Word for not representative

Not representative

Definitions of Not representative not found.

Untypical and not representative are semantically related. In some cases you can use «Untypical» instead an adjective phrase «Not representative».


Untypical adjective — Departing from some accepted standard of what is normal.

Not representative and untypical are semantically related. You can use «Not representative» instead an adjective «Untypical».

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Asked by: Floy Franecki V

Score: 4.9/5
(11 votes)

adjective Not standing for something else.

What does it mean if something is not representative?

: not representative: such as. a : not serving as a typical or characteristic example a nonrepresentative sample. b : not of, based on, or constituting a government in which the many are represented by persons chosen from among them usually by election nonrepresentative governments.

What is a word that means I say no?

Terms in this set (10) veto. word that means «I say no»

What is a nonobjective statement?

1 : not objective. 2 : representing or intended to represent no natural or actual object, figure, or scene nonobjective art. Other Words from nonobjective Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About nonobjective.

What is a antonym for representatives?

representativenoun. a person who represents others. Antonyms: undemocratic, untypical, nonrepresentative, unsymbolic, atypical.

18 related questions found

What does it mean to be a mouthpiece?

: someone who speaks for another person or for a group or organization. See the full definition for mouthpiece in the English Language Learners Dictionary. mouthpiece. noun. mouth·​piece | ˈmau̇th-ˌpēs

What word is similar in meaning to representative?

Synonyms for representative. emblematic. (also emblematical), representational, symbolic.

What are non objective words?

biased, bigoted, discriminatory, partisan, partial, one-sided, jaundiced, intolerant, narrow-minded, unfair, unjust, inequitable, non-objective, unobjective, blinkered, parti pris, coloured, distorted, warped, loaded, weighted.

What’s the difference between an objective statement and a nonobjective statement?

What is the difference between objective statement and non-objective statement? As nouns the difference between nonobjective and objective is that nonobjective is with respect to an assignment or mission, something that is not an objective or goal while objective is a material object that physically exists.

Who started non objective art?

The Russian constructivist painters Wassily Kandinsky and Kasimir Malevich and the sculptor Naum Gabo were pioneers of non-objective art. It and was inspired by the Greek philosopher Plato who believed that geometry was the highest form of beauty.

How do you indirectly say no?

Examples of how to do this include:

  1. Hmmm, interesting. Let me think about it, and I’ll let you know.
  2. I won’t have the time for a month or two. …
  3. Those dates don’t work for me. …
  4. My calendar is already full, but if something opens up, I’ll give you a call.
  5. I’d like to help you, but I don’t know how.

What is a non representative sample?

population. ➢ Nonprobability (Non-Representative) ❖ A sample that is not selected in such a way as to be representative of the. population.

What is an example of a representative?

An example of representative is the person send to Congress to represent a specific group of U.S. residents. … Representative is defined as standing or acting for other(s). An example of representative is a person who fills in for a sick manager.

What do you mean by representative?

: someone who acts or speaks for or in support of another person or group. : a member of the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress or of a state government. : a person or thing that is typical of a group.

What is another term for non-objective art?

Quite often, non-objective art is used as a synonym for abstract art. However, it is a style within the category of abstract work and the subcategory of non-representational art. Representational art is designed to represent real life, and non-representational art is the opposite.

What is an objective statement example?

Traditional Objective Statement: “To obtain a position in customer service” … Maintained a 90% customer satisfaction rating.” Traditional Objective Statement: “To get a job as an Account Supervisor.” Modern Summary Statement: “Sales and Marketing Manager with 10+ years of commercial sales and marketing experience.

What is the non-objective truth?

Ethics (as i understand it) is systems for defining what actions are right or wrong. if it is said to be unethical to kill, that is not an objective truth. it is not universally true that killing is wrong, it is only wrong under a ethical system that says it is wrong.

How do you spell non-objective?

not objective. Fine Arts. not representing objects known in physical nature; nonrepresentational: some nonobjective works by Kandinsky and Mondrian.

What is non representative art?

Work that does not depict anything from the real world (figures, landscapes, animals, etc.) is called nonrepresentational. Nonrepresentational art may simply depict shapes, colors, lines, etc., but may also express things that are not visible– emotions or feelings for example.

What is the importance of non-objective test?

Innovative non-objective items can improve content validity, allowing more of the curriculum to be assessed. Innovative non-objective items can reduce atomicity in testing – allowing combinations of skills, problem solving etc. to be assessed.

What is a synonym and antonym for representative?

a person who represents others. Synonyms: interpreter, congresswoman, illustration, voice, example, congressman, spokesperson, instance. Antonyms: undemocratic, untypical, nonrepresentative, unsymbolic, atypical.

What do you call someone that represents you?

a person or thing that represents another or others. an agent or deputy: a legal representative.

What is another word for not representative?

1 synonym found


[ nˌɒt ɹˌɛpɹɪzˈɛntətˌɪv], [ nˌɒt ɹˌɛpɹɪzˈɛntətˌɪv], [ n_ˌɒ_t ɹ_ˌɛ_p_ɹ_ɪ_z_ˈɛ_n_t_ə_t_ˌɪ_v]

Table of Contents

  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • weighted.

How to use «Not representative» in context?

When trying to find famous or infamous people to include in a study, it is often said that one should not be «representative» of a group. It is important to consider that any study that uses a sample that is not representative of the population it is trying to study will be flawed.

For instance, let’s say that you are trying to study the effects of a new type of drug on a group of patients. However, you only sample patients who are taking the drug and not patients who are not taking the drug. This will result in inaccurate information since the study is not representative of the population as a whole.

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Эти участки были отобраны исходя из наличия данных, и не являлись репрезентативными для всей Европы.

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Совет, который не является представительным,


может быть достаточно легитимным и эффективным.

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Though the findings are not representative, they improve our understanding of regular patterns.

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Несмотря на то, что выводы не являются представительными, они улучшают наше понимание обычных моделей.

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это оценка не достаточно зрения компании Google для этого слова представителя.

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В связи с этим содержание пункта 8. 50( c) нельзя относить к внешним факторам.

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Стоит отметить, что эти цифры служат только для иллюстрации, поскольку данные не являются репрезентативными.

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Однако эта информация не будет репрезентативной для эпидемиологической ситуации в стране в целом.

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The Security Council, as currently configured, is not representative of contemporary realities.

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Совет Безопасности в своем нынешнем составе не отвечает современным реалиям.

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The plots were selected on data availability and were not representative for the whole of Europe.

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Эти участки были отобраны исходя из наличия данных и являлись репрезентативными для всей Европы.

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In addition, the administrative machinery was not representative of the population of the country.

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Кроме того, административный механизм не представлял население страны.

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The plots were selected on data availability and are not representative for the whole of Europe.

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Time supporters argue that an online poll is not representative as it has no scientific value.

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Сторонники решения утверждали, что Интернет- опрос не является репрезентативным и


имеет научной ценности.

The interministerial working group is not representative since civil society is represented only by pro-government organizations.

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Межведомственная рабочая группа не является достаточно представительной, поскольку гражданское общество в ней представлено лишь неправительственными организациями.

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The first problem was that pregnant women were not representative of the general population of childbearing age.

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Самый серьезный из них- это то, что беременные женщины не являются представительной выборкой по населению репродуктивного возраста в целом.

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The sample of a focus group discussion or

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Выборка в виде дискуссии в фокус-группе или

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Available data derive mostly from police reports or

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Имеющиеся данные основаны главным образом на сообщениях полиции или

результатах мелкомасштабных проектов, которые не отражают глобальный масштаб этой деятельности.

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The conclusions as framed were not representative of customary international law

or necessarily a desirable direction for progressive development.

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Сформулированные выводы не носят показательного характера применительно к международному общему праву



обязательно указывают желательное направление для прогрессивного развития.

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The information in this field therefore may be regarded as subjective and not representative for the entire region.

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Таким образом, информацию по этому вопросу следует рассматривать как субъективную и непрезентативную для всего региона.

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Although the parallel study that was carried out is not representative, the results of the pilot project show important initial trends.

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Хотя проводившееся параллельное исследование не было репрезентативным, результаты экспериментального проекта позволяют выявить важные базовые тенденции.

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The state of affairs obtaining in the Conference on Disarmament is not representative of the whole picture of the disarmament process.

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Положение дел на Конференции по разоружению не отражает всей картины разоруженческого процесса.

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Mr. Acharya(Nepal) said that,

in an interconnected world, the basic problem with the G-20 was that it was not representative.

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Г-н Ачарья( Непал) говорит,

что во взаимосвязанном мире основная проблема Группы двадцати это то, что она не является репрезентативной.

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In 2010 the highest fine

imposed was Euro1 million but this fine was not representative since it concerned the Probo Koala case.

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В 2010 году самый высокий

штраф составил 1 млн. евро, но его нельзя считать репрезентативным, поскольку он был назначен по делу» Пробо Коала.

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its results cannot be used to draw conclusions about that population.

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Если обследование не является репрезентативным для изучаемой совокупно% сти,

на его результатах нельзя строить никакие выводы об этой сово% купности.

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It should also be

pointed out that the sample used in the study is not representative of all young people in the Netherlands.

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Следует также отметить, что выборка, использованная в данном исследовании, не является представительной для всех слоев молодежи Нидерландов.

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Total figures provided by those monitors on each violation are not representative of the scale and scope of violations committed against Somali children.

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Общие цифры, представленные этими наблюдателями по каждому нарушению, не являются показательными с точки зрения размаха и масштабов нарушений, совершаемых в отношении сомалийских детей.

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In the eyes of the developing world, there is a justifiable prima facie

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По мнению развивающихся стран, это является prima facie достаточным основанием для вывода о том,

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The study was made in 12 educational institutions in southern Finland,

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Данное исследование было проведено на базе 12 учебных заведений в южной части Финляндии,

ввиду чего полученные результаты не являются репрезентативными для всей страны.

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Results: 20114,
Time: 0.9176





These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

не отражает

не представляют



не представляет

не отражают

слишком представительная

The national average, however, is not representative of the typical tax burden on a state level.

Однако средний показатель по стране не отражает типичное налоговое бремя на уровне штата.

What remains is heavily modified and not representative of former diversity.

То, что остается, сильно изменено и не отражает прежнего разнообразия.

They are not representative of your target audience.

The result is that the current level of profits is not representative of the company’s true earnings power.

В результате нынешний уровень дохода не отражает истинную силу компании приносить доход.

No, the trailer is not representative of the content of the movie.

Но на деле трейлер никак не отражает содержания фильма.

Many IDPs rejected DPA, claiming that it was not representative of the majority of the population.

Многие ВПЛ отказались признать МСД, заявив, что оно не отражает интересы большинства населения.

This, the researchers acknowledge, is not representative of the diversity of HIV patients.

Это, как признают исследователи, не отражает всего многообразия ВИЧ-инфицированных.

They are not representative of the America we know.

The state of affairs obtaining in the Conference on Disarmament is not representative of the whole picture of the disarmament process.

Положение дел на Конференции по разоружению не отражает всей картины разоруженческого процесса.

B class offices are categorized workers, not representative rooms.

We recognize that perhaps this sample is not representative.

Their sampling is therefore not representative.

My sample is absolutely not representative.

There were obviously not representative of the County.

They are not representative, not even remotely.

Furthermore, the age of the samples used are not representative of the whole population.

Более того, ополчение самопровозглашенных республик недостаточно репрезентативно, чтобы представлять все население.

However, the survey was not representative; for example, young men were disproportionately represented.

Однако опрос не был репрезентативным — например, молодые люди были непропорционально представлены.

And remember — the best selves you see are not representative of real life.

И помните — лучшее, что вы видите, не является представителем реальной жизни.

Further, the study demonstrates that most study participants are not representative of all persons who begin to drink alcohol.

Кроме того, исследование демонстрирует, что большинство участников исследования не являются репрезентативными для всех людей, которые начинают употреблять алкоголь.

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: not serving as a typical or characteristic example

a nonrepresentative sample


: not of, based on, or constituting a government in which the many are represented by persons chosen from among them usually by election

nonrepresentative governments

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

In those cases, small, nonrepresentative subsets of users self-select to curate material, and each one can see what the others are doing.

Gilad Edelman, Wired, 1 Sep. 2021

The episode is perfect insight into mainstream American views of othered places — Africa or Asia, New Orleans or Compton — a story limned by limited outsiders and thus nonrepresentative, objectified and objectionable.

Tunde Wey, San Francisco Chronicle, 18 Mar. 2018

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘nonrepresentative.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1855, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of nonrepresentative was
in 1855

Dictionary Entries Near nonrepresentative

Cite this Entry

“Nonrepresentative.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nonrepresentative. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the antonyms for not representative. These antonyms of the word not representative are provided for information only.

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. representativenoun


  2. representativenoun

    Typical; having the same properties of interest as a larger group.

    I will send a representative to work out the details of the contract.


  3. representativenoun

    A member of a legislative or governing body who represents a constituency.

    She served four terms as representative of her local at the national union convention.


  4. representativenoun

    One that is taken as typical of its class.


  5. representativenoun

    A member of the US House of Representatives.

    All representatives face re-election every two years.


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. representative

    These words agree in designating one who acts in the place of some other or others. The legate is an ecclesiastical officer representing the Pope. In strict usage the deputy or delegate is more limited in functions and more closely bound by instructions than a representative. A single officer may have a deputy; many persons combine to choose a delegate or representative. In the United States informal assemblies send delegates to nominating conventions with no legislative authority; representatives are legally elected to Congress and the various legislatures, with lawmaking power.

    delegate, deputy, legate, proxy, substitute

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. representative

    likeness, personation, semblance, exhibition

  2. representativenoun

    autocrat, dictator

    agent, commissioner, proxy, deputy, substitute, embodiment, personation, delegate, vicar, vicegerent, principal, sovereign, constituency

  3. representativeadjective

    figurative, symbolical, delegated to others

Matched Categories

    • Advocate
    • Legislator
    • Negotiator

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. representativenoun

    a person who represents others

    undemocratic, untypical, nonrepresentative, unsymbolic, atypical

    interpreter, congresswoman, illustration, voice, example, congressman, spokesperson, instance

  2. spokesperson, interpreter, representative, voicenoun

    an advocate who represents someone else’s policy or purpose

    «the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government»

    atypical, unsymbolic, undemocratic, untypical, nonrepresentative

    congressman, translator, vocalisation, instance, vocalization, vocalism, example, part, voice, articulation, interpretive program, vox, illustration, phonation, congresswoman, interpreter, spokesperson

  3. congressman, congresswoman, representativenoun

    a member of the United States House of Representatives

    untypical, atypical, unsymbolic, nonrepresentative, undemocratic

    interpreter, congresswoman, illustration, voice, example, congressman, spokesperson, instance

  4. example, illustration, instance, representativeadjective

    an item of information that is typical of a class or group

    «this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome»; «there is an example on page 10»

    atypical, undemocratic, nonrepresentative, unsymbolic, untypical

    congressman, object lesson, good example, instance, lesson, exemplar, case, example, voice, congresswoman, illustration, deterrent example, model, exemplification, interpreter, spokesperson, exercise

  5. representativeadjective

    serving to represent or typify

    «representative moviegoers»; «a representative modern play»

    nonrepresentative, atypical, untypical, unsymbolic, undemocratic

  6. representativeadjective

    standing for something else

    «the bald eagle is representative of the United States»

    atypical, nonrepresentative, undemocratic, untypical, unsymbolic

  7. representativeadjective

    being or characteristic of government by representation in which citizens exercise power through elected officers and representatives

    «representative government as defined by Abraham Lincoln is government of the people, by the people, for the people»

    unsymbolic, untypical, undemocratic, atypical, nonrepresentative

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. representativeadjective

    delegated, vicarious, typical, figurative, symbolical, emblematic

  2. representativenoun

    deputy, delegate, vicar, proxy, agent, substitute, vicegerent, surrogate, regent, commissioner, envoy, emissary, ambassador, exponent

How to use representative in a sentence?

  1. Representative Lamborn:

    He’s a disgruntled employee, i’m loathed to criticize people, even though I have vehement disagreements with them. We’re going to be filing an answer. I’ll be represented by Representative Lamborn House lawyers. And they feel that their case is extremely weak and that we will prevail. So we’ll be, when we file the answer, that’ll be another opportunity maybe to get into more details.

  2. Scalisetweeted Tuesday Pelosi:

    Its simple: one representative should equal one vote. We cant let her get away with this.

  3. Jory Mendes:

    We are deeply sorry to the law enforcement officer who experienced this. We have also apologized directly to him and we are working to connect with the police chief as well as to express our remorse, this language is offensive to all law enforcement and is not representative of the deep appreciation we have for police officers who work tirelessly to keep our communities safe.

  4. Edward Grace:

    That investigation will take us wherever the facts lead. At this point in time, however, multiple efforts to contact Dr. Walter Palmer have been unsuccessful, we ask that Dr. Palmer or his representative contact us immediately.

  5. Memphis City Councilman Frank Colvett:

    I think the smart move and the mayor is correct in shutting it down. These kinds of actions are not representative of the Memphis Police Department.

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