Word for not pretty but not ugly


Im not pretty but not ugly

Lol same

by Lilly jane 5 January 26, 2017


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When a woman is ugly, yet sexy or attractive in some way.

Pretty-ugly»That actress is pretty. But she’s kind of ugly too. I guess she is pretty-ugly.

by criper November 14, 2014


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pretty-ugly theory

A theory specifically for *pretty* people. These people mentaly think they are so pretty that the only way of complimenting them, is for you to degrade him or hers appearance. Ugly……

You’r pretty. Stfu, no Im not, Im ugly. Ohh that bitch must follow and abide by the pretty-ugly theory.

by Bubblebubble April 25, 2010


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Pretty ugly little liar

A site in which gossip about online celebrities, it may not be popular but anyone register as a member will find a good amount of hate and meaningless nitpicking about people who have decent following number. It exposes fakers and snowflakes but the amount of hate and jealousy there is uncountable, most of its members are people with no life and real jobs or ugly insecure old farts. It’s also known as PULL.

A: Why does Jessica play around young children? Is she a pedophile??

B: Chill fam, don’t be like Pretty ugly little liar

by Hana123 April 17, 2018


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More random definitions

What is not pretty but not ugly?

A site in which gossip about online celebrities, it may not be popular but anyone register as a member will find a good amount of hate and meaningless nitpicking about people who have decent following number. It exposes fakers and snowflakes but the amount of hate and jealousy there is uncountable, most of its members are people with no life and real jobs or ugly insecure old farts. It’s also known as PULL.

A: Why does Jessica play around young children? Is she a pedophile??

B: Chill fam, don’t be like Pretty ugly little liar

👍35 👎27

not pretty but not ugly — video

Not pretty but not ugly — what is it?

A theory specifically for *pretty* people. These people mentaly think they are so pretty that the only way of complimenting them, is for you to degrade him or hers appearance. Ugly……

You’r pretty. Stfu, no Im not, Im ugly. Ohh that bitch must follow and abide by the pretty-ugly theory.

👍39 👎19

What does «not pretty but not ugly» mean?

When a woman is ugly, yet sexy or attractive in some way.

Pretty-ugly»That actress is pretty. But she’s kind of ugly too. I guess she is pretty-ugly.

👍73 👎49

Not pretty but not ugly — what does it mean?


Im not pretty but not ugly

Lol same

👍49 👎23

некрасиво — перевод на английский

Это самая некрасивая комната в доме.

It’s the one ugly room in the house.

Дорогой мальчик, ты очень некрасив.

You’re ugly, my boy.

Да, некрасив.

You’re ugly.

Господи, почему она не родилась некрасивой?

Dear God, why wasn’t she born ugly?

А мне говорили, что ты никогда не показываешься, потому что некрасивая.

I heard you never get out ’cause you’re ugly.

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Да, но я некрасивая

Yeah, but I’m not pretty.

Они некрасивые.

No, they’re not pretty.

Совсем худой, некрасивый, весь кривой!

Not much big, not pretty, dressed anywhen…

— Она некрасивая?

— She’s not pretty?

Она некрасивая.

She’s not pretty.

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Некрасивый? -Нет!

That’s not nice?

Но это некрасиво, господин.

But that’s not nice Sir.

— Так некрасиво.

-That’s not nice.

Некрасиво продавать свою дочь.

Not nice to sell your daughter.

А что ты сделаешь с этой шестеркой? Жульничаешь. Некрасиво.

You are cheating, not nice.

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Я знаю, что это очень некрасиво, но я просто хочу удивить ее.

It is really rude to ask … but at least I won’t surprise her!

Это некрасиво.

It’s rude.

Это немного некрасиво, да?

It’s almost rude, right?

То, что у вас там случилось с моим мужем ужасно некрасиво.

That whole thing outside with my husband, that was rude.

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Она даже некрасива, но с ней легко.

She isn’t beautiful. She’s… easy to live with.

Ты мне очень нравишься, но, видимо, у тебя не все дома, если ты считаешь себя некрасивой. Подрасти, Хэл.

I mean, I really like you, but I have to assume you’re a little nutty ifyou really believe you’re not beautiful.

всё пропало… зачем жить, если ты некрасив…

I’m done for. What’s the point in living, if you aren’t beautiful…

Неужели некрасиво?

Beautiful, huh?

Они некрасивые?

Isn’t it beautiful?

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-… и становимся некрасивыми…

— … and therefore unattractive…

Мо, ты когда-нибудь ощущал себя некрасивым?

Moe, have you ever felt unattractive?

По крайней мере мне не надо жить с чем-то некрасивым.

At least I don’t have to live with something unattractive.

Какую правду — что ты посчитал её мать настолько некрасивой, что притворился геем?

Oh, what, you found her mother so unattractive you pretended to be gay?

Из-за тебя я чувствовала себя некрасивой в последнее время, и совершила отвратительный мерзкий поступок, которым унизила себя.

You’ve made me feel so unattractive lately that I went and did something disgusting and abhorrent and I’m ashamed of myself.

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Ты не такая уж и некрасивая.

You’re not so bad.

Об этом лучше упомянуть, а то некрасиво получится если что-то всплывет.

I feel sure it’d be better to mention it because if something does come out, it might look rather bad.

Я очень некрасиво ушла и…

I left them in a really bad way, and…

Сэр, понимаю, что всё это выглядит очень некрасиво…

Sir, I understand that this looks bad…

Я знаю, звучит некрасиво, но это не противозаконно.

I know that sounds bad, but it’s not against the law.

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Мне кажется, что это некрасиво — вымогать деньги у университета.

Carmine, I think it’s wrong to extort money from the college.

Признаю, я поступил некрасиво.

What I did was wrong, I admit it.

Знаешь, с твоей стороны было очень некрасиво нарушить наш уговор.

You know, it was very wrong of you to back out on that deal.

Знаю, что это некрасиво, но как устоять?

I know it’s wrong, but I couldn’t resist.

Да, я знаю, это очень некрасиво вот так использовать человека, мне ужасно стыдно, просто мне очень нравится Себастьян.

Yeah, I know it’s really wrong to use a person this way, and I feel really terrible about it. But I really, really like Sebastian.

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Ужасно! Умереть только потому, что ты некрасивая

It’s terrible to die because you’re plain.

Нет такого понятия, как некрасивая женщина.

There’s no such thing as a plain woman.

И знаешь, она выросла совсем некрасивой.

She’s grown up quite plain, you know.

Скажите, когда вы вчера меня увидели, подумали вы: «Бедняжка Корделия, была такое милое дитя, а выросла некрасивая и набожная старая дева?»

Tell me Charles When you first met me last night Did you think, Poor Cordelia, such an engaging child grown into a plain and pious spinster, full of good works?

Единственный способ вести себя с женщиной это ухаживать за ней, если она красива, или за другой, если она некрасива.

The only way to behave to a woman… is to make love to her if she’s pretty… and to someone else if she is plain.

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Некрасиво так говорить.

It’s not nice to talk like that.

Некрасиво брать вещи, которые тебе не принадлежат.

It’s not nice to take things that don’t belong to you.

Некрасиво здесь, да?

It’s not nice here, hm?

Перестань. Некрасиво.

Stop it, it’s not nice…

Мисс Олдрин говорит, что некрасиво называть людей такими именами.

Ms. Aldrin says it’s not nice to call people names.

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  • ugly: phrases, sentences
  • not pretty: phrases, sentences
  • not nice: phrases, sentences
  • rude: phrases, sentences
  • beautiful: phrases, sentences
  • unattractive: phrases, sentences
  • bad: phrases, sentences
  • wrong: phrases, sentences
  • plain: phrases, sentences
  • it’s not nice: phrases, sentences


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15 февр. 2021

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  • Корейский

That clothes is not pretty(ugly)
그 옷 별로야. 그 옷 별로 안예뻐.

or you can say
그 옷 구려(구리다) but it sounds much more negative

  • Корейский

못생겼다 for an ugly face
별로다 / 안예쁘다 not good, not pretty

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@scarletnoh but what would you use to describe an object as ugly?

  • Корейский

That clothes is not pretty(ugly)
그 옷 별로야. 그 옷 별로 안예뻐.

or you can say
그 옷 구려(구리다) but it sounds much more negative

  • Шведский

  • Английский (американский вариант)
    Практически свободно говорящий

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Vocabulary Builder Course

In this lesson you’re going to expand your vocabulary with 37 words to describe a person’s appearance.

Let’s begin with the word beautiful – in English, this word is mostly used for women. We use the word handsome for men. To describe beautiful women, we also have the words pretty, lovely, gorgeous, and stunning – “stunning” means extremely beautiful, like a woman who is so beautiful that she attracts a lot of attention!

Another expression to describe a woman like this is to say that “She turns heads” – implying that when she walks down the street, people turn their heads to focus their attention on her.

The words attractive, good-looking, cute, and hot can be used for both men and women. Cute is a more playful word to say a person is attractive; we often use “cute” for children and baby animals. And the word hot is a slang word that you should only use during informal conversations among friends.

The opposite of beautiful or handsome is ugly – but that’s a strong word, so most people express this idea using the negative form of one of the positive words, for example: “She’s not very attractive” or “He’s not so good-looking.”

Finally, there is the word plain – that describes a person who is ordinary-looking – not especially beautiful/handsome, but not especially ugly either.

English Words for “Fat”

Okay, now let’s learn some words to describe body shape and size. You already know the basic words fat and thin – but there are many other ways to say these.

A person who is fat can also be described as overweight, heavy, big, or large. The word for a person who is EXTREMELY fat is obese.

“I hate my flabby stomach”

We also have the word chubby to describe fat children; husky or heavyset to describe fat men; and plump or curvy to describe fat women (the word curvy has a more positive connotation, implying that the woman has a nice, full, feminine body).

If you want to say a specific part of the body is fat, you can say it is flabby – for example, “I hate my flabby stomach.” (typically used for arms, stomach, thighs, and butt).

English Words for “Thin”

“My sister is slender”

The opposite of fat is thin. Some alternative words are slim, slender, skinny, lean, wiry, petite, and lanky. In general, thin, slim, and slender are more positive, whereas skinny is often used as a criticism or negative point.

The words lean and wiry mean that the person is thin AND muscular. The word petite is only used for women, and means that the woman is short AND thin. Finally, the word lanky means tall and thin.

English Words for “Muscular”

What about a person with an athletic body?

You can describe him or her as muscular, fit, strong,  in good shape, or “ripped” – that’s a slang word meaning that the person has very well-defined and visible muscles – like the guy in this photo.

Image Sources: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Not pretty

Definitions of Not pretty not found.

Ugly and not pretty are semantically related. In some cases you can use «Ugly» instead an adjective phrase «Not pretty».


Ugly adjective — Unpleasant to look at.

Not pretty and ugly are semantically related. Sometimes you can use «Not pretty» instead an adjective «Ugly».

Synonyms for not pretty

Synonyms for ugly

Google Ngram Viewer shows how «not pretty» and «ugly» have occurred on timeline

  • #1

Hello, everybody!
I hope the feminists will forgive me for my question. Some girls are pretty. Some are not. How to say about it? Is there a specific ajective or should we say ‘She is not pretty’?
The same question about men who aren’t handsome.

  • Hau Ruck

    • #2

    It would depend on the person you are saying it to.
    Do you want to say this to the unattractive girl/guy? Or to a third person that you are describing the unattractive person to?

    A little more context please. :)


    • #3

    To me, there’s a continuum of descriptions. For someone who is simply not pretty (male or female), we might use «plain». As we move farther away from prettiness, we might encounter «homely». And then there’s «ugly».

    • #4

    Oh, only to a third person! And not the case when a person is really ugly, not like ‘Ugly Swan’ by Andersen.

    • #5

    Just a little out of standards of beauty.

    Miss Julie

    Hau Ruck

    • #7

    Not attractive, unattractive, and I really like Miss Julie’s contribution; «she’s average looking.»

    Miss Julie’s way of saying it is «nice» and gives a very clear connotation that ‘she’ is not attractive (your ugly girl, not Miss Julie! — I’m sure she’s quite lovely :) )


    • #8

    «Pulchritudinally challenged» will do for either sex.


    • #9

    I hope the feminists will forgive me for my question.

    Your question wasn’t offensive but this disclaimer is.

    Hau Ruck

    • #10

    «Pulchritudinally challenged» will do for either sex.

    It’s also a great way to confuse your audience and leave them wondering what on earth you were saying. :)

    I consider myself to be of fair intellect, and I find your example as humorous as you meant it to be, but you should also note to the non native poster of this question that your contribution is not encouraged to be actually used. ;)

    • #11

    Thank everybody! And is «not pretty» weird?

    Hau Ruck

    • #12

    Thank everybody! And is «not pretty» weird?

    It’s not ‘weird’ but perhaps…..harsh? There are just nicer ways to say such a thing.

    If you wanted to make a bold and somewhat mean statement you might say:

    «She is not pretty (emphasis on the ‘not’). But it would be clear that you are being pretty judgmental and perhaps mean.

    Miss Julie

    • #13

    It’s not ‘weird’ but perhaps…..harsh? There are just nicer ways to say such a thing.

    If you wanted to make a bold and somewhat mean statement you might say:

    «She is not pretty (emphasis on the ‘not’). But it would be clear that you are being pretty judgmental and perhaps mean.

    Average is a neutral, non-judgmental word.

    • #14

    Thank you Hau Rick! That’s what I wanted to know — how to say it softly and how to say it boldly.

    • #15

    Thank you Miss Julie! «She’s average looking.» literally sounds and means the same in my native language.


    • #16

    You can also say «ordinary-looking», which means about the same as «average»

    Hau Ruck

    • #17

    My two favorite phrases that are humorous (and really, really mean) are:

    «She looks like she got beat(en) with an ugly stick.»
    «She looks like she fell down/off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.»

    :) So mean, but so funny.


    «If you call a woman «plain», you’re saying that she’s not pretty — though you’re not saying that she’s ugly.»

    That being said, I could imagine a context in which «plainness» would
    be seen as a positive quality — it could be seen as positive through
    comparison with people who care too much about their appearance. I
    could also see something like «She was a plain farmer’s wife, with the
    same blank beauty as the prairies that surrounded her.»

    The term, «blank beauty» is an interesting turn of phrase, to me.



    Not beautiful, distinctive, or remarkable in appearance.


    lacks distinctive beauty

    modest looks

    of ordinary attractiveness

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we all know this. But somehow, society has messed us up so much so that we tend to feel entitled to look around and judge who’s pretty and who’s not. Being called called ugly is extremely damaging to one’s self-esteem. Stand up for yourself and others when you hear the following expressions for ugly.

    Slang Words for Ugly (in Alphabetical Order)



    • (Adjective) A Canadian slang for an unattractive thing or person.
    • Example: Doing a pirate-themed party is a beat idea. Just go for an aesthetic blue.

    Billy No-Mates


    • (Noun) A British slang for a person unattractive enough not to have any friends. This was first introduced from the 90s by UK’s young people at the time. 
    • Example: If you don’t want to be called ‘billy no-mates’, you need to learn how to wear makeup.

    Dog’s Breakfast


    • (Noun) An Australian slang for being a complete and unappealing mess.
    • Example: Since Christine refused to go out with him, Kyle has been showing up to work like a dog’s breakfast.



    • (Noun) A degrading millennial slang that stands for “Designated Ugly Fat Friend”. S/He is the weakest link in the friend circle who is usually approached first by others to get on with the other cool friends. 
    • Example: Wesley made Bianca realize that she is the duff among the group.



    • (Noun) A person bringing ugliness or bad news that hurts one’s eyes.
    • Example: The landlady is an eyesore whenever she collects rent before payday.

    Face Like a Dropped Pie


    • (Expression) An Australian expression that makes use of an image of a mush, dropped pie on the ground to describe a person’s face. 
    • Example: Luna has been called to have a face like a dropped pie when in fact she is a survivor of a fire that broke out in their house years ago.



    • (Noun) A generic term for someone weird/different.
    • Example: Because Alice’s mom works as a fortune teller, she’s been called a freak countless times. 



    • (Adjective) A degrading and modern Australian word that puts “fucking ugly” together.
    • Example: She says she’s never going to date the band’s vocalist no matter how talented he is, he’s fugly.



    • (Adjective) A British expression for calling something totally unattractive with hints of repulsion. It was originally used to describe foul smells but since the 2000s, it expanded its meaning.
    • Example: Brett never thought there could be a more minging dog than the pug till he met the Chinese crested.



    • (Adjective) Another Australian lingo for a visually displeasing person, thing, or event.
    • Example: The chair was not munted because of its design. It’s because a no-good person sat there earlier.

    No Oil Painting


    • (Expression) Another British phrase that humorously renders one’s outer look too complex to be drawn. 
    • Example: The family was looking forward to seeing Tyron’s latest girlfriend when she turned out to be no oil painting.



    • (Adjective) An American street slang for being hideously ugly.
    • Example: The painting may look plug-ugly to the untrained eye but art experts are in awe of the abstract painting.



    • (Noun) The Canadian equivalent of America’s “freak” which is the shortened form of the monster named “Sasquatch”.
    • Example: Wendy was a squatch when she wore makeup for the first time. She got everything wrong.

    Ugly as Sin


    • (Expression) Because sin is biblically referred to as ‘dirty rags’, to be ugly as sin is to be comparable to dirty rags.
    • Example: Because Baby Theo spilled milk over it, Maddie’s volcano science project became ugly as sin.

    Ugly Duckling


    • (Noun) Based on the popular children’s fairytale, an ugly duckling is a person who glowed up so much.
    • Example: Ava used to be hunched, overweight, and acne-scarred. Today she’s sexy, flawless, and an accomplished attorney. Now that’s an ugly duckling.

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