Word for not spending a lot of money

close up photograph of a small coin purse full of Euro notes and coins
Kinga Krzeminska/Moment/GettyImages

by Kate Woodford

Would you describe yourself as careful with money or are you a big spender? Today’s post considers the language we use to talk about our money habits.

Let’s start with words for not spending a lot of money. Someone who is thrifty spends their money carefully and doesn’t waste it. The adjective frugal is similar but more extreme, describing a person who only buys what is strictly necessary. It suggests that the person has a very simple way of living.

My grandparents were thrifty and saved every penny.

He was frugal in his habits, growing most of his food and mending his clothes until they fell to pieces.

There are several negative adjectives for people who don’t spend enough money. For example, in UK English, someone who is unwilling to spend money, especially on others, is said to be mean and in US English, they are cheap. We also use the informal adjectives stingy and tight and the formal adjective parsimonious with the same meaning:

He was too mean to buy her a proper bed.

I’m too cheap to pay the full price.

He’s so stingy – he never buys anyone a drink.

Come on, don’t be so tight – get yourself a taxi!

She had a reputation for being rather parsimonious.

The adjective miserly means ‘extremely mean’. (It comes from the noun miser for a person who keeps all their money and hates spending it.):

Her uncle, a miserly old man, refused to help her out.

That old miser, Ebenezer Scrooge.

Two compounds that mean ‘unwilling to spend money’ are penny-pinching and (informal, disapproving) tight-fisted:

The basic food ranges appeal to penny-pinching shoppers.

He’s fabulously wealthy, but notoriously tight-fisted.

Moving on to nouns, a person who doesn’t like to spend money may be called, informally, a skinflint, a tightwad or a cheapskate:

Despite her wealth, she was a notorious skinflint.

Buy her a present and don’t be such a tightwad!

They’ll think I’m a terrible cheapskate if I turn up empty-handed.

Now let’s look at the opposite – words for spending a lot of money. Someone who is generous is willing to spend a lot on other people. Meanwhile, the adjectives extravagant and lavish mean spending or costing a lot of money (sometimes too much money):

Sophie’s always so generous with her gifts.

The money was used to fund his extravagant lifestyle.

She loved to buy her nieces and nephews lavish presents.

The formal adjective profligate means ‘using and wasting a lot of money or resources’:

They were highly critical of the monarch’s profligate spending.

Finally, a spendthrift is someone who spends a lot of money in a way that is not wise:

He was frequently portrayed as a reckless spendthrift.

I hope you learnt a few new words from this post. My next post will look at a related theme – the language of spending money.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

This year I wanted not spending a lot of money, just lie on the beach and swim in the sea.

В этом году хотелось не тратя много денег, просто полежать на пляже и покупаться в море.

Try to find out how and what can help the world wide web the modern ladies who want a good and modern look, while not spending a lot of money.

Попробуем узнать, как и чем может помочь всемирная паутина современным дамам, которые хотят хорошо и современно выглядеть, при этом, не потратив больших денег.

Invercargill can be a good start for those who want to get a quality but affordable education, while not spending a lot of money on rents while studying.

Инверкаргилл может стать неплохим стартом для тех, кто хочет получить качественное, но доступное по цене образование, при этом не тратя много средств на проживание во время учебы.

In case your natural cosmetics is already well known, then this production is an excellent opportunity for you to win a new market segment, while not spending a lot of money on marketing and advertising campaign.

Если же ваша торговая марка уже хорошо известна, то контрактное производство косметики позволит вам завоевать новый сегмент рынка без значительных рекламных и маркетинговых издержек.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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icon forward

context icon

context icon

В этой статье мы решили дать вам несколько советов, как, не тратя много денег и усилий, достичь высокого результата.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Готовы ли вы потеряете все вес вы хотите, не тратя кучу денег на специальные продукты питания или лишенных чувства?

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

With respect to the United States is not recommended to gain

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context icon

В отношении США


рекомендуем набирать



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For all those who want to have


budget and

or in other words affordable tours in Armenia.

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context icon

предлагаем бюджетные или, другими словами, туры с низкими ценами.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

After all, creating


bright advertisements without positive dynamics


processes within the organization, the company runs the risk of spending a lot of money, not receiving the desired effect.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Ведь создавая яркую рекламу, без динамики положительных процессов внутри организации, компания рискует потратить немалые деньги, не получив при этом желаемого эффекта.

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context icon

Слоты низких лимитов

For the development


respectable site its always spent a lot of money and are attracted

a lot of

professionals who will not spend their time without


decent pay.

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Playing middle cards that could have


chance to hit


straight, or suited hands here and there,

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context icon

Игральные карты среднего, которые могут иметь шанс попасть прямо, или подходит руки здесь и там,


является наихудшей стратегии, если вы можете получить на флопе не тратя много денег, чтобы попасть туда.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon


small double room is


excellent choice for two people, who want to enjoy all the convenience

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Маленькая двухместная комната- это отличный вариант для двух человек, желающих насладиться удобствами, предлагаемыми гостиницей eLoftHOTEL,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

When the nail artist can masterly create acrylic nails on forms(video) or gel nails,

it will save

a lot of

time both for him and the client giving


greater opportunity for modeling without spending extra money.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Если мастер виртуозно умеет делать наращивание ногтей на формах акрилом( видео) или гелем,

он может сэкономить время и свое и клиента, имеет гораздо более широкие возможности при моделировании и при этом не тратит лишние средства.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 13,
Time: 0.1007





1   I suggest not spending all your money now so that you’ll have some later.   for

      What about …………………………………… later?

2   Did your mum gain any money when she sold her business?   profit

      Did you mum …………………………………… when she sold her business?

3   Not many people want this type of bank account.   demand

      There is …………………………………… this type of bank account.

4   I didn’t want to owe Sue money, so I didn’t borrow any.   debt

      I didn’t want …………………………………… Sue, so I didn’t borrow any money.

5   You must have paid a lot of money for such a nice engagement ring, Jim!   fortune

      A nice engagement ring like that must ……………………………………, Jim!

6   Inflation has gone up by 3% this year.   increase

      There has been an …………………………………… 3% this year.

7   You won’t have any money if you keep buying CDs.   it

      You won’t have any money if you keep …………………………………… CDs.

8   Don’t spend money on hiring a limousine at the airport.   expense

      Don’t go …………………………………… hiring a limousine at the airport.

9   I had to pay £50 for breaking the vase in the shop!   charged

      They …………………………………… £50 for breaking the vase in the shop!

10   A lot of money was stolen from the bank in the robbery.   amount

        The bank lost …………………………………… in the robbery.

11   I can’t afford a holiday this year.   enough

        I don’t have …………………………………… on holiday this year.

12   I succeeded through hard work, clever decisions and, finally but importantly, luck.   least

        I succeeded through hard work, clever decisions and, ……………………………………, luck.

13   The shoplifter took a packet of crisps, without the shopkeeper seeing.   notice

        The shopkeeper didn’t …………………………………… a packet of crisps.

14   I’ll go and buy what we need and you start cooking.   shopping

        I’ll go and …………………………………… and you start cooking.

Looking for idioms that deal with money?

Be sure to check out these money idioms below!

money idioms

A bad debt

  • Meaning: When someone is owed money, but it is not likely to be paid.
  • Example Sentence: Matt said he got into a bad debt with Mark when he settled his loan payment for him. That was over 2 years ago and he still hasn’t receievd a dime.

A blank check

  • Meaning: To have as much money that is wanted or needed to spend.
  • Example Sentence: Jaimie’s grandfather gave himba blank check to purchase his school supplies. Little did he know, Jaimie used some of the money to buy some new video games.

A dime a dozen

  • Meaning: Used to describe something that is common and available everywhere.
  • Example Sentence: Stray dogs are a dime a dozen in South America. You just walk out the door and take your pick.

A fool and his money are soon parted

  • Meaning: Some people are good with money, others aren’t.
  • Example Sentence: A fool and his money are soon parted-Josh is living proof of that saying. He buys whatever he wants, whenever he wants, without giving it any thought.

A license to print money

  • Meaning: When one makes a lot of money by little or no effort.
  • Example Sentence: James new venture in the insurance field is giving him a license to print money.

A penny for your thoughts

  • Meaning: What are you thinking about?
  • Example Sentence: The manager looked directly at Mike and asked, “A penny for your thoughts?” Mike replied, “I say, go for option one.”

A penny saved is a penny earned

  • Meaning: By not spending money, it’s as if you are earning more money because you still have it in your pocket.
  • Example Sentence: Dad says he is saving money because a penny saved is a penny earned.

A pretty penny

  • Meaning: Something that is very expensive
  • Example Sentence: Well that car cost me a pretty penny, but it was worth it!

A quick buck

  • Meaning: Money that was easily made.
  • Example Sentence: Having a yard sale is an easy way to make a quick buck.

An arm and a leg

  • Meaning: Used to describe something very expensive.
  • Example Sentence: The new washer and dryer cost an arm and a leg.

Big/High roller

  • Meaning: A person who gambles or spends a lot of money.
  • Example Sentence: Ivy could be considered a high roller when it comes to shopping at the mall.

Blood money

  • Meaning: Money inherited or gift because of the death of a loved one.
  • Example Sentence: Nate bought that new ranch off of blood money.

Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth

  • Meaning: A way of describing a person who was born with a lot of money.
  • Example Sentence: Joshua was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Born into money

  • Meaning: A person who is born rich because of their parent’s financial situation.
  • Example Sentence: Kasha was born into money. Therefore she buys what she wants, when she wants it. Her husband Phil, on the otherhand, takes a more casual approach to spending.

Bread and Butter

  • Meaning: The source of one’s income.
  • Example Sentence: Photography is his bread and butter.

money idioms

Break the bank

  • Meaning: To use up all of one’s own money.
  • Example Sentence: John broke the bank buying that new house of his.

Bring home the bacon

  • Meaning: To earn a salary, or make money for one’s family.
  • Example Sentence: Dad always brings home the bacon, even when times seem to be tough.

Cash Cow

  • Meaning: A product or business that produces a regular income or profit.
  • Example Sentence: So many products that have been featured on Shark Tank are now cash cows. It’s really enocuraging to see their success.

Cash in one’s chips

  • Meaning: To sell something in order to buy or pay for something else.
  • Example Sentence: Well, if I have to, I’ll cash in my chips so you can get that new watch you want.


  • Meaning: A person known for not wanting to spend a lot of money.
  • Example Sentence: I hate to say it, but you are a cheapskate!

Daylight Robbery

  • Meaning: To be overcharged for something.
  • Example Sentence: When I saw the bill, I couldn’t help but think a daylight robbery had just occurred.


  • Meaning: A slang word used to describe money.
  • Example Sentence: That new tv cost me a lot of dough, but I’d still say it was worth it.

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

  • Meaning: When you get sufficient rest and are an early riser, you tend to be more successful.
  • Example Sentence: Sulley gets up early every morning, because you know what they say “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

Easy money

  • Meaning: Money earned with very little work or effort.
  • Example Sentence: Many people think blogging is easy money, but I don’t agree.

Foot the bill

  • Meaning: To help with fees or expenses.
  • Example Sentence: My mom and dad will foot the bill for my college tuition. However, I have to pay for my books and supplies.

From rags to riches

  • Meaning: To go from poverty to wealth.
  • Example Sentence: Mary has a classic “from rags to riches” story. She was born into a very poor family but after years of hard work has become one of the most successful women in Canada.

Funny money

  • Meaning: Counterfeit money.
  • Example Sentence: Luke was caught trying to pay with funny money.

Get a run for one’s money

  • Meaning: To be challenged, generally by another person or business.
  • Example Sentence: Katherine’s clothing store is certainly getting a run for its money with that new second-hand shop in town.

Give no quarter

  • Meaning: To give or show no mercy.
  • Example Sentence: The teacher gave no quarter when it came to Susie’s homework. Even though she had a good reason for not arriving on time, it was still considered late.

Go dutch

  • Meaning: To split the bill.
  • Example Sentence: Amy asked Rainer to go dutch on their trip to Germany. He didn’t agree so they never went.

Gravy train

  • Meaning: To receive high pay for doing minimal work.
  • Example Sentence: People ride the gravy train every day in corporate America.

Hard cash

  • Meaning: Real money in the form of paper or coins.
  • Example Sentence: Stores don’t seem to know what to do when they receive hard cash these days.

Have sticky fingers

  • Meaning: To be a pickpocket or thief
  • Example Sentence: No one believed me when I said Crystal had sticky fingers.

He who pays the piper calls the tune

  • Meaning: The person who has the money should decide how it is spent
  • Example Sentence: He who pays the piper calls the tune, so Kyle, it’s up to you.

Head over heels in debt

  • Meaning: When one owes so much money (generally to a credit card company, bank or a loan), it affects their daily life.
  • Example Sentence: Don’t ask Tammy for money, she’s head over heels in debt.

I don’t have two nickels/pennies to rub together

  • Meaning: When one is very poor.
  • Example Sentence: I wish I could contribute, but I don’t have two nickels to rub together.

idioms about money

If I had a nickel/penny for every time (something happened)

  • Meaning: Referring to something that happens often.
  • Example Sentence: If I had a penny for every time I lost my keys, I would be a rich man!

In for a penny, in for a pound

  • Meaning: When one is involved in a project or task no matter how much money, time or effort it involves.
  • Example Sentence: You can count on me-in for a penny, in for a pound.

Keep the wolf from the door

  • Meaning: To have enough money just to buy basic needs.
  • Example Sentence: Even though I don’t make much money at my job, I’m glad to keep the wolf from the door.

Lion’s share

  • Meaning: To have the majority of something, many times money.
  • Example Sentence: Jack got the lion’s share of the money. All I got was a few hundred dollars.

Live from hand to mouth

  • Meaning: To live on a small amount of money.
  • Example Sentence: The truth is, Jackie lives from hand to mouth. Maybe we could help her out a bit.

Mint condition

  • Meaning: When something is in perfect, like-new condition
  • Example Sentence: The stereo is in mint condition.

Money doesn’t grow on trees

  • Meaning: Money isn’t easy to obtain.
  • Example Sentence: My dad always said, ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ and now, I fully understand what he meant.

Money for old rope

  • Meaning: A job that is an easy way to earn money.
  • Example Sentence: Many people think being an investor is money for old rope.

Money isn’t everything

  • Meaning: Money is not the most important thing in life.
  • Example Sentence: My Grandpa always said “money isn’t everything”, and now that I’m older, I finally understand what he meant.

Money is no object

  • Meaning: Used to say that someone is willing to spend a lot of money
  • Example Sentence: Money is no object for Casey. She buys what she wants when she wants it.

Money talks

  • Meaning: Money is powerful, it makes things happen or get done, even when it seems impossible.
  • Example Sentence: The contractor said it would take a week more to get the loft finished, but when Sean offered him more money, he had it done within two days. What can I say? Money talks.

Money to burn

  • Meaning: To spend money on unnecessary things just because you have the money to spend.
  • Example Sentence: Keith always has money to burn, so ask him for a loan.

Have more money than sense

  • Meaning: To describe a person who foolishly spends money.
  • Example Sentence: I hate to say it, but Mitch has more money than sense.

Nest egg

  • Meaning: To have savings in the bank.
  • Example Sentence: Mrs. Turner has a large nest egg so she doesn’t have to work anymore.

On the money

  • Meaning: To be correct about something or someone
  • Example Sentence: Scott was always right on the money about Nicole.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure

  • Meaning: What one person considers worthless, could be considered valuable by another person.
  • Example Sentence: Why don’t we go to the junkyard. You know what they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

Other side of the coin/two sides of the same coin

  • Meaning: Opposing views, referring to two people with different views.
  • Example Sentence: Penny and James are the epitomai of the expression there are two sides of the same coin.

Pay a king’s ransom

  • Meaning: To pay greatly for something.
  • Example Sentence: I hate it when my brother pays a king’s ransom, but he just never seems to learn.

Pay an arm and a leg

  • Meaning: To pay a large amount for something, usually an unreasonable amount.
  • Example Sentence: I wanted the bike, but I didn’t want to pay an arm and a leg for it.

Pay through the nose

  • Meaning: To overpay for something.
  • Example Sentence: That older couple paid throw the nose for that new house but to each their own.

Pay top dollar

  • Meaning: To pay a lot of money for something.
  • Example Sentence: Jorge paid top dollar for that new truck of his.

Pay your way

  • Meaning: To pay for yourself instead of letting someone else pay for you.
  • Example Sentence: I don’t care what they say, this vacation is a ‘pay your way’ trip.


  • Meaning: Someone who is overly cautious about spending money, frugal.
  • Example Sentence: My mother-in-law is a penny-pincher. She’s always looking for a good deal.

Penny-wise and pound foolish

  • Meaning: A person who is conscientious of handling small amounts of money, but takes no consideration when large amounts are involved.
  • Example Sentence: Herb is penny-wise and pound foolish. He is cheap with food but indulges in entertainment.

Pick up the tab/check

  • Meaning: To pay for the bill.
  • Example Sentence: This time, I’ll pick up the check.

Pin money

  • Meaning: Used to describe a small amount of money that you earn and spend on yourself.
  • Example Sentence: She works retail to make some pin money.

Pots of money

  • Meaning: To have a lot of money.
  • Example Sentence: Georgina has pots of money. She can buy anything she wants.

money idioms

Pour money down the drain

  • Meaning: To misuse money.
  • Example Sentence: Tyler likes to pour money down the drain.

Put one’s money where one’s mouth is

  • Meaning: To imply that someone should stop talking about ambition, and start taking action to realize it.
  • Example Sentence: If you really want to go to Canada, then put your money where your mouth is.

Ready cash

  • Meaning: Money that is ready and available to spend.
  • Example Sentence: Paul has a lot of investments, but he needs ready cash.

Save money for a rainy day

  • Meaning: To save money in case an emergency or an unfortunate event arises.
  • Example Sentence: My car broke down, but fortunately I’ve been saving money for a rainy day so I can pay for the repairs.

Strapped for cash

  • Meaning: When someone has little or no money.
  • Example Sentence: Jackson is always strapped for cash.

Take a beating

  • Meaning: To lose a large amount of money.
  • Example Sentence: Jack took a beating during the recession.

The best things in life are free

  • Meaning: A way to say that money can’t buy the most important things in life, such as family, friends or one’s health.
  • Example Sentence: Money is important to an extent, but remember, the best things in life are free.

Ten a penny/A dime a dozen

  • Meaning: Something that is so common it has no special value.
  • Example Sentence: Those shoes are a dime a dozen.

Time is money

  • Meaning: Time invaluable.
  • Example Sentence: Let’s go girls! Time is money!

To bank on someone or something

  • Meaning: To be certain of, or confident in someone or something.
  • Example Sentence: I can always bank on Judy. She is always there for me when I need her.

To be broke

  • Meaning: To be poor, have no money.
  • Example Sentence: I wish I could help you out, but I am broke!

To cash in your chips

  • Meaning: To sell something because you suspect the value of it will go down.
  • Example Sentence: Parker, it’s time to cash in your chips and get rid of those baseball cards.

To chip in

  • Meaning: To donate time or money toward something.
  • Example Sentence: Sam said he could chip in on the gift for Kelsey.

To cook the books

  • Meaning: To be dishonest with (someone’s) finances or accounts.
  • Example Sentence: Tim was known to cook the books, so Johnny fired him.

To cut corners

  • Meaning: To reduce spending.
  • Example Sentence: Mom said we have to cut corners for a while so we can save money for our trip to Florida.

To cut your losses

  • Meaning: To abandon a project or plan because it is obvious it will not end in success.
  • Example Sentence: Cut your losses before it’s too late!

To earn a living

  • Meaning: To make enough money to live comfortably.
  • Example Sentence: I have to work in order to earn a living.

To feel the pinch

  • Meaning: To experience financial problems.
  • Example Sentence: I feel the pinch every time I open my credit card bills.

To foot the bill

  • Meaning: To pay for everyone (such as at a restaurant, movie, etc.)
  • Example Sentence: My mom said she will foot the bill this time.

To get off scot-free

  • Meaning: To escape punish, or consequences.
  • Example Sentence: Though he had a lot of debt, he was about to get off scot-free.

To give someone a run for their money

  • Meaning: To be a challenging competitor
  • Example Sentence: I must admit, she sure gave me a run for my money.

To go bust

  • Meaning: To become bankrupt
  • Example Sentence: Didn’t you hear? Mr. Powers went bust.

To go for broke

  • Meaning: To risk everything in order to achieve the desired result.
  • Example Sentence: Molly went for broke in order to pass her final exam.

To burn a hole in your pocket

  • Meaning: When someone just acquired money and is eager to spend it.
  • Example Sentence: This fifty dollar bill is burning a hole in my pocket. Let’s got to the mall.

To have the penny drop

  • Meaning: To finally understand something.
  • Example Sentence: When I saw Lola’s face, I could tell the penny had dropped.

To help one out

  • Meaning: To borrow some money to someone in need.
  • Example Sentence: Sam asked me if I could help him out, so I lent him twenty dollars.

To laugh all the way to the bank

  • Meaning: To easily make money, oftentimes because of someone else’s stupidity.
  • Example Sentence: Tracy’s stupidity makes it that much easier for Caleb to laugh all the way to the bank.

To make big bucks

  • Meaning: To make a lot of money, especially at one’s job.
  • Example Sentence: Drew makes big bucks at his corporate office job.

To not break the bank

  • Meaning: To not be very expensive.
  • Example Sentence: I told Val it would not break the bank to get a new truck, so she bought it that same day.

To spare some change/cash

  • Meaning: To lend someone in need a small amount of cash.
  • Example Sentence: Fortunately Paul was able to spare me some change when I realized I had left my wallet at home.

To spend a penny

  • Meaning: To go to the restroom.
  • Example Sentence: Justin said he needed to spend a penny and I didn’t ask any more questions.

To struggle to make ends meet

  • Meaning: To struggle to survive on the small amount of money one earns.
  • Example Sentence: I’m always struggling to make ends meet.

To take a bath

  • Meaning: To lose a lot of money in a business agreement.
  • Example Sentence: Amy took a bath on the Smith job, but she will hopefully make it up with her new client, Mr. Jones.

To take someone to the cleaners

  • Meaning: When someone cheats another out of their money or possessions.
  • Example Sentence: Unfortunately they took that little old lady to the cleaners.

To throw money around

  • Meaning: To carelessly spend money on unnecessary things.
  • Example Sentence: Damien is always throwing money around. If he would actually save some of it, he would be rich.

To turn up like a bad penny

  • Meaning: To arrive or show up where one is not wanted.
  • Example Sentence: Casey always turns up like a bad penny.

money idioms

Two cents

  • Meaning: To give one’s own opinion on an issue.
  • Example Sentence: Do you want my two cents or no?

Worth their/its weight in gold

  • Meaning: When something is very useful or valuable.
  • Example Sentence: These books are worth their weight in gold.

There you have it, 101 money idioms. Did we miss one? Let us know in the comments below.

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