Word for quick minded

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

They possess a natural intuition which allows them to be quick-minded and innovative.

Они обладают естественной интуицией, которая позволяет им быстро соображать и быть инноваторами.

People with the vata pattern are often described as being typically thin with dry skin, quick-minded, alert, active, flexible and creative.

Люди с типом ваты часто описываются как обычно худые с сухой кожей, быстрые, активные, гибкие и творческие.

Fortunately, the quick-minded Vasudeva thought of a way of keeping his bride alive.

К счастью, сообразительный Васудева придумал, как сохранить жизнь невесте.

Our youth should have a high sense of national consciousness wherever they are, should be proud of their homeland, nation, their own independent state, national language and culture, and should always stand ready and be quick-minded to protect them.

Наша молодежь, где бы она не была, должна иметь высокое национальное чувство, гордиться своей Родиной, нацией, независимым государством, своим языком и национальной культурой, всегда быть готовой и на чеку для их защиты».

Health Challenges: Jessica is a bit more durable physically and mentally than her quick-minded classmate, Justin, but her parents need to be aware of her weaknesses in order for her to maintain perfect health.

Джессика немного более вынослива умственно и физически, чем ее одноклассник Джастин, однако родителям необходимо знать ее слабые стороны, чтобы сохранить хорошее состояние здоровья девочки.

Every semester the professor chooses four intelligent, quick-minded and driven students to work as associates in her law firm.

Каждый год Анализа выбирает группу самых умных, самых перспективных студентов, чтобы те работали в ее юридической фирме.

They are quick-minded, admirers (but not seekers) of truth, self-satisfied, not incapable (as are the Egyptians) of abstract ideas, but unpractical, and so lazy mentally as to be superficial.

Они были сообразительными, самодовольными, но отнюдь не искателями истины, не беспомощными (подобно египтянам) перед абстрактными идеями, но вместе с тем непрактичными людьми.

This content as a kind of «standard» should be the basis of the learning process, so not only the Russian soil but also the local education system could give birth to «quick-minded Newtons».

Это содержание в качестве «норматива» следует закладывать в процесс обучения, «чтоб быстрых разумом Невтонов» могла рождать не только «русская земля», но и отечественная образовательная система.

It was obvious to him (and, to be sure, to others as well) that George was notably intelligent and quick-minded.

Other results

Up-to-date information can benefit a decisive, quick and rationally minded trader.

Актуальная информация может принести выгоду решительному, расторопному и рационально мыслящему трейдеру.

Quick-witted. Independent-minded. Aloof, sarcastic manner.

Originally, the Hulk was shown as simple minded and quick to anger.

Оригинальный вариант Халка часто показывали как простого и быстро приходящего в гнев.

Which explains why I’m so perky, open-minded and quick to tears.

The strong are those who are quick-witted and skillful-minded.

Felicity Jones is a fine addition to the «Star Wars» tradition of tough-minded, quick-thinking heroines.

Фелисити Джонс — прекрасное дополнение коллекции упрямых и смекалистых героинь «Звёздных войн»».

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  • С английского на:
  • Русский
  • С русского на:
  • Английский
  • 1


    quick-witted, keen-witted, sharp, bright, quick-minded

    Russian-english psychology dictionary > сообразительный

  • 2

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > хваткий

  • 3

    1) General subject: acute, agile, apprehensive, astucious, astute, awkward, boorish, clumsy, dexterous, dextrous, gumptious, intelligential, keen witted, keen-witted, maladroit, mercurial, nimble, nimble minded, nimble witted, nimble-minded, nimble-witted, peart, percipient, prehensile, quick, quick (slow) in the uptake , quick to learn, quick to understand, quick-witted, quickwitted, ready witted, ready-witted, resourceful, sagacious, sharp, sharp-sighted, spry, uncouth, sharp-witted, quick of apprehension, shrewd

    2) Colloquial: cute

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сообразительный

  • 4

    1) General subject: adroit, awkward, boorish, clumsy, cute, gumptious, inventive, knacky, maladroit, nimble, nimble minded, nimble witted, nimble-minded, nimble-witted, of resource, quick, quick-witted, quickwitted, ready witted, ready-witted, resourceful, shifty, smart, smart as paint, spirituel, spirituelle, swift tongued, swift-tongued, tricky, uncouth, entrepreneurial

    2) Diplomatic term: shrewd

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > находчивый

  • 5
    схватывать на лету


    be very quick at smth.; be quick in (on) the uptake; grasp smth. easily; pick up everything in a jiffy; be nimble-minded

    Он всё схватывал с лёту и не переносил плохо соображающих людей. (Г. Николаева, Повесть о директоре МТС и главном агрономе) — Nimble-minded himself, he could not stand slow-witted people.

    Одарённый от природы поразительной цепкой памятью и каким-то особым складом ума, он всё хватал на лету и усваивал прочно и навсегда. (Е. Маркова, Чужой звонок) — He had a tenacious memory and a special type of mind, that allowed him to pick up everything in a jiffy and master it quickly and forever.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > схватывать на лету

  • 6

    1) General subject: brainy, cute, dodgy , facetious, ingenious , nimble minded, nimble witted, nimble-minded, nimble-witted, patent, punny, quick-witted, quickwitted, quippish, retortive, sharp , sharp sighted, sharp witted, sharp-sighted, sharp-witted, smart, spirituel, spirituelle, waggish, witty, funny

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > остроумный

  • 7


    1) look; gaze, stare; glance; glare

    расте́рянный взгляд — perplexed look

    взгляд укра́дкой — covert glance

    бро́сить взгляд (на ) — glance (at), cast a glance / look (at); take a quick look (at), dart / shoot a glance (at), run one’s eyes (at, over)

    напра́вить взгляд (на ) — direct one’s eyes (to), turn one’s eyes (on)

    перевести́ взгляд (на ) — shift one’s gaze (to); turn one’s eyes (to)

    перехвати́ть чей-л взгляд — catch smb’s eye

    прикова́ть взгляд (к) — fix / rivet one’s eyes (on)

    взгляды всех бы́ли прико́ваны к э́тому необыча́йному зре́лищу — all eyes were fixed / riveted on that extraordinary sight

    на мой взгляд — to my mind, in my opinion / view, as I see it; to my way of thinking

    челове́к с широ́кими взглядами — broad-minded person


    на пе́рвый взгляд — at first sight / glance

    с пе́рвого взгляда — at first sight

    любовь с пе́рвого взгляда — love at first sight

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > взгляд

См. также в других словарях:

  • quick — Synonyms and related words: Daedalian, able, aboveground, abrupt, acquiescent, acute, adept, adroit, agile, agog, agreeable, alacritous, alert, alive, alive and kicking, all agog, amain, amenable, among the living, animate, animated, anxious,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • minded — Synonyms and related words: acquiescent, actuated, agreeable, alacritous, amenable, animated, apt, apt to, ardent, bent, calculated to, compliant, consenting, contemplating, content, cooperative, disposed, disposed to, dispositioned, docile,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • List of Star Wars planets (A-B) — Aargau= Aargau is one of the Deep Core Worlds, and is the headquarters of the Bank of Aargau, which is owned by the Confederacy of Independent Systems ally, the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Aargau is located in the Zug system. The planet shares… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Star Wars planets (A–B) — Contents 1 Aar 2 Aargau 3 Aargonar 4 Abonshee …   Wikipedia

  • Northern and southern China — Northern China and southern China[1] are two approximate regions within China. The exact boundary between these two regions has never been precisely defined. Nevertheless, the self perception of Chinese people, especially regional stereotypes,… …   Wikipedia

  • The Prince of Qin — Infobox VG| title = The Prince of Qin developer = Object Software Limited publisher = Strategy First version = 1.30 designer = engine = released = August 19, 2002 genre = Action role playing modes = Single player, Multiplayer ratings = ESRB: Teen …   Wikipedia

  • Dizzy Gillespie — This article is about the jazz musician. For the Australian cricketer nicknamed Dizzy , see Jason Gillespie. Dizzy Gillespie Gillespie in concert, Deauville, Normandy, France Background information …   Wikipedia

  • Dismissal (cricket) — In the sport of cricket, a dismissal occurs when the batsman is out (also known as the fielding side taking a wicket and/or the batting side losing a wicket). Colloquially, the fielding team is also said to have snared, bagged or captured a… …   Wikipedia

  • A Tale of Two Cities — Infobox Book | name = A Tale of Two Cities title orig = translator = image caption = The title page of the first edition of A Tale of Two Cities . author = Charles Dickens cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = genre …   Wikipedia

  • china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material …   Universalium

  • China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast …   Universalium

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the synonyms for quick mind. These synonyms for the word quick mind are provided for your information only.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Darby Mann

Score: 5/5
(52 votes)

adjective. Having a quick or ready mind; quick-witted.

What does it mean to be quick minded?

: quick in perception and understanding : mentally alert.

What is a quick thinker called?

Frequently Asked Questions About quick-witted

Some common synonyms of quick-witted are alert, clever, and intelligent.

Who is a quick witted person?

Someone who is quick-witted is intelligent and good at thinking quickly.

What makes a person quick witted?

Quick witted people have an alert and sharp mind who have an immediate perception and understanding of the situation, and they quickly reply back with a witty answer.

19 related questions found

Are people born quick witted?

Wit. … Wit appears to be something people are born with. Admittedly, some are naturally more quick witted and funny than others. But, as with any skill, wit can be learned.

How do you know if you are quick witted?

A quick wit is easy to recognize and difficult to cultivate. The Cambridge Dictionary defines wit as “the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way.” Using words cleverly with humor, though, describes the bare minimum of what makes a person witty.

Is wit an intelligence?

Wit is a form of intelligent humour, the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny. Someone witty is a person who is skilled at making clever and funny remarks. Forms of wit include the quip, repartee, and wisecrack.

Is quick minded a word?

adjective. Having a quick or ready mind; quick-witted.

Is quick thinker a character trait?

Charisma may rely on quick thinking, according to new research. … The research shows that people who were able to respond more quickly to general knowledge questions and visual tasks were perceived as more charismatic by their friends, independently of IQ and other personality traits.

How do you describe a quick thinking person?

alert, astute, perceptive, quick, quick-thinking, sharp-witted, sharp, shrewd, penetrating, discerning, perspicacious.

What is the meaning of mild mannered man?

A mild-mannered person is gentle and does not show extreme emotions: a mild-mannered philosophy professor.

What does it mean to be called a warrior?

: a person engaged or experienced in warfare broadly : a person engaged in some struggle or conflict poverty warriors.

How can I be smart?

Cultivating smart habits is the key to unlocking your potential.

  1. Question everything. …
  2. Read as much as you can. …
  3. Discover what motivates you. …
  4. Think of new ways to do old things. …
  5. Hang out with people who are smarter than you. …
  6. Remember that every expert was once a beginner. …
  7. Make time to reflect. …
  8. Exercise your body.

How can I be a quick thinker?

Here are some of the best ways you can make your thinking not just faster, but also more efficient and accurate as well.

  1. Make Minor, Unimportant Decisions Fast. …
  2. Practice Doing Things You Are Good At, Faster. …
  3. Stop Trying to Multitask. …
  4. Get Plenty of Sleep. …
  5. Stay Cool. …
  6. Meditate. …
  7. Play a Musical Instrument.

What is a perspicacious person?

adjective. having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning: to exhibit perspicacious judgment.

What are the qualities of a smart person?

7 common traits of highly intelligent people

  • They’re highly adaptable. …
  • They understand how much they don’t know. …
  • They have insatiable curiosity. …
  • They ask good questions. …
  • They’re sensitive to other people’s experiences. …
  • They’re open-minded. …
  • They’re skeptical.

What is the highest form of wit?

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence,” wrote that connoisseur of wit, Oscar Wilde.

What is the purpose of wit?

Definition of Wit. Wit has originated from an old English term wit, which means “to know.” It is a literary device used to make the readers laugh.

How do you use quick witted in a sentence?

Quick-witted sentence example

  1. Air signs are quick-witted and possess excellent social skills. …
  2. The Aries man is quick-witted and always ready with a one-liner that will make people laugh with him. …
  3. You’re considered quick-witted and you certainly know how to generate wealth, as well as hold on to it.

What’s sharp witted?

: having or showing an ability to think and react very quickly.

How do you describe someone’s wit?

Clever; amusingly ingenious. Full of wit. Quick of mind; insightful; in possession of wits.

How can I be really funny?

How to Be Funny: 7 Easy Steps to Improve Your Humor

  1. Give the opposite answer to yes/no questions.
  2. Play with Numbers.
  3. Use The Rule of 3.
  4. Use a Character Switch.
  5. Use “Whatever” as Your Secret Weapon.
  6. Use real-life stories, not jokes.
  7. Delay the funny.

What is wit give an example?

Wit is often sarcastic – that is, the speaker says the opposite of what they mean, but in a dry or cutting way. For example, Dr. House from House is always making such remarks about his patients and co-workers. In one episode, he defends his unorthodox actions by saying, “I take risks, sometimes patients die.

What is another word for sharp witted?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sharp-witted, like: keen, witty, quick, alert, smart as a whip, clever, acute, sharp, smart, bright and discerning.

Asked by: Emilio Toy

Score: 5/5
(57 votes)

adjective. Having a quick or ready mind; quick-witted.

What is the meaning of quick minded?

intelligent, clever, alert, quick-witted mean mentally keen or quick. intelligent stresses success in coping with new situations and solving problems.

What is a word for a quick thinker?

Some common synonyms of quick-witted are alert, clever, and intelligent.

Is quick Wittedly a word?

adj. Mentally alert and sharp; keen. See Synonyms at intelligent. quick′-wit′ted·ly adv.

What is a slow witted person?

: mentally slow : dull.

45 related questions found

Is quick witted a skill?

Quick witted people are always considered good communicators. It is a primary communication skill which helps you deal wisely with peeps around you. Carrying out a business presentation requires alertness and sharpness of your mind. … The charismatic business leaders are always quick witted.

What is the word for someone who has the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties?

adjective. Having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. ‘Those scissors remind me of the creative inventive and resourceful things my mother did. ‘

What does elated mean?

: marked by high spirits : exultant.

What does it mean to be nimble?

1 : quick and light in motion : agile nimble fingers a nimble climber. 2a : marked by quick, alert, clever conception (see conception sense 3), comprehension (see comprehension sense 1a), or resourcefulness a nimble mind nimble investors.

Is quick thinker a character trait?

Charisma may rely on quick thinking, according to new research. … The research shows that people who were able to respond more quickly to general knowledge questions and visual tasks were perceived as more charismatic by their friends, independently of IQ and other personality traits.

What do you call a person who improvises?

noun. a person who improvises; improviser.

What do you call a smart person?

Synonyms: astute, savvy, sharp, shrewd. marked by practical hardheaded intelligence. cagey, cagy, canny, clever. showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others.

How can I be a quick thinker?

14 Ways to Faster, More Efficient Thinking

  1. Make Minor, Unimportant Decisions Fast. …
  2. Practice Doing Things You Are Good At, Faster. …
  3. Stop Trying to Multitask. …
  4. Get Plenty of Sleep. …
  5. Stay Cool. …
  6. Meditate. …
  7. Play a Musical Instrument. …
  8. Give Your Brain a Mental Workout.

Does elated mean happy?

very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits: an elated winner of a contest.

Is Elated an emotion?

If you experience sudden very high spirits, possibly even a feeling of lightness, you are feeling great elation. Elation is more than mere happiness — it is extreme, exhilarating joy. It has a sense of rising or expanding, even to the point of light-headedness.

What do you call a difficult situation?

crisis. noun. an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation.

What is the word for fixing a problem?

Frequently Asked Questions About repair

Some common synonyms of repair are mend, patch, and rebuild. While all these words mean «to put into good order something that is injured, damaged, or defective,» repair applies to the fixing of more extensive damage or dilapidation.

Are quick-witted people smart?

For instance, a famous study by Norman Miller found that people were more persuasive when they spoke quicker than normal. His study suggested that when people speak quickly (defined as 195 words per minute), they were perceived as being more confident, intelligent, knowledgeable and objective.

Is wit an intelligence?

Wit is a form of intelligent humour, the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny. Someone witty is a person who is skilled at making clever and funny remarks. Forms of wit include the quip, repartee, and wisecrack.

How can I be smart?

Here are 18 habits that can help you become your smartest self:

  1. Question everything. …
  2. Read as much as you can. …
  3. Discover what motivates you. …
  4. Think of new ways to do old things. …
  5. Hang out with people who are smarter than you. …
  6. Remember that every expert was once a beginner. …
  7. Make time to reflect. …
  8. Exercise your body.

What is a slow person called?

1. There is a word that can be used to describe such a person: slowpoke. [Merriam-Webster] : a very slow person.

What is a fancy word for dumb?

Some common synonyms of dumb are crass, dense, dull, and stupid.

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