Word for picked up on

picked up on — перевод на русский

— You wouldn’t pick up on those things.

— Ты бы не заметил, даже если тебя по голове ударить.

Yeah, I picked up on that, too.

Да, я тоже это заметил.

CORDELIA: You’re picking up on it too, aren ‘t you, Angel?

Ты тоже это заметил, да, Ангел?

I’m shocked that he picked up on it.

Я просто шокирован тем, что он это заметил. Низкий натрий.

Why didn’t anybody pick up on this?

Почему никто не заметил этого раньше?

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She must have picked up on that, too, and that’s why she left.

Должно быть, она тоже это уловила, поэтому и ушла.

I think, perhaps, the machine picked up on something.

Думаю, машина что-то уловила.

— You’re not good at that. I was probably picking up on your spirit, which feels 53.

— А знаешь… наверное, я уловила твой дух, которому 53.

Picked up on that, did you?

Уловила смысл, да?

I mean, I picked up on all her little hints.

Я уловил все её намеки.

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Pick up one of those rocks, get behind the boulder.

Возьми один из тех камней.

I’m managing the store on weekends, starting soon, I need you to pick up on some chores around here.

Я через пару недель начну работать в магазине по выходным, тебе придется взять на себя домашние дела.

— L.A.P.D. just picked up one of ours.

Департамент Полиции Лос-Анджелеса только что взял одного из наших.

You can pick up one of these at any corner deli.

Это Бёрнер. Ты можешь взять такой на любом углу.

I picked up one of the copies of the book that Chase left in the lounge.

Я взял один из экземпляров книги Которую Чейз оставил в комнате.

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I mean, a few people have been picking up on it, cause they control the media.

Но немногие это подхватили, потому что они контролируют СМИ.

The Illustrated London News have picked up on my story.

«Иллюстрированные Лондонские Новости» подхватили мою историю.

Of course, the rest of the class picked up on it.

И конечно, остальные ученики класса это подхватили.

The kids in the class picked up on it, and pretty soon you only had to hear the word and you’d lose all control.

Его подхватили одноклассники, и уже скоро при одном звуке этого слова вы стали выходить из себя.

You must be picking up on her vibes.

Вы, должно быть, подхватили её вибрации

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Hey, Janet, why don’t you pick up on your own girl? Oh, yeah! Dyke fight!

— Эй, Джанет, почему бы тебе не подцепить свою собственную девку?

Pick up on the babes, drink some wine, smoke some herb.

Подцепить пару баб, выпить винца, и покурить травку.

You were the one that was trying to pick up on those girls last night.

Ты был тем кто пытался подцепить тех девушек прошлой ночью.

He asked me to pick up on Bobby Reed, so I did.

Он попросил меня подцепить Бобби Рида, что я и сделала.

I’m tellin’ you, you’re gonna get picked up on by her.

Говорю, она тебя подцепит.

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The chip picks up on this and gives the subject a little prick.

Чип реагирует на это, и пациент получает слабенький укол.

It could be a specific neurotransmitter it’s picking up on, a ganglion.

Возможно оно реагирует на… определенные нейротрансмиттеры.

He must be picking up on your anxiety.

Должно быть, он реагирует на вашу эмоциональность.

You never picked up on them.

Ты никогда не реагировал на них.

We go in, I make up a load of bullocks about computers and we’ll see if she picks up on it.

Мы заходим и говорим какую-нибудь глупость о компьютерах… и посмотрим как она на это реагирует.

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That’s Cuddly near the radiator. A blond hamster picked up on a filming shoot.

Возле обогревателя Милашка — белая хомячиха, которую мы подобрали на съемках.

Seems that the feral cat we picked up on the road is trying to pull in her claws.

Угу. Кажется, дикая кошка, которую мы подобрали на дороге, Пытается спрятать свои коготки.

The fragments you picked up on the rooftop, they come from a glass eye.

Мы исследовали осколки стекла, которые Вы подобрали. Это искусственный глаз.

How many Borg hitchhikers are we going to pick up on this trip?

Сколько еще боргов-автостопщиков мы подберем по дороге?

— Oh, I guess so, but you know, it’s important to be able to pick up on other people’s pheromones.

Ой, я тоже так думаю, но ты знаешь, важно уметь подобрать естественные феромоны, исходящие от других людей.

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i don’t know if you picked up on this, mike, but… i haven’t been happy.

Не знаю, может ты не понял Майк, но… я очень расстроена.

A little something I picked up on my travels.

Кое-что я понял.

I just hope Michael picked up on that message.

Надеюсь, Майкл понял это сообщение.

See the thing is, we called your lawyer but Apparently he’s unavailable because he got picked up on some obstruction of justice charges.

Смотри, дело в том, что мы позвонили твоему адвокату, но… очевидно, что он недоступен, потому что он понял некое стеснение в справедливости обвинениях

— And that’s {probably }what you’re picking up on.

— И наверное вы это поняли.

I thought it might have something to do with… a transmission we picked up on the receiver

Подумал, что он имеет отношение к сообщению, которое мы поймали на наш трансивер.

This is 30 seconds ago picked up on our interceptor microphone.

30 секунд назад поймали на нашем микрофоне перехватчика.

I think I picked up on a vibe.

Думаю, я поймал от нее флюиды.

We picked up one of the hired guns who grabbed Noah.

Мы поймали одного из наемников, который захватил Ноаха.

Ultra can’t pick up on us.

Ультра не поймает нас.

She was picked up on the street by the police.

Ее забрали в полицию с улицы.

I just gotta pick up one thing and I’ll leave, I promise.

Мне надо забрать кое-что.

Reynolds was picked up on a warrant and this guy took his place.

Рейнольдса забрали по ордеру, а этот парень на замене.

Hewson was picked up on a DWI two days ago.

Два дня назад Хьюсон забрали за вождение в нетрезвом виде.

By the end of the night, you are going to take a bite of Jerry’s cake, which incidentally, we need to pick up on the way home, and you are gonna say, «sabbatical, schmabbatical.

К концу этого вечера ты съешь кусок торта Джерри, который, кстати, нам нужно будет забрать по дороге домой, и ты скажешь: «Отпуск, шмотпуск.

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Synonyms of picked up on

  • as in understood

  • as in borrowed

  • as in understood
  • as in borrowed

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picked up on


Definition of picked up onnext

past tense of pick up on


as in understood

to have a clear idea of

The students picked up on the new material quickly.

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • understood

  • knew

  • deciphered

  • recognized

  • grasped

  • comprehended

  • saw

  • appreciated

  • tumbled (to)

  • made out

  • cottoned (to or on to)

  • perceived

  • got

  • caught on (to)

  • savvied

  • discerned

  • realized

  • conceived

  • made

  • beheld

  • sensed

  • apprehended

  • decoded

  • registered

  • seized

  • dug

  • assimilated

  • cognized

  • caught

  • intuited

  • compassed

  • grokked

  • twigged

  • absorbed

  • took in

  • digested

  • fathomed

  • penetrated

  • pierced

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • missed

  • misinterpreted

  • misunderstood

  • misread

  • misconceived

  • mistook

  • misperceived

  • misconstrued

  • misapprehended

  • missed

  • misinterpreted

  • misunderstood

  • misread

  • misconceived

  • mistook

  • misperceived

  • misconstrued

  • misapprehended

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as in borrowed

to take for one’s own use (something originated by another)

She picked up on earlier styles of painting and added her own flourishes.

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • borrowed

  • adopted

  • embraced

  • took on

  • took up

  • cultivated

  • espoused

  • assimilated

  • followed

  • put on

  • copied

  • used

  • utilized

  • took over

  • incorporated

  • imitated

  • domesticated

  • absorbed

  • usurped

  • honored

  • quoted

  • brought up

  • appropriated

  • naturalized

  • treasured

  • cherished

  • prized

  • affected

  • raised

  • simulated

  • fostered

  • assumed

  • heeded

  • arrogated

  • pretended

  • nurtured

  • reared

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • gave up

  • abandoned

  • surrendered

  • relinquished

  • forsook

  • rejected

  • disowned

  • threw away

  • threw out

  • abjured

  • renounced

  • discarded

  • abnegated

  • repudiated

  • spurned

  • jettisoned

  • junked

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  • gave up

  • abandoned

  • surrendered

  • relinquished

  • forsook

  • rejected

  • disowned

  • threw away

  • threw out

  • abjured

  • renounced

  • discarded

  • abnegated

  • repudiated

  • spurned

  • jettisoned

  • junked

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picked up

picked up on


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“Picked up on.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/picked%20up%20on. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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pick up on (something)

To detect or notice something; to become alert to or aware of something. There are a lot of mature jokes in this cartoon that I never picked up on as a kid. Did you pick up on the hostility between Jen and Tom? The cops picked up on his suspicious behavior right away.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

pick up on something

to become alert to something; to take notice of something; to learn or catch on to something. She’s real sharp. She picks up on everything. The cop picked up on the car with the expired license plates.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

pick up on

Become aware of, notice, as in The teacher picked up on her nervousness right away. [Colloquial; mid-1900s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

pick up on something

in. to become alert to something; to take notice of something; to learn or catch on to something. She’s real sharp. She picks up on everything.

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

pick up on


1. To take into the mind and understand, typically with speed: is quick to pick up on new computer skills.

2. To notice: picked up on my roommate’s bad mood and left him alone.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • (mother) nature’s (something)
  • a whole different animal
  • a whole different ball of wax
  • a whole different beast
  • (something) to go on
  • a slew of (something)
  • a slue of (something)
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn’t (do something) if I were you
  • a cancer on (something)

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подобрали на


подняли на

подобрал на




поднял на


обратили внимание на


Cat picked up on the street and brought to an animal shelter.

Кошку подобрали на улице и принесли в приют для животных.

It is worth noting that in this battle Ashurkov survived — he was picked up on the fifth day of the sanitary battalion soldiers.

Стоит отметить, что в данном сражении Ашурков выжил — его подобрали на пятый день бойцы из санитарного батальона.

I want my garbage picked up on time.

Maybe she picked up on his anger.

Glad you picked up on my comment.

My son picked up on it pretty quick, and he is pretty cautious.

Дочь прощает его довольно быстро, очень аккуратно за ним ухаживает.

The younger generation have picked up on this trend.

Even negative reviews could be picked up on later ideas.

Даже отрицательные отзывы могут быть подобраны на более поздние идеи.

Most people picked up on her true nature about two minutes after meeting her and not just because she was a brunette.

Большинство людей натыкались на ее истинную природу примерно через две минуты после встречи и не только из-за того, что она была брюнеткой.

This is to be the third license that the company has picked up on its regulatory journey.

Это будет третьей лицензией, которую компания получила в своем регулируемом путешествии.

Tenley should have picked up on this.

It was only then that researchers picked up on the widespread anecdotal evidence on the topic.

Только тогда исследователи воспользовались широко распространенными анекдотическими данными по этой теме.

Emotional fears, financial, or any fear at all is picked up on by children.

Эмоциональные страхи, финансовые или любые страхи вообще воспитываются детьми.

Unfortunately, people have quickly picked up on the idea that higher octane fuel means more power.

К сожалению, люди быстро подхватили идею, что более высокооктановое топливо означает больше энергии.

I picked up on your scent last night.

Я учуял твой запах прошлой ночью.

Exactly like the six dead men you picked up on that asphalt.

Например, шесть трупов, которые вы поднимали с асфальта.

Lecter picked up on something in the missing part of the note.

She was picked up on the street by the police.

She was picked up on a charge of larceny last night.

Прошлой ночью она была арестована по обвинению в воровстве.

Christine had a date with a guy she picked up on the street.

Кристин, подцепила на улице какого-то мужика — сегодня у них было свидание.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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[ pˈɪkt ˌʌp ˈɒn], [ pˈɪkt ˌʌp ˈɒn], [ p_ˈɪ_k_t ˌʌ_p ˈɒ_n]

Table of Contents

  • v.

    ascertain (verb)

    • check out,
    • size up,
    • establish,
    • discover,
    • confirm,
    • verify,
    • get down pat,
    • catch on,
    • find out,
    • divine,
    • settle,
    • look-see,
    • fix,
    • eye,
    • get down cold,
    • learn,
    • tell,
    • size,
    • get hold of,
    • learn the ropes,
    • determine,
    • check up on,
    • read,
    • make sure,
    • double-check,
    • check,
    • eyeball,
    • peg,
    • get the hang of,
    • pick up on,
    • identify,
    • make certain,
    • see,
    • get it down,
    • pick up,
    • dig.

    discover (verb)

    • distinguish,
    • dig up,
    • ferret out,
    • get wise to,
    • come upon,
    • detect,
    • nose out,
    • realize,
    • disclose,
    • originate,
    • turn up,
    • come across,
    • catch,
    • devise,
    • perceive,
    • light upon,
    • debunk,
    • pioneer,
    • invent,
    • get wind of,
    • recognize,
    • bring to light,
    • ascertain,
    • explore,
    • notice,
    • smoke out,
    • observe,
    • elicit,
    • espy,
    • contrive,
    • sense,
    • hear,
    • spot,
    • unearth,
    • look up,
    • discern,
    • think of,
    • reveal,
    • conceive,
    • glimpse,
    • design,
    • locate.

    distinguish (verb)

    • flash,
    • discriminate,
    • beam,
    • mark,
    • focus,
    • get an eyeful,
    • descry,
    • know,
    • note,
    • take in,
    • spy,
    • get a load of,
    • make out,
    • view,
    • remark,
    • pick out.

    ferret out (verb)

    • trace,
    • chase down,
    • extract,
    • dig out,
    • get at,
    • hunt,
    • search out,
    • pursue,
    • scout out,
    • sniff out,
    • pierce,
    • uncover,
    • seek,
    • worm out,
    • be on to,
    • smell out,
    • probe,
    • chase,
    • penetrate,
    • drive out,
    • follow,
    • track down,
    • quest,
    • pry,
    • hunt down,
    • trail,
    • root out.

    listen (verb)

    • adopt,
    • take into consideration,
    • get,
    • eavesdrop,
    • audit,
    • be all ears,
    • hang on words,
    • accept,
    • hear out,
    • entertain,
    • welcome,
    • give an audience to,
    • hearken,
    • hark,
    • prick up ears,
    • obey,
    • take under advisement,
    • Auscult,
    • mind,
    • tune in on,
    • auscultate,
    • attend,
    • take notice,
    • overhear,
    • hear tell,
    • admit,
    • harken,
    • receive,
    • take advice,
    • give attention,
    • monitor,
    • give heed to,
    • tune in,
    • lend an ear,
    • be attentive,
    • concentrate.

    locate (verb)

    • place,
    • hook,
    • meet with,
    • pin down,
    • zero in on,
    • station,
    • strike,
    • happen upon,
    • lay one’s hands on,
    • stumble on,
    • trip over,
    • hit upon,
    • position,
    • pinpoint.

    look out (verb)

    • shotgun,
    • beware,
    • have a care,
    • heads up,
    • listen,
    • be alert,
    • be careful,
    • pay attention,
    • keep tabs,
    • scope,
    • be on guard,
    • keep an eye out,
    • watch out.

    note (verb)

    • document,
    • designate,
    • clock,
    • jot down,
    • enter,
    • put down,
    • denote,
    • heed,
    • mention,
    • write,
    • set down,
    • write down,
    • indicate,
    • transcribe,
    • register,
    • record.

    notice (verb)

    • allude,
    • advert,
    • look at,
    • flash on,
    • acknowledge,
    • refer,
    • regard.

    observe (verb)

    • lamp,
    • contemplate,
    • watch,
    • examine,
    • pay attention to,
    • study,
    • survey,
    • behold,
    • get an eyeful of,
    • witness,
    • keep one’s eye on,
    • eagle-eye,
    • scrutinize,
    • inspect.

    • reflect,
    • animadvert,
    • take note,
    • wisecrack,
    • commentate,
    • utter,
    • speak,
    • declare,
    • pass comment,
    • mouth off,
    • state,
    • crack,
    • say.

    sympathize (verb)

    • pity,
    • show mercy,
    • bleed for,
    • agree,
    • appreciate,
    • commiserate,
    • have compassion,
    • compassionate,
    • be kind to,
    • show tenderness,
    • comfort,
    • relate to,
    • be in accord,
    • feel heart go out to,
    • go along with,
    • emphathize,
    • identify with,
    • comprehend,
    • be understanding,
    • share another’s sorrow,
    • be there for,
    • condole,
    • ache,
    • side with,
    • understand,
    • show kindliness,
    • be in sympathy,
    • love,
    • offer consolation,
    • grieve with.

    watch (verb)

    • be wary,
    • oversee,
    • keep eyes open,
    • keep watch over,
    • tend,
    • care for,
    • take heed,
    • keep eyes peeled,
    • look out,
    • ride shotgun for,
    • superintend,
    • be on alert,
    • be vigilant,
    • be watchful,
    • look after,
    • take care of,
    • police,
    • keep,
    • wait,
    • be on the lookout,
    • patrol.

    witness (verb)

    • sight,
    • pipe,
    • be present,
    • be on the scene,
    • look on,
    • be a witness,
    • be on hand.

How to use «Picked up on» in context?

«picked up on» is a phrase that means to have recognized or noticed. It is used to describe how someone has observed or recognized something. For example, «I picked up on the fact that you are upset» or «I picked up on the fact that you are plotting something.

Word of the Day

narrowed down

calm down,
cut down,

Nearby words

  • picked the tab
  • picked to pieces
  • picked up
  • picked up bill
  • picked up check
  • Picked up on
  • -percent-wheat
  • P
  • p and q
  • p i
  • p i s


  • PICKED UP ON synonyms at Thesaurus.com
  • PICKED UP ON synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
  • Powerthesaurus.org
    — PICKED UP ON synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of PICKED UP ON
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for PICKED UP ON

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