Word for not obligatory

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

не обязательно


не является обязательным

не обязательна

не обязателен

не обязательны

не обязательным


не обязательное

не обязательной

не обязательными

не являются обязательными

It is not obligatory and the amount should within the possibilities reflect the guests satisfaction with the service.

Это не обязательно, и сумма должна в пределах возможностей отражать удовлетворение гостей службой.

Small businesses need to meet few requirements and it is not obligatory to appoint an accountant or a local director.

Малый бизнес должен удовлетворять нескольким требованиям, и не обязательно назначать бухгалтера или местного директора.

People can enter a mosque for their prayers, but it is not obligatory.

Женщины могут присутствовать на молитвах в мечети, но для них это необязательно.

It is not obligatory to pay for starting the game.

In article 24, where the concept of sustainable development was introduced, «management» was not obligatory.

В статье 24, где говорится о концепции устойчивого освоения, слово «управление» не является обязательным.

Generally they are not obligatory and have to be paid for by the parents.

However, the granting of that appeal is not obligatory in nature, but is the right of the sentenced person.

Поданная апелляция не обязательно удовлетворяется, однако осужденное лицо имеет на нее право.

The authors’ opinion does not obligatory concur with the administration’s opinion and its point of view.

Мнения авторов статей не обязательно совпадают с мнением и точкой зрения организаторов сайта.

Now however, it’s not obligatory to do any of these things.

Теперь, однако, это не обязательно сделать любой из этих вещей.

Their number is not obligatory 3 or 3+1.

However, it’s not obligatory to do any of these things.

However, it is not obligatory for fraudsters physically be in the same country as their servers.

Но злоумышленники не обязательно физически находятся в тех же странах, что и их серверы.

Please note that the presence of a child or the other parent when drawing up such statement is not obligatory.

Обращаем внимание, что присутствие ребенка или второго родителя при составлении такого заявления не обязательно.

In other countries, it is not obligatory for individuals to declare their ethnic group.

В других странах заявлять о принадлежности к какой-либо этнической группе не обязательно.

He also asserts that the remedy of cassation is special, and therefore not obligatory.

Он также утверждает, что кассационное обжалование относится к числу специальных средств правовой защиты и, следовательно, не является обязательным.

DNA tests to prove family relationship were not obligatory.

If citizenship is granted, the new Norwegians can participate in a citizenship ceremony but that’s not obligatory.

Если гражданство предоставлено, то новые норвежцы могут участвовать в церемонии принятия гражданства, но это не обязательно.

In the case of the province of Neuquén, teaching computer science at elementary schools is not obligatory.

В случае провинции Неукен обучение информатике в начальной школе не обязательно.

It is absolutely not obligatory to block all Internet access, it is quite enough to establish special filters.

Абсолютно не обязательно блокировать весь доступ к Интернету, вполне достаточно установить специальные фильтры.

It’s not obligatory that all pages of your website are like Wikipedia articles.

Не обязательно, чтобы все страницы вашего сайта были похожи на статьи Википедии.

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This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Dr. Ernest Shields

Score: 4.1/5
(3 votes)

Not obligatory; not required; optional.

What is a non obligatory?

Definitions of nonobligatory. adjective. not required by rule or law. synonyms: nonmandatory optional. possible but not necessary; left to personal choice.

How do you use obligatory in a sentence?

Obligatory in a Sentence ?

  1. As part of my obligatory court sentence, I must complete sixty hours of community service.
  2. New hires must attend the obligatory orientation session.
  3. Because Ray is an awesome host, he never fails to perform the obligatory duties like greeting each guest and keeping glasses full.

Can obligatory be a noun?

The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone.

What are the antonyms of obligatory?

antonyms for obligatory

  • free.
  • optional.
  • unnecessary.
  • voluntary.
  • nonessential.
  • unrequired.

30 related questions found

Is there such a word as obligatory?

required as a matter of obligation; mandatory: A reply is desirable but not obligatory. imposing moral or legal obligation; binding: an obligatory promise. …

What is the opposite of obligation?

obligation. Antonyms: promise, word, choice, freedom, assurance, declaration, intention, exemption. Synonyms: duty, necessity, compulsion, contract, bond, covenant, belief.

Is obligatory an adverb?

(rare) Under obligation; necessarily.

Is obligatory an adjective or adverb?

obligatory adjective — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com.

What is the verb for obligatory?

oblige. (transitive) To constrain someone by force or by social, moral or legal means. (transitive) To do someone a service or favour (hence, originally, creating an obligation).

How do you use obligatory?

1, When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory. 2, The college authorities have now made these classes obligatory. 3, Attendance at school is obligatory. 4, It is obligatory for companies to provide details of their industrial processes.

What does obligatory mean?

1 : binding in law or conscience The ordinance made it obligatory that homeowners clear the snow from the sidewalks. 2 : relating to or enforcing an obligation a writ obligatory.

What is a obligatory statement?

2 adj If you describe something as obligatory, you mean that it is done from habit or custom and not because the person involved has thought carefully about it or really means it.

What is non obligatory mutualism?

Protocooperation is a non-obligatory beneficial relationship that develops when two different organisms get associated. This relationship process involves adoption on cooperative basis. Hence answer is «Protocooperation».

What are non obligatory documents?

Docs the completion of which confer no obligation upon the borrower, i.e. the VA’s required Nearest Relative information. An opposite would be the Note, the signing of which confers absolute obligation for repayment.

What is the root word of obligatory?

obligatory (adj.)

1400, obligatorie, from Old French obligatoire «creating an obligation, obligatory,» and directly from Late Latin obligatorius «binding,» from obligat-, past-participle stem of obligare «to bind, bind up, bandage,» figuratively «put under obligation» (see oblige).

How do you say not compulsory?

not compulsory

  1. electoral.
  2. constituent.
  3. voluntary.
  4. voting.
  5. discretionary.
  6. facultative.
  7. optional.
  8. selective.

What does obligatory mean in biology?

Definition. adjective. (general) Compulsory; restricted to a set of parameters or conditions; having no alternative system or pathway. (biology) Capable of functioning or surviving only in a particular condition or by assuming a particular behavior.

What is a compulsory adverbial?

adverb. /kəmˈpʌlsərəli/ /kəmˈpʌlsərəli/ ​in a way that must be done or accepted.

Is requirement a synonym?

Synonyms & Antonyms of requirement

  • condition,
  • demand,
  • essential,
  • must,
  • must-have,
  • necessary,
  • necessity,
  • need,

What is the synonym of obligation?

Synonyms & Antonyms of obligation

  • burden,
  • charge,
  • commitment,
  • devoir,
  • do.
  • [archaic],
  • duty,
  • imperative,

What is the best synonyms for obligatory?


  • compulsory,
  • forced,
  • imperative,
  • incumbent,
  • involuntary,
  • mandatory,
  • necessary,
  • nonelective,

Is compulsory a synonym or antonym?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for compulsory, like: compulsary, mandatory, obligatory, statutory, required, imperative, necessary, requisite, binding, coercive and constraining.

Is mandatory obligatory?

As adjectives the difference between obligatory and mandatory. is that obligatory is imposing obligation, morally or legally; binding while mandatory is obligatory; required or commanded by authority.


not obligatory — необязательный
a reply is desirable but not obligatory — по возможности просим вас ответить (особ. в деловой корреспонденции)

Автоматический перевод

не обязательный

Перевод по словам

not  — не, нет, ни
obligatory  — обязательный, обязывающий, облигатный

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What is another word for not obligatory?

2 synonyms found


[ nˌɒt əblˈɪɡətəɹˌi], [ nˌɒt əblˈɪɡətəɹˌi], [ n_ˌɒ_t ə_b_l_ˈɪ_ɡ_ə_t_ə_ɹ_ˌi]

Related words: obligatory, not compulsory, not mandatory, not required, not necessary

Related questions:

  • Is it not obligatory to ____?
  • Is it required to ____?
  • Is it obligatory to ____?
  • Do i need to ____?
  • Can i ____?
  • Table of Contents

    Similar words for not obligatory:

    • other relevant words (noun)

    How to use «not obligatory» in context?

    • n.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • optional,
      • facultative.

    How to use «Not obligatory» in context?

    An article discussing the «not obligatory» concept in Islamic practice.

    The Quran has a number of verses that stress the importance of human choice and free will, often referred to as «the not obligatory» concept. These verses speak to the idea that Actions that are not obligatory upon us, meaning that we are not mandated to do them, are still virtuous and good in and of themselves.

    This understanding of obligatory and not obligatory actions is important to Muslims because it allows us to focus our energies and concerns on those things that are truly necessary for our spiritual and moral well-being.

    Asked by: Dr. Ernest Shields

    Score: 4.1/5
    (3 votes)

    Not obligatory; not required; optional.

    What is a non obligatory?

    Definitions of nonobligatory. adjective. not required by rule or law. synonyms: nonmandatory optional. possible but not necessary; left to personal choice.

    How do you use obligatory in a sentence?

    Obligatory in a Sentence ?

    1. As part of my obligatory court sentence, I must complete sixty hours of community service.
    2. New hires must attend the obligatory orientation session.
    3. Because Ray is an awesome host, he never fails to perform the obligatory duties like greeting each guest and keeping glasses full.

    Can obligatory be a noun?

    The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone.

    What are the antonyms of obligatory?

    antonyms for obligatory

    • free.
    • optional.
    • unnecessary.
    • voluntary.
    • nonessential.
    • unrequired.

    30 related questions found

    Is there such a word as obligatory?

    required as a matter of obligation; mandatory: A reply is desirable but not obligatory. imposing moral or legal obligation; binding: an obligatory promise. …

    What is the opposite of obligation?

    obligation. Antonyms: promise, word, choice, freedom, assurance, declaration, intention, exemption. Synonyms: duty, necessity, compulsion, contract, bond, covenant, belief.

    Is obligatory an adverb?

    (rare) Under obligation; necessarily.

    Is obligatory an adjective or adverb?

    obligatory adjective — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com.

    What is the verb for obligatory?

    oblige. (transitive) To constrain someone by force or by social, moral or legal means. (transitive) To do someone a service or favour (hence, originally, creating an obligation).

    How do you use obligatory?

    1, When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory. 2, The college authorities have now made these classes obligatory. 3, Attendance at school is obligatory. 4, It is obligatory for companies to provide details of their industrial processes.

    What does obligatory mean?

    1 : binding in law or conscience The ordinance made it obligatory that homeowners clear the snow from the sidewalks. 2 : relating to or enforcing an obligation a writ obligatory.

    What is a obligatory statement?

    2 adj If you describe something as obligatory, you mean that it is done from habit or custom and not because the person involved has thought carefully about it or really means it.

    What is non obligatory mutualism?

    Protocooperation is a non-obligatory beneficial relationship that develops when two different organisms get associated. This relationship process involves adoption on cooperative basis. Hence answer is «Protocooperation».

    What are non obligatory documents?

    Docs the completion of which confer no obligation upon the borrower, i.e. the VA’s required Nearest Relative information. An opposite would be the Note, the signing of which confers absolute obligation for repayment.

    What is the root word of obligatory?

    obligatory (adj.)

    1400, obligatorie, from Old French obligatoire «creating an obligation, obligatory,» and directly from Late Latin obligatorius «binding,» from obligat-, past-participle stem of obligare «to bind, bind up, bandage,» figuratively «put under obligation» (see oblige).

    How do you say not compulsory?

    not compulsory

    1. electoral.
    2. constituent.
    3. voluntary.
    4. voting.
    5. discretionary.
    6. facultative.
    7. optional.
    8. selective.

    What does obligatory mean in biology?

    Definition. adjective. (general) Compulsory; restricted to a set of parameters or conditions; having no alternative system or pathway. (biology) Capable of functioning or surviving only in a particular condition or by assuming a particular behavior.

    What is a compulsory adverbial?

    adverb. /kəmˈpʌlsərəli/ /kəmˈpʌlsərəli/ ​in a way that must be done or accepted.

    Is requirement a synonym?

    Synonyms & Antonyms of requirement

    • condition,
    • demand,
    • essential,
    • must,
    • must-have,
    • necessary,
    • necessity,
    • need,

    What is the synonym of obligation?

    Synonyms & Antonyms of obligation

    • burden,
    • charge,
    • commitment,
    • devoir,
    • do.
    • [archaic],
    • duty,
    • imperative,

    What is the best synonyms for obligatory?


    • compulsory,
    • forced,
    • imperative,
    • incumbent,
    • involuntary,
    • mandatory,
    • necessary,
    • nonelective,

    Is compulsory a synonym or antonym?

    In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for compulsory, like: compulsary, mandatory, obligatory, statutory, required, imperative, necessary, requisite, binding, coercive and constraining.

    Is mandatory obligatory?

    As adjectives the difference between obligatory and mandatory. is that obligatory is imposing obligation, morally or legally; binding while mandatory is obligatory; required or commanded by authority.

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