Word for obtaining knowledge


  • #1

I am writing a personal statement, and hope to express, in a humble way, the meaning that I would like to contribute my knowledge and skills to the field of XXX research. Is there a concise way, I mean, use ONE word to replace knowledge and skills? I thought about «expertise», but would this word be too arrogant? Thanks for your opinions and advice!

  • london calling

    • #2


    I see no problem with ‘expertise’ if, as I assume, you really have expert knowledge (and skills) in your field of research.


    • #3

    In English we use «learn» about both things: improving skills and obtaining knowledge.

    So you could say «what I have learned».

    • #4

    If you think «expertise» goes too far, «competence» is one step down.


    • #5

    Please give a full sentence with a gap where the required word should be. It is impossible to say what is the best word without the immediate context. English is a context-dependent language.


    • #6

    I see no problem with ‘expertise’ if, as I assume, you really have expert knowledge (and skills) in your field of research.

    I wouldn’t see claiming expertise as arrogant either, provided you really do have the knowledge and skills to back it up. Another possible alternative is proficiency, but that sounds tame in comparison.

    london calling

    • #7

    I wouldn’t see claiming expertise as arrogant, provided you really do have the knowledge and skills to back it up.

    Yes, that’s what I meant above.:)


    • #8

    Yes, I spotted that and added a cross-posted credit! :D

    • #9

    In my opinion, when applying for a research post, it is unwise to try to combine those two vital things (knowledge and skills) into a single word.

    It would be far better to talk about ‘subject knowledge’ and give evidence of this (existing qualifications; current courses; relevant things you have been involved in; books or journal articles you have read — or written!!!) and ‘research skills’ with evidence that you have relevant research skills. For example, if your research is scientific or other empirical area, make clear that you have the skills for the types of observations, measurements, record-keeping and interpretation relevant to your field. If the future research involves «difficult» environments, make it clear that you have awareness of, and preferably skills in, appropriate aspects — I am thinking of things like hazardous situations, high-altitude, subterranean, oceanographic, food allergies, cross-cultural, or socially/politically sensitive areas — depending on your field of research, of course.

    And remember, the people scrutinizing your application will be looking for checkable evidence, not just (empty) assertions.

    And readers will be more impressed with things like evidence of development of relevant experience, involvement and personal commitment over a period of years, rather than anything that looks as though you only got interested after seeing the announcement about the post you are applying for.

    Finally, if the research post you are applying for involves extended international travel, you may want to demonstrate you have the knowledge, skills and other personal qualities that indicate you would thrive!

    Good luck!

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2019


    • #10

    Thank you ALL!! I feel more confident and at ease with your insightful comments and advice!!


    • #11

    If you think «expertise» goes too far, «competence» is one step down.

    I agree with this approach. Also I agree with Lingo:

    L: I wouldn’t see claiming expertise as arrogant either, provided you really do have the knowledge and skills to back it up.

    AND maybe some certification (where appropriate, e.g. for medicine, but not canoe building) and experience to back it up.



    Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

    • #12

    Please give a full sentence with a gap where the required word should be. It is impossible to say what is the best word without the immediate context. English is a context-dependent language.


    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    This creates competition between students and serves as an incentive for obtaining knowledge.

    Отметим, что это создает конкуренцию между студентами и служит стимулом для получения знаний.

    The faculty has all the conditions for obtaining knowledge and professional competencies.

    На факультете созданы все условия для получения знаний и профессиональных компетенций.

    The university has great experience of cooperation with foreign students and creates comfortable conditions for obtaining knowledge.

    Университет имеет большой опыт сотрудничества с иностранными студентами и создает комфортные условия для получения знаний.

    protecting the interests of students, creating all conditions for obtaining knowledge and a healthy lifestyle

    защита интересов студентов, создание всех условий для получения знаний и здорового образа жизни

    Our compatriots are glad that all conditions for obtaining knowledge, learning Qur’an in a sign language and Braille have been created.

    Наши соотечественники рады тому, что созданы все условия для получения знаний, изучения Корана на языке жестов и Брайля.

    Social sciences, including economic ones, are on the verge of a large-scale and effective use of a new tool for obtaining knowledge.

    ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Общественные науки, в том числе экономические, стоят на пороге масштабного и эффективного использования нового средства для получения знаний об обществе.

    Graduates of the General Medicine study program completed complex education in all theoretical and clinical medical disciplines for obtaining knowledge and manual skills enabling their future successful practicing of general medicine or any further specialization.

    Выпускники программы общей медицины прошли комплексное обучение по всем теоретическим и клиническим медицинским дисциплинам для получения знаний и навыков ручного труда, что позволит им в будущем успешно практиковать общую медицину или любую другую специализацию.

    Innovative school is designed for 250 students, taking into account the demand for school services, it is planned to build another educational building for 500 seats, which will create conditions for obtaining knowledge on high school programs.

    Пока инновационная школа рассчитана на 250 учащихся, с учетом спроса на услуги школы планируется построить еще один учебный корпус на 500 мест, что создаст условия для получения знаний по программам старших классов.

    Most people who aim toward becoming fashion designers in Italy consider Milan the place for obtaining knowledge in the field.

    Большинство людей, стремящихся стать модельерами, рассматривают Милан как основное место для получения знаний о моде.

    Comfortable conditions for obtaining knowledge.

    Comfortable conditions for obtaining knowledge.

    He first explained the appearance of the rainbow after the rain, substantiated the need for obtaining knowledge through experiments and mathematical calculations.

    Он первый объяснил появление радуги после дождя, обосновал необходимость получения знаний путем опытов и математических расчетов.

    It is substantiated that the textbook is the basis for obtaining knowledge and skills in various disciplines of managerial and economic direction.

    Обосновано, что положения учебника является основой для достижения знаний и умений по различным дисциплинам управленческо-экономического направления.

    It is also vital to develop modern information and communication technologies as the main tool for the translation of meanings and the channel for obtaining knowledge.

    Жизненно важным также является развитие современных информационных и коммуникационных технологий как основного инструмента трансляции смыслов и канала получения знаний.

    The basic mechanism and consequently a method for obtaining knowledge and skills — «learning by doing», for example, practical tasks, exercises.

    Для них основной механизм и, соответственно, метод получения знаний, умений и навыков — «обучение через делание», т.е. выполнение практических заданий, упражнений.

    Childhood is an experimental field for obtaining knowledge directly, without substantiation and theories, and it is on it that the further perception of the surrounding world depends.

    Детство — опытное поле, где мы получаем напрямую, без обоснований и теорий, и именно от этого периода жизни зависит дальнейшее восприятие окружающего мира.

    As a result, the Belgian Financial Intelligence Processing Unit, which is charged, inter alia, with enforcing this law, is in possession of an instrument for obtaining knowledge regarding suspected money-laundering operations connected with terrorism.

    Из этого следует, что группа по обработке финансовой информации, которой, в частности, поручено заниматься осуществлением этого закона, имеет в своем распоряжении инструмент для раскрытия подозрительных операций с «отмыванием денег», связанных с терроризмом.

    Technology in the classroom and virtual reality have changed the principles of academic learning providing more effective opportunities for obtaining knowledge, processing a large amount of information necessary for learning, and, moreover, creating new opportunities for visual learning.

    Мобильные технологии и виртуальная реальность изменили принципы академического обучения, предоставив более эффективные возможности получения знаний, обработки большого количества необходимой для изучения информации, более того, создав новые возможности визуального обучения.

    Although therefore the small manufacturer can seldom be in the front of the race of progress, he need not be far from it, if he has the time and the ability for availing himself of the modern facilities for obtaining knowledge.

    Поэтому, хотя мелкий предприниматель редко может оказаться во главе состязающихся в техническом прогрессе, он отнюдь не обязательно находится среди отстающих, если располагает временем и обладает способностями, чтобы воспользоваться всеми современными средствами приобретения знаний.

    New information technologies for obtaining knowledge can break these ties in the modern educational process, especially since young generations are now much more demanding of what they are teaching.

    Новые информационные технологии получения знаний могут нарушить эти связи, тем более что юные поколения сейчас гораздо требовательнее к тому, что они учат.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 21. Точных совпадений: 21. Затраченное время: 55 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    What is another word for obtain knowledge?

    6 synonyms found


    [ ɒbtˈe͡ɪn nˈɒlɪd͡ʒ], [ ɒbtˈe‍ɪn nˈɒlɪd‍ʒ], [ ɒ_b_t_ˈeɪ_n n_ˈɒ_l_ɪ_dʒ]

    Related words: knowledge acquisition, knowledge engineering, knowledge management, knowledge retrieval, knowledge acquisition software, knowledge acquisition process, knowledge management systems, what is knowledge engineering, how to gain knowledge

    Related questions:

  • What is the knowledge acquisition process?
  • How to get knowledge?
  • How to retrieve knowledge from a database?
  • What is knowledge management definition?
  • Table of Contents

    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • imbibe,
      • information,
      • learn,
      • glean,
      • learning,
      • drink.

    How to use «Obtain knowledge» in context?

    When we want to obtain knowledge, it means we want to acquire new information. We might do this by reading, studying, or listening to something. Obtaining knowledge is important, because it allows us to learn new things and to improve our understanding of the world around us.

    When we want to obtain knowledge, it means we want to acquire new information. We might do this by reading, studying, or listening to something. Obtaining knowledge is important, because it allows us to learn new things and to improve our understanding of the world around us.

    Knowledge is like a muscle. The more we use it, the stronger it becomes.

    Both department and division survey respondents report that, on average, they spend about one third of their

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    Респонденты, ответившие на вопросы как обследования департаментов, так и обследования отделов, сообщают, что в среднем они затрачивают

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    They key objective of the Child and Youth Finance movement is to support children and

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    Основной целью работы движения« Child and Youth Finance» является поддержка детей и

    молодежи в получении знаний о том, как сохранять и ответственно тратить свои средства.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    In class teaching and in the national curriculum, there is a focus on obtaining knowledge of various cultures,

    the ability to meet other cultures and to live in a culturally diverse world and, lastly, the ability to handle cultural changes.

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    В процессе обучения в классе и в государственной учебной программе акцент делается на получение знаний о различных культурах,

    способности воспринимать другую культуру и жить в многокультурном мире и, наконец, способности терпимо относиться к изменениям в культуре.

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    Objective: obtaining knowledge of activities in the system of natural capital management

    in modern conditions on the basis of theoretical provisions and practical studies of domestic and foreign science, as well as modern methods of scientific research.

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    Цель: получение знаний относительно деятельности в системе управления природным капиталом

    в современных условиях на основе теоретических положений и практических исследований отечественной и зарубежной науки, а также современных методов научных исследований.

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    Help schools to implement

    high-quality professional training of students aimed at obtaining knowledge and skills relevant to the main business of the Company,

    for the strengthening and development of educational and laboratory facilities of high educational institutions under the Agreement.

    context icon

    Помощь учебным заведениям

    в целях реализации качественной целевой подготовки студентов, направленной на получение знаний и навыков актуальных профилю основной деятельности Общества,

    для укрепления и развития учебно- лабораторной базы ВУЗа,( СПУЗа/ НПУЗа), в рамках Соглашения.

    The format of the game makes getting new


    and skills for the child fun and exciting, because in the process of the

    game you can most trace the relationship between obtaining knowledge, their application and the achieved result.

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    Формат игры делает




    и навыков для ребенка увлекательным и захватывающим,

    ведь в процессе игры можно самому проследить связь между получением знаний, их применением и достигнутым результатом.

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    The development of new programmes that will enable obtaining knowledge for raising the quality of life,

    level of information, cultural and civilisation levels, for preserving cultural tradition and national identity, for the co-existence of different cultures and for protecting the environment.

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    Разработка новых программ, которые дадут возможность получать знания в целях улучшения качества жизни,

    повышения уровня информированности, культуры и цивилизованности, сохранения культурных традиций и национальной самобытности, обеспечения сосуществования различных культур и защиты окружающей среды.

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    That is an unfair and dangerous approach that challenges the dignity of many millions of victims of crimes committed by the totalitarian Stalin regime and

    prevents humankind from obtaining knowledge that might help it to avoid similar catastrophes in the future.

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    Это— несправедливый и опасный подход, который бросает вызов достоинству миллионов людей, ставших жертвами преступлений, совершенных тоталитарным сталинским режимом,

    и лишает человечество возможности получить информацию, которая может помочь избежать подобных катастроф в будущем.

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    П осле получения знаний к азахстанские студенты намерены применить их у себя на родине.

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    It also obtained knowledge and machinery related specifically to double-base solid

    propellant missile technology.

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    Он также приобрел знания и технику, конкретно связанные с технологией производства

    двухступенчатых твердотопливных ракет.

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    EDA will obtain knowledge about monitoring systems from the Innovation Centre for Energy Saving.

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    АРОС будет получать данные о системах мониторинга из Инновационного центра энергосбережения.

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    Through training, people obtain knowledge, which improves possibilities in working life.

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    Посредством обучения люди получают знания, что дает больше возможностей при устройстве на работу.

    The team leader monitors the fulfilment of objectives and

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    Руководитель группы контролирует выполнение задач и

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    Obtained knowledge and skills will help to improve environmental and occupational safety,

    as well as health care activities at the sugar plants already in the starting sugar production season.

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    Полученные знания и навыки помогут улучшить работу по защите окружающей среды,

    охране труда и охране здоровья на заводах уже в текущем производственном сезоне.

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    This is a unique tool for testing the ability to reproduce obtained knowledge in future which today is the main criterion

    in quality education provision.

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    Это уникальный инструмент проверки воспроизводства полученных знаний завтра, который является основным критерием предоставления качественного

    образования сегодня.

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    During the seminar, participants obtained knowledge of the Roma culture, discussed cultural differences and exchanged experiences.

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    На этом семинаре участники получили информацию о культуре рома, обсудили культурные различия и обменялись накопленным опытом.

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    In September, teachers will widely put obtained knowledge to use and will present video lessons for the scoring.

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    В сентябре учителя будут активно применять полученные знания в своей работе и представят для оценивания видеозаписи уроков.

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    These obtained knowledge in diverse biomass energy production technologies

    and principles of correct administration of biomass heating systems.

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    Они получили знания о разнообразии технологий по выработке энергии из биомассы

    и принципах правильного управления отопительными системами, работающими на биомассе.

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    They are widely used the obtained knowledge in the educational process: open Lessons, round tables, presentations.

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    Полученные знания они широко используют в учебном процессе: открытые занятия, круглые столы, доклады в ЦМК.

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    All the Program’s graduates efficiently use the obtained knowledge and skills when solving current practical

    and strategical production tasks.

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    Все выпускники программы эффективно используют полученные знания и навыки при решении текущих практических и стратегических производственных задач.

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    All the Program’s graduates efficiently use the obtained knowledge and skills while solving current practical and strategical production tasks.

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    Все выпускники программы эффективно используют полученные знания и навыки при решении текущих практических и стратегических производственных задач.

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    Obtained knowledge and skills will allow them to adjust to new profession

    and find a job in IT sector.

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    и претендовать на работу в IТ- секторе.

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    Yuan despite the fact that it was against Mongol law.

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    Чхве получил знания о порохе от китайского купца по имени Ли Юань,

    несмотря на тот факт, что это запрещали монгольские законы.

    During the training every serviceman obtains knowledge and practice skills to perform his duties correctly and positively.

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    В ходе занятий каждый военнослужащий получает знания и практические навыки, которые позволят правильно и уверенно выполнять поставленные задачи.

    And it does not guarantee that the obtained knowledge and the time spent will be enough

    to start a successful career.

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    И это вовсе не гарантирует, что полученных знаний и потраченного времени будет достаточно для начала успешной карьеры.

    This new definition does not reflect either a scientific enquiry

    or its transformation into the ability and desire to transfer the obtained knowledge and skills to other doctors.

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    В этом новом определении нет ни научного вопрошания,

    ни его трансформации в способность и желание передавать полученные знания и навыки другим докторам.

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    To improve surgical technique by studying the colon functional features and

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    Улучшение хирургической техники путем исследования функциональных особенностей толстой кишки и

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    Transition of individuals from studies to work is slow,

    due to the mismatch of obtained knowledge with qualifications required by the employers.

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    context icon

    Переход человека от учебы к работе проходит медленно,

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    We have been studying up-to-date trends in this area, analyzing market, developing trading strategies and theories,

    and regularly applying all of our obtained knowledge and skills on practice.

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    context icon

    Мы изучали новейшие тенденции данного направления, анализировали рынок, разрабатывали торговые стратегии и теории,

    и регулярно применяли все свои добытые знания и умения на практике.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    There are many ways of acquiring knowledge. Intuition, authority, experience, and reasoning are all ways to gain knowledge. We acquire knowledge from our experience. People who are experts in the subject matter also provide a great deal of information. Here we discuss different ways of acquiring knowledge.


    The dictionary definition of intuition is instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes) or the impression that something might be the case but you do not have a reason for that knowledge. Intuition relies on justifications like “it feels right to me”. The problem with such an approach is there is no way to separate accurate knowledge from inaccurate knowledge, as there is no way to observe or examine the accuracy of the knowledge. Intuition is the quickest way to obtain an answer to a question or problem when there is no information, or when you cannot refer to any supporting data, and the use of rational justification is not possible.

    This approach relies on acquiring the knowledge from a person who is a respected source of information on that particular subject. This approach relies on the fact that we accept what is fixed or established especially by order or authority. While there is always a chance that the fact stated by the authority/expert might be inaccurate, it can generally be a good starting point as it is one of the quickest and easiest ways to obtain knowledge. But there are problems with authoritative sources of knowledge too. For example, we often hear about conflicting testimonies by an expert witness in court trials. Another issue with this approach to knowledge is the ability of an expert to present facts in an unbiased manner. And lastly, authoritative information from one field may not generalize to other fields. For example, the skills for running a successful business may not necessarily translate to the skills and expertise required for running a government agency.

    Empiricism or Experience

    This approach to acquiring knowledge relies on the idea that all knowledge is gained through experience which can be verified or disproved by observation, experimentation, or experience. Philosophers John Locke (1632–1704) and David Hume (1711–1776) argued that virtually all knowledge is based on experience. We gain knowledge through sensory perception. Empirical or a posteriori knowledge comes through senses. But we also know from research, that our past experiences and motivations at the time of perceiving can drastically influence our senses. There is also evidence that memory of events does not remain constant. Nonetheless, empiricism is a vital approach to gaining knowledge.

    Reasoning or Rationalism or Metaphysical method

    This approach to acquiring knowledge rests on the idea that reason is the primary source of knowledge. Favored by many philosophers, it assumes that the behavior of natural objects is governed by a set of laws and that people can discover these laws by their efforts. That is, truth is knowable or can be discovered independent of observations, purely through thinking, including mathematical and logical reasoning and other thinking processes. There is a priori knowledge that is supplied by our consciousness independently of all experience, achieved by pure reasoning alone. This type of reasoning begins with the search for true premises. Then, by the use of logic, deduces natural laws from these axiomatic truths. For example, physicists first extend their understanding through reasoning and logical thinking using mathematical models which have led to theoretical discoveries like the Higgs Boson particle or gravitational waves.

    Ways of knowing

    Scientific Method

    Empiricism and rationalism are the key cornerstones of the scientific method. Scientists use reasoning (mostly deductive reasoning) to provide a theoretical and empirical rationale for the research, to develop hypotheses, and to determine the validity of the results. And they make empirical observations under controlled conditions and provide systematic documentation to reduce biases. This provides objectivity to validate or refute the hypotheses. Thus the modern science stands tall on the two main pillars: rationalism and empiricism For more information on the scientific method please refer here.


    Popper, K. R. (1968). The logic of scientific discovery. London, England: Hutchinson and Co.

    Kuhn, T. S. (1962). The structure of scientific revolutions. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

    Chalmers, A. F. (1999). What is this thing called science? (3rd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Hackett.

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    Trivedi, C. (2020, November 22). Ways of knowing/acquiring knowledge. ConcpetsHacked. https://conceptshacked.com/ways-of-acquiring-knowledge/

    The quest for knowledge is ingrained in a human being. Some utilize it for intellectual growth whereas others are least bothered in acquiring it. Knowledge is the pathway for self-improvement and can be attained only when a person is curious enough to find ways and means to go a step further.

    There are individuals who are happy to gain wisdom and want to share its pearls with others. Such enlightened minds are the foundation of our society who has helped the world to become a better place because of acquired knowledge. Knowledge is indispensable and has the ability to open closed doors because it can increase the imagination, creativity and memory bank of its seeker.

    1) Intuition

    Intuition is a strong emotion that is not based on facts just heart-felt guts. There are some who do not believe in intuition but let me tell you that there are others who swear by it. A basic example – A student is being forced to study for a mechanical engineering degree but his intuition says he will do better in digital field. This intuition is invaluable because that student understands himself the best and his intuition should be listened.

    It is our instincts that can become a guiding force and motivational tools to acquire knowledge if used positively. Example – Today digital marketing is on the rise, and if it is your intuition that you should learn about digital marketing, then by all means use sites like Udemy to learn the same. You cannot rely solely on instincts as you need scientific evidence and logical reasoning to move forward but it is a hard fact that instincts can prompt us in the right direction and urge us to acquire knowledge and skills that would prove beneficial to us later on in our life.

    2) Research

    Acquire Knowledge - 1

    One of the best ways to acquire knowledge is to research the subject. There is an ocean of knowledge available in today’s world it is up to us to choose the right medium and gain it to our satisfaction. Youtube, Wikipedia, Tutorial sites are proof that you can learn anything you want.

    It can prove a daunting task to the untrained but advanced technologies have opened several doors for our benefit. The Internet has proved a boon by ensuring that a proper search can be conducted with a few clicks and vital keywords. You can also take help of libraries to gain information and use this data as per your requirements. Conducting research of a subject has become quite easy and it is upon the student to chose the right medium that will prove a help to him.

    3) Clear your concepts

    Clear concept opens our mind to our surroundings and makes us receptive to various things. It is easy to follow a daily routine because we do not have to make a great effort as all our actions are simply automatically inclined. Do you realize that you are stuck in a rut with no place for advancement? It can have serious repercussions in your effort to acquire knowledge.

    When you find yourself in such a situation take a deep breath, sit back, contemplate your actions and then clear your mind to all previous activities. Start fresh with a new concept to gain some new and interesting facts.  Remove hesitancy, become firm and find your purpose in life to gain knowledge for your personal satisfaction and betterment.

    4) Authority

    Acquire Knowledge - 2

    An authoritative figure in our life can give direction to our thought process and urge us to acquire knowledge. It is one of the most common means through which an individual can be pushed successfully towards a certain direction. A

    doctor prompts and recommends his children towards medical knowledge, a lawyer will advise his children towards law, a politician towards politics and so on.

    In most cases, human beings are habituated to listen to someone who has a direct as well as indirect authority over them like parents, teachers, councilors and religious authority. It can be a base to acquire knowledge but at the end of the day, it is up to the particular individual how well he handles himself and which path he will take to gain knowledge in his life. If you can find someone you can report to regarding your progress, that can you better in acquiring knowledge.

    5) Reading books

    Since earlier times the best way to gain knowledge for individuals has been by reading books to their heart’s content. It is one of the most convenient sources of information and its availability is unmatched. The paperbacks are easy to get and has zero limitations. It just needs your time, effort and inclination.

    Nowadays books are also available in several portals that can be opened with help of internet. You do not have to step out of your house and make a purchase, just go to the site and with a few clicks are able to browse in open and free platform or buy in shopping portals as per your preference. The only drawback of the internet is that it cannot be accessed every time and everywhere. Reading a book has found more favor with readers than reading it in digitally forms as it motivates our brain cells and develops our imagination. Each individual must choose his own preference because at the end of the day gaining knowledge is more important than how and whys.

    6) Good habits

    Acquire Knowledge - 3

    Develop good habits that will help you in acquiring knowledge to your personal satisfaction. Do not try to find shortcuts as the path to information is full of determination and hard work. You cannot gain knowledge by simply thinking about it otherwise every one of us in this wide world would have become Socrates. It is no doubt a hard path so chose the right one even though it is a bit complex. Good habits will prove a blessing and help you in achieving your goals.

    7) Rationalism

    Rationalism is a great way to acquire knowledge. It does not involve any guesses just solid facts. An individual must dive inside his mind and acquire reasoning powers that will prove beneficial during rationalism of any thought process. People have used logic to arrive at decisions even if they do not have all the facts related to the issue. Rationalism has proved to be a motivating force that has inspired many towards gaining better skills and knowledge.

    8) Realistic deadlines

    Acquire Knowledge - 4

    Set obtainable goals if you are serious in your efforts. Dreams can be impractical but goals need to be realistic if you seriously want to achieve them. You cannot make a promise that you will finish understanding a one thousand page book in a single day. Set up a sustainable target that will encourage you every day to move a bit more forward and achieve it in the predicted deadline.  Moving hastily without a proper understanding will not have the desired effect so move with caution as your goal is to acquire knowledge not to just obtain it randomly.

    9) Believe in yourself

    Faith is a power that can achieve anything in this world. Believe in yourself to acquire knowledge. The belief that you can do what you have set out to accomplish has a tremendous power of its own that motivates you, encourages you and pushes you in the right direction. Doubts and negativity cannot become shackles on your feet nor do they have any power to discourage you from your efforts. Believe in your vision and stay positive because it is only then that you will be able to achieve what you desire above everything else.

    10) Learn from mistakes

    To err is human. You might have made some mistakes in your path to acquire knowledge. Learn from those mistakes and try not to repeat them. Failure is an integral part of human life and is also a great motivational device as it urges to learn from them and become better in our further attempts. Make sure that you are on the right course now so plan, make adjustments and then start on the trail once again with more vigor and determination. The path of knowledge is fraught with difficulties but sheer determination and faith will help us in achieving our goals.

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    Is there one word for «gathered wisdom», meaning knowledge and wisdom that has been obtained from different sources and from experience?

    Matt Gutting's user avatar

    Matt Gutting

    6,1601 gold badge27 silver badges40 bronze badges

    asked Aug 21, 2014 at 19:23

    user88970's user avatar


    Here is a suggestion:
    lore — knowledge gained through study or experience.

    The definition is from Merriam Webster’s dictionary. There are several other words which you may use depending on context and audience.

    answered Aug 21, 2014 at 19:43

    vickyace's user avatar


    14.8k12 gold badges87 silver badges106 bronze badges

    The young of those countries know little or nothing about simple amusements which are so popular in the United States, and acquire from their elders their knowledge of betting and taking part in games of chance, two evils which unquestionably have done much to degrade the race as a whole.

    Mr. P. gained nothing by this trip but the knowledge that there are but 980 of these islands, which an unscrupulous monarchy imposes upon a credulous people as a full thousand, and the gloom which would naturally pervade a man, after an occurrence of the kind just narrated.

    How many ministers possess, for instance, a scholarly knowledge of human nature or of the deeper aspects of redemption?

    To reconnoitre the enemy‘s positions by daylight was hazardous work, and the Scots had to obtain their firsthand knowledge of the river and the approaches to it in the dark hours.

    Dominion over physical law requires a certain knowledge of science beyond the physical as well as a working knowledge of the spiritual laws.

    Reference is easy to the story written by one of the representatives of France, possibly the most efficient through having been in America a long time and having fuller and more intimate knowledge of the American representatives, particularly Colonel House.

    « «You tell me, Miss Muriel, that you suspect the truth, and yet you deny all knowledge of the murdered man!«

    This situation gives the trader a more intimate knowledge of his speciesa more ready insight into character, and of the modes of operating on it.

    Grey, it appeared, was a student of campaigns, and he and Ringan were deep in a discussion of Conde‘s battles, in which both showed surprising knowledge.

    Madame Castle says her aptitude for imparting knowledge amounts to genius.

    He was the vehicle by which was brought accurate knowledge.

    « He took me homeward at a speed which wellnigh foundered me, and, when I questioned him, he told me where he got his knowledge.

    The trial afforded its considerable amusement, and gave me a splendid opportunity to display the legal knowledge which I had acquired while acting as justice of the peace at Fort McPherson.

    The traveller, however, who should visit the United States in a more leisurely way, with the purpose of increasing his knowledge of history and politics, would find it well to proceed somewhat differently.

    He extended, however, the knowledge of his countrymen with regard to the western regions.]

    I attended one morning with my uncle the Petty Sessions of Hertford, where, no doubt, I was supposed to enlarge my knowledge of sessions practice; it certainly did so, for I knew nothing, and received a lesson, which is not only my earliest recollection, but my first experience in Advocacy.

    But I have undertaken to explain to you the best mode of acquiring and communicating a knowledge of zoology, and you may therefore fairly ask me for a more detailed and precise account of the manner in which I should propose to furnish you with the information I refer to.

    In «Old maid« the children pair the groups and so learn to recognise them; in dominoes they use this knowledge, while «Snap« involves quick recognition.

    He became now a diligent hearer of the most celebrated professors, and made great advances in all the sciences, still regulating his studies with a view, principally, to divinity, for which he was originally intended by his father; and, for that reason, exerted his utmost application to attain an exact knowledge of the Hebrew tongue.

    They joined to the worship of the gods, and to the profession of medicine and natural magic, a pretended familiarity with superior powers, from which they boasted of deriving all their knowledge.

    « «Perhaps I should have kept that knowledge to myself.

    Many weeks elapsed after the Nausett party had joined the friendly Pequodees, ere any preparations were made for journeying to the west; and these days were chiefly employed by Henrich in improving his knowledge of the Indian language, and especially of the Nausett dialect, by conversing with Oriana and her young companions, both male and female.

    Then he would devise plan after plan, by which he might hope to obtain some intelligence of the settlement, or convey to his relatives the knowledge of his safety.

    Hearing of this, the Master said, «Why did you not say, He is a man with a mind so intent on his pursuits that he forgets his food, and finds such pleasure in them that he forgets his troubles, and does not know that old age is coming upon him?« «As I came not into life with any knowledge of it,« he said, «and as my likings are for what is old, I busy myself in seeking knowledge there.

    They have taught me such knowledge as the Sachems of my nation never dreamed of, and they have given me two comrades after my own heart.

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