Word for party in italian

Are you a party-goer? Then you’re going to love today’s word of the day!

The word festa can mean a number of things in English, but one of the first translations you’ll certainly come across when living in Italy is party or celebration.

the italian word for party is festa
  • festa di compleanno = birthday party
  • festa di Natale = Christmas party
  • festa di Capodanno = New Year’s party
  • festa di matrimonio = wedding celebration

Ho ricevuto un invito ad una festa.

I received an invitation to a party.

Festa can also be used to describe extended periods of celebration, festivals or special days of commemoration.

  • festa della birra = beer festival
  • festa della musica = music festival
  • festa di paese = town festival
  • Festa della Repubblica = Republic Day / Italian National Day
  • La Festa della Mamma = Mother’s Day

Non dimenticarti che domani è la festa della mamma!

Don’t forget that tomorrow is Mother’s Day!

Girl at music festival

Finally, it can be used in reference to a holiday or day off work.

  • festa nazionale = national holiday
  • giorni di festa = holidays

Oggi mi sono preso un giorno di festa. Ne avevo proprio bisogno.

Today I took a day off. I really needed it.

Festa can be transformed into the verb to party/celebrate by placing fare in front. An alternative is to use the actual verb festeggiare.

Ho l’intenzione di fare festa fino a notte fonda.

I plan to party until late at night.

The word festa appears within a number of nouns and adjectives related to partying and celebrating, such as:

  • festoso = merry, in festive spirits (often used to describe friendly dogs that happily come up and greet you)
  • festaiolo = a party animal, someone who often hosts parties, or someone who is fun-loving and festive
  • festeggiamento = celebration, festivity, merrymaking
  • festività = festivity
  • festeggiato/a = a guest of honour, birthday boy/girl
  • festone = garland
Excited intercultural friends with bengal lights toasting with champagne while dancing in confetti at home party

The adjective festivo is often used as an alternative to festa to describe non-working days or holidays.

  • giorno festivo = public holiday
  • giorni festivi = holidays
  • turno festivo = holiday shift (at work)

Finally, festa can be used in a negative way with the verb fare (to do) or conciare (to thrash): fare la festa (a qualcuno) or conciare (qualcuno) per le feste. Either can mean an act of violence or damage towards someone or something.

Se non rimedi a questa situazione, quei tipi ti conceranno per le feste.

If you don’t find a solution, those guys will give you a thrashing.

The expression fare le feste has a positive connotation too. It is often used to describe a dog’s happiness when its owner comes home.

Guarda quante feste fa questo cane al suo padrone.

Look at how happy this dog is to see its owner.

Hey, Rose. Victory party at Teddy’s house.

All the derby teams gather together and party the night before each bout.

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Tutte le squadre rivali si riuniscono e festeggiano, la sera prima di ogni partita.

Hey, Rose. Victory party at Teddy’s house.

Party in my eye socket, and everyone’s invited.

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We’re full time party girls, Val.

Don’t party too hard. Happy anniversary!

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Non festeggiate troppo». Mi sono appena ricordata, buon anniversario!

Like Belshazzar, they party while the enemy gathers at the gate.

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Come Baldassar, essi festeggiano mentre il nemico è alle porte.

You party without me, dudes.

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Skiers never party. Right.

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Right. Skiers never party.

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Don’t party too hard, boys.

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VVe Kings don’t party with our subjects.

Right, skiers never party.

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Party on, ladies. Enjoy your day off.

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Victory party at Teddy’s house.

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Again and again we see people who have a little taste of victory and they immediately party.

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Incontriamo continuamente personaggi che assaggiano la vittoria e festeggiano immediatamente.

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Party in style Discover the most incredible leisure activities.

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Festeggiate con stile Scoprite le attività di svago più emozionanti.

Everyone seats next to its neighbour, they eat and party together;

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Ognuno si siede accanto al suo vicino, mangiano e festeggiano insieme;

My brother’s pals’ graduation party.

Victory party at Teddy’s house.

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Crazy Homies: Party at this popular nightclub.

Party like it’s 1989 again with B-S-B’s amazing Cheddar 1!

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Festeggiate come se fosse il 1989 con questa straordinaria Cheddar 1 della B-S-B!

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Don’t party too hard, you guys.

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Results: 139240,
Time: 0.0273





  • Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.
Inflections of ‘party‘ (n): npl: parties
Inflections of ‘party‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations/Traduzioni principali
Inglese Italiano
party n (social gathering) festa nf
   (evento formale) ricevimento nm
    party nm
  I’m throwing a party tonight.
  Darò una festa stasera.
party n (political group) (politica) partito nm
   (politica) fazione, parte nf
  His party won the election with a big majority.
  Il suo partito ha vinto le elezioni con una netta maggioranza.
party n (individual or group in a legal dispute) (diritto) parte nf
  Neither party can back out once the contract has been signed.
  Nessuna delle due parti può sottrarsi una volta che è stato firmato il contratto.
Traduzioni aggiuntive
Inglese Italiano
party to [sth],
a party to [sth]
(involved in [sth]) far parte di vtr
  I refuse to be party to all your lies and deceit!
  Mi rifiuto di far parte di tutte le tue bugie e i tuoi inganni!
party n (group) gruppo nm
    squadra nf
    pattuglia nf
  A party of locals set off in search of the missing boys.
  Un gruppo di persone del posto sono partite alla ricerca dei ragazzi dispersi.
party n (team) squadra nf
    team nm
  A party of doctors from the City Hospital visited him.
  Una squadra di medici dell’ospedale lo hanno visitato.
party n US, informal (person) persona nf
   (informale: persona) tipo nm
  He’s a grumpy old party, isn’t he?
  Quel tipo è davvero un vecchio brontolone, non credi?
party n (military: detachment) pattuglia nf
  They were attacked by an advance enemy party.
  Sono stati attaccati da una pattuglia nemica in avanzamento.
party n (partisanship) partecipante, sostenitore nm
  Are you a party to this stupid plan?
  Sei un partecipante di questo stupido piano?
party n as adj (of or for a political group) di partito, del partito loc agg
  The minister’s opinion on this matter goes against party principles.
  L’opinione del ministro su questo tema è contraria ai principi del partito.
party n as adj (of or for a social gathering) di festa, da festa loc agg
    festoso, festaiolo agg
    allegro, conviviale agg
  The music creates a nice party atmosphere.
  La musica crea una graziosa atmosfera di festa.
party⇒ vi informal (go to parties) divertirsi⇒ v rif
    andare alle feste vi
    fare festa, fare baldoria vtr
   (gergale) fare serata vtr
  All she does is party and sleep.
  Non fa altro che divertirsi e dormire.
party vi informal (drink alcohol) fare festa vtr
    divertirsi⇒ v rif
   (colloquiale: divertirsi) darci dentro vtr
  I’ve got beer! Let’s party!
  Ho la birra. Facciamo festa!

WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms/Forme composte
Inglese Italiano
acid house party n (’80s and ’90s dance event) concerto acid house nm
(party following another event) afterparty nm
aggrieved party n (law: [sb] with right of appeal) parte danneggiata nf
bachelor party (US),
stag night,
stag party,
stag do (UK),
buck’s party (AU)
(party for a husband-to-be) addio al celibato nm
  Bachelor parties tend to be wild and crazy. We’re going to a nightclub for Simon’s stag do.
  Gli addii al celibato tendono ad essere pazzi e sfrenati. Per l’addio al celibato di Simon andremo in un night club.
bachelorette party (US),
hen night,
hen party,
hen do (UK)
(party for a wife-to-be) addio al nubilato loc nom
birthday party n (celebration of a birthday) festa di compleanno nf
  Kids love to have birthday parties and invite all their friends.
  Ai bambini piace organizzare una festa di compleanno e invitare tutti i loro amici.
block party n US (neighbourhood celebration) festa di quartiere nf
  All neighbors joined in a great block party to celebrate Halloween.
  Questa frase non è una traduzione della frase inglese. Alle feste di quartiere si incontrano spesso molti amici.
    festa dell’isolato nf
  Questa frase non è una traduzione della frase inglese. La festa dell’isolato è un party che si svolge in strada, in spazi pubblici o di passaggio.
boarding party (boarding group) squadra d’abbordaggio nf
bridal party n (wedding: bride, groom, attendants) partecipanti a un matrimonio nmpl
charter party,
(law: contract for vessel use) contratto di noleggio nm
  He signed a charter party with the owner of the vessel.
  Ha firmato un contratto di noleggio con il titolare della nave.
Christmas party n (festive social event) festa di Natale nf
cocktail party n (party where drinks are served) cocktail party nm
  To celebrate her promotion, she hosted a small cocktail party.
  Questa frase non è una traduzione della frase inglese. Ieri sono andata a un cocktail party molto divertente.
contracting party n ([sb] hiring external worker) appaltatore nm
  Obbligo dell’appaltatore è di realizzare l’opera o il servizio oggetto del contratto secondo le modalità pattuite.
costume party (US),
fancy-dress party (UK)
(costumed ball) festa in maschera nf
  Children often dress up at Halloween for costume parties.
  Per Halloween i bambini di norma si mettono dei costumi per le feste in maschera.
crash a party v expr slang (attend uninvited) (informale: festa, evento) imbucarsi⇒ v rif
    partecipare senza invito vi
  The hooligans decided to crash a party and cause trouble.
  Gli ultrà hanno deciso di imbucarsi a una festa e creare problemi.
cross-party adj (between political parties) (politica) transpartitico agg
dinner party n (social gathering over evening meal) (evento con invitati) cena nf
  Hyacinth has invited the vicar and his wife to a dinner party.
  Hyacinth ha invitato a cena il parroco e la moglie.
dinner-party n as adj (relating to social dining event) (evento con invitati) da cena
  She is an expert at polite dinner-party conversation.
  È un’esperta di conversazioni educate da cena.
family party n (gathering of family members) festa di famiglia, festa familiare nf
family party n (group made up of family members) gruppo di parenti nm
    familiari nmpl
garden party n (outdoor party) festa in giardino nf
gender reveal,
gender reveal party
(event to announce sex) (sesso del nascituro: evento, festa) rivelazione del genere, comunicazione del genere nf
goody bag,
party bag
(party favours) (piccolo regalo) cotillon nm
  At the end of Lucy’s party all the children received a goody bag of sweets and small toys.
  Al termine della festa di Lucy tutti i bambini ricevettero un cotillon pieno di caramelle e giochini.
hen party n UK (hen night, women-only celebration for bride-to-be) festa di addio al nubilato nf
  She wanted to invite ten of her best friends to her hen party.
  Sara ha inviato dieci tra le sue migliori amiche alla sua festa di addio al nubilato.
    addio al nubilato nm
  Voleva invitare dieci delle sue migliori amiche al suo addio al nubilato.
hen party n US, informal (gathering of women only) festa per sole donne nf
high contracting party n (law: international agreement party) (legale) alta parte contraente nf
house party n (social gathering at [sb]‘s house) festa, festa a casa di [qlcn] nf
    party in casa nm
  We went to a house party yesterday. I couldn’t sleep last night because our neighbors had a very loud house party.
  Ieri siamo andati a una festa a casa di Mario. La notte scorsa non sono riuscito a dormire perché i nostri vicini hanno fatto una festa con molto rumore.
housewarming party,
house-warming party
(party to celebrate new home) festa di inaugurazione della casa nuova nf
hunting party n (group chasing animals for sport) battuta di caccia nf
indispensable party n (law: participation required) (legale) partecipazione indispensabile nf
injured party n (victim) parte lesa nf
  The injured party is looking to claim damages of £10,000.
  La parte lesa intende chiedere 10,000 euro di danni.
keg party (beer party) festa a base di birra nf
landing party n (nautical) reparto da sbarco nf
leaving party n UK (social event to mark [sb]‘s departure) festa d’addio nf
    party d’addio nm
  They organised a leaving party for Helen, as she was leaving the company.
  Organizzarono una festa d’addio per Helen visto che se ne andava dall’azienda.
life of the party n informal, figurative (most lively, outgoing person) anima della festa nf
    intrattenitore nm
  I love hanging out with Mark – he’s the life of the party.
  Mi piace uscire con Mark, è l’anima della festa.
major party n (politics) partito di maggioranza nm
also UK: multi-party
(involving several political parties) pluripartitico, multipartitico agg
necessary party n (law: [sb] in a lawsuit) (del giudizio o procedimento) parte necessaria nf
opposing party n (political party that opposes the government) partito di opposizione nm
  Members of the opposing party jeered the president and were censured by the majority.
  Alcuni membri del partito di opposizione schernivano il presidente del Senato.
opposing party n (other person in a dispute) parte avversaria, controparte nf
  When participating in a formal debate one should always be respectful toward the opposing party.
  Durante un dibattito ufficiale bisognerebbe sempre mostrare rispetto per la controparte.
opposition party n (political group that opposes government) partito all’opposizione, partito di opposizione nm
  Since they lost the election, the Republicans are now the opposition party.
  Dopo aver perso le elezioni, i conservatori sono ora il partito di opposizione.
pajama party (US),
pyjama party (UK)
(sleepover) pigiama party nm
  At her pyjama party, Emma and her friends played games and shared make-up.
  Al suo pigiama party, Emma giocò e condivise i trucchi con le sue amiche.
party animal n figurative, informal (person who frequents drinking parties) (colloquiale) festaiolo nm
  She was a real party animal when she was younger. That party animal must be exhausted when the holidays are over.
  Quando era giovane era una vera e propria festaiola. Quel festaiolo alla fine delle vacanze sarà esausto.
party blower n (coiled paper horn) (giocattolo da festa) lingua di Menelik loc nom
party campaign n (political effort) campagna di partito nf
party concerned n ([sb/sth] in question) parte in causa, parte in questione nf
party dress n (cocktail dress, evening dress) abito da sera nm
  Cathy was furious that the clumsy waiter spilled wine all over her new party dress.
party favor,
favor (US),
party favour (UK)
(gift for party guest) bomboniera nf
    gadget da festa nm
    omaggio nm
party gear n informal (dressy clothing) abiti da festa nmpl
    abiti eleganti nmpl
party girl n (interested in partying) (informale) festaiola nf
   (ragazza che ama le feste) festaiola agg
party girl n (prostitute) ragazza facile nf
party girl n (female hired to go to party) accompagnatrice nf
    escort nf
party guest n (person at a social gathering) ospite, invitato nm
party in default n (law: non-complying part) parte inadempiente nf
party in power n (political party that is in government) (politica) partito al potere nm
  In Britain, the Conservative Party was the party in power at the outbreak of the Second World War.
  Questa frase non è una traduzione della frase inglese. Per molti anni la ex Democrazia Cristiana è stata il partito al potere in Italia.
party line n (policy or stance of a political party) (politica) linea del partito nf
  He was suspended for failing to support the party line on immigration policy.
party line n (shared telephone line) linea condivisa nf
party man n (male: loyal to a political party) uomo di partito nm
    uomo fedele al partito nm
party member n ([sb] belonging to political group) (politica) membro del partito nm
  Party members are voting on a number of important proposals at their conference.
  Anni fa, al mio amico Giovanni è stato negato il visto d’ingresso negli USA in quanto membro del Partito Comunista Italiano.
party people npl (hedonists) vitaioli nmpl
    mondani nmpl
party piece n (performance or trick) repertorio nm
    pezzo forte nm
party pleaser n ([sth] popular at parties) attrazione nelle feste
    piatto classico per feste
party political broadcast n UK (TV or radio program) trasmissione politica nf
    trasmissione elettorale nf
party politics n (political system with parties) sistema partitico nm
party pooper n slang (killjoy, [sb] who avoids festivities) guastafeste nm
  We’d really like you to come out with us. Don’t be a party pooper!
  Ci piacerebbe davvero che tu uscissi con noi: non fare il guastafeste!
party popper,
(party favor: explosive streamer) macchina sparacoriandoli nf
party scene n (nightclubbing or attending raves) vita notturna nf
party to a crime n (law: person implicated) individuo coinvolto nel crimine nm
party to a suit n (law: person involved) (legale) parte in causa nf
party to the contract n (law: involved in the contract) contraente nm, nf
   (di un contratto) parte nf
party to the contract adj (law: involved in the contract) contraente nm, nf
   (di un contratto) parte nf
party wall (between two buildings) muro divisorio nm
party whip n (politics: party official) (politico) capogruppo nm
  Labour MPs vote according to their party whip.
([sb] who goes to parties) chi va alle feste nm
    festaiolo nm
  Jack was a party-goer in his college days, but now he prefers to stay home.
  Jack era un festaiolo nel periodo universitario, ma ora preferisce stare a casa.
(guest at a party) (a una festa) invitato nm
   (di una festa) ospite nmf
pity party n slang, figurative (indulgence in self-pity) orgia di autocommiserazione
political party n (group seeking to form government) partito politico nm
  The Conservative Party is the oldest political party in the United Kingdom.
  Il partito conservatore è il partito politico più antico del Regno Unito.
political party n US (group seeking power within government) partito politico nm
pool party n (event: activities in swimming pool) festa in piscina nf
  Karen invited us to a pool party.
pot luck supper,
potluck dinner,
potluck party
US (meal: guests bring food) cena dove ogni ospite deve portare una pietanza
  Joe brought grilled hotdogs to the potluck party, and I brought dessert.
  Alla cena dove ogni ospite doveva portare una pietanza, Joe arrivò con hot dog grigliati e io con il dessert.
prevailing party n (law: winner of action) parte vittoriosa nf
raiding party n (military invasion) scorreria nf
    assalto nm
rave party,
(techno or acid-house dance event) rave, rave party nm
retirement party n (celebration at end of [sb]‘s career) festa di pensionamento nf
sausage fest,
sausage party
informal, humorous (group: predominantly male) gruppo di maschi nm
    evento al maschile nm
search party n (group searching for missing person) squadra di ricerca, squadra di soccorso nf
  A search party has set off up the mountain to look for the missing climber. People from the neighbourhood are forming a search party to find the missing boy.
  Una squadra di ricerca è partita su per la montagna per cercare l’arrampicatore scomparso.

La gente dei dintorni sta formando una squadra di ricerca per cercare il ragazzo scomparso.

secondary party n (debt guarantor) (di pagamento debiti) garante nm
    fideiussore nm
   (di cambiale) avallante nm, nf
slumber party n US (sleepover) festa in pigiama
surprise party n (celebration) festa a sorpresa nf

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

The party chairman has expressed his satisfaction.

Il segretario del partito ha espresso la sua soddisfazione.

Only the party secretary can decide.

A questo punto solo il segretario del partito può decidere.

There were policemen at that party.

Mi sa che alla festa c’era la polizia.

Everyone was at my birthday party.

Alla mia festa di compleanno c’erano tutti.

Each developed country party and each other party included in Annex I shall make its initial communication within six months of the entry into force of the Convention for that party.

Ciascuna parte che è un paese sviluppato e ciascun’altra parte elencata nell’allegato I presenta una prima relazione entro sei mesi dall’entrata in vigore della convenzione per la parte in questione.

Moreau’s having a party downstairs.

Moreau farà una festa al piano di sotto.

A police inspector kills the party secretary.

Un ispettore di polizia che uccide il segretario del Partito.

A farewell party before we launch.

Una festa d’addio prima della nostra partenza.

Angela’s been planning this party forever.

Angela è da una vita che organizza questa festa.

Just practicing for my freshmen party.

Mi sto solo esercitando per la mia festa di diploma.

Your mother had another party last night.

Tua madre ha fatto un’altra festa questa notte.

We asked everyone at the opening party.

Abbiamo chiesto a tutti i presenti alla festa di inaugurazione.

You crashed a diplomat’s party.

Ti sei intrufolato alla festa di un diplomatico.

Time to go dress shopping for your party.

È ora di andare a cercare un vestito per la tua festa.

Big party, lots of security distractions.

Grande festa, un sacco di distrazioni per la sorveglianza…

Costume party for a friend’s birthday.

Festa in maschera per il compleanno di un’amica.

And a good party needs structure.

Un bella festa ha bisogno di una struttura.

His friends were throwing him a going-away party.

I suoi amici gli avevano organizzato una festa di addio.

This is literally the biggest party

‘Questa e’ letteralmente la festa più grande…

He had a birthday party when Lori disappeared.

Era ad una festa di compleanno quando Lori è scomparsa.



How to say party in Italian?
ˈpɑr tipar·ty

Would you like to know how to translate party to Italian? This page provides all possible translations of the word party in the Italian language.

  • parte, partito, festaItalian

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    the balloons i palloncini
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    Learning Italian Party Words

    Did you have fun learning Italian party words? Did you go to an Italian party? You may be wishing that you had known how to say hello in Italian before you attended the party. Now that you’ve got these down, try some other Italian words. If you are looking for phrases visit our Italian phrases page for a list of them in different categories. We have Italian culture information on our Italian culture page. It’s important that you have fun and learn a lot in your journey to learn Italian!

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    There are several ways to roast in Italian, some that you can use on all occasions and some that are specific to certain celebrations.


    This is the most common way to say cheers in Italian and a pretty universal Italian toasting expression.

    Salute in Italian means health and it is the equivalent to the French sante or the German prosit. You can use it in all occasions that do not require more specific toasting expressions (see below).

    Hear how to say salute in Italian here (click on the small icon of the loudspeaker under the word ‘salute’ at the top of the screen).

    ‘Alla nostra’/ ‘alla tua’

    ‘Alla nostra’ means to our (heath) and it is another very common, safe and useful expression for toasting you can use in most situations.

    You can use it anytime you want to toast to the people around the table as a whole, just like ‘cheers’ in English, sante in Frech and Prosit in German.

    If you are cheering a specific person, you can say ‘alla tua’ meaning ‘to your health’, if you are addressing them directly, or use the name of the person if you want the whole table to direct the cheering towards a specific guest.

    Ex ‘Ad Antonio!” would be appropriate if Antonio was the birthday person and you want to toast to him.


    Viva is another common expression for toasts. In most instances, Viva means ‘hurray’ (Viva gli sposi – hurray to the bridge and grooms, Viva l’Italia – Hurray for Italy) but in the case of a toast it is also used on its own as equivalent to ‘cheers’ or ‘salute’

    Viva and Salute are Italian for cheers.

    Cin cin (pron. Chin Chin)

    This is an old toasting expression that has fallen out of fashion several years ago but you can still come across

    There are several stories around this toasting cheer and most trace it back to Chinese sayings: in this version of the story, ancient traders brought this expression into Italy where it then took hold.

    Whether it is true or not, the expression started to lose its popularity when a more globalized world brought in the realization we were all using a word we do not know the meaning of in the original language and may even sound like a mocking of a different culture!

    It is sometimes still in use but it is but salute is much more common now and avoids falling into awkward situations and cultural appropriation pitfalls.

    hugo cocktail italian

    Italian cheers for special occasions

    If you are invited to a birthday party, a wedding or a specific occasion, then you may want less generic toasting sayings such as:

    Auguri‘ – Auguri in Italian means ‘wishes’ as in ‘best wishes’ and it is in use to cheer at birthdays and all occasions when you want to wish someone well.

    You can say Auguri, Tanti Auguri, Buon Compleanno or Cento di questi giorni.

    Cento di questi giorni translated into ‘wishing you 100 days like this one’ meaning you are toasting to the person living 100 years more.

    You can read the best ways to wish someone happy birthday in Italian here.

    ‘Congratulazioni – congratulations

    Just like in English, you would toast saying congratulations on occasions such as a college degree celebration, a job promotion and any time you want to highlight and celebrate an achievement

    Buon Anno’ – Happy New Year

    Learn here >>> how to wish someone a happy new year in Italian

    Buon Natale’ – Happy Christmas, Merry Christmas

    Learn here >>> how to say Merry Christmas in Italian

    Viva gli sposi’

    You will hear people toasting ‘viva gli sposi’ at Italian weddings.’ In this case, the toasting means ‘hurray to the bride and groom’.

    ‘Buon Giorno del Ringraziamento’ – Happy Thanksgiving (not an Italian tradition, but we have an Italian expression for it!)

    Learn here >>> how to say Happy Thanksgiving in Italian

    Toasting in Italian: etiquette rules

    Ask etiquette experts and they will tell you there are several rules governing cheers in Italy.

    It is important to know them if you are invited to a formal setting however, most of them do not apply to normal family dinners or gathering with friends so don’t be surprised if you see several of them ignored in real life!

    If you like to be at the top of your etiquette game or you are heading to a formal event, this is what you need to know.

    The only person allowed to start the toast is the dinner host. In the case of the birthday, it is the birthday person, usually starting off with a thank you speech or addressing the table for a common cheer

    Getting the attention of the guests tapping culture against the glass is a no-no

    Raising your glass towards the center of the table is the correct way to cheer, clinking glasses albeit very common is officially wrong.

    Everyone does it and many Italians are surprised when they hear the etiquette rule however if you want to play by the book of Italian finishing school, don’t clink!

    Don’t worry if you break this rule but don’t go out of your way clinking glasses with everyone either thinking it is expected.

    The most common way to toast is for everyone to clink glasses in the center of the table, not with each individual guest.

    Looking at each other straight in the eye is not an Italian tradition. This comes from northern European counties and while some people have adopted it, it is not standard nor traditional.

    I hope you enjoyed this quick overview of Italian drinking toasts and you can soon put your new Italian cheers to the test at a true and fun Italian celebration!

    This article is part of your series ‘lear Italian’ – find it HERE.





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