Word for really happy

Today, you’re going to learn 41 positive emotion adjectives and idioms to describe happy emotions. For more positive English words, check out 59 Positive Personality Adjectives!

Do you ever find yourself saying this:

“I’m so happy. I mean … I’m really, really happy. This makes me so happy. I’m happy — are you happy? I’m happy!”

It sounds like you need some synonyms for “happy.”

Today, I’m going to show you how to stop repeating yourself when you’re talking about positive feelings.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to stop repeating yourself when you want to say that you’re feeling:

  1. Happy
  2. Excited
  3. Surprised
  4. Interested
  5. Satisfied
  6. Emotional
  7. Relaxed

So let’s get started.

other words for happy: a happy woman

Yep. She’s definitely happy.

More Words for “Happy”

Pleased — This word means between “happy” and “satisfied.” Very often, you’re pleased with a particular thing. Like your exam results. Or the hippo dancing.

Cheerful — This is when someone is visibly happy. They walk into the room, and you can see it in the way they walk, what they say and the massive smile on their face.

Exuberant — This is like cheerful — but even stronger.

Euphoric — When you’re intensely happy. This is when all you can feel is your own happiness. It really is a very strong feeling.

Merry — This is a little like cheerful. Usually, when you’re feeling merry, you might be in quite a playful mood as well. We often associate this with how you feel after a couple of glasses of wine.

Overjoyed — This simply means “very happy.”

Elated — Somewhere between “happy” and “overjoyed.”

Glad — “Glad” is similar to “pleased.” Usually, you’re glad about something in particular. Like the wonderful news. Or the football result.

Bonus Idioms — Happy

Actually, there are quite a few idioms to describe being happy. Here are some of the more common ones:

On cloud nine
On top of the world
In high spirits
As happy as Larry

You may have noticed that most of these refer to being somewhere high up. Which makes sense, right?

The Larry idiom? Well, that doesn’t make sense. I mean — who’s Larry, and why’s he so happy?

Ah… English!

Words for “Happy” on a Scale

At the top: you’ve just won the lottery, and your doctor has told you that you have a genetic condition that means you can NEVER put on weight.

At the bottom: you’re at the supermarket, and you’ve found a till with no queue.

Words for happy: euphoric, overjoyed, elated, exuberant, merry, cheerful, pleased, glad

2. Excited

Take a look at this picture. How would you describe her?

other words for excited: an excited woman

How many words did you find?

Here are some more!

More Words for “Excited”

Click to listen

Thrilled — This just means “very excited.” You can also use it to mean “happy,” like, “We’re thrilled you’re going to come and visit us at our ant factory.”

Charged — Imagine you’re about to do a parachute jump. How do you feel? This is like “excited” but has more adrenaline. More tension.

Pumped — “Pumped” is kind of similar to “charged.” You’re excited AND ready for an intense situation, like a dangerous mountain biking trail or a heavy game of kangaroo wrestling.

Words for “Excited” on a Scale

Because some words are just too strong for some situations and others are just too weak, I’m going to add a scale for each word in this lesson.

The scale ranges from “going to a new cafe” (not very exciting… but kind of exciting. A bit) to “preparing to fight a massive bear” (so exciting that it’s kind of terrifying).

So the “red zone” is something you might want to avoid unless your lifestyle is pretty extreme.

Words for excited: pumped, charged, thrilled

Small print: These may vary slightly depending on the situation and who’s talking.

3. Surprised

other words for surprised: a surprised child

Yes! You guessed it! She’s surprised!

More Words for “Surprised”

Astonished — Just “very surprised”

Astounded — I’d say that this is even stronger than “astonished.” It’s got an element of shock. Maybe you look a bit like this:


Amazed — You probably already know this one. It’s like “surprised,” but there’s an air of magic to it. Like that time when you first saw a unicorn. What? You haven’t seen a unicorn yet? Well … you’ll be amazed.

Startled — This can be a bit negative sometimes. “Startled” has a feeling of shock and even alarm to it. I always think of that feeling when you’re at home, and you think no one is there. You go to the kitchen for a cup of tea, and you see your flatmate there. You thought she was out, right? How do you feel? Startled!

Taken aback — This is usually a bit more negative as well. Again, it’s on that line between “shocked” and “surprised.”

Dumbstruck — Very, very surprised. Maybe so surprised that you can’t speak.

Bonus Idiom — “Surprised”

My jaw dropped — This is about the same as “astounded.”

We also have the adjective “jaw-dropping.” Like, “Did you see that magician? Absolutely jaw-dropping! I mean … how did she make your wallet disappear completely? And then run away? Amazing!”

Words for “Surprised” on a Scale

Again — we’re going from “weak surprise” to “strong surprise.”

Weak surprise is when your friend has a new hat.

Strong surprise is when you get home, and your house is suddenly a zebra.

Words for surprised: dumbstruck, astounded, amazed, astonished, taken aback, startled

4. Interested

other words for interested: an interested man

OK. How does he feel?

How many words can you use?

Here are some more!

More Words for “Interested”

Captivated — You know that feeling when you can’t stop looking at something? Like that perfect musical performance. Or one of those films that you watch, and you can never really understand what’s happening. But you just keep watching. Because you’re interested — or “captivated.”

Fascinated — Very interested

Absorbed — This is when you’re completely “stuck inside” something. Have you ever had that feeling when you’ve been so interested in a book you’re reading that you miss your bus stop? That — exactly that — is “absorbed.”

Engrossed — This is basically the same as absorbed.

Bonus Idiom — Interested

On the edge of your seat — When you’re just really interested in what’s happening. I always imagine sitting in the cinema, so interested in the film I’m watching that I’m literally sitting on the (front) edge of my seat.

Words for “Interested” on a Scale

Weak interest is when your best friend wants to tell you about their job interview. It’s kind of interesting because it’s your friend. Even though the interview itself isn’t interesting.

Strong interest is that film. We all have one of those films. It’s that film.

Words for interested: engrossed, captivated, absorbed, fascinated

5. Satisfied

other words for satisfied: a girl with a teddy bear

Oooh… You’ve got what you want, and it feels good!

But how many words can you use to describe it?

More Words for “Satisfied”

Fulfilled — That special feeling you get from being satisfied with your life — maybe it’s work; maybe it’s family; maybe it’s helping homeless rabbits.

Gratified — This is more or less the same as “satisfied.”

Satiated — We usually use it to describe feeling satisfied after a meal.

Words for “Satisfied” on a Scale

At the top, we have “completing a 5-year degree course.”

At the bottom, we have that feeling after a good cup of tea.

Words for satisfied: fulfilled, gratified, satiated

You may have noticed that there’s no “red zone” here. Well, it seems we don’t have many common words meaning “extremely satisfied.”

6. Emotional

other words for emotional: an emotional man

We all get that feeling sometimes, right? When our feelings and emotions take over.

Sometimes, it can feel great, can’t it?

More Words for “Emotional”

Moved — It simply means “emotionally affected.” For example, when we watch a powerful drama, or when someone buys us flowers unexpectedly.

Overwhelmed — This is when something gets too much for us. Have you ever suddenly started crying with happiness when you weren’t expecting it? You could say you were overwhelmed with emotion. This can be used for negative situations as well as positive ones.

Overcome — It’s basically the same as “overwhelmed.”

Impassioned — This is another way of saying “very emotional.”

Words for “Emotional” on a Scale

Low-level emotional is when your favourite TV show is doing a double-length episode this week.

And high-level emotional is “everyone you’ve ever met has decided to throw a party for you and tell you how awesome you are.” (Hmmm… maybe that’s a bit creepy, but you get the idea!)

Words for emotional: overwhelmed, overcome, impassioned, moved

7. Relaxed

other words for relaxed: a relaxed woman reading by a lake

Oh, yeah. That’s the life.

OK. This is the last one. Before you read on … how many words do you know for relaxed?

More Words for “Relaxed”

Chilled out — You’re by the pool. You’ve got your favourite cocktail in your hand. There are no kids anywhere. You can hear the waves of the sea hitting the beach nearby. How do feel? Yep. Me too.

Calm — This one means relaxed, but it also means “not stressed” or “not angry.”

Soothed — If “calm” means “not angry/stressed,” then “soothed” means “not angry/stressed anymore.” In order to be “soothed,” you need to be angry/stressed first. Then you see the cat video, and you calm down.

Content — You know that feeling when you feel very happy with your life. Sure, you could have a bit more money, and maybe life would be a bit better if that guy in the office didn’t sing so much. But generally speaking, you’re happy and (this is the important part) you don’t want anything more. Everything’s fine the way it is. That’s “content.”

Tranquil — Remember the feeling you had by the pool? Now be 10 times more relaxed. Now you’re tranquil. Congratulations!

Serene — This one is more or less the same as “tranquil.”

Composed — You know that guy who’s always really calm, but not in that pool-side way — more in that focused, dynamic way? You could tell him that there was a bomb in his trousers, and instead of panicking, he’d just figure out a way to control the situation. Never panics, never gets emotional … He’s composed.

Words for “Relaxed” on a Scale

Super relaxed is when you’ve actually just left your body.

Mildly relaxed is when you thought you had to wash a few plates. But it looks like someone else has already done it.

Words for relaxed: serene, tranquil, chilled out, composed, soothed, calm, content

So now you can talk about your feelings with these positive emotion adjectives. Good work!

But I want to make sure you’ve understood these well.

So, in the comments below, can you tell me about a time when you felt thrilled, on the edge of your seat or merry?

I’d love to hear your stories!

Did you find this useful? Do you know any people (or dolphins) that might also benefit from this? Then BE AWESOME AND SHARE! Spread the knowledge!

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


But really happy that you did.

But I’m really happy for Coach Ollie.

Конечно, я очень рад за своего тренера Олега Знарка.

He must have been really happy that night.

I’m really happy because my intention was to keep playing for Arsenal.

Я действительно счастлив, потому что мое намерение состояло в том, чтобы продолжать играть за Арсенал .

I’m really happy that there is this resource.

I wasn’t really happy then.

People with such largely romantic approach to life, really happy.

You know, I mean really happy.

I think I’m really happy.

Every time I go to school I’m really happy.

And it was really happy times working with them.

Im really happy we chose this model.

Я очень рада, что мы выбрали именно эту модель.

Today I noticed that I was really happy.

My friend looked really happy to see me.

We were never really happy together.

We’re really happy, as I said.

She improved so I was really happy.

People who used this method are really happy and thankful.

Люди, которые уже использовали данный метод лечения, довольны и благодарны.

No, I feel really happy when I’m working.

I am really happy doing this song.

«Очень рада тому, что я исполнила эту песню.

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really happy — перевод на русский

I was real happy when they moved.

Я была очень рада, когда они переехали.

I’m really happy the movie was sold out.

Я очень рада, что на фильм не было билетов.

It’s okay, I’m really happy you came to see me.

Ничего страшного. Я очень рада, что ты пришёл со мной попрощаться.

And I’m really happy for you and your cat.

И я очень рада за тебя… и за твою кошку.

I’m really happy for you, Julie.

Я очень рада за тебя, Джули.

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Do you mean to tell me you’re really happy?

Хочешь сказать, ты здесь счастлива?

Be honest with me, are you really happy?

Скажи мне честно: ты счастлива?

At last I’ve found a man with whom I can be really happy.

Наконец я нашла человека, с которым могу быть счастлива.

I’m just really happy for you.

Я просто так счастлива за тебя.

I’m really happy to be here with you all today.

Я счастлива быть сегодня здесь с вами.

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Because I am really happy about us.

Потому что я очень счастлива за нас.

She’s… she is really happy.

Она… она очень счастлива.

I was really happy.

Я была очень счастлива.

really happy with Ray.

очень счастлива с Реем.

but I’m really happy

но я очень счастлива.

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I’m really happy, Vicenta!

Как я рада, Висента!

Even though I was alone, I was really happy for Tai.

Хоть сама я и осталась без пары, я была рада за Тай.

I’m really happy you find it very amusing that I’m going to be incredibly uncomfortable for the rest of the day.

Я рада, что тебе весело от того, что я буду мокрая целый день!

I’m really happy for you, Nate.

Я за тебя рада, Нейт

Nowhere, I guess. I’m really happy for you guys.

Я так рада за вас, ребята.

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I am sure Mai was really happy.

я уверен, что ћэй был действительно счастлив.

— He’s really happy.

— Он действительно счастлив.

Yeah. I mean really happy not superficially, we-all-have-our-health happy.

В смысле, действительно счастлив, не поверхностно, «мы-все-здоровы— вот-и-хорошо» счастлив.

I mean, are you really happy?

Я хочу сказать, ты действительно счастлив?

Now we’re all here I’d just like to say that I’m really happy… that we’re all together under the same roof.

Теперь мы все здесь и я просто хочу сказать, что я действительно счастлив… то, что мы все вместе под той же самой крышей.

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Not that I’m not happy for her. I’m really happy for her.

Я действительно рада за нее.

I’m really happy I’m really glad to see you

Я действительно рада тебя видеть.

I am really happy for you about your book, you know. Thanks.

— Я действительно рада за тебя что касается твоей книги, ты знаешь.

And plus, I’m… I’m actually really happy being alone right now.

И плюс, я.. я, на самом деле, действительно рада быть одной сейчас.

I’m really happy for you.

Я действительно рада за тебя.

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That’s the only time I’m really happy:

Это единственное время, когда я по-настоящему счастлива.

That oughta make you real happy.

Ты, должно быть, по-настоящему счастлива.

I’m really happy that I spent the last 2 1/2 years with you all as part of CHAM!

Я по-настоящему счастлива, что провела последние 2,5 года со всеми вами в составе CHAM!

And I’m really happy for you and your cat.

И я по-настоящему счастлива за тебя и твою кошку.

Well I hope you’ll be really happy.

Я надеюсь ты будешь по-настоящему счастлива.

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I am really happy that it was not my mistake that it is the way it is

Это хорошо, что не я виновата… что все так получилось

I’m really happy you’re here

Как хорошо, что ты пришел.

I’m really happy that you came.

Как хорошо, что ты приехал.

You guys seem really happy together.

Вам, кажется, хорошо вместе.

I’d be really happy if we could do that, Sven.

Как хорошо было бы это сделать, Свен.

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I’m really happy

Я в самом деле счастлив.

— I just… I’m just real happy for you.

Я только на самом деле счастлив за тебя.

I think she’s really happy.

А сейчас она, кажется, на самом деле счастлива.

I’m really happy.

Я на самом деле счастлива.

I’m really happy

Я на самом деле счастлив.

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The man’s going to be real happy.

Этот человек будет очень доволен.

— I’m really happy.

Очень доволен.

My necklace is my accessory. And I used cupcake foils. I was really happy with the end result, so…

мой аксессуар — ожерелье и я использовал фольгу я был очень доволен результатом, так что… по-моему, платья выглядит будто ты использовал все, что смог найти в магазине выглядит глуповато единственное, что мне нравится так это ожерелье

I’m really, really happy with the way it turned out.

Я очень доволен результатом.

My coach is really happy with my times.

Мой тренер очень доволен моим результатом.

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  • счастлива
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  • действительно рада
  • по-настоящему счастлива
  • хорошо
  • самом деле счастлив
  • очень доволен

Last updated:

December 6, 2022

Maybe you already know the most useful English idioms and slang.

And maybe you’re no longer making the most common ESL grammar mistakes.

In that case, one of the best ways to improve your English vocabulary is to learn new ways to say the most frequent words.

One of the most common words is probably “happy.”

You’re probably tired of saying “happy” by now.

When you’re done with this post, you’ll be able to impress your friends with how well you speak English.

Because you’re going to be able to tell people what kind of “happy” you are.

Like that special kind of “happy” you feel when you learn new words and their meanings with FluentU.

Give FluentU a free try and you’ll be able to talk about all kinds of happiness like natives do!

And now, without further ado – here is our advanced English vocabulary post on 16 kinds of happy. 

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Advanced English Vocabulary: 16 Kinds of Happy

The music in Pharrell Williams’ song “Happy” lets you feel the definition of the word “happiness.” You don’t have to just rely on the lyrics. Happy is that upbeat feeling of contentment that seems to spread across your body. You smile. You want to be kind to strangers.  Your shoulders are relaxed.  Your hands are open.

Happy is the most common word for a positive emotion. What makes us happy though differs from person to person. The Internet show SoulPancake gets kids to talk about their feelings and what makes them happy. A pie of pie, sunshine, and a kiss seem to do the trick.

Happy as a feeling lends itself to lots of idioms:

Over the Moon

The phrase may have become popular from back-street Liverpool football games when player kicked the ball so hard that it appeared to go over the moon. Now that would make a fan happy. The phrase may have originated in the Mother Goose rhyme High Diddle Diddle when the cow jumped over the moon.

On Cloud Nine

Happiness on Cloud Nine probably came first from Buddhism. At the ninth level towards enlightenment, a being is said to live on a bright cloud where selfishness washes away. Dante gave a Christian version of Cloud Nine in Paradise: That’s the highest level before the place where the Divine (God) lives.

In Seventh Heaven

Seventh Heaven may come from Islamic and mystic Jewish traditions. The Divine and the angels are said to dwell in this seventh or highest level of heaven. Seven also is considered a lucky number. Being happy, of course, is lucky.

Tickled Pink

That’s pretty easy. When someone is tickling you, you laugh. Laughing makes your face turn pink.  A Ukrainian-American musician Jack Shaindlin wrote a fun little song called I’m Tickled Pink back in the 1940s. You can still hear it on Galaxy News Radio.

Jumping for Joy

Another easy one. You are so happy you literally jump up and down. Joy is something that springs from deep inside you. Even cows can jump for joy. Really. A German gif (short video that repeats itself) has been making the rounds on the Internet. U.S. National Public Radio shared the story of the cows so happy to be released outside that they literally spring into the air.

Walking on Air

So if you are going to jump, then you are going to end up walking on air. That’s exactly what Katy Perry ends up in doing in her song by the same name.

In Good Spirits

This idiom apparently comes from the 17th Century. It may be talking about alcohol spirits or it may be talking about connecting with happy positive ghosts. Either way, the idea is that you are happy because you got a hold of something good.

Australians sponsor a huge annual international competition for baristas (coffee makers) to combine coffee with alcohol. It’s called World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship. Competitors come from as far as Slovakia, Ecuador and Indonesia. They better be in good spirits after going all that way to make a drink.

Happy as a Clam

This one is just plain weird. How do you know if a clam is happy? Well, it turns out that this idiom is actually part of a longer sentence: Happy as a clam in high water. Clams seem to like high water when their shells are all covered, so maybe it is safe to say they are happy. Back in 1840, John Godfrey Saxe wrote the poem “Sonnet to a Clam.” He laments (is sad) that clams are reduced to boring similes (descriptions) and says he must write a song of their simple story. In my opinion, it sounds like old Saxe suffered from another idiom: Too much time on his hands.

Slap Happy

The last two idioms are not necessarily positive ones even if they are talking about being happy. Slap happy means you are tired, really tired. You are so tired that you are doing silly things, like slapping yourself.  Slap happy appears to come from boxers back in the 1920s who took one too many blows to the head and became confused from a head injury. Punch drunk means the same thing: You have been hit so many times that you are starting sound like you have been drinking too much alcohol.

Trigger Happy

You do not want to be called trigger happy. This means you like shooting your gun at people.  Sometimes it means you will shoot without paying attention to your target.  Worse yet, it means you get violent, with or without a gun, whenever someone bothers you the least little bit.

British Channel 4 came up with a play on words and called its comedy program Trigger Happy TV. There are no guns involved, just comedians making jokes very quickly and pulling pranks on unsuspecting people walking down the streets of London.

That’s enough idioms. Let’s look at good old-fashioned synonyms and alternatives for happy.

Let’s start with merry, as in Merry Christmas. It means exactly the same thing as happy, which is why you will sometimes hear the phrase in December, “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.” You could reverse the happy and merry but why break the habit. You could also go out for a beer (or a pint or a lemonade) with friends and say, “Let’s eat, drink, and be merry.”

Another phrase you might hear: “I’m delighted to meet you.” Delighted is a fancy way of saying happy. Delighted means “it gives great pleasure.” If you go to the trouble to say the word delighted, you probably are going bow your head slightly as you extend their hand to meet someone. This phrase is best used in very formal places. If you are a man, you should probably be wearing a tie if not a tuxedo.

Blessed is a religious version of happy. Blessed means favored by God, particularly in Christian traditions. It can be used as a title for someone nominated for sainthood in the Catholic Church. It can be in reference to something considered sacred, like the Blessed Trinity. Buddhist texts also advocate the 38 Blessings or important things for living a good life, such as being kind and being around wise people.  Happiness is the result of being blessed.

Radiant is a more physical term. You are so happy that you look like sunbeams are coming out of you. Radiant is not just simple happiness, but full-scale joy. You are shining like a light. Pregnant women are said to be radiant because they are so happy about the child growing inside them.

Ecstatic is most often used as an exaggeration of happy. Ecstatic means to be in a state of ecstasy. Now, ecstasy often has something to do with sex or illegal drugs. Ecstatic, however, does not. Usually it means you are super happy because you or a friend accomplished something. “I am ecstatic you got into medical school.”

Glee usually is a type of entertainment and comes most often in a song. Glee, the American television show on FOX, comes from a high school club for students who perform on stage and have a tendency to break into song just about anywhere. The idea is that the music makes them happy. It’s hard to not smile and be happy when watching them sing.

Now there you have it: 16 ways to be happy. Enjoy!

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Предложения с «i really happy»

For my work, I invite people to play a game like we all used to as children when we pretend to be someone else and that process made us really happy .

В своей работе я предлагаю людям сыграть в игру, как раньше, когда мы были детьми, когда мы претворялись кем — то другим, и это делало нас по — настоящему счастливыми .

Now, I talked about what happens later, but some of these differences emerge at a really shockingly early age.

Я сейчас говорила о последствиях, но некоторые из этих различий возникают в невероятно раннем возрасте.

They invited me to their guard room and asked if one-night stands really happen in the US.

Они позвали меня в комнату охраны и спросили, правда ли, что в США распространён секс на одну ночь.

And so one of the major challenges of our project, really, is to find photographs that were taken before something happens , right?

И один из самых больших вызовов нашего проекта — найти фотографии, сделанные до того, как что — то случилось, так?

But incredibly enough, it was real, it was true, and things happened really fast.

Но что удивительно — это было правдой, и всё случилось очень быстро.

We knew what really happened .

Мы знали, что произошло на самом деле.

So what’s happening here is that the brain is using its prior expectations built deeply into the circuits of the visual cortex that a cast shadow dims the appearance of a surface, so that we see B as lighter than it really is.

Причина в том, что мозг использует свои предыдущие представления, глубоко внедрённые в нейронную сеть зрительной коры, о том, что падающая тень затемняет изображение поля, поэтому нам кажется, что поле B светлее, чем оно есть.

That’s where hobbies happen , where we have close relationships, where we really think about our lives, where we get creative, where we zoom back and try to work out whether our lives have been meaningful.

Мы занимаемся хобби, строим близкие взаимоотношения, развиваем творческое начало, задумываемся о жизни, оглядываемся назад и пытаемся осознать, а была ли наша жизнь осмысленной.

About 55 million years ago, there was a really abrupt warming event, and what happened was a whole bunch of carbon dioxide was released into earth’s atmosphere, and it caused a rapid and pretty extreme global warming event.

Около 55 миллионов лет назад произошло очень резкое потепление, что привело к большому выходу углекислого газа в атмосферу, что, в свою очередь, вызвало резкое и сильное глобальное потепление.

So this was a pretty warm time and it happened really abruptly.

Это действительно было жаркое время, и оно закончилось внезапно.

Today it can feel like things are happening too fast — so fast, that it can become really difficult for us to form an understanding of our place in history.

Сегодня кажется, что всё случается слишком быстро, так быстро, что нам бывает трудно определить и осознать своё место в истории.

I was really, really happy .

Я был невероятно счастлив .

But I was really interested to see what happens in your brain when you pay covert attention.

Но на самом деле мне было интересно увидеть, что происходит в мозге, когда вы используете скрытую ориентировку.

I really thought that gay was a sophisticated English word for happy .

Я искренне верил, что гей — это особое английское слово для обозначения счастья .

Like you notice, nobody could make any sense of what was happening except me, and I didn’t give a damn, really, because the whole world, and whole humanity, seemed as confused and lost as I was.

Как вы заметили, никто не имел ни малейшего понятия, что происходит, кроме меня, но мне было наплевать, потому что весь мир и всё человечество казались такими же потерянными, как и я.

I’m really fortunate and superblessed, and I felt like not only am I happy with my body, but I want other people and other young girls that have experienced what I’ve experienced to be happy with themselves.

Мне и правда повезло, я не только чувствую, что довольна своим телом, но я также хочу, чтобы и другие люди, другие девочки, которым пришлось пережить то, что пережила я, нравились себе такими, какие они есть.

They don’t make sense and they don’t really reflect what’s happening in people’s everyday lives.

Она бессмысленна и на самом деле не отражает, что происходит в жизни общества.

However, if the training sets aren’t really that diverse, any face that deviates too much from the established norm will be harder to detect, which is what was happening to me.

Однако, если тренировочные наборы не очень разнообразны, любое лицо, которое сильно отличается от установленной нормы, будет сложно распознать, что и происходило со мной.

So as you look at what’s happening today, and putting your historian’s hat on, do you look back in history at moments when things were going just fine and an individual leader really took the world or their country backwards?

То есть, глядя на всё происходящее с точки зрения историка, бывали ли моменты в истории, когда всё шло прекрасно, но какой — то один правитель отбросил мир или свою страну назад?

If the designers had known what was really happening in the real world with their designs — the road, the building, Barbie — they could’ve used that knowledge to create an experience that was better for the user.

Если бы дизайнеры знали, что на самом деле произойдёт в реальном мире с их детищем: дорогами, зданиями, Барби, они бы использовали эти знания на благо их потребителя.

But I think even though it’s focused on trying to improve people, it could have negative consequences, and it really worries me that some of the top proponents of this new eugenics, they think CRISPR is the ticket to make it happen .

Но несмотря на то, что её целью является улучшение людей, она может иметь отрицательные последствия, и меня беспокоит, что некоторые её сторонники думают, что CRISPR — это билет в будущее.

But you’re talking about really radical redesigns, and one of the interesting things that’s happened in the last decade is we’ve discovered a whole lot of planets out there.

Но это очень радикальные изменения, и одним из интересных событий в прошлом десятилетии было то, что мы обнаружили множество планет далеко от нас.

Now, this is a really strong illustration of how once a trust shift has happened around a behavior or an entire sector, you cannot reverse the story.

Это очень яркая иллюстрация того, что как только принципы доверия изменились у целой группы людей, обратной дороги нет.

I don’t know exactly what they’re looking for but I can only think they look for someone who’s quite outgoing, someone who can work quite well in a team, you have to be a certain kind of character to do what we do, I mean you fly with different people every day, you know, you go into work, anything could happen , there’s thousands and thousands of crew, you don’t work with the same people, you need to be able to just get on with people that you’ve never met before, work under pressure sometimes, so I think they’re looking for someone who is, you know, quite competent in what they do, quite confident, just someone who’s a team player really.

Я не знаю точно, что они ищут, но я думаю, они ищут кого — то, кто довольно коммуникабельный, кто может работать достаточно хорошо в команде, вы должны иметь определенного рода характер, чтобы делать то, что мы делаем, я имею в виду вы летаете с различными людьми каждый день, знаете, вы идете на работу, все может случиться, есть тысячи и тысячи экипажей, вы не работаете с одними и теми же людьми, вы должны быть в состоянии легко ладить с людьми, которых вы никогда не встречались раньше, иногда работать под давлением, поэтому я думаю, что они ищут кого — то, кто, знаете, вполне компетентные в том, что они делают, вполне уверенные, кто настоящий командный игрок.

But we’re trained to do that, so, you know, really well trained to do that, but hopefully nothing like that will ever happen .

Но нас обучали как делать это, так что, знаете ли, очень хорошо обучали делать это, но, надеюсь, ничего подобного никогда не случится.

Everyone hopes it will really be happy .

Каждый надеется, что он будет действительно счастлив .

Wouldn’t you like to be really happy , steal some wild oats?

Неужели вам не хочется испытать настоящее счастье , вспомнить безумства юности?

The only really good period of my life, when I was genuinely happy .

Единственный по — настоящему удачный период моей жизни, когда я оказался по — настоящему счастлив .

Angela was passively happy to be going to the dance, but not really interested in Eric.

Анжела тоже радовалась танцам, хотя Эрик ее особо не интересовал.

And Boston College happens to have a really great hotel management course.

И в Бостонском колледже есть очень хороший факультет гостиничного менеджмента.

You’d rather believe that I would lure you into a cult, than the possibility that magic can really happen ?

Ты скорее поверишь, что я заманю тебя в секту, чем в возможность существования магии?

What’s really happening is that your brain switches to alpha mode, which really is like you’re asleep.

На самом деле ваш мозг переключается в состояние альфа — ритма, который действительно напоминает состояние сна.

He would be really awfully upset if anything happened to me.

И он будет ужасно расстроен, если со мной что — то случится.

You look awfully happy for someone who’s about to have a really bad night.

У вас очень довольный вид для женщины, у которой выдался по — настоящему плохой день.

Do you really think this baby has a chance, that it could grow up and live a happy life?

Ты правда думаешь, что у этого ребенка будет шанс вырасти и прожить счастливую жизнь?

And this whole thing with rufus could have happened So that you could finally stop hiding how you really feel.

И эта ситуация с Руфусом могла случиться, чтобы ты наконец перестал скрывать свои настоящие чувства.

You know what you could do to really make me happy ?

Ты можешь сделать одну вещь, которая доставит мне удовольствие.

I’m ready to go out there and apologize to everybody and tell them what really happened .

Почему? Мам, пап, я готова извиниться перед всеми и рассказать о том, что произошло.

I’m actually really happy being alone right now.

На самом деле, я даже рада побыть сейчас одной.

I’m actually really happy being alone right now.

И в данный момент мне нравится быть одной.

And plus, I’m… I’m actually really happy being alone right now.

И плюс, я… я, на самом деле, действительно рада быть одной сейчас.

It didn’t really make me feel happy .

Это совсем не делало меня счастливым .

I feel really good. I feel happy .

Чувствую себя хорошо, счастливым .

You know it’d really make me happy to see you play again.

Ты знаешь, я очень счастлив видеть, как ты снова играешь.

I’m starting to think that real grifts only really happen in the movies, and even in the movies they barely make sense.

Я начинаю думать, что реальные разводы реально встречаются только в фильмах, но даже в фильмах едва имеют смысл.

I hope you guys are really happy .

Полагаю, ребята, вы на самом деле счастливы .

If gravity really is seeping into our world through extra dimensions, like water out of a shower head, then incredible things might happen at CERN.

Если гравитация на самом деле просачивается в наш мир через другие измерения, как вода через головку душа, тогда в ЦЕРНе могут произойти поистине удивительные вещи.

What really happened , is not mentioned in the history books.

То, что случилось на самом деле, не описано в истории.

Well, what really makes me happy is the announcement of your 10th-year Opry induction anniversary show on Bobby Bones this morning.

Чему я действительно рад, так это объявлению о твоём концерте в честь десятилетнего юбилея со дня твоего первого выступления в Опри на радио — шоу Бобби Бонс этим утром.

Nobody really wants that to happen .

Никто на самом деле не хочет, чтобы это случилось.

This is what really happens when you throw a pebble into Frog Lake.

Именно так и происходит, когда бросаешь камень в Фрог — лейк.

I’m actually really happy being alone right now.

На самом деле, я даже рада побыть сейчас одной.

I really feel like I overstimulated myself at six years old because it, like, jaded me for every other thing that’s ever happened .

Мне реально кажется что я перевозбудил себя в 6 лет, потому что это переплюнуло всё, что когда — либо случалось в моей жизни.

I really appreciate your help getting me this job in the hospital but, I’m not sure working in contract administration will make me happy .

Я очень ценю твою помощь в получении для меня работы в больнице, но я не уверен, что работа в делопроизводстве сделает меня счастливым .

And I really hope that this will happen .

И я очень надеюсь, что так и будет.

And I wanted to really shake the lapels of world leaders to get them to understand what is happening .

И мне хотелось встряхнуть мировых лидеров, чтобы они поняли, что происходит.

So is Putin really about to blunder into the same catastrophic cul-de-sac and if he does are we really supposed to rue the day it happens ?

Итак, действительно ли Путин готов совершить подобный катастрофический промах, и, если он это сделает, нужно ли нам сожалеть о том дне, когда это случится?

What’s really interesting is what happens when you reduce the reward frequency.

Но самое интересное происходит тогда, когда частота вознаграждения снижается.

This is proving really good for congestion, but there’s a slight chance it can make your tears burn like acid, so if you take it — happy thoughts.

Эти доказано действительно хороши от гиперемии, но есть слабый шанс, что они могут сделать твои слезы жгучими как кислота, так что если примешь их — думай о хорошем.

But anyone who thinks globalization is dead misreads what’s really happening .

Но тот, кто считает глобализацию умершей, неверно понимает происходящее.

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