Word for noting down

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод FOR NOTHING DOWN

adv AmE infml

I bought it for nothing down and one hundred fifty bucks a month — Я купил это в рассрочку и буду платить по пятьдесят баксов в месяц. Задатка с меня не потребовали

New English-Russian dictionary of modern colloquial English.

     Новый Англо-Русский словарь современной разговорной лексики.

for nothing down

I bought it for nothing down and one hundred fifty bucks a month — Я купил это в рассрочку и буду платить по пятьдесят баксов в месяц. Задатка с меня не потребовали

Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики. — М.:«Русский язык-Медиа» .

Смотреть что такое «for nothing down» в других словарях:

  • for nothing — 1) without any payment Some of the men volunteered to work for nothing. I m a club member, so I can get tickets for nothing. 2) without a reason or purpose Why did you call me down here for nothing? not for nothing (= for a good reason): Not for… …   English dictionary

  • Money for Nothing (album) — For the song, see Money for Nothing (song). Money for Nothing Greatest hits album by Dire Straits Released October 1988 …   Wikipedia

  • All for Nothing/Nothing for All — Compilation album by The Replacements Released …   Wikipedia

  • Money for Nothing (song) — This article is about the Dire Straits song. For the Darin song, see Money for Nothing (Darin song). Money for Nothing Single by Dire Straits …   Wikipedia

  • All For Nothing — is a female fronted hardcore band from south side Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Behind the in your face hardcore, you will find metal and punk rock influences in their music, all contributing to their own unique style.All For Nothing was founded by …   Wikipedia

  • To go for nothing — Go Go, v. i. [imp. {Went} (w[e^]nt); p. p. {Gone} (g[o^]n; 115); p. pr. & vb. n. {Going}. Went comes from the AS, wendan. See {Wend}, v. i.] [OE. gan, gon, AS. g[=a]n, akin to D. gaan, G. gehn, gehen, OHG. g[=e]n, g[=a]n, SW. g[*a], Dan. gaae; cf …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Money for Nothing — У слова «Money» есть и другие значения: см. Money. «Money for Nothing» …   Википедия

  • Stories and Texts for Nothing — is a collection of stories by Samuel Beckett. It gathers three of Beckett s short stories ( The Expelled, The Calmative, and The End , all written in 1946) and the thirteen short prose pieces he named Texts for Nothing (1950 1952). All of these… …   Wikipedia

  • Good for nothing — Good Good, a. [Compar. {Better}; superl. {Best}. These words, though used as the comparative and superlative of good, are from a different root.] [AS. G[=o]d, akin to D. goed, OS. g[=o]d, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g[=o][eth]r, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Money for nothing (album) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Money for Nothing …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Money for Nothing — Grandes éxitos de Dire Straits Publicación Octubre de 1988 Grabación 1978 1985 Género(s) Rock Duración 62:09 …   Wikipedia Español

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

You shot him for nothing down.

In 1973, I was watching TV and this guy came on advertising a three-day seminar on how to buy real estate for nothing down.

В 1973 году я увидел по телевизору рекламу трехдневного семинара о том, как покупать недвижимость, не платя ничего наличными.

In 1973, I was watching TV and this guy came on advertising a three-day seminar on how to buy real estate for nothing down.

В 1973 г. я смотрел телепрограмму, где один парень рекламировал трехдневный семинар по вопросу, как приобретать недвижимость за безналичный расчет.

At only 16 she became an ambassador for Nothing Down, an international nonprofit I co-founded focused on ending the stigmas that often accompany Down syndrome.

В возрасте всего 16 лет она стала представителем организации «Nothing Down», международной некоммерческой организации, которую я помогла создать, целью которой является разрушить ярлыки, часто сопровождающие синдром Дауна.

Другие результаты

Not for nothing, down the ages, have the teachings emphasized the need for faith, seeing it as the very heart of service.

Не случайно на протяжении тысячелетий духовные учения подчеркивали необходимость уверенности, видя в ней сердце служения.

He thinks we’re good for nothing but sucking down doughnuts.

Nothing Down for the 2000s: Dynamic New Wealth Strategies in Real Estate

Or possibly it was the result of oysters for nothing ‘struck them down‘.

Возможно, кстати, что сделано это было в стратегических целях — чтобы не «дразнить гусей«.

Walter ran outside, climbed up into a tree in our backyard, and wouldn’t come down for nothing.

Maybe because I don’t turn a man’s house upside down for nothing just so other people will look at me.

Может, потому что я не переворачиваю вверх дном чужой дом без причины, лишь бы на меня обратили внимание.

So you let everyone down for nothing, then?

Have mercy, Aunt Reed!’ And that punishment you made me suffer because your wicked boy struck me-knocked me down for nothing.

И вы меня наказали так жестоко только потому, что ваш злой сын ударил меня ни за что, швырнул на пол.

Nothing up here, nothing down there.

Nothing down it, right down to the joint.

They have NOTHING down there and are offering to help.

Там нечего есть, а они останавливают помощь.

Most of what we know about Socrates came from Plato as Socrates wrote nothing down.

Всё, что мы знаем о Сократе, нам известно в пересказе Платона, так как Сократ не оставил после себя ни строчки.

New Viral Video Shows There’s ‘Nothing Down About…

Выставка видеодокументов «… Нет ничего на…

That there’s nothing down here.

There’s nothing down here, Nicole.

Well… your green don’t buy nothing down where Legba come from, boy.

Ну… там, откуда Легба, на твои зелёные ничего не купишь, парень.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

There was nothing down to poor poetry,—properly speaking, that which persisted in vegetating in manuscripts,—which was not forced, in order to make something of itself, to come and frame itself in the edifice in the shape of a hymn or of prose; the same part, after all, which the tragedies of AEschylus had played in the sacerdotal festivals of Greece; Genesis, in the temple of Solomon.

ALL FOR NOTHING Down‘s Kevin McKernan is drained at the final whistle

Hardy suggests that if a family, couple or individual buys a home now for the average Utah County price, about $350,000, for example, and put nothing down using one of those available programs in a year that home could be worth 5 percent more, or $367,500.

Low down payment loans aren’t just for borrowers in uniform: Some conventional loans require just 3 percent down, the minimum for a Federal Housing Administration mortgage is 3.5 percent and eligible borrowers can get a Department of Agriculture, or USDA, loan with nothing down.

There is nothing down for the workers on Merseyside.

«I have to support the coaches and players and make sure there’s nothing down the line which will interfere with the direction we’re going in.

«I have to support the coaches and players and make sure there’s nothing down the line that will interfere with the direction we’re going in.

«That’s nothing down to us playing great — that’s down to the fact that Chester are having a right good go.

DAVID HOPKIN reckons he’s finally silencing critics who claimed his success in Scotland would count for nothing down south.

Not as effective going forward as usual, but gave Cardiff nothing down his flank.

The newly-released pictures show it is in great shape, a fact confirmed by an engineer from Balfour Beatty who recently said 95% of the tunnel is in as good a condition as when it opened, and that there was nothing down there that was not fixable.

You can be an out-of-work musician or struggling artist in dire straits but if you can get the man with the means to extend a loan there’ll be money for nothing down the road and the checks will be free.

«It was nothing down to how the coaches prepared us, it was down to us, the XV and 23 that were on the pitch last weekend making bad decisions at crucial times.»

In February, during an interview with (http://hiphollywood.com/2016/02/exclusive-oshea-jackson-jr-responds-to-last-friday-rumors/) HipHollywood , the «Straight Outta Compton» star was asked about a sequel but said, «No, there’s nothing down yet, there’s nothing.» Pointing to his father, the actor went on to say, «No word from him.

She said: «There was nothing down in the garden, which meant we could come in and do what we wanted, so we’ve got a garden that works for young children.

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Ты застрелил его ни за что.

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Основные труды: На протяжении жизни, сам Будда, ничего не записывал.

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Well your green don’t buy nothing down where Legba come from, boy.

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Ну там, откуда Легба, на твои зеленые ничего не купишь, парень.

I don’t know what you think you have heard, there’s nothing down there.

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Either all open or all closed, evening a small current of air, or

anything that the top opened, either nothing down.

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Все закрыты, или всех открытых вечером небольшой ток воздуха, или что-нибудь,

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I didn’t put a knot near the end of the rope, and if there was nothing down there I wouldn’t be able to hold the rope,

and then I would fall, and it would be quick.

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завязал узел на конце веревки, и если там внизу ничего не окажется, я


смогу удержаться на конце. Потом я упаду,

и все произойдет быстро.

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He has written or co-written a number of famous books about

personal finance management, including such bestsellers as»Creating Wealth»,»Nothing Down«,»Multiple Streams of Income» and»One Minute Millionaire.

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Он автор или соавтор нескольких самых известных книг об управлении личными финансами,

в том числе и бестселлеры серий» Creating Wealth»,» Nothing Down«,» Множественные Источники Дохода» и» Миллионер за минуту.

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Напишите» Не зачем жить.

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Just tunnels, nothing


there I can see.

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Просто туннели, я ничего там не увидела.

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Reverend, there’s nothing



I told you there was nothing



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Я говорил, что там ничего нет.

No, no, no, there is nothing



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Нет, нет, нет. Там ничего нету.

They have all looked and found nothing



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Time: 0.1905





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