Word for quite a few

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уже несколько

течение нескольких

на протяжении нескольких


You’ve had this cough for quite a few days.

They simply made a rational decision to separate and have actually been living apart for quite a few months now.

Они просто приняли рациональное решение и жили раздельно уже несколько месяцев .

I haven’t had any contact with them, though, for quite a few months now.

Хотя, я не виделся с ними, пожалуй что… уже несколько месяцев.

Brazil has the 7th largest economy on the globe, and it has already been in recession for quite a few months.

Бразилия является седьмой по величине экономикой мира, и она пребывает в состоянии рецессии уже несколько месяцев.

We knew about Google’s plans for quite a few weeks now.

Marilyn and Maurice had been sailing their 31 ft yacht from South Hampton for quite a few months before disaster struck.

Мэрилин и Морис находились в плавании на своей 31 футовой яхте из города Сауз Хемптон уже несколько месяцев, пока не случилось несчастье.

For quite a few reasons, timing can be everything when it comes to resolving conflicts in the workplace.

По многим причинам время может быть всем, когда дело доходит до разрешения конфликтов на рабочем месте.

For quite a few months now, or even years, the number of active developers has been decreasing and has inevitably reached zero.

На протяжении нескольких месяцев или даже лет число активных разработчиков уменьшалось и в итоге достигло нуля.

For quite a few of these countries, a drop in exports will pose a difficult challenge.

Для некоторых из этих стран падение экспорта станет трудной задачей.

For quite a few construction projects in ancient history, this type of crane would be completely inadequate.

Для большинства строительных проектов древней истории, такой грузоподъемности будет совершенно недостаточно.

For quite a few, federal jobs provide benefits and job security that are unrivaled by another employer in the usa.

Для многих федеральные рабочие места предлагают преимущества и безопасность работы, которые не имеют себе равных со стороны любого другого работодателя в США.

For quite a few strains, that list also has a link to a free decryptor!

Для довольно многих штаммов этот список также имеет ссылку на бесплатный дешифратор!

For quite a few of the issues it takes on today could probably be better dealt with by other global or regional organizations.

Ведь очень многие из вопросов, за решение которых она берется сегодня, могли бы, вероятно, быть с большей эффективностью решены другими глобальными или региональными организациями.

For quite a few, a lot is dependent upon their social security income and if they elect to get benefits.

Для многих многое зависит от их дохода на социальное обеспечение и от того, когда они решат получать пособия.

For quite a few, the most time efficient approach to get whole charge is to permit the bank power up while connected to a wall outlet in the house.

Для многих наиболее эффективный способ получить полную зарядку — дать банку питание при подключении к розетке в доме.

For quite a few people, their most loved approach to ease their fatigue is to play online casino club.

Для многих людей, их любимый способ, чтобы облегчить их скуку, играть в онлайн казино клуб.

I was also sent for quite a few inter-school maths competitions.

Меня также отправили на довольно много межшкольных соревнований по математике.

They are important stones to have within your collection for quite a few reasons.

Они являются важными камнями, чтобы иметь их в своей коллекции для довольно много причин.

Well, it’s used for quite a few things.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Prof. Orlando Purdy

Score: 4.1/5
(1 votes)

adverb. 2. An indefinite and somewhat large number; more than a few; a fair number of. I’ve watched quite a few basketball games in my time. determiner.

What does a quite a few mean?

quite a few in American English

a fairly large number; many. There were quite a few interesting things to do.

Is it correct to say quite a few?

As stated in the example above, “Quite a few” is used only when a specific number (of people or things) are not expected in a given situation. However, it has become quite common for people to use it to mean “many” or “a large number of”. It means the exact opposite thing: “a large or significant number, or many”.

Why does quite a few mean many?

Quite a few expresses that the speaker was impressed or astonished by the number, as they would have expected less. Or the speaker wants to emphasize on the fact that it was «more than you would think». Yet I do not think that there is an order involved that quite a few would be less than many.

Is quite a few an idiom?

A significant (but non-specific) amount; a lot. By itself, «a few» refers to a relatively small number. Please take some cake home with you—there’s quite a few pieces left.

27 related questions found

Can you say quite many?

You can say «quite many» or «quite much», but no, you can’t say «quite a many» or «quite a much». The reason is because neither «many» nor «much» is countable: it’s an unspecified amount, so you can’t have 1 many, or 3 muches, and therefore you cannot have «a many» or «a much».

What’s another word for quite a lot?

quite a lot: mass; multitude; heap; load; quite a lot; a whole lot; lot; lots; tons.

What is quite a lot mean?

A relatively large amount or number. There have been quite a lot of complaints about your behavior in the office.

Which is smaller few or a few?

Few means «not many (people or things).» It is used to say that there are not a lot of people or things. A few means «some (people or things).» It is used to say that there are a small number of people or things. … A few puts a little more attention on the positive—that there is a small number (of people or things).

Is quite a lot more than a lot?

«Quite a lot» sounds like more than «a lot.» In general, «quite» (in this sense) serves to amplify a companion adjective, such that e.g. «this brick is quite heavy» is synonymous with «… very heavy.»

Does quite a bit mean a lot?

phrase. Quite a bit means quite a lot. They’re worth quite a bit of money. Things have changed quite a bit.

What is a word for to much?

Synonyms: excessiveness, extravagance, fabulousness, overgoing, overcharge, ever so much, more than can be used, embarras de richesses (French), superfluity, inordinateness, vastness, prodigiousness, immensity, excess , overcompensation, overflowed, overcrowded, excessive.

What is the synonym of significantly?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for significantly. considerably, extensively, substantially.

How do you say very much?


  1. badly.
  2. dreadfully.
  3. excessively.
  4. extremely.
  5. greatly.
  6. hugely.
  7. immensely.
  8. indeed.

What does quite a guy mean?

2. He’s quite a guy would mean *He’s very a guy (if we could say that). Whatever guyhood means to the speaker, he encapsulates it. This varies widely, of course, depending on the speaker and the addressee.

Can you say a many?

Yes you can use ‘a/an’ after many. of many, Many a/an is used to indicate a large number of something. Many a politician has promised to make changes.

What does quite a while mean?

: a long time It has been quite a while since I last saw her.

How many is quite a few?

Quite a few is defined as when you have more than one or two of something. An example of quite a few is when you have ten books. An indefinite and somewhat large number; more than a few; a fair number of. I’ve watched quite a few basketball games in my time.

Is alot spelled alot?

Alot is a common misspelling of a lot. A lot should always be spelled as two words. The meaning of a lot depends on the context. Usually, it means “many” or “to a great extent.” Let’s look at some examples.

18 июня 2017г.

Вы когда-нибудь встречали английские слова «с характером»? Чуть поменялось окружение, и английские слова поменяли смысл. В сегодняшнем видео я расскажу об одном из таких слов — «few».

FEW – мало (с исчисляемыми существительными)
Few people know of this artist. — Мало кто знает этого художника.
There were very few breaks. — Было очень мало перерывов.
A FEW – несколько
Pick a few different snacks for the road, so we have a nice variety. — Купи несколько разных закусок в дорогу, чтобы было разнообразие.
QUITE A FEW – немало, довольно много
Quite a few people left interesting comments. — Довольно много людей оставили интересные комментарии.
I found quite a few beautiful tops on sale. — Я нашла немало красивых блузок на распродаже.

Хотите улучшить Ваш английский этим летом? Я приглашаю Вас на 2-недельный летний марафон разговорного английского для достижения Вашей цели. прямо здесь на моем канале «Влиятельный английский с Наташей Купер». Это мой Вам подарок.


quite a few — довольно много, порядочно
quite a few a lot — довольно много
a good few, quite a few — большое /порядочное/ количество; there were a good few of them
quite a few /a lot, a number, a little/ — разг. довольно много; порядочно
quite a bit / few / lot — значительное количество

Автоматический перевод

довольно много, порядочное число, порядочно

Перевод по словам

quite  — довольно, вполне, совсем, совершенно, очень, полностью, действительно, всецело
few  — мало, немного, немногие, незначительное число


The building needs quite a few repairs.

Зданию требуется порядочный ремонт.

He’s taken quite a few hard knocks lately.

В последнее время его постиг ряд серьёзных неудач.

Clive’s taken quite a few hard knocks lately.

В последнее время Клайв перенёс немало тяжёлых ударов.

The new software has given us quite a few problems.

Новое программное обеспечение доставило нам немало проблем.

Quite a few companies would like to get in on the project.

Немало компаний хотели бы поучаствовать в этом проекте.

Quite a few women went to war, and quite a few were killed in action.

Немало женщин отправилось на войну, и немало из них было убито в бою.

That amounts to quite a few boffoes. *

Это составляет изрядную сумму баксов.

He’s taken quite a few knocks lately. *

В последнее время ему просто не везет.

The big-C will finish off quite a few of us. *

Довольно многие из нас умрут от рака.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We’ve got quite a few debts still outstanding.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Asked by: Prof. Orlando Purdy

Score: 4.1/5
(1 votes)

adverb. 2. An indefinite and somewhat large number; more than a few; a fair number of. I’ve watched quite a few basketball games in my time. determiner.

What does a quite a few mean?

quite a few in American English

a fairly large number; many. There were quite a few interesting things to do.

Is it correct to say quite a few?

As stated in the example above, “Quite a few” is used only when a specific number (of people or things) are not expected in a given situation. However, it has become quite common for people to use it to mean “many” or “a large number of”. It means the exact opposite thing: “a large or significant number, or many”.

Why does quite a few mean many?

Quite a few expresses that the speaker was impressed or astonished by the number, as they would have expected less. Or the speaker wants to emphasize on the fact that it was «more than you would think». Yet I do not think that there is an order involved that quite a few would be less than many.

Is quite a few an idiom?

A significant (but non-specific) amount; a lot. By itself, «a few» refers to a relatively small number. Please take some cake home with you—there’s quite a few pieces left.

27 related questions found

Can you say quite many?

You can say «quite many» or «quite much», but no, you can’t say «quite a many» or «quite a much». The reason is because neither «many» nor «much» is countable: it’s an unspecified amount, so you can’t have 1 many, or 3 muches, and therefore you cannot have «a many» or «a much».

What’s another word for quite a lot?

quite a lot: mass; multitude; heap; load; quite a lot; a whole lot; lot; lots; tons.

What is quite a lot mean?

A relatively large amount or number. There have been quite a lot of complaints about your behavior in the office.

Which is smaller few or a few?

Few means «not many (people or things).» It is used to say that there are not a lot of people or things. A few means «some (people or things).» It is used to say that there are a small number of people or things. … A few puts a little more attention on the positive—that there is a small number (of people or things).

Is quite a lot more than a lot?

«Quite a lot» sounds like more than «a lot.» In general, «quite» (in this sense) serves to amplify a companion adjective, such that e.g. «this brick is quite heavy» is synonymous with «… very heavy.»

Does quite a bit mean a lot?

phrase. Quite a bit means quite a lot. They’re worth quite a bit of money. Things have changed quite a bit.

What is a word for to much?

Synonyms: excessiveness, extravagance, fabulousness, overgoing, overcharge, ever so much, more than can be used, embarras de richesses (French), superfluity, inordinateness, vastness, prodigiousness, immensity, excess , overcompensation, overflowed, overcrowded, excessive.

What is the synonym of significantly?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for significantly. considerably, extensively, substantially.

How do you say very much?


  1. badly.
  2. dreadfully.
  3. excessively.
  4. extremely.
  5. greatly.
  6. hugely.
  7. immensely.
  8. indeed.

What does quite a guy mean?

2. He’s quite a guy would mean *He’s very a guy (if we could say that). Whatever guyhood means to the speaker, he encapsulates it. This varies widely, of course, depending on the speaker and the addressee.

Can you say a many?

Yes you can use ‘a/an’ after many. of many, Many a/an is used to indicate a large number of something. Many a politician has promised to make changes.

What does quite a while mean?

: a long time It has been quite a while since I last saw her.

How many is quite a few?

Quite a few is defined as when you have more than one or two of something. An example of quite a few is when you have ten books. An indefinite and somewhat large number; more than a few; a fair number of. I’ve watched quite a few basketball games in my time.

Is alot spelled alot?

Alot is a common misspelling of a lot. A lot should always be spelled as two words. The meaning of a lot depends on the context. Usually, it means “many” or “to a great extent.” Let’s look at some examples.


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Photo search results for Quite a few

Cyanotype on paper Presenting White Fern Leaf and Few Flowers Dandelion with few fluffy seeds on black background Top view of various analog photo camera with leather case composed together on white table Stylish automobile parked near fence of contemporary house with green bushes and trees Withering Sunflower Petals Adorable fluffy little dog with ponytail walking on grassy ground and looking at camera

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Synonyms for Quite a few. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/quite_a_few

Synonyms for Quite a few. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/quite_a_few>.

Synonyms for Quite a few. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/quite_a_few.

What is another word for quite a few?

104 synonyms found


[ kwˈa͡ɪt ɐ fjˈuː], [ kwˈa‍ɪt ɐ fjˈuː], [ k_w_ˈaɪ_t ɐ f_j_ˈuː]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    multitudinous (adjective)

    • voluminous,
    • countless,
    • considerable,
    • copious,
    • abounding,
    • uncounted,
    • uncountable,
    • legion,
    • untold,
    • multifarious,
    • numberless,
    • populous,
    • abundant,
    • heaps,
    • various,
    • manifold,
    • teeming,
    • infinite,
    • great,
    • profuse.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • only a few,
    • innumerable,
    • not many,
    • unnumbered,
    • sundry,
    • small number,
    • innumerous,
    • scarcely any,
    • multitudinous,
    • several,
    • hardly any,
    • a few.

    sundry (adjective)

    • varied,
    • assorted.
  • n.

    amount (noun)

    • quantity.
  • Other synonyms:

    • volley,
    • ton,
    • dollop,
    • swath,
    • infinity,
    • slather,
    • million,
    • gazillion,
    • mountain,
    • hunk,
    • trillion,
    • host,
    • chunk,
    • truckload,
    • profusion,
    • scads,
    • multiplicity,
    • torrent,
    • thousand,
    • umpteen,
    • abundance,
    • pile,
    • ocean,
    • much,
    • zillion,
    • proliferation,
    • plenty,
    • ream,
    • panoply,
    • hundred,
    • clump,
    • billion,
    • mass,
    • tidal wave.

    • score,
    • plurality,
    • many,
    • myriad,
    • numerous,
    • plenitude.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • hive,
    • clutter,
    • scores,
    • lot,
    • all kinds of,
    • multitude,
    • hail,
    • tidy sum,
    • all sorts of,
    • throng,
    • ruck,
    • shoal,
    • jam,
    • flock,
    • slew,
    • bevy,
    • flight,
    • swarm,
    • bunch,
    • numbers,
    • some,
    • covey,
    • nest,
    • cloud,
    • army,
    • rout,
    • umteen,
    • mob,
    • pack.

How to use «Quite a few» in context?

Quite a few people may think of themselves as quite the individual, unafraid to stand out and do things their own way. But when it comes to their personal style, quite a few people would prefer to go with the flow. They might not be opposed to adopting a more conservative or traditional style from time to time, but they’re generally more inclined to go with what’s popular or what looks good on others. And while there’s nothing wrong with going with the flow, sticking to popular trends can sometimes be limiting.

Word of the Day

narrowed down

calm down,
cut down,


  • QUITE A FEW synonyms at Thesaurus.com
  • QUITE A FEW synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
  • Powerthesaurus.org
    — QUITE A FEW synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of QUITE A FEW
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for QUITE A FEW

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