Word for raise awareness

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for raise awareness?
  2. How do you use raise awareness in a sentence?
  3. What is the best way to raise awareness?
  4. How do you raise awareness for an event?
  5. How do you create public awareness?
  6. Does awareness change behavior?
  7. Is being aware the same as understanding?
  8. What can raising awareness do?
  9. Why is awareness so important?
  10. How do you conduct an awareness program?
  11. How do I write awareness letter?
  12. Which is the awareness program?
  13. What are the 2 kinds of awareness?
  14. What are the three kinds of self-awareness?
  15. What are two kinds of self?
  16. What are the 3 levels of awareness?
  17. What are the 7 levels of awareness?
  18. What are 4 levels of consciousness?
  19. What is the iceberg theory psychology?
  20. How do you use the iceberg theory?
  21. How can I make my subconscious mind believe?
  22. What is the iceberg analogy?
  23. What is the iceberg theory writing?
  24. What is the iceberg of stuttering?
  25. What is the opposite of the tip of the iceberg?
  26. How much is the tip of the iceberg?
  27. Where does the phrase the tip of the iceberg come from?

What is another word for raise awareness?

spread the word inform people
advertise advertize
broadcast circulate
disseminate tell people
communicate pass on

How do you use raise awareness in a sentence?

The funds raised went to organizations that raise awareness about PTSD. She decided to speak out to raise awareness of the disease. The proposal raised awareness about race, collective bargaining and politics. They give out wristbands to help raise awareness for their cause.

What is the best way to raise awareness?

Top Ten Ideas for Raising Awareness

  1. Host Educational Events.
  2. Host Social Events.
  3. Organize a Service Project.
  4. Newsjack.
  5. Be the Helpful Friend.
  6. Distribute Brochures or Inserts.
  7. Be the Trusted Expert.
  8. Share Your Gratitude.

How do you raise awareness for an event?

How to plan an event that gives maximum brand awareness

  1. Define your brand.
  2. Define your target audience.
  3. Choose an event theme.
  4. Pick a memorable venue.
  5. Tell a compelling story.
  6. Create an event website.
  7. Create engaging content.
  8. Get on social media.

How do you create public awareness?

Here are some steps you can take to create your own public awareness campaign:

  1. Determine your topic and goals of your campaign.
  2. Decide on the modality you will use to disseminate the information.
  3. Identify your supporters.
  4. Engage community leaders and develop champions.
  5. Create a Media Strategy.

Does awareness change behavior?

Awareness is the precondition to change our default reactions. Majka: It sounds easy, but in fact changing how we take decisions and behave can be very difficult. Diego: For an untrained mind it is difficult to make decisions consciously and change behvaiour. But this can be changed through “training”.

Is being aware the same as understanding?

Awareness means we perceive the fact of something. Now, understanding is a different thing altogether.

What can raising awareness do?

The aim of awareness raising campaigns most often differs between contexts but generally includes increase concern, informing the targeted audience, creating a positive image, and attempts to change their behaviour. Awareness raising addresses the knowledge of individuals and organisations.

Why is awareness so important?

Self awareness is important because when we have a better understanding of ourselves, we are able to experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals. We are then empowered to make changes and to build on our areas of strength as well as identify areas where we would like to make improvements.

How do you conduct an awareness program?

Creating a Successful Awareness Campaign for Native Communities

  1. Step 1: Choose Your Topic Or Goals.
  2. Step 2: Find Your Resources.
  3. Step 3: Segment Your Audience.
  4. Step 4: Create a Schedule of Events, Programs, and Initiatives.
  5. Step 5: Create Action Plans for the Campaign.
  6. Step 6: Find Partners.
  7. Step 7: Implement Action Plan.

How do I write awareness letter?

Letter of Awareness

  1. Note the name of the subsidiary and the amount they borrowed or are borrowing from the lender.
  2. State that as the parent company, you are aware of the loan and that the arrangement is beneficial to both parties involved.
  3. Do not admit any wrong doing, culpability, or intent to secure the subsidiary’s loan.

Which is the awareness program?

Awareness programs means community-wide or audience- specific programs, campaigns, or initiatives that increase audience knowledge and share information and resources to prevent violence, promote safety, and reduce perpetration.

What are the 2 kinds of awareness?

This essay identifies two kinds of awareness of one’s body that occur in a variety of literatures: awareness as psychologically or spiritually enabling or therapeutic, and awareness as undesirable self-consciousness of the body.

What are the three kinds of self-awareness?

What makes us self-conscious is a combination of mental, physical, and contextual factors. Below, I will present three types of self-awareness: indexical, detached, and social self-awareness. that is necessary to entertain a full range of thoughts about oneself.

What are two kinds of self?

Two types of self are commonly considered—the self that is the ego, also called the learned, superficial self of mind and body, an egoic creation, and the self which is sometimes called the “True Self”, the “Observing Self”, or the “Witness”.

What are the 3 levels of awareness?

Freud divided human consciousness into three levels of awareness: the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. Each of these levels corresponds and overlaps with Freud’s ideas of the id, ego, and superego.

What are the 7 levels of awareness?

The 7 Levels of Awareness are:

  • ANIMAL – Fight or Flight.
  • MASS – Follow the masses.
  • ASPIRATION – Desire for something greater.
  • INDIVIDUAL – Express your individual powers.
  • DISCIPLINE – The ability to give yourself a command and stick to it.
  • EXPERIENCE – Actions = Results.
  • MASTERY – Respond, think, and plan.

What are 4 levels of consciousness?

It is my observation that individuals and organizations move into and out of the four states of consciousness: unconscious unreality, conscious unreality, unconscious reality, and conscious reality. At differing points in time we live, move, and have our being in one of these levels of awareness.

What is the iceberg theory psychology?

Hemingway’s Iceberg theory in psychology is to say that we only deal with that which we perceive with the naked eye. The rest goes unnoticed, which can be compared with an iceberg. There is a conscious part of the information, but there is also another unconscious part underneath.

How do you use the iceberg theory?

Imagine the iceberg to be your fictional world and all the elements in it. The top (above sea level) is the part you actually share in your story. That’s what you show your reader. The part below sea level (which is usually way bigger) is the rest of your fictional world.

How can I make my subconscious mind believe?

How to reprogram your mind?

  1. Allow yourself an opportunity to succeed:
  2. Give it a try:
  3. Don’t allow others to hold you back:
  4. Immerse yourself in a positive environment:
  5. Think of success in the present tense:
  6. Identify and remove your limiting beliefs:
  7. Start a gratitude journal:
  8. Do not hesitate to ask for what you want:

What is the iceberg analogy?

The iceberg analogy The small ‘tip of the iceberg’ that can be seen above the water level represents visible cultural elements. The 90% of the iceberg that remains unseen below the surface represents the hidden cultural differences. Hidden differences include cultural values and assumptions.

What is the iceberg theory writing?

The iceberg theory or theory of omission is a writing technique coined by American writer Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway believed the deeper meaning of a story should not be evident on the surface, but should shine through implicitly.

What is the iceberg of stuttering?

In Stuttering: Research and Therapy (1970), Sheehan writes that “stuttering is like an iceberg, with only a small part above the waterline and a much bigger part below.” According to Sheehan, what most people think of as “stuttering” is only the tip of iceberg — the outwardly observable symptoms on the surface.

What is the opposite of the tip of the iceberg?

Some call it “the submeged portion”, or “the hidden 9/10ths of the iceberg”, or “the below-sea part”.

How much is the tip of the iceberg?

So 89% of a free-floating iceberg is submerged beneath the surface of the ocean; we only see 11% of it above the surface of the ocean. That the tip of the iceberg is just 11% is a result of a simple calculation.

Where does the phrase the tip of the iceberg come from?

From the fact that floating icebergs typically have about nine-tenths of their volume below the surface of the water. Early 20th-century uses of the term are believed to have been influenced by the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic on 15 April 1912 after it struck an iceberg.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Their marketing and communications courses aim to help your organization raise awareness and grow.

Их курсы по маркетингу и коммуникации направлены на то, чтобы помочь вашей организации повысить осведомленность и расти.

You can help us raise awareness in any means possible.

The Paper also describes the steps of raise awareness for youth entrepreneurship as well as the Development of youth entrepreneurship programme.

В докладе также описаны меры по повышению осведомленности о молодежном предпринимательстве и по разработке программы молодежного предпринимательства.

We hope that this Action Plan will help raise awareness on this issue.

In addition, communication helps raise awareness about responsible tourism and persuades stakeholders that sustainable practices ultimately benefit their interests.

Кроме того, коммуникация помогает повысить осведомленность об ответственном туризме и убедить заинтересованных сторон в том, что устойчивая практика в конечном итоге приносит пользу их интересам.

Unlike most women, she has a global platform where she can raise awareness about issues that are important to her.

В отличие от большинства женщин, у нее есть глобальная платформа, где она может повысить осведомленность о проблемах, которые важны для нее.

Film is one of the most powerful communicative mediums that helped raise awareness about a country or a city.

Кино является одним из самых мощных средств коммуникации, которые помогли повысить осведомленность о стране или городе.

But movies can raise awareness and that is always at the beginning of change.

Stevens says her network and the work of many leaders in the movement have helped raise awareness.

This will not just raise awareness, but it will engage them by making them emotionally connect to your products or services.

Это не только повысит осведомленность, но и привлечет их, сделав их эмоционально подключенными к вашим продуктам или услугам.

Activities will raise awareness and make the case for how to practically improve the integration of eco-innovation into policy frameworks.

Проводимые мероприятия позволят повысить осведомленность и обосновать необходимость совершенствования на практике интеграции эконоваторства в рамки политики.

It can raise awareness, improve lives uncover corruption and rights abuses and when used effectively within a campaign bring about equality and justice.

Она может повысить осведомленность, улучшить жизни, раскрыть коррупцию и нарушение прав, а если используется эффективно в кампании — она приносит равенство и справедливость.

Coastal cleanups help save wildlife, protect our oceans and raise awareness about ocean pollution.

Очистка побережья помогает сохранить дикую природу, защитить наши океаны и повысить осведомленность о загрязнении океана.

They use their celebrity status and influence to draw attention and raise awareness for causes that matter.

Они используют свой статус и влияние, чтобы привлечь внимание, повысить осведомленность о причинах, которые имеют значение.

Such a simple technique can raise awareness for your products and services.

We must raise awareness to the fact that these programs are doing nothing to lift up our nation.

«Мы должны повысить осведомленность о том, что эти программы ничего не делают, чтобы поднять нашу нацию.

But they certainly helped raise awareness about privacy and data collection on the web.

Но они, безусловно, помогли повысить осведомленность о конфиденциальности и сборе данных в Интернете.

Since 2003, they have helped raise awareness about glaucoma and thousands of dollars for research.

This is why we have dedicated funding for European remembrance, and why the Commission helps raise awareness and educate people about the Holocaust.

Вот почему мы выделили финансирование для европейского вспоминания и почему Комиссия помогает повысить осведомленность и просвещать людей о Холокосте.

We hope that publications in the «Environment» catalogue will raise awareness in the International community in respect to Environmental issues.

Мы надеемся, что публикации данного раздела ПМБ приведут к повышению осведомленности международной общественности в вопросах Экологии.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат raise awareness

Результатов: 1370. Точных совпадений: 1370. Затраченное время: 114 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

First, we must continue to raise awareness and understanding of the issues at stake.
Во-первых, мы должны продолжать повышать осведомленность и понимание рассматриваемых вопросов.

To monitor and evaluate the quality of services for children with disabilities and raise awareness about all services available;
контролировать и оценивать качество услуг, предоставляемых детям-инвалидам, и повысить осведомленность обо всех имеющихся услугах;

OIOS will also hold workshops available to interested staff intended to raise awareness in high-risk areas, such as procurement.
УСВН также проведет семинары для заинтересованных сотрудников, которые призваны повысить осведомленность в областях повышенного риска, таких как материально-техническое снабжение.

Improve access to clean energy for households, schools and health facilities and raise awareness on the linkages between clean energy and child health
расширять доступ домашних хозяйств, школ и медико-санитарных заведений к экологически чистой энергии и повышать осведомленность о связи между использованием экологически чистой энергии и здоровьем детей;

NGOs, for example, are already having a major impact, implementing educational programs and even staging protests to raise awareness of the environmental challenges we face.
Например, НКО уже оказывают значительное влияние, занимаясь образовательными программами или даже устраивая протесты, чтобы повысить осведомлённость о стоящих перед нами экологических проблемах.

The first is the classroom, where we should continue to raise awareness – particularly in the field of biomedical engineering – of the health-care challenges that refugees face.
Во-первых, это обучение, причём особенно в сфере биомедицинской инженерии. Нам необходимо повышать осведомлённость о медицинских проблемах, с которыми сталкиваются беженцы.

Over the course of the week, community events are being held in cities around the world, to help raise awareness of the problem and advance more solutions.
В течение этой недели в городах по всему миру проводятся общественные мероприятия, призванные повышать осведомленность о существующих проблемах и продвигать новые решения.

The internationally-coordinated actions, dubbed ‘Walk Against Warming’, aimed to raise awareness of the urgent need for something to be done about human-caused climate change, said organisers.
По словам организаторов, это скоординированные на международном уровне акции, получившие название «Марш против потепления» (‘Walk Against Warming’) и нацеленные на то, чтобы повысить осведомленность общественности о насущной необходимости предпринять какие-либо действия в связи с антропогенными изменениями климата.

In Jordan, a coalition led by the Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists has launched a new campaign, “Talk is Not a Crime,” to raise awareness about declining media freedom.
В Иордании коалиция во главе с Центром по защите свободы журналистов запустила новую кампанию «Говорить не преступление», чтобы повысить осведомленность о растущих ограничениях свободы для средств массовой информации.

On October 24, people in nearly every country will be taking action to raise awareness of the need for an international treaty to bring our atmosphere back to 350 ppm of CO2.
24 октября люди почти в каждой стране будут предпринимать действия, чтобы повысить осведомленность в необходимости заключения международного договора, чтобы атмосфера смогла вернуться к 350 частям на миллион содержания CO2.

Raise awareness about the adverse impact of climate change on least developed countries so that international efforts to address the challenge of global change pay sufficient attention to the needs of least developed countries;
повышать осведомленность о негативных последствиях изменения климата для наименее развитых стран, с тем чтобы в международных усилиях по решению этой проблемы должным образом учитывались потребности наименее развитых стран;

The results of the valuation studies and the economic analysis of water-related ecosystem services should be disseminated as widely as possible in order to raise awareness of alternative and innovative ways of water management.
Результаты оценочных исследований и экономического анализа экосистемных услуг, связанных с водой, следует распространять как можно шире, с тем чтобы повышать осведомленность об альтернативных и новаторских способах водопользования.

Data analysis has proven to be one of the most potent tools in the fight against the HIV epidemic, because it enables us to raise awareness, identify people being left behind, guide investment, and coordinate action.
Анализ данных оказался одним из самых мощных инструментов в борьбе с эпидемией ВИЧ, поскольку он позволяет нам повышать осведомленность, выявлять людей, не получающих помощи, направлять инвестиции и координировать действия.

Participants indicated their intention, following the symposium, to champion the cause in their regions and to contribute to bridging the distance between air pollution and meteorological entities in their countries and to raise awareness about local and transboundary pollution issues.
Участники подчеркнули, что они намерены после симпозиума пропагандировать свои знания в регионах и способствовать сближению дистанции между организациями, занимающимися мониторингом загрязнения воздушной среды, и метеорологами в их странах, а также повышать осведомленность о вопросах местного и трансграничного загрязнения.

The Institute is developing a virtual forum to host follow-up meetings in order to raise awareness on women, peace and security issues among key stakeholders and to establish concrete guidelines and mechanisms for national implementation of resolution 1325 (2000).
В настоящее время Институт работает над созданием виртуального форума для организации последующих мероприятий, с тем чтобы повысить осведомленность по вопросам женщин, мира и безопасности среди ключевых участников и разработать конкретные руководящие принципы и механизмы для осуществления резолюции 1325 (2000) на национальном уровне.

At the operational level, UNEP has achieved a measure of success in initiating practical South-South cooperation activities that are designed to demonstrate and thereby raise awareness of the value of applying South-specific approaches to tackle the shared challenges of the countries of the South.
На оперативном уровне ЮНЕП достигла определенного успеха в области начальной реализации практических мероприятий по линии сотрудничества Юг-Юг, которые призваны продемонстрировать ценность применения относящихся к Югу подходов к работе над общими проблемами стран Юга и тем самым повысить осведомленность о них.

The Special Representative will work with the Special Rapporteur on the right to education to advocate the inclusion of the education needs of adolescents in post-conflict peace-building efforts in war-affected countries and to raise awareness about the socialization processes in schools and communities.
Специальный представитель будет работать совместно со Специальным докладчиком по вопросу о праве на образование, чтобы содействовать учету потребностей в сфере образования для подростков при осуществлении мер по постконфликтному миростроительству в странах, пострадавших от войны, и повысить осведомленность о процессах социальной реадаптации в школах и общинах.

In the struggle against discrimination, UNESCO also tries to identify and to raise awareness of the obstacles hampering the full exercise of human rights: the impact of nationalism, religious intolerance and discrimination against minorities, and forms of discrimination arising from scientific progress or from illness such as HIV/AIDS.
В борьбе против дискриминации ЮНЕСКО также предпринимает попытки выявить препятствия, мешающие осуществлению прав человека в полном объеме, а также повысить осведомленность общественности о таких препятствиях, к которым относятся последствия национализма, религиозная нетерпимость, дискриминация меньшинств и формы дискриминации, обусловленные научно-техническим прогрессом или такими заболеваниями, как ВИЧ/СПИД.

The seminar, which is being co-sponsored by UNHCR and UNDP, together with the Brookings Project and possibly other organizations at the national level, is intended to provide the opportunity to raise awareness of the issue of internal displacement and promote solutions-oriented dialogue among partners on the ground.
Цель семинара, в организации которого совместно принимают участие УВКБ и ПРООН, а также Проект института Брукингса и, возможно, другие организации на национальном уровне, состоит в том, чтобы в рамках его проведения повысить осведомленность относительно проблемы внутреннего перемещения и поощрить диалог между партнерами на месте, направленный на поиск соответствующих решений.

The Committee urges the State party to raise awareness about the importance of education as a fundamental human right and as a basis for the empowerment of women and to take steps to overcome traditional attitudes that constitute obstacles to women and girls in the full enjoyment of their human rights to education.
Комитет настоятельно призывает государство-участник повышать осведомленность о важном значении образования как основного права человека и как основы для расширения прав женщин и принять меры, с тем чтобы преодолеть традиционные стереотипы, которые служат в качестве препятствия для использования женщинами и девочками в полном объеме своих прав человека на образование.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

Translation examples

  • повышать осведомленность

  • повысить осведомленность

  • повышения информированности

Raise awareness of publicly available data

:: Повышать осведомленность об общедоступных данных

Raise awareness among persons with disabilities on their rights.

Повышать осведомленность среди инвалидов об их правах.

Raise awareness and explain (the) content to decision-makers; (and)

повышать осведомленность и разъяснять содержание директивным руководителям; (и)

Raise awareness in the community of the rights and needs of persons with disabilities.

Повышать осведомленность в общине о правах и нуждах инвалидов.

In addition, it was essential to raise awareness of the importance of combating desertification.

Помимо этого, важно повышать осведомленность о значении борьбы с опустыниванием.

UNV proactively raised awareness of the universal nature of volunteerism.

21. ДООН проактивно повышали осведомленность об универсальном характере добровольческой деятельности.

To raise awareness by consumers and civil society about quality and safety issues;

повышать осведомленность потребителей и гражданского общества о проблемах качества и безопасности;

:: Raise awareness about human rights and hold governments to account for violations

:: повышать осведомленность общественности о правах человека и привлекать правительства к ответу за их нарушение

In order to fulfil that mission, NHRC strives to raise awareness of those rights.

В целях выполнения этой задачи Комитет стремится повышать осведомленность об этих правах.

145.62 Continue raising awareness and promoting tolerance and diversity in society (Israel);

145.62 продолжать повышать осведомленность и поощрять терпимость и разнообразие в обществе (Израиль);

Well, this is definitely where Gracy makes his bugs, and apparently raises awareness about heart disease, as well.

Именно здесь Грэси делает свои жучки, и, по-видимому, повышает осведомленность о болезни сердца.

To raise awareness about problems and opportunities;

повысить осведомленность о проблемах и возможностях;

To raise awareness of gender equality issues.

4. Повысить осведомленность в вопросах равноправия мужчин и женщин.

Raise awareness of the importance and consequences of unsustainable water use;

:: повысить осведомленность о значении и последствиях неустойчивого водопользования;

(b) Raise awareness of the rights of children in street situations;

b) повысить осведомленность о правах безнадзорных детей;

(a) Raising awareness and promoting the implementation of the Guiding Principles in the region;

а) повысить осведомленность о Руководящих принципах и содействовать их применению в регионе;

It has to raise awareness of the uses of the statistics it produces.

Статистика должна повысить осведомленность пользователей о тех данных, которые она генерирует.

(a) Address the issue of national reconciliation and raise awareness of its importance.

a) решить вопрос о национальном примирении и повысить осведомленность о его важности.

This will then raise awareness of the extent of comparability of different sources of information.

Благодаря этому повысится осведомленность о степени сопоставимости информации из различных источников.

To raise awareness of NCOPS and the role it plays in suicide prevention;

повысить осведомленность о ГКПС и о той роли, которую он играет в профилактике самоубийств;

It also sought to raise awareness of such hazards via various mechanisms and events.

Она также стремится повысить осведомленность о такой опасности с помощью различных механизмов и мероприятий.

Have you heard about our campaign to raise awareness for Kara’s condition?

Ты слышала о нашей кампании, чтобы повысить осведомленность о состоянии Кары?

And I believe there’s a way to continue raising awareness for both our causes.

И я считаю, что есть возможность повысить осведомленность избирателей для двух наших дел.

Raising awareness was instrumental.

Важнейшее значение в этом плане имеет повышение информированности.

Raising awareness with Operation Pentameter

Повышение информированности посредством проведения операции «Пентаметр»

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Raise awareness of the emergency mechanisms operated by the space community.

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Информирование о механизмах экстренного реагирования, используемых космическим сообществом.

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Raise awareness among all competent national bodies of the need for internal cooperation within States.

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Информирование всех соответствующих национальных органов о необходимости сотрудничества внутри государств.

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Упомянутое учебное пособие способствовало осознанию важности этих вопросов.

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Further efforts were needed in order to strengthen the security regime and raise awareness.

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It’s very effective when the parents of those young people raise awareness,» she said.

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Raise awareness, inform and specialize the various territorial actors involved;

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International Year of the Forests 2011(raise awareness and strengthen political will);

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Raise awareness of gender issues and continue to make priority of gender mainstreaming.

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Raise awareness about human rights and hold governments to account for violations.

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Raise awareness and understanding among children and young people of climate change issues;

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касающихся изменения климата;

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Raise awareness on the linkage between people’s health and water management;

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Raise awareness throughout society regarding disability and persons with disabilities;

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It was suggested that the Division raise awareness of its technical assistance programme.

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The ICRC uses contacts to promote IHL, explain its position on humanitarian issues,

facilitate operations and raise awareness of the needs of people affected by conflict and violence.

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МККК использует свои связи, чтобы распространять знания о МГП, разъяснять свою позицию по гуманитарным вопросам,

облегчать проведение операций и повышать информированность о нуждах людей, пострадавших от конфликтов и насилия.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Over the past decade,

the Convention on the Rights of the Child has helped raise awareness of children’s rights and provided a framework for addressing the needs of children.

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В течение прошедшего

десятилетия Конвенция о правах ребенка способствовала повышению информированности о правах детей и обеспечила основу для удовлетворения потребностей детей.

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Results: 1376,
Time: 0.0496





  • 1
    raise awareness

    2) Официальное выражение: вести разъяснительную работу (по поводу)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > raise awareness

  • 2
    raise awareness (of)

    Официальное выражение:

    вести разъяснительную работу (по поводу)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > raise awareness (of)

  • 3
    raise awareness of surrounding environment

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > raise awareness of surrounding environment

  • 4
    to raise awareness

    повысить уровень осведомленности, повысить уровень информированности

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to raise awareness

  • 5

    осведомленность, информированность

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > awareness

  • 6

    Politics english-russian dictionary > role

См. также в других словарях:

  • awareness — a‧ware‧ness [əˈweəns ǁ əˈwer ] noun [uncountable] knowledge or understanding of a particular subject, situation, or thing: • US investors awareness of international bond markets • They need to raise awareness of the product in markets such as… …   Financial and business terms

  • awareness — a|ware|ness [ ə wernəs ] noun singular or uncount ** 1. ) knowledge or understanding of a subject, issue, or situation: There was a general lack of awareness about safety issues. racism awareness raise/increase awareness (of): The campaign aims… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • awareness */*/ — UK [əˈweə(r)nəs] / US [əˈwernəs] noun [singular/uncountable] 1) a) knowledge or understanding of a subject, issue, or situation There was a general lack of awareness about safety issues. racism awareness raise/increase awareness (of): The… …   English dictionary

  • awareness — noun (U) 1 knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation: political awareness | raise awareness (=improve people s knowledge): Health officials have tried to raise awareness about AIDS among teenagers. 2 the ability to notice… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • raise — raise1 W1S2 [reız] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(move higher)¦ 2¦(increase)¦ 3¦(collect money)¦ 4¦(improve)¦ 5¦(start a subject)¦ 6¦(cause a reaction)¦ 7¦(move eyes or face)¦ 8¦(move upright)¦ 9¦(children)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • raise — ▪ I. raise raise 1 [reɪz] verb [transitive] 1. to increase an amount, number, or level: • We can cut the state budget or raise taxes. • The bank raised interest rates to 15%. 2. raise a question/​objection/​point etc to make people consider a… …   Financial and business terms

  • awareness — a|ware|ness W3 [əˈweənıs US əˈwer ] n [U] 1.) knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation environmental/political/social awareness ▪ Health officials have tried to raise awareness (=improve people s knowledge) about AIDS. 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • awareness bracelet — noun A bracelet, usually consisting of rubber or fabric, on which a slogan is written, and usually sold to raise awareness to a charitable cause …   Wiktionary

  • awareness band — noun A bracelet made of rubber or fabric on which a slogan is written, usually sold to raise awareness for charitable causes …   Wiktionary

  • raise — 1 /reIz/ verb (T) 1 MOVE a) to move or lift something to a higher position, place, or level: Can you raise your arm above your head? | They re thinking of raising the ceiling in the kitchen. | The teacher raised his finger to his lips for silence …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • awareness — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ full ▪ greater, heightened, increased ▪ dawning, growing, increasing ▪ a growing awarene …   Collocations dictionary

raise awareness: to inform people about an important problem

YouTuber Cures The Blind, But Not Everyone Is Happy

MrBeast, a popular YouTuber, made a video where he paid for 1,000 people to get eye surgery. The video made by MrBeast received over 59 million views in three days.

The video has created controversy and debate. Some people have applauded him for helping people. They say he is raising awareness of treatable vision problems. The video also raises awareness of the high cost of medical care, especially for people without insurance.

Others accused MrBeast of doing the good deed only for clout. They have said he is making charity porn and poor people should not have to be in his videos to receive medical care.

Sample sentences

1. The local community is trying to raise awareness about the dangers of using single-use plastics.
2. The school organized an event to raise awareness about bullying and how to prevent it.
3. The museum is hosting an exhibition to raise awareness about climate change and its effects on the planet.

Read More:
YouTuber MrBeast defends himself after a video in which he said he was ‘curing’ 1,000 blind people divided viewers


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Synonyms for Raise awareness of. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/raise_awareness_of

Synonyms for Raise awareness of. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/raise_awareness_of>.

Synonyms for Raise awareness of. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/raise_awareness_of.

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