Word for rain and sun

Weather description in English — the most important words and phrases

как описать погоду на английском

One of the most common topics of conversation in our daily life is the weather. You can talk about it always and with anyone. The weather can be good, great, awful, unusual, etc. In this article, we will look at a detailed description of the weather in English.

Basic Weather Vocabulary

The word «weather» in English translates as «The weather».

From what the forecaster says (weather chart maker) the morning choice of clothes depends. We decide whether to take an umbrella with us and make plans for the weekend: spend sunny days somewhere in nature or bask under the covers, admiring the snow from the window.

Let’s take a look at the most common words and phrases related to weather and its description.

During a conversation, you can ask:

  • What is the weather in your country / city? — What is the weather in your country / city?
  • How is the weather today?  -How is the weather today?

First of all, let’s learn words that are directly related to today’s topic.


  • Excellent — excellent.
  • Glorious — delightful, glorious.
  • Superb — wonderful.
  • adverse — unfavorable.
  • Sweltering — sultry.
  • Boiling — very hot.
  • Scorching — scorching, sultry.
  • Atrocious / vile — disgusting.
  • Inclement — severe.
  • Nasty — rainy.
  • freezing — very cold, chilling.
  • foul — disgusting, disgusting.
  • Raw — dank.
  • Humid — wet.
  • muggy — warm and humid, suffocating.
  • Sultry — sultry, stuffy.
  • Mild — moderate.
  • Settled — constant.
  • unpredictable — unpredictable.
  • changeable — changeable.
  • Fierce — frantic.
  • Frosty — frosty.
  • Stormy — thunderous, stormy.
  • unseasonable — out of season.
  • A spell of weather — the period of such and such weather.


  • sun — Sun
  • sky — sky
  • cloud — cloud, cloud
  • rain — rain
  • snow — snow
  • fog — fog
  • fog — light fog, haze
  • haze — haze (usually caused by heat)
  • hail — hail; go (about hail)
  • hailstones — hail
  • snowflake — Snowflake
  • blizzard — snow storm, blizzard
  • sleet — freezing rain, rain and snow


  • hot — hot (hot)
  • cool — cool (cool)
  • chilly — cold, cool
  • cold — cold
  • freezing — icy

Tell specifically about the air temperature (air temperature) you can use the phrases

  • below zero — below zero,
  • above zero — above zero.
  • or simply minus — plus.

Just remember that in English-speaking countries there are two scales for measuring temperature — Fahrenheit и Celsius… Interestingly, 32 degrees Fahrenheit is 0 degrees Celsius.

  • It’s 32 degrees Fahrenheit (° F) outside. — Outside 0 degrees Celsius.
  • It’s minus 7 degrees Celsius (° C)… — It’s 7 degrees Celsius now.

In the weather forecast, the presenters also use additional words to describe upcoming events, for example, strong winds (strong wind) or even a stormy wind (gale force wind), or maybe a small one (slight) or, conversely, impetuous (gusty).

Words and phrases to describe rain

  • rain — rain
  • damp — wet, damp (after rain)
  • drizzle — drizzle; light rain
  • shower — shower (short)
  • downpour — downpour
  • for
    — pouring (about heavy rain)
  • It’s raining cats and dogs. — It rains like a bucket (idiom).
  • torrential rain — very heavy rain
  • flood — flood

Phrases about rain contain additional vocabulary for us: light rain (gentle rain), continuous (persistent), lingering (steady). About the fog, we can say that it is thick (dense) or dense (thick), strong or dark (dark). Or maybe just weak (slight).

Please note that heavy rain translates as heavy rain, i.e. literally «heavy», not powerful or strong as you might think.

Natural disasters

  • thunder storm — storm
  • snowstorm — blizzard, blizzard, blizzard
  • tornado — tornado, tornado, squall
  • hurricane / typhoon — Hurricane; tropical cyclone
  • earthquake — earthquake
  • tidal wave — tidal wave
  • volcanic eruption — eruption
  • drug — drought

Basis of the sentence in English about the weather

Any grammatically correct statement (sentences in English about the weather are no exception) must have a subject and an action. This is not necessary in native Russian and this is why confusion can occur. For example, the Russian short sentence “It’s cold outside” will look completely different in English — “It is cold in the street”.

In this case, it plays the role of a subject, is — actions, and then everything that we wanted to say about the weather is already attached. The literal translation of this sentence into English will look like this: «It’s cold outside.»

You need to get used to this, since otherwise it will be difficult to grammatically correctly express your thought about natural phenomena in English.

Remember one thing: most weather sentences begin with it, followed by the verb to be at the appropriate tense.

Phrases and expressions to describe the weather

Talking about warm weather

  • There are different ways to say about good weather outside, for example:
  • It’s warm today. — Today it’s warm.
  • It’s warm out today. — Normal (The phrase «warm out» means that the weather is good, moderate. And not hot and not cold, as they say.)
  • The weather is good. — The weather is good
  • The weather is gorgeous today! — The weather is fine today!
  • It’s a sunshine day! Today is a sunny day!
  • It’s hot outside! — It’s hot outside!

Talking about cold rainy weather

  • It’s cold today! — It is cold today!
  • It’s raining. — It’s raining.
  • It’s snowing. — Snowing.
  • It’s slushing outside! — There’s slush on the street!
  • The weather is nasty today! The weather today is nasty / disgusting / disgusting!
  • It often snows in winter. — It’s snowing frequently in the winter.
  • The temperature is 2 degrees below zero. — Temperature 2 degrees below zero.

Description of the weather in English with translation

The weather descrиption

Source: https://englandlearn.com/words/opisanie-pogody

Weather in English with examples and dialogues

как описать погоду на английском

›Learning a language› Vocabulary ›Weather in English: words and phrases, grammatical laws, examples of dialogues

The climatic conditions that the inhabitants of Foggy Albion face on a daily basis have led to the fact that the conversation about the weather is an almost eternal topic in the lips of the British.

Therefore, if you want to speak English fluently and at ease, like a born British, then you simply have to be able to keep up a conversation about capriciously changeable or, on the contrary, stubbornly stable weather outside the window. Communication on this topic and we will learn in today’s lesson.

We will find out what words describe the weather in English, learn popular phrases and analyze the principle of their construction, and also work through the studied information in the form of a dialogue.

Description of the weather in English (grammar)

For the first time we come across a description of the weather in English in elementary school. Often in the classroom, the teacher builds small dialogues with the children about what the weather is like today and how the children relate to it. Thus, students repeat the learned vocabulary, and also gradually get used to feel confident in a conversation in a foreign language.

When studying today’s material, we will try to adhere to a similar tactic: first, we will study the grammatical and lexical basis, and then we will practice in «live» speech, ie. we will strive to build our own dialogue about any weather in English. So, let’s take a look at a few small rules.

Important grammatical points

  1. In order to compose a simple expression about the weather in English, you must use the grammatical construction it is… When translated into Russian, such phrases are translated as short, impersonal sentences. It is windy — Windy. It is sunny — Sunny. It is cold — Cold.
  2. The pronoun it is also used as a subject when denoting weather phenomena characteristic of a particular season or occurring at a given moment in time. Note the difference in the context of the sentences for the Present Simple and Present Continuous aspects.
  • It is snowing outside — It is snowing outside (the weather is today, right now).
  • It rains in autumn in Prague — It is rainy in Prague in autumn (seasonal phenomenon).
  1. The noun weather itself in English is always used with the definite article the. If there is an adjective in front of the noun, the article is not required.
  • The weather is getting colder — It is getting colder.
  • Does she cold weather? — Does she like cold weather?
  1. The vocabulary expressing natural phenomena, as a rule, is used without an article. But it should be borne in mind that when designating a location, the English language requires the setting of the definite article the.
  • Jack s snow — Jack loves snow.
  • My dog ​​s to lie in the sun — My dog ​​loves to lie in the sun.

Knowledge of these norms is necessary for a grammatically correct construction of a weather story in English. Now let’s get acquainted with the lexical part of the material.

Description of the weather in English (vocabulary)

So, the tables below will help us learn words on the topic of weather in English. They are all divided into thematic blocks, which makes it easier and more efficient to assimilate new information. English words and phrases on the topic of weather are given with transcription and translation, which allows you to practice all the necessary skills at once: reading, pronunciation, translation and writing.

Basic expressions

Let’s start with the simplest vocabulary. This section contains basic phrases and words about the weather in English for children, as well as for adults who are just starting their way to mastering the language. Since it is difficult to work with English transcription at a basic level, a column with approximate pronunciation in Russian is shown next to it. In the following sections, only the original transcription is used.

In the first table, consider a list of nouns describing natural phenomena.

Word Transcription Russian pronunciation Transfer
weather [weðə (r)] [weather] weather
sun [sʌn] [san] the sun
wind [wɪnd] [wind] wind
rain [ren] [rain] rain
snow [snəʊ] [snow] snow
fog [fɒɡ] [foog] fog
ice [aɪs] [ice] лед
thunder [θʌn.dər] [sander] thunder
lighting [laɪ.tɪŋ] [lightin] lightning

But when talking about nature, a variety of adjectives are often used. Therefore, in the following table, we will get acquainted with the characteristics that indicate the weather in English with Russian translation and pronunciation.

sunny [sʌn.i] [sled] solar
windy [wɪn.di] [windy] windy
rainy [reɪ.ni] [rainey] rainy
snowy [snəʊ.i] [snowy] snow
foggy [fɒɡ.i] [fogi] fog
warm [wɔːm] [wow] warm
hot [scissing] [hot] hot
cold [kəʊld] [cold] cold
frosty [frɒs.ti] [frosty] frosty
cloudy [kla.di] [cloudy] cloudy

This short list will allow kids and newbies to come up with a couple of weather suggestions.

We also suggest that you learn a cheat sheet, which contains English questions about the weather, and several options for answering them.

Expression Transcription Russian pronunciation Transfer
What weather do you? [wɒt weðə (r) du ju laɪk] [Wat uezer doo yu like] what kind of weather do you like?
I (cold / hot / snowy) weather. [aɪ laɪk (kəʊld / hɒt /snəʊ.i) weðə (r)] [I like cold / hot / snowy weather] I like the (cold / hot / snowy) weather.
What is the weather today? [wɒt ɪz ðə weðə (r) laɪk təˈdeɪ] [Wat iz ze uezer like today?] What is the weather today?
The weather is fine. [ðə weðə (r) ɪz faɪn] [The Uezer of Fine] Good weather.
The weather is bad. [ðə weðə (r) ɪz bæd] [The uezer from bad] The weather is bad.
It is (sunny / warm / windy) today. [ɪt ɪz (sʌn.i / wɔːm / wɪn.di /) təˈdeɪ] [it from (sleigh / woom / windy) today] Today (sunny / warm / windy).
It is raining. [ɪtɪz reɪnɪŋ] [It from Raining] It’s raining.
It is snowing. [ɪtɪz snəʊɪŋ] [It from snowing] Snowing.
What is the weather in (summer / spring / autumn / winter)? [wɒt ɪz ðə weðə (r) laɪk ɪn (sʌmə (r) / sprɪŋ / ˈɔːtəm / wɪntə (r)] [Wat iz the weather like in (samer / spring / ootham / winter] What is the weather like (summer / spring / autumn, winter)?
It is very cold in winter. [ɪt ɪz veri kəʊld ɪn wɪntə (r)] [It from vari cold in winter] It is very cold in winter.
It is so (cloudy / sunny) today, isn’t it? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. [ɪt ɪz səʊ (klaʊ.di / sʌn.i) təˈdeɪ, izn’t it.jes ɪt ɪz. nəʊ it izn’t] [It from sow cloudy / sani today, yes, it from. Know it iznt] Today is so (cloudy / sunny), isn’t it? Yes, so. No not like this.

For younger students, this vocabulary will be enough to ask about the weather or describe it. And everyone who is older will have more interesting and varied vocabulary.

Weather forecast

Surely, you often have a question «What will be the weather tomorrow / day after tomorrow / at the weekend?» Mankind has not lost this interest for many decades, despite the fact that sometimes the predictions of meteorologists are not justified at all. But we are still closely monitoring the predicted weather changes. Let’s consider how the weather forecast sounds in English.

The table lists popular weather phrases and phrases that you often hear or read in weather forecasts. However, the British use these expressions in everyday speech, describing weather changes.

Expression Transcription Transfer
Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? [du ju nəʊ ðə weðə (r) fɔːkɑːst fə (r) təˈmɒrəʊ] Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow?
It’s forecast to snow. [ɪt iz fɔːkɑːst tə snəʊ] They promise snow.
It’s going to be sunny. [ɪt iz ɡəʊ.ɪŋ tə bi sʌn.i] It will be sunny.
The weather will change. [ðə weðə (r) wɪl tʃeɪndʒ] The weather will change.
We’re expecting a thunderstorm. [wi ɑːr ɪkˈspektɪŋ eɪ θʌn.də.stɔːm] A storm is expected.
The temperature will be 11 degrees below zero. [ðə temprətʃə (r) wɪl bi ɪˈlevn dɪˈɡriːs bɪˈləʊ zɪərəʊ] The temperature will be minus 11 degrees.

Source: https://speakenglishwell.ru/pogoda-na-anglijskom-yazyke-slova-frazy-dialogi-o-pogode/

Weather description in English

как описать погоду на английском


For any nation, whatever language they speak, the most popular topic of conversation is the weather. When people don’t know how to keep the conversation going and what to talk about, talking about the weather can save the day. As you know, residents of many countries are fluent in English.

Therefore, to communicate with any foreigner, you need to know at least a few expressions about the weather in order to keep the conversation going. Today we will get acquainted with words and phrases describing weather conditions and various natural phenomena. Also, consider what you can tell about a particular time of the year.

Grammatical aspects for describing weather conditions

The most important point in the correct construction of sentences in English is grammar. When describing weather conditions, the following grammatical rules must be observed:

  • The word «weather» requires the presence of the definite article «the» in front of it. You already know that the article «the» is placed in front of the subject only when we and our interlocutors know what it is about. Weather is an abstract noun, a one-of-a-kind subject. That is, we understand what the weather is. Therefore, the definite article «the» is used. But if the word “weather” is preceded by an adjective, then “the” does not need to be used.
In spring the weather is often nice and warm. In spring, the weather is often nice and warm.
Kate’s sunny weather. Kate loves sunny weather.
He doesn’t frosty weather. He doesn’t like freezing weather.
  • Words used to describe natural phenomena are usually used without an article.

Keep in mind that nouns that indicate location require a definite article in front of them.

My friend’s warm rain in summer. My friend loves the warm rain in summer.
We lie in the sun on the beach. We love to lie on the beach in the sun.
  • Impersonal sentences are used to describe weather conditions and natural phenomena. The pronoun «it» acts as the subject. The predicate is expressed in impersonal verbs (to rain, to snow). In addition, the auxiliary verb «is» often acts as a predicate verb if it is followed by an adjective or adverb. Such expressions are also translated into Russian by an impersonal sentence.
It often rains in autumn. It often rains in autumn.
It snowed a lot last winter. There was a lot of snow last winter.
It is often windy in spring. It is often windy in spring.

In Russian, there is no subject in an impersonal sentence, while in English, the presence of a subject is mandatory. The interrogative and negative forms of verbal impersonal sentences are formed according to the same rules as interrogative and negative forms with the usual verb predicate.

Does it often rain in autumn? It often rains in autumn?
Does it snow much last winter? Was it snowing a lot last winter?
Is it raining now? It’s raining now?
It doesn’t often rain here in summer. It doesn’t often rain here in summer.
It didn’t snow much last winter. It didn’t snow often last winter.
  • When it comes to natural phenomena that occur at the time of speech, Present Continuous Tense should be used in the sentence. Whereas, if you are describing weather conditions that are typical for a particular time of the year (this happens every season, regularly), Present Simple Tense is used.
It is snowing heavily at the moment. It is snowing heavily now.
In autumn it always rains. It always rains in the fall.

Words and phrases to describe weather conditions

Once you’ve learned how to correctly write weather sentences in English, it’s time to talk about the words used to describe natural conditions and weather. Knowing these phrases will help you in any dialogue with a foreigner. Let’s start with nouns.

Weather Weather
Sun Sun
Rain Rain
Snow Snow
Fog Fog
Ice Ice
Thunder Thunder
Lighting Lightning
slush Slush
Puddle Puddle
wind Wind
Cloud Cloud
Frost Frost
Sunshine sunlight
Sky Sky
Grass Grass
Street Street
Day Day

Next, we will explore some of the verbs and adjectives that you cannot do without if you are talking about the weather.

Good Good
Nice Beautiful
Cool Cool, cool
Warm Warm
Hot Hot
Cold Cold
Sunny Solar
Cloudy Cloudy
foggy Fog
Windy Windy
Snowy Snow
Rainy Rainy
Frosty Frosty
Blow Blow
Blue Blue
Bright Bright
Green Green
Gloomy Gloomy

Source: https://englishfun.ru/leksika/pogoda-na-anglijskom

Weather description in English —

There is no bad weather!

Weather is one of the most versatile topics that can help keep the conversation going and avoid awkward silence. That is why we will consider the description of the weather in English.

When you have no idea what to talk about with your interlocutor — start talking about the weather! It always works. And if you are learning English, you should know how to describe the weather in English.

Let’s take a look at some useful words and phrases.

Basic English Vocabulary on Weather

  1. Weather | ˈwɛðə | — weather;
  2. Sun | sʌn | — Sun;
  3. Sunny | ˈsʌni | — sunny;
  4. Hot | hɒt | — hot (It is hot — now it’s hot);
  5. Cold | kəʊld | — cold (It is cold — now it’s cold);
  6. Cloudy | ˈklaʊdi | — cloudy, overcast;
  7. Fog | fɒɡ | — fog;
  8. Rain | reɪn | — rain;
  9. Rain cloud — rain cloud;
  10. Wind | ˈwɪnd | — wind;
  11. Windy | ˈwɪndi | — windy;
  12. Frosty weather | ˈfrɒsti ˈwɛðə | — frosty weather;
  13. Freeze | friːz | — cold, frost;
  14. Storm | stɔːm | — thunderstorm, hurricane, storm;
  15. Sleet | sliːt | — wet snow;
  16. Lightning | ˈlʌɪtnɪŋ | lightning;
  17. Snow | snəʊ | — snow;
  18. Snowfall | ˈsnəʊfɔːl | — snowfall;
  19. Ice | aɪs | — ice;
  20. Hoarfrost | ˈhɔːfrɒst | — frost, rime;
  21. Mist | mɪst | — light fog, haze;
  22. Humidity | hjʊˈmɪdɪti | — humidity;
  23. Hail | heɪl | — hail;
  24. Thunderstorm | ˈθʌndəstɔːm | — storm.

Weather forecast in English

The weather forecast can be a great topic of discussion. Vocabulary on this topic will be especially useful if you and your friends are planning an event, the holding of which depends on the weather conditions.

  • Weather forecast | ˈwɛðə ˈfɔːkɑːst | — weather forecast;

Also, from the previous phrase, we can form a verb by swapping the words in it:

  • to forecast weather — predict the weather;
  • Weather forecaster — forecaster.
  • Weather broadcast | ˈbrɔːdkɑːst | — a weather report that is broadcast by radio.

If we want to say that on some day the forecasters promised this or that weather, we can say:

  • A sunny day forecasted for tomorrow. — Tomorrow is predicted to be a sunny day.
  • The weather forecast is for rain. — According to the forecast, it will rain.
  • The forecast calls for more snow. — According to the forecast, the snowfall will continue.

If we want to say that some weather phenomenon will continue, we can use the phrase «call for».

Also, if you want to say that some day will bring with it, for example, rains, you can say:

  • Thursday brings rains. — It will rain from Thursday.

Perhaps you are wondering what the weather will be this week and you want to ask a friend if he has watched the weather forecast:

  • Have you looked at the weather forecast for this week? — Have you seen the weather forecast for this week?
  • What’s the weather forecast? / What’s the weather forecast? — What is the weather forecast?

If we are quite sure about the forecast, we can use the construction «Going to»:

  • It’s going to be a rainy day. — It will be a rainy day.

Source: https://tryeng.ru/3095

Suggestions in English about the weather

Details Karina Galchenko Category: PRE-INTERMEDIATE

: 11 November 2015


: 4/5

How should they look suggestions in English about the weather? There are a huge number of words and phrases on the Internet to help learners of English, but the difficulties arise precisely with the construction of sentences.

Talking about the weather is no exception due to the different perceptions of the world by the British and Russian speakers. Where one word sounds in the native language, a whole sentence appears in the foreign language.

In this article we will try to figure out how to correctly say «cold», «windy» and the like in the target language.

Basis of the sentence in English about the weather

Any grammatically correct statement (suggestions in English about the weather are no exception) subject and action must be present. This is not necessary in native Russian and this is why confusion can occur. For example, the Russian short sentence “It’s cold outside” will look completely different in English — “It is cold in the street”.

In this case, it plays the role of a subject, is — actions, and then everything that we wanted to say about the weather is already attached. The literal translation of this sentence into English will look like this: «It’s cold outside.» You need to get used to this, since otherwise it will be difficult to grammatically correctly express your thought about natural phenomena in English.

Remember one thing: most weather sentences begin with it, followed by the verb to be at the appropriate tense.

Weather sentences in English. Examples of

Below are some more typical weather suggestions in English.

Russian variant weather suggestions in English
It’s snowing frequently in the winter. It often snow in winter.
Look! Rain on the street! look! It’s raining in the street!
Rainy weather. the weather is rainy.
It is windy and damp today. Itiswindy and wet today.
It was cloudy yesterday. It was cloudy yesterday.
I think it will be warmer tomorrow. I think itis going to be warmer tomorrow.
The temperature is 2 degrees below zero. The temperature is2 degrees below zero.
The temperature is 25 degrees above zero. The temperature is 25 degrees above zero.

It is important to understand that in a story about rain or snow in English there is no equivalent to the Russian phrases «it is snowing» or «it is raining». But there are two full verbs — rain (to rain) and snow (to snow). You just have to deliver them at the appropriate time. Also, adjectives are formed from these verbs — rainy (rainy) and snowy (snowy). With them, you can also build full-fledged proposals, starting with the IT + TO BE scheme (at the right time).

Words to help tell about the weather in English

Let’s move on to useful words that will help you even better. tell about the weather in English.

1) sunny, 2) clean (for example, about the sky); 3) gray, 4) foggy, 5) rainy, 6) icy, slippery; 7) calm,  8) stormy, stormy; 9) soft, 10) warm, 11) cool, fresh; 12) cold, 13) frosty, 14) windy (light breeze, breeze); 15) hot, 16) cloudy, 17) drizzling (rain), 18) important, damp; 19) snowy, 20) dry, 21) windy.

You are now ready to compose your own weather sentences in English. Why not start now? What is the weather today?

Source: http://fluenglish.com/stati/studentam-na-zametku/353-predlozheniya-na-anglijskom-pro-pogodu.html

Description of the weather in English with translation

Every person mentions the weather in one way or another in everyday conversations. The weather can be good, great, terrible, unusual, etc. In this article, you will learn how to characterize the weather in English using words and phrases on the topic in the right context.

Related WordsWeather» in English

Let’s divide the weather dictionary into several sections to make the words easier to remember. In addition to the translation, the list will also include a transcription of each word.


sun [sʌn] — sun;
sky [skaɪ] — the sky;
cloud [klaud] — cloud, cloud;
rain [reɪn] — rain;
snow [snəu] — snow;
fog [fɔg] — fog;
fog [mɪst] — light fog, haze;
haze [heɪz] — haze (usually caused by heat);
hail [heɪl] — hail; go (about hail);
hailstones [‘heɪlstəun] — hailstone;
snowflake [‘snəufleɪk] — snowflake;
blizzard [‘blɪzəd] — snow storm, blizzard;
sleet [sliːt] — freezing rain, rain and snow.


sunny [‘sʌnɪ] — sunny;
bright [braɪt] — light;
cloudy [‘klaudɪ] — cloudy;
end [faɪn] — clear, good (no rain, clear sky);
clear [klɪə] — clear;
humidity [‘hjuːmɪd] — wet;
foggy / misty / hazy [‘fɔgɪ] / [‘ mɪstɪ] / [‘heɪzɪ] — foggy;
overcast, dull [‘əuvəkɑːst] / [dʌl] — cloudy;
windy [‘wɪndɪ] — windy.


warm [wɔːm] — warm (warm);
hot [hɔt] — hot (hot);
cool [kuːl] — cool (cool);
chilly [‘ʧɪlɪ] — cold, cool;
cold [kəuld] — cold;
freezing [‘friːzɪŋ] — icy.

Words and phrases to describe rain

rain [reɪn] — rain;
damp [dæmp] — wet, damp (after rain);
drizzle [‘drɪzl] — drizzle; light rain;
shower [‘ʃəuə] — downpour (short);
downpour [‘daunpɔː] — downpour;
[pɔː] — to shower (about heavy rain);
It’s raining cats and dogs. — It rains like a bucket (idiom).
torrential rain — very heavy rain;
flood [flʌd] — flood.

Source: https://english-bird.ru/opisanie-pogody-na-anglijskom-yazyke-s-perevodom/

Weather in English: from terrible stuffiness to unbearable cold

It so happened that if you do not know what to talk about with an unfamiliar person, then you should start a conversation about the weather. In English-speaking countries, everyone talks about the weather: from the girls at the reception to busy doctors and lawyers. This is not surprising, because this topic is one of the most popular topics for small talk. Read our article, memorize new information and very soon you will be able to adequately maintain a conversation about the weather even with an employee of the Hydrometeorological Center.

Weather in English

To make it easier for you to keep up any conversation about the weather, we decided to divide useful English words into several categories. As you know, most often people complain about bad weather: extreme cold, heat or endless rain. Therefore, our word selections will just reflect strong meteorological changes. And you, for a successful conversation on this topic, will only need to look out the window, be horrified and choose the right category.

Cold weather in English

Let’s start at the very beginning of the year. Chances are, in winter you will be talking about piercing winds, snowfalls, and eternal cold. Are you ready to freeze with us? Then let’s get started!

Blizzard — blizzard, snow storm
This is the name of the terrible blizzards that paralyze life in America for several weeks.

By the way, many of us often laugh at the fact that Americans are closing schools and interrupting trains during such storms. The thing is that such a weather phenomenon does not come to the United States as often as it does to us.

They do not have a sufficient number of suitable equipment, people do not change summer tires for winter ones, and they simply don’t know how to behave in snow if it falls every 5-7 years.

below freezing — the temperature is below freezing point. That is, the temperature is below 0 Celsius (Celsius) or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit)

Chilly — cold, cool

Cold — cold
Well, if we are talking about very strong cold, then you need to add some adjectives to the word cold — freezing cold, strong cold, bitterly cold, sharp cold, biting cold (to bite — to bite)

Frost — frost, frost Here the gradation of cold also depends on which word will stand before frost. Depending on the choice, we can get, like a severe frost, or just a slight frost. So be very careful when choosing your adjective.

Hard / sharp / biting / heavy / severe frost — severe frost

Light / slight frost — light frost
Touch of frost — Frosts

Hail — hail, hail is coming — it is hailing

Hallways — light snow
Flurry of snow / snow flurries can be synonyms here.

Slush / slushy — thawed snow, slush, slush
It is this word that can be called everything that happens on our roads a couple of days after a good snowfall.

Snow — snow

— blizzard

wind chill factor
— wind chill index, cold-wind coefficient
We all know that sometimes, judging by the forecast, it shouldn’t be very cold outside, but the piercing wind from the local river turns the entire forecast upside down. This additional cooling by the wind will be called the wind chill factor.

Hot weather in English

Frozen in the previous category? No problem! It’s time to warm up now!

Boiling hot — boiling, very hot This is most often used as the opposite of “Below freezing”. This expression is used extensively to describe very hot weather. If it’s just a hot day, you can use the word “hot”.

It was boiling hot, so we all jumped into the river. — It was so hot, so we all jumped into the river

Vague de Chaleur — streak / heat wave

Heat — heat
Synonyms can be warmth, high temperature

heat stroke — heatstroke

scorcher — sultry, hot day
It was a scorcher, so the whole family couldn’t sleep at night — It was a very hot day, so the whole family couldn’t sleep at night.

Sun — Sun
Of course, there are many derivatives from this word that are actively used in hot English weather. Here are just a few of them:

Sunburn — get sunburned
Sunny — sunny
Sunshine — sunlight
sun bath — sun bath

Types of rain and wind in English

Many of us have heard the expression “to rain cats and dogs”. To be honest, this phrase is almost never used in English speech. Unfortunately, it only remained on the pages of textbooks. But don’t be discouraged, there are enough words in English that can help you describe any rain and wind.

Breeze — light breeze, breeze. Such a breeze can be gentle / light / soft. These adjectives soften the already pleasant breeze even more. This word, by the way, is one of the cases when the English borrowing has taken root in the Russian language, which is not even recognized by us as foreign. That’s good, isn’t it? Learn less in one word!

— drizzling rain

This lexical unit can also be used as a verb — to drizzle

drafted — drought

Flood — flood, deluge
By the way, if you come across this word written with a capital letter, then we will most likely talk about the Flood. This well-known phenomenon in English is also called Noah’s flood (Noah — Noah, the very man who built the ark).

Humidity — humidity
This is a word you need to know if you are going to keep up the conversation about the weather in the USA. The inhabitants of America are concerned not only with temperature, but also with humidity. True, it is not surprising. Many states are close to the ocean, and the south is generally close to the equator. So it turns out that in many places in America, humidity has a profound effect on how cold or warm feels.

Rain — rain
As in the situation with the word «sun» (sun), from the word «rain» comes a lot of lexical units that can describe almost everything related to rain. So if you come across an unfamiliar word, where the root hid from the «rain», then do not hesitate to clarify its meaning in the dictionary.

Raindrop — rain drop

Rainbow — Rainbow


Source: http://begin-english.ru/article/pogoda-na-angliyskom-yazyke/

Perhaps we will start this article with the famous song «Nature has no bad weather» Indeed, it is. Someone likes rain, someone likes the sun, someone loves frost.

The weather is a favorite topic of conversation among the British. Of course, it does not always rain here, but the English weather is characterized by strong instability, that is, the sun can shine in the morning, and in an hour it is already raining with might and main.

We hope this article will help you learn to speak about the weather in English as well as Prince Charles does.

How to describe the weather in English?

The word weather in English usually requires the article the:
the weather is fine today. If the word is preceded by an adjective, the article disappears:

I fine weather.

In order to describe the weather outside the window, the British use the construction “it is«
It`s sunny — sunny, It`s rainy — rainy.

The sentences «it is raining», «it is snowing» are translated into English as follows: it`s snowing, it`s raining. In this case, we used Present Continuous to show that the action is currently taking place.

Note: Become familiar with the grammar rule: The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense

If you want to say that it usually snows or rains in winter, then you should use Present Simple: It snows in winter (this is a common occurrence for you). It rains in autumn (this happens often, this is a characteristic phenomenon for autumn).

Note: Become familiar with the grammar rule: The Present Simple Tense

Russian «What is the weather today?» corresponds to the English “What is the weather today?”.

And before you start memorizing the words below, check out the board game that will help you master the most common weather vocabulary.

  • English Board Game: Weather Calendar

Under the custom, we selected the vocabulary on the topic «Weather», which was divided into topics:

  • Words, adjectives and verbs in English on the topic «Weather» with translation
  • Words on the topic «Climate» in English with translation
  • Common common phrases on the topic «Weather» in English with translation
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word «Rain». Describing rainy weather.
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word «Snow». Describing snowy weather.
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word «Fog». Describing foggy weather.
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word «Sky». We talk about the sky.
  • Vocabulary (words) in English that are associated with the word «Wind». Describing windy weather.

English words related to «Weather» with translation

weather forecast [‘weðəˌ’fɔːkɑːst] — weather forecast; temperature [‘temp (ə) rəʧə] — temperature;

weatherman [‘weðəmæn] — meteorologist;

thunderstorm [‘θʌndəstɔːm] — thunderstorm; thunder [‘θʌndə] — thunder; lightning [‘laɪtnɪŋ] — lightning; shower [‘ʃəuə] — shower; fog [fɔg] — fog; heat [hiːt] — heat; wind [wɪnd] — wind; frost [frɔst] — frost; snow [snəu] — snow; sunny [‘sʌnɪ] (day) — sunny (day); dull [dʌl] (day) — cloudy (day);

cool [kuːl] (day) — cool (day).

humid [‘hjuːmɪd] — humid (about the climate); dry [draɪ] — dry (about the climate); mild [maɪld] — soft (about the climate); continental [ˌkɔntɪ’nent (ə) l] (climate) — continental (about climate); warm [wɔːm] — warm, hot (about the climate); lovely [‘lʌvlɪ] — lovely (about the weather); changeable [‘ʧeɪnʤəbl] — changeable (about the weather); dreadful [‘dredf (ə) l], [-ful] — terrible (about the weather); unpredictable [ˌʌnprɪ’dɪktəbl] — unpredictable (about the weather); temperate climate — temperate climate; genial climate — mild, temperate climate; kindly climate — good, favorable climate; arid climate — dry climate; tropical climate — tropical climate; hot / torrid climate — hot climate; rigorous climate (severe) — harsh, cold climate;

freakish climate — unstable climate.

excellent — excellent; clorious — delightful, glorious cuperb — wonderful adverse — unfavorable; sweltering — sultry boiling — very hot scorching — scorching, sultry atrocious / vile — disgusting; inclement — harsh nasty — rainy; freezing — very cold, freezing; foul — disgusting, disgusting; raw — dank; humid — wet; muggy — Warm and moist, suffocating sultry — sultry, stuffy; mild — Moderate settled — constant; unpredictable — unpredictable; changeable — changeable; fierce — frantic frosty — frosty stormy — thunderous, stormy; unseasonable — out of season;

A spell of weather — a period of such and such weather.

to let up — pause (about rain), improve; to warm up — warm up; to hold out — stay the same, continue; to keep up — continue, stay the same; to deteriorate — deteriorate; to worsen — get worse, get worse; to remain — remain the same; to allow / permit — allow;

to prevent — prevent.

Common common phrases on the topic «Weather» in English with translation

A change in the weather — Change in the weather. In all weathers — In any weather. The vagaries of the weather — Whims, vagaries of the weather. Whatever the weather — Whatever the weather. Nice weather for ducks! — A good owner will not let the dog out into the street! It’s a bit wild out there! — The weather is raging! What’s it outside? — How is it outside? Weather forecast — Weather forecast.

No precipitation expected. — Precipitation is unlikely.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word «Rain»

Many people have an opinion. that in England there are constant and uninterrupted rains all year round. Of course it is not! In fact, England is not the rainiest country in Europe. It rains mostly evenly throughout the year. The duration is about a couple of minutes, but a maximum of half an hour.

rain — rain; thunderstorm — thunderstorm; slush — slush; driving — pouring; pouring — heavy rain; lashing — lashing; heavy — strong; occasional — irregular steady — lingering; gentle — weak patchy — in places; intermittent — intermittent; overnight — night; persistent — continuous; outbreaks of rain — short periods of rain;

dry interludes — a period of dry weather.

to beat — to beat; to drip — to drip; to drum — to drum; to fall — to fall; to lash — lash; to patter — to knock; to pour down — pouring like a bucket; to splash — splash; to trickle — trickle down; to set in — charge; to cease — stop; to let up — pause;

to continue — continue.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word «Snow»

Snow in England is not a frequent occurrence, depending on the region, but it does happen nonetheless.

a snowfall — snowfall; a snowflake — snowflake; an icicle — icicle; a snowstorm — blizzard, snow storm; an ice storm — blizzard, ice storm; a snowman — snowman; a snowdrift / a snow bank — a snowdrift; black ice — ice, ice; sleet — rain and snow; bitterly cold — burning frost;

frostbite — frostbite.

havy — strong thick — thick, strong; light — light; damp — wet; crisp — Creaky, crisp powder / powdery — snow crumb, fine; drifting — swept by the wind; swirling — whirling; newly fallen — freshly fallen; melting — melting;

frozen — frozen.

to be covered in — to be covered; to cover smth up — cover; to pile up — to pile up, layering; to settle — to linger (do not melt);

to swirl — whirl.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word «Fog»

Britain, Great Britain, United Kingdom — it’s all England. But few people know that England has another name Foggy Albion. This name fully corresponds to the almost daily weather in this amazing country.

mist / fog — fog; dense — thick heavy — strong; thick — dense; slight — weak; dark — dark; gray — gray;

white — white.

to be cloaked in — to be shrouded, covered; to be covered in — to be covered; to be shrouded in — to be shrouded; to be wreathed in — shrouded in a misty haze; to loom out — appear, appear in the fog; to shine through — weakly break through the fog; to disappear into — to disappear; to lie — to lie; to come down — go down; to float — floating on the surface of the water; to roll — to wrap;

to obscure — obstruct the view, obscure.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word «Sky»

Unfortunately, the sky in England evokes sadness, it is constantly gray. But, fortunately, in such a great country, besides the sky, there is something else to see. For example, attractions.

Note: You can get acquainted with the sights of the UK and not only in the section «Life in Britain».

clear — clear; open — open; cloudless — cloudless; sunny — sunny; cloudy — in the clouds; overcast — overcast; sullen — gloomy starry — starry; azure — azure pale — pale;

leaden — lead.

A patch of — a piece. To clear up — to clear. To lighten — to lighten. To cloud over — to be covered with clouds. To brighten — to clear up. To darken — to darken. To turn gray — become gray.

To be streaked with smth — to be painted with some color.

Vocabulary (words) and verbs in English that are associated with the word «Wind»

The wind in England is constant. He is everywhere and everywhere. Cold, wet

fierce — frantic gale-force — storm; high — strong wind; stiff — fierce; strong — strong; terrible — terrible; light — light; moderate — moderate; slight — small; blustery — exuberant gusty — impetuous biting — shrill bitter — sharp brisk Fresh chill — cool icy — icy; howling — howling; favorable — tailwind;

gust of wind — a gust of wind.

to blow — to blow; to blow up — play out; to sweep (through) smth — take away; to howl — howl; to moan — moan; to roar — roar; to whistle — to whistle; to increase — to increase; to pick up — gain strength; to rise — rise, soar; to die down — calm down, calm down;

to drop — stop.

An excellent assistant in the study of vocabulary will be Thematic cards “Seasons. Weather. Nature». Suitable for work at school, individual lessons and at home.

Source: http://aagenglish.ru/kak_opisat_pogodu/86/article

Description of the weather in English with translation: words on the topic, forecast, what is the weather today, with examples

Conversations about the weather, favorite weather, weather in spring and summer are one of the main topics for daily conversations at home, at work, when meeting each other, at official events. This is a neutral and therefore convenient topic for so-called small talks in any situation. Therefore, it is so important to be able to ask and describe the weather in a conversation in English. In this article, we look at words and phrases to describe weather in English, divided into types of weather for convenience.

Using the pronoun it to describe the weather

In Russian, we often construct impersonal sentences (without a subject) when describing the weather. Examples are “windy,” “hot today,” “rainy”. When translated into English, such sentences begin with the pronoun it:

  • It is windy
  • It is hot today
  • It is rainy (rainy)

It can also be replaced with weather: the weather is windy, the weather is great, the weather is gloomy.

General vocabulary for describing weather

How do you ask about the weather? There are several options:

  • What’s the weather today? (What’s the weather today?)
  • How’s the weather? (How is the weather?)
  • What’s the weather now? (What’s the weather now?)
  • What will the weather be tomorrow? (What is the weather gonna be like tomorrow?)

good (good), great (fabulous), nice (cute), end (good), wonderful (wonderful), excellent (excellent), mild (soft), pleasant (pleasant), bad (bad), awful, terrible (horrible), Nasty (unpleasant), gloomy (gloomy, gloomy), sunny (solar), cloudy (cloudy), partly cloudy (Partly cloudy), warm (warm), hot (hot, hot) cool (chill), chilly (dull), cold (cold), freezing (chilling) icy (ice), frosty (frosty); very cold, bitter cold (very cold), rainy (rainy), wet, wet (wet), dry (dry), arid (arid), foggy (fog), windy (windy), stormy (with strong wind), breezy (with a light wind), windless (calm), calm (calm), still (calm); a spell of good weather (good weather period), changeable weather (changeable weather), settled weather (settled weather).

Sample sentences:

  • The weather is good today. The weather is good today
  • It’s warm today. Today it’s warm.
  • The wind was cold and strong. The wind was cold and strong
  • It’s hot and humid. Hot and humid
  • Maybe it will rain at night. Maybe it will rain at night


Fahrenheit and Celsius
Fahrenheit is a temperature scale in which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. Celsius is the temperature scale in which water freezes at zero and boils at 100 degrees. Fahrenheit is used in the United States; Celsius is used in other English speaking countries.

  • Freezing point of water: 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius.
  • Boiling point of water: 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius.
  • Room temperature: 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit or 18-20 degrees Celsius.
  • Nice warm weather: 72-81 degrees Fahrenheit or 22-27 degrees Celsius.
  • Cold frosty weather: 0 degrees Fahrenheit, or –18 degrees Celsius.

The main ways to describe temperature are:

  • high / low temperature — high / low temperature
  • above / below zero — above / below zero
  • extremely hot — extremely hot
  • boiling hot — boiling hot
  • scorching — sultry
  • bitter cold — bitterly cold (extremely cold)
  • cool — cool, fresh
  • chilly — chilly
  • freezing — frosty

Sample sentences:

  • It is going to be chilly in the evening. Put on a jacket. It will most likely be chilly in the evening. Put on your jacket
  • It was 10 degrees below zero yesterday. Yesterday was 10 degrees below zero

Rainy weather (Rain)

heavy rain (heavy rain); pouring rain (heavy rain, downpour); steady rain, constant rain (continuous rain), light rain (light rain), shower (short rain), downpour (shower), drizzle (drizzling rain), hail (hail), sleet (rain with snow); a drop of rain, raindrop (rain drop), a droplet (droplet), Rainbow (Rainbow), thunder (thunder), thunder storm (storm), a thunderbolt (lightning strike), lightning (lightning), a flash of lightning (flash of lightning).

Sample sentences:

  • There was light rain last Sunday. There was light rain last Sunday
  • It is drizzling now. It’s raining now
  • Did you see the lightning right over there? Did you see the lightning over there?


heavy snow

Source: https://dundeeclub.ru/vocabulary/opisanie-pogody-na-anglijskom-yazyke.html

How to Learn the Weather in English — All About Learning English

One of the most common topics of conversation in our daily life is the weather. You can talk about it always and with anyone. The weather can be good, great, terrible, unusual, etc. In this article, you will learn how to characterize the weather in English using words and phrases on the topic in the right context.

The choice of morning clothes depends on what the weather chart maker says, we decide whether to take an umbrella with us, and make plans for the weekend: spend sunny days somewhere in nature or bask under the covers, admiring the snow from the window. In this article, we will tell you about the most common words and phrases related to weather, weather description in English.

First of all, the word «weather» in English is translated as «the weather».

During a conversation, you can ask:

  • What is the weather in your country / city? — What is the weather in your country / city?
  • How is the weather today? -How is the weather today?

Weather words in English

First of all, let’s learn words that are directly related to today’s topic.


  • Excellent is excellent.
  • Glorious is delicious, glorious.
  • Superb is wonderful.
  • Adverse is unfavorable.
  • Sweltering is sultry.
  • Boiling is very hot.
  • Scorching — scorching, sultry.
  • Atrocious / vile — disgusting.
  • Inclement is harsh.
  • Nasty is rainy.
  • Freezing — very cold, freezing.
  • Foul is disgusting, disgusting.
  • Raw is dank.
  • Humid is wet.
  • Muggy is warm and moist, suffocating.
  • Sultry — sultry, stuffy.
  • Mild — Moderate.
  • Settled is constant.
  • Unpredictable is unpredictable.
  • Changeable — changeable.
  • The Fierce is frantic.
  • Frosty — frosty.
  • Stormy — thunderous, stormy.
  • Unseasonable — out of season.
  • A spell of weather — a period of such and such weather.


  • sun — sun
  • sky — sky
  • cloud — cloud, cloud
  • rain — rain
  • snow — snow
  • fog — fog
  • mist — light fog, haze
  • haze — haze (usually caused by heat)
  • hail — hail; go (about hail)
  • hailstones — hailstone
  • snowflake — snowflake
  • blizzard — blizzard, blizzard
  • sleet — freezing rain, rain and snow


  • warm — warm (warm)
  • hot — hot (hot)
  • cool — cool (cool)
  • chilly — cold, cool
  • cold — cold
  • freezing — icy

Words and phrases to describe rain

  • rain — rain
  • damp — wet, damp (after rain)
  • drizzle — drizzle; light rain
  • shower — shower (short)
  • downpour — downpour
  • pour — to pour (about heavy rain)
  • It’s raining cats and dogs. — It rains like a bucket (idiom).
  • torrential rain — very heavy rain
  • flood — flood

Please note that heavy rain is translated as «heavy rain», that is, literally «heavy», not powerful or strong as you might think.

Natural disasters

  • thunderstorm — thunderstorm
  • snowstorm — blizzard, blizzard, blizzard
  • tornado — tornado, tornado, squall
  • hurricane / typhoon — hurricane; tropical cyclone
  • earthquake — earthquake
  • tidal wave — tidal wave
  • volcanic eruption — volcanic eruption
  • drought — drought

Phrases and expressions for describing the weather in English with translation

Talking about warm weather

  • There are different ways to say about good weather outside, for example:
  • It’s warm today. — Today it’s warm.
  • It’s warm out today. — Normal (The phrase «warm out» means that the weather is good, moderate. And not hot and not cold, as they say.)
  • The weather is good. — The weather is good
  • The weather is gorgeous today! — The weather is fine today!
  • It’s a sunshine day! Today is a sunny day!
  • It’s hot outside! — It’s hot outside!

Talking about cold rainy weather

  • It’s cold today! — It is cold today!
  • It’s raining. — It’s raining.
  • It’s snowing. — Snowing.
  • It’s slushing outside! — There’s slush on the street!
  • The weather is nasty today! The weather today is nasty / disgusting / disgusting!
  • It often snows in winter. — It’s snowing frequently in the winter.
  • The temperature is 2 degrees below zero. — Temperature 2 degrees below zero.

Let’s talk about air temperature

It is possible to talk specifically about the air temperature using the phrases below zero — below zero, above zero — above zero. Or just minus — plus. Just remember that in English-speaking countries there are two scales for measuring temperature — Fahrenheit and Celsius. Interestingly, 32 degrees Fahrenheit is 0 degrees Celsius.

  • It’s 32 degrees Fahrenheit (° F) outside. — Outside 0 degrees Celsius.
  • It’s minus 7 degrees Celsius (° C). — It’s 7 degrees Celsius now.

In the weather forecast, the presenters also use additional words to describe upcoming events, for example, strong wind or even gale-force wind, or maybe slight or, conversely, gusty.

Phrases about rain contain additional vocabulary for us: gentle rain, persistent, steady. Fog can be said to be dense or thick, strong or dark.

Or maybe just slight (slight).

Weather in English in dialogues with translation

“When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather”.
When two Englishmen meet, their first words are always about the weather.
Samuel johnson

Hello! Who else but the British can talk about the weather? Shouldn’t they scold the weather on damp, foggy days, and shouldn’t they rejoice if it’s a fine day? Often, the British, meeting with friends on the street, first of all say such phrases:

— It’s splendid weather, isn’t it? — Nice weather, isn’t it?


— What a terrible day! — What a terrible day!

Weather in English in expressions

Weather in English is the topic of our conversation today

Weather in English in expressions and dialogues

In many countries, talking about the weather is considered the most neutral and acceptable for communicating with unfamiliar people, acquiring the status of «small talk», probably due to the fact that it reflects only real weather conditions, without causing controversy and disagreement. Let’s and we will look at the most common expressions about weather conditions in English.

Four seasons — different weather for everyone!

Expressions about the weather at different times of the year


Heat Heat
Scorching Scorching, hot (about temperature)
Hot Sultry, hot
Stuffy Stuffy
Bright (day) Clear, fair (day)
Breeze Light wind
It is warm. Heat.
It is hot. Hot.
It is sunny. Sunny.
The sky is clear. The sky is clear.
It’s a beautiful morning! Beautiful morning!
It’s splendid weather! The weather is wonderful!
It’s a fine day. A good day.


Overcast Cloudy
Rainy Rainy
Nasty (about weather) Disgusting, nasty (about the weather)
Mud Mud
fall of the leaves Листопад
It’s cool. Chilly.
It’s cloudy. Cloudy.
It’s windy. It’s windy.
It’s foggy. It’s foggy.
It’s drizzling. Drizzling rain.
It’s chilly. Cold.


Snow Snow
Snowfall Snowfall
Snowflake Snowflake
Snow-storm, blizzard Snowstorm
Drizzle Frost
Hoarfrost Hoarfrost, rime
Frost Frost
Ice Ice
Freeze Freeze, freeze
It’s freezing cold. Very cold.
It’s snowing. Snowing.
Sleet Ice


The weather is getting warmer. The weather is getting warmer.
It’s melting. Snow is melting)
Puddle Puddle
Rain Rain
Thunderstorm Storm
Thunder Thunder
Lightning Lightning
Raindrop Rain drop
Shower Shower
Hail City

Phrases and expressions about weather in English

Translation of interesting phrases and expressions about the weather

In any foreign language, there are words, the translation of which is somewhat surprising. I think the translation of the following words and phrases in English related to weather will surprise you a little.

Rain (rain)

Word Transfer
rain off cancel because of rain
raining cats and dogs like a shower
keep the rain out shelter from the rain
rain or shine in all weather conditions

Snow (snow)

Word Transfer
snow off cancel due to snowfall (any event)
snow under overwhelm with work (colloquial)
snow bunny cute girl at ski resort

wind (wind)

Word Transfer
to be in the wind soar (in the air)
gone with the wind disappeared
to hang in the wind hesitate
to wind oneself rub in the trust of someone

Cloud (cloud, cloud)

Word Transfer
to blow a cloud smoking (colloquial)
under a cloud in a difficult situation
in the clouds strange, unclear
war cloud threat of war
cloud-castle dreams, castles in the air

Dialogue as a way to learn new expressions

Let’s see how to support the dialogue about the weather in English, namely:

  • ask about weather conditions
  • tell about the weather in your hometown, etc.

Here are some similar dialogues about various similar conditions.

The first topic of the dialogue:

Meeting in the park on a fine sunny day

— Hello, Nick! What a beautiful day!
Hi Nick! What a nice day! — Hello, Kate! Oh, indeed, the weather is fine!

Hi Kate! Oh, actually, the weather is wonderful!

— We had a lot of heavy rain this morning. I thought that it would be terrible weather today.

There was a downpour this morning. I thought it was going to be terrible weather today.

— Yeah! Now it doesn’t look rain.

Yes! But now it doesn’t look like it will rain.

— It is sunny and probably about 20 ° C.

Sunny and probably around 20 ° C.

— Enjoy yourself, Kate.

Have a good time, Kate.

— Thank you!

Thank you!

The second topic of the dialogue:

Autumn changeable weather

— Hi, Tom! The weather is nasty today!
Hi Tom! The weather is disgusting today! — Hi, Ann! What’s the forecast for today?

Hi En! What is the weather forecast?

— I didn’t weather forecast for today. But it is cold today.

I don’t know today’s weather forecast. But it’s cold today.

— Yes, also the sky’s overcast. It looks rain.

Yes, the sky is also covered with clouds. Seems it will rain.

— The sun’s just gone in.

The sun disappeared.

— We have to go back.

We must go back.

— I agree. I don’t want to be wet through.

I agree. I don’t want to get wet.

— Let’s hurry! It’s starting to rain. It’s necessary to keep the rain out.

Let’s hurry up! The rain begins. It is necessary to shelter from the rain.

— That sounds thunder!

It looks like thunder too!

— The bus stop is very close. Let’s go.

Bus stop nearby. Went.

The third topic of the dialogue:

Overseas friend’s phone call in winter

— Hello, John!
Hi John — Good afternoon, Alex! Nice to hear from you! Are you right? It seems to me that your voice chanced.

Good afternoon, Alex! Glad to hear from you! Are you all right? I think your voice has changed.

— I’ve caught a cold.

I caught a cold.

— Oh! I forgot that now it’s so cold in your country.

O! I forgot that it is so cold in your country now.

— It’s very cold. Besides, the strong wind blows.

Very cold. Plus, strong winds blow.

— What’s the temperature?

How many degrees?

— It’s 12 degrees below zero.

12 degrees below zero.

— Is it snowing?


— No, now it isn’t.

No, it doesn’t work now.

— But it was snow-storm 3 days ago.

But there was a blizzard 3 days ago.

— It’s difficult to imagine such weather conditions.

It’s hard to imagine such weather conditions

The fourth topic of the dialogue:

First spring fresh morning

— Good morning, dear neighbor!
Good morning, dear neighbor! — Good morning, Ann! What a nice morning!

Good morning En! What a wonderful morning!

— The sun is coming out. It will be a sunny day.

The sun is peeking out. It will be a sunny day.

— I there are no clouds in the sky. I think it will not be rain.

There is not a cloud in the sky. I don’t think it will rain.

— I hope so, but it’s a windy day. We have to dress warmly.

Hopefully, but it’s windy today. We must dress warmly.

— I agree. Now it is easy to catch cold.

Agree. It’s very easy to catch a cold right now.

English sayings about the weather

The theme of the weather can be traced in folk wisdom, in sayings. Since ancient times, people began to associate troubles and hardships with rain, and joy and luck with the sun. Gradually, sayings about the weather began to accumulate in the English language.

The most famous sayings in English weather and their translation you can download here.

I wish you success!

Source: https://englishfull.ru/leksika/pogoda.html

3316 результатов для ‘snow rain sun’

snow rain Tenses.

snow rain Tenses.
Привести в порядок

от Maiborodaed

past simple
Present Simple
rain snow
the weather


Пропущенное слово

от Sidorovicheliza


Пропущенное слово

от Innasergieievna

Sun and snow

Sun and snow

от Bestteachers

Sun and snow wordsearch

Sun and snow wordsearch
Поиск слов

от Orinocoflow2010

Academy Stars 2

Sun and snow

Sun and snow
Совпадающие пары

от Bestteachers

AS2 U5 Sun and snow

AS2 U5 Sun and snow

от Missni

Academy Stars 2

5 Sun & Snow

5 Sun & Snow
Викторина с изображением

от Egorliskin

Academy Stars 2

Sun and snow

Sun and snow
Ударь крота

от Orinocoflow2010

Academy Stars 2

Sun and snow matching pairs

Sun and snow matching pairs
Совпадающие пары

от Orinocoflow2010

Academy Stars 2

AS2 U5 Sun and snow

AS2 U5 Sun and snow
Групповая сортировка

от Missni

Academy Stars 2

1 snow rain Tenses.

1 snow rain Tenses.
Привести в порядок

от Teachzem

Верещагина Snow rain answers

Верещагина Snow rain answers

от Sidorovicheliza

Sun and snow

Sun and snow

от Speakyboom

sun and snow

sun and snow
Викторина с изображением

от Iltschool

 sun and snow anagram

sun and snow anagram

от Iltschool

Sun, rain, spider

Sun, rain, spider
Случайное колесо

от 18smiles

Sort sun and snow words

Sort sun and snow words
Групповая сортировка

от Bestteachers

Unit 5. Sun and snow

Unit 5. Sun and snow
Угадай буквы

от Grmteacher

Sun and snow

Sun and snow
Совпадающие пары

от Kreynanna

Spotlight 1

Sun and snow

Sun and snow

от Mirsvet81

Sun and snow

Sun and snow

от Pizzazachem

Sun and Snow

Sun and Snow
Поиск слов

от U81782615

Sun and snow ( anagramma)

Sun and snow ( anagramma)

от U81782615

Sun and Snow (words)

Sun and Snow (words)
Случайные карты

от Mirsvet81


Привести в порядок

от U81782615

sun and snow

sun and snow
Найди пару

от Msgghff

AS2 U5 Sun and snow

AS2 U5 Sun and snow
Групповая сортировка

от Teacherksenia

Sun and snow U5 AS2

Sun and snow U5 AS2
Найди пару

от Tanya17

AS2 U5 Sun and snow

AS2 U5 Sun and snow

от Novorossiysk

Sun and snow U5 AS2

Sun and snow U5 AS2
Угадай буквы

от Tanya17

sun and snow word search

sun and snow word search
Поиск слов

от U81782615

Sun and snow weather AS2

Sun and snow weather AS2

от Apmaria96

Academy Stars 2

Sun and snow clothes AS2

Sun and snow clothes AS2
Совпадающие пары

от Apmaria96

Academy Stars 2

 Sun and snow U5 AS2

Sun and snow U5 AS2

от Tanya17

Ac.St 2 Unit 5 Sun and Snow

Ac.St 2 Unit 5 Sun and Snow

от Ivanovaanastasi

AS2 Unit 5 Sun and snow vocabulary

AS2 Unit 5 Sun and snow vocabulary

от Minkinavera

1-й класс
2-й класс
3 класс
4-й класс

Academy stars 2 Unit 5 Sun and Snow

Academy stars 2 Unit 5 Sun and Snow

от Pollyanneromant

2.5 Sun and Snow. Sort out!

2.5 Sun and Snow. Sort out!
Групповая сортировка

от Msoksana

Academy stars 2 Unit 5 Sun and Snow

Academy stars 2 Unit 5 Sun and Snow
Найди пару

от Teacherksenia

Rain Man Chapters 1-3

Rain Man Chapters 1-3

от Karnelia91

Rain Man book

tree, grass, forest, leaves, sun, cloud, flowers,rain

tree, grass, forest, leaves, sun, cloud, flowers,rain
Викторина с изображением

от Helendoron


Найди пару

от Xandracher

Academy stars 2 Unit 5 Sun and Snow

Academy stars 2 Unit 5 Sun and Snow
Угадай буквы

от Teacherksenia


Найди пару

от Zolotuk


Правда или ложь

от Englishmiass


Случайное колесо

от Vdemianenko


Диаграмма с метками

от Sovukha1166



от Oksanayudenok

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain Rain Go Away

от Clever64

train snail rain

train snail rain

от Kuramshinaalya

Jolly phonics

rain text

rain text
Привести в порядок

от Nataliastrab

rain peter

rain peter
Пропущенное слово

от Nataliastrab

rain types

rain types

от Mahihamraeva

Rain idioms

Rain idioms
Пропущенное слово

от Ekv0212

Rain, mail

Rain, mail
Случайные карты

от Anyapoletova

Rain 3

Rain 3
Привести в порядок

от Nataliastrab

Acid rain

Acid rain

от Katherinesha

rain 3 weak anagram

rain 3 weak anagram

от Nataliastrab

rain forest

rain forest

от Kulakovajulia79

It has been raining for the whole day. At dusk, the rain stops and the sun comes out of the cloud. The sky is painted with a soft color of a mixture of red and orange which looks very beautiful. With the sweet and fresh air, you feel extremely comfortable both physically and mentally.

There is a Chinese word ‘晚晴’ for this scene, and I used it to name my daughter. So if an English name should be given to her, is there a word with the same meaning or some relation with the Chinese word in some aspect, which is also suitable for a name or doesn’t sound very strange at least?

It seems that there is no such word in English. Then it will also be appreciated if there is a word whose end pronunciation is the same as ring or sing — that’s how the second character of the Chinese name sound like, and has some good meaning and could be used as a nickname!

Update Again: Reply to @Meghan
Thanks for your reply! I realized from this thread that it not so easy to choose an English name with the ideas I used choosing her Chinese name. So we just use ‘Ella’ as her English name selected by my wife. But after checking the exact meaning of it when I trying to write this reply to you, I found it’s the very right one as I expected before, especially of this sentence «the Good, is all she vows to become and to do.» :)

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Expression for ‘rain and sunshine at the same time’?

When the sun is shining and it’s raining at the same time, in Dutch we call that ‘duiveltjeskermis’ (devils’ fancyfair), or a local variant: ‘kermis in hel’ (fancyfair in hell).

I heard that in Afrikaans they call it ‘jakkals se bruilof’ (jackal’s wedding).

Do you have any funny or interesting expression for this in your language?


Postby Elanor » 2007-01-02, 18:31

There is no single expression for it in Polish, but there is a children’s rhyme that goes:

Deszczyk pada, słońce świeci

Baba Jaga masło kleci

Which means basically:

It is raining, the sun is shining

Baba Jaga* is making butter.

Yes, I know it doesn’t make sense.

*Baba Jaga is a bad witch in Slavic folklore.

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Postby Canard » 2007-01-02, 19:00

It’s a sun-shower in English. Very pretty when it happens :)

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Postby Katleen » 2007-01-02, 19:14

Thanks for your replies so far, very interesting :)

Psi-Lord wrote:Sol e chuva, casamento de viúva.
(Sun and rain, widow’s wedding.)

I don’t know if it’s meant that way, but to me that sounds as if having a sun-shower (thanks, Canard :wink: ) at one’s wedding is considered a bad omen: that the husband will die soon :? Or maybe it’s considered typical weather for a widow’s second marriage?

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Postby darkina » 2007-01-02, 19:33

We just say «piove col sole», it rains with sun.

Katleen wrote:I don’t know if it’s meant that way, but to me that sounds as if having a sun-shower (thanks, Canard :wink: ) at one’s wedding is considered a bad omen: that the husband will die soon :? Or maybe it’s considered typical weather for a widow’s second marriage?

Really? Here rain (not specifically rain with sun) seems to be a good omen: sposa bagnata sposa fortunata :mrgreen: (wet bride, lucky bride :P)

век живи, век учись, а дураком помрешь

Pleasures remain, so does the pain

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Postby kibo » 2007-01-02, 19:41

I don’t know if we have a word for it in Serbian , but the belief is that a witch is born when it’s raining and the sun is shining at the same time.

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Postby Katleen » 2007-01-03, 15:06

Thanks for your replies :)

Meanwhile I’ve found that in French they also relate it to the devil: «C’est le diable qui bat sa femme (et marie sa fille)» (The devil is beating his wife (and giving his daughter in marriage)).

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Postby Loiks » 2007-01-03, 18:04

Estonian expression for it:

Surnud vihtlevad.

Now, how to explain it? Well surnud means dead people. Vihtlema is a verb that means something that is done in sauna. You take some birch branches (definitely with leaves!), put them together and you get this thing called viht. Then you beat yourself with it. An ancient tradition.

So: dead people beat themselves with birch branches in the sauna :D .

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Postby Katleen » 2007-01-03, 19:00

Loiks wrote:So: dead people beat themselves with birch branches in the sauna :D .

That’s an original one,and we couldn’t squeeze that in two words in my language (Dutch) :lol:

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Postby Guillem » 2007-01-04, 15:01

We have a song for that in Catalan.

«Plou i fa sol, les bruixes es pentinen, plou i fa sol, les bruixes porten dol…»

Which translates as something like:

«It’s raining and it’s sunny, witches are combing their hair, it’s raining and it’s sunny, witches are mourning…»

Also indirectly related to the devil as you can see. :wink:

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Postby Katleen » 2007-01-04, 15:13

Guillem wrote:We have a song for that in Catalan.
«Plou i fa sol, les bruixes es pentinen, plou i fa sol, les bruixes porten dol…»
Which translates as something like:
«It’s raining and it’s sunny, witches are combing their hair, it’s raining and it’s sunny, witches are mourning…»

Also indirectly related to the devil as you can see. :wink:

Hehe :D , thanks. The phenomenon seems to stimulate people’s fantasy :)

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Postby Lada » 2007-01-04, 17:44

In Russian it is called «грибной дождик» (mushroom rain).

Simply because mushrooms appear after such weather :D

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Postby Katleen » 2007-01-04, 21:06

Lada wrote:In Russian it is called «грибной дождик» (mushroom rain).
Simply because mushrooms appear after such weather :D

I see, although I’d think mushrooms appear after any abundant rain, really :ohwell:

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Postby North » 2007-01-04, 21:27

I don’t think there’s a word for it in Danish. :?

In Faroese, I have heard the word ælabogiregn (rainbow-rain), but I’m not pretty sure if this word means something else.


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Re: Expression for ‘rain and sunshine at the same time’?

Postby andre » 2007-01-07, 19:23

Katleen wrote:When the sun is shining and it’s raining at the same time, in Dutch we call that ‘duiveltjeskermis’ (devils’ fancyfair), or a local variant: ‘kermis in hel’ (fancyfair in hell).

I heard that in Afrikaans they call it ‘jakkals se bruilof’ (jackal’s wedding).

Do you have any funny or interesting expression for this in your language?

Sometimes, but more often we say: «Jakkals trou met wolf se vrou.» {Jackal is marrying wolf’s wife)

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Re: Expression for ‘rain and sunshine at the same time’?

Postby Katleen » 2007-01-07, 19:31

Sometimes, but more often we say: «Jakkals trou met wolf se vrou.» {Jackal is marrying wolf’s wife)

So she’s a bigamist :D

Thanks, North and Andre!


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Postby Canard » 2007-01-07, 21:45

I can’t seem to find one for Esperanto, but in my conlang, the expression is «Lusden trai» (all the candles are falling).

«Simetriuloj, legomoj, monstraĵoj, stelfrajoj — kio ajn ili estis, ili estis viroj!» — Ĉe la Montoj de Frenezeco

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of weather


Adjectives and



















useful weather words

It is
very hot in Mexico —
it is often 45 degrees
there in summer.

It is
very cold in the
Arctic — it is often minus
50 degrees

can be very wet in
London — carry an umbrella when you go sightseeing there.

It is
very dry in the
Sahara — it doesn’t often rain there.

A hurricane is a very strong wind.

A storm is when there is a strong wind and rain together.

A thunderstorm is when there is thunder,
lightning, rain and sometimes wind together.



It’s a sunny day in Tokyo today, but it’s cloudy in Hong Kong.

It’s foggy in Sydney and it’s snowing / it’s
in Moscow.

It’s raining in
Barcelona but the sun
is shining
in Granada.

It’s a lovely day.

It’s a horrible day, isn’t it!

What’s the
weather like in your country?
usually warm and sunny.

common mistakes

We say It’s windy/ cloudy/ foggy/ sunny (NOT It’s winding/
clouding/ fogging/ sunning)


Watch the weather forecast in English on TV or online
as often as you can.



Match the
words and the symbols.



Look at the chart. Write sentences
about the cities in the chart.


It is sunny in Hanoi


It is raining in Hong Kong


It is


It _____________________________








Complete these sentences with a
word from the opposite page.


The sun ——shone—- every day last month.


When it ____________, I take
my umbrella.


What’s the ____________ like
in your country in January?


When it ____________, we can
go skiing.


You see ____________before
you hear thunder.


It is 24 ____________ here


It is dangerous to be in a
small boat at sea in a ____________


It is very ____________ in
Siberia in winter.


these sentences true about the weather in your country? If not, correct them.


It often snows in December. It sometimes snows in December.


It is usually 40 degrees in
summer and minus 20 degrees in winter.


There are thunderstorms every
day in August.


It is very wet in spring.


We never have hurricanes.


Summer is usually hot and


What do you like to do or not like to
do in these types of weather?


Fog I don’t like to drive.


a rainy day


a windy day


sunny weather




Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: alinashmundyak2007





Автор ответа: makarv64



best camp

rain forest

sun rise

skate board

sun screen

eco selling

fishing camp

over paid 8h

earth quake

badly fire

1 eyes

2 go

3 clear

4 sweep

5 raise

6 company

7 make

8 follow

9 make

10 running


в d я честно в 3-х не очень уверен а так все ок.


Предыдущий вопрос

Следующий вопрос

Интересные вопросы

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1) Различные и единичные

2) Общие и однотипные

3) Общие и единичные

4) Различные и однотипные

4 года назад

Предмет: Биология,
автор: Аноним

якого потомства можна очікувати, де мати праворука,а батько ліворукий?​

4 года назад

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Напишите пожалуйста как читается текст русскими буквами (не транскрипция, не перевод)
Influenza is an acute respiratory viral disease caused by influenza viruses and released among acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in people due to a possible severe course of the disease.

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: Algaeva

Надо срочно первую и вторую задачу!

6 лет назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: Соня2026

Помогите с 9.59 9.60 только четные (2,4) 5 класс

6 лет назад

Today, let’s learn some excellent ways to describe the weather, and boost your English vocabulary at the same time!!

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(If you can’t see the podcast player CLICK HERE to listen!!)

Earlier this week I was having a conversation with a student of mine who had recently been on vacation. I asked him how his vacation was, what he did during his trip, and if the weather was nice. He told me how relaxing and enjoyable his time was, how he spent the days visiting tourist destinations with his wife, and that the weather was a little cloudy and rainy. Cloudy and rainy. These two words stood out to me. Why? Well, they sound like something a child would say.

Thinking about the hundreds (probably thousands) of different students I’ve taught over the last five years, ranging from elementary school children all the way to advanced business executives and diplomats, people are not very good at talking about the weather. Using adjectives like rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy, snowy, foggy, is a relatively basic way of talking about weather conditions. In fact, as an elementary school teacher, these were the words I taught to 6 and 7 year olds! Many adults have never tried to improve their vocabulary in this area!

There are many more interesting, nuanced, and detailed ways of talking about weather. I’m sure the same is true in your language. Actually, I was listening to an interview with an Sami indigenous activist from Finland, who talked about how her language has hundreds of ways to describe snow. English doesn’t have this much vocabulary, but we do have a lot more than just rainy and cloudy

Why is it important to learn more advanced ways of talking about the weather? There are a few good reasons. First, it is one of the most common conversation topics. British people in particular are known for always using the weather as a form of greeting. So learning a few  more advanced or interesting terms can help you understand what native speakers are saying and help you to contribute to the conversation! Second, they often ask about the weather in English proficiency tests like IELTS and TOEFL – you are not going to get top marks using vocabulary like cloudy or rainy

Third, it will help you to use English language weather applications and TV weather forecasts – for example the BBC weather in my country often uses more technical words! And fourth, the weather is going to become an increasingly important and common conversation topic. Global warming and climate change are causing strange weather events, so we are going to find ourselves talking about it a lot in the future! 

This will be a two part episode as I thought of so amny different vocabulary terms I want to include. This week I will talk about ways to describe hot, cold, sunny, and cloudy, while next week I will cover rainy, snowy, windy and other less common weather vocabulary! So, without further adieu, let’s learn some advanced ways to talk about the weather!!


Let’s start with temperature. What are some different ways to talk about the heat? It turns out there are a lot of ways! 

If we want to say the temperature is “really hot,” there are numerous different adjectives we can use. For instance, try using boiling, baking, roasting, blistering, or scorching. These can be used to describe the word hot – for example “it is boiling hot outside today.” Or they can be used by themselves – for instance “Thailand is scorching in the middle of August!”

Scorching also has an interesting noun form. If it is incredibly hot, you use the term a scorcher – as in, “I heard tomorrow is going to be a scorcher! Let’s go to the beach!” Another adjective I like is balmy. Balmy is used to describe nice, pleasant warm weather. Unlike the other terms which describe very high temperatures, balmy is used for more comfortable weather! 

A few more terms that might come in useful include heat wave and humid. A heat wave refers to a long period of heat, especially when it is hotter than average! During heat waves you probably need to take extra care and waste less water! Although humidity is not necessarily associated with heat, it is often used in combination with hot weather. I remember the first time I ever travelled to Asia, on a university summer programme in Malaysia 7 years ago, and being shocked by how humid the country was during the summer!


As it will soon be winter (at least for most of my listeners who live in the northern hemisphere) let’s take a look at some alternatives to saying cold! Two of the most common that you may encounter will be cool, crisp and chilly. We use cool as the opposite to warm, to describe a condition where it is less warm than you expected. Chilly is a colder temperature, often used to describe early in the morning and winter months! Crisp refers to cool, fresh, and invigorating weather. My favourite time of year is a beautiful, crisp Autumn day. If the temperature is less than zero, we can say it is below freezing. As in, be careful on the roads, it is below freezing right now!” 

Similar to the vocabulary for hot, there are many adjectives we can use to describe cold temperatures. If it is freezing cold the temperature is cold enough to freeze water! Another way to say it is very cold is to use the phrase bitterly cold. Moreover, freezing and bitter can be used by themselves. For example, “my house is absolutely freezing at the moment” or “I hate bitter February days.” Also, the opposite of a heat wave is a cold spell. Cold spells are periods when the temperatures are lower than expected! 


Sunny is such a boring way to talk about the weather. Of course, you can describe sunny days with a number of different adjectives: a few popular options include bright, brilliant, fine, and fair. For example “What a brilliant morning!”, “I hope we have fair weather tomorrow!”, or “If it is a bright afternoon, let’s go to the park!”

A different way to talk about sunny conditions is to focus on the sky instead of the sun! Clear is perhaps the most useful word in this case. If you describe the weather as clear, it means there are no clouds in the sky (thus it must be sunny). Clear up is a phrasal verb used to indicate that the clouds have left the sky, or cleared up, and now it must be sunny. In weather forecasts, you may hear the phrase clear blue skies – i love a crisp winter day with clear blue skies! Moreover, the phrase not a cloud in the sky is another popular option. 

It is also useful to learn a few phrases to describe when cloudy weather turns to sunny. I already taught you clear up – as in “I hope the weather clears up before I walk to the station.” English speakers also like to say that the sun comes out. Imagine a day when the sun is behind clouds, and then eventually comes out! Another popular term in weather forecasts is sunny spells. What is a sunny spell? Well, a sunny spell is a period of time when it is sunny during the day – it is kind of used to describe a situation when there are blue skies for a while, then maybe a little rain and cloud, then more sun!


How about cloudy? Are there better ways to talk about this kind of weather? Of course there are! We can start by describing the colour of the sky. White skies are when the sky is completely covered by white clouds – maybe it will soon snow! Grey skies are quite common in my country of the UK – sometimes it rains, sometimes it stays dry. Black skies are perhaps the scariest – if I see black skies I always think there will be a storm!! 

Some adjectives we like to use to describe cloudy days include gloomy, dull, and dark! These words do have other meanings too, but are useful to describe lack of light, and general greyness that comes with clouds!! As in “it seems pretty gloomy outside today” or “let’s go hiking when the weather is a bit less dull!An alternative to cloudy often used in weather forecasts is overcast – for example, “expect an overcast day with a slight chance of rain.” And finally, just like when talking about alternatives to sunny, we need to remember that the weather can change. For that reason, try using cloudy spells (used in the same way as sunny spells) or partly cloudy

This episode of Thinking in English has looked at advanced English vocabulary to describe hot, cold, sunny, and cloudy. Make sure you tune in next week for part 2, where I will describe rainy, snowy, windy, and other less common types of weather!

Check out my recent podcast episodes!


The cockpit is equipped with a roof that shelters the passengers from rain and sun, providing a comfortable stay on board the yacht during an individual excursion.

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Кокпит оборудован крышей, которая защищает пассажиров от дождя и солнца, обеспечивает комфортное пребывание на судне во время индивидуальной экскурсии.

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A stand with a roof not only gives your event protection from rain and sun but also a unique atmosphere.

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Трибуна с крышей не только защитит Ваше мероприятие от дождя и солнца, но также


создаст неповторимую атмосферу.

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A stand with a roof not only gives your event protection from rain and sun but also a unique atmosphere.

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Перекрытия для трибун не только защитят Ваше мероприятие от дождя и солнца, но также


создаст неповторимую атмосферу.

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bushes give essential protection to the soil, providing shelter from wind, rain and sun.

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подлесок обеспечивают жизненно важную защиту почв от воздействия ветра, дождя и солнца.

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finally he slips the pouch at the base of the tube of the antenna so that

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наконец он скользит мешок на базе трубки антенны,

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The material is fire resistant, waterproof, anti-UV,

so the tent can be use in rain and sun day, but due to half cover it unsuitable for


with strong wind.

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Материал огнезащитен, водоустойчивый, анти— УЛЬТРАФИОЛЕТОВЫЙ,

поэтому шатер может быть пользой в дне дождя и солнца, но должном к половинной крышке оно неподобающее для


с сильным ветером.

Silo(left) is stored in concrete structures,


on top is covered with special synthetic material,

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Силос хранится в бетонных сооружениях, а сверху накрыт специальных синтетическим материалом,

At the request of the Kazan citizens,

a dog run now will be equipped with awnings from the rain and sun,


lanterns for evening walks.

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По просьбам казанцев на площадке для



выгула собак установят навесы от дождя и солнца, а для вечерних прогулок здесь установят фонари.

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When there were no houses in the forest,

this cave must have sheltered the ancient people from rain and sun.

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В то время когда человек еще не научился строить

дома, она должна была быть приютом для древних людей, защищая от дождя и солнца.

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The harvest was conducted under overcast skies, with alternating rain and sun, but ending on a sunny note.

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Урожай был собран в облачную погоду, с переменными дождями и солнцем, но сбор урожая был закончен на солнечной ноте.

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A classic harvest with alternating rain and sun, but all the properties had already suffered the worst frosts in decades.

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Классический урожай с чередующимися дождями и солнцем, свойства которого сильно пострадали от морозов.

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Your front door should be resistant to wind, rain and sun,


to protect against potential intrusions,


to produce the impression on others.

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Ваша входная дверь должна быть устойчивой к ветру, дождю и солнцу, а также защищать от потенциальных проникновений


производить при этом впечатление на окружающих.

We hope that Dao Hua can open with the sweet smell of sping


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Мы надеемся, что открытие ресторана Дао Хуа будет связано с моментом сладких запахов весны,

The gable roof with triangle fronton is

equipped with a front overhang to protect the stage from rain and sun; there are sides


rear walls made of translucent net(«cabinet-type configuration»,»black-cabinet»).

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Двускатная крыша с треугольным фронтоном оборудована

передним свесом, защищающим сцену от дождя и солнца,




задней стенками

из полупрозрачной сетки(» кабинет» или» черный кабинет»).

In his studio there are umbrellas for any weather


any character, as well as for any reason:

protection from rain and sun, wedding, historical films, theater or show of haute couture.

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В его ателье есть зонты для любой погоды


любого персонажа, также


для любого повода:

защита от дождя и солнца, свадьбы, исторические фильмы, театр или шоу от кутюр.

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It is necessary to equip a playground for outdoor activities for children in the sanatorium to enable walks at any time of the year,

to provide shelter from rain and sun in the summer.

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Необходимо оборудовать спортивную площадку для активного отдыха детей в санатории с обеспечением возможности прогулок в любое время года,

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The simple things are all that

counts, Johnny- some seed for good ground, rain and sun to bring them up,

wood for a fire when the snow comes, a night like this, some good neighbors, of course- just plain people with common decency, loyalty, honesty.

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Важна одна простая вещь, Джонни-

немного семян на добрую почву, дождь и солнце, чтобы их вырастить, дрова для огня,

когда приходит снег, ночь, как эта, конечно, несколько хороших соседей- все это наполнит сердца людей вежливостью, верностью, честностью.

There is a large playground with several»Rainbow Play Systems» swing sets for children of different ages, a designer landscape, a covered cedar sandbox


cozy wooden pavilions with tables


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Здесь есть большая детская площадка с несколькими канадскими спортивно- игровыми комплексами для детей разного возраста, цветочные клумбы, крытые песочницы, уютные деревянные беседки со столиками



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Designed for outdoors- the container is an excellent protection against rain and sun.

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Less than four years of wind, rain and sun‘has left a drab, colourless, dead city in its wake.

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Меньше, чем 4 года дождя, ветра и солнца оставили за собой тусклый бесцветный мертвый город.

The roller blind integrated into the front panel can be extended to provide protection from rain and sun.

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Ролету, интегрированную в лицевую планку, можно выдвигать для защиты от дождя или солнца.

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Tick, which Sutherland uses for street furniture, tinges a delightful silver veil when exposed to rain and sun, but does not deform for many, many decades.

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Тик, который Sutherland использует в уличной мебели, под воздействием дождей и солнца приобретает восхитительный серебристый флер, но не деформируется многие


многие десятилетия.

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For covering boats


yachts, in time parking


transportation on the carriage, use light tarpaulin for transportation,

that helps protect it from the dirt, rain and sun.

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Для накрытия катеров


яхт во время стоянки


транспортировки на лафете используют легкие стояночные


транспортировочные тенты, которые предотвращают

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Concrete seating cube is covered with special substance which reduces the chances of discolouration,

while the mixture is self-cleaning it means that under the influence of rain and sun it partially gets rid of stains


dirt from its surface.

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Бетонный кубик для сидения покрыт средствами для импрегнации, которые уменьшают возможность

перекращения, добавительно средство является самосмывающимся- это обозначает, что под влиянием дождя и солнца избывается от перекращений


загразений со своей поверхности.

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Oh, the great days will bring

distance enchanted Days of fresh air in the rain and the sun.

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Ах, эти прекрасные дни… возвращают

нас к дням, полным свежего воздуха во время дождя и солнца.

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