Word for not speaking clearly

What is the word for speaking clearly?

articulate. verbsay clearly, coherently. enunciate.

What is the word for not speaking clearly?

incoherent is the answer which means to not understand someone’s language or the way they speak.

What is it called when something is unclear?

ambiguous/ ambivalent Something ambiguous is unclear or vague, like the end of a short story that leaves you scratching your head. … When choosing between ambiguous and ambivalent, consider whether you are describing something that is unclear or vague: that’s ambiguous.

What is the opposite of speaking?

keep, hide, be quiet, speak clearly, deny, hold, praise, retain, withhold, listen, conceal, mumble.

What is another word for inarticulate?

In this page you can discover 37 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for inarticulate, like: mute, blurred, dumb, self-pitying, reticent, wordless, tongue-tied, unintelligible, incoherent, garbled and vague.

What does it mean to be emotionally inarticulate?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : incapable of giving coherent, clear, or effective expression to one’s ideas or feelings. 2a(1) : incapable of speech especially under stress of emotion : mute. (2) : incapable of being expressed by speech inarticulate fear.

Which word is closest in meaning to overwhelming?


  • amazing.
  • astounding.
  • devastating.
  • mind-boggling.
  • staggering.
  • stunning.
  • vast.
  • exciting.

Is overwhelming a positive word?

Sometimes people feel overwhelmed by emotion, and this can be a positive or negative experience, depending on the emotion. For example, you might feel overwhelmed by gratitude if your friend takes excellent care of your fish, but overwhelmed with grief if the fish is accidentally flushed in your absence.

What is another word for paves?

Paves Synonyms — WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for paves?

concretes covers
lays asphalt lays concrete

Is overwhelmed an emotion?

Emotional overwhelm is a state of being beset by intense emotion that is difficult to manage. It can affect your ability to think and act rationally. … Emotional overwhelm may be caused by stress, traumatic life experiences, relationship issues, and much more.

How do I stop being overwhelmed?

Here are 17 of the best tactics to make that happen.

  1. Take an emotional time out. Read an engrossing book that has nothing to do with work. …
  2. Exercise. Same idea here, but with a personal physical component. …
  3. Take a physical time out. …
  4. Breathe deeply. …
  5. Be mindfully thankful. …
  6. Pray or meditate. …
  7. Phone a friend. …
  8. Procrastinate.

How do you stop feeling overwhelmed?

If you are feeling constantly overwhelmed, here are some key strategies to try:

  1. Pinpoint the primary source of overwhelm. …
  2. Set boundaries on your time and workload. …
  3. Challenge your perfectionism. …
  4. Outsource or delegate. …
  5. Challenge your assumptions.

How do you know you are overwhelmed?

You feel guilt or anger for taking on too many responsibilities. Whether they stem from caring for an infirm relative, taking on extra chores or simply being someone’s sounding board, feelings of guilt and anger can be overwhelming and lead to chronic stress.

What is the meaning of I am overwhelmed?

If you are overwhelmed by a feeling or event, it affects you very strongly, and you do not know how to deal with it. He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past. [ be VERB-ed] The need to talk to someone, anyone, overwhelmed her. [

Why do I get overwhelmed so quickly?

Typical reasons for feeling overwhelmed with life This could be an accident, a natural disaster, or witnessing a crime. Other common reasons for overwhelm are life changes that take time to process, such as going away to school, breakups or divorce, a new and challenging position at work, and bereavement.

Is getting overwhelmed easily a sign of ADHD?

People with ADHD are easily overwhelmed by the fast pace and interruptions, so they need some stay-focused strategies to keep them on track.

How do you respond to someone who is overwhelmed?

8 Things To Say To Someone When They’re Stressed

  1. “You’re not alone.”
  2. “I’m your #1 fan!”
  3. “It’s ok to take a break.”
  4. “How can I help?”
  5. “Your feelings are valid.”
  6. “You’ve done it before! You can do it again.”
  7. “Focus on one thing at a time.”
  8. “I’m here if you want to talk.”

How do you describe being overwhelmed?

to overcome completely in mind or feeling: overwhelmed by remorse. to overpower or overcome, especially with superior forces; destroy; crush: Roman troops were overwhelmed by barbarians.

How do you use the word overwhelmed?

Overwhelmed sentence example

  1. He must have been overwhelmed with the responsibility — and guilt. …
  2. She felt suddenly overwhelmed by loneliness. …
  3. Carmen gazed down at Matthew, overwhelmed with the joy of motherhood. …
  4. She rubbed her face, overwhelmed by her day. …
  5. She managed a smile, too overwhelmed by her emotions to speak.

What is another word for anxiety or overwhelmed?

Overwhelmed Synonyms — WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for overwhelmed?

speechless stunned
anxious terrorisedUK
scared witless off-balance
scared to death frightened to death
not with it out of control

How do you use the word overwhelming?

Overwhelming sentence example

  1. Harding by an overwhelming vote. …
  2. «The diamonds were a bit overwhelming for daily wear,» she admitted. …
  3. It was still an overwhelming idea. …
  4. It’s just so overwhelming I don’t know how else to react. …
  5. It grew even more overwhelming after the broadcast of the eleven o’clock news.

What does heart whelming mean?

adjective. Something that is heartwarming causes you to feel happy, usually because something nice has happened to people. … the heartwarming story of enemies who discover a shared humanity. Synonyms: moving, touching, affecting, pleasing More Synonyms of heartwarming.

What does overwhelmed mean in a relationship?

But I’ve found that when someone tells me they are stuck or overwhelmed in their relationship it often means that they are unwilling to deal with the outcome of their making a choice. A choice to open themselves up to—wait for it—uncertainty. The unknown of being alone, of losing a job, of couch surfing.

articulate. verbsay clearly, coherently. enunciate. express. mouth.

Similarly, what is the word for not speaking clearly?

slur. verb. to speak without pronouncing the words clearly or separately, for example because you are very tired or drunk.

Likewise, what can I say instead of well said?

Well said, Giorgio!

What is another word for well said?

well put well articulated
you tell them you tell ’em
that was spoken well

What does to enunciate mean?

Enunciation is the act of pronouncing words. Enunciation is from the Latin word enuntiationem, meaning “declaration.” Enunciation is more than pronouncing words clearly; it’s expressing them well, too.

What does beautifully put mean?

When something is “beautifully put” it means that something was stated/worded very well. The person’s way of saying something was very eloquent. When something is “beautifully put” it means that something was stated/worded very well. The person’s way of saying something was very eloquent.

Write Your Answer

8 years, 8 months ago

8k times

When somebody talks in a way where they swallow parts of a word, talk very fast or talk in a way that is difficult for most listeners to comprehend, what do you call the way this person speaks? I’m looking for an adverb that conveys the meaning «unclearly», «mangled» or just «ununderstandbly» (yeah I know it’s not a word).

asked Aug 9, 2014 at 21:22

silkfire's user avatar


Someone is speaking unintelligibly: being such that understanding or comprehension is difficult or impossible; incomprehensible.

Whether because of mumbling (to speak words indistinctly, as by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth.),
muttering (to speak indistinctly in low tones), garbling (to mix up or distort to such an extent as to make misleading or incomprehensible) or incoherence (expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear), it is unclear.

A good thesaurus and these words should get you started on the exact word you want.

answered Aug 9, 2014 at 21:41

anongoodnurse's user avatar


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To garble one’s words: is a useful expression that can be used to convey the idea of talking fast distorting words so that they are difficult to understand.

  • To mix up or distort to such an extent as to make misleading or incomprehensible

answered Aug 9, 2014 at 22:58

Asked by: Mr. Robbie Boyer

Score: 4.8/5
(25 votes)

Definition of articulate (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1a : to give clear and effective utterance to : to put into words articulate one’s grievances He found it hard to articulate his feelings. b : to utter distinctly articulating each note in the musical phrase.

What is meant by Articulateness?

the ability to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly: I was impressed with the articulateness of the speakers. The governor has never lacked vision or articulateness.

Is there such a word as articulately?

Meaning of articulately in English. in a way that expresses thoughts and feelings easily and clearly: He spoke articulately about each of the paintings.

What’s a word for speaking clearly?

Reach for articulate when you need an adjective meaning «well-spoken» (pronounced ar-TIC-yuh-lit) or a verb (ar-TIC-yuh-late) meaning «to speak or express yourself clearly.» The key to understanding articulate’s many uses is to think of the related noun article: an articulate person clearly pronounces each article of …

What does speaking clearly mean?

To talk more loudly or plainly. To convey or express in a particular way or manner.

43 related questions found

What is the word for not speaking clearly?

When we mumble, we don’t form out words clearly. Mumbling is the opposite of speaking clearly. Some people mumble because they lack confidence. Others might mumble because they’re tired or not feeling well.

How do I speak clearly and think?

Here’re 6 time-tested ways to learn how to think clearly:

  1. Take a Deep Breath. …
  2. Organize Your Thought By Listing. …
  3. Assess Your Attitude. …
  4. Be Specific with Your Goals. …
  5. Leverage Your Passion for Taking Charge of Your Emotions. …
  6. Utilize Your Negative Thinking to Generate Positive Action. …
  7. Prove Yourself Wrong. …
  8. Create Your Mantra.

How do you describe someone who is good at talking?

A loquacious person talks a lot, often about stuff that only they think is interesting. You can also call them chatty or gabby, but either way, they’re loquacious. … Of course, if you’ve got nothing to say, a loquacious person might make a good dinner companion, because they’ll do all the talking.

What do you call someone who is a good speaker?

orator Add to list Share. A person giving a speech is called an orator, like the gifted orator who raised excellent points, making everyone in the audience want to join his revolution. … However, orator often implies that the speaker is particularly gifted.

What do you call a person who is good at speaking?

Synonyms for well-spoken. articulate, eloquent, fluent, silver-tongued.

When people say your articulate?

If you describe someone as articulate, you mean that they are able to express their thoughts and ideas easily and well. She is an articulate young woman. When you articulate your ideas or feelings, you express them clearly in words.

Why can’t I articulate my thoughts clearly?

Dysgraphia can make it hard to express thoughts in writing. (You may hear it called “a disorder of written expression.”) Expressive language issues make it hard to express thoughts and ideas when speaking and writing. (You may hear it called a “language disorder” or a “communication disorder.”)

How do you articulate something?

Here are five ways to become more articulate in both your personal and professional life.

  1. Listen to yourself. …
  2. Don’t be afraid to pronounce.
  3. Keep it simple. …
  4. Forget the filler. …
  5. Pay attention to your audience.

What aggressiveness means?

aggressiveness noun [U] (ATTACKING)

the quality of being likely to attack other people or animals, or to behave in a violent or angry way towards them: There were concerns about the child’s disruptiveness and aggressiveness.

What enunciation means?

transitive verb. 1a : to make a definite or systematic statement of. b : announce, proclaim enunciated the new policy. 2 : articulate, pronounce enunciate all the syllables.

What is a attentiveness?

attentiveness noun [U] (attention)

the fact of paying attention and listening carefully: She brings a scholar’s attentiveness to detail to her job.

What are the qualities of a good speaker?

In order to be an effective speaker, these are the five qualities that are a must.

  • Confidence. Confidence is huge when it comes to public speaking. …
  • Passion. …
  • Ability to be succinct. …
  • Ability to tell a story. …
  • Audience awareness.

What is a Speechifier?

: one that spouts speeches : declaimer.

What do you call someone who doesn’t talk a lot?

taciturn, closemouthed, dumb, laconic, reserved, reticent, silent, tight-lipped, uncommunicative, clammed up, not admittinganything, unable to speak, muts; speechless, dumb.

What do you call someone who is not good with words?

Unsociable, Silent, Withdrawn, Standoffish, Reclusive, Uncommunicative, Backward, and Introverted. Also, you might consult a thesaurus and enter some of these and other words, one at a time, until you find a word that suits your preference.

How can I talk confidently?

Here are six unusual ways you can feel more confident speaking English, quickly.

  1. Breathe. Something that’s easy to forget when you are nervous. …
  2. Slow down. Most of the best public speakers in English speak slowly. …
  3. Smile. …
  4. Practise making mistakes. …
  5. Visualise success. …
  6. Congratulate yourself.

How can I stop thinking when talking?

Here are eight powerful ways to quiet your negative self-talk:

  1. Listen to what you’re telling yourself as if you were telling it to other people. …
  2. Remember, someone is listening. …
  3. Be conscious of what you say. …
  4. Stop judging yourself so harshly. …
  5. Accept your imperfections. …
  6. Back up for a better view.

What’s the word for unable to talk?

dumb. adjectiveunable to speak. at a loss for words. inarticulate. incoherent.

What causes someone to stop speaking?

Lack of speech or absence of speech can occur due to both medical and psychological conditions. Absent speech or mutism can occur as a sign of catatonia, a state in which one is unresponsive but otherwise awake. Catatonia can be a sign or schizophrenia or other psychiatric conditions involving psychosis.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I’m sorry. I can see that I am not speaking clearly.

You think other people are mumbling or not speaking clearly

voice changes, especially hoarseness or not speaking clearly

Изменение голоса, особенно охриплость или нечеткий говор.

In 2015, a surgeon at a teaching hospital in Georgia-exasperated with his surgical team-shouted, Am I not speaking clearly?!

В 2015 году хирург из Джорджии, раздраженный сотрудниками, закричал: «Я говорю неясно?

Honey, you’re not speaking clearly.

Is he not speaking clearly?

Was he not speaking clearly?

Другие результаты

I have not ever learned speaking clearly.

Am I not clearly speaking, I asked’

Speaking clearly and accurately is another important aspect of dubber professionalism.

Говорить точно и ясно, один из важнейших аспектов демонстрирующих профессионализм в сфере дублирования.

It wasn’t that hard, once it started speaking clearly.

Это стало не так трудно, после того как она начала говорить внятно.

Speaking clearly once you handle Colombian powder, you’re responsible for it.

Скажу прямо… если получаешь колумбийский порошок, то ты за на него в ответе.

How are you still speaking clearly?

If the stress makes me heated and I have trouble speaking clearly, the adversary will count that a success.

Если давление выведет меня из себя и мне станет трудно выражаться ясно, противник будет считать это победой.

Across the millennia an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you.

И автор сквозь толщу времён безмолвно и ясно говорит прямо с вами у вас в голове.

You want to make sure that you are speaking clearly and professionally.

От вас ожидается, что вы будете говорить четко и профессионально.

Forming logical sentences, and speaking clearly is exceedingly difficult.

Формируют логические предложения и говорят чрезвычайно сложно.

Be mindful of speaking clearly and loudly, but not shouting.

Remember that speaking clearly is very important.

Vatican official: The bishops ‘are speaking clearly‘ on refugees

Чиновник Ватикана: епископы «говорят ясно» о беженцах

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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