Word for reading right to left

In technical contexts (the study of scripts, Unicode’s various rules for communicating them with computers, graphic use of textual elements) the abbreviations LTR and RTL are very often used.

There are boustrophedonic for scripts which change direction on each line, and words in Asian languages to distinguish vertical from horizontal (e.g. tategaki and yokogaki), but no single word I’m aware of for left-to-right or right-to-left though my reading would be such to make me well-placed to come across them if they existed.

Note also, that languages are not left-to-right or right-to-left, but rather scripts are: Malkuth and מלכות are the same word, and so in each case the language is Hebrew, but in the first case it is Hebrew in Latin script, while in the second it is Hebrew in Hebrew script. Likewise hedgehog and הדגהוג are both the same word, in English in Latin script and English in Hebrew script respectively. There are languages which are commonly found in more than one script.

Changing the Text Direction in Microsoft Word

If you regularly use Microsoft Word with a language that reads from right-to-left, you may find that the right-to-left format remains when you try to write in English. This is because the text direction defaults to right-to-left in versions of Microsoft Word sold in some regions.

Luckily, if you’re using a Windows computer, changing the direction of text is easy via the “left-to-right” command. Only the most recent versions of Word for Mac support this feature, so if you encounter this problem, the best option is to copy and paste the text into a new document.

Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

The first thing you need to do is add the “left-to-right” command to the Quick Access Toolbar. To do this, click the arrow next to the “Redo” button and choose “More Commands” from the dropdown list.

Accessing the menus.

Accessing the menus.

On the next screen, you have the option to choose commands to add to the toolbar. If you can’t see the “left-to-right” command, chose “All Commands” from the top menu.

All commands.

All commands.

Next, scroll down and choose “Left-to-Right Text Direction.” The name of the command here may depend on the version of Word you’re using. In Word 2010, this command is called “Ltr run,” while Word 2003 lists it as “Ltr para.”

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Left-to-right text direction.

Left-to-right text direction.

Now the button will be displayed on the toolbar (you can use a similar process to add it to the main ribbon if you right click on the ribbon and select “Customize the Ribbon”).

LTR and RTL on the Quick Access bar.

LTR and RTL on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Now select the text that is showing right-to-left, click the button, and it should switch to left-to-right. Repeat this last step anywhere in your document, including footnotes and comment boxes, where the text direction displays from right-to-left.

It’s also worth noting that you can select the “Right-to-Left Text Direction” command using the same method. This is useful if you need to switch back to the original format at any point.

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racecar, peep


Words which read the same in either direction are palindromes. There are also paindromic phrases like «Able was I ere I saw Elba» and «A Toyota. Race fast, safe car. A Toyota.»

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We all know the importance of exercising our bodies, but what about exercising our minds? Reading words backwards helps to keep your mind active and improve your reading skills. As English readers and writers, we are accustomed to reading left to right. To challenge your brain, try reading from right to left, instead.

  1. Image titled Read Backwards Step 1


    Write down a short phrase on a piece of paper. It typically helps to start with shorter, easier words and work your way up to a longer phrase. Two to three words will be sufficient.

  2. Image titled Read Backwards Step 2


    Rewrite the phrase backwards. Begin with the last letter of the last word and end with the first letter of the first word. Leave spaces between words just as you normally would. Practice writing the phrase several times; it will help clue your brain to the right-to-left movement.

    • Because you are accustomed to reading left-to-right, your brain naturally prefers this direction; essentially what you are doing is re-teaching it how to track from right to left (called «directional tracking»).[1]


  3. Image titled Read Backwards Step 3


    Practice reading the phrase. Start with the letter on the right and work towards the left (the opposite of how you normally read). Identify each letter individually and try to sound it out as you go. Over time, your brain will begin to recognize the shape of the word, and you will no longer need to sound it out.[2]

    • Practice reading several times over the next few days. Spacing out your practice over time helps you feel more comfortable reading and recognizing words from the opposite direction, from right to left rather than left to right.
  4. Image titled Read Backwards Step 4


    Move on to longer phrases. Pick a random sentence from a book and practice reading it backwards. If it is difficult to isolate the sentence in the book, rewrite the sentence on a piece of paper, then rewrite the phrase from right to left. It might help, at least initially, to use your finger under each word to help your eyes keep track of where you are.

    • Practice makes perfect! Here’s an example. Try to figure out what it says.
    • snoitalutargnoC .sdrawkcab gnidaer era uoy siht daer nac uoy fI
  5. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Read Backwards Step 5


    Visualize a word in your mind. It can be any word, though it is easier to start with shorter (two to four letter) words. Mentally write the word in your mind as you would on a piece of paper, drawing each letter.

  2. Image titled Read Backwards Step 6


    Flip the word from right to left mentally. Beginning first with two-letter words (oh, ah, no, on, etc.) practice flipping the letters in your mind. As you move to longer words, it might help to mentally write each letter one at a time, beginning with the last letter, rather than trying to flip the entire word. As you gain confidence it will become easier to flip an entire word.

  3. Image titled Read Backwards Step 7


    Practice. Because this is a mental exercise, you can picture any word backward. Next time you are stuck in traffic, waiting in line at the grocery store, or waiting for a friend at a restaurant, pick a word you see and practice flipping it in your mind.

  4. Image titled Read Backwards Step 8


    String words together. For an extra challenge, practice flipping whole phrases in your mind. It is often challenging enough to visualize a backward word in your mind, so be patient with yourself. Flip single words in your mind before flipping an entire phrase.

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  1. Image titled Read Backwards Step 9


    Hold the backwards text up to a mirror. If you’re trying to decipher text that has been written backward in mirror image, there’s an easy way to make it legible. The mirror image of the text, or the image of the text that you’ll see in the mirror, will look as though it was written normally.

    • Mirror image writing is different from right to left backwards writing. In mirror image writing, each individual letter appears backwards, but the letters are still in left to right order.
    • You can see the effect if you hold up regular text to a mirror.
  2. Image titled Read Backwards Step 10


    Read the text from left to right. Just as you normally would, you should be able to clearly read the text now. No brain boggling is required to decipher the code. The letters will appear in their normal position.

  3. Image titled Read Backwards Step 11


    Use a mirror to write backwards. The next time you want to make your writing slightly more difficult to understand, you can use a mirror to translate your text into mirror image writing. Here’s what to do:

    • Write your text on a piece of paper in normal writing.
    • Have a friend hold it in front of a mirror.
    • Use a piece of tracing paper to trace over the mirror image of your text.
    • The text on the tracing paper will be your message, in mirror image backwards writing.
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  • Question

    Why would I want to know how to read backwards?

    Community Answer

    Wanting to read backwards or being able to read backwards is actually just something our brains can do, sometimes we don’t even know were doing it. In terms of helpfulness, it can be useful for reading documents held by another party that aren’t in the right direction, where you need to see what they’re reading or writing without asking for the document. Or, it’s really just for fun, something cool to know how to do.

  • Question

    Can everybody read backwards?

    Community Answer

    Most people can read backwards. It just involves taking indivual letters and forming them in your head. If you can form them the right way then you can read the word.

  • Question

    I heard that if you have something written backward, you can face a mirror and it will look regular. Is this true?

    Riley Meredith

    Riley Meredith

    Community Answer

    Yes. A mirror reflects things backward, so if it’s already written backward, it will appear to be written forward.

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  • Also practice reading in a mirror and reading upside-down. Both activities are good practice at reversing the order of letters. Reading a word through a piece of paper by holding it up to the light is the same as holding it up to a mirror [3]

  • When you know lots of words backwards, test your friends and family!

  • Try writing something backwards and leave it for a target to get confused.

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    «I can read backward by re picturing the word or sentence in my head, this still helped me, thank you!»

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Microsoft 365 supports right-to-left functionality and features for languages that work in a right-to-left (or a combined right-to-left, left-to-right) environment for entering, editing, and displaying text. In this context, «right-to-left languages» refers to any writing system that is written from right to left and includes languages that require contextual shaping, such as Arabic, and languages that do not. You can change your display to show the menus and buttons right-to-left and/or change individual files so their contents read from right to left.

To compose in a right-to-left language you will want to enable the Windows keyboard language for the right-to-left language that you want to use. See add an input language in Windows and enable the keyboard layout for the right-to-left language.

Click a heading below for more information

Depending on how you prefer to customize your computer, you can use one language for your display (menus, dialog boxes, and wizards), and type in a different language as needed. If you want to both type in a right-to-left language and see the menus and online Help in that language, you can set the Microsoft 365 display to that language preference. For more information, see Change the language of Microsoft Office.

Note: If you’d like to see a short video on how to do this, here’s a video at YouTube that a member of the community created showing how it’s done. Change Language Office 2016.

Several right-to-left features in Microsoft 365 programs use the display language to determine the screen layout direction and the alignment of text within dialog boxes. When you specify a right-to-left user display language in the Set the Office Language Preferences dialog box, the layout of menus, dialog boxes, and wizards are right to left, but the Microsoft Windows settings remain left to right.

For example, when Arabic is selected as the display language in Microsoft 365 you see the following display:

Arabic user interface language

The menus are displayed right to left. If the Windows display language is still set to English, the title bar remains in English and the Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons remain in the upper-right corner as they do in a left-to-right interface. If the Windows display language is set up for a right-to-left language, the language in the title bar would also be translated, and the Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons would be in the upper-left corner.

If you work primarily in a left-to-right language but sometimes need to insert text in a right-to-left language, you can select your left-to-right language (such as English) for your display language and type in the right-to-left language in most of the Microsoft 365 programs when you want to. To do this, Set right-to-left text, bullets, and numbering for the editing area and enable the keyboard layout.

You can change the text direction from within a Microsoft 365 program by choosing the Right-to-left paragraph button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab (this only appears if you have a right-to-left language enabled). Even after changing your display to appear in a right-to-left language, you must have the appropriate keyboard language enabled to enter text in that language.

If your usual display language is English but you want to change it to an Arabic dialect, do the following:

  1. Open an Microsoft 365 program file, such as a Word document.

  2. On the File tab, choose Options > Language.

  3. In the Set the Office Language Preferences dialog box, in the Editing Language list, choose the Arabic dialect you want, and then choose Add.

  4. In the Choose Editing Languages table, make sure the newly added Arabic dialect is highlighted and then choose Set as Default.

    Important: When you set the newly assigned editing language as the default, it becomes the default for all your Microsoft 365 programs.

To type using a particular language’s native keyboard, you must add the appropriate keyboard layout. For instruction on how to add an additional keyboard language see Change the language of Microsoft Office.

After adding a keyboard layout for another language, a language indicator (called the «Language bar») appears on the taskbar, next to the clock, and displays the current keyboard language. For example, in Windows 10, the language indicator for Hebrew is The Windows 10 Language Bar, showing that the currently selected keyboard language is Hebrew..

Note: The Language bar appears automatically after adding a keyboard for at least one language in addition to English in the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box in Microsoft Windows.

To change the current keyboard language click the Language bar and select the language you want, or press ALT + SHIFT to toggle thru the list of installed keyboards.

If you only want to enter a little text in another language and don’t want to switch your keyboard, you can use the Character Map, one of the Accessories in Microsoft Windows. You can choose a character from one of the right-to-left or left-to-right language font pages, copy it to the Clipboard, and then insert the character in your document. For more information about how to use the Character Map to enter text, see Using special characters (Character Map).

Depending on which languages you need, you may also be able to enter small amounts of text by using the Symbol gallery, see Insert a check mark or other symbol.

When both left-to-right and right-to-left languages are enabled, the Left-to-right and Right-to-left paragraph buttons are enabled on the ribbon in most of the Microsoft 365 programs. When you click these buttons, you can change the direction of text when entering and justifying text.

Note: In Microsoft OneNote, the Left-to-right and Right-to-left buttons are available by clicking the Paragraph Alignment arrow.

Text in a cell or field can be left-aligned, center-aligned, or right-aligned. In some programs, such as Access and Excel, text can also have Context text direction.

When text has Context text direction, text and numbers are aligned according to the language of the first character entered — for example, text in the cell or field is right-aligned if the first character is in a right-to-left language, and left-aligned if the first character is in a left-to-right language. You can override Context text direction and switch to Left, Center, or Right text direction for individual objects.

Many right-to-left or combined right-to-left and left-to-right programs apply context rules that control text direction and the reading order of text. Boxes, lists, and other elements control the context rules for the text that they contain.

The context rules for the reading order and text direction are as follows:

  • If the first strong character is left-to-right, the reading order is also left-to-right, and the text is left-aligned.

  • If the first strong character is right-to-left, the reading order is also right-to-left, and the text is right-aligned.

  • If only neutral characters are typed, both the reading order and the direction follow the paragraph direction (which can be either left-to-right or right-to-left) until the first strong character is typed.

Any time you change the first strong character from a left-to-right language to a right-to-left language (or vice versa), both the reading order and the text direction change accordingly.

In Word and other word-processing programs, you can select, find, and replace individual diacritics and individual Arabic characters regardless of whether they are ligated. Each ligature and diacritic is managed as a discrete unit of a right-to-left language word.

The following example shows selecting an Arabic word that has a three-character ligature (as each character is selected).

Indic languages, such as Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu, might not be compatible with every search option in Microsoft Office. For example, the Match case and Find whole words only options do not work for scripts in these languages. However, these options can still be used to find matching Latin characters in the same document.

Right-to-left languages

Find-and-replace features search text in the order in which the text is entered in the Search box, instead of the order in which it is displayed. Therefore, you can search for strings of right-to-left text, regardless of the direction of the paragraph. You can also search for matches of characters with or without kashidas (Arabic only), Alef Hamzas (Arabic only), or diacritics, such as the Hebrew niqqud. For a list of ASCII and Unicode character codes, see Insert ASCII or Unicode Latin-based symbols and characters.

Indic languages

Indic languages, such as Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu, might not be compatible with every search option in Microsoft Office. For example, the Match case and Find whole words only options do not work for scripts in these languages. However, these options can still be used to find matching Latin characters in the same document.

Southeast Asian languages

Southeast Asian languages, such as Thai and Vietnamese, might not be compatible with every search option in Microsoft Office. For example, the Match case and Find whole words only options do not work for Southeast Asian characters. However, these options can still be used to find matching Latin characters in the same document.

See Also

Check spelling and grammar in a different language

Change the language of Microsoft Office

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Several languages such as Arabic, Persian, Urdu or Hebrew are usually written from right to left. Today we will learn how to shift the writing direction in Office 2016/2019/365 from the default Left To Right (LTR) into Right To Left direction (RTL). For convenience, we are providing detailed instructions for Word and Outlook; however process is similar for other Office apps such as Excel and PowerPoint.

Set Word paragraph defaults to right to left

To ensure that your Word document default writing direction is RTL, proceed as following:

  1. Open a new Microsoft Word document.
  2. In the Home tab, locate the Paragraph section in the Ribbon.
  3. Hit the small arrow at the bottom right side of the section as shown below:
  1. The Paragraph Settings dialog will open up.
  2. In the General section, you’ll notice the Alignment combo box.
  3. Set the Alignment value to be Right.
  4. Select Right-to-left check box below.
  5. At the bottom of the dialog hit the Set as Default button.
  6. In the next dialog, select to apply this setting to all documents based on the normal.dotm template.

Word right to left writing

If you are not able to locate the RTL direction buttons in Word, proceed as following:

  • Open your Word document, click on File and select Options.
  • In the customize ribbon, click on the drop down box and select All commands.
2015-10-13 14_30_35-Word Options
  • Then search for the Left to Right and Right to Left in the options.
  • Press on New Group at the bottom and rename it as you need.
  • Add both LTR and RTL in the created group and select OK to add it in the Ribbon.

2015-10-13 14_31_35-Word Options

In Quick Access Toolbar:

  • Open your word document, click on File and select Options.
  • In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the drop down box and select All commands.

2015-10-13 14_32_17-

  • Then search for Left to Right and Right to Left in the options.
  • Click Add and select OK to add those options in Quick access toolbar.

2015-10-13 14_33_36-Word Options

Right to left switching with Macros

Readers asked me whether there is a way to programmatically set Right to Left for specific pages / ranges and paragraphs in a Word document.

The VBA method .RtlPara allows you to set the paragraph direction for a specific selection using Macros.

Default RTL in Outlook emails

To set right-to-left as your default Outlook email text direction, proceed as following:

  1. In the Outlook ribbon , hit the New Email button to open a new email item.
  2. Navigate to the Format Text tab.
  3. In the Paragraph Ribbon header, hit the small arrow at the bottom right side.
  4. The Paragraph settings dialog opens up.
  5. In the Alignment combo box, select Right.
  6. Then pick right-to-left as the email document Direction.
  7. Hit the Set as default button and apply all changes to all email items created off the normalemail.dotm template.

Note: While writing this tutorial, i have noticed that the Format Text Ribbon (including the Paragraph section) buttons are disabled by default. If so, just click your email item body and the Ribbon will be enabled.

Enable RTL buttons in Outlook

  • Open your Outlook 365 and Click on New mail in the Home ribbon.
  • Now in the opened compose mail dialog box, click on File and select Options.
  • In the Customize Ribbon, click on the drop down box and select All commands.

2015-10-13 14_40_25-Outlook Options

  • Search for Left to Right and Right to Left options.
  • Press on New Group at the bottom and rename it as you need.
  • Add both LTR and RTL in the created group and select OK to add it to the ribbon.

2015-10-13 14_41_01-Outlook Options

In Quick Access Toolbar:

  • In your Outlook then hit New mail in the Home ribbon.
  • In the dialog box of compose mail, click on File and select Options.
  • In the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the drop down box and select All commands.

2015-10-13 14_41_20-

  • Search for Left to Right and Right to Left options.
  • Click Add and select OK to add it in Quick Access Toolbar.

2015-10-13 14_41_50-Outlook Options

  • Hit either LTR to write from Left to Right and RTL to write from Right to Left in both Quick Access Toolbar and Customize ribbon.

Release Date: November 7, 2018
Category: Writing Tools
Author: Amanda W., Ph.D.

Many versions of Word allow users to enter text in right-to-left format to accommodate other languages.
Most of these change the formatting to left-to-right text direction when users select English for the text language.
However, a few versions have bugs in this process and the formatting remains right to left, such as the Arabic versions of Word.
If you receive a document originally written in one of these versions, the cursor, text direction, and/or punctuation will behave abnormally.

Example Document

Here, we describe 1) how to fix this problem in a selected segment of text and 2) how to set all new comments to run in the correct direction.
The information in this guide was compiled from instructions for the 2010, 2013, and 2016 versions of Word, so these instructions should be accurate for those versions, but might not work with older versions.

Changing right-to-left to left-to-right formatting

To do this, we will add two buttons to our Quick Toolbar.
These will stay in Word as long as it is installed on your computer, so you can use them whenever you encounter this problem.

  1. In the Quick Access Toolbar at the top left of the screen (where the save and undo buttons are), click the arrow at the right side and select “More Commands”.
  2. Under «Choose commands from:» select «All Commands.»
  3. Find «Left-to-Right Text Direction» in the alphabetical list and click «Add>>».
  4. Find «Ltr Run» and click «Add>>».
  5. Click «OK» to close the window.
  6. You should now have two new buttons in the Quick Access toolbar at the top left of your screen: the Left-to-Right Text Direction button, which looks like an arrow and a paragraph symbol, and the Ltr Run button, which looks like an open, gray, or green circle depending on your version of Word.
  7. Select the text that needs to be fixed, or select all text in the document by pressing Ctrl-A.
  8. Click both the Left-to-Right Text Direction and Ltr Run buttons (it doesn’t matter which you click first).

Text Direction
Ltr Run

Text should now run left to right as we expect in English writing.
If the text is suddenly right justified, meaning that it all lines up along the right margin, don’t worry – that means the author of the original document was trying to get around the bug and make the text look normal.
Just select the text and click “Left Align” in the “Paragraph” section under the “Home” tab.

Example Comment

Setting comments to default to left-to-right text

If you are providing feedback on this document, you will likely need to add comments to the document.
Although the directions above are effective in comments, it can get very annoying to click your two Quick Access buttons every time you need to write a new comment.
Luckily, we can set Word to use the correct formatting for all future comments.

  1. If there are no comments, write one and fix it using the directions above.
  2. In a properly formatted comment, click somewhere in the comment text that doesn’t have any special formatting (no italic, bold, superscript, etc.).
  3. Go to «Home» tab and click the tiny arrow in the bottom right corner of the “Styles” section.
  4. Click “Options…”
  5. Change “Select how list is sorted:” to “Alphabetical”.
  6. Change «Select styles to show:» to «All styles.»
  7. Find «Comment Text» in the list and click it if it’s not already selected.

    • If there are no styles in the list and it’s just a blank white box, click the «Style Inspector» button at the bottom (the one in the middle with a magnifying glass), and the first item in the smaller box that pops up should be “Comment Text.” You’ll follow the next steps within that box.
    • If clicking “Comment Text” changes the comment back to right-to-left formatting, select all the text in that comment and click your two new Quick Access buttons again.
  8. Hover your mouse over «Comment Text» and click the drop-down arrow that appears.
  9. Click «Update Comment Text to Match Selection.»
  10. Close all open style boxes.

Try adding new comments; the text should run left to right.
This will save a bit of time and a lot of frustration.
It will need to be done for each document in which you encounter this issue, but once you’ve done it, that style information should stay with the document even if you send it to someone else.

Keywords: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, Text Direction, Editing, Comments

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I have two problem with Right-To-Left Text Direction in Word2016:

First: every time I open Word2016 the Left-To-Right Text Direction is on and It is very annoying for me because I usually write Persian language.

Second: Ok after I set it «Left-To-Right» and I write in word and it works well at start. But it happens a lot during typing, When I press some Buttons in order to type in Persian language or I am changing language It change to «Right-To-Left» again and I should change it again and. this happens a lot of times. I don’t know when it exactly happens But I checked When I use Ctrl+Shift Buttons it change.(Maybe It happens other times too,I am not sure)

I use Windows 8.1

Edit: for the second problem I switched «keyboard Layout» in control panel to «Not Assigned» But still have the same problem in word when I press «Ctrl+Shift»

Journeyman Geek's user avatar

asked Jun 8, 2020 at 23:22

amirali's user avatar

Sorry, but there is no way to do that. But you can press less buttons to change text direction by placing them at the quick access bar. Expand the arrow button in quick access bar, click More Commands, Then, you have to choose commands to add to the toolbar. If you can’t see the “left-to-right” command, select All Commands from the first menu. Scroll down and add left to right and right to left buttons. Then you’ll find them at the quick access bar like an arrow after paragraph mark.

But still there is a workaround. Open an empty word document, type some words in LTR mode, then save the document, then delete those words and save again. Then word will automatically input all words in LTR.

answered Jun 9, 2020 at 0:45

Wasif's user avatar


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The First Question

I suggest you right click the document > Paragraph > Direction: Right-to-Left > Set As Default > All documents based on the Normal.dotm template > OK.

enter image description here

The Second Question

I can reproduce your issue, pressing Ctrl + Shift will change the alignment and direction even I set them as hotkey to switch Persian language.

I have no Windows 8.1, pressing Win + Space works correctly in my Windows 10.

answered Jun 9, 2020 at 9:18

Emily's user avatar


3,2111 gold badge4 silver badges5 bronze badges

Fans of Knowadays’ blog (we know you’re out there) will know that we try to make our posts fun and entertaining. But even fun-packed jobs like proofreading have their boring, technical bits. And more often than not, these bits are annoyingly important.

Take, for example, the issue of correcting right-to-left text in Microsoft Word.

Script Defaults

Sometimes, especially when working on documents from international clients, you may find that seemingly right-justified text won’t move when you change the alignment. This is because the issue is not about justification. Instead, it’s because some scripts (Arabic or Hebrew, for instance) read right-to-left rather than left-to-right.

This may affect the whole document or just parts of it (most commonly, the comments and footnotes). While this is not always a huge issue for proofreading, it can make the job more difficult. The cursor will appear at the end of the line, for example, and text will appear to emerge from the wrong side of the page. So how do you fix this?

Bi-Directional Languages

You may already have bi-directional languages installed on your version of Microsoft Word. If so, the left-to-right and right-to-left text direction buttons should be visible on the Home tab.

Text direction buttons on the Home tab

To change the text direction in this case, simply click the button required.

Adding Buttons in Word for Windows and Word for Mac 2016

If you don’t have the buttons above, you may have to add them yourself. To do this in Word for Windows or Word for Mac 2016:

1. Click the down arrow on the Quick Access Toolbar (at the top of the window) and select More Commands to open a new window.

More commands on the quick access toolbar

2. In the new window, under Choose commands from, select All Commands.

All commands

3. Find Left-to-Right Text Direction and click Add.

Left-to-right text direction

4. Do the same for Right-to-Left Text Direction and click OK.


These commands will then be added to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Older Versions of Word for Mac

Older versions of Word for Mac don’t support bi-directional text, so adding buttons is not an option. However, if comments are reading right-to-left, you can modify the Comment Text style. You can do this by changing the Style Based On setting from Normal to Default.

This should reset the text direction to left-to-right.

Changing text direction in comments in older versions of Word for Mac

Becoming A Proofreader

If you’d like to learn more about formatting in Microsoft Word, our Becoming A Proofreader course covers this and lots of other topics. You can even sign up for a free trial!

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