Word for not wanting to believe something

Some common synonyms of refuse are decline, reject, repudiate, and spurn.

Regarding this, What does it mean to refuse to do something?

1 : to express oneself as unwilling to accept refuse a gift refuse a promotion. 2a : to show or express unwillingness to do or comply with refused to answer the question. b : to not allow someone to have or do (something) : deny they were refused admittance to the game.

Then What do you mean by refusal? 1 : the act of refusing or denying. 2 : the opportunity or right of refusing or taking before others.

How do you use refuse?

  1. Go on, ask her; she can hardly refuse.
  2. refuse to do something He flatly refused to discuss the matter.
  3. She refused to accept that there was a problem.
  4. My brother refused to allow anyone to help him.
  5. She refused to comment further.
  6. He has steadfastly refused to answer my questions.
  7. They simply refuse to give up.

Subsequently, How do you refuse to do something? That’s how you simply politely decline.

  1. I’m sorry, but we had to refuse your request to move to another department.
  2. I’m sorry but I can’t help you, I have something planned out for tomorrow.
  3. No, I’m afraid I can’t do that for you.
  4. As I said, I’m afraid I can’t help you at the moment.

How do you say refuse?

As a noun, refuse (pronounced REF-yooss) is food waste, scraps, or garbage. As a verb, refuse (pronounced ree-FYOOZ) means to reject. If you’re mad at me, you’ll probably refuse my invitation to hang out.

How do you reject a task politely?

Examples of ways to say “no”

  1. “Unfortunately, I have too much to do today.
  2. “That sounds fun, but I have a lot going on at home.”
  3. “I’m not comfortable doing that task.
  4. “Now isn’t a good time for me.
  5. “Sorry, I have already committed to something else.

Is decline the same as refuse?

Finally, we come to ‘decline’ ‘Decline’ can be a rather formal synonym for ‘refuse’ – if you decline something or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it for example. It can also be a noun – but this time it is pronounced the same as the verb, decline.

What’s the word for not wanting to believe something?

incredulous Add to list Share. If you are incredulous that means you can’t or won’t believe something.

Is it refuse or refused?

If someone refuses you something, they do not give it to you or do not allow you to have it. The United States has refused him a visa. If you refuse something that is offered to you, you do not accept it. The patient has the right to refuse treatment.

Which of the following is an example of refuse?

Refuse includes garbage and rubbish. Garbage is mostly decomposable food waste or yard waste that is highly putrescible, while rubbish is mostly dry material such as glass, paper, cloth, or wood that does not readily decompose.

How do you respectfully say no?

Here are 10 ways for you to say ‘NO’ in a polite manner:

  1. I’m honoured but I can’t.
  2. I wish there were two of me.
  3. Sorry, I’m booked into something else right now.
  4. Sadly, I have something else.
  5. No, thank you but it sounds lovely, so next time.
  6. I’m not taking anything else right now.

How do I politely say no to my boss?

Use these examples to politely say “no” to your employer and coworkers:

  1. “Unfortunately, I have too much to do today.
  2. “I’m flattered by your offer, but no thank you.”
  3. “That sounds fun, but I have a lot going on at home.”
  4. “I’m not comfortable doing that task.
  5. “Now isn’t a good time for me.

How do you say no in a smart way?

Here are 17 smart ways to say no when you need to.

  1. No.: The simple way.
  2. I don’t do that.
  3. I’ve got to go with my intuition and say no.
  4. I wouldn’t be comfortable with that.
  5. That doesn’t fit in with our current program.
  6. My team/boss/family would kill me if I did that.
  7. I can’t afford it/It’s not in the budget.

Is refuse same as refute?

Refute (“ree-fewt”) is a verb. It means to find an accusation or claim false. Refuse has multiple meanings. As a verb (pronounced “ree-fews”), it means to reject, to decline, to say no to something offered, like an idea, proposal, product, or service.

What are contradictions?

A contradiction is a situation or ideas in opposition to one another. Declaring publicly that you are an environmentalist but never remembering to take out the recycling is an example of a contradiction. A “contradiction in terms” is a common phrase used to describe a statement that contains opposing ideas.

What is Sceptical person?

noun. a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual. a person who maintains a doubting attitude, as toward values, plans, statements, or the character of others. a person who doubts the truth of a religion, especially Christianity, or of important elements of it.

What’s another word for refuse to acknowledge?

What is another word for refuse to acknowledge?

deny repudiate
disavow disown
renounce discard
reject eschew
forswear abandon

What is the difference between refuse deny and decline?

Decline, Refuse and Deny basically can be considered synonyms. All of them means to reject. And decline n Refuse antonym is accept while admit is the opposite for deny.

What is the best use of biogas that is produced during decomposition in a sanitary landfill?

What is the best use of biogas that is produced during decomposition in a sanitary landfill? It can be collected, purified, and used as fuel.

How do modern sanitary landfills prevent waste contaminating the environment and threatening public health?

How do modern sanitary landfills prevent waste contaminating the environment and threatening public health? In modern sanitary landfills, waste buried below ground, the pits are lined with impervious clay, and the waste is covered with soil.

When discussing the fate of municipal solid waste what occurs in a waste to energy facility?

When discussing the fate of municipal solid waste, what occurs in a waste-to-energy facility? Waste is burned, which produces heat, which is used to heat water that turns to steam, which can then be used to turn turbines to generate electricity. How can rates of recycling be further increased?

How do you say no in a rude way?

How to Say “No” for Any Reason at All!

  1. I wish I could make it work.
  2. I wish I were able to.
  3. I’d rather not.
  4. I’m afraid I can’t.
  5. If only I could!
  6. No thanks, I won’t be able to make it.
  7. Not this time.
  8. Unfortunately, it’s not a good time.

How do you refuse additional workload?

How You Can Politely Say No to Extra Work at the Workplace

  1. Explain Your Current Workload. Your boss probably keeps giving you more work because they don’t know about all the other tasks you have at hand.
  2. Appreciate The Opportunity.
  3. Talk About The Priority Tasks.
  4. Suggest an Alternative.
  5. Acknowledge The Request Tactfully.

How do you politely say no to a friend?

Here are three points to remember when you’re using this particular script—or something similar—to say “no” to a friend.

  1. Say it Fast. Don’t keep your friend hanging for days or weeks, hoping she’ll “forget” about it.
  2. Explain Why—Briefly.
  3. Propose Something Else.

Can I refuse to do something at work?

To be considered actual insubordination, the employee must fully understand the order and the order must not be unethical or dangerous. In other words, it’s a typical job duty that the employee is simply refusing to do for whatever reason.

How do you tell your boss you’re overwhelmed?

How to tell your boss your work is overwhelming

  1. Schedule a meeting with your boss.
  2. Prepare what you are going to say.
  3. Provide specific examples.
  4. Focus on your work experience.
  5. Offer thoughtful solutions.
  6. Offer to help in smaller ways.
  7. Consider your goals.
  8. Remain calm.

How do you say no to a superior?

Say no to a social invitation you’re not excited about. Look yourself in the mirror and loudly say no multiple times. It may seem silly, but the practice will help you grow the muscle you’ll need in order to say no in more challenging situations. Suppose someone other than your boss asks you to take on a new project.

7 years, 5 months ago

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What is the word for someone who knows someone else is lying but accepts it

Misti's user avatar


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asked Nov 17, 2015 at 20:47

Kelly's user avatar


I’m not sure if it would apply where you intend to use it but ‘cognitive dissonance’ would apply where someone believes two contrary opinions.

For example when a person knows their spouse is cheating on them but also refuses to believe their spouse is cheating that person is experiencing cognitive dissonance.


answered Nov 17, 2015 at 22:16

Phill upNorth's user avatar

Such a person is compliant or complaisant

complaisant adjective

Willing to please others or to accept what they do or say without


answered Nov 17, 2015 at 21:04

Edwin Ashworth's user avatar

Edwin AshworthEdwin Ashworth

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Cuckold. Delusional. Blinkered. Naïve. Accepting. Credulous. Dupable. Overtrusting. Trustful. Spineless.

answered Nov 17, 2015 at 21:00

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I just… can you blame me for not wanting to believe any of this?

Not wanting to be limited by any theory, I believe that peaks in the infrared spectrum can be attributed to the structural fragments of the salt obtained in the following way

Не желая ограничиваться какой-либо теорией, полагают, что пики в инфракрасном спектре могут быть отнесены к структурным фрагментам полученной соли следующим образом

Even more worrying is ‘wanting to believe‘.

Create a symbol or metaphor for ‘wanting to believe‘ something new.

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1. A feeling of not being able to believe something. — disbelief — чувство неспособности во что-то верить. — недоверие
2. A feeling that you cannot trust someone for some reason. – mistrust — чувство, что вы почему-то не можете доверять кому-то. — недоверие
3. To think again about something to check if your previous opinion was correct. – reassess — еще раз подумать о чем-то, чтобы проверить правильность вашего предыдущего мнения. — переоценить
4. If you are this, you are too sure of yourself. – overconfident — если вы это, вы слишком уверены в себе. — самоуверенный
5. People who don’t do as well as they are capable of. – underachievers — люди, которые не делают так хорошо, как они способны. — отстающие
6. To live longer than someone or something else. – outlive — жить дольше, чем кто-то или что-то еще. — пережить
7. A person who was a teacher in the past. — ex-teacher — человек, который был учителем в прошлом. — бывший учитель
8. Against progress. — anti-progress – против прогресса — анти-прогресс

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