Word for not pay attention to

I’m looking for a word that signifies a lack of attention to detail causing sloppiness.

For example, if I write an essay, and there are terrible grammar mistakes and sentence structure mistakes all over the paper, it would be because I was (or was not) being _.

If I make a drawing and the eyes aren’t lined properly and the shading is done poorly, it probably shows that I was (or wasn’t) being _. I wasn’t paying attention to that detail.

Words like «lazy,» or even «attentive» could work, but those are too general. I could not be attentive in class or not be attentive during my meeting at work, but those don’t take into account that the lack of me paying attention to the important details, caused my poor and sloppy error in whatever I was doing.

Is there a word that matches what I’m looking for, or should I just go with the word «attentive» to say what I want?

Translation examples

  • не обращать внимания на

The State as an owner will pay attention to these matters.

Правительство в качестве владельца предприятий будет обращать внимание на эти аспекты.

I ask speakers kindly to pay attention to this signal.

Я прошу выступающих обращать внимание на это сигнал.

17. In transboundary participation it is important to pay attention to the target group.

17. При участии в трансграничном процессе важно обращать внимание на целевые группы.

:: The need to pay attention to the root causes of instability and threats to peace and security

:: Необходимость обращать внимание на коренные причины нестабильности и угрозу миру и безопасности

pays attention to the situation of disabled married women with a view to ensuring their economic independence.

* обращает внимание на положение замужних женщин-инвалидов, с тем чтобы обеспечить их экономическую независимость.

As the situation slowly improves, more people are paying attention to El Niño and to the forecasts.

По мере того, как происходит постепенное улучшение положения, все больше людей обращают внимание на явление «Эль-Ниньо» и на прогнозы.

In that context, I would like to advise delegations to please pay attention to the «traffic light» on the podium.

В этой связи я хотела бы просить делегации обращать внимание на установленные на трибуне <<сигнальные огни>>.

He urged the State party to pay attention to such developments as it was responsible for preventing and rectifying them.

Он настоятельно призывает государство-участник обращать внимание на эти явления, поскольку оно отвечает за их предотвращение и устранение.

In other words, it is no longer the State to which we should be paying attention, but rather to forces in the international arena.

Иными словами, теперь нам следует обращать внимание не на государство, а на силы, действующие на международной арене.

That’s because you’re not paying attention to the signs.

Это потому что ты не обращаешь внимание на знаки.

This is your fault for not paying attention to my notes.

Это твоя вина, ты не обращаешь внимания на мои записки.

Can you please tell me why people are not paying attention to me right now?

Ты можешь мне объяснить, почему сейчас никто не обращает внимания на меня?

I’m watching videos of idiots wearing these glasses and not paying attention to the world around them.

Я смотрю видео об идиотах, носящих такие очки и не обращающих внимания на мир вокруг них.

If I wasn’t paying attention, then how did I notice you not paying attention to my not paying attention?

Если бы я не обращал внимания то как бы я заметил, что ты не обращаешь внимания на мое необращение внимания?

The good news is, if the driver’s busy making sure you can’t see anything he’s not paying attention to whether he’s being followed.

Хорошие новости в том, что водитель занят тем, что следит за вами и не обращает внимания на хвост сзади.

And once, when he was giving a talk somewhere, he referred to our theory and said, “The trouble with theorists is, they never pay attention to the experiments!”

И однажды, разговаривая с кем-то, он сказал о нашей теории: «Беда теоретиков в том, что они никогда не обращают внимания на эксперименты!».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

не обращают внимания на

не обращать внимания на

не обращает внимания на

не обращают внимание на

не обращать внимание на

не обращайте внимания на

не обращал внимания на

не обратить внимания на

не обратить внимание на

не обращали внимания на

не обращаем внимания на

не обращает внимание на

не обратил внимания на

не уделяют внимания

не обратил внимание на


This is a subject most traders do not pay attention to.

You do not pay attention to both simultaneously.

Do not pay attention to cheap materials.

Ни в коем случае не отдавайте предпочтение дешевым материалам.

Users do not pay attention to security.

For a long period of time programmers did not pay attention to the vulnerability special attention and considered it harmless.

However, most often, people do not pay attention to the safety measures to be followed when getting a body part pierced.

Многие люди не обращают внимания на меры безопасности, которые необходимо соблюдать при прокалывании части тела.

Most importantly, do not pay attention to minor troubles.

Most patients smoke and suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, and therefore they do not pay attention to a chronic cough or dyspnea.

Большинство пациентов курят, страдают хроническими обструктивными болезнями легких, а потому не обращают должного внимания на длительный кашель.

To be honest, I did not pay attention to politics.

Do not pay attention to those people.

The hero even in such an important day for the family could not pay attention to his beloved wife.

Герой даже в такой важный для семьи день не мог уделить внимание любимой супруге.

Domestic companies will only introduce foreign technology and equipment, and they will not pay attention to independent research and development.

Отечественные компании будут внедрять иностранные технологии и оборудование, и они не будут обращать внимание на независимые исследования и разработки.

Here in this case, many do not pay attention to the difference in price.

Parents and children do not pay attention to how to improve family relationships.

People destroy nature and do not pay attention to those for whom these forests are their home.

Andreas did not pay attention to health problems until it turned out to be a tragedy.

That is, a machine can notice patterns that a person may not pay attention to.

То есть машина может замечать закономерности, на которые может не обратить внимания человек.

As often happens in management, if everything works well, people do not pay attention to it.

Как часто и бывает в управлении, если все хорошо работает, люди не обращают на это внимания».

They believed that the central authorities simply did not pay attention to them and their problems.

Do not pay attention to the marginalized and other brutal personalities.

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Asked by: Devyn Hand Jr.

Score: 4.4/5
(36 votes)

Failure to pay attention; ignoring or avoiding an issue, etc.

What is a word for not getting attention?

inattention. noun. a lack of attention or care.

Can you do something without paying attention?

Definition of not pay any attention to

: to refuse to show that one hears or sees (something or someone) : ignore Don’t pay any attention to what the other kids say.

Is non suitable a word?

not suitable; inappropriate; unfitting; unbecoming.

What is the opposite of paying attention?

Opposite of to focus one’s attention. ignore. tune out. disregard. dismiss.

42 related questions found

What is the opposite of attention?

attention. Antonyms: disregard, inadvertence, remission, indifference, carelessness, abstraction, distraction, absence. Synonyms: observation, notice, regard, watchfulness, heed, consideration, circumspection, study, vigilance, care.

What is the opposite of paying?

Opposite of to pay someone for work done, or for some expense or loss. repudiate. refuse to pay. withhold payment. deny payment to.

How do you say not suitable?

Not suitable or convenient — thesaurus

  1. unsuitable. adjective. not suitable for a particular situation, purpose, or person.
  2. inappropriate. adjective. not suitable in a particular situation.
  3. inconvenient. adjective. …
  4. improper. adjective. …
  5. unsuited. adjective. …
  6. untoward. adjective. …
  7. untimely. adjective. …
  8. unseemly. adjective.

Why can’t I pay attention when someone is talking?

Your brain might get distracted if you aren’t staying engaged in the conversation. One of the best ways to engage is to ask questions and respond to what someone is saying. You might wind up losing focus at some point in the conversation anyway. When this happens, you need to understand that it’s a symptom of ADHD.

What is meant by improvident?

: not provident : not foreseeing and providing for the future.

Why do I struggle to pay attention?

Being unable to concentrate can be the result of a chronic condition, including: alcohol use disorder. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) chronic fatigue syndrome.

What is no attendance?

: neglect or failure to attend : lack of attendance had no explanation for his nonattendance at the meeting.

What is the act of ignoring someone called?

To deliberately ignore (something that is generally frowned on) forgive. condone. overlook. ignore.

What is a person who ignores called?

Ignorer is the noun form for a person who ignores.

What is a stronger word for good?

adj.pleasant, fine. adj.moral, virtuous. adj.competent, skilled. adj.useful, adequate. adj.reliable; untainted.

What is the meaning of not good?

Not good means something is bad or undesirable.

What does infelicitous mean in English?

: not felicitous: such as. a : not appropriate or well-timed an infelicitous remark. b : awkward, unfortunate an infelicitous moment.

What does Convenlent mean?

adjective. suitable or agreeable to the needs or purpose; well-suited with respect to facility or ease in use; favorable, easy, or comfortable for use. at hand; easily accessible: Their house is convenient to all transportation.

What is the meaning of unaccepted?

: not given acceptance : not accepted an unaccepted submission.

What word goes with pay?

Some common synonyms of pay are compensate, indemnify, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, repay, and satisfy.

What is it called to give money?

donator. noun. someone who gives money or goods to an organization, especially one that helps people. The usual word is donor.


Posted by3 years ago



100% Upvoted

level 1

· 3 yr. ago

preoccupied, distracted


level 2

Op · 3 yr. ago

«Distracted» is the word I’m looking for. Thanks! 💕


level 2

· 3 yr. ago

Points: 2

Phrase instead of a word, but “head down, butt up” is pretty evocative


level 1

· 3 yr. ago

Points: 2



level 1

· 3 yr. ago

Busy watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Distractamundo, dude


level 1

· 3 yr. ago



level 1

· 3 yr. ago

Points: 2

Tunnel vision, focused, obsessed


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