Word for pull one over

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I don’t believe they tried to pull one over on me.

Поверить не могу, что они пытались меня одурачить.

Speaking of, the little guy tried to pull one over on me.

Don’t let them pull one over on you.

They know how to manipulate and deceive anyone, so don’t think you can pull one over on them.

Они сами прекрасно знают, как манипулировать и обманывать, так что даже не пытайтесь сделать это с ними.

Don’t try to pull one over on the dealer by lying about the…

Don’t think you can pull one over on me, Doctor.

However, anyone highlighting meta data as one of their key strategies either isn’t up with industry trends or is trying to pull one over on you.

Однако любой, кто выделяет метаданные в качестве одной из своих ключевых стратегий, либо не соответствует тенденциям отрасли, либо пытается навязать вам одну.

You think you two can pull one over on Zoom?

I know what I’ve done, but I won’t apologize for trying to pull one over on your Bex.

Я знаю что натворил, но не буду извиняться за то, что обманул тебя, Бекс.

You think you can pull one over on me?

Worst-case — she discovers I don’t know the location, realizes I’m trying to pull one over on her…

В худшем — она понимает, что я не знаю местоположение бриллианта, понимает, что я пытаюсь обмануть её…

She considered the contents boring, and disagreed with Viz’s selection of series, noting, it’s as if Viz had taken everything from their backed-up reject pile and tried to pull one over on the female populace.

Она находила содержание журнала скучным и не сочла правильным выбор публикуемой манги, сказав: «Это как если бы издательство Viz взяло отбракованную кучу ненужного материала и попыталось бы подать это всему женскому населению.

I got sloppy. I let Carol Anne Keane pull one over on me.

Я прокололся, и Кэрол Энн Кин на мне оторвалась.

You wouldn’t be trying to pull one over on me, now would you, son?

What is your response to Mr. Avery’s comment that Manitowoc County may be trying to pull one over on him?

Что вы думаете о словах г-на Эйвери о том, что, возможно, округ Мэнитуок пытается его подставить?

They just believe that they can pull one over on the rubes, and pay no professional price.

Они просто верят, что им удастся провести простаков и не заплатить за это профессиональную цену.

Distinguishing something that is actually a collectible — anything under a hundred years old — as an antique makes smart buyers feel as if you’re simply wanting to pull one over to them.

Идентификация предмета, который является предметом коллекционирования — которому менее 100 лет — как антиквариат, заставляет опытных покупателей чувствовать, что вы пытаетесь получить их.

This is the last time, Red, you pull one over on me.

Это последний раз, Рыжая, больше ты меня не наебешь.

You think this kid’s trying to pull one over on me again?

Ты думаешь этот парень кинет меня снова?

Y’all got to get up a little earlier in the day to pull one over on Gail Klosterman.

Чтобы провести Гейл Клостерман, вам придётся проснуться малость пораньше.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

pull one over on (one)

To fool or deceive one; to make one the victim of a prank or hoax. I’m not as naïve as I once was, so you won’t be pulling one over on me again! The conman spotted Jane from a mile away, and quickly figured out how he would pull one over on her.

See also: on, one, over, pull

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

pull one over on someone

to deceive someone. Don’t try to trick me! You can’t pull one over on me.

See also: on, one, over, pull

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • get one over on (one)
  • get/put one over on somebody/something
  • drive (one) out of office
  • force (one) out of office
  • force out of office
  • give (one) (one’s) head
  • cooking for one
  • (something) pays for itself
  • as one door closes, another (one) opens
  • as one door closes, another opens

  • #1

a Western film
Bryant and Will are becoming enemy brothers. Marshal has just talked his way away from Bryant, who set an ambush for him.
«Will is right. Bryant pulled one on you, marshal. Will’s in the clear. While you where there, he promised to post a reward for Bryant’s capture«

I can’t seem to get it (the brown part).

Tenkyu :p

    • #2

    Generally, to «pull one on someone» (perhaps more well-known as «to pull a fast one on») means to trick or to deceive him/her. I tend to think of it as a clever trick.

    I’m not sure about the translation, as it’s an idiom.


    • #3

    It’s related to «pull one over on someone» (meaning, as already stated, to trick someone, fool them, etc.)

    • #4

    jouer un (sale) tour à qq



    pull one over (on) (third-person singular simple present pulls one over, present participle pulling one over, simple past and past participle pulled one over)

    1. Alternative form of put one over
      • 2021 July 26, Lauren Sarner, quoting Kevin Smith, “Kevin Smith on ‘Masters of the Universe’ and fan backlash”, in New York Post[1]:

        Most audiences are too savvy to pull one over on. I assumed most people would be so far ahead of us.

    • VerbSGpulls one overPRpulling one overPT, PPpulled one over
      1. Alternative form of put one over.
      • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
        1. Phrases
          • Phrasal verbs
            • Phrasal verbs with particle (over)
          • Verbs
            • Phrasal verbs
              • Phrasal verbs with particle (over)

          Source: Wiktionary

          Meaning of pull one over for the defined word.

          Grammatically, this idiom «pull one over» is a phrase, more specifically, a phrasal verb. It’s also a verb, more specifically, a phrasal verb.

          Definiteness: Level 1

          Definite    ➨     Versatile

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