Word for not much happening

Yes, yes, but from a grammatical point of view? Doesn’t «nothing much» sound a bit weird to your ears when you really think about it? It’s as weird as saying «there’s a lot plenty of something», and that’s because there are two pronouns, which are «nothing» and «much» and «much» here is used as an adverb and that sounds funny to me. But of course, it’s a set phrase and I hsouldn’t be arguing but still..

I was going to add that once a phrase drives itself into the


… or Becomes

lexical knowledge

… or Becomes a

lexical concept

it’s hard to say it really has a «grammatical point at all…» At that point, «it just is the way it is.»

In the south, or with many young people (in the US) influenced by Hip-hop cultural, You (we) don’t even say «What’s» anymore… we just say «What.»

So «What’s up» is now «What up,» from the short cuts: What is Up, What is happening, What is going on, How is your day going?. The word «Up» could be a short cut from the «Upbeat»… like is your day «


» or is it «


.» But at this point it just sounds too awkward to deviate from the

lexicon concept

, and if you say, «

Was your day upbeat, today?

,» sounds very stiff/ un-cool/ un-hip/ non-conformist in a unconformist and ironic way.

Depending on where you are in the world (in the U.S.) one could say:

Nada (Spanish influence from the word nada, but pronounced without the «


» sound for the «


«, almost like «


.» What they probably mean is, «

Not a whole lot is going on with me today

,» Where

Not a



. You might hear that along states in the border, because the two languages [Spanish and English] influence the other in a great but confusing way.

Nuttin’ (Southern influenced meaning, «nothing at the moment,» or «nothing worth discussing or talking about, right now.» So, nothing with the pronunciation of the «ing» being dropped in place of «in,» and the letter «o» from the word «not» being pronounced like a «u,» as if you are talking about a «nut» (almond/peanut).

It’s all good (Hip-Hop influenced, I think… because you used to be able to say «It’s all good in the (neighbor)hood.» Now you would drop the the word «neighbor» and instead just say «hood.» But even still… Or more likely… you now just say «all good.» It is… or the contraction «It’s» refers to your day… or the thing that is filled with good, or greatness/gratefullness.»

I’m aight (Hip-Hop influenced, I would say… because you would say I’m all right. I’m alright. I’m a’ight. Everything or all that has happened is okay, therefore I am all right. Or, you could say «It’s aight.» Again, «it» refers to your day in question, or the state of your being… how you are feeling in this moment.

S’good (Hip-Hop influenced, I think… because you would say «It is good,» or «It’s good,» and even shorter is just to pronounce the «S» and immediately after say «Good.» If you were a person that didn’t have much
Rhythm—from the Greek rhythmos meaning recurring motion or symmetry—you would not be able to say this in a fluid way. Or «pull this off,» [say this phrase in a fun or native-speaking way] Or… if you did say the phrase «S’good» with rhythm…. then the other person would expect you to maintain your sense of «coolness,» your sense of Rhythm and Blues, your ability to speak in a smooth way.

S’all good (also Hip-Hop influenced. Just means that everything is good. Not just one thing in your life, but many things. All those many things together are culturally linked to the word «all,» therefore «All is good.» Although the lexical concept is that—again—»it» is all good. «It» being the things that have happened so far throughout the (your) day.

Duke T
Mahalo :)


  • 1 What is another word for not happening?
  • 2 What is the meaning of not likely?
  • 3 What does certainly not mean?
  • 4 Does certainly mean yes?
  • 5 What is certainty?
  • 6 What does possibly mean?
  • 7 What does more likely mean in statistics?
  • 8 What percentage is twice as likely?

What is another word for not happen?

hold off be delayed
keep off stay away
not arrive not begin
not occur not start
not come

What is the meaning of not likely?

You can say not likely as an emphatic way of saying ‘no’, especially when someone asks you whether you are going to do something. [informal, emphasis]

What is the meaning of most likely?

: more likely than not : probably It will most likely rain tomorrow.

What is the meaning of extremely likely?

In IPCC land “very likely” means 90% – 100% probability, while extremely likely means 95% – 100% probability.

What does certainly not mean?

Certainly Not Meaning Definition: Absolutely not; definitely not. Many people use this expression to emphasize a negative statement.

Does certainly mean yes?

certainly adverb (KNOWING TO BE TRUE) When said in answer to a question asking for help, certainly means yes: “Can you give me a hand?” “Certainly.”

What is a word for certain?

unquestionable, sure, definite, beyond question, not in question, not in doubt, beyond doubt, unequivocal, indubitable, undeniable, irrefutable, indisputable, incontrovertible, incontestable, obvious, patent, manifest, evident, plain, clear, transparent, palpable, unmistakable, conclusive, recognized, confirmed.

What is the meaning of certainly?

adverb. with certainty; without doubt; assuredly: I’ll certainly be there. yes, of course: Certainly, take the keys. surely; to be sure: He certainly is successful.

What is certainty?

Certainty is perfect knowledge that has total security from error, or the mental state of being without doubt. Objectively defined, certainty is total continuity and validity of all foundational inquiry, to the highest degree of precision. Something is certain only if no skepticism can occur.

What does possibly mean?

1 : in a possible manner : by any possibility that’s all she could possibly do. 2 : by merest chance : perhaps possibly he will recover.

Is maybe better than possibly?

Use “probably” to say that something has a high chance of happening – 50% or greater. Use “possibly” to say that something has a low chance of happening – 50% or less. Use either “maybe” or “perhaps” to say that something has an equal chance of happening or not happening.

What does it mean when a girl says perhaps?

When someone asks if you want to do something and you say “Perhaps” — you haven’t committed. It’s another way of saying “I don’t know” or “It’s possible.

What does more likely mean in statistics?

More Likely (More Probable) One event (A) is more likely to occur than another event (B) when the theoretical probability of the event (A) is greater then that of the other event (B). If the probability of event A is greater than the probability of event B, then event A is more likely to occur then event B.

What percentage is twice as likely?

Thus, it does not make sense to define the expression “twice as likely” if a probability is already more than 12. For p>1/2, then interpret the statement as “an unsuccessful outcome is half as likely.” Thus, we get that 99% is “twice as likely” as 98%.

What percentage is most likely?

Estimative statements can be improved in four ways; either by: Adding quantitative source reliability and confidence measures to estimative statements….IPCC.

>99% Virtually certain
>90% Very likely
>66% Likely
33 to 66% About as likely as not
<33% Unlikely


Updated on

8 Mar 2020

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Question about English (US)

‎can I say, "nothing much was happening while I was getting to the meeting"? do you use "while" with only  continuous tenses or not?

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    «Yet» is used when you are intending to do something later. «I haven’t rode a bicycle» means that you haven’t rode a bicycle. But «I haven’t …

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    Yes, for example…

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    Person 2: Yes, I ate at restaurants often.

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    yes you can, if you are talking about something that is in the more distant past.

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    I tired to walking.

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I need a word for when an event or situation that is very unlikely to happen, happens. For example, let’s say the nerdy kid in school, who is an outcast with no friends, dates the popular girl in school. From a stereotypical view point, the likely hood of a «nerd» to date the popular girl in school is very unlikey, but what if it did happen? Is there a word for this type of scenario?

asked Nov 4, 2019 at 3:47

Ivan Andrar's user avatar


Uncommon fits

not ordinarily encountered

answered Nov 4, 2019 at 21:59

d.b's user avatar


8675 silver badges18 bronze badges

Try «black swan»:

black swan n
2. a phenomenon that occurs even though it had been thought to be impossible
[sense 2 from the fact all swans were thought to be white until black swans were discovered in Australia]
TFD Online

answered Nov 4, 2019 at 22:45

Robusto's user avatar


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Such an unlikely thing would be an anomaly and its occurrence would be anomalous. Give him credit. That nerdy kid just kept on swinging.

answered Apr 16, 2020 at 4:24

Elliot's user avatar

That’s called fluke.

Fluke (noun and verb):
An unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck.

Example: Their victory was a bit of a fluke.

— Lexico

answered May 16, 2020 at 7:04

Decapitated Soul's user avatar

Decapitated SoulDecapitated Soul

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The word you’re looking for is unexpectedly, which lexico defines as:

In a way that was not expected or regarded as likely

Other top contenders with similar but not precisely the same meaning would be peculiarly and bizzarely.

Unexpectedly/Peculiarly/Bizzarely, the nerdiest kid in school was dating the head cheerleader.

answered May 16, 2020 at 8:40

DW256's user avatar


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We all know that when something happens “once,” it happens one time. When it happens “twice,” it happens two times. We can also say that “thrice” applies when something happens three times. This article will explore whether there are any words that come after.

“Thrice” is the last official word related to multiple occurrences of the same thing. You often find that people use “four times” or “five times” (and so on) instead of giving them a specific word. However, informally, “quarce” or “quadrice” are both suitable for “four times.”

what comes after thrice

Perhaps this table will help you make a little more sense of it:

Once  One time
Twice  Two times
Thrice  Three times
Quarce/quadrice  Four times
Quince  Five times
Sence  Six times
Septence  Seven times
Octence  Eight times
Novence  Nine times
Tonce  Ten times

Of course, none of these words past “thrice” are officially correct. They are not grammatical words that follow language rules. However, some people like to use them to show that something occurs multiple times.

Is “Quadrice” A Word?

Officially, “quadrice” is not a word. It is not recognized in any dictionaries, and you will not be able to use it in formal contexts. However, informally, it can work to show that something occurs four times, though not many people will understand that.

Is “Quarce” A Word?

“Quarce” is an alternative to “quadrice.” We can also use it to show that something happens four times. It’s a little easier to understand, and more people will be inclined to use it. However, it’s still very uncommon, and it might take a bit of explaining.

What Is The Word For 5 Times?

The best way to use a word for something happening five times is simply by saying “five times.”

“Five times” works best without a special word. However, following the same trend as we’ve mentioned, people like to use “quince” to refer to something happening five times. This only applies to informal situations, though.

What Is The Word For 6 Times?

“Sence” works when talking about something that happens six times if you want a specific word. However, most people will stick to “six times” as the easiest option since it requires no explanation when you use it.

What Is The Word For 7 Times?

Like everything else, “seven times” is already the most suitable way to talk about a repeat occurrence. There are some who would use “septence,” which allows us to use the Latin prefix “sept-” to show that seven things have happened.

What Is The Word For 8 Times?

The Latin prefix “oct-” applies when talking about eight things. We can use “octence” to show that something happens eight times.

Again, you’re going to need to explain this to most native speakers. Many of them don’t know what it means or how to use it. If you want to use standard English rules, “eight times” is already perfectly acceptable.

What Is The Word For 9 Times?

“Nine times” is the best phrase to use when something happens nine times over. Again, there are always people who might use “novence,” which uses the “Nov-” prefix to refer to nine occurrences.

It’s dependent on the person, but most people will not understand “novence.” It’s not a word that you hear often as a native speaker, and it’s not referenced in any official dictionaries.

What Is The Word For 10 Times?

“Tonce” is apparently the word people might use for something happening ten times. Again, this only applies if you know what “tonce” means and have heard people use it.

In most standard cases, native speakers would simply use “ten times.” It’s much better to use this form since it’s more expected and requires no explanations when it comes to using it.

To most people, “tonce” just looks like a misspelling of “once.” That’s why it’s not common to see, and it’s much better to use “ten times” to be more obvious about what’s happening.

What Is The Word For 11 Times?

At this stage, there aren’t any useful words left that might be used as replacements. If you are talking about something that is happening eleven times, it’s much simpler just to use “eleven times” to show that it’s happening very often.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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