Word for not obviously

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

явно не

не очевидно

очевидно, не

Content that is not obviously unlawful must be assessed within seven days.

Содержание, которое явно не является незаконным, должно быть определено и изучено в течение семи дней.

I like the idea of a new universe but I feel that it is not obviously stated.

Мне нравится идея новой вселенной, но я чувствую, что это явно не указано.

It’s not obviously ethically bad, but it’s a poor way of going about things.

Это не очевидно этически плохо, но это плохой способ идти о вещах.

But the absence of an inclination to change the desire does not obviously amount to the condition of freedom-conferring identification.

Однако не очевидно, что отсутствие склонности к изменению желания представляет собой условие, дарующее свободу.

We believe that issues not obviously part of the negotiations should nonetheless be addressed in an adequate way.

Мы считаем, что вопросы, которые явно не входят в сферу переговоров, должны, тем не менее, быть рассмотрены адекватным образом.

We traditionally know little about grassroots xenophobic violence by people who do not obviously belong to any ultra-right groups.

Бытовое ксенофобное насилие Мы традиционно мало знаем о проявлениях бытового ксенофобного насилия со стороны людей, явно не принадлежащих к ультраправым группировкам.

That’s because webpage Titles and Meta descriptions are not obviously displayed on your website.

Это потому, что названия веб-страниц и мета-описания явно не отображаются на вашем сайте.

The Pension Fund did not obviously expect that pensioners will start to defend their rights in court.

Пенсионный фонд явно не ожидал, что пенсионеры начнут отстаивать свои права в суде с помощью адвокатов.

This final example of an open call problem shows that this approach can also be used in settings that are not obviously amenable to quantification.

Этот последний пример проблемы с открытым вызовом показывает, что этот подход можно также использовать в настройках, которые явно не поддаются количественной оценке.

Whatever these changes have led to, they have not obviously achieved the framers’ intention: to make accounts more «value relevant».

К чему бы ни привели эти изменения, они явно не достигли заявленной создателями цели: сделать оценку стоимости в учете более «уместной».

An example is China where affiliate marketing does not obviously look like the same Western marketing paradigm.

Китай является одним из примеров, где партнерский маркетинг явно не похож на ту же модель на Западе.

Peer-to-Patent also shows that open call projects are possible even for problems that are not obviously amenable to quantification.

Peer-to-Patent также показывает, что проекты с открытым вызовом возможны даже для проблем, которые явно не поддаются количественной оценке.

Not obviously the best, but that’s a really good one.

Not obviously does the King of Glory arrive, but by the wise His step is heard.

«Не явно приходит Царь Славы, но для мудрых слышен шаг Его»

Not obviously selling a specific product

то не бывает продажи конкретного товара

Not obviously selling a specific product

Unlike China, it is not obviously blameworthy.

Но, увы, в отличие от Китая, нам нечем похвастаться.

Some foods are not obviously sources of sugar or carbohydrate, but they may still contain unhealthful levels of both of these food types.

Некоторые продукты питания, очевидно, не являются источниками сахара или углеводов, но они все еще могут содержать нездоровые уровни обоих этих типов продуктов.

Mankind as a whole is not obviously more reverent, just, and thoughtful.

Человечество в целом, очевидно, не стало более почтительным, справедливым и вдумчивым.

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Synonyms for Not obvious. (2017). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_obvious

Synonyms for Not obvious. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_obvious>.

Synonyms for Not obvious. 2017. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/not_obvious.

    • See Also:
      • not entirely
      • not especially
      • not for love or money
      • not give or care a damn
      • not hear of
      • not hold a candle to
      • not in the least
      • not less than
      • not lift a hand
      • not much of a
      • not on your life
      • not particularly
      • not put it past someone
      • not really
      • not the half of it
      • not to mention
      • not usually
      • not with it
      • not worth a damn
      • not worth one’s salt
      • notability
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WordReference can’t translate this exact phrase, but click on each word to see its meaning:

We could not find the full phrase you were looking for.
The entry for «obviously» is displayed below.

Also see: not

WordReference English Thesaurus © 2023

Sense: Adjective: clearly


clearly Collocations, without doubt, without a doubt, unmistakably, doubtlessly, undoubtedly Collocations, definitely Collocations, certainly Collocations, distinctly, indeed Collocations, indubitably, markedly, observably, apparently Collocations, evidently, surely Collocations, visibly, plainly, glaringly, manifestly, of course

Sense: Interjection: of course


of course, yes Collocations, well, duh (slang), clearly Collocations, without a doubt, naturally Collocations, it goes without saying, obvs (slang)

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Table of Contents

  1. What is a antonym for obvious?
  2. What is another word for not obvious?
  3. What is the antonyms of affectionately?
  4. What is the opposite of plump?
  5. What is the opposite of damp?
  6. Which word is an antonym of idle?
  7. What is the antonyms of all?
  8. What are 5 antonyms for nice?
  9. How do you say nice in a fancy way?
  10. What is the opposite of being nice?
  11. How do you describe someone in a nice way?
  12. What is the opposite of noise?
  13. What is an unpleasant feeling?
  14. What word means extremely unpleasant?

What is the opposite of obviously?

dubiously questionably
uncertain indefinitely
mistrustfully doubtingly
distrustfully vaguely
unlikely indistinctly

What is a antonym for obvious?

Opposite of clearly perceptible or self-explanatory. unclear. inconclusive. imperceptible. inconspicuous.

What is another word for not obvious?

What is another word for not obvious?

inconspicuous unnoticeable
imperceptible unapparent
obscure hidden
concealed disguised
invisible low-key

What is the antonyms of affectionately?

Antonyms: unloving. Synonyms: crank, fond, tender, sensitive, adoring, partial(p), doting, untoughened, fond(p), raw, quick, lovesome, ardent, warm, tippy, cranky, sore, strong.

What is the opposite of plump?

What is the opposite of plump?

emaciated skinny
thin anorexic
weak bony
scrawny lanky
lean slender

What is the opposite of damp?

What is the opposite of damp?

dry arid
dried parched
dry out dehydrated
waterless unwatered
scorched hard

Which word is an antonym of idle?

ANTONYMS FOR idle 1 busy, industrious.

What is the antonyms of all?

Opposite of each and every one. none. not any. not one.

What are 5 antonyms for nice?

antonyms of nice

  • aloof.
  • bad.
  • cool.
  • disagreeable.
  • mean.
  • ugly.
  • unacceptable.
  • unfriendly.

How do you say nice in a fancy way?

  1. pleasant,
  2. pleasing,
  3. satisfying,
  4. acceptable,
  5. delightful,
  6. enjoyable,
  7. pleasurable,
  8. congenial,

What is the opposite of being nice?

Antonyms: unfastidious, unrespectable, nasty, mean, imprecise, awful, filthy, hateful, impolite, grotty, lousy, dirty. nice(adj) pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance.

How do you describe someone in a nice way?

Explore the Words

  • adaptable. capable of fitting a particular situation or use. …
  • adventurous. willing to undertake new and daring enterprises.
  • affectionate. having or displaying warmth or fondness.
  • ambitious. having a strong desire for success or achievement.
  • amiable. …
  • compassionate. …
  • considerate. …
  • courageous.

What is the opposite of noise?

What is the opposite of noise?

calm lull
peacefulness hush
placidity silence
quietness calmness
quiet stillness

What is an unpleasant feeling?

Something unpleasant is disagreeable, painful, or annoying in some way. No one likes unpleasant experiences. Since pleasant things are enjoyable in some way, unpleasant things are hard to enjoy. Being in pain is unpleasant.

What word means extremely unpleasant?

abominable. adjective. formal extremely bad, offensive, or unpleasant.

«Oblivious» used to refer to forgetting, but is now often used for this sort of failure to notice. It lacks any special connection to warning signs, as do my other suggestions.


  1. lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention

  2. lacking active conscious knowledge or awareness —usually used with of or to

«Father was oblivious to the man’s speculative notice of his wife.»

And one I happened across and liked: «In my career I have never felt that my being a woman was an obstacle or an advantage. I guess I’ve been oblivious.» — Carole King

It seems to me that other close words, more casual and apparently less specific, include clueless and dense.

Again from Merriam-Webster website: Definition of clueless include «completely or hopelessly bewildered, unaware, ignorant, or foolish.»

And as to dense, Merriam-Webster defines it as «slow to understand,» making it the loosest fit for the word sought. But it seems to me that the word is used as I suggest, for a failure to see what is obviously in front of you.

But I did not find instances of careful writers using the words the words clueless or dense as I have suggested.

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