Word for planning to do something

Часто мы что-то планируем – поездку, вечеринку, бизнес-встречу, урок, но нередко наши планы срываются – рейс отменили, погода испортилась, бизнес-партнер перенес встречу, учитель заболел. Предлагаем научиться говорить о планировании и решении проблем на английском.

To plan и a plan

Самое первое слово, которое приходит на ум при упоминании темы планирования, это глагол to plan – планировать. Его можно употреблять по-разному. Например:

to plan smth I have already planned our trip. – Я уже распланировал нашу поездку.
to do smth I planned to go on holiday in a month. – Я планировал уйти в отпуск через месяц.
вопросительное слово (what, how, when) I need to plan how to spend my salary rationally. – Мне нужно распланировать, как потратить свою зарплату разумно.
предлог I have only planned for 5 people. – Я рассчитывал только на 5 человек.

Фразовые глаголы и устойчивые выражения с to plan:

  • to plan on doing smth – намереваться сделать что-то, строить планы;
  • to plan on smb doing smth – рассчитывать, что кто-то что-то сделает;
  • to plan smth out – распланировать в деталях;
  • to go ahead as planned, to happen as planned – идти по плану;
  • earlier/longer/less than planned – раньше/дольше/меньше, чем планировалось;
  • to plan ahead – планировать заранее;
  • to plan for smth – готовиться к чему-то, принимать что-то в расчет.

В английском языке слово plan может быть не только глаголом, но и существительным – а plan (план, проект). Примеры словосочетаний:

  • a plan to do smth – план что-то сделать;
  • a plan for smth – план на что-то;
  • under a plan – в соответствии с планом, проектом;
  • a change of plan – изменения в планах;
  • to have a plan – иметь план;
  • to come up with a plan – придумать план;
  • to draw up a plan – составить план;
  • to keep to a plan, to stick to a plan, to follow a plan – придерживаться плана, следовать плану;
  • to go ahead with a plan, to press ahead with a plan, to proceed with a plan – приступить к осуществлению проекта/плана;
  • to go according to plan – пойти по плану;
  • to make a plan – что-нибудь придумать (используется в случаях, когда есть проблема и нужно придумать, как ее решить);
  • (It) sounds like a plan to me! – Отличная идея! (используется, когда мы соглашаемся с чьим-то предложением)

Further construction works are planned for this year under a plan to prepare the region for the next Olympic Games. – Дальнейшие строительные работы планируются в этом году в соответствии с проектом подготовки региона к следующим Олимпийским играм.

The company has pressed ahead with the plan to lay off some members of the staff. – Компания приступила к осуществлению плана по сокращению некоторых сотрудников.

If they haven’t contacted me by tomorrow, I’ll make a plan! – Если до завтра они со мной не свяжутся, я что-нибудь придумаю!

Организация и планирование событий

Другой часто употребляемый глагол – to arrange (планировать, устраивать, договариваться).

to arrange smth I have already arranged a meeting with this client. – Я уже запланировал встречу с этим клиентом.
to do smth We arranged to have lunch together on Saturday. – Мы договорились пообедать вместе в субботу.
вопросительное слово (what, how, when) We haven’t arranged where we meet yet. – Мы еще не договорились, где встретимся.
that I’ve arranged that you can borrow her home keys. – Я договорился, что ты возьмешь ее ключи.
for smth Emma arranged for the publication of her article. – Эмма договорилась о публикации ее статьи.
for smb to do smth She’s arranged for her children to go to a swimming pool. – Она записала своих детей в бассейн.
with smb about smth We’ve arranged with the neighbors about watering our plants while we’re away. – Мы договорились с соседями насчет полива наших растений, пока нас не будет дома.

От глагола arrange образуется существительное an arrangement – приготовления; договоренность, соглашение. Распространенные словосочетания:

  • to make arrangements for smth – делать приготовления к чему-либо (мероприятию, событию);
  • to come to an arrangement – прийти к соглашению;
  • by prior arrangement with smb – по предварительной договоренности с кем-либо.

Наиболее близкие синонимы глагола to arrange – фразовые глаголы to set up и to line up, которые переводятся как «планировать», «организовывать».

We need to set up a meeting with our partner from Italy. – Нам нужно организовать встречу с нашим партнером из Италии.

Shakira is lining up a two-week UK tour for the New Year. – Шакира планирует двухнедельные гастроли по Великобритании на Новый год.

Глагол to map out означает «планировать что-то очень детально».

My parents mapped out all my educational path for the next 7 years. – Мои родители распланировали все мое обучение на 7 лет вперед.

В деловой беседе уместнее будет употребить следующие глаголы: to schedule – назначать, намечать, планировать и to reschedule – перенести, назначить на другое число. Они используются, когда речь идет об официальном мероприятии, встрече или событии, запланированном на конкретное время.

The HR manager has a meeting with an applicant scheduled for 11 a.m. – У менеджера по персоналу назначена встреча с кандидатом в 11 утра.

We are sorry, but we had to reschedule Tuesday’s meeting for Wednesday. – Нам жаль, но нам пришлось перенести встречу со вторника на среду.

Говоря о намеченных событиях, точное время или дата которых еще не известны, можно использовать следующие слова:

  • provisional – предварительный, условный;
  • to pencil in – намечать, предварительно планировать;
  • not set in stone – не окончательный, не подтвержденный;
  • to firm up (an agreement / an order / a price) – утвердить (соглашение / заказ / цену);
  • to confirm – подтвердить.

А если все пошло не по плану?

При планировании важных событий вам может понадобиться следующая лексика:

  • to anticipate – ожидать, предвидеть;
  • to allow for smth – учитывать что-либо в планировании;
  • to reckon on smth, to count on smth – рассчитывать на что-либо;
  • to prepare for smth – готовиться, быть готовым к чему-либо;
  • (unforeseen) contingency – (непредвиденное) обстоятельство, случайность.

If you are planning to go to Cornwall, you should allow for living expenses of £20 a day. – Если ты планируешь поехать в Корнуолл, тебе нужно учесть расходы на проживание в 20 фунтов в день.

We’ve tried to anticipate the most likely problems, but anyway it’s impossible to prepare for all the contingencies. – Мы постарались предвидеть наиболее вероятные проблемы, но так или иначе невозможно быть готовым ко всем непредвиденным обстоятельствам.

На случай непредвиденных обстоятельств хорошо бы иметь запасной план:

  • a contingency plan – план на случай непредвиденных обстоятельств;
  • a fallback plan, a plan B – запасной план;
  • a half-baked plan – опрометчивый, непродуманный план;
  • a well-thought-out plan – хорошо продуманный план.

To be sure that the concert goes right, we should make a contingency plan. – Чтобы быть уверенными, что концерт пройдет хорошо, нам нужно составить план на случай непредвиденных обстоятельств.

Чтобы сказать, сработал или не сработал ваш план, можно использовать следующие глаголы:

  • to fail – провалиться;
  • to fall through – проваливаться, потерпеть неудачу;
  • to come to nothing – ни к чему не привести;
  • to come off – удаваться;
  • to succeed – удаваться, заканчиваться успешно.

So much effort, so many worries, and everything has come to nothing! – Так много сил, так много переживаний, и все кончилось ничем!

I had wanted it to be a surprise for you, but my plan didn’t come off. – Я хотел, чтобы это был сюрприз для тебя, но мой план не удался.

Существует ряд хороших фразеологизмов на эту тему:

  1. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. – Цыплят по осени считают. / Не радуйся раньше времени.

    She had already started planning her next trip to New York, but I told her not to count her chickens before they hatched. – Она уже начала планировать свою следующую поездку в Нью-Йорк, но я сказал ей не радоваться раньше времени.

  2. Don’t hold your breath. – Жди, когда рак на горе свистнет. / Не надейся.

    – They promised to give me the contract by the end of the month.
    – Yeah, don’t hold your breath!
    – Они обещали дать мне контракт к концу месяца.
    – Ага, и не надейся!

  3. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. – Давай решать проблемы по мере их поступления.

    – And what if we don’t have enough teachers in September to start the new school year?
    – Well, I think we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
    – А что, если у нас будет недостаточно учителей в сентябре, чтобы начать новый учебный год?
    – Ну, я думаю, что надо решать проблемы по мере их поступления.

Теперь вы знаете, как планировать события и назначать встречи на английском языке. Чтобы лучше запомнить новую лексику, пройдите небольшой тест.

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О планировании на английском

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planner to do list templateplanner to do list templateplanner to do list template
There are plenty of creative options for a Microsoft to do list template for Word. This premium template is available on Envato Elements.

A to do list template doc file can be an awesome way to organize your tasks. Microsoft Word gives you the flexibility to digitally add in content or print your template and write things in by hand. If you’re looking for a to do list template Word free download, it could be a great fit for personal or family projects.

In this article, check out a list of free Word to do list templates, some design inspiration, tips, and more. 

Why Use a Premium To Do List Template Word Doc?

So, why consider a premium to-do or task list template Word template?

Free templates tend to be more simplistic, with less options. Plus, they may have limited use. If you’re looking for a Word to do list for your business, keep an eye on any applicable usage terms. Just because a download is free doesn’t mean it’s free of copyright or licensing terms.

A premium Word to do list template comes with these perks:

  • You can use the content commercially. This is perfect is you plan to use this content for business or professional purposes.
  • You get more options. This can include things like extra file types, graphics, and more page designs.
  • You often get more robust designs. Premium means professional quality.

Free is everyone’s favorite price tag, so a to do list free template for Word has its appeal. But there’s an option for price savvy users too.

Check out this awesome to do list template Word Doc. It comes with so many different page designs that you can mix, match, and print. It’s a lot more than what you’d get with a basic to do list in a free template.

word template to do listword template to do listword template to do list

Download this premium to do list template Word doc on Envato Elements.

Premium Word Doc To Do List Templates for 2022 (Unlimited Use)

If you’d like to use premium designs at a bargain price tag, then check out Envato Elements. One price gets you unlimited access to an entire library of Microsoft Word document templates. It’s an awesome deal.

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Find your next Microsoft to do list template for Word on Envato Elements.

Choose from thousands of professionally designed files and download as many as you’d like. With unlimited downloads, you can help yourself without the price tag adding up. Even better, Envato Elements also includes:

  • stock photos
  • illustrations
  • fonts
  • and more

So, you can download all kinds of professionally designed assets and incorporate them into your to do list too.

You can find plenty of other Microsoft Word templates to look at, like this Microsoft Word resume set. Download resumes, invoices, newsletters, and more, all ready to edit with Microsoft Word. Better yet, many of these templates include multiple file types for your convenience.

microsoft word resume setmicrosoft word resume setmicrosoft word resume set

This premium Microsoft Word template is available for download on Envato Elements.

But if you’re not looking for access to an entire library of content, you can also check out GraphicRiver. It’s the perfect choice for a la carte downloads. Find the perfect to do list template doc file, pay once, download it, and you’re done. 

If you’re just looking for one or two files, it’s a simple and easy choice. Check out GraphicRiver today. 

5 Premium Templates to Download Now

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the awesome content you can download on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver right now: 

1. Daily Planner Word To Do List Template

Daily Planner TemplateDaily Planner TemplateDaily Planner Template

Check out this stylish design from Envato Elements. It comes with a whole collection of pages you can customize. This is perfect for to-do lists, planners, and more.

2. To Do List Template Word

Do To List Template WordDo To List Template WordDo To List Template Word

Here’s a clean and elegantly designed to do list template for Microsoft Word. Customize it to suit your project or daily tasks. You can download this one on GraphicRiver.

3. Diet and Lifestyle Planner Task List Template Word

Diet PlannerDiet PlannerDiet Planner

This is another set of stylish layouts you can download on Envato Elements. Choose from so many different to do list and task templates. Edit them all in Microsoft Word.

4. Premium Word To Do List Planner

To Do List PlannerTo Do List PlannerTo Do List Planner

There’s other file types on Envato Elements too, like this stylish to do list. Add this JPG file to Microsoft Word to easily print it out and start using it today.

5. Clean To Do List Template Word

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This elegant Microsoft Word to do list template is an excellent choice for many projects. Download it now, on demand, on GraphicRiver. Use it as is or customize it to meet your needs.

20 Top Free MS Word Doc To Do List Template Examples to Download (2022)

Before we dig into free downloads, did you know that you can download free files on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver too?

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Each month Envato Elements offers a different selection of free files for you to try. You can also find free files each month on GraphicRiver.

The free offerings change regularly too, so it’s a great idea to check back often.

  • You can get 12 free files on Envato Elements, every month! All you’ve got to do is create a free account to take advantage of these freebies. The free downloads include things like graphics, fonts, and more.
  • There’s also free finds over on Envato Market and Graphic River. Create a free account and take advantage of the monthly free downloads today.

Now, let’s check out some awesome free downloads you can take advantage of today:

1. To Do List Template Word Free Download

to do list templateto do list templateto do list template

This free to do list template is plenty versatile. Open it in Microsoft Word and add your content. Or print it out as is and you can write in your tasks.

2. Free Weekly Task To Do List Free Template for Word

Prefer to organize your content by week? Check out this free, weekly task list template Word doc. 

3. Project Log To Do List Word

To do lists are also a great fit for project logs. Keep track of your project and all its requirements with a to do list like this free template.

4. Free Versatile Word To Do List Template

basic to do list templatebasic to do list templatebasic to do list template

Check out this to do list free template for Word. It’s well organized and could be customized to meet a wide variety of project goals. 

5. Free Microsoft Word Task List with Progress Bar

How about trying a visual addition to your to do list, like a task bar? This fun, free to do list Word template has just that. Download it free and give it a try.

6. Free Basic To Do List Template Doc

If you’re looking for something simple and clean, this free Word template might be just what you’re looking for. 

7. Free To Do List Tasks for Teaching and Education

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This to do list template was designed with teaching in mind. Customize it to meet any goal or industry. Download it free and customize it in Microsoft Word.

8. Free Project Tracker To Do List for Word

The project tracker focus on this free template could work for a wide variety of projects. Whether you’re organizing personal matters or professional ones, a to do list can help.

9. Daily Planner To Do List Template Word

Here’s another to do list free template for Word you can download today. Remember, you can take these free templates and push them further.

10. Free Word To Do List

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This to do list template Word free download is simple but has potential. Add your content or spruce it up further with custom images and colors.

11. Free Packing List for Microsoft Word

To do list templates are a great fit for packing lists too. Try this template before your next trip or adapt it into a different kind of to do list.

12. Daily Schedule Free To Do List for Word

Organize your daily schedule with this Word to do list template. It’s simple, clean, and easy to customize in Microsoft Word.

13. Free To Do List Word Task Schedule

task list wordtask list wordtask list word

This task list template Word doc is great for managing tasks that span across multiple days. Get organized with this free template.

14. Free To Do List for Group Projects

Working on a group project or something else with many people? Then give this Microsoft to do list template for Word a look.

15. Blue To Do List Template Doc Free

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Here’s a blue to do list template doc that you can download for free, today. Use it as is or try mixing it up with custom colors and your own background image.

16. Custom Free Microsoft Word To Do List

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Here’s a more detailed to do list template Word doc with lots of extras. Fill in your to do list, add to the progress bar, and check out your weekly progress too.

17. Simple To Do List Template Free Word Doc

If you’re looking for something really simple, this to do list template Word free download is perfect. It’s bare bones, but you can build upon it.

18. Detailed Word To Do List Schedule Free

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You can really get detailed with your tasks in this free Microsoft Word template. Color code your tasks, take a look at a larger overview, and more. 

19. Free Exercise Planner To do List for Microsoft Word

This task list was designed with exercise in mind. But you can mix and remix it in any way you prefer, for any tasks or to-do lists.

20. Multi List Free Word To Do List Template

simple word to do list templatesimple word to do list templatesimple word to do list template

Working with many to do lists in one day? Try color coding your tasks, like we see in this free Microsoft Word to do list template. Download it and try customizing it today.

5 Quick Tips To Make Better To Do Lists in Word for 2022

Trying to figure out the best to do list for your needs? Take a look at these quick tips. They’ll help you find, create, and design the perfect to do or task list:

1. Keep Things Organized

To do lists and task lists are all about organizing your content. So, make sure the list itself is well organized too. This might not seem like a big deal when your list is small but imagine larger lists. You might also have different categories of tasks, or you may have content to complete over more than one day.

Design elements can be fun, but keep in mind the functionality of your to do list. Consider whether you need to separate your tasks into sections or categories. Things like numbers, time, and date can be helpful too.

project plan to do list wordproject plan to do list wordproject plan to do list word

Use a to do list Word template to organize your tasks, like we see in this premium template from Envato Elements.

2. Type or Writing? Consider What’s Best

You’ve got a choice with your Word to do list. You could work with a to do list template doc, print it out, and then write your tasks. This is handy because you can print and reuse this list over and over again.

Or use your to do list digitally, filling it in all within Microsoft Word. This is convenient because then there’s no printing involved. DOC files can also be opened elsewhere, like in Google Docs, for your convenience.

There’s no wrong answer here, so consider what would be most convenient for you.

3. Consider Larger Uses and Reusability

To do lists and task lists have larger potential too. For example, you could work them into your bullet journal, food log, organizer, or planner. They work well for health goals, financial planning, business projects, and much more. Try incorporating your to do list with your calendar, so you can easily gauge your time. 

Do you plan to reuse your to do list? You may want to choose a to do list template doc that’s got the potential to be mixed, remixed, and reprinted.

For example, if you want to have a monthly to do list, will you make each month unique? Or leave boxes and lines, so you can fill in the dates by hand? Consider what would make your list most convenient to use and reuse.

word to do listsword to do listsword to do lists

These beautiful planner layouts work well with a Word to do list template. Download them on Envato Elements.

4. Design Can Be More Than a Pretty Face

A lovely designed to do list can make your task list more visually appealing. Visuals have the potential to help with organization too. Here are some ways design elements can help push your to do list further:

  • Consider using color as a tool to help you manage and organize your tasks.
  • Experiment with different fonts and styles, especially in new sections or headers.
  • Be careful not to overdo it. Too many design elements can make your to do list distracting and chaotic on the eyes.

5. Collaboration, Presentation, and More

There are so many possibilities when it comes to designing a to do list. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • To do lists and task lists are right at home in the classroom. Whether you’re developing a course or tackling your own studies, use lists to help you organize and track your progress.
  • Collaboration benefits from organization. Keep track of your group work with a collaborative task list. This is where services like Google Docs can be really handy. 
  • If you’re working your task list or to do list into a workbook or planner, remember to keep things visually consistent. Branding like this helps make your presentation look more professional.
  • It can be a good idea to think of functionality first. If it looks good but it doesn’t function well, the objective has been lost.

word to do list templateword to do list templateword to do list template

This professionally designed workbook for Microsoft Word also uses to do lists. Download it on Envato Elements.

5 Cool Trends You Need to Try When Editing Your Microsoft Word To Do List Premium Template

A to-do list is more than just assignments on a piece of paper, there are many ways to expand your designs from something simple to a to-do list worth sharing on your social media.

In this section, we’ll share some design trends that’ll make your to do list templates’ check boxes satisfying to cross out: 

1. Choose Aesthetic Designs 

Aesthetic To Do List Premium Template for Microsoft wordAesthetic To Do List Premium Template for Microsoft wordAesthetic To Do List Premium Template for Microsoft word

Try using this aesthetic premium to do list template design

To do lists templates can be a lot of fun. So why don’t you work on a premium design that’s cool to look at? Since you’ll be updating this list regularly, make sure that it represents you. It’ll be easier going back to it in the future.

Readability is a key factor when editing a Microsoft Word to do list template. Choose fonts that help your information look stunning and easy to read. Remember, we don’t want overloaded lists that’ll stress you out later. Good-looking fonts give harmony and help you get things done instead of overlooking your tasks.

A to do list template can help you manage your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Adding a calendar to your task list template makes your life much easier. Our Daily Planner Creator Premium Template includes customizable weekly and monthly planners.

Give your task list template a personality. Edit and create sections that’ll work for you and help you stay organized. Go ahead and add charts, checklists, goals, and even inspirational quotes to keep you motivated.

We all agree that a to-do list should fit your life and be easy to access. We’ve got two options for you to make your list more portable:

Looking for even more Microsoft Word templates? Check out these inspiring collections, here on Envato Tuts+. There’s plenty of free content, design inspiration, and much more to see today.

This is your cue to start designing smart with our easy-to-use premium templates. Improve your to-do list with many design options to choose from. 

Here are five reasons to get you started with a Microsoft Word to do list template in 2022:

Start working with to do list templates now by subscribing to Envato Elements. Get access to premium design assets with unlimited downloads, commercial licenses, and more. Also, upskill your talents with free video courses and eBooks.

Join Envato Elements and start creating. 

Are you new to Microsoft Word templates? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This section answers frequent questions that might come along the way when using our to do list templates with this popular software:

Color palettes help you give harmony and cohesion to your design. This is how you create them:

Highlighting text gives more relevance to information in your Microsoft Word to do list template. Just follow these steps:

There’s plenty more to learn about Microsoft Word too. You can push your Microsoft Word skills further right here, for free, on Envato Tuts+.

How will you customize your Microsoft to do list template for Word? There are so many possibilities. From home tasks, health tracking, financial planning, to business ventures and academia, there’s so much you could do with to do and task lists.

Remember, if you’re looking for premium Microsoft Word to do list templates, check out Envato Elements. One low fee gets you unlimited access to an entire library of Microsoft Word templates, as well as fonts, graphics, and more.

Or check out GraphicRiver if you’re just looking to download one Word to do list template. It’s a great choice for single downloads.

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Gonzalo Angulo. Gonzalo is a staff writer with Envato Tuts+. 

The differences between “plan to do” and “plan on doing” are very subtle. While most people like to use the phrases interchangeably, it’s good to understand the differences if you want to advance your knowledge of the English language. In this article, we’ll explore them both.

What Is The Difference Between “Plan To Do” And “Plan On Doing”?

“Plan to do” should be used when someone is definitely going to do something and carry out their plan. “Plan on doing” should be used when it’s uncertain whether someone will carry out their plan, though it may happen because there are signs.

What Is The Difference Between "Plan To Do" And "Plan On Doing"?

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “plan” is”to think about and decide what you are going to do or how you are going to do something.”

Is “Plan To Do” Or “Plan On Doing” Used The Most?

While the differences between the two phrases aren’t obvious, we still think it’s wise to understand them. We also think it helps to know which of the two phrases is more popular to use.

According to this graph, “plan to do” is by far the more popular choice of the two. “Plan on doing” gets much less common usage in English.

Is "Plan To Do" Or "Plan On Doing" Used The Most?

The reason “plan to do” is more common is that when someone makes a “plan,” it’s usually more obvious that they’re going to carry it out. Since “plan to do” implies they will carry out their plan, we’re more likely to use it.

Also, we have to consider the verb forms to know which one is more popular.

“Plan to do” uses the infinitive form “to do” in the sentence. It is straight to the point and helps the reader to understand exactly what is happening. “Plan on doing” uses the present participle “doing” in the sentence. It’s more long-winded and isn’t as easy for reader comprehension.

Examples Of How To Use “Plan To Do” In A Sentence

Let’s go over using the two phrases in sentences. We’ll start with “plan to do,” the more common choice of the two. Once we understand how this works, we’ll have a much easier time understanding the rest of this article.

  1. I plan to do something with you this evening.
  2. He’s planning to do something, I can just tell.
  3. They’re planning to do what he asked later.
  4. We plan to do those things for you.
  5. He’s planning to do everything before tomorrow.
  6. I plan to do every task on this list.

“Plan to do” is used to say that something is on your agenda in the future. You’re definitely going to do whatever the plan is, and (unless something goes terribly wrong for you) nothing will stop you from carrying out your plan.

That’s the simplest way we can explain how “plan to do” is used in a sentence. It refers to the definitive action of completing something that we’ve already set in motion. Usually, people who say “plan to do” understand that something is going to happen.

When we say that someone else is “planning to do” something, it usually means we don’t have the full information. We might not know what their plan entails, but we at least know that they’re going to definitely do something.

Examples Of How To Use “Plan On Doing” In A Sentence

Now let’s see how “plan on doing” is used differently. It’s the less definitive of the two phrases and is less popular. Still, it has its uses.

  1. He’s planning on doing something, but I don’t know what?
  2. What is it you plan on doing?
  3. I plan on doing many things before I grow up.
  4. We plan on doing something, but we haven’t told each other what.
  5. I can tell that you plan on doing something; I hope it isn’t anything stupid.
  6. Whatever it is you’re planning on doing, don’t.

From these examples, the meaning of “plan on doing” is made clearer. We use it to talk about some kind of plan that a person has, though there’s nothing directly set in motion, and there’s no clear way for us to tell whether they’re going to achieve the plan.

“Plan on doing” is usually more open-ended than “plan to do.” It means that something can go wrong or that we don’t understand what the plan is or whether someone is even intending on carrying it out.

Does “Plan On Doing” And “Planning To Do” Have The Same Meaning?

The meaning of the two phrases “plan on doing” and “planning to do” is important to note as well. You might have noticed that we used both variations in the sections featuring examples above.

“Plan on doing” means that we’re not sure about the overall plan that someone has. “Planning to do” is more definitive, but it uses the present participle tense to say that someone is “planning” to do something.

The two phases are different. “Plan on doing” has already been explained. “Planning to do” is linked directly to “plan to do.”

We use “planning on doing” when we include the word “are” before it to set it up as the present participle.

  • We are planning on doing something.
  • I am planning on doing that.

“Plan To Do” And “Plan On Doing” – Synonyms

We believe that synonyms are some of the most useful ways for you to expand your ability. We’ll include some examples which will hopefully allow you to stop getting the two phrases in this article confused while still getting the same meaning.

  • Plotting

If someone is “plotting” something, it means they’ve already put a plan forward to achieve something. It’s usually something that a villain might do in a film or TV show.

  • Scheming

Again, we can “scheme” to decide on a plan that we want to carry out. Much like “plotting,” its clearest use is in film and TV.

Do The Same Rules Apply To “Planning On Going” And “Planning To Go”?

The same rules apply when we look at “planning on going” and “planning to go.” We use “going” in the more general sense, while “to go” is used to show a more direct intention of traveling somewhere.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

The sentences are quite similar. They convey similar meanings. Without being overly technical (not that I’m capable of it), I suggest sentence number one sounds more definite than sentence two.

An appropriate comment coming after sentence one might be, for example,

«[He is planning to do something.] We are not sure what he is planning, but we know he’s going to do something!»

Coming after sentence two, an appropriate follow-up comment might be,

«[He is planning on doing something.] We are not sure what he is planning, and we are not sure he will actually do it, but we are pretty sure he will at least make an attempt to do something.»

In other words, sentence one is less «qualified-sounding» than sentence two.

The nonverbal aspects of the sentences, however, can affect the meaning and implication of the sentences. Let’s say, for example, two people are whispering to each other in an audience that is gathered to watch a magician. The magician is on stage, and as he pauses briefly, as if to think what to do next, one person whispers to the other, with the nonverbal emphasis on the word something:

«He is planning on doing something

On the other hand, suppose the whisperer said, with an emphasis on the word do,

«He is planning to do something.»

Which sounds more definite to you? If you say «Sentence two,» you are probably well on your way to understanding the differences between the two locutions. If not, then I have failed to ‘splain things well enough!

  • #1

hi everyone i just would like to know whether or not you can say both

«i plan on doing something»
«i plan to do something»

I often hear both so i’m a bit confused.thank you

    • #2

    hi everyone i just would like to know whether or not you can say both

    «i plan on doing something»
    «i plan to do something»

    I often hear both so i’m a bit confused.thank you

    You can say both equally. There’s no difference.


    • #3

    They are exactly the same, and interchangeable.

    I planned on responding to your question, and I did.

    I planned to respond to your question, and I did.

    I must say that «on doing» is nicer, since the ING gives it more action, which enforces the main idea of wanting to do something!

    We could say that just using the verb makes it less active, but that would mean that what you plan TO DO is in the future, further than planning on doing..


    • #4

    Thank you both (again) (FRENFR : not only do you know everything but you know everything i ask deeply)


    • #5

    not only DO you know ;)

    Thanks… Just doing my job :) (kind of)

    • #6

    thank you again for correcting me (i hesitated about this one besides…)


    Senior Member

    • #7

    Hi all,
    To my mind the two expressions mean the same but at different levels of the language. «I plan on doing sth.» seems to me spoken, colloquial English, «I plan to do sth.» the preferred way of expressing the same idea in written, more formal English.

    • 1
      plan on doing something

      English-Dutch dictionary > plan on doing something

    • 2



      Plan, der; Konzept, das; Entwurf, der; Absicht, die

      [go] according to plan — nach Plan [gehen]; planmäßig [verlaufen od. laufen]



      nn- planen; entwerfen [Gebäude, Maschine]



      * * *


      1) der Plan

      2) der Plan

      3) der Plan


      1) planen

      3) planen


      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      * * *


      I. n

      the best-laid plans die ausgefeiltesten Pläne

      five-year plan Fünfjahresplan m

      four-point plan Vierpunkteplan m

      to go according to plan wie geplant verlaufen

      to make plans for sth für etw akk Pläne machen; (for contingencies) für etw akk Vorkehrungen treffen

      what are your plans for this weekend? was hast du dieses Wochenende vor?

      to change plans umdisponieren

      to have plans etw vorhaben

      3. (payment scheme) Plan m, Programm nt

      healthcare plan Krankenversicherungsprogramm m

      savings plan Sparplan m

      street plan Stadtplan m

      plans pl Pläne pl, Zeichnungen pl

      plan of a building Bauplan m

      to draw up plans eine Planskizze machen


      plan B Plan m B

      the best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley SCOT ( prov) der Mensch denkt und Gott lenkt prov

      II. vt

      to plan sth

      1. (draft) etw planen

      2. (prepare) etw vorbereiten [o organisieren

      3. (envisage) etw planen [o vorsehen]

      our meeting wasn’t planned unser Treffen hat sich einfach ergeben

      III. vi

      to plan carefully sorgfältig planen

      to plan for sth mit etw dat rechnen

      to plan for one’s old age Vorkehrungen für das Alter treffen


      to plan on sth (expect) mit etw dat rechnen, auf etw akk vorbereitet sein; (intend) etw vorhaben

      we were planning on a meal together wir wollten eigentlich zusammen essen gehen

      I’d planed on going out tonight eigentlich hatte ich vor, heute Abend auszugehen

      * * *


      1) Plan

      ; Programm

      , Plan

      so, what’s the plan? — was ist also geplant?

      to have great plans for sb —

      what plans do you have for the holidays/your son? — welche Pläne haben Sie für den Urlaub/Ihren Sohn?

      2) Plan

      ; Entwurf

      ; Konzept

      ; Stadtplan

      2) vorhaben

      3) planen; planen, entwerfen


      * * *

      A s

      1. a) (Spiel-, Wirtschafts-, Arbeits) Plan m:

      make plans (for the future) (Zukunfts)Pläne schmieden;

      b) SCHULE Gliederung f (eines Aufsatzes)

      2. Plan m, Absicht f:

      change one’s plans umdisponieren

      3. Verfahren n, Methode f

      4. (Lage-, Stadt) Plan m

      5. Grundriss m:

      6. TECH (Maß)Zeichnung f, Riss m:

      7. Vertikalebene f (beim perspektivischen Zeichnen)

      B v/t

      1. planen, entwerfen, einen Plan ausarbeiten oder entwerfen für oder zu:

      2. planen, beabsichtigen ( beide:

      3. grafisch darstellen

      C v/i

      1. planen, Pläne machen:

      * * *



      Plan, der; Konzept, das; Entwurf, der; Absicht, die

      [go] according to plan — nach Plan [gehen]; planmäßig [verlaufen od. laufen]



      nn- planen; entwerfen [Gebäude, Maschine]



      * * *


      Draufsicht f.

      Entwurf ¨e m.

      Konzept e n.

      Plan ¨-e m. v.

      anvisieren v.

      hinarbeiten auf v.

      intendieren v.

      planen v.

      projektieren v.

      English-german dictionary > plan

    • 3

      n. plan


      v. plannen, een plan maken


      〈vaak meervoud; techniek, technologie〉 schema ontwerp


      1   what are your plans for tonight? wat ga je vanavond doen?





      English-Dutch dictionary > plan

    • 4

      * danh từ
      — sơ đồ, đồ án (nhà…)
      =the plan of building+ sơ đồ một toà nhà
      — bản đồ thành phố, bản đồ
      — mặt phẳng (luật xa gần)
      — dàn bài, dàn ý (bài luận văn…)
      — kế hoạch; dự kiến, dự định
      =a plan of campaign+ kế hoạch tác chiến
      =to upset someone’s plan+ làm đảo lộn kế hoạch của ai
      =have you any plans for tomorrow?+ anh đã có dự kiến gì cho ngày mai chưa?
      — cách tiến hành, cách làm
      =the best plan would be to…+ cách tiến hành tốt nhất là…
      * ngoại động từ
      — vẻ bản đồ của, vẽ sơ đồ của (một toà nhà…)
      — làm dàn bài, làm dàn ý (bản luận văn…)
      — đặt kế hoạch, trù tính, dự tính, dự kiến
      =to plan to do something+ dự định làm gì
      =to plan an attack+ đặt kế hoạch cho một cuộc tấn công, trù tính một cuộc tấn công
      * nội động từ
      — đặt kế hoạch, trù tính, dự tính, dự kiến
      =to plan for the future+ đặt kế hoạch cho tương lai, trù tính cho tương lai

      English-Vietnamese dictionary > plan

    • 5

         a. ( = drawing, map) plan m

         b. ( = project) plan m, projet m

         a. ( = devise and schedule) planifier

         b. ( = make plans for) [+ holiday, journey, crime] préparer à l’avance ; [+ essay] faire le plan de ; [+ campaign, attack] organiser

      ( = intend)

      * * *



      1) () plan m

      2) () projet m ( for de; to do pour faire)

      3) () also Architecture, Construction, Technology plan m



      1) () planifier [future, economy]; organiser, préparer [timetable, meeting, expedition]; préparer [retirement]; organiser [day]; faire un plan de [career]; faire le plan de [essay, book]; préméditer [crime]

      2) () projeter [visit, trip]; prévoir [new development, factory]





      () concevoir [kitchen, garden, city centre]


      to plan on doing/on something — ( expect) s’attendre à faire/à quelque chose; ( intend) compter faire/sur quelque chose

      Phrasal Verbs:

      English-French dictionary > plan

    • 6

      (a) quelque chose;

      don’t just stand there, do something! ne reste pas là, fais quelque chose!;

      something big/small quelque chose de grand/de petit;

      I’ve done/said something stupid j’ai fait/dit une bêtise;

      was it something I said? est-ce que j’ai dit quelque chose (qu’il ne fallait pas)?;

      he gave them something to eat/drink il leur a donné à manger/boire;

      would you like something to eat? voulez-vous manger quelque chose?;

      to have something to cry/be annoyed about avoir une bonne raison de pleurer/se fâcher;

      there’s something about him/in the way he talks that reminds me of Gary il y a quelque chose chez lui/dans sa façon de parler qui me rappelle Gary;

      she’s something in the City/in insurance elle travaille dans la finance/dans les assurances;

      would you like a little something to drink? voulez-vous un petit quelque chose à boire?;

      to be or have something to do with sth avoir un rapport avec qch;

      her job is or has something to do with the Stock Exchange son travail a un rapport avec la Bourse;

      I don’t know what it means, I think it’s got something to do with nuclear physics je ne sais pas ce que ça veut dire, je crois que ça a (quelque chose) à voir avec la physique nucléaire;


      to make something of oneself or one’s life faire quelque chose de sa vie;

      at least they’ve replied to my letter, that’s something au moins ils ont répondu à ma lettre, c’est toujours ou déjà ça;

      there must be something in or to all these rumours il doit y avoir quelque chose de vrai dans toutes ces rumeurs;

      familiar that was quite something!, that was something else! c’était vraiment quelque chose!;

      familiar that meal was something else! c’était quelque chose, ce repas!;

      familiar he really is something else! il est vraiment génial!; il est pas possible!;

      familiar well, isn’t that something? et bien, ça alors!;

      familiar it was really something to see those kids dancing! c’était quelque chose de voir ces gosses danser!;

      familiar the new model is really something le nouveau modèle est sensationnel


      it cost £7 something ça a coûté 7 livres et quelques;

      her friend, Maisie something (or other) son amie, Maisie quelque chose

      something in the region of $10,000 quelque chose comme 10 000 dollars;

      something rotten or awful or terrible vachement;

      now that’s something like it! c’est déjà mieux!

      it’s something like 5 metres long/wide ça fait quelque chose comme 5 mètres de long/large;

      it costs something like £500 ça coûte quelque chose comme ou dans les 500 livres

      would you like a cup of tea or something? veux-tu une tasse de thé, ou autre chose?;

      are you deaf or something? tu es sourd ou quoi?

      Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > something

    • 7


      1) plan

      2) plan

      3) plano


      1) planear

      2) planificar, proyectar

      3) proyectar, diseñar, hacer los planos de

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead





      planear / proyectar / pensar

      plan sustantivo masculino
      1 (proyecto, programa) plan;

      plan de estudios syllabus
      2 (fam) (cita, compromiso):

      ¿tienes algún plan para esta noche? do you have any plans for tonight?
      3 (fam) ( actitud):

      lo dijo en plan de broma he was only kidding (colloq);
      en plan económico cheaply, on the cheap (colloq)

      plan sustantivo masculino

      1 (intención) plan

      2 (conjunto de ideas, etc) scheme, programme

      plan de estudios, curriculum

      plan de jubilación/de pensiones, pension plan

      3 fam (cita) date: no tengo plan para esta tarde, I have no plans for this afternoon
      Locuciones: no sigas en ese plan, don’t carry on like that

      no es plan, that’s not a good idea

      no es plan de que nos quedemos si él se va, it’s not fair for us to have to stay home if he goes out
      plan‘ also found in these entries:
      abrupta — abrupto — anteproyecto — auspicio — boceto — bosquejar — chafar — concebir — cuajar — delinear — desactivar — descubrir — designio — dinamitar — efecto — fastidiar — garete — generar — idea — idear — instrumentación — inviable — juego — mantilla — mira — pensar — pergeñar — pique — plana — planear — planificar — plano — plazo — política — prever — programa — proyectar — proyecto — rechazar — rechazo — resultado — tortuosa — tortuosidad — tortuoso — trazar — tramar — traza — venta — ventura — viabilidad
      abort — abortive — action — alter — alteration — approachable — approve of — attractive — authenticity — backfire — beauty — benign — botch — bypass — cheap — concoct — contingency plan — cook up — crystallize — curriculum — delineate — design — despite — detailed — develop — development — devious — disappoint — discard — distinct — drum up — elaborate — emigrate — explain — fall apart — fall through — fallback — floor plan — follow through — foolproof — forecast — formulate — get-rich-quick — go — half-baked — hatch — hit on — hit upon — holiday — impractical


      what are your plans for the weekend? ¿qué planes tienes para el fin de semana?

      have you seen the plans for the new opera house? ¿has visto los planos de la nueva ópera?

      2 (make a plan of — house, garden, etc) hacer los planos de, diseñar, proyectar; (- economy, strategy) planificar

      we hadn’t planned on rain! ¡no contábamos con que lloviera!


      planear, proyectar, planificar

      tener planeado, proyectar

      hacer planes



      , proyecto


      , programa








      a) (diagram, map) plano m

      b) (of book, essay) esquema m

      2) (arrangement, scheme) plan m


      nn- transitive verb

      a) <<journey/itinerary>> planear, programar; <<raid/assault>> planear; <<garden/house>> diseñar, proyectar; <<economy/strategies>> planificar*; <<essay>> hacer* un esquema de

      as planned — según lo planeado, tal y como estaba previsto or planeado

      to plan to + INF: where are you planning to spend Christmas? — ¿dónde tienes pensado or dónde piensas pasar las Navidades?



      to plan FOR something: we need to plan for the future tenemos que pensar en el futuro; we hadn’t planned for this — esto no lo habíamos previsto

      Phrasal Verbs:


      plan of action, action plan — plan de acción

      plan of attack/ campaign — (Mil) (also fig) plan de ataque/de campaña

      to draw up a plan — elaborar un proyecto, hacer or redactar un plan

      an exercise plan — una tabla or un programa de ejercicios

      to make plans for the future — hacer planes or planear para el futuro

      a peace plan — un proyecto or un plan de paz

      business, instalment, master, pension

      if everything goes according to plan — si todo sale como está previsto or planeado

      the best plan is to call first — lo mejor es llamar primero

      a change of plan — un cambio de planes

      1) planear; preparar; planificar, planear; hacer un esquema de, planear; planificar

      as planned — según lo previsto, como estaba planeado


      3) diseñar


      to plan for sth, it is advisable to plan for retirement — es aconsejable que se hagan planes para la jubilación

      * * *





      a) (diagram, map) plano m

      b) (of book, essay) esquema m

      2) (arrangement, scheme) plan m


      nn- transitive verb

      a) <<journey/itinerary>> planear, programar; <<raid/assault>> planear; <<garden/house>> diseñar, proyectar; <<economy/strategies>> planificar*; <<essay>> hacer* un esquema de

      as planned — según lo planeado, tal y como estaba previsto or planeado

      to plan to + INF: where are you planning to spend Christmas? — ¿dónde tienes pensado or dónde piensas pasar las Navidades?



      to plan FOR something: we need to plan for the future tenemos que pensar en el futuro; we hadn’t planned for this — esto no lo habíamos previsto

      Phrasal Verbs:

      English-spanish dictionary > plan

    • 8

      English-Danish dictionary > plan

    • 9

      1. [plæn]


      1) (scheme, course of action) piano m., programma m.


      ing. tecn.



      4) (map) pianta f., piantina f.


      1. [plæn]

      1) (prepare, organize) pianificare [future, economy]; preparare [ timetable]; organizzare, programmare [day, meeting, expedition]; progettare [ career]; organizzare la struttura di [essay, book]



      progettare, disegnare [kitchen, garden, building]


      to plan on sth., on doing — (expect) aspettarsi qcs., di fare; (intend) avere in programma qcs., di fare

      * * *


      1) piano

      2) piano, progetto

      3) pianta


      1) progettare

      2) organizzare

      3) progettare

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      * * *

      1. [plæn]


      1) (scheme, course of action) piano m., programma m.


      ing. tecn.



      4) (map) pianta f., piantina f.


      1. [plæn]

      1) (prepare, organize) pianificare [future, economy]; preparare [ timetable]; organizzare, programmare [day, meeting, expedition]; progettare [ career]; organizzare la struttura di [essay, book]



      progettare, disegnare [kitchen, garden, building]


      to plan on sth., on doing — (expect) aspettarsi qcs., di fare; (intend) avere in programma qcs., di fare

      English-Italian dictionary > plan

    • 10


      1) plan, framgangsmåte

      2) plan, hensikt

      3) grunnplan, kart


      1) planlegge, ha planer om

      2) planlegge, organisere

      3) tegne

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead







      1) plan

      2) kart, skisse, oversikt

      3) plan, grunnplan

      4) fremgangsmåte, metode, prinsipp

      the best plan is to…

      den beste måten å gjøre det på er…

      5) ( i perspektivtegning)


      tenkt plan som står normalt på den rette linjen mellom øyet og det avbildede objektet


      1) planlegge, ha planer om

      2) lage en plan over, prosjektere, lage utkast til

      3) ha planer om, regne med

      plan on/for ( hverdagslig) ha planer om, ta sikte på

      English-Norwegian dictionary > plan

    • 11

      n. plan, proje, tasarı, niyet, taslak, kroki


      v. planlamak, tasarlamak, plan yapmak, planını çizmek

      * * *

      1. planla (v.)
      2. plan (n.)

      * * *


      1) plân

      2) plân, program

      3) plân, proje


      1) düşünmek, niyet etmek, plânlamak

      2) yapmayı düşünmek, düzenlemek, plânlamak

      3) plânlamak, plânını çizmek

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      English-Turkish dictionary > plan

    • 12


      1) načrt

      2) načrt

      3) načrt; tloris


      1) načrtovati

      2) organizirati

      3) napraviti načrt

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      * * *



      plan, načrt, projekt, umislek, osnutek, zaris; tloris; navpična ravnina (v risanju perspektive)


      transitive verb

      planirati, načrtovati, napraviti načrt;


      snovati, umisliti;



      to plan on — računati na kaj, zanašati se na kaj

      English-Slovenian dictionary > plan

    • 13







      to plan to do sth/on doing sth — planować coś (z)robić

      to plan for/on — spodziewać się

      * * *


      1) plan

      2) plan

      3) plan, rzut


      1) planować

      2) planować

      3) projektować

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      English-Polish dictionary > plan

    • 14

      n. plan


      v. planera

      * * *


      1) plan

      2) plan

      3) ritning, plan, karta


      1) planera, ha för avsikt, ha planer på

      2) planera, ha för avsikt, ha planer på

      3) rita []

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      English-Swedish dictionary > plan

    • 15


      1) plán

      2) plán

      3) plán


      1) plánovat

      2) plánovat

      3) projektovat

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      * * *

      • záměr

      • plánovat

      • plán

      • projektovat

      • půdorys

      • projekt

      • rozvrh

      • hodlat

      • naplánovat

      • nárys

      • návrh

      • chystat

      English-Czech dictionary > plan

    • 16


      1) plán, osnova

      2) plán, zámer, program

      3) plán, projekt, návrh


      1) plánovať, zamýšľať

      2) plánovať, chystať

      3) projektovať, navrhovať

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      * * *

      • plán

      • plánovat

      English-Slovak dictionary > plan

    • 17

      English-French dictionary > plan

    • 18


      1) plano

      2) plano

      3) planta


      1) planear

      2) planear

      3) planear

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      * * *

      [plæn] n plano: 1 planta, projeto, esboço. 2 diagrama, gráfico. 3 intento, desígnio, fito. 4 método, sistema, esquema. 5 arranjo ou disposição. • vt+vi 1 planejar: a) projetar, esboçar, delinear. b) programar. 2 coll idear. according to plans conforme os planos. in plan em esboço, em projeto.

      English-Portuguese dictionary > plan

    • 19

      English-Romanian dictionary > plan

    • 20

      tervezet, elgondolás, felülnézet, tervrajz

      alaprajzot készít, tervrajzot készít, megtervez

      * * *


      1) terv

      2) terv

      3) alaprajz


      1) tervez

      2) tervez

      3) megtervez

      — planning
      — go according to plan
      — plan ahead

      English-Hungarian dictionary > plan


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • plan — plan1 [ plæn ] noun count *** 1. ) a series of actions that you think about carefully to help you achieve something: an economic/spending/corporate plan a peace plan make/work out/outline a plan: We need to make a plan before we can start on the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • plan — ▪ I. plan plan 1 [plæn] verb planned PTandPPX planning PRESPARTX 1. [intransitive, transitive] to think carefully about something you want to do in the future, and decide exactly how you will do it: • We ve been planning this …   Financial and business terms

    • plan */*/*/ — I UK [plæn] / US noun [countable] Word forms plan : singular plan plural plans 1) a series of actions that you think about carefully to help you to achieve something an economic/spending/corporate plan a peace plan make/work out/outline a plan:… …   English dictionary

    • plan on — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms plan on : present tense I/you/we/they plan on he/she/it plans on present participle planning on past tense planned on past participle planned on plan on (doing) something to intend to do something, or to… …   English dictionary

    • plan on — PHRASAL VERB If you plan on doing something, you intend to do it. [V P ing/n] They were planning on getting married… [V P ing/n] They are planning on a trip to Guyana next month …   English dictionary

    • Plan 4 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Plan 4 Información personal Origen Buenos Aires, Argentina Estado Activo Información artística …   Wikipedia Español

    • plan — [plan] n. [Fr, plan, plane, foundation: merging of plan (< L planus: see PLAIN1) with MFr plant < It pianta < L planta, sole of the foot: see PLANT] 1. a drawing or diagram showing the arrangement in horizontal section of a structure,… …   English World dictionary

    • plan on — ˈplan on [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they plan on he/she/it plans on present participle planning on past tense planned on past part …   Useful english dictionary

    • Plan B (duo) — Plan B Also known as Plan B, The Panic, El Duo Del Sex, Chencho Maldy Origin Puerto Rico Genres Reggaeton Labels Pina Records, Sony Music Latin, Plan B Society …   Wikipedia

    • Plan Kathleen — Plan Kathleen, sometimes referred to as Artus Plan, was a military plan for the invasion of Northern Ireland sanctioned by Stephen Hayes, Acting Irish Republican Army (IRA) Chief of Staff, in 1940.[1] Plan Kathleen is frequently confused with… …   Wikipedia

    • plan — ► NOUN 1) a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. 2) an intention or decision about what one is going to do. 3) a scheme for the regular payment of contributions towards a pension, insurance policy, etc. 4) a map or diagram. 5) a… …   English terms dictionary

    Please guys, help me with this one:

    What’s the difference between:

    Planning to: I am planning to go to Europe


    Planning on: I am planning on going to Medicine school

    thanks a lot!


    Please guys, help me with this one.
    What’s the difference between:

    Planning to: I am planning to go to Europe. Correct with the period.
    Planning on: I am planning on going to a medical school. Correct with the period.

    There’s no a real difference, but we commonly use «plan on» when we have a plan in the long run.


    To plan on can also carry the meaning of count on. [I’m planning on your helping with the parking situation tomorrow night.]

    «Planning to» was always the accepted way of using that phrase until it was either Mrs. Reagan or Mrs. Nixon who came along. It was stressed and practically beat into our heads in schools to use «planning to» rather than «planning on.» That particular First Lady always used the phrase «planning on.» Then the so-called experts stated that if the First Lady was using that phrase, who were they to argue with her?! After that, the teachers relaxed their standards and started teaching that either was correct. I still cringe when I hear «planning on.» It’s part of the dumbing down of America. First Ladies can make grammatical errors, too. If a First Lady used «ain’t,» would it start being taught in schools?

    AnonymousIf a First Lady used «ain’t,» would it start being taught in schools?

    Well, I certainly hope so, out of respect for the office.


    You are incorrect. Having been educated in British English, I cringe when hearing I am ‘planning to’.

    Actually planning to , seems to be a more definite statement. I am planning to have some friends over.

    Where as ‘I am planning on being somewhere’ implies an intention, subject to possible change.

    I’d never heard the «planning on» usage until I lived in the South.


    I’d never heard the «planning on» usage until I lived in the South.

    Hmm. I’ve never lived in the south, but I hear it quite often.

    The Google Ngram Viewer shows that both British and American English started to accept «plan on going» in the 1930s. There is no significant difference in the frequency of usage in either variety of English. In both varieties ‘plan to’ is used more than ‘plan on’.


    Planning to confers commitment to do something. Planning on confers an asperational idea “I’m planning on (the idea of) becoming famous”. As opposed to “I’m planning to (commit to) get a job by March”

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