Word for put down

  [ pʊt daʊn ]  

1. Положить, поставить
2. Записать, напечатать
3. Оскорблять, критиковать, недооценивать
4. Усыпить
5. Сделать остановку / высадить
6. Снизить цену
7. Подавлять протест(-ы)
8. Внести залог
9. Приземлить

1. Положить, поставить

Emma put her bag down and went upstairs.
Эмма поставила сумку и поднялась по лестнице.

I put the baby down in her playpen and then went to answer the phone.
Я положил ребёнка в детский манеж и пошёл отвечать на звонок.

I simply wait a few seconds, say absolutely nothing, then quietly put down the phone.
Я просто выждал несколько секунд, ничего не говоря, затем осторожно положил трубку.

2. Записать, напечатать

В английском языке много синонимичных фразовых глаголов со значением «записать».

Never put anything down on paper which might be used in evidence against you at a later date.
Никогда не записывайте то, что может быть использовано против вас как улика.

We’ve put down that we would like some technology courses.
Мы указали, что хотели бы в расписании несколько курсов по технологиям.

I’ve put you down to help with the food.
Я указал / внёс в список твоё имя, чтобы ты мог помочь с едой.

3. Оскорблять, критиковать, недооценивать

В этом значении у Put Down есть синоним – Get Down и Run Down.

А если критиковать жестко, что голос срывается и чуть не до драки, то это Turn On.

The boss is always putting me down in front of everyone in the office.
Босс всё время критикует меня перед коллегами.

Tommy, don’t put your brother down like that — if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.
Томми, хватит так обращаться с братом – если не можешь сказать ничего хорошего, лучше помолчи.

4. Усыпить

В этом значении синонимом также выступает Put Away.

We knew our poor dog was suffering, so we decided it was time to put her down.
Наша бедная собака страдала, и мы решили, что пора её усыпить.

They think that any legislation that involved putting down dogs was wrong.
По их мнению, любая легализация усыпления собак будет ошибкой.

5. Сделать остановку / высадить

Can you put me down by the library?
Можешь высадить меня у библиотеки?

Ask the taxi driver to put you down outside the church.
Попроси водителя такси остановиться возле церкви.

6. Снизить цену

Shops are being forced to put their prices down in order to attract customers.
Магазинам пришлось снизить цены, чтобы привлечь покупателей.

It’s time that the government put down interest rates.
Пришло время правительству снизить процентную ставку.

7. Подавлять протест(-ы)

He used tanks to put down an armed uprising last June.
Он использовал танки, чтобы подавить вооружённый протест в прошлом июне.

They sent thousands of soldiers to put down the upstart rebellion.
Они послали тысячи солдат, чтобы подавить начинающееся восстание.

8. Внести залог

Заголовок CNN с фразовым глаголом  put down

Does it still make sense to put down 20% when buying a home?
Имеет ли смысл платить первый взнос в 20% при покупке жилья?

We’ve put down a deposit on a new car.
Мы внесли залог за новую машину.

9. Приземлить самолет

He put down in a field.
Он сел в поле.

The pilots were able to put down the plane despite the difficult weather conditions.
Пилоты смогли посадить самолет, несмотря на сложные метеоусловия.

  •     Фразовые глаголы с PUT
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом и наречием DOWN

What is another word for Put down?

  • set down

    put, lay

  • record

    write into record

  • write down

    write into record

  • enter

    write into record

  • suppress


  • take down

    write into record

  • lay


  • quell

    subdue, suppress

  • subdue

    activity, overthrow

  • demean

  • crush

    comment negatively, subdue

  • repress

    subdue, suppress

  • quash

    suppress, subdue

  • degrade


  • bring down

  • drop

    leave out

  • land

  • humiliate

    comment negatively

  • squash

  • knock

    speech, criticize

  • disgrace

  • destroy

  • note

  • snub

    comment negatively

  • squelch

  • disparage

    humiliate, comment negatively

  • belittle

    comment negatively

  • overpower

    crush, activity

  • put

  • stamp out

  • extinguish

  • jot down

    write into record

  • log

  • inscribe


  • slight

  • run down

  • defeat

    activity, overthrow

  • vanquish

    activity, overthrow

  • humble

  • kill

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autumn, dog, nature question, really, question mark woman, squat, heart person, woman, girl rgen, background image, texture woman, portrait, face

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Synonyms for Put down. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/put_down

Synonyms for Put down. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/put_down>.

Synonyms for Put down. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/put_down.

подавлять, опустить, записывать, класть, унижать, опускать, заносить, осадить


- опускать, класть (на землю и т. п.)

to put down one’s bags — поставить сумки
to put down the receiver — класть (телефонную) трубку
to put down the helm — мор. класть руля к ветру
he put down his burden — он опустил свою ношу
put that gun down at once! — сейчас же опустите ружьё!

- высаживать, выпускать

to put down passengers — высаживать пассажиров
to put down a buoy — мор. сбрасывать буёк
to put down a smoke screen — воен. ставить дымовую завесу

- откладывать (книгу и т. п.)

the book was so thrilling I couldn’t put it down — книга захватывающе интересна, я просто не мог оторваться от неё

- подавлять (силой)

to put down a revolt — подавить восстание
to put down fire — воен. подавить огонь

- заставить замолчать

to put down gossip — пресечь слухи

ещё 16 вариантов

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

He made an unkind remark, intended to put her down.

Он сделал грубое замечание, чтобы унизить её.

Put down every word she says.

Записывай за ней каждое слово.

The troops put down the rebellion.

Войска подавили восстание.

Can you put me down at the next corner, please?

Высадите меня на следующем углу, пожалуйста.

I put him down for a fool.

Я считаю его глупым.

Put down whatever you’re doing and join the party!

Отложи все свои дела и присоединяйся к компании!

Put down your expenditure.

Снизьте расходы.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She tends to put down younger women colleagues

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. put down

    To defeat an enemy is to gain an advantage for the time; to vanquish is to win a signal victory; to conquer is to overcome so effectually that the victory is regarded as final. Conquer, in many cases, carries the idea of possession; as, to conquer respect, affection, peace, etc. A country is conquered when its armies are defeated and its territory is occupied by the enemy; it may be subjected to indemnity or to various disabilities; it is subjugated when it is held helplessly and continuously under military control; it is subdued when all resistance has died out. An army is defeated when forcibly driven back; it is routed when it is converted into a mob of fugitives. Compare BEAT.

    beat, checkmate, conquer, crush, defeat, discomfit, down, humble, master, overcome, overmaster, overmatch, overpower, overthrow, prevail over, reduce, rout, subdue, subject, subjugate, surmount, vanquish, win, worst

    capitulate, cede, fail, fall, fly, forfeit, lose, resign, retire, retreat, submit, succumb, surrender, yield

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. put-down, squelch, squelcher, takedownverb

    a crushing remark

    squelch circuit, squelcher, squelch, put-down, takedown

  2. set down, put down, place downverb

    cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place

    «set down your bags here»

    destroy, bring down, enter, get down, disgrace, record, degrade, disembark, lay, discharge, debark, repose, set down, drop, land, take down, demean, drop off, place down, unload, write down

  3. lay, put down, reposeverb

    put in a horizontal position

    «lay the books on the table»; «lay the patient carefully onto the bed»

    put, destroy, bring down, enter, get down, recline, disgrace, set, pose, place, degrade, discharge, lay, drop, unload, rest, repose, set down, record, land, take down, reside, position, demean, drop off, recumb, place down, write down

  4. land, put down, bring downverb

    cause to come to the ground

    «the pilot managed to land the airplane safely»

    unload, land, write down, repose, bring down, overthrow, bring, impose, drop off, disgrace, lower, visit, get down, place down, cut, demean, trim back, trim, record, shoot down, cut down, lay, reduce, degrade, let down, subvert, overturn, take down, set down, trim down, down, inflict, set ashore, drop, enter, discharge, cut back, shore, destroy

  5. take down, degrade, disgrace, demean, put downverb

    reduce in worth or character, usually verbally

    «She tends to put down younger women colleagues»; «His critics took him down after the lecture»

    unload, land, write down, repose, bring down, cheapen, dishonour, pull down, raze, drop off, disgrace, lower, discredit, take down, dismantle, get down, place down, demean, shame, record, lay, tear down, degrade, let down, level, set down, attaint, dishonor, drop, enter, discharge, destroy, rase, note

  6. drop, drop off, set down, put down, unload, dischargeverb

    leave or unload

    «unload the cargo»; «drop off the passengers at the hotel»

    fall back, drowse off, eject, strike down, fall behind, empty, unload, exonerate, send away, drop down, deteriorate, cast, enter, offload, miss, drop away, spend, omit, throw away, nod off, exculpate, doze off, dangle, destroy, land, muster out, fire, throw off, get down, expend, overleap, unlade, lay, fall asleep, flatten, exhaust, cut down, dribble, place down, overlook, knock off, devolve, dispatch, leave out, demean, repose, go off, shed, complete, sink, shake off, bring down, pretermit, write down, acquit, free, disgrace, drop off, neglect, recede, fell, cast off, disembark, drift off, degenerate, throw, lose, set down, release, dope off, dismiss, expel, assoil, degrade, drop, flake out, discharge, debark, fall away, record, clear, send packing, drip, swing, slip, take down

  7. destroy, put downverb

    put (an animal) to death

    «The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid»; «the sick cat had to be put down»

    destroy, bring down, enter, ruin, disgrace, record, degrade, discharge, lay, drop, unload, repose, set down, land, take down, demolish, demean, drop off, get down, destruct, place down, write down

  8. write down, set down, get down, put downverb

    put down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc.

    unload, land, swallow, write down, repose, bring down, get off, get, cast down, debark, drop off, disgrace, destroy, lower, demoralise, commence, dismount, get down, place down, demoralize, write off, demean, record, lay, degrade, let down, expense, take down, set down, start, begin, drop, enter, discharge, start out, dispirit, depress, deject, dismay, light, set about, unhorse, set out, disembark

  9. record, enter, put downverb

    make a record of; set down in permanent form

    move into, land, figure, repose, bring down, commemorate, insert, read, introduce, go into, register, show, participate, destroy, drop off, embark, get down, place down, enrol, demean, come in, write down, record, accede, lay, immortalize, degrade, inscribe, memorialise, take down, get in, disgrace, infix, unload, tape, get into, drop, enter, discharge, enroll, recruit, immortalise, go in, set down, memorialize

Matched Categories

    • Arrive
    • Aviation
    • Kill
    • Preserve
    • Put
    • Recording
    • Write

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. put down

    deposit, lay down

  2. put down

    repress, crush, baffle, overthrow, destroy

  3. put down

    degrade, humiliate, abash, shame, disconcert, humble

How to pronounce put down?

How to say put down in sign language?

How to use put down in a sentence?

  1. Hugo Castro:

    A tanker truck pulled up that evening and started spraying water on the road, for a moment it felt like the highway was covered in blood. I turned away and put down more crosses.

  2. Carter Rogers:

    Even in this economic state, we see a lot of people willing to put down $ 500 for a new console, we don’t foresee anything sort of gaming crash due to economic factors because there are a lot of people stuck at home, shifting discretionary spending into gaming.

  3. John Rogers:

    I told the suspect to put down the screwdriver so we could talk, but he refused to comply.

  4. John Hickenlooper:

    I’m probably one of the few, if not the only candidate who’s actually been able to bring people together who were in conflict, they were feuding, and get them to put down their weapons, take the time to hear each other and then actually achieve progressive goals through their willingness to work together and create a compromise.

  5. Josiah Stamp, Attibuted to Sir Josiah Stamp (1849 — 1941) HM Collector of Inland Revenue.:

    The government (is) extremely fond of amassing great quantities of statistics. These are raised to the nth degree, the cube roots are extracted, and the results are arranged into elaborate and impressive displays. What must be kept ever in mind, however, is that in every case, the figures are first put down by a village watchman, and he puts down anything he damn well pleases.


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Are we missing a good synonym for put down?

  • set down
  • write down
  • enter
  • inscribe
  • jot down
  • log
  • record
  • take down
  • transcribe
  • crush
  • quash
  • quell
  • repress
  • stamp out
  • suppress
  • annihilate
  • defeat
  • dismiss
  • extinguish
  • reject
  • silence
  • squash
  • crush
  • run down
  • belittle
  • condemn
  • decry
  • deflate
  • derogate
  • discount
  • dismiss
  • disparage
  • downcry
  • humiliate
  • minimize
  • mortify
  • opprobriate
  • reject
  • shame
  • slight
  • snub
  • write off
  • jibe
  • cut
  • dig
  • disparagement
  • gibe
  • humiliation
  • indignity
  • insult
  • knock
  • pan
  • rebuff
  • sarcasm
  • slight
  • sneer
  • snub

On this page you’ll find 214 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to put down, such as: set down, write down, enter, inscribe, jot down, and log.

antonyms for put down

  • erase
  • let go
  • permit
  • release
  • build up
  • praise
  • boost
  • build up
  • compliment
  • flatter
  • commendation
  • compliment
  • flattery
  • praise
  • respect

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING put down

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use put down in a sentence

The Professor put down his cards without a word, and left the room, going straight upstairs.


Another female person, whom I put down as Madam Stone, arose and disappeared through an open door at my approach.


I put down my haid, and was just kinda dragged up the aisle and onto the platform.


She had put down the things she had brought up from 67 the lakeside, and now turned back to look out of the open door.


He was present also at Wagram, and immediately after that battle was despatched to put down the rising in the Tyrol.


He put down his finger again, and the little fingers clasped round it, and the cry ceased.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • bad-mouthing
  • blame
  • castigation
  • censure
  • curse
  • curses
  • defamation
  • derision
  • hosing
  • insults
  • invective
  • kicking around
  • knifing
  • libel
  • obloquy
  • opprobrium
  • pushing around
  • put down
  • quinine
  • reproach
  • revilement
  • scolding
  • signifying
  • slander
  • swearing
  • tirade
  • upbraiding
  • vilification
  • vituperation
  • backbite
  • bad-mouth
  • bash
  • belittle
  • berate
  • blow off
  • calumniate
  • cap
  • castigate
  • cuss out
  • cut down
  • cut to the quick
  • decry
  • defame
  • derogate
  • discount
  • do a number on
  • dump on
  • give a black eye
  • hurl brickbat
  • insult
  • knock
  • minimize
  • nag
  • offend
  • oppress
  • persecute
  • pick on
  • put down
  • rag on
  • reproach
  • revile
  • ride
  • rip up
  • run down
  • scold
  • signify
  • slam
  • slap
  • sling mud
  • smear
  • sound
  • swear at
  • tear apart
  • trash
  • upbraid
  • vilify
  • vituperate
  • zing
  • abuse
  • backhanded compliment
  • brickbat
  • dirty deed
  • indignity
  • injury
  • left-handed compliment
  • offense
  • outrage
  • provocation
  • put down
  • slap
  • slap in the face
  • slight
  • slur
  • vexation
  • wrong
  • abuse
  • anger
  • annoy
  • confront
  • criticize
  • displease
  • dispraise
  • dump on
  • encounter
  • face
  • give a zinger
  • give the cold shoulder
  • hit where one lives
  • meet
  • offend
  • outrage
  • pique
  • provoke
  • put down
  • slander
  • slight
  • taunt
  • vex
  • abusing
  • angering
  • annoying
  • confronting
  • criticizing
  • displeasing
  • dispraising
  • dumping on
  • encountering
  • facing
  • giving a zinger
  • giving the cold shoulder
  • hitting where one living
  • meeting
  • offending
  • outraging
  • piquing
  • provoking
  • putting down
  • slandering
  • slighting
  • taunting
  • vexing
  • abuse
  • animadversion
  • backbiting
  • backhanded compliment
  • black eye
  • calumny
  • defamation
  • detraction
  • dirty dig
  • hit
  • invective
  • knock
  • libel
  • obloquy
  • put down
  • rap
  • slam
  • slander
  • smear
  • vituperation

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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