Word for not right or wrong

It’s not right or wrong? 8 letters. This question was published at daily the Irish Times crosswords. Solving Crossword Puzzles can help us out to release stress, maintain social bonds, and improve our vocabulary, that’s why we recommend crossword puzzles to every age group.

It’s not right or wrong? 8 letters


Question: It’s not right or wrong? 8 letters

The rest of the answers can be found here: Irish Times Crosaire Crossword June 9 2020 Answers.

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  1. «wrong, wrong, wrong!»
  2. It’s wrong of the boy to do the wrong thing with the ten that’s wrong — so off-putting!
  3. Deliveries with wrong, wrong, wrong quantity of flora
  4. A right in a wrong is still a wrong
  5. If it ever goes wrong, it’s just about all right, though it’s on the cards that it’s wrong to do it
  6. Right in a wrong way? wrong!
  7. Wrap right over left, tuck right underneath, pull, pinch right in a loop, wrap left around, push left through hole to create loop, pull loops
  8. Religious leader embracing right, right? right
  9. Wrong way corrigans wrong way
  10. Wrong, or sure one is wrong
  11. Albumwise, this band claimed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time
  12. To belittle is wrong, dead wrong
  13. To do wrong or be wrong
  14. It’s the wrong way for ted to have done wrong — so off-putting
  15. Ted goes wrong and does wrong — so off-putting
  16. The wrong way to run for what’s wrong
  17. How bold to be doing wrong in an odd, wrong way!
  18. It’s wrong to run the wrong way
  19. Sidney is wrong, wrong to twist it like this
  20. One’s got to hurry to make it wrong the wrong way up


  1. The velvet underground star reed
  2. Lindhome, actress who plays dr
  3. Opposite of whisper, perhaps
  4. Strong enough singer
  5. Jack in bar, old music maker
  6. Joins those who fight losing independence
  7. Jam produced by monk according to the reverends pronouncement
  8. Myers, actress who plays enid sinclair on the tv show wednesday
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These words all describe something that is not right or correct, or someone who is not right about something.
incorrect — (алдаатай, зөв биш) гол төлөв гэсэн утгаар — according to the facts and refers to specific rules, such as grammar, calculation etc
not accurate or true
    —- incorrect information/spelling
untrue — (

худалаа, үнэн биш

invented or guessed — ийн дараа худал болох нь тогтоогдох тиймээс монгол хэлнээ худлаа, үнэн биш гэж буулгавал тохиромжтой (These accusations are totally untrue. — тэдгээр буруушаал бүхэлдээ худлаа )
1 not true; not based on facts
      —- These accusations are totally untrue.
(formalnot loyal to someone or something     untrue (to someone/something)
           — If he agreed to their demands, he would have to be untrue to his own principles
false — adjective(

хуурамч, жинхэнэ биш

) энэ үгийг <not natural, not genuine — a false passport(хуурамч пасворд), false teeth (хиймэт шүд, жинхэнэ биш) > — гэсэн утгаар хэрэглэ
1 wrong; not correct or true
    — A whale is a fish. True or false? 
2 not natural  
    —- false teeth/eyelashes
3 not genuine, but made to look real to cheat people
    — a false passport
mistaken — adjective(эндүү ташаа, эндүүрсэн) энэ үг <эндүүрсэн, андуурсан> — гэсэн утгаар гол төлөв хэрэглэгдэнэ —wrong in your opinion (Unless I’m very much mistaken, that’s Paul’s wife over there. — би хэрвээ эндүүрээгүй бол paul — ийн эхнэр тэнд байсан)
1 [not before nounwrong in your opinion or judgment
mistaken (about someone/something)
     —-  You are completely mistaken about Jane.
2 based on a wrong opinion or bad judgment
     —- I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her.
misguided —  adjective(андуу ташаа, төөрөлдсөн)wrong because you have understood or judged a situation badly
wrong because you have understood or judged a situation badly
     — The new proposals are, in our opinion, totally misguided.
wrong — adjective(буруу) means bad thing
1 not right or correct

difference between wrong and false

  • ‘False’ means ‘not true’ as in ‘a false story’, ‘a false beard’ or ‘false teeth’.

    ‘Wrong’ means ‘bad’ or ‘not right’, as in ‘it’s wrong to steal’. It also has the sense of ‘incorrect’, as in the test sentence or as in ‘my watch is wrong’ or ‘I was wrong and you were right’.

difference between mistaken and wrong

  • A mistake refers to an error in a belief or decision. It does not imply something immoral(завхай, бусармаг).

    «Wrong» can also refer to such an error. However, it can also mean some action or belief that is not correct morally.

    If I add 15 plus 16 and get 35, the answer is mistaken. It is also wrong.

    If somebody steals something, it is not mistaken. The person intended to steal it and did. We can, however, say that he is wrong to steal. In this case, a moral judgement applies.

difference between wrong, incorrect, and false

  • To the best of my knowledge, they aren’t that different. They are usually interchangeable. For example:
    This answer is wrong.
    This answer is incorrect.
    This answer is false.
    All are right. But in some situation they aren’t interchangeable. For example:
    If I’m not wrong, …..
    I have never heard If I’m not incorrect / false, …..

difference between incorrect and wrong

  • I’d say that «incorrect» refers to specific rules, such as grammar, calculation etc…. Something incorrect is viewed as such by all people aware of these rules/laws. On the other hand, «wrong» is connected to the feeling of what’s right or wrong, and hence more subjective. 
  • Although most English speakers use «correct/right» and «incorrect/wrong» interchangeably, it is actually correct to use «correct/incorrect» when referring to factual information and «right/wrong» regarding moral issues. It especially matters in examples like «What you just said is incorrect» and «What you just said is wrong.» The former suggests that the speakers disagree about factual information, while the latter suggests that the first speaker made a moral error. The same reasoning applies to the use of «correct» versus «right.»

    Another englishforums user put it this way: 

    «‘Wrong’ is traditionally used to mean something is morally good or right — or that judgment is correct or inaccurate. It was used to mean an ‘unjust action’. For example, it is used when someone is breaking the law.

    ‘Incorrect’ is used to point out something is factually wrong or inaccurate. If something is false it is incorrect. On a business document you would inform the company your address is ‘incorrect’

false  mistaken  incorrect  inaccurate  misguided  untrueThese words all describe something that is not right or correct, or someone who is not right about something.wrong not right or correct; (of a person) not right about something: I got all the answers wrong.We were wrong to assume that she’d agree.false not true or correct; wrong because it is based on something that is not true or correct: A whale is a fish.True or false? She gave false information to the insurance company.mistaken wrong in your opinion or judgment; based on a wrong opinion or bad judgment:You’re completely mistaken about Jane.incorrect (somewhat formal) wrong according to the facts; containing mistakes: Many of the statistics were incorrect.inaccurate wrong according to the facts; containing mistakes: The report was badly researched and fairly inaccurate.incorrect or inaccurate?A fact, figure, or spelling that is wrong is incorrect; information, a belief, or a description based on incorrect facts can be incorrect or inaccurate; something that is produced, such as a film, report, or map, that contains incorrect facts is inaccurate.misguided wrong because you have understood or judged a situation badly: In her misguided attempts to help, she only made the situation worse.untrue not based on facts, but invented or guessed: These accusations are totally untrue.

August 29, 2013

Posted in there is no right or wrong answer/there are no… at 6:39 am by dlseltzer

Tip: There are no right or wrong answers OR there is no right or wrong answer

A reader writes:

As I am writing the introduction for my quantitative questionnaire using Microsoft Word, I find myself, once again, pondering whether it is ‘there are no right or wrong answers’ OR ‘there is no right or wrong answer.’

Of course, I turned to WLUT for the answer, but could not find where this topic had been discussed. Can you advise?


 First, both are grammatically correct, so either would be okay. When I read the reader’s email, I heard a voice in my head intoning, “There are no right or wrong answers, just answers that are true for you.” It must relate to some questionnaire that I repeatedly took in the past—or maybe to a survey that I administered over and over again in some past life. I don’t know, but the sentence certainly resonates.

The voice in my head used the plural form: there are no right or wrong answers. I think I would, too, since we are referring to all of the questions on the instrument. If we were just referring to one question, then the singular form would be fine, but since we are referring to multiple answers, I would stick to the plural. For the fun of it, I ran a google fight for the two wordings, and ‘there are no right and wrong answers’ was the clear winner with 141 million hits compared with a mere 80 million hits for ‘there is no right or wrong answer.’ I think it would be alright to use either wording. I just hope your answers are true for you.

[NOTE: I know there is some controversy whether ‘alright’ is alright or whether it should be ‘all right.’ I think ‘alright’ is fine, but I probably would avoid it in my formal writing because I know some readers would object.]


Verb + object
The verb and the object of the verb normally go together. We do not usually put other words between them:
I like children very much. (not ‘l like very much children’)
Did you see your friends yesterday?
Ann often plays tennis

Study these -examples. Notice how the verb and the object go together each time:
* Do you clean the house every weekend? (not ‘Do you clean every weekend the house?’)
* Everybody enjoyed the party very much. (not ‘Everybody enjoyed very much the party’)
* Our guide spoke English fluently. (not ‘…spoke fluently English’)
* I not only lost all my money — I also lost my passport. (not ‘I lost also my passport’)
* At the end of the street you’ll see a supermarket on your left. (not ‘…see on your left a supermarket’)

Place and time
Usually the verb and the place (where?) go together:
go home, live in a city, walk to work etc.

If the verb has an object, the place comes after the verb + object:
take somebody home, meet a friend in the street

Time (when?/how often?/how long?) normally goes after place:
Tom walks to work every morning. (not ‘Tom walks every morning to work’)
She has been in Canada since April.
We arrived at the airport early.

Study these examples. Notice how time goes after place:
* I’m going to Paris on Monday. (not ‘I’m going on Monday to Paris’)
* They have lived in the same house for a long time.
* Don’t be late. Make sure you’re here by 8 o’clock.
* Sarah gave me a lift home after the party.
* You really shouldn’t go to bed so ate.

It is often possible to put time at the beginning of the sentence:
* On Monday I’m going to Paris.
* Every morning Tom walks to work.

Some time words (for example, always/never/often) usually go with the verb in the middle of the sentence. See the next topic

108.1 Is the word order right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong.
1. Everybody enjoyed the party very much. _RIGHT_
2. Tom walks every morning to work. _WRONG: to work every morning_
3. Jim doesn’t like very much football. —
4. I drink three or four cups of coffee every morning. —
5. I ate quickly my dinner and went out. —
6. Are you going to invite to the party a lot of people? —
7. I phoned Tom immediately after hearing the news —
8. Did you go late to bed last night? —
9. Sue was here five minutes ago. Where is she now? —
10. Did you learn a lot of things at school today? —
11. I met on my way home a friend of mine —
12. I fell yesterday off my bicycle —

108.2 Put the parts of the sentence in the right order.
1. (the party/very much/everybody enjoyed) _Everybody enjoyed the party very much._
2. (we won/easily/the game) —.
3. (quietly/the door /I closed) —.
4. (Diane/quite well /speaks/German) —.
5. (Tim/all the time television/watches) —.
6. (again/please don’t ask/that question) —.
7. (football/every weekend/does Ken play?) —.
8. (some money/I borrowed/from a friend of mine) —.

108.3 Complete the sentences. Put the parts in the right order.
1. (for a long time/have lived /in the same house)
They _have lived in the same house for a long time._.
2. (to the bank every Friday /go) I —.
3. (home/did you come/so late) Why —?
4. (her car/ drives /everyday /to work) Ann —.
5. (been/recently/to the cinema) I haven’t —.
6. (at the top of the page/your name/write) Please —.
7. (her name/after a few minutes/remembered) I —.
8. (around the town/all morning/walked) We —.
9. (on Saturday night/didn’t see you/at the party) I —.
10. (some interesting books/found/in the library) We —.
11. (the children/yesterday/to the zoo/took) Sally —.
12. (opposite the park/a new hotel/are building) They —.


3 Jim doesn’t like football very much.

4 right

5 I ate my dinner quickly.

6 Are you going to invite a lot of people to the party?

7 right

8 Did you go to bed late last night?

9 right

10 right

11 I met a friend of mine on my way home.

12 I fell off my bicycle yesterday.


2 We won the game easily.

3 I closed the door quietly.

4 Diane speaks German quite well.

5 Tim watches television all the time.

6 Please don’t ask that question again.

7 Does Ken play football every weekend?

8 I borrowed some money from a friend of mine.


2 I go to the bank every Friday.

3 Why did you come home so late?

4 Ann drives her car to work every day.

5 I haven’t been to the cinema recently.

6 Please write your name at the top of the page.

7 I remembered her name after a few minutes.

8 We walked around the town all morning.

9 I didn’t see you at the party on Saturday night.

10 We found some interesting books in the library.

11 Sally took the children to the zoo yesterday.

12 They are building a new hotel opposite the park.

Упражнения уровня elementary - Right or wrong, Anagrams, Too many words

Изучение иностранного языка предполагает изучение не только грамматики, но и, возможно даже более глубокого изучения лексики, то есть, изучение слов и их применения в разговорной речи. И сегодня предлагаем вам один из таких тренажеров, точнее упражнения уровня elementary, в которые входят такие задания, как выбрать правильный ответ к предложенным упражнениям — right or wrong, а также упражнения в виде игры под названием Anagrams (Литературный прием, состоящий в перестановке букв или звуков определенного слова, что в результате дает другое слово или словосочетание), где даны английские слова одного значения и нужно переставить буквы в таком порядке, чтобы получить новое слово с другим значением. И еще одно упражнение по составление новых слов Too many words.


  • Выбор правильного ответа — right or wrong
    • Right or wrong
    • Right or wrong 2
  • Игра слов Anagrams
    • Anagrams
    • Anagrams 2
  • Образование новых слов Too many words
    • Too many words
    • Too many words 2

Выполните следующие упражнения.

Right or wrong

Правильно ли используется слово в каждом из следующих предложений? Если вы думаете, что это так, выберете «right», если вы думаете, что это не так, выберете «wrong».


It’s thawing. This means the snow is melting.


If someone says to you, «Oh, sorry!» — you should reply, «You’re welcome!»


The thick, main part of a tree is called the stem.


If a British person sneezes, you usually say, «Bless you!»


He had a very high hedge around his house.


A poppy is a small dog.


A parachute is a type of hat.


The landing is found upstairs in a house.


Which other vegetables have you got apart from apricots?


We can’t swim here — the water’s too shallow.

Right or wrong 2

Продолжаем читать предложения и отвечать согласен или нет.


I work for my uncle. He is my employee.


She’s only seven, but she’s very great for her age.


A spider is a common insect in most countries.


To make a phone call, pick up the receiver and dial the number.


Who was the person who discovered the telephone?


An owl is a type of bird.


The daffodil is a common British spring flower.


The opposite of expensive is dear.


People who are very hungry often say «I could eat a horse!»


He bought a new wheelbarrow for the garden.

Игра слов Anagrams

Продолжаем отрабатывать навыки английской лексики.


В каждом предложении дается слово определенного значения. Поставьте буквы этого слова так, чтобы получилось другое по значению слово, основываясь на подсказки. Пример: Change toga into an animal. — goat


Change agree into another word for keen. —


Change asleep into a word used by polite people. —


Change beard into something you can eat. —


Change below into a part of the body. —


Change bleat into an item of furniture. —


Change carthorse into a group of musicians. —


Change chain into a country. —


Change cheap into a fruit. —


Change cruelty into a word for knives, forks, etc. —


Change disease into a popular place to go on holiday. —

Anagrams 2

Продолжаем менять буквы одного слова так, чтобы получилось другое по значению слово, основываясь на подсказки.


Change flog into a popular sport. —


Change flow into an animal. —


Change hated into something that comes to everybody. —


Change heart into a planet. —


Change lamp into another part of the body. —


Change recall into one of the rooms in a house. —


Change rose into another word for painfui. —


Change super into something you keep money in. —


Change swap into an insect. —


Change thing into a time of day. —

Образование новых слов Too many words

И еще немного придется напрячь свою память.

Too many words

Замените слова, выделенные скобками в следующих предложениях, одним словом. Чтобы помочь вам, даны первые и последние буквы нового слова. Например: The window was broken (by accident). — accidentally


The window was broken (by accident). — ay


It cost £2 for children to get into the exhibition and £5 for (grown-up people). — as


This knife is (of no use). It’s blunt! — us


James translated every word (without making a single mistake). — cy


My (father’s brother) is called Andrew, — ue


Colin asked the pop singer for her (name in her own handwriting). — ah


I received a signed copy of the book from the (person who wrote it). — ar


Three prisoners tried to (get free) at the weekend. — ee


Driving a car without a driving licence is (against tbe law) in this country. — il

Too many words 2

Продолжаем заменять и вписывать слова.


The sun came out and soon most of the snow had (turned into water). — md


Mexico City has a very high (number of people living in it). — pn


(I hardly ever) have a cooked breakfast. — sm


David’s parents live in a (one-storey house) near Brighton. — bw


There are many (moving staircases) on the London Underground. — es


If you heat a piece of metal it will (get bigger). — ed


We stood in a long (line of people waiting) outside the cinema. — qe


They set out at 8.30 in the morning and didn’t (get back again) until 11.30 at night. — rn


The population of the world has increased a lot during the past (hundred years). — cy

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Ну как, интересно было? Мы надеемся, что да и у вас все получилось с первого раза, ну, а если не получилось, то упражнения можно повторять бесконечное количество раз, пока не запомните новые слова не будете делать ошибки! Учите английский язык, удачи!

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