Word for not paying attention to detail

I’m looking for a word that signifies a lack of attention to detail causing sloppiness.

For example, if I write an essay, and there are terrible grammar mistakes and sentence structure mistakes all over the paper, it would be because I was (or was not) being _.

If I make a drawing and the eyes aren’t lined properly and the shading is done poorly, it probably shows that I was (or wasn’t) being _. I wasn’t paying attention to that detail.

Words like «lazy,» or even «attentive» could work, but those are too general. I could not be attentive in class or not be attentive during my meeting at work, but those don’t take into account that the lack of me paying attention to the important details, caused my poor and sloppy error in whatever I was doing.

Is there a word that matches what I’m looking for, or should I just go with the word «attentive» to say what I want?

inattention. noun. a lack of attention or care.

Similarly, you may ask, what does not paying attention mean?

Definition of not pay any attention to

: to refuse to show that one hears or sees (something or someone) : ignore Don’t pay any attention to what the other kids say.

One may also ask, what is a word for paying attention?

Synonyms: attentive, heedful, thoughtful Antonyms: heedless, unheeding. marked by or paying little heed or attention. careless, regardless. (usually followed by `of’) without due thought or consideration.

Why is paying attention important?

Attention improves memory

People who pay attention to details have a better memory than others. If you start paying attention more often in your life, you will soon notice that you remember a lot more details than usual. These can be either very important things or trivialities, but you will memorize it all regardless.

How do I pay full attention?

Here are eight tricks and tips for eliminating distractions and paying attention to what you need to do:

  1. Prepare Your Brain. Before a task, calm your brain, says Venezky.
  2. Understand Where Your Focus Needs To Be.
  3. Unplug For 30 Minutes.
  4. Grab Some Coffee.
  5. Check the Thermostat.
  6. Turn On Some Music.
  7. Take Short Breaks.
  8. Doodle.
Write Your Answer

In every industry, sloppiness is often more costly than laziness. Managers don’t want to waste time fixing their employees’ mistakes- they want employees with the attention to detail to avoid mistakes entirely. But in a stack of resumes that all list “attention to detail,” how do you set yourself apart?

Putting “attention to detail” on your resume does two things: First and foremost, it shows potential employers that you are thorough in your work, and don’t tolerate mistakes. Secondly, it gives you a chance to prove that skill- both right there on the resume, and in the interview.

But if you don’t do it right, your resume WILL be tossed in the trash. “Attention to detail” skills are listed on practically every resume, so without the right strategy, your resume is no better than anyone else’s. If you want to get hired for your attention to detail, you’re going to need a detail oriented resume. By following our helpful strategies, you’ll write an incredible resume, and your attention to detail will win you any job you apply for.

First, Consider Your Strategy

If you’re here, you probably want to write a perfect resume, and there are a couple resume formats you could use. A key question: should you write to “stand out” or “fit in”? The answer: it depends…

A “stand out” resume is where you focus on a couple of key points and aggressively build the entire resume around those messages, ditching everything else. This works really well if you know the hiring manager is a). looking for an expert and b). you can claim to be that person. For example, respond to a senior pricing role with a resume featuring deep pricing experience, pricing leadership roles, analytics, and pricing IT systems. That year managing logistics? Don’t mention it. Send that resume for pricing, and you’re getting called back. It will be tossed in the trash for anything else. To Stand Out, share unique experiences, big wins, and comprehensive expertise.

The “fit in” resume is softer, covering the broader set of your soft and hard skills. Individual areas are addressed generically, describing roles vs. narrow accomplishments. Sure, I do pricing – and six other things. This works best if you know someone on the inside – or have a networking appointment – and want to have the flexibility to change your approach if other opportunities open up. You are relying on your inside relationship to get you in the door.

Other concepts here to ponder as we go deeper into how to sell “attention to detail”. Positioning. Branding. You’re selling a product here – You!. Think about what messages you want to lead with. And how aggressively you want to deliver them on your job application.

Building A Story About Attention To Detail

To really sell attention to detail on a resume, you need to link your claims back to something impressive:

  • Did your attention to detail improve profits?
  • Does Your Job or Title Naturally Suggest It?
  • Did you receive an award or high praise?
  • Were you entrusted with critical tasks?
  • Were you promoted for this reason?

The trick is to show not tell potential employers about your attention to detail skills – and link them back to your broader branding and positioning as a candidate. That way your claims become part of a broader story about why you are an ideal candidate for this position.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do They Want and Why Does It Matter?

Some critical thinking workers with very important job duties pay close attention and are a strong example of having great mustaches  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/1885_-_Eagle_Brewery_Workers_-_Allentown_PA.jpg
Trimming those mustaches required some REAL attention to detail.

Attention to detail is a common requirement for jobs where the consequences of a mistake are particularly drastic or difficult to fix. For example, pharmacists and nurses often need to be very diligent in ensuring the details of a medication are correct, since the wrong medicine at the wrong time could injure or kill a patient. In an office or retail environment, this skill may be required for people who manage money, important documents, and sensitive relationships with important customers and public officials. A personal assistant who doesn’t spell a customer’s name or write down a message correctly might offend an important customer. A billing clerk entering the invoice as a $5000 charge rather than a $500 charge could cause countless hours of drama when the customer realizes their bill is wrong. A lawyer missing a single word (or comma!) in a hundred page contract can cost the company millions of dollars! If getting the details of a task wrong would cost the company money or embarrassment, they will probably ask for strong attention to detail.

What Does Attention To Detail Look Like In Me?

The recruiter and HR manager are probably referring back to a job competency sheet. It will list off characteristics such as:

  • Provides accurate, consistent numbers
  • Provides information in a usable form and on a timely basis
  • Maintains lists and schedules to ensure details are not overlooked
  • Able to manage tasks in compliance with company policies and operating procedures
  • Writes down important details so the details are not lost or forgotten
  • Able to notice patterns in data and turn them into useful insights
  • Work requires little or no checking

We can boil all this down to a couple of key ideas. First, you are capable of carefully reviewing your work to find mistakes. Furthermore, you can spot when something is out of place and figure out why it is important. Above all, you are trustworthy: you can be relied upon to follow orders and complete your work within the expected time.

Checking Your Work

This is a common requirement for many marketing positions. One of my first jobs involved working on direct mail campaigns, essentially Stone Age telemarketing where we mailed a letter with a credit card offer to millions of people. Each letter had several phone numbers, the terms of the offer, legal terms and conditions, and a website address. We had to check every letter template before they were mailed to ensure that the necessary language was included and the contact information worked. Being successful required two things: organizing the list of things you had to check into a process and being disciplined enough to consistently follow that process. It can be surprisingly hard to do this well!

Process Management

The second idea, organizing policies and processes, gets into how can you ensure you are delivering quality work on an ongoing basis. This set of organizational skills is particularly important if you are going to be regularly managing large and complicated projects. It also is an important requirement for managers, since you must think about how to check your team’s work (without redoing every task yourself). Experience is helpful here, but any sort of management duties are good to showcase.


A job seeker fields interview questions in an office with a recruiter or hiring manager, going over his technical skills, in an office with horrible flooring  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/Office_workers_%284903875456%29.jpg
I admire the attention to detail that went into those disgusting floors.

Spotting subtle insights in data is very common in fraud investigation and financial analysis. When I worked as a fraud investigator, most of my colleagues had very high attention to detail. Many fraud cases start when someone notices a very small thing that is out of place, which leads the investigator to a larger problem. Along the same lines, high attention to detail is often required of financial analysts and business consultants who are asked to figure out the truth behind a report or rumor about a business. And – this will be a surprise – the best sales representatives often have outstanding attention to detail when it comes to noticing customer behavior.


You mean what you say and are capable of following through on your commitments. In simple terms, your future boss wants to know they can trust you to complete your work accurately and notice small details when they are important. People with high attention to detail can be trusted to work alone and on sensitive tasks.

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How Do I Demonstrate Attention To Detail On A Resume?

This is a suprisingly tricky skill to describe on a resume. Merely writing “attention to detail” or “detail oriented” at the top of your resume doesn’t add a lot of credibility. Honestly, it probably hurts you – everyone does this and thus, it doesn’t really mean anything anymore. Focus on showing rather than telling future bosses you have good attention to detail. You can do this a couple of ways:

  • Talk about your experience being trusted with highly detailed tasks in the past. In some cases, you may need to shamelessly cater to stereotypes about your role or education. Everyone thinks accountants have good attention to detail. When you tell someone you’re a fraud investigator, they immediately think Sherlock Holmes. Talk about being trusted to keep official records of an event or organize a complicated project. I’d trust someone who organized a large charity event was pretty detail oriented. Being asked to handle money, as the treasurer for a group or the closer/keyholder for a business, is another big trust signal in retail jobs. Human resources administrators can point to being asked to manage critical documentation (payroll, legal filings) which your company would be sued for if you made a critical mistake. The key words here are being trusted with highly sensitive and highly detailed tasks by your past managers.
  • Statistics are great if you can find them. Look for things like error rates or acceptance rates, especially for administrative processes. Because you had all your paperwork in order, perhaps bills got paid faster and with fewer deductions by the customer. Or talk about the impact of your being organized – for example, cleaning up a bookkeeping mess and finding a large sum of money.
  • Awards, other recognition, and progressive responsibilities are another great way to communicate your talents to a future employer. The nice thing about awards is most of them are generic enough you can spin them however you want on a resume, to showcase the skills you want to promote for that job. Similarly, if you were so organized on a small project they asked you take over a bunch of other things, that’s a great story to tell. Another good mark of trust from your management: being asked to train others on a particular activity or being placed in charge of quality inspection for the team. These are the kind of things that can reassure a hiring manager.
  • Proofread Your Resume. It should go without saying that a manager looking for close attention to detail will be very sensitive to resume errors. Use spell check liberally – or even use a tool like Grammarly to check for other errors.

Resume Bullets That Show Attention To Detail

Again, think “show” vs. “tell”. When everyone writes “detail oriented” at the top of their resume, the words lose their impact. But if you hand the hiring manager a resume that shows how you have repeatedly been trusted with complicated and sensitive tasks, they are likely to sit up and pay attention to you as a candidate. Here are some other good things to talk about to showcase your attention to detail, which you can use as resume bullets:

Steel workers with good technical skills and lots of work experience pay acute attention to their jobs, and sometimes focus on details  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Charles_John_de_Lacy_-_Steel_workers_casting_girders_1917_%28wc_bodycolour_on_paper%29_-_%28MeisterDrucke-368815%29.jpg
In the old days, we didn’t have details. You woke up and made steel beams until you died, simple as that.
  • Managing Sensitive Paperwork: Were you responsible for handling your company’s application for a quality or industry certification? Were you responsible for handling an audit? Keeping careful records? That can make a great resume bullet, talking about how you organized your company’s documentation so they passed the audit, got the certification, or were recognized for having their act together due to your great documentation.
  • Quality Improvements: Did you make changes in work processes or procedures which made it easier to detect errors? What about preventing errors in the first place? This is a great bullet for your resume – if you can show you improved a quality metric, mention it…
  • Signs of High Trust: If you performed a highly trusted role, describe your job duties and who your boss is. For example: “Coordinated SEC and IRS audit preparations for the CFO and senior executives.” That would indicate someone had placed a high amount of trust in the quality of your work. If someone would have gone to jail for your mistakes (or written a large check with lots of lawyers running around), that sends a powerful message about how much your bosses trust your attention to detail.
  • Managing Complicated Projects: Did you have to manage a complicated project with a lot of moving parts? Describe it!

Not sure how to fit these into your resume? Take a look at these examples:

  • Received consistent top-tier rating for call quality and documentation accuracy as a customer service representative.
  • Handled all aspects of preparing the weekly payroll and expense reporting for a 400 person facility; achieved 100% on-time payment and was recognized for maintaining detailed records during the annual audit.
  • Responsible for managing all details of the Senator’s travel schedule, coordinating their appearance at up to a dozen events per day. Subsequently asked to assume management of all public appearances, including working with media representatives and the security team.

Note the key points here of a good “proof of skill” bullet for your resume. First, talk about the complexity of the assignment. Next, offer some indication that you satisfied your objectives in a timely or impactful fashion. Statistics are great, particularly if you can tie them back to measurements that direct show how you helped the business perform better. Finally, offer “social proof” that your bosses were happy with your work by referencing awards, positive feedback, and increases in your responsibilities.

Preparing for The Interview

The best way to prepare for an interview for a job where attention to detail is important is to think about several stories you can tell the interviewer which feature this skill. You have more flexibility in the face-to-face environment of the interview to describe how you were able to apply your talents to help past employers succeed. They may not ask you detail-oriented interview questions, but be ready to showcase examples of where employers trusted you with sensitive tasks, and the experience you gained. That is a very convincing indicator of being trusted. Think of it as an opportunity to expand on your resume– take the basic things you listed and tell the interviewer how, when, and why.

Improving Your Attention To Detail

Told that you need to improve your attention to detail? Try these tips to see if you can sharpen your skills.

  • Proofread your work. The human eye jumps to spelling and grammatical errors. Like it or not, this is the first impression your work leaves on the reader and can be very difficult to overcome. Invest the time to proofread your documents and get them correct. Finish your memos and reports in advance and give yourself time to revise and edit them several times. Proofreading is an important skill because it proves that if you care about the quality of your work. In the mind of the reader, if you invest the time to get a single document correct, you’ll likely do the same for any larger, more important projects they entrust to you.
  • Make lists. If you have a number of things you need to accomplish in a particular time frame, make a list, set goals, and check off each item as it’s completed. If you can’t finish everything on the list, start a new list for the next day and include those leftover tasks.
  • Practice Active Listening: Communication skills are about more than just talking- take the time to understand other people’s emotions and intentions. Listening is critical if your job is investigation or negotiations. Relax, sit back, and let the other party speak instead of rushing to talk. You will get priceless insights into their position and goals.
  • Take Notes: Simple yet powerful, especially when combined with active listening. First, the mere act of having a notepad and writing down important points shows respect to the other party. Taking notes indicates you are taking them seriously. The act of writing things down also helps you remember the meeting and the flow of the conversation (beyond the notes themselves). Finally, the act of note taking forces you to listen rather than speak – and can slow your brain down enough that you spot the larger patterns.
  • Create a detailed work plan for your daily jobs and key tasks. This could take the form of a process map or checklist. Use this as a guide if you find yourself getting distracted or confused.
  • Reduce distractions. Scientists have learned that being exposed ringing phones and text messages are as bad as being drunk when it comes to work quality and attention to detail. This is particularly true if you’re doing detailed technical or financial work. It often takes a little while to get back in the flow of things after being interrupted. Don’t be afraid to close your door or set specific office hours if you have a problem with unscheduled visitors. Use headphones if you’ve got a lot of noisy distractions around you. Worst case, set aside some time each day in a quiet place where you can take some time to plan your day and make a checklist of what you need to accomplish.
  • Manage Your Workload. Be aware of how much work you are taking on and do what you can to prevent being overloaded. Time management is key- while a little pressure can be good, be wary of putting yourself in situations where you don’t have time to adequately check your work or update your notes.

Paying close attention to details is an extremely valuable skill, and you will have no trouble finding a job that’s looking for it. And though every resume in the known universe lists “Attention To Detail,” you now have the tools and the knowledge to stand out, and give recruiters an amazing resume with the facts, and details, to back it up.

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When writing your CV, you want to make sure you stand out. That’s why common phrases like “attention to detail” aren’t always the best things to use. This article will explore some of the best alternatives you can use to replace this common and overused phrase.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Attention To Detail” On My CV?

There are a few great alternatives we can show you. However, we want to focus on these ones to help you see it in action:

  • Perfectionist
  • Punctilious
  • Precise
  • Meticulous
  • Dot the I’s and cross the T’s
  • Pedantic

better ways to say attention to detail

The preferred version is “perfectionist.” We can use this word to describe someone who cares a great deal about making sure something is perfect. This can be both a good and bad trait, so you’ll want to word it correctly if using it in your CV.


A perfectionist is somebody who cares about perfection. They want to make sure they do every task to the best of their ability and will often get frustrated at themselves if forced to present anything that isn’t quite “perfect.”

The definition of “perfectionist,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who wants everything to be perfect and demands the highest standards possible.”

Someone who is a perfectionist can be portrayed both positively and negatively. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you know how to phrase it if you want to use it to describe yourself in a CV.

Some people believe that perfectionists try too hard. They will force themselves to meet perfect standards, which are often too difficult to achieve. Thus, when they inevitably fail, they will end up delivering poorer work than someone else.

However, some employers love perfectionists because they know they’ll put the utmost attention and detail into their work. They’ll hire perfectionists because they know they won’t settle for anything less than perfect.

Here are some examples to show it to you in action:

  • I like to think of myself as a perfectionist because I only deliver the highest quality work.
  • They have called me a perfectionist in my previous workplace because they knew I would not disappoint.
  • I do not mind being known as the perfectionist of the workforce.


A punctilious person is someone who pays extra careful attention to the finer details. It’s a less common word, which makes it all the more impressive to use correctly in a CV. We can use it mostly as a positive trait to show how much we care about something.

The definition of “punctilious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful to behave correctly or to give attention to details.”

Punctilious employees make for easy hires for many bosses. They find that people who value care over rushing their work or projects are the ones that will provide the most suitable workforces.

If you can find a suitable way to include a word like “Punctilious” in your CV, you absolutely should take the chance.

These examples will show you some ways it could work:

  • I have been referred to as punctilious because I take extra caution before handing in my work.
  • I focus a lot on the minor details of projects because of my punctilious attitude.
  • I’m punctilious, and I will make sure never to hand in work that I don’t think is perfect.


“Precise” is another great word we can use to describe someone who pays attention to detail. It works because we can show that we take extra care to make the smaller details as accurate as possible.

The definition of “precise,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful and accurate, especially about small details.”

Precise work is always better suited to a workplace. If you can ensure that all the smaller details are correct and appropriate in a project, then your boss will look to you in favor (and you shouldn’t be too far away from a promotion).

If you are not precise, you may overlook the smaller details. While this isn’t always a terrible thing, some projects depend on smaller things. That’s why it’s important to hire someone who knows how to correct them.

Check out these examples to see “precise” in action:

  • I think of myself as precise in everything I do. I’m sure you’ll see why once you hire me.
  • I am very precise before handing in my work, and you’ll definitely receive it long before the official deadline.
  • The precision I possess when it comes to work is unmatched.


A meticulous person is another great way to show someone pays close attention to details. They will go over their work time and again to make sure they know there aren’t any small errors or slip-ups. You will only get perfect projects from meticulous people.

The definition of “meticulous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful and with great attention to every detail.”

“Meticulous” is one of those words that’s designed to impress. We use it when we want to talk highly of ourselves, and many employers will look at someone as “meticulous” as a suitable hire.

It’s worth using the word if you want to say that you pay close attention to detail. After all, it will stand you out from the rest of the CVs.without having to try very hard.

You must, of course, prove your meticulous habits once you are hired, but you can at least be secure in the knowledge that calling yourself “meticulous” will win you a few interviews.

These examples will show you how it works:

  • I am meticulous in everything I do, and you can trust the work I give you to be done with 100% effort.
  • They have called me meticulous, and I agree with this.
  • I am the most meticulous person you’ll ever meet, and I will not stop working until I’ve ensured that every detail is correct.

Dot The I’s And Cross The T’s

We also wanted to show you the “dot the I’s and cross the T’s” idiom. Idioms aren’t common in CVs, which is why it can be useful to include it because it will really separate you from the crowd. The meaning is identical to the other words on this list.

The definition of “dot the i’s and cross the t’s,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to pay a great deal of attention to the details of something, especially when you are trying to complete a task.”

Sometimes, describing yourself as one word isn’t enough. Instead, you want to also give your future employer a chance to see a bit more of your character. That’s why idioms are so great to use (even though many people will overlook them or ignore them).

There’s nothing better than throwing in a phrase like this to surprise whoever reads your CV. Too many people believe idioms to be informal or colloquial, but this is not the case.

Check out these great examples to see how it could look:

  • I frequently dot the I’s and cross the T’s before handing in any work.
  • Dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s is most important to me before delivering my assignments.
  • I make sure to dot the I’s and cross the T’s, so you can be certain that you’ll only get the highest standard from me.


“Pedantic” is a negative word, but if you are able to spin it correctly, it can work quite well. It’s not common to use in a CV because of the negative connotations, but if you are able to make it positive, it also shows your employer that you have a way with words.

The definition of “pedantic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “giving too much attention to formal rules or small details.”

Turning negative words into positive ones doesn’t have to be difficult. You just have to find the correct way to phrase the words to make sure that your employer will be impressed with your grasp of the English language.

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • I have previously been called pedantic because I pay close attention to detail, but I am proud of my habits.
  • I am known to be pedantic, though I prefer to think of myself as someone who cares too much about the finer details.
  • I am pedantic, and I would say that’s a big weakness. However, it does mean that I only deliver the finest work.

What Does It Mean To Pay Attention To Detail?

Now let’s finish with finding out the meaning of the phrase. However, we want to show you what it means with the verb “pay” as part of it.

“Pay attention to detail” means that someone takes great care to make sure all the little things are correct. In a larger project or task, they will focus on all the smaller workings to make sure everything works as it should do. They often deliver work of the highest quality.

It’s a good character trait to have, which is why so many people include it in their CVs. After all, it shows your new employer that you pay close attention to tasks, and you don’t like to quit until you’re certain that you can get it all perfect.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

As a young secretary in the late 90s, I was a new graduate from a technical school where I received a diploma in Secretarial Science. When I entered the workforce, I quickly found out that there were a few things that school didn’t teach me: 1) how to use effective interpersonal skills, 2) how to deal with difficult people, and 3) paying attention to detail. My first week on the job, I discovered that paying attention to detail was going to make or break me in this line of work.
One day I was copying a fairly large document of about 60 pages and had to make 15 copies, double-sided, in color, and stapled. Simple, right? Not really. I heavily relied on the copy machine to do its job correctly.
After the first set of 5 completed copies, I was thumbing through one of the copies and noticed that a page was missing; 300 copies had already been completed! When I brought it to the attention of my supervisor, she asked me a simple, but odd question, «How do you make copies?» she emphasized the word, ‘you.’ I thought it was a trick question, so I replied, «I stand at the copier, load the document, input the specifics, and hit ‘start.’ My supervisor was not happy with that answer and I didn’t know why at the time. I soon realized that she wasn’t asking me about how the copies are made; she was asking me ‘how do I make sure that the copies are being made.’
This is a question that we need to ask ourselves when we are working on projects, sending communication, completing daily tasks that seem mundane but can cost a hefty price if not observed. I realized that paying attention to detail is like looking under a microscope. Here are 3 ways to review the details in any given task:

  1. Don’t rely on anything or anyone to get YOUR job done.

    Equipment malfunctions happen all the time, don’t assume that the machine or people are working properly.

  2. Double Check the Process. Implement a check list or process for checking your work.

    The document was for a meeting of directors, can you imagine the fallout if it was discovered that a page was missing? I should have made one copy, and checked it to make sure it was what I needed, before 300 copies were made!

  3. Use a third eye.

    Come back to the task and review it after taking a break. This is a great technique to use when drafting an email or other correspondence. The third eye is a symbol of enlightenment, when you take a break and come back to resume the task, you are refreshed and enlightened to the fact that you may have left out some information or realize that revisions need to be made.

If you don’t want to pay a high price for not paying attention to detail, implement methods that will check your work and the process before releasing it to the public. If you don’t here’s what it will cost you: career, reputation, and your professionalism. Don’t take a gamble, double check your work.

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