Word for on the same day

  • #1

Hi everybody,
I would like to ask, whether is possible also some sentence with phrase «AT the same day«. Maybe it is possible and has a little different meaning as «ON the same day«.
Thank you for your advice

  • Brioche

    • #2

    We say on with day and at with time.

    I will see you at five o’clock on Friday.

    We always see her at the same time on the same day in the same place.

    • #3

    ‘On the same day’ is the right sentence to use. we always use always ‘On Sunday’ and not ‘At sunday»

    And as Brioche said we use ‘At’ with time and ‘On’ with day.

    sound shift

    • #4

    Agreed. I’ve never heard «at the same day».

    • #5

    Thanks to everybody for clarification.

    • #6

    Can I say «The same day» without «on»? As in:

    We got married (on) The same day.
    We finished our schoolwork (on) The same day.

    Many thanks!


    • #7

    I wonder whether we can perceive the difference through these examples:
    — I remember when you were born. It was on the same day of my brother’s marriage.
    — They provide express services. You submit the application and receive your transaction completed at the same day.
    In the second example, «day» refers to that part of the 24-hour day; opposite to «night».
    I think, if we are referring to the «astronomical day «24-hours»» we use «on», but if we mean the part of the day, we use at.

    Enquiring Mind

    • #8

    No, the second usage ‘… completed at :cross: the same day’ is wrong. It should be ‘on’.


    • #9

    No, the second usage ‘… completed at :cross: the same day’ is wrong. It should be ‘on’.

    Thank you for clarification


    How to pronounce on the same day?

    How to say on the same day in sign language?

    How to use on the same day in a sentence?

    1. John MacIntosh:

      I took the oath of allegiance proudly and … registered to vote the same day, having taken that oath, I now feel duty-bound to join the political fight to uphold it. We need every vote and every sensible voice — on the left and the right — to get the nation and our world back on track.

    2. Matthew Snape:

      One of the things it’s telling us is that, for example, you wouldn’t want to immunize a ward full of nurses on the same day with a mixed schedule, because you may have higher rates of absenteeism in the next day.

    3. Ina Park:

      There is a lack of easy access in the US to same-day testing and treatment. I think there are some people who say, ‘I just want an opinion now and this is a way to get it,’.

    4. Robert Kotler:

      If someone and her sister want work done and we can do it all in the same day, we offer a discount that can be 20 percent.

    5. Jim Dunn:

      For many of our roles that don’t require licensure or certification… you show up, get a same-day offer and begin work the following Monday, if possible.


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    Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

    Are we missing a good synonym for on the same day?

    The Migration Board interviewed the complainant on the same day.
    В тот же день Миграционный совет провел собеседование с заявителем.

    Romanian forces attacked into Soviet-occupied Bessarabia on the same day.
    В тот же день румынские части вторглись в оккупированную Советами Бессарабию.

    The aircraft returned on the same day to the FIR of Ankara.
    В тот же день самолет вылетел обратным рейсом в направлении РПИ Анкары.

    These are code combinations that cannot be registered on the same day.
    Это комбинации кодов, которые не могут быть зарегистрированы в тот же день.

    They hacked the German parliament’s home page on the same day.
    В тот же день они взломали официальную страницу парламента Германии.

    On the same day, Russia began a week-long series of snap exercises.
    В тот же день Россия начала недельную серию внезапных учений.

    On the same day, the Mission visited the Kosovo Police School at Vucitrn.
    В тот же день члены Миссии посетили Косовскую полицейскую школу в Вучитрне.

    On the same day reconciliation talks among Palestinian organizations had begun in Cairo.
    В тот же день в Каире палестинские организации приступили к переговорам о примирении.

    On the same day, the Supreme Court made a similar ruling in Sanders v. ANWB.
    В тот же день Верховный суд вынес аналогичное решение по делу Сандерс против ГАК.

    On the same day, groups of students in Omdurman were dispersed by police using tear gas.
    В тот же день полиция разогнала с применением слезоточивого газа несколько групп студентов в Омдурмане.

    Germany’s cost for rolling over the same sum, on the same day, was a mere €63 million.
    Расходы Германии на предоставлении той же суммы, в тот же день, составили всего лишь €63 миллиона евро.

    On the same day, Hamas launched three powerful Iranian-designed rockets from Gaza at Israel’s Dimona reactor.
    В тот же день ХАМАС запустил три мощные, разработанные в Иране ракеты из сектора Газа по израильскому реактору Димона.

    On the same day, the Council adopted a presidential statement, welcoming the official results of the Iraqi elections.
    В тот же день Совет принял заявление Председателя, в котором он приветствовал официальные результаты выборов в Ираке.

    Pipeline pressure was tested on the same day and, on 13 June 1991, KAFCO was able to resume pumping.
    В тот же день было проверено давление в трубопроводе, а 13 июня 1991 года » КАФКО » смогла возобновить перекачку топлива.

    The yield on the United Kingdom’s 30-year government bond fell to 2.04% on the same day.
    В тот же день прибыль от 30-летней государственной облигации Соединенного Королевства упала до 2,04%.

    I have no idea,” Sukhan wrote on Facebook on the same day, making his frustration with his former employers public.
    Понятия не имею», — написал в тот же день Сухан в Facebook, публично продемонстрировав свое недовольство бывшими работодателями.

    On the same day it launched the birth registration campaign for children under one year of age and national immunization days.
    В тот же день началось проведение кампании по регистрации рождения детей в возрасте менее одного года и национальных дней иммунизации.

    On the same day as the Vienna meeting, Russia signed an agreement with Jordan to coordinate militarily against the Islamic State.
    В тот же день, когда в Вене состоялось совещание министров иностранных дел, Россия подписала соглашение с Иорданией о координации военных операций против Исламского государства.

    On the same day, a Government police patrol was attacked by a group of militia in Domaya, 7 km north-west of Nyala.
    В тот же день группа ополченцев напала на правительственный полицейский патруль в Домайе, в 7 км к северо-западу от Ньялы.

    On the same day, four Israeli Air Force fighter jets overflew Syrian territory, breaking the sound barrier over a presidential villa in Lattakia.
    В тот же день четыре истребителя израильских военно-воздушных сил пролетели над сирийской территорией, преодолев звуковой барьер над виллой президента в Латтакии.


    Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Another train with reinforcements got derailed on the same day.

    Еще один поезд с подкреплением сошел с рельсов в тот же день.

    But several states hold contests on the same day.

    Впрочем, некоторые члены совета успели ему возразить в тот же день.

    We share the — were born on the same day.

    Их всех объединяет лишь одно — они рождены в один день.

    That’s one clear reason why constitutional reform proposals and Medvedev’s resignation were announced on the same day.

    Это одна из явных причин, почему предложения о конституционной реформе и отставке Медведева были объявлены в один день.

    SMART repairs are always completed on the same day as they’re started.

    Именно поэтому, мы всегда заканчиваем все ремонтные работы в день их начала.

    The approval or rejection is done on the same day.

    Ответ об одобрении или отклонении заявки будет получен в тот же день.

    Two were rescued on the same day.

    Not necessary on the same day.

    Additional incidents occurred when approximately 400 Saharans demonstrated later on the same day.

    Новые столкновения произошли позже в тот же день во время демонстрации, в которой участвовало 400 сахарцев.

    Bush resigned on the same day that Carter took office.

    Их освободили в тот же день, когда Картер покинул пост президента.

    Entrance and departure on the same day.

    This should be done on the same day.

    It has effects on the same day.

    The report is usually provided on the same day that the documents are served.

    Как правило, это можно сделать в тот же день, когда были поданы документы.

    The account was created on the same day and has no other activity.

    Аккаунт пользователя был создан в тот же день, у него нет ни одного взаимного друга.

    The return call will be made on the same day.

    Depending on the method of eliminating dropsy, discharge is possible either a few days after surgery, or on the same day.

    В зависимости от метода устранения водянки выписка возможна, либо через несколько дней после операционного вмешательства, либо в тот же день.

    Mr Y accepted my request on the same day.

    Sometimes, we’re even able to provide the service on the same day.

    И иногда вы можете даже получить услугу доставки в тот же день.

    The entered information is checked on the same day.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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    Wednesday, December 4, 2013 11:10:02 PM
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    Your exam has fallen on the same day/ the same day I am leaving for London.

    which one is grammatically correct?

    Back to top Shivanand
    Wednesday, December 4, 2013 11:21:01 PM
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    I prefer » Your exam is scheduled for the same day on which I leave for London»


    Back to top s21d
    Wednesday, December 4, 2013 11:29:15 PM
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    That really sounds better than mine. however could you tell me the error in my original sentence?

    Back to top RuthP
    Thursday, December 5, 2013 12:24:44 AM

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    s21d wrote:

    Your exam has fallen on the same day/ the same day I am leaving for London.

    which one is grammatically correct?

    Your exam falls on the same day I (am leaving)(leave) for London.
    Your exam falls on the day I leave for London.
    Your exam will fall on the day I leave for London.

    Your exam is on the same day I leave for London.
    Your exam is the same day I leave for London.
    Your exam is on the day I leave for London.
    Your exam will be on the same day I leave for London.
    Your exam is the same day I leave for London.
    Your exam will be on the day I leave for London.

    Using present perfect (has fallen) is not necessarily incorrect, but it is overly complicated and would not be used by a native speaker. I could probably invent a context, a specific conversation in which it would make sense to use present perfect tense, but it is not what you want most times.

    The heart of this sentence is the equivalency between the date of the exam and the date of leaving. It is not really important exactly when that date is: the equivalency is true now, regardless of how far in the future the date is. It is probable simple present tense would be used, but if the mind of the speaker is focused on the date itself (maybe worried about getting everything ready for leaving), then the speaker will probably use future tense.

    Similarly, a native speaker is more apt to say the same day I leave for London than to say the same day I am leaving for London. I suspect part of the reason for this is that the exam is a point event, so there is a tendency to think of leaving as a point event, too: I leave for London (board the plane) at 08:55.

    In general, unless it is necessary to use a more complex tense, native speakers will pick a simpler tense. Sentences in daily conversation tend to be fairly short, direct, and simple. I suppose this is not so good when you are trying to create conversation for your English class, but it’s great when you are actually trying to talk with an English speaker!

    Back to top Drag0nspeaker
    Thursday, December 5, 2013 10:46:04 AM

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    Wow! So many ways to say the same thing.

    My summary is:

    If you use ‘fall’, then the ‘on’ is needed, it acts like a phrasal verb ‘to fall on’.
    «What date does your exam fall on?»
    «What date does your exam occur?»

    «What date does your exam fall?»

    With other words, the ‘on’ is optional. I think I would normally use ‘on’,

    Your exam falls on the day I leave for London.
    Your exam is on the same day I leave for London.
    Your exam is the same day I leave for London.
    Your exam occurs on the same day I leave for London.
    Your exam occurs the same day I leave for London.

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    • 1
      (the) same day

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) same day

    • 2
      on the same day

      в тот же самый (в тот) день

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > on the same day

    • 3
      on the same day

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > on the same day

    • 4
      on the same day

      Англо-русский юридический словарь > on the same day

    • 5
      not to be named in the same day with…

      не может сравниться с…

      No scientist of his time can be named in the same day with him. — С ним не может сравниться ни один ученый его эпохи.

      Large English-Russian phrasebook > not to be named in the same day with…

    • 6
      Not to be named in the same day with!

      • Not to be named on [in] the same day [breath] with!
      Никакого сравнения быть не может!

      Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Not to be named in the same day with!

    • 7
      Not to be named on the same day with!

      • Not to be named on [in] the same day [breath] with!
      Никакого сравнения быть не может!

      Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Not to be named on the same day with!

    • 8
      he came the same day as you

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he came the same day as you

    • 9
      he is not to be named on the same day with his brother

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he is not to be named on the same day with his brother

    • 10
      later on the same day

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > later on the same day

    • 11
      name in the same day

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > name in the same day

    • 12
      not to be named on (in) the same day (breath) with

      Общая лексика:

      никакого сравнения быть не может

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > not to be named on (in) the same day (breath) with

    • 13
      on the same day as this last year

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > on the same day as this last year

    • 14
      on the same day every year

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > on the same day every year

    • 15
      not to be named on the same day with

      Общая лексика: никакого сравнения быть не может

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > not to be named on the same day with

    • 16
      name in the same day with

      Новый англо-русский словарь > name in the same day with

    • 17
      name on the same day with

      Новый англо-русский словарь > name on the same day with

    • 18
      the very same day

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the very same day

    • 19
      the same

      1. тот же самый; та же самая; то же самое

      2. тот же

      Синонимический ряд:

      an identical item (noun) agreement; alike; an identical item; an identity; ditto; ditto mark; idem; likewise; the very same

      English-Russian base dictionary > the same

    • 20
      the other day

      на днях; недавно

      liberty day — день, когда часть команды увольняется на берег

      Синонимический ряд:

      not long ago (other) a short while ago; currently; freshly; in recent times; lately; newly; not long ago; of late; recently

      English-Russian base dictionary > the other day


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    См. также в других словарях:

    • The Last Day of Summer (film) — Infobox Film name = The Last Day of Summer caption = director = Blair Treu producer = Lauren Levine Jane Startz Tina Stern writer = Kent Pierce starring = Jansen Panettiere Denyse Tontz Daniel Samonas Creagen Dow Eli Vargas Jon Kent Ethridge… …   Wikipedia

    • The Seventh Day — Infobox Television show name = The Seventh Day 最美麗的第七天 caption = genre = Modern Romance format = runtime = 45 minutes (approx.) creator = director = producer = Amy Wong Sum Wai writer = starring = Kevin Cheng Niki Chow Bosco Wong Natalie Tong… …   Wikipedia

    • The Last Day of Creation —   …   Wikipedia

    • The Doris Day Show — The DVD cover for season one of The Doris Day Show (1968 69) Format Sitcom Western (genre) Office (genre) (primarily season 1) …   Wikipedia

    • The Three-Day Blow — “The Three Day Blow” is a short story by Ernest Hemingway, first published in his collection In Our Time in 1925. The story features Nick Adams, one of Hemingway’s recurring protagonists, appearing in at least a dozen of Hemingway’s stories… …   Wikipedia

    • The Song Remains the Same (film) — Infobox Film name = The Song Remains the Same caption = director = Peter Clifton Joe Massot producer = Peter Grant writer = starring = John Bonham John Paul Jones Jimmy Page Robert Plant music = Led Zeppelin cinematography = Ernest Day editing =… …   Wikipedia

    • The Song Remains the Same (album) — Infobox Album Name = The Song Remains the Same Type = live Artist = Led Zeppelin Released = September 28, 1976 Recorded = July 27, 1973 – July 29, 1973 at Madison Square Garden, New York Length = 99:45 (original album) / 131:55 (2007 edition)… …   Wikipedia

    • The 6th Day — Infobox Film name = The 6th Day director = Roger Spottiswoode producer = Mike Medavoy Arnold Schwarzenegger Jon Davison writer = Cormac Wibberley Marianne Wibberley starring = Arnold Schwarzenegger Michael Rapaport Tony Goldwyn Michael Rooker… …   Wikipedia

    • Freemasonry and the Latter Day Saint movement — The relationship between Freemasonry and the Latter Day Saint movement began early in the history of Mormonism. Joseph Smith, Jr. and several of the Church founders were Freemasons, and were founding members of a lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois in… …   Wikipedia

    • Same Day, Different Shit — Infobox Album | Name = Same Day, Different Shit Type = Album Artist = Young Gotti Release = June 6, 2006 Recorded = 2005 2006 Genre = Gangsta rap, West Coast hip hop Length = 49:00 Label = D.P.G. Recordz Producer = Daz Dillinger Reviews = * [http …   Wikipedia

    • The Happy Day — Infobox Musical name = The Happy Day subtitle = caption = Postcard music = Sidney Jones and Paul Rubens lyrics = Adrian Ross and Rubens book = Seymour Hicks basis = productions = 1916 West End awards = The Happy Day is an English musical comedy… …   Wikipedia

    I’m wondering if there is a conventional word or short phrase meaning «happening on the same day» — similar to «at the same time» but implying same day without implying that the events are simultaneous.

    For the sake of example, I’ll use a placeholder I came up with, cosolar

    • «X is [cosolar] with Y»
    • «I missed my final exam because it was [cosolar] with major surgery.»

    Is there such a word?

    asked Jan 16, 2015 at 13:53

    asfallows's user avatar


    There is wide usage of the hyphenated variation «same-day,» though it is largely associated with commercial services, as in «Same-Day Delivery.» Most languages are rife with loanwords, though, and borrowing is almost always cheaper than building.

    answered Jan 16, 2015 at 18:09

    grav3nimag3's user avatar

    simultidian — a portmanteau of simultaneous and quotidian. (You didn’t use the [real-word] tag.)

    answered Jan 16, 2015 at 18:56

    Bob Stein's user avatar

    Bob SteinBob Stein

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    Prepositions in English can sometimes be complicated to use. Should you say “In the same day” or “On the same day”? And what about “At the same day”? This article will answer any questions you could have about how to use this expression in the correct way.

    Both “In the same day” and “On the same day” are correct to use, for slightly different situations. “In” is used for a day as a timeframe, and “On” is used for a day as a date. Rather, you shouldn’t use “At the same day” because “At” is not used for dates or timeframe.

    In The Same Day On The Same Day At The Same Day

    Both “In the same day” and “On the same day” can be used, with slightly differing contexts. “On the same day” should be used when talking about a specific day of the week or date.

    On the other hand, “In the same day” is used when referring to a day as a time frame in which something took place.

    In this context, “In the same day” is similar to saying “In an hour” or “In a year”.

    “At” is the wrong preposition to use when talking about a specific day or date, because “At” is used instead for time, rather than dates or time frames. You’d use “at” when talking about a specific hour of the day.

    Is “In The Same Day”, “On The Same Day”, Or “At The Same Day” Used The Most?

    According to information compiled by the Google Ngram Viewer, “On the same day” has been vastly more utilized than “In the same day” and “At the same day” for decades.

    In The Same Day On The Same Day At The Same Day english usage

    The data showcases the fact that “On the same day” has been popular in its use since the year 1900 at least, while “At the same day” and “In the same day” have remained similarly unpopular since.

    “In the same day” has always been more popular than “At the same day”, most likely because of the fact that the latter is a grammatically incorrect construction.

    However, it’s worth pointing out that in spite of the fact that it remains immensely more popular in use than the other two expressions, “On the same way” has been steadily decreasing in popularity for decades.

    Meanwhile, “At the same day” has remained stable in how miniscule its number of uses is, but “In the same day” has been slowly increasing in use since the early 1990s.

    It’d yet take a few more decades for “In the same day” to even come close to surpassing “On the same day” in use, with the former increasing in use and the latter decreasing.

    That being said, it’s still a possibility that might happen one day.

    Is It Ever Correct To Use “At The Same Day”?

    No, it’s never correct to use “At the same day”. The preposition “At” should be used with specific times, or locations, but not dates or days.

    An example of how to properly use the preposition “At” would be the sentence “We will meet at 5:00 p.m”. In this sentence, “At” is being used to signal a specific time.

    When Should I Use “In The Same Day”?

    “In the same day” should be used when talking about a specific day as a timeframe or a period of time.

    In this context, you’re not talking about a “Day” as in a week day, or a date, but you’re instead referring to a “Day” as a space in which time passes.

    Here are some example sentences if you’re confused about what this means:

    1. We went to three bars in three hours.
    2. I decided to do all of my work in the same day.
    3. They were about to bulldoze five whole buildings in the same day.
    4. We weren’t sure how we were going to read all the documents in the same day.
    5. I was making sure that all of the pastry would be baked in the same day.
    6. In the same day that I graduated, my laundry machine broke.
    7. She made sure that I did all of my housework in the same day.
    8. He was certain he could eat all five meals in the same day.
    9. In the same day I wrote all of the remaining essays.
    10. They finished all six short films in the same day.

    When Should I Use “On The Same Day”?

    “On the same day” should be used when talking about a “Day” as a calendar date or moment in time.

    “On” is the correct preposition to use whenever you’re talking about an individual date where it doesn’t matter how much time it spans.

    Some examples of such dates would be holidays, or week days, or even calendar dates.

    Here are some example sentences to clarify whatever remaining questions you could have:

    1. On the same day that I got married, my father passed away.
    2. My daughter was born on the same day that my best friend’s son was born.
    3. The film’s sequel released on the same day as the previous movie in the franchise.
    4. On the same day as the national blackout, I finally finished my dissertation.
    5. I read the book on the same day as you did.
    6. On the same day I returned home, and so did he.
    7. I ventured forth on the same day as I had been born.
    8. I watched the movie on the same day as I had last year.
    9. She got married on the same day as her mom.
    10. I decided to let go on the same day as she did.

    Are “In The Same Day” And “On The Same Day” Interchangeable?

    They can often be interchangeable, but are not necessarily so. A sentence that uses the “In” preposition might also be able to use the “On” preposition, but the reverse might not be the case.

    This is because “In” refers to a specific period of time, while “On” just refers to a specific date.

     So they can often overlap, but “In” is about the time passed in the day, while “On” refers to the day itself.

    So a sentence that has two events happen on the same day might be described as “In the same day” if the fact that both occurred in the same day is notable.

    However, this sentence might also be described as “On the same day”:

    What Is The Difference Between “On The Same Day” And “On The Same Date”?

    The difference between “On the same day” and “On the same date” is that “On the same day” can refer to any particular day of the week, while “On the same date” means a specific day associated with a specific number of the month and year.

    So if someone asks what the day is, you could answer “Monday” or “Tuesday”, but if someone asks what the date is, you could answer “January 18th” or “November 2nd”.

    Here are some more detailed examples to clarify what is meant by this:

    • I went to the movies on the same day as she did, by coincidence.
    • We ended up getting married on the same date.
    • I gave birth on the same date as my best friend.
    • On the same day I went to the cleaner’s and he came back home.

    Is “Within The Same Day” Correct?

    Yes, “Within the same day” is correct. It’s an expression freely interchangeable with “In the same day”.

    The “In” preposition refers to, in this context, something happening in a specific time span. “Within” is a more extensive way of communicating that idea.

    This means that “In the same day” and “Within the same day” are interchangeable in all contexts.

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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