Word for providing help

The Programme focused on the cooperation and coordination of all stakeholders to prevent trafficking,

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Основное внимание в Программе уделяется сотрудничеству и координации действий всех партнеров в борьбе с торговлей людьми и

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The villagers greeted us warmly and the district and

village chiefs also came to thank Master for providing help at this critical time.

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Жители деревни встретили нас радушно и районные и

сельские старосты также пришли поблагодарить Мастера за помощь в этот критический момент.

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At the end of 2007 the presiding ministries

drew up the first public call


applications for providing help to victims of trafficking in human beings


a two-year period 2008-


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В конце 2007 года профильные министерства

провели первый открытый конкурс, предложив представлять заявки на оказание помощи жертвам торговли людьми в 2008- 2009 годах.

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The ICPs were responsible



ways of transferring dynamic modelling expertise and for providing help in general

in order to get all countries on board in producing dynamic modelling outputs with maximum regional coverage.

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МСП отвечают за выявление путей передачи

опыта в области разработки динамических моделей и оказания помощи в целом, с тем

чтобы все страны могли получать результаты динамических моделей с максимальным региональным охватом.

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Archbishop Martino(Observer


the Holy See) expressed the Holy See’s dissatisfaction with remarks made the previous day about the Catholic Church and

pointed out that the Church was one of the greatest sources for providing help and care to children worldwide.

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Г-н МАРТИНО( Святейший Престол) заявляет о несогласии Святейшего Престола с замечаниями, сделанными накануне в отношении Католической церкви, и говорит,

что она является одной из основных организаций, оказывающих помощь детям и заботящихся о них в масштабе всей планеты.

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We specially look


such children and medical centers for providing addressed help watched by our members by their own.

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Мы специально ищем таких детей и медицинские центры для оказания адресной помощи, чтобы наши участники могли своими глазами видеть результаты

своего участия в нашей благотворительной программе.

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They were used more


project formulation than for providing the technical help needed to implement a project.

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Они в большей мере привлекаются


разработке проектов, нежели к предоставлению технической помощи, необходимой для их исполнения.

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The family support centres are responsible for

financial, mental, family or other crises beside prevention of such crisis situations.

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Центры поддержки семьи отвечают, в частности, за оказание помощи семьям и отдельным лицам,

находящимся в социальном, финансовом, психическом, семейном или каком-либо другом кризисе, а также


предупреждение таких кризисных ситуаций.

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But they need special treatment,

adapted information and the appointment of a guardian to be responsible for providing help and assistance.

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Однако они нуждаются в особом отношении,

адаптированной информации и опекуне, которого следует приставить к такому ребенку, чтобы он отвечал за обеспечение помощи и поддержки.

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All expenses for providing legal help(consultations) are at the Insured person’s cost.

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Dedicated personnel pursue the ideals of the Charter of the United Nations in providing help


a people under occupation.

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Преданные своему делу сотрудники отстаивают идеалы Устава Организации Объединенных Наций, предоставляя помощь оккупированному народу.

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This programme is a methodology for providing psychological help in the field of socialization

and psychological correction to young children with developmental disorders and autism spectrum disorders and their parents in a group setting.

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Данная программа представляет собой методику оказания психологической помощи в области социализации

и психокоррекции детям раннего возраста с нарушениями развития, расстройствами аутистического спектра и их родителям в рамках групповой работы.

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The FOREM/VDAB/ORBEM The FOREM/VDAB/ORBEM are regional agencies responsible,

among other things, for providing vocational training to


job seekers find employment.

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ФОРЕМ/ ВДАБ/ ОРБЕМ ФОРЕМ/ ВДАБ/ ОРБЕМ─ региональные органы власти, на

которые возложена, в частности, задача обеспечения профессиональной подготовки лиц, ищущих работу, в целях их( повторного) трудоустройства.

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The International Labour

Organization should develop a coordinated system for providing technical assistance to


countries to


high-quality labour statistics(supported by the recommendations in paras.

46 and 56);

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Международной организации труда следует разработать скоординированную систему предоставления технической помощи для оказания странам содействия в подготовке высококачественных данных статистики труда( по смыслу рекомендаций в пунктах

46 и 56);

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Эластичный материал может помочь в поддержании температуры тела,

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Мы будем всегда предлагать помощь для Вас, чтобы сделать удивительный внешний вид тела.

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The Soros Foundation provided help


repairs in the General Hospital.

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We negotiated a substantial payment for your help in providing security


our visit.

Johnson Matthey is grateful to the following people and organisations for their help in providing illustrations


Platinum 2013 Interim Review.

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Джонсон Матти благодарит следующих лиц и организации за помощь в предоставлении иллюстраций для обзора« Платина 2013.

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The United Nations could prepare a model mission plan



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Организация Объединенных Наций могла бы подготовить в качестве руководства типовой план миссии и

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Even such modest endeavours as providing training for maids could help to stop the exploitation of rural girls.

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Даже такие ограниченные по своим масштабам меры, как обеспечение профессиональной подготовки для домработниц, могут способствовать прекращению эксплуатации сельских девушек.

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Ms. Paterson(United Kingdom):

I would again like to thank the Chairman for his help in providing us with the time to hold brief discussions.

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Гжа Патерсон( Соединенное Королевство)( говорит по-английски):

Я хотела бы вновь поблагодарить Председателя за его помощь, которая выразилась в том, что он предоставил нам время для проведения коротких консультаций.

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The Institute responds to the

growing number of requests from member States for help in providing training and curricula on issues related to trade,

investment and development.

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Институт был создан в ответ на

растущее число запросов, поступающих от государств- членов, об оказании помощи в организации подготовки кадров и разработке учебных программ по вопросам,

касающимся торговли, инвестиций и развития.

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A traitorous general would then claim to have seized power and

call to the West for help, thus providing a pretext


military intervention outside the UN mandate.

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Затем какой-нибудь предатель из генералов объявит о захвате власти и

позовет западные державы на помощь, предоставив таким образом повод для военного вторжения вне мандата ООН.

Other words for Help or assist! Daily use important words for help or assist is aid and some other important words and their sentences are described briefly. For example; Attend, Avail, Avert, Avoid, Back, Back up, Balm, Be advantageous, Be of assistance, Be supportive, Become, and Befriend are used as other words for help or assist.

Synonyms of Help

  • boost
  • cooperate
  • benefit
  • sustain
  • aid
  • facilitate
  • expedite
  • take care of
  • back
  • assistance
  • comfort
  • reinforcement
  • hand
  • collaboration
  • back
  • service
  • reinforce
  • support
  • ameliorate

Other Words For Help (A to Z)

With A

  • Abet
  • Accommodate
  • Address
  • Advance
  • Advantage
  • Advocate
  • Afford
  • Aid
  • Aid
  • Allay
  • Alleviate
  • Allow
  • Ameliorate
  • Amend
  • Argue
  • Assist
  • Assist
  • Assuage
  • Attend
  • Avail
  • Avert
  • Avoid

With B

  • Back
  • Back up
  • Balm
  • Be advantageous
  • Be of assistance
  • Be supportive
  • Become
  • Befriend
  • Benefit
  • Benefit
  • Better
  • Better
  • Bolster
  • Boost
  • Boost
  • Bring

With C

  • Care
  • Care for
  • Carry
  • Cheer
  • Comfort
  • Comfort
  • Conduce
  • Console
  • Contribute
  • Contribute to
  • Control
  • Convenience
  • Cooperate
  • Countenance
  • Cultivate
  • Cure

With D, E, F & G

  • Delivery
  • Dish out
  • Do a favor
  • Do a service
  • Ease
  • Endorse
  • Endorsing
  • Enhance
  • Escape
  • Eschew
  • Expedite
  • Facilitate
  • Fault
  • Finance
  • Fortify
  • Forward
  • Foster
  • Fund
  • Furnish
  • Further
  • Furthers
  • Gain
  • Give
  • Give (lend) a hand
  • Give a hand
  • Go to bat for
  • Goad
  • Grant
  • Gratify
  • Guide

With H, I, L, M

  • Hand
  • Have
  • Heal
  • Help out
  • Hint
  • Hold
  • Impede
  • Improve
  • Improve
  • Incite
  • Inform
  • Inhibit
  • Inspirit
  • Instigate
  • Keep
  • Lead
  • Lend
  • Lend a hand
  • Lend a helping hand
  • Lift
  • Lighten
  • Look after
  • Maintain
  • Make
  • Make easier
  • Make easy
  • Makeover
  • Manage
  • Meliorate
  • Minister
  • Mitigate
  • Move
  • Need
  • Nourish
  • Nurture
  • Oblige
  • Obviating
  • Offer
  • Operate
  • Palliate
  • Participate
  • Partner
  • Patronize
  • Perform
  • Permit
  • Pitch
  • Pitch in
  • Place
  • Play
  • Please
  • Pour
  • Preclude
  • Prevent
  • Prod
  • Profit
  • Promote
  • Prompt
  • Prop
  • Prop up
  • Provide
  • Provoke
  • Push
  • Raise
  • Reach
  • Refrain from
  • Relieve
  • Remedy
  • Rescue
  • Rescuing
  • Restore
  • Revive
  • Right

With S, T, U

  • Salvage
  • Save
  • Serve
  • Service
  • Set up
  • Shake
  • Shall
  • Simplify
  • Smooth
  • Solace
  • Soothe
  • Spare
  • Speed
  • Sponsor
  • Stand by
  • Start
  • Stick up for
  • Stimulate
  • Stop
  • Strengthen
  • Subsidize
  • Succor
  • Supply
  • Support
  • Sustain
  • Take
  • Tend
  • Treat
  • Underpin
  • Upgrade
  • Uphold
  • Urge
  • Use
  • Wait
  • Work

Another word for helping others

1- Assisting

2- Supporting

3- Facilitating

4- Aiding

5- Counseling

6- Mentoring

7- Donating

8- Volunteering

9- Collaborating

10- Advocating

Another word for assist on resume

1- Support

2- Facilitate

3- Aid

4- Counsel

5- Mentor

6- Donate

7- Volunteer

8- Collaborate

9- Advocate

10- Guide

11- Champion

12- Coordinate

13- Inspire

14- Motivate

15- Facilitator

16- Mediate

17- Advocate for

18- Facilitate Solutions

19- Foster Connections

20- Provide Expertise

Another word for Help or assist with Examples

  • Assist

She had the sudden urge to assist him.

  • Improve

He wants to improve his English.

  • Benefit

This Project has a lot of benefit for me.

  • Give (lend) a hand

Please gave me a helping hand because I need you.

  • Guide

He always guide her sister about blogging.

  • Aid

Pakistan is not accepting any aid from America.

  • Put yourself out (for someone)

Ethan is always willing to put himself out for other people

  • Comfort

One day comforts of this world will bore you.

  • Boost

This application has just boosted my moral to hundred.

  • Better

Do have a better idea.

  • Abet

She abetted the thief in his getaway.

  • Accommodate

I have no money to accommodate you.

  • Address

He is addressing me like my elder brother.

  • Advance

He advance for my help.

  • Advantage

He is just taking advantage of my softness.

  • Advocate

Be an advocate of her privacy, not her identification.

Examples of Another word for Help or assist

  • Afford

He cannot afford more money.

  • Aid

Pakistan is not accepting more aid from America.

  • Allay

The police tried to allay her fears but failed.

  • Alleviate

Take an aspirin to alleviate your headache.

  • Allow

He allow me to help her.

  • Ameliorate

He wanted to ameliorate the present suffering

  • Amend

The country’s constitution was amended to allow women to vote.

  • Argue

We didn’t bother to argue with Quinn.

  • Assist

She had the sudden urge to assist him.

  • Assuage

I did what little I could to assuage my guilt.

  • Attend

I.ve got some business to attend to with the other Immortals.

  • Avail

They were fortunately able to avail themselves of it.

  • Avert

She didn’t avert her gaze this time.

  • Avoid

She took a detour to avoid the heavy traffic.

  • Back

He always backed me in English.

  • Back up

We have an extra radio as a backup in case this one doesn’t work.

  • Balm

She shows that laughter is a balm for difficult times.

  • Be advantageous

Wealth and society encourage civilization, which is advantageous to everyone.

  • Be of assistance

Let your family and friends know how they can be of assistance.

  • Be supportive

Alex had always been supportive of her ideas.

  • Become

They also become more interested in the food they eat.

  • Befriend

Here is my second son; please love and befriend him.

  • Benefit

We’re lucky to be able to get the full benefit of her knowledge.

  • Better

I feel much better now.

What is a stronger word for helping?

Support, giving, back etc are the stronger words for helping.


Another word for Help or assist

Another word for Help or assist

Another word for Help or assist

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About The Author

What is another word for Help?

  • employee, domestic worker

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Synonyms for help

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Similar words of help

  • APA
  • MLA
  • CMS

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  • advice
  • aid
  • benefit
  • comfort
  • cooperation
  • guidance
  • hand
  • service
  • support
  • use
  • assist
  • avail
  • balm
  • corrective
  • cure
  • lift
  • maintenance
  • nourishment
  • remedy
  • succor
  • sustenance
  • utility
  • helping hand
  • hand
  • worker
  • abettor
  • adjutant
  • aide
  • ally
  • assistant
  • attendant
  • auxiliary
  • collaborator
  • colleague
  • deputy
  • domestic
  • helper
  • helpmate
  • mate
  • partner
  • representative
  • servant
  • subsidiary
  • supporter
  • ancilla
  • right-hand person
  • back
  • benefit
  • bolster
  • boost
  • cooperate
  • encourage
  • further
  • maintain
  • promote
  • push
  • save
  • serve
  • stimulate
  • support
  • abet
  • accommodate
  • advocate
  • ballyhoo
  • befriend
  • cheer
  • endorse
  • hype
  • intercede
  • patronize
  • plug
  • prop
  • puff
  • relieve
  • sanction
  • second
  • succor
  • sustain
  • uphold
  • be of use
  • buck up
  • do a favor
  • do a service
  • do one’s part
  • go to bat for
  • go with
  • lend a hand
  • open doors
  • root for
  • see through
  • stand by
  • stick up for
  • stump for
  • take under one’s wing
  • work for
  • alleviate
  • ease
  • facilitate
  • restore
  • revive
  • treat
  • ameliorate
  • amend
  • attend
  • better
  • cure
  • doctor
  • heal
  • meliorate
  • mitigate
  • nourish
  • palliate
  • relieve
  • remedy

On this page you’ll find 334 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to help, such as: advice, aid, benefit, comfort, cooperation, and guidance.


What is another word for help?

A close synonym of the verb sense of help is assist. Assist can mean the same thing as help, but it can imply that the assistance is only part of the help being offered. The informal term lend a hand (in which a hand means assistance) often means the same thing.

Some close synonyms for help can be used as a noun or as a verb: aid and support.

Each can have different shades of meaning. Aid is more formal, and it’s often used in the context of serious situations. Support can be used in different ways. It often emphasizes the fact that the person being helped is not alone.

Other synonyms for help are more specific. Guide means to help someone with a task or activity as they do it by providing guidance along the way—which is a bit more hands-on than advising (giving advice).

Relief is often used in the context of helping those who are desperately in need, as in Multiple agencies are working to provide relief to those affected by the hurricane.

Many of the noun synonyms of help can be used with the word provide to create synonyms of the verb sense: provide assistance, provide aid, provide support (and of course provide help).

Sometimes, help means the same thing as facilitate, further, promote, or foster, as This legislation will help economic growth.

What is a fancier word for help?

What are some synonyms for other forms of help?

  • antagonist
  • boss
  • enemy
  • manager
  • opponent
  • blockage
  • check
  • counteraction
  • harm
  • hindrance
  • hurt
  • injury
  • management
  • obstruction
  • ownership
  • stop
  • block
  • condemn
  • delay
  • depress
  • discourage
  • dissuade
  • halt
  • handicap
  • harm
  • hinder
  • hurt
  • impede
  • neglect
  • obstruct
  • prevent
  • refuse
  • stop
  • undermine
  • conceal
  • disapprove
  • frustrate
  • hide
  • ignore
  • oppose
  • protest
  • check
  • counteract
  • decrease
  • injure
  • worsen
  • destroy
  • hurt
  • increase
  • accuse
  • blame
  • condemn
  • depress
  • harm
  • injure
  • neglect
  • worsen
  • block
  • check
  • counteract
  • decrease
  • hinder
  • obstruct
  • stop

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use help in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • accent
  • addition
  • adjunct
  • adornment
  • appendage
  • appendix
  • appliance
  • appurtenance
  • attachment
  • component
  • decoration
  • extension
  • extra
  • frill
  • help
  • supplement
  • trim
  • trimming
  • afford
  • aid
  • arrange
  • assist
  • avail
  • benefit
  • bow
  • comfort
  • convenience
  • defer
  • favor
  • furnish
  • gratify
  • help
  • humor
  • indulge
  • oblige
  • pamper
  • please
  • provide
  • serve
  • settle
  • submit
  • suit
  • supply
  • support
  • sustain
  • yield
  • accords
  • accustoms
  • adapts
  • adjusts
  • agrees
  • attunes
  • bends over backwards
  • complies
  • composes
  • conforms
  • coordinates
  • corresponds
  • don’t makes waves
  • don’t rocks the boat
  • fits
  • goes by the book
  • goes with the flow
  • harmonizes
  • integrates
  • makes consistent
  • modifies
  • plays the game
  • proportions
  • reconciles
  • settles
  • shapes up
  • suits
  • tailor-makes
  • tailors
  • tunes
  • aid
  • ascendancy
  • asset
  • assistance
  • authority
  • avail
  • blessing
  • boon
  • break
  • choice
  • comfort
  • convenience
  • dominance
  • edge
  • eminence
  • expediency
  • favor
  • gain
  • good
  • gratification
  • help
  • hold
  • improvement
  • influence
  • interest
  • lead
  • leeway
  • leg up
  • leverage
  • luck
  • mastery
  • odds
  • position
  • power
  • pre-eminence
  • precedence
  • preference
  • prestige
  • prevalence
  • profit
  • protection
  • recognition
  • resources
  • return
  • sanction
  • starting
  • superiority
  • support
  • supremacy
  • upper hand
  • utility
  • wealth
  • aids
  • ascendancy
  • assets
  • assistance
  • authorities
  • avail
  • blessings
  • boons
  • breaks
  • choices
  • comforts
  • conveniences
  • dominance
  • edges
  • eminences
  • expediencies
  • favors
  • gains
  • goods
  • gratifications
  • helps
  • holds
  • improvements
  • influences
  • interests
  • leads
  • leeway
  • leg-ups
  • leverage
  • luck
  • mastery
  • odds
  • positions
  • powers
  • pre-eminence
  • precedence
  • preferences
  • prestige
  • prevalence
  • profits
  • protections
  • recognitions
  • resources
  • returns
  • sanctions
  • startings
  • superiorities
  • supports
  • supremacy
  • upper hands
  • utilities
  • wealth
  • admonition
  • advisement
  • advocacy
  • aid
  • bum steer
  • caution
  • charge
  • consultation
  • counsel
  • directions
  • dissuasion
  • encouragement
  • exhortation
  • forewarning
  • guidance
  • help
  • information
  • injunction
  • input
  • instruction
  • judgment
  • lesson
  • news
  • opinion
  • persuasion
  • prescription
  • proposal
  • proposition
  • recommendation
  • steer
  • suggestion
  • teaching
  • telltale
  • tidings
  • tip
  • tip-off
  • two cents’ worth
  • view
  • warning
  • word
  • word to the wise

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • Word for prove to be false
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