the school bus
  8. friendship is forever
  9. gems may be precious, but friends are priceless
  10. girls just want to have fun
  11. God gives us friends
  12. good times are even better when they are shared
  13. grateful that you are my friend
  14. gratitude can turn a stranger into a friend
  15. happiness is making new friends
  16. he who finds a friend finds treasure
  17. heart to heart
  18. I can tell you anything
  19. I cannot measure or express your worth to me
  20. I’m here for you
  21. I’m not me without you
  22. I’m on your side
  23. I’m so glad we are friends
  24. I’m your biggest fan/supporter
  25. I’ve got your back
  26. just being with you is fun
  27. lean on me
  1. to whom I can voice my concerns
  2. tried and true friend
  3. true spirit of friendship
  4. we are connected heart to heart; distance and time cannot break us apart
  5. we found each other
  6. we make a great team
  7. who will tell me the truth
  8. you accept me for who I am
  9. you are a special friend
  10. you are my person. You will always be my person
  11. you are my sunshine
  12. you are my tribe
  13. you are very special to me
  14. you brighten my day
  15. you can count on me
  16. you catch me when I fall
  17. you give me peace of mind
  18. you know me in and out
  19. you lift my spirits
  20. you make me smile
  21. you make my soul blossom
  22. you make the world a more beautiful place
  23. you mean so much to me
  24. you speak my language
  25. you’re always a bright, shining star in my life
  26. you’re one of those special people who make life worth living
  27. you’ve made such a beautiful impact on my life

Comforting Words for a Friend in Need: There are many times we are called to offer Words of Support for a Friend in Need. This is one of those days when our best friends need words of support and encouragement.

There are times you can’t find the right words of support, and you urgently need to send a text message to your friend.

If you cannot find the right words, these words will inspire you to write your own unique Words of Support for a Friend in Need.


  • Words of Support for a Friend in Need
  • Comforting Words for a Friend in Need
  • Words of Support for a Friend
  • Comforting Bible Verses

1. When you feel like it’s the end of the world, look back and see what you have accomplished. You can overcome any challenge.

2. Every great achievement was once considered impossible.

3. Never think about the past, learn from the past, and make your future today.

4. I know you are a very hardworking friend, don’t listen to their negative words, one day you will make it.

5. Put a perfect smile through the hard times; remember that everything happens for a reason!

Comforting Words for a Friend in Need

6. This is not the end of everything; it’s the beginning of good things to come.

7. Thank you for being a loving friend to me, no one is always perfect. We all have imperfections.

8. Dear friend, always be thankful for life and what it has to offer. Be positive that tomorrow will be better.

9. No matter how difficult things are, trust God and He will uphold and take care of you.

10. If your problem looks bigger, remember there is someone ready to take care of it. God is everything.

11. Never consider the possibility of failure in life; as long as you persist, you will achieve your goals

Read: Words of Encouragement and Strength

Comforting Words for a Friend in Need

Everyone has something to offer, don’t be discouraged, you don’t know how great you are. You have the potential. You can accomplish great things in life.

In the middle of any life challenge, there is always an opportunity. Be positive in the difficulties that you face.

No matter how alone you think you are, you are not alone, I am always here if you need me and God is just a prayer away.

You are not alone in this world; I will be here for you.

Just because you are so playful does not mean you cannot have a creative mind, you are more than a genius. The most creative person that I have ever known, May your star shine.

Press on; there is nothing that can take your place. Keep on the persistence. Your talent is only within you and no one can take that from you.

I know the challenges you are facing. Keep on pushing hard, sooner you will overcome everything and achieve your goals.

You are an achiever and not a failure. Cheer up, rise up, and do what you love doing best, let them laugh at you, but in the end, you will be the one having the last laugh.

Determination is one of the keys to success, now it’s not the time to give up; you are almost there my friend. Look at the main goal and don’t let anything destruct you.

This will soon be past tense, hold on tight for the road ahead will be a little bumpy.

Don’t just sit in your comfort zone, stand up, and get going. Plan how you are going to move forward and aim high. If you sit there and wait, no one will come and push you. You have to do it yourself. The first step starts with you.

To be successful in life, you must sacrifice. You will have your happiness and satisfaction once you have faced some difficulties.

All is not lost, change your attitude, and approach things from a different angle. You will be amazed by the outcome.

Don’t lose hope; accept life just the way it is. Any situation in life has an opportunity, watch out for the opportunity in your situation. It may look difficult but you will accomplish more than you would ever imagine.

Words of Support for a Friend

You cannot just become rich overnight, it takes time and sacrifice. You are on the right track, my friend.

What will separate you from the others is hard work. Keep working harder; don’t give up on what you are doing.

If you want a better life, you have to take control of your actions, shape your path, and know your final destination. It’s not too late to start.

It’s only through trial and error that you will know what works best. The first trial does not mean you are a failure. Be inspired to succeed and try again and again.

This is a great sign; it is proven that you can handle big jobs. Prove yourself you are worth the job.

You have only tried once, you still have more than 1000 times to try, rise up, and try. If you fall we will be here to lift you up.

Comforting Bible Verses

Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Proverbs 3:5-7

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.

Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Psalm 27:14

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Galatians 6:9

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

If you find these Messages, Wishes & Quotes useful and lovely, kindly share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Thank You for Doing so.

Michael Andrew

Michael Andrew is a content writer for Weds Kenya. He is a loving husband proud father of two. If you have any questions or would like to add to this content, please send us an email. You can follow us on Twitter or facebook.


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1 сент. 2018

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (британский вариант)

@LeeKevin As an English learner, you can always say «a dependable friend». This sounds natural and your meaning will be understood.

The difference is this:
«A reliable friend, a dependable friend, a trustworthy friend» talk about his actions — his actions are good.
«A credible friend, a believable friend» talk about his words — his words are true.

  • Каталанский

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Испанский

1 and 2 would be similars in meaning: «a friend you can depend and rely on»; 3 and 4 would also be similars in meaning: «a friend you can believe (for the things they say, that may seem true) but a trustworthy friend is someone you can trust but that doesn’t mean he may be credible. I hope you understood, if not I can try and explain it better to you ^^

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Usually «reliable» (has to do with being tied together) and «dependable» (has to do with one thing hanging on another) are for action e.g. for a ride, to show up to work.

«Credible» is for academic or professional facts e.g. doctorate research or a news article. Social credibility.

«Believable» is for matters of good faith, or taking some one at their word, e.g. she had a believable excuse.

Trustworthy is to these other words as «honest» is to «truthful». It’s less clinical and more grounded.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Credible deals with credence which means to believe or trust something.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Believable has to do with allowing for something dear.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

I would say trustworthiness is the foundation for these other societal shades of meaning.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (британский вариант)

A reliable friend, a dependable friend, a trustworthy friend — these mean the same thing: a friend you can depend on.

A credible friend, a believable friend — these mean the same thing: a friend you can believe when he tells you something.

  • Корейский

@OldGeezer As an English learner, they all seem the same. Do you think those are interchangeable in conversation?

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (британский вариант)

@LeeKevin As an English learner, you can always say «a dependable friend». This sounds natural and your meaning will be understood.

The difference is this:
«A reliable friend, a dependable friend, a trustworthy friend» talk about his actions — his actions are good.
«A credible friend, a believable friend» talk about his words — his words are true.

  • Корейский

@OldGeezer Thank you for all your good explanations. :-)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (британский вариант)

@LeeKevin You’re very welcome. :)

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1. A reliable friend
2. A dependable friend
3. A credible friend
4. A believable friend
5. A trustworthy friend
☞ I can't tell the differences among these. Let me know which ones mean the same thing.

  • 1- To me, friendship means a lot.
    2- As for me, friendship means a lot.
    which one is correct?


    @Abanna I knew exactly what you meant from your original sentences. I agree with the others that both are grammatically correct, but neither …

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    2、a few friends of me
    3、my a few friends
    4、my few friends
    How about 2, 3 an…


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    «Самое главное, чтобы они меня понимали»
    Можно ли исполь…
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China is a great country and a reliable friend with which we have excellent and varied ties of friendship and cooperation.
Китай — это великая страна и надежный друг, с которой нас связывают прочные и разнообразные узы дружбы и сотрудничества.

America is going to be a reliable friend and ally again.
Америка снова будет надежным другом и союзником.

I have a friend who lives in Germany.
У меня друг живёт в Германии.

I’m afraid this data is not reliable.
Боюсь, этим данным нельзя доверять.

I found a true friend in her.
Я нашёл в ней настоящего друга.

He is a good fellow, to be sure, but he isn’t reliable.
Он, конечно, хороший парень, но не отличается надёжностью.

I hear from my friend every month.
Я каждый месяц получаю весточку от друга.

Indeed he is rich, but he is not reliable.
Он действительно богат, но на него нельзя положиться.

How many times do I have to repeat that she isn’t my friend?
Сколько раз я должен повторять, что она не моя подруга?

The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete.
Информация, содержащаяся в настоящем документе, основана на источниках, которые мы считаем надежными, но мы не утверждаем, что она является точной или полной.

He’s a friend from work.
Он друг с работы.

We would like to recommend our transport company for reliable transportation of your goods.
Мы хотели бы порекомендовать Вам наших экспедиторов для специальных перевозок Ваших товаров.

I came upon an old friend of mine on the train.
В поезде я наткнулся на старого приятеля.

The information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed.
Информация, содержащаяся в настоящем документе, получена из источников, которые считаются надежными, но ее точность или полнота не гарантируется.

Twitter is not a real friend.
Твиттер — не настоящий друг.

The driver, in the majority of cases, will wait hours for an officer to process a minor accident, just because it is more reliable.
Водитель в большинстве случаев будет часами ждать инспектора, чтобы оформить мелкую аварию, потому что так надежнее.

The most terrible enemy is a former friend.
Самый страшный враг — бывший друг.

We appeal to all who possess reliable information about the persons who committed this criminal offense with a request to provide it to the security department of the Football Club «Spartak-Moscow» at the email address fcsmsec@spartak.com.
Обращаемся ко всем, кто обладает достоверной информацией о лицах, совершивших это уголовное преступление, с просьбой предоставить ее <службе безопасности ФК «Спартак-Москва» по электронному адресу fcsmsec@spartak.com.

I will never sell my friend down the river for anything in the world.
Ни за какие сокровища мира я друга не предам.

Among the controversial EU regulations, we might include the mandatory addition of bio-ingredients to fuel, which consequently harms the environment, the ban on reliable mercury thermometers just because they contain a relatively small quantity of a toxic substance, or the rules on the size of chicken cages, which significantly raised egg prices this year.
К спорным распоряжениям ЕС относится, например, и обязательное добавление биокомпонентов в топливо, что в результате наносит вред природе, а также запрет на использование надежных ртутных градусников только потому, что они содержат относительно небольшое количество опасных веществ, или директива о размере клетки для кур, вследствие чего в этом году существенно подорожали яйца .


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