Word for one thousand years

‘ONE THOUSAND YEARS’ is a 16 letter
starting with O and ending with S

Crossword answers for ONE THOUSAND YEARS

Synonyms for MILLENNIUM

1 letter word

3 letter words

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  30. supervise

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Q: Another word for One Thousand Years?

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No, there is no more commonly used word for a period of 10000 years. But I would also advise against using myriaannum; it does not look especially well-formed to me as a classical compound (it combines Greek myria- and Latin annum), and the prefix «myria-» seems to be obsolete in scientific compounds (like mega-annum). In my opinion, it’s best to just go with

The Old Man of the Mountain was formed ten millenia ago by glaciers.

Your question, and vickyace’s answer, both mention the Greek root myria— which was used with the meaning «ten thousand.» But I cannot find any English word derived from this (aside from the aforementioned myriaannum) with the specific meaning «a period of ten thousand years.»

I found a Math Forum thread about this topic: Year 10,000? There were lots of miscellaneous suggestions for neologisms of unclear validity, but among these I found the following interesting information in a post by Patrick T. Wahl:

The Greek word «myrioi» for 10,000 is the source of «myrietes» and
«myrieteris,» which mean «a period of 10,000 years.» Similarly, there
is «chilieteris,» a period of 1,000 years, which uses the «chili-»
prefix that became our «kilo-.» By the way, there’s a very long word
for a myriad of myriads = 10^8 in Greek. Nothing like these spellings
seems to have entered English.

Classical Latin seems to have had a wealth of «-ennium» words,
including some that I didn’t suspect ( like triennium, tricennium,
tricentennium for periods of 3, 30 and 300 years respectively.) The
word «millenium» is the biggest I found. It appears that a modifier
got stuck on the front if there was more than a thousand of anything.
Something like «decei millenii» for ten millenia seems to be what they
used. […]

Consulting the Oxford English Dictionary, I found no word for «10,000
years» that survived into English. ( Particularly NOT «myriennium» or
«myriayore»: those are not in the O.E.D. ) I was surprised to find the
Greek «chili-» word above as the English word «chiliad.» It means «a
group of 1000,» but also «1000 years.» Might «myriad» have the
alternate meaning, too? Only a scholar can say, and the O.E.D. gave no
citation for such a use.

The entry for μυριετής myrietḗs in Liddell, Scott, and Jones’ Greek-English Lexicon confirms that it was used to refer to 10,000-year periods. It seems to have been an adjective rather than a noun.

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После одной тысячи лет они переносятся серафическим транспортом в центральные миры вселенной.

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A sculpture exhibit by Anne Mimi Sammis,»One thousand years of peace», was co-sponsored by PTP at the United

Nations Secretariat in March 1999. 9.

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ПКМ явилась одним из спонсоров выставки скульптур Анны Мими Саммис под названием<< Одна тысяча лет мира>>, которая проходила в Секретариате

Организации Объединенных Наций в марте 1999 года.

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In 1983 Brumfield, formerly a generalist of Slavic studies, established himself in the history of

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В 1983 году У. К. Брумфилд, ранее занимавшийся общей славистикой, начал осваивать историю архитектуры, что

привело к публикации его первой книги« Gold in azure: one thousand years of Russian architecture».

The most interesting thing is that Saint Agapit of Pechersk in whose body Archangel Gabriel

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Провинция Хордаланн существует уже более тысячи лет.

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Однако Бог тысячу лет проявлял доброту по отношению к упрямым иудеям.

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Прошло две или более тысячи лет, и люди все же стали летать.

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For more than one thousand years China managed to keep the secret of porcelain for itself.

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Более тысячи лет удалось Китаю сохранить тайну фарфора.

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The Teacher Sons usually remain on their visitation planets for one thousand years of planetary time.

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Дата рождения Иисуса Христа была отнесена на тысячу лет в прошлое.

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Эта маленькая неправда родила большую ложь, в которой мы живем тысячу лет.

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Peoples of the Earth will have one thousand years of prosperity and the spiritual consent good luck.

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У народов Земли будет тысяча лет процветания и духовного согласия с Богом.

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The world history has been lengthened on one thousand years intervals have filled centuries of darkness and obscurantism.

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Всемирная история была удлинена на тысячу лет, промежутки заполнили веками тьмы и мракобесия.

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Rome(Roma)- an eternal city on seven hills, which is not one thousand years is the embodiment of.

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Рим( Roma)- вечный город на семи холмах, который не одну тысячу лет является воплощением величия.

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His descendants in Russia have made

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Потомки его на Руси дали шанс для появления Спасителя вновь через тысячу лет.

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It is impossible to imagine existence in the same body, in usual terrestrial conditions,

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Невозможно представить себе существование в одном и том же теле, в обычных земных условиях,

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The Orthodox Church has allowed to locate lie in Christianity and

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Православная церковь позволила лжи обосноваться в христианстве и

отбросить библейские события на тысячу лет назад.

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Neither does Peking University claim the year of establishing the Guozijian,

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Пекинский университет также не претендовал на год основания« Академии сынов государства»,

которая может насчитывать более тысячи лет.

But no


may enlist with the celestial artisans for less than


millennium, one thousand years of superuniverse time.

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Однако никто не может стать членом корпуса мастеровых менее, чем на тысячелетие- тысячу лет в сверхвселенском исчислении.

Why didn’t you tell us?/ Shinra: No



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Она носила этот костюм тысячу лет назад./ Рикку:

Почему ты не сказал нам?/ Синра: Никто не спрашивал.

Rome(Roma)- an eternal city on seven hills, which is not one thousand years is the embodiment of greatness and power.

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Рим( Roma)- вечный город на семи холмах, который не одну тысячу лет является воплощением величия и могущества.

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and her friends liberated Algo from the evil Lassic.

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как Алиса и ее друзья освободили Алголь от злого демона Лассика.

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Time: 0.0213





We can give names to certain lengths of time when we write about them to make things easier. Most people already know about decades, centuries, and millenniums, but did you know more words can be used? This article will help you understand them.

“Decade” is ten years, “century” is one hundred, and “millennium” is one thousand. After that, we can use words like Epoch for one million years and “Aeon” for one billion years. There aren’t many official words for other year types like 10,000 years, but we do have some unofficial variations.

“Decade”, “Century”, “Millennium”

Typically, official counting after millenniums is not possible. Nevertheless, we have some great words that work well with increasing values:

Decade  Ten years
Century  One hundred years
Millennium  One thousand years
Decem millennium  Ten thousand years
Centum millennium  One-hundred thousand years
Mega-annum or Epoch  One million years
Aeon  One billion years

How Many Years Is A “Decade”?

A decade is ten years in length. It’s one of the most common ways to reference ten-year periods, and we can use it to show that a certain amount of time has passed.

The definition of “decade,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a period of ten years, especially a period such as 2010 to 2019.”

You might be familiar with common phrases like “the 90s decade” or “the 00s decade.” These all work well to show that a period of ten years has taken place.

  • It’s been a decade since we last saw each other.
  • I was a kid in the 70s decade, and I loved every second of it.
  • This decade is a joke! We need to move on to the next one!

How Many Years Is A “Century”?

A century is one hundred years. We use it whenever one hundred years have passed (i.e. from 2000 to 2100). It’s common to use this in history books to reference certain times when wars took place.

The definition of “century,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a period of 100 years.”

In most cases, we say the century that’s one above what you might expect. Since the years started at 0, the years 0-100 were known as the 1st century. Similarly, the current year is part of the 21st century (even though it’s only 2022).

  • The 21st century has been a nightmare.
  • I wish I was around in the 17th century.
  • This isn’t the 18th century anymore. We have more power now!

How Many Years Is A “Millennium”?

A millennium is one thousand years. We are technically in the third millennium in time, but it’s rare for time to be spoken about in this way.

The definition of “millennium,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a period of 1,000 years ends.”

Millennium is much less common than a decade or century, but we still have a specific meaning associated with it.

  • It’s been an interesting millennium, and the history books definitely show that!
  • This millennium is going to be the most innovative one yet!

What Is A Period Of 10,000 Years Called?

If you follow the same Latin words are trends, then 10,000 years would be called the Decem millennium. While this is not the official name, it makes sense to refer to it in this way since we use Latin words to demonstrate every other type of year.

What Is A Period Of 100,000 Years Called?

Likewise, we can use Latin phrases to come up with the Centum millennium for 100,000 years. Again, it’s uncommon to see it used in any way since most people would rather use “one hundred thousand years” over the Latin form.

What Is A Period Of 1,000,000,000 Years Called?

One billion years is called an Aeon. It’s a well-known phrase that is used in certain scientific books or fantasy novels and games. While it’s not common to talk about one billion years in most contexts, we can attribute “Aeon” to the amount of time if needed.

What Are 20 Years Called?

A period of 20 years is known as a vicennial. However, this is not a common phrase, and many native speakers don’t know about it. Instead, most people simply use “two decades” to refer to a period of twenty years.

What Is Every 30 Years Called?

“Tricennial” is the correct term for 30 years. Again, this is not common, and many native speakers don’t know about the Latin form. Instead, they would simply use “three decades” if they wanted to talk about this period of time.

What Is A Period Of 50 Years Called?

You might be noticing a pattern here, and 50 years tend to follow the same idea.

Technically, 50 years is known as a semi-centennial. This refers to fifty years of time but is a Latin form that many native speakers don’t know about. Instead, they would either say “five decades” or “half a century.”

What Do You Call 100 Years?

100 years is a simple one. We use “century” to refer to it. Since it doesn’t use Latin forms in obvious ways, native speakers are familiar and comfortable with this form.

You’ll often hear people using “century” whenever they’re talking about 100 years. It’s best to remember it whenever you need to use it.

Is There A Word For 1 Million Years?

There is also a word for 1 million years that we haven’t touched on yet.

You can call 1 million years an Epoch or a mega-annum. “Mega-annum” works best if you want to stay true to the Latin form that includes the “mega-” prefix and “annum” (meaning year). “Epoch” is better if you’re using it scientifically or in a fantasy novel set.

What Is A Half Decade Called?

Finally, a half-decade is known as a quinquennial.

You might think this sounds a bit strange, and that opinion is shared by most native speakers. Therefore, it’s not a common form, and most people stick to the more simple term of “five years” or “half decade.”

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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