Word for not thinking before speaking

Do you remember all the situations where you said something you regretted deeply? All the times where you wished to have thought a little bit better before speaking and avoided the embarrassment you faced. I can surely make a long list for the same and I’m sure you have plenty of those just like me, right? To think before you speak is a much-needed skill and today in this blog, we’ll talk about just that along with tips on how to think before you speak. 

Read on because, by the end of this blog, you’ll know all my top tips and tricks on how to think before you speak and not put your foot in your mouth!

How difficult can it be to think before you speak? 

Thinking before speaking isn’t rare; it’s almost human nature to feel the need to contribute to a conversation. Sometimes, you may feel emotional about a topic and may not think before you talk about it. Hence, it can be pretty hard to stop yourself from blurting out the first thing that pops into your head. There are a variety of reasons that can prevent you from thinking before speaking. So, don’t beat yourself about it if it happens to you. 

That being said, you do need to remember that we as humans are social beings and need to communicate effectively in our everyday lives. Communication is the key to happy and sorted relationships. Hence, it’s important to inculcate the habit of being able to think before you speak with anyone.

Why should you think before you speak?

A colleague once asked me why I should think before speaking? How does it even matter! 

I didn’t know how to respond then because it just does; thinking before speaking is pretty much a life skill. Here are some basic reasons for you to think before you speak :

  • It’s essential for your credibility because if what you communicate isn’t credible or useful, people won’t respect you or your words. Imagine that you are in a group discussion around international relations and you mistakenly mention that the capital of Japan is Beijing in a hurry. If it wasn’t because you didn’t know that Japan’s capital is Tokyo but because you didn’t take the time to process or think before you speak. Such an incident will reduce your credibility but could’ve been easily avoided if you had taken a pause to think.
  • Another reason for you to think before you speak is that if you do not think before you speak, you might end up hurting someone. Sometimes when we get emotional, it’s easy to get carried away and react to everything negatively. This is pretty common when we are arguing with our loved ones and hence, can impact our relationships severely. Hence, the ability to think before you speak can be fruitful in such scenarios.
  • Thinking before speaking can also help you stay out of trouble in several ways. Let’s say you’re in a meeting and your boss asks for a volunteer to take over the operations for your company’s newly acquired venture in Yemen. You say yes, just to please your boss without understanding the whole deal and now, you don’t know how to refuse. Had you listened and thought before speaking, you’d save yourself from the trouble of explaining yourself. 

I hope you got enough reasons to think before you speak now? Great. Now, let’s move on to our next pertinent question. 

Why does it happen? Why is it so hard to think before you speak? 

The answer to this often has to do with impulse control or to be precise, the lack of it. Impulse control is simply the ability to control an urge to do something or control a reaction to anything. So, it’s possible that you can not think before you speak due to Impulse control issues.

I’m sure you’ve asked yourself, “Why can’t I think clearly when talking to people?” or “Why do I always end up saying the wrong things?” Trust me, because even I have. There are many reasons for this but in general, you don’t think before you speak :

a lack of patience,
the lack of listening skills, or
due to impulsiveness.

The Lack of Patience

Talking about the lack of patience, it’s pretty self-explanatory. Our urge to contribute to a conversation or the urge to be an active part of a discussion can sometimes be problematic. The lack of patience in such scenarios can lead to you interrupting others before they’re done and saying something incorrectly. It’s not easy to be patient and take a pause especially while talking about something we’re passionate about and thus, can lead to speaking before thinking.

The Lack of Listening Skills

Listening skills are as important for effective communication, if not more, than speaking skills. It’s nearly impossible to add something of value to a discussion or carry a conversation forward without listening actively. A lack of listening skills can even negatively impact your relationships as you might end up saying something you don’t mean. Hence, listening is essential to think before you speak. Head to our blog on listening for actionable tips and tricks like here.

Being Impulsive

Being impulsive is another trait that can be the reason behind your inability to think before you speak. Impulsiveness (or impulsivity) is the tendency to act on a whim, displaying behavior characterized by little or no forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences. So, being impulsive can lead to you not thinking before speaking too.

You know enough about why you can’t think before you speak normally now, right? 

But should you always think before speaking? 

I’d say you should mostly think before you speak, it’ll save you a lot of trouble. But if you’re just hanging out with friends and not really discussing anything specific, it’s okay to just go with the flow as well. Overthinking everything just like underthinking can be problematic. 

So, yes always try to think enough before you speak but don’t venture into the territory of overthinking. You can read more about overthinking here.

Now that we’ve covered a bunch of questions about why we can’t think before speaking and why we should, let’s get into the ways to achieve it, shall we? I’m going to tell you all actionable ways on how to think before you speak. 

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The THINK Acronym

  1. The ultimate think before you speak trick is the word THINK itself, confused? Don’t be, let me explain. Think of THINK as a think before you speak acronym (you see what I did there?).  

Before speaking anything, just THINK; this is to ask yourself five questions: Is what I’m saying True, is it Helpful, is it Inspiring, is it Necessary, and is it Kind enough? 

  • T For True: Always make sure whatever you are saying is true. Don’t try to make something up or add fuel to gossip just to have something to say. Just be honest and your words will immediately be more impactful.
  • H For Helpful: Helpful words are usually appreciated by everyone. So, if you have something to say that can be of help to someone, go ahead. But if you think that your words might be hurtful or mocking, then avoid speaking.
  • I For Inspiring: Saying something that’s encouraging, motivational, or inspiring is always a good idea. It can be anything from giving someone a small compliment on someone’s presentation to inspiring others to achieve their goals with your story.
  • N For Necessary: Speak when necessary or try not to speak. Often we need to warn people before they do something they shouldn’t or even explain a necessary concept to someone. 
  • K For Kind: If you don’t have something positive and kind today, don’t say it. Humans are emotional beings and need reassurance from time to time. So, try not to be harsh with your words and don’t hurt others. It’s important to speak considerably and kind to everyone. 

This is the golden rule on thinking before you speak, once you ask yourself these questions and get yes as the answer. You’re good to go! Because if what you speak passes this method with flying colors, it’s undoubtedly worthy of being said. As a bonus, this think before you speak acronym is pretty easy to remember. Head to this video to read about this method in detail. Also, you can even put up a think before you speak poster in your room if you’d like to remember this method.

           Wait, that’s not all; we’ve got more tips coming up right away for you.

 The Power of Mental Pause

  1. Next up, utilize the power of your mental pause. In the words of Buddha, “Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.” 

Simply put, take a breather and compose your thoughts before jumping on the speaking train. Hasty words can trouble you for a long time, even after they have left your mouth. So, learn to press the pause button. Imagine it as a pause button that you use to rewind your thoughts, think of the right response, and finally, press play.

We all have a mental pause button that we can learn to use over time. It’s the time we take to respond and it’s absolutely normal. So, make it a habit to utilize your mental pause button to master how to think before you speak. 

If you find the silence disturbing, just say, “I need a minute to ponder over this, thank you” before speaking. It’s always better to take some time to think before you speak. The pause helps you respond instead of reacting. You can also say, “I don’t think I know enough on this topic,” instead of forcing yourself to speak without knowledge. 

  1. Now on to the third tip, listen and listen carefully. A significant part of effective and thoughtful communication is listening. If you listen to others intently, you’ll be able to converse better and also partake in conversations without saying something awkward. 

To give you an example, once at a social gathering, I was talking to a bunch of vegans. One of them probably mentioned that they do not think it’s okay to eat animal products, but I was busy using my phone and misunderstood because Ied didn’t listen properly and blurted out “Of course, non-vegetarian food is great.” And went on to talk about non-vegetarian food. I didn’t realize right away but it got awkward pretty quickly. So, it’s better to just listen and avoid such a blunder. Make sure you listen with your ears open if you’d like to think before you speak. We’ve talked more about how to listen in this blog that you can check out! 

How to get into the habit of thinking before I speak?

One way of honing this habit is to have practice conversations with friends or peers about some impromptu topics. This will challenge you to think on the spot and you can then think before you give each response. First, start by taking as much time as you need and measure each response time. After a while, you can start running an actual or mental timer of a few seconds to think of a proper response before the time runs out. This will not only help you practice how to think before you speak but will also help you hone the skill of quick thinking on the spot. Such skills are very helpful in personal and professional situations in which you are required to think on the spot and showcase your intelligence or responsiveness. There are other ways to become a better quick thinker as discussed below.

Becoming A Quick Thinker

The sure-shot way of mastering thinking before speaking is becoming a quick thinker and improving your responses over time. Becoming a quick thinker makes your impression on people around you better and helps you perform well in unpredictable situations when you are required to speak. Many times you might have come across situations in your personal and professional life where you had to think on your feet but you could not come up with a proper response because you spent too much time thinking before you speak. Here are a few tips on how you can tackle such situations better:

1. Note down some responses you would like to give in these situations in the future.

2. Plan some generic positive remarks, comments, or stories you can use when asked to speak up without notice.

3. Think of some questions you can ask to change the conversation topic or deflect the conversation to another person

These handy tips can help you go a long way in saving time when thinking before speaking and make you come off as intelligent and quick but still thoughtful. 

The Ultimate Think Before You Speak Cheat-Sheet
The THINK before you speak acronym 
Using your Mental Pause
Listening properly before speaking
Improving your quick thinking skills

So, I’m sure you understand how important it is for you and humans, in general, to think before we speak. It’s a life skill that can help us grab opportunities and excel professionally and personally. Refer to the above table to get a quick glance at everything we’ve discussed and worked on your mental pause. I hope that I could help you with some useful tips! If you want to learn tips on how to practice public speaking, click here.

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Remember, whenever you tried to babble out something upsetting or useless, a wise adult would advise “think before you speak”?

Well, you are not alone. We all have been there.

In fact, whenever we hear someone spontaneously speaking out of context, the first thought that emerges in our mind is that this guy does not use his brain.

And that necessarily means that this person does not think before speaking. Such a lack of processing thoughts and ideas is pretty widespread.

And there seems no stopping to it.

Anyways, let’s get to the point. Thinking and thinking well is a social skill that is easily achievable and often leads to a successful life and meaningful relationships.

So, what’s thinking before speaking is all about and who coined this term?

The Founder of “Think Before You Speak” Phrase

Fran Lebowitz, an American author, was the first to coin the quote, “think before you speak, read before you speak.”

He argued that it is crucial to consider what words you utter because they underline the way you think and reinforce them. Your words decide how other people might feel about you and themselves.

Usage of wise words can really save you from hot water situations in the long run!

Let’s see how.

“When I get ready to talk to people, I spend two thirds of the time thinking what they want to hear and one third thinking about what I want to say.”

——Abraham Lincoln

Why Should We Think Before Speaking?

1. The Consequences

Do we really think before we speak? Unfortunately, most of us don’t. Often, we talk about something inappropriately in haste to which we don’t give enough thought.

This can lead to unpleasant consequences. While it is essential to plan our utterances to sound literate and knowledgeable, it is also essential to develop this healthy habit to avoid conflict in relationships and activities of daily living.

2. Effective Communication

Your words matter. It could bring dramatic changes in critical situations. How you choose to convey has a significant impact on the results.

If you were at work and are appreciated for a project you did but in a sarcastic tone by a colleague, how would you take that? Unpleasantly right because it sounds as if you didn’t rightfully deserve it. 

In many situations, we only have words as a token of gratitude or as a means of communication to express ourselves. Thus you need to learn well how to effectively communicate to maintain stable relationships and to develop concrete social interactions.

3. To Avoid Regrets and Negativity

Remember sending an angry text message to someone, but when your temper cooled down a little, you regretted it? That’s how important think before you speak is!

Often, we are so caught up in time that we hardly have time for some self-reflection. So much so that what we are mindlessly just writing and speaking our opinions to grab attention. 

We want to be the first responders to every question asked, and that’s what leads us to say things that don’t fit in. Either we end up giving baseless opinions or fume a fire, which can be hurtful to other people.

Think about the last time you spoke without thinking to a loved one. Did it bring negativity to your relationship? Was it easy to let go?

Similarly, the people we are in contact with every day don’t analyze their thoughts thoroughly and just blurt out insensitively. This can be both regretful and hurtful.

4. You Are What You Speak

Many of us are influenced by our peers or by the environment we are brought up in. If it is full of negativity and hardships, we are bound to emit that through our speech in some way or the other. But luckily we can over-come that.

You see, our subconscious reiterates what we say and shapes our thoughts accordingly. The way we want to perceive this world has an impact on our words and vice versa.

Remember, it doesn’t take long to make a negative aspect of yourself and the world. Therefore it is always important to think before we speak.

“We fail to say the right words, because we choose to say the wrong words! We choose to say the wrong words, because we fail to think about the right words!”

—— Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

5. Is What You are Speaking the Actual Depiction of the Picture?

Major miss-communications lead to miss-conceptions. Sometimes it is because of laziness, or we just don’t think before we speak and end up generalizing everything.

The “referential index” is what we are missing in our communication. Ever been in a group where you made all the efforts but weren’t vocal about it, so the credit went to someone else?

That’s where the problem lies. This is where conflicts and issues arise. Thus it is imperative to label a specific person or a thing correctly and with full proof of authenticity before painting a picture about a situation. You need to take time to think and be crystal clear about your thoughts before expressing them.

6. Opportunities Knocking

The best gift you can get of thinking before you speak is getting opportunities and getting ahead in life.

We all have been to job interviews where we spoke without thinking because we were too nervous, which lead to losing the job opportunity. Many times, the results of our actions depend on the word we have put it. It is your call on how you grab attention to get that opportunity!

How to Think Before You Speak?

1. Locate Your Pause Button

You are in control of your thought process and your tongue, so naturally what you say is under your control. If you have been a victim of negativity in the way you perceive the world and want to change it, you need to start paying attention to what you say.

Cut down on the habit of saying things spontaneously, so practicing on closing your mouth at the right time and keeping it shut is the nail you need to hit. Give yourself some time to.

2. Practice Saying What You Mean.

You need to pick the correct words to express how you feel. Stop and think before you talk. It is easy to yak recklessly, but you could be hurting a person, although you didn’t mean to rude.

Instead of being sorry for what you said later, try to bring a change in your behavior. Pick your words wisely. Prepare before speaking, and your words should be such that you can stand behind them confidently rather than being ashamed.

3. Tape It!

We all have a lot to say in every situation, but the world needs words of power rather than words of non-sense. Before uttering an opinion, ask yourself these three questions.

Are my words authentic?

Are my words kind enough?

Do they need my opinion right now?

If the answer to the preceding question is a yes, you can express your say in a matter, but if not, you need to tape it! Empty vessels make the most noise, and I am sure you don’t want to be spotted as foolish now, do you?

4. Liberally Praising

Making compliments a part of your life is your next mantra. Who doesn’t like hearing words of appreciation? A large part of think before you speak is the usage of kind words.

Words like “thank you,” “that’s so kind of you,” “you look great” don’t only encourage another person but brings a sense of positivity in yourself. This quality is often found in effective leaders.

You will love the effect it has on your life; not only will you feel like a new person, but the liberal praising rebounds in your life. Honest thoughts and opinions hold great value in life.

5. Affirming to What the Other Person Is Saying

When you listen carefully, you have more time to process and answer or advise effectively. You need to make the other person feel important and show that you care about what they are saying.

How do you make that work with your own words? Give the other person space to express their opinion. While conversing, use words like “oh really,” “then what happened?” Make the other person feel like you are a good listener, as this will enhance your communication skills.


If you dream of being a leader, then you need to start learning the traits. Learn to accept failures; it is part of a growth mindset. You must indulge in the desire to learn even if you need to enter unchartered water at any point in your life. Figure out when and how to delegate, self-centeredness is not a healthy habit. Always speak calmly, try not to let the situation slip out of your hands.

Once you start controlling your tongue, you will see your life flip!

Speaking before you think is a bad habit that can get you into trouble and hurt you in the most important areas of your life. Relationships will suffer or end, your career will be stalled at a level far below your talents, and most importantly, you will have little confidence in yourself.

Your speech shapes your life. Time and again you find yourself in situations where the outcome depends on what you say and how you say it. Your words are a reflection of who you are. If your words are getting you into trouble, you’re showing others the very worst parts of you. You’re presenting yourself as being thoughtless, careless or just plain hurtful.

Not only do your words create a positive or negative reaction in the world around you; your speech influences your thinking and can alter the course of your future. Your words are a way of underlining your thoughts and reinforcing them. When your words are harsh, negative, inconsiderate, or judgmental then these are the aspects of your experience that are emphasized. It won’t be long before you have developed the habit of always focusing your thoughts on the darker side of life. You know what kind of a person this will turn you into – a miserable, depressing and mean spirited person who sees only the bad and not the good in others or in life.

If you speak before you think about what you’re going to say, you do not take the time to consider what words you will use, what these words will mean to another person, or how they will feel about what you’re saying. You are also not thinking about what these words say about you as a person or about all of the good things you may be neglecting to focus on.

To break the habit of speaking without thinking you first have to accept the fact that it is up to you to control your tongue. You are responsible for what comes out of your mouth.

Next, you have to diligently practice closing your mouth as soon as you open it. I’m not kidding. If you have this problem it means that you are reacting to the people and situations around you by opening your mouth and talking. You are not reacting by thinking. When you close your mouth, you are breaking the pattern or habit and taking control. You are giving yourself time to consciously CHOOSE what you want to say.

The third step is to say what you really mean. This is critical and you have to ask yourself if you are truly willing to do this. It’s easy to blurt something out and then say, “Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking”. By then the damage is done. What you are really saying is that you are too lazy to put in the effort to pay attention to your words. Saying you are sorry only has meaning if you subsequently change your behavior. Ask yourself if you are prepared to think before you speak, to say what you mean, to stand behind your words, and to take responsibility for them.

Here are some other ideas for putting power into your speech and staying out of trouble.

Don’t talk too much. Excessive needless talking is usually a sign of nervousness or stupidity. Before you say something, ask yourself, “Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?” Speak only if the answer to these three questions is YES.

Avoid talking about bad, unpleasant, destructive subjects. Most of this is just a form of gossip whether you are talking about your friends or world events. Instead, talk about the good things you’ve seen or want to experience. If you do have to mention something unpleasant, use tact and gentleness, find something positive to say to offset the negative, and be brief.

Praise liberally. Sincere compliments, thanks, and other appreciative words are always welcome. Note the word “sincere”. The habit of giving honest praise not only will win you friendship and love, it will train you to look for the good around you. You’ll be amazed at how this rebounds in your life. The more genuine praise you give, the more positively people will respond to you, the more confidence you’ll feel, and the more successful you’ll be in your life.

Finally, speak calmly and as much as possible, avoid angry words. Angry words create enemies, drain your energy, and make you ill.

There is a saying that the tongue is a good servant but a terrible master. Put effort into controlling your words and it will change your life.

Shirley Vandersteen, Ph. D., R. Psych.
Consulting Psychologist

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Thinking before you speak is an important skill to master for all kinds of situations. It can improve your relationships with other people and enable you to express yourself in a more effective way. Start by using the THINK acronym to decide if what you have to say is True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, or Kind. Then, look for ways to choose your words more carefully, such as by pausing and asking for clarification. You can also think before you speak by using thoughtful communication strategies, such as adopting open body language and focusing on making 1 point at a time. With a little practice, thinking before you speak will eventually become second nature to you.

  1. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 1


    Determine if what you want to say is True. Reflect on what you are about to say and ask yourself if it’s the truth. Don’t make something up just to have something to say and don’t speak if you’re about to tell a lie. If you need to respond with something, at least modify what you’re about to say so that it is the truth.[1]

    • For example, if someone asks, “How are you today?” and you’re about to respond with something that’s not true, stop yourself and tell the truth instead.
    • Or, if you’re telling someone how well you did on your math test and you’re about to exaggerate, reel yourself in and be honest about your grade instead.
  2. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 2


    Say something if it’s Helpful or stay silent if it’s not. Speaking up can be beneficial to other people if you have something to say that might be helpful to them, so if this is the case, go ahead and speak up.[2]
    On the other hand, saying something hurtful can harm your relationships with other people, so it’s best to remain silent if you’re considering saying something hurtful to someone.[3]

    • For example, if you’re watching a friend play a video game and you have a tip that might help them overcome a difficult level, this could be helpful to them and it’s okay to say it.
    • However, if you’re watching a friend struggle to overcome a level on a video game and you are about to mock them for that, don’t say anything.
    • Be aware that saying something hurtful isn’t the same as conveying an unpleasant truth, which might be meant to help someone. For example, if you are giving someone constructive criticism, then this can be helpful.


  3. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 3


    Identify whether your comment might be Inspiring to other people. Saying something that will inspire, encourage, or uplift other people is always good to do. If you are about to pay someone a compliment, encourage them to keep working towards a goal, or tell them a story that might inspire them, do it![4]

    • For example, if you’re about to compliment a friend on their presentation, go ahead. This will make them feel good about themselves.

    Tip: In another variation of the THINK acronym, “I” stands for “illegal.” If what you’re considering saying to someone is “illegal,” don’t say it. This may include threatening them or making a discriminatory comment.[5]

  4. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 4


    Speak if your comment is Necessary. Sometimes speaking up is necessary to prevent something bad from happening, such as issuing a warning or delivering an important message to someone. If this is the case, speak up. But if what you are about to say is unnecessary, then don’t speak.[6]

    • For example, if someone is about to walk out in front of oncoming traffic, speak up to warn them immediately.
    • Or, if your friend’s mom calls and asks you to tell them to call, tell your friend this as soon as you see them.
  5. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 5


    Stop yourself from speaking if what you want to say is not Kind. Offering kind words to someone is another good way to determine if you should speak or not. As the old saying goes, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Consider if what you’re about to say is kind. If it is, go ahead and speak. If not, don’t say anything.[7]

    • For example, if your friend shows up to your house wearing a flamboyant hat and dress, either pay them a compliment on their fashionable look if you think it looks good, or don’t say anything at all if you’re not a fan of the ensemble.

    Tip: If what you want to say passes the THINK test, say it! However, if it fails to meet the criteria of any of the letters, then revise what you were going to say or don’t say anything.

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  1. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 6


    Listen carefully if you’re having a conversation with someone. Listen when someone else is talking and give them your full attention. Focusing intently on the other person’s words will help you to respond in a more thoughtful manner when they are finished talking.[8]

    • For example, if someone is telling a story about their weekend, give them your full attention so that you can ask them questions about it and comment sincerely on what they said.
    • Don’t focus on what you want to say next while the other person is talking. You won’t really be listening to them if you do this and you might respond with something that doesn’t relate to what they were just saying.
  2. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 7


    Pause for a minute if you find yourself saying “um” or “uh. If you notice that you’re doing a lot of umming and uh-hing, this usually indicates that you’re unsure of what to say next and you’re thinking out loud. If this happens, close your mouth and pause for a minute. Take the time to think about what you want to say before you continue.[9]

    • It’s fine to simply say, “I need a minute to think about that,” if someone asks you a question.

    Tip: If you’re giving a presentation or talking with someone and need a longer pause, take a drink of water to give yourself some extra time to think.

  3. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 8


    Clarify what the other person has just said by asking a question. If you’re having a conversation with someone and unsure of how to respond to something they just said, ask them to clarify for you. Rephrase the statement they just made or the question they just asked and check to see if you’re understanding them correctly.[10]

    • For example, you could say something like, “What did you mean when you said you didn’t like the movie’s structure?”
    • Or, you could say something like, “It sounds like you’re saying you want to go home because you aren’t feeling well. Is that right?”
    • This tip can also be used to pass time to think.
  4. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 9


    Take a few deep breaths or excuse yourself in tense situations. If you’re in the midst of an argument or heated conversation with someone or if you’re just feeling nervous about speaking, taking a few deep breaths is a good way to calm yourself down, collect your thoughts, and buy yourself a little extra time to think. Take a long, slow breath in through your nose to the count of 4, then hold it for 4 seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth to the count of 4.[11]

    • If you need a longer break to calm yourself down, try excusing yourself to use the restroom or take a quick walk around the block.
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  1. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 10


    Stay focused on the conversation by avoiding distractions. It’ll be easier for you to think before you speak if you aren’t constantly looking at your phone, TV, or computer. Put away or turn off anything that might distract you from the person you’re speaking with and focus all of your attention on them.[12]

    • It’s fine to pause to remove distractions. Try saying something like, “Hang on one minute. I just want to turn off the TV so I can give you my full attention.”
  2. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 11


    Demonstrate that you’re listening by using open body language. Adopting open body language can help you to communicate with someone in a more thoughtful manner. Become more aware of how you’re sitting or standing when you talk with other people. Some things you can do to improve your body language include:[13]

    • Facing towards the person rather than angling your body away from them.
    • Keeping your arms loose and at your sides instead of crossing them over your chest.
    • Make eye contact with the person you’re talking to. Avoid staring off into the distance or looking around the room as this will send the message that you’re not paying attention.
    • Keeping your expression neutral, such as by smiling slightly and relaxing your eyebrows.

    Tip: You can also lean in towards the person to show your interest in what they have to say. Leaning back or away from them will do just the opposite and send the message that you’re not interested.

  3. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 12


    Make 1 point at a time and offer additional information only if needed. If you tend to ramble or throw lots of information at people at one time, try to focus on making 1 point and supporting it with an example if needed. Then, pause for a minute to allow the other person to speak or ask questions and make another point or offer additional information if needed.[14]

    • For example, if someone asks you about your day, you might start by saying that it was good and list one good thing that happened instead of launching into a full recall of your day.
    • Or, if you’re debating politics with someone, you could begin by offering your strongest point and its supporting evidence instead of listing off every reason why you hold the view that you do.
  4. Image titled Think Before Speaking Step 13


    Summarize what you have said if needed and then be silent. After you finish saying what you have to say, it’s fine to simply stop talking. There’s no need to fill the silence with more words if you don’t have anything else to say. If you feel the need for some kind of conclusion, briefly summarize what you just said and then stop talking.[15]

    • For example, you might say something like, “So basically, I had a very pleasant trip to Florida and I plan to go again next year.”
    • However, it’s also okay to end a story without summarizing it. When you’re done telling the story, it’s fine to just stop speaking.
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    How can I talk smartly and confidently?

    Lynn Kirkham

    Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they’ve been given — from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others.

    Lynn Kirkham

    Public Speaking Coach

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    Stop and think about why you’re speaking in the first place. Is your topic important to your intended audience, something that matters a lot to them? Remind yourself of how important your words are to these people. Then, practice using the right body language for what you’re saying. How you hold yourself is a critical factor in how your audience views what you’re saying. To prepare for a situation in which you need to talk a lot, create and listen to a playlist that inspires you. You want to get excited and pumped up about talking in front of or to people. You don’t want the conversation to turn into a chore.

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Article SummaryX

To think before speaking, try to always stop and ask yourself, «Is what I’m about to say necessary, accurate, and appropriate?». If the answer is «No,» you should probably keep your thoughts to yourself. Additionally, take into consideration what kind of reaction people will have to your words. If you think they’ll respond negatively, you might not want to say anything. When you do decide to say something, try your best to be enthusiastic and sincere, and avoid sarcasm since you might unintentionally upset someone. For more advice, like how to be a better listener during conversations, keep reading!

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Often situations in life lead us to believe that if actions speak louder than words, why bother to think before you speak, isn’t it? This does not seem odd, at least initially. But the minute you encounter a situation in which the person on the other side does not intend to do what he or she says, the realization happens.

Ask yourself, what respect would you have for a person who does not mean what he/she says? The answer to this question will make you realize the importance of the ‘think before you speak’ philosophy in your life. Irrespective of being in a personal or a professional scenario, it is important to be represented correctly even through your speech. 

There must have been many instances in your life when you have just blurted out words from your mouth and what follows is a sheer embarrassment. Of course, this happens because you do not pay attention to your thoughts before you speak. 

Unfortunately, the only option in such situations is to apologize profusely in anticipation that the person on the other side will eventually forget. But do not give up hope, with a little bit of practice, you can actually teach yourself to think before you speak. All it takes is a little bit of patience!

Summary in Infographics

Think Before You Speak: Do you?

Think Before You Speak: Do you?

Benefits of Thinking Before You Speak

The art of thinking before speaking teaches you to have meaningful conversations thus building stronger relationships.

So, you blurted out something you do not intend to do? What’s the big deal? Why does opening your mouth matter so much? If this is what you believe, you need a reality check. It is important to mean what you say and say what you mean. In fact, this is one of the first rules to be respected in any relationship-personal or professional.

The next time you are itching to start a conversation, stop and think about what you intend to say. This will barely take a few seconds but the result will be a far more impactful and meaningful conversation. 

Now, let us take a look at why you actually need to practice the ‘think before you speak’ philosophy:

1. It Will Unlock More Opportunities

It Will Unlock More Opportunities

It Will Unlock More Opportunities

Have you ever missed an opportunity just because you said something that made others think that you were not fit for the job? I am sure most of us would have faced this problem at some point in our life, particularly in our careers. But, had you chosen to think and speak, the conversation would have been more effective.

Needless to say, the result could have been favorable. This is applicable to something as simple as a high school interaction. Therefore, take the cue and remember that if you intend to make the most of every opportunity that presents itself, you must learn to think before you speak. An interesting article that evaluates the findings of Harvard Business Review also highlights the importance of communicating correctly.

If you think before you speak, you will be able to strategize your approach and achieve good results.

2. Reduce Your Regrets

Reduce Your Regrets

Reduce Your Regrets

When you regret what you say, it is actually a set back in the conversation. After all, words hurt the heart even when harming is not the intent. You regret it later. This regret grows into guilt and soon enough it starts corrupting the positive thoughts within you.

However, if you invest in some thinking before you speak, this regret can be avoided. Additionally, today we have access to social media where you can share your thoughts with the world almost instantly. This makes it even more important to carefully think it through. 

3. You Are What You Speak

You Are What You Speak

You Are What You Speak

The connection between our thoughts and speech goes deeper than just shaping our intent. In fact, according to research, what we speak is deeply connected to shaping our personality. You should say what you mean!

For instance, if you are regularly using abusive language or speaking harsh/bitter words, your subconscious nudges you to start behaving accordingly. Unfortunately, the result of this gradual nudging is only revealed when the damage is done.

4. Handle challenging conversations

Thoughts are closely linked to our use of vocabulary. The secret to handling challenging conversations lies in carefully evaluating every aspect of your speech. All you need to do is choose your words wisely. You would be surprised to know that words have power, immense power! 

5. Uplifting words

You can uplift spirits based on the sense that you convey through your conversation. Just remember that you need to invest thought in your speech. 

6. Know what you are reacting to

This is one of the big advantages of opting to think before you speak is that you become conscious of what you are reacting to. 

7. First impressions

Your conversation is important because it is how people will remember you. Therefore, thinking before speaking ensures that your first impressions are truly impressive. 

8. Observation skills

Think before you act and this will help you strengthen your observation skills. Your mind would be attuned to carefully observing every detail before giving an opinion. 

9. Analytical thinking

This habit helps you build your analytical thinking skills as well. It focuses on evaluating possible scenarios before you form an opinion. 

10. Wellness

A clear and organised thought process is one of the first steps to ensuring the overall wellness of the heart and mind. This includes your mental health as well. 

11. Stronger resilience

Over a period of time, thinking before speaking sharpens your skills and ensures that you have a better capability to cope with problems. 

12. More respected

If you talk sense, people are likely to respect you more. They will be more forthcoming with their ideas and such interactions lead to innovations.

To think before you speak will help you develop stronger and meaningful relationships with people around you. It is a simple yet extremely important skill that can contribute to a healthy and happy lifestyle. After all, clear conversations lay the foundation for a strong relationship. Unfortunately, a lot of us lose out on the benefits of a good relationship, simply because we do not follow this philosophy.

In the section that follows, we share a few simple tips on how one can learn to think before speaking. This is not as complex as it sounds, just a few changes in your attitude can help achieve it.

1. Filter what you say

Filter what you say

Filter what you say

A lot of your troubles will fade away once you teach the mind to spare some though before you utter the words from your mouth. Try to put in place a basic process that will evaluate your thoughts before you make a conversation. In simple terms, share thoughts that matter with people that matter.

2. Observe before you act

Observe before you act

Observe before you act

Not every matter requires your opinion. Also, remember that you are privileged to be able to share an opinion. So, make it a point to observe the situation before you voice an opinion. You must be sure about all aspects and only then form an opinion. This will ensure that you are able to give an unbiased and fair opinion.

3. Think and answer in the same language

Think and answer in the same language

Think and answer in the same language

If your thoughts about a situation or a person are not positive, don’t try to manipulate your speech. Be loyal to your thoughts, this will encourage the formation of a genuine opinion.

4. Permanent solution

Permanent solution

Permanent solution

Life is always all about tackling problems. But there are two approaches to every problem. One revolves around finding a temporary solution or workaround the problem. The other approach revolves around finding a permanent solution. Don’t run away from a conversation that involves a face-off. As long as you keep postponing it, the problem will only grow.

5. Mind gym

Mind gym

Mind gym

In order to teach the mind to think before you speak, you need to engage it in exercises. This could be done through games like chess, bridge, etc. These games give you a chance to experience the beauty of well-thought actions. The advantages will motivate your mind to think each time you try to make a conversation.

6. Listen carefully

Listen carefully

Listen carefully

The urge to speak is often so strong that we forget the importance of listening. Our thoughts act as a barricade that prevents us from listening to what the other person is saying. Do not let this happen. Be a patient listener because you do not know when the other person may share some valuable information.

7. Read more

Read more

Read more

Reading books is a great way to exercise the mind to think more. For those who want to develop the habit of thinking before speaking, regularly reading books is a good idea. You can read books that you like, the impact will be extremely beneficial.

8. Accept mistakes

Accept mistakes

Accept mistakes

Your opinion is not sacrosanct or cast in stone. There is a possibility that you may be wrong. If you happen to be wrong, accept your mistake. This will only increase the credibility of your words and help you understand the importance of thinking before speaking.

9. Afterthoughts are good

Afterthoughts are good

Afterthoughts are good

Make it a practice to evaluate your conversations every night. During this evaluation, weigh the pros and cons of whatever you have said. Ask yourself if you could have made the conversation better. Feedback is a great way to improve your communication skills.

10. Adapt if required

Adapt if required

Adapt if required

The process to think before you speak should not be rigid. You should be willing to modify it as per the situation and the importance of the conversation. Some situations demand deep thought while others are quick decisions. Be willing to adapt your thought process according to the priority of the conversation.

The T-H-A-N-K-S Technique

To train your mind to think before you speak is not easy. The T-H-A-N-K-S technique of asking questions to yourself before any questions help you to do so. 

If you want to teach yourself to think before you speak, take control of your thoughts. As soon as you decide to be in charge of your thoughts, you learn to listen to others and understand them better. This, in turn, initiates a positive cycle of events where you also end up getting a patient hearing. 

You can also use the T-H-A-N-K-S technique to practice the art of thinking before speaking. This is a simple and easy-to-follow mantra that will teach you to improve your communication skills considerably. The T-H-A-N-KS method is all about ensuring that everything you say to anyone is True, Helpful, Affirming, Necessary, Kind and Sincere. How will you make this happen? Simple, ask yourself if what you say will be true, will it help the listener, is it affirming, is it necessary, is it kind and is it the most sincere approach.

The Technique

The T-H-A-N-K-S technique revolves around asking yourself 6 questions before any questions. Yes! Six simple questions and you have mastered the art. Let me break it up for you:

T stands for True

Are you speaking the truth? Ask yourself if what you are going to say is completely true. The idea is to ensure that you have all the authority over the information. After all, passing on incorrect information is extremely dangerous. Sadly, many people end up doing it without even realizing.

H stands for Helpful

Will your information help the listener. You should always remember that the purpose of any conversation is to ensure that the information being passed is helpful to the listener. No one enjoys meaningless conversations. Just like you would not want to waste your time listening to data that does not concern you.

A stands for Affirming

Is your conversation affirming to the listener? Often, there are conversations where people seek guidance or sometimes they just want to listen. This does not mean that you can get away from the situation by saying a few kind words. You actually need to affirm the other person and make them realize that you are there for them.

N stands for Necessary

The details that you choose to include in your conversation should be absolutely necessary. If it is not necessary, best not to mention it. After all, how would you feel if someone wasted your time saying things that meant nothing to you? Remember a conversation is not your chance to rob spotlight, it is more of knowledge sharing that you should focus on.

K stands for Kindness

What you say has to be kind? Imagine hearing unkind words from someone? It ruins your day, doesn’t it? So, why should you ruin someone’s day? Take a minute to think before you speak and be kind to people when you say something. Let me tell you, the kindness will ensure that your conversation has a greater impact.

S stands for Sincere

Sincerity is like the underdog, you often value it the least but it impacts the most. So, what does sincerity stand for? Simply, it is all about being truthful in the conversation. Do not say good things to people if you don’t mean them. No matter how long the conversation last, being authentic is extremely important. 

So, all you need to ensure is that your next conversation should be aligned to the T-H-A-N-K-S mantra. If not, invest some thought and consciously work on adapting this mantra. Initially, the adoption may seem difficult but once you start practicing it, the positive results will make it addictive. 

Thinking vs intelligence

Thinking is a fundamental skill that is crucial to living a good life. There is a difference between thinking and intelligence. Intelligence is genetic, but thinking is a skill that you can develop. Not just any skill, thinking is extremely important as it helps you develop the ability to decide the course of your life. 

We often underestimate the power of words but history is filled with examples of great leaders who have won hearts with their oratorship skills. Thinking before speaking is a crucial step in mastering this skill. 

Importance of Think Before You Speak

Many of us rarely spare the time to think before we speak. This is dangerous. Little do we realize that words can be helpful or hurtful, it all depends on the thought that goes into the speech! Once you say something wrong, no amount of apology will take back the hurt that you have caused the other person. 

Here are reasons why thinking before speaking is important:

1. It is a good habit

One of the most important reasons to learn to think before you speak is that you get to develop a good habit. This simple act helps you avoid hurting people or building any negativity around you. 

2. Words are powerful

Your words hold the power to influence the other person. In fact, words have been known to start revolutions. So, it is always a wise idea to invest in some thought before blurting out words from your mouth. 

3. It teaches control

When we are emotional, we often end up saying things that we don’t mean. Blinded by our emotions, we do not think before speaking. However, if you start teaching the mind to think each time you speak, you will end up developing a stronger control over your emotions. 

4. Reduces uncertainty

The practice of thinking before speaking also teaches you to interact and clarify your doubts. This in turn removes any uncertainty that could be arising from misreading the other person’s intentions or misunderstanding the conversation. 

5. Builds relationships

Thinking before speaking helps you strengthen your personal as well as professional relationships. People see the effort that you invest in giving an opinion and automatically value it. Little do we realize that the words we speak hold the power to destroy relationships. 

6. Stops you from being judgmental

The process of thinking teaches you to stop judging people and focus on improving yourself. This way you do not waste your time and energy criticizing others. 

7. Spread positivity

You can use your well thought words to spread positivity, influence other people to do good. 

8. Guarantees peace of mind

The thoughts that you accumulate before you speak, ensures that you speak sensibly. This way, you are not worried about manipulating your words to please others. 

9. Say all you want

If you are thinking, it will ensure you collate all your thoughts. This way, when you are speaking, you don’t have to be worried about forgetting any of the important details. 

10. Improves your communication skill

This habit teaches you to improve your communication skill. The different situations and practice teaches you to carefully evaluate when to speak and what to speak. 

11. Diffuse situations

Words can help avoid wars.When you think, you get a chance to carefully word your opinion. Believe it or not, this can diffuse a lot of high pressure situations. Countries have avoided wars because their negotiators have had successful conversations!

12. It makes you wise

Excessive talking is often looked down upon as a sign of stupidity. But if you think before you speak, it makes you wise and your opinion is more respected. 

13. Guaranteed professional growth

Thinking before speaking ensures better career opportunities. You are sure to be more focused at delivering better results at your job. 

14. Feel motivated

The thoughts that you accumulate in your mind hold the power to motivate you. This is what pushes you to achieve more and scale new heights in your life. 

15. Impactful conversations

The purpose of thinking before speaking is to keep your conversation short and simple. Talk less but talk to the point. This way your conversations will be far more meaningful.

Think before you speak quotes

1.      “Life isn’t about just talking, it’s about thinking too.”

― Marie Symeou

All words and no thought are a dangerous combination. Your words will not have any impact if it is not backed by concrete thought process.

2.      “A fool is made more of a fool when their mouth is more open than their mind.”

― Anthony Liccione

This quote beautifully explains the importance of speaking on a subject only if you have knowledge about it. In case, you are not aware of the details, do not rush to form opinions, and blurt them out. Because this way you will only make a fool out of yourself.

3.      “Think before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.”

― Napoleon Hill

Each time you utter some words, it actually is an opportunity to impress the other person positively. Therefore, be very careful of what you say, because you never know how it may end up influencing the other person in a big way.

4.      “It’s often not what you say but how you say that matters the most.”

― Anonymous

When you think before you speak, you ensure that your body language is aligned to your thoughts and words. This will ensure a better impact on the listener.

5.      “Knowledge is knowing what you say, wisdom is knowing how to say it.”

― Anonymous

Like we said, how you express yourself makes a huge difference to what you are saying.

6.      “Think before you speak, read before you think, this will give you something to think about that you didn’t make up yourself.”

― Fran Lebowitz

Be well informed about the subject that you plan to speak on. Read about it, talk to people, and understand their viewpoint. This information will only help you improve your conversation about the matter.

7.      “You are meant to think before you speak, every act should be a spiritual one involving your total being.”

― Jack Schwarz

You should be aware of what you say and the impact that it can have. Try to pass on the positivity as much as possible because it will help the other person and in turn you will also feel good.

8.      “Men of few words are the best men.”

― William Shakespeare

You don’t need an essay to prove your point even in a job interview. If it is backed by a concrete thought process, you can make your point in just a few words.

9.      “Genius might be the ability to say a profound thing in a simple way.”

― Charles Bukowski

Another one on the same lines, this quote talks about the importance of using fewer words to convey your thoughts in a simple way.

10.      “Think before you speak, your words could hurt someone’s feelings more than you intended them to.”

― Musician Justin Bieber.

Sometimes we don’t intend to hurt others but the lack of control over our speech ends up doing so. The best way to prevent this from happening is to carefully think before you speak because your words can have a big impact.

Closing Thoughts

The ability to think before speaking is not an easy virtue to develop. However, if practiced regularly it can bring about a lot of positive changes in your attitude towards life. The best part is that you will experience better control over your conversation with others. People will value your opinion because you will make sense when you speak.

If you’re stumped for a decent word to use for when somebody is doing something without thinking, this article is your best bet. We’ll cover some of the best adjectives for this situation and cover as many of the implications as we can.

Which Words Can Describe Doing Something Without Thinking?

There are a few varying implications for doing something without thinking. Sometimes, it can be something silly that you shouldn’t have said. Other times, you might be falling in love (without realizing it). Sometimes, you don’t know what you’re doing.

Doing something without thinking isn’t always a “bad” thing. Some of the words we’ll cover in this article will demonstrate both the good and the bad sides of the word.

  • Subconsciously
  • Instinctively
  • Mindlessly
  • Inadvertently
  • Automatically
  • Unwittingly
  • Unknowingly

Which Words Can Describe Doing Something Without Thinking?

The preferred version from these words is “subconsciously” because it refers to doing something without thinking in many regards. We might simply forget about something, do something without knowing we’re doing it, or do something without realizing it’s happening.

You’ll also notice that all of the words are adverbs (ending in “ly”). That’s because these are the most appropriate words to use when talking about the way that somebody does things without thinking.


We’ll start with the closest relation of the group of words. “Subconsciously” is your best choice if you want to talk about something happening without somebody thinking about it.

“Subconsciously” means that someone hasn’t put any thought into what they’re doing and instead acts through their subconscious alone. Their subconscious is a part of their mind that notices and remembers information and actions without someone actively needing to think of it.

The definition of “subconsciously,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that uses or relates to the subconscious.”

We can use “subconsciously” in a few different ways. First, and most simply, it means that someone is doing something without thinking about it because their subconscious is acting for them.

Secondly, we can also say that somebody is doing something without necessarily thinking it through. Again, if their subconscious is acting for them, they don’t have to put any active thought into what’s happening and generally will still succeed.

Thirdly, someone might do something subconsciously without knowing it. As long as they’ve seen something done before, their subconscious might choose to do it too without them knowing they’re able to do it.

Lastly, it’s possible to do something without realizing it by using your subconscious. For example, you might fall in love with someone subconsciously, which refers to them doing things that appeal to your subconscious without you realizing they also appeal to you.

Here are some examples of it in use:

  • He kissed me subconsciously, but I knew he wanted to kiss me.
  • They acted subconsciously on the project, but it still turned out amazing.
  • I subconsciously fell in love with you, and I realize now that I’m ready for more.


“Subconsciously” is the most well-rounded word on this list. It applies to all situations where you might be able to act without thinking about it. However, “instinctively” works really well when we do something without knowing about it.

“Instinctively” means that we do something without knowing it. We might do something to protect ourselves or do something that we think is right without knowing that we should. It uses our “instincts” to do something for us, which is our animalistic ability to act without thought.

The definition of “instinctively,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is not thought about, planned, or developed by training.”

Generally, “instinctively” refers to you doing something without knowing about it. This usually means that it’s a good thing, and you’re doing something to put yourself in a better position.

If you live a particular lifestyle (for example, as a military professional), you might instinctively choose to take some survival techniques into your everyday life when you’re not on a battlefield, which is a great example of how instincts might kick in for different people.

  • I instinctively search for an escape route from birthday parties because you never know what might happen.
  • You acted instinctively, and you managed to save us all from that building!
  • You appealed to me instinctively, and I knew that I needed to have you as my wife!


“Mindlessly” is the first word on this list that connotes something bad. Generally, we use it to insult somebody and say that they did something with very little thought or effort.

“Mindlessly” means that someone lacked their “mind” in the thinking process, thus making whatever action they did a silly thing to do. Generally, we use this for people who do something without thinking about the consequences.

The definition of “mindlessly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that does not involve thought or mental effort.”

Generally, “mindlessly” refers to somebody who does something without thinking about it. It’s generally an insult, meaning that if somebody just put in a little extra thought, things wouldn’t have gone wrong for them.

In some situations, “mindlessly” is also neutral. We might say that a boring task allows us to work mindlessly, meaning we can easily get through it and do the same thing every time without thinking about what we’re doing.

  • He worked mindlessly for days, and I didn’t see him leave his office.
  • You’re a mindless buffoon! I don’t know how we hired you.
  • I acted mindlessly, and I truly am sorry for the damage I caused you!


“Inadvertently” means that we did something without reason or intention. We might apply this to multiple situations where we act without thinking, though we generally do it in an accidental way, where harm can happen to somebody other than ourselves.

The definition of “inadvertently,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is not intentional.”

“Inadvertently” is similar to “subconsciously,” but it implies more accidental behavior. It’s also a well-rounded word that allows us to talk about actions that we didn’t think about or think through, but we might also do things without knowing that we’ve done them.

Generally, “inadvertently” is used in a negative context, meaning that you or somebody else did something foolish without thinking about it. Even if it was accidental, you might have caused problems for others.

  • You inadvertently caused us to lose about three months work of work.
  • Inadvertently, I think I deleted the main hard drive from my computer.
  • They acted inadvertently to rescue the helpless, but they only caused more issues.


“Automatically” is an adverb we mostly use to talk about mechanical processes that happen without human input. In this context, we can apply it to someone’s mind acting without any mental input from that person, resulting in action without thinking about it.

The definition of “automatically,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “happening or reacting without the need to consider or do anything extra.”

Generally, “automatically” is a positive word. We talk about things that we do without thinking too much about them, and it works in a similar way to “subconsciously” (though it’s a little more restrictive in the cases we can use it).

If we work automatically, it means we’re not thinking too much about the thing and allowing the subconscious in our minds to think things through.

  • I automatically filled in all the documents, making my work much easier that day.
  • You always do things automatically, and sometimes I think you don’t care.
  • I can’t help but process things automatically when I’m around you.


“Unwittingly” means that we do something without knowing about it. Generally, we’ve done something accidentally without much planning going into it, and it can mean both good and bad things depending on the context.

The definition of “unwittingly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is done without knowing or planning.”

“Unwittingly” refers to our mind’s “wit.” We use the prefix “un-” to show that there’s a lack of “wit” in our mind, meaning that we’re not thinking clearly or not allowing ourselves to plan and process things.

  • You unwittingly managed to stop the herd, though you had no idea what you were doing.
  • I’ve unwittingly caused a huge family rift, and I don’t know how to fix it.
  • She’s mad at me for something that I’m sure I did unwittingly because I can’t figure it out!


“Unknowingly” means that we do something without “knowing” or planning it. We might use it to talk about our subconscious acting for us to do something without knowing.

The definition of “unknowingly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is not conscious of a particular situation or problem.”

“Unknowingly” uses the root word “know” to talk about what our brain processes. We again use the prefix “un-” to show that we don’t “know” anything that we’re doing.

  • He unknowingly fixed the issues in the system, and everything worked great.
  • You’ve unknowingly undone everything that we’ve worked so hard for.
  • I unknowingly fell in love with her, and I didn’t know what to do.

You may also like: 10 Formal Ways To Say “Without Reason”

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Read the following think before you speak quotes and you will see how your life can change.

We often end up using coarse words, be it to emphasize something or express strong attitudes, without intending to do any harm, but such expressions in absence of cues to the idea behind it, may be considered offensive. Hence, weighing and structuring words is of utmost significance.

Under present social conditions, with the continuous increment in hate speech, be it targeted on grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or religion, these ‘think twice before you speak quotes’ are a pathfinder for all people to get better. People often speak very comfortably and impulsively without realizing if certain words or the way we use them have an inherent negative meaning attached to them. If such a case causes a miscommunication then it may lead to disastrous consequences. so, thinking before speaking is a necessity for people to get better at day-to-day communication.

The Fran Lebowitz quote, «think before you speak…read before you speak», sums up the need of our age in regards to the think before you speak quote. The continuous negativity in speech has ended up subjecting humankind to a vicious toxic circle, one that cannot be done away with until we speak consciously and think before we speak. The quote about thinking before you speak can help you in tough situations. If you like this article, take a look at our think outside the box quotes and [thought-provoking quotes].

Famous Quotes About Thinking Before You Speak

Motivational Speaker giving his speech

These think first before you speak quotes emphasize on the importance of measured speech  and portray how insidious the effects can be by using certain words . While free speech is a choice, hate speech is an offense. And, while we cannot measure our thoughts, we surely can measure our words.  

1. «Think before you speak is criticism’s motto; speak before you think, creation’s [motto].»

— E. M. Forster.

2. «The person who says he knows what he thinks but cannot express it usually does not know what he thinks.»

— Mortimer Adler.

3. «Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.»

— Josh Billings.

4. «It is only the young and callow and ignorant that admire rashness. Think before you speak. Know your subject.»

— Cass Gilbert.

5. «You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.»

— John Ford.

6. «Every time you speak right, you are training yourself to think right and act right.»

— T. B. Joshua.

7. «Think before you speak, and don’t say everything you think.»

— Alexander Lebed.

8. «Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.»

— Abraham Lincoln.

9. «By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.»

— Winston Churchill.

10. «Speak only if it improves upon the silence.»

— Mahatma Gandhi.

11. «When I get ready to talk to people, I spend two thirds of the time thinking what they want to hear and one third thinking about what I want to say.»

— Abraham Lincoln.

12. «Think before you speak. Read before you think.»

— Fran Lebowitz.

13. «Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.»

— Ambrose Bierce.

14. «Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn…before you criticize, wait.»

— William Arthur Ward.

15. «Let nothing be said about anyone unless it passes through the three sieves: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?»

— Amy Carmichael.

16. «Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said.»

— Voltaire.

Quotes On The Power Of Words

While words have the miraculous power to heal, they also have the power to topple the world. We live and breathe in words. Sometimes words make us smile, sometimes they make us cry, sometimes they pierce through us to an extent that we wish to end it all. Now, herein lies the question. When should we speak and what should we say? Well, the answer lies in our thought itself. So think and let these think before you speak quotes make you reflect on the words you use and help you weigh your words before you speak.

17. «Thinking doesn’t hurt…words do. Words have power to heal. Words have power to kill.»

— Anna Maledon.

18. «We fail to say the right words, because we choose to say the wrong words! We choose to say the wrong words, because we fail to think of the right words!»

— Ernest Agyemang Yeboah.

19. «You are master of what you say until you utter it, once you deliver it, you are its captive. Preserve your tongue as you do your gold and money. One word could bring disgrace and the termination of a bliss.»

— Ali Ibn Abi Talib A.S.

20. «Our words have creative power. With our words, we can speak blessings over our future or we can speak negative things over our future.»

— Joel Osteen.

21. «Your word is your wand. The words you speak create your own destiny.»

— Florence Scovel Shinn.

22. «Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.»

— Napoleon Hill.

23. «Think before you speak, your words could hurt someone’s feeling more than you intended it to.»

— Justin Bieber.

Think Before You Speak Quotes That Will Change Your Life

These think before you speak quotes will move you and impact your vision on life, if not change it completely. In our day to day life, some people may find some words offensive while others may not find them to be so. But, the idea is to find out how and when to use words in the appropriate context. For that contemplation plays a vital role in our life. So, read out and think more.

24. «A person with a short neck shot word without measure them out, and a person with a long neck weigh their words before they shout word out!»

— Beta Metani’Marashi.

25. «The real power of silence is to keep silent. The real power of silence is in the works of silence!»,

— Ernest Agyemang Yeboah.

26. «Keep quiet and ponder! Speak and say something!»

— Ernest Agyemang Yeboah.

27. «I always think before I speak. I always think «I think I’ll speak now.»

— John Alejandro King a.k.a. The Covert Comic.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for think before you speak quotes then why not take a look at [Wednesday quotes], or [weekend quotes].

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