Word for not knowledgeable

Ignorant, illiterate, unlettered, uneducated mean lacking in knowledge or in training. Ignorant may mean knowing little or nothing, or it may mean uninformed about a particular subject: An ignorant person can be dangerous.

What is the opposite of knowing?

What is the opposite of knowing?

oblivious unaware
insensible thoughtless
unconscious unmindful
unwitting absent-minded
careless ignorant

What is the synonym and antonym of knowledge?

knowledge(n) Synonyms: learning, lore, erudition, culture, enlightenment, attainments, information, cognizance, apprehension, cognition, understanding, ken, omniscience (universal knowledge), prescience (foreknowledge), polymathy. Antonyms: sciolism, ignorance, inerudition, dilettanteism pedantry, unfamiliarity.

What word can I use instead of knowledge?

other words for knowledge

  • ability.
  • familiarity.
  • insight.
  • intelligence.
  • philosophy.
  • power.
  • proficiency.
  • wisdom.

What is a synonym for a lot of knowledge?

In this page you can discover 66 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for knowledgeable, like: erudite, au fait (French), well-versed, smart, up-on, cognizant, learned, acquainted, proficient, ability and educated.

What you call a smart person?

intellect. noun. someone who is extremely intelligent.

What do you say to compliment a guy?

20 Compliments Men Can’t Resist

  • “I Love The Way You Think” Shutterstock.
  • “You Always Know Exactly What to Say” Shutterstock.
  • “You’re an Incredible Father”
  • “I Love You Just The Way You Are”
  • “You’re Such A Good Cook!”
  • “Can You Help Me Fix This?”
  • “You’re A Great Listener”
  • “It’s Amazing How Hard You Work”

What is the highest compliment?


What is the biggest compliment to a woman?

Whether you’re stuck for words or just need a little inspiration, here are 60 compliments for woman to help you make her day:

  • Your mind is just as sexy as your beauty.
  • I miss your smile.
  • You’re an amazing friend.
  • I can’t believe I found someone like you.
  • I get excited every time I see you.
  • I love making you laugh.

What is kind-hearted person?

A kind-hearted person is one who likes other people a lot and always wants to help them. Compare. hard-hearted disapproving.

A discussion arose in our office which brought about remembrance of an old term used by William F. Buckley, Jr. — from his old National Review days — in his «Word of the Day.» We can’t find the term on the Interwebs, so we come to SE:ELU in hopes of enlightenment.

The definition, as we recall is:

«Being ignorant of something of which you have neither reason nor expectation to have any knowledge.»

I’d really like a reference to Buckley’s WotD if possible since it will be used frequently in my geek- and academic-heavy office!

FumbleFingers's user avatar


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asked Jun 11, 2015 at 13:41

Sam's user avatar


I think I may have found the term the OP is searching. It is without doubt a word I have never heard of before. It’s worth citing the entire Wikipedia article


Ultracrepidarianism is the habit of giving opinions and advice on matters outside of one’s knowledge.

The term ultracrepidarian was first publicly recorded in 1819 by the essayist William Hazlitt in an open Letter to William Gifford, the editor of the Quarterly Review: «You have been well called an Ultra-Crepidarian critic.» It was used again four years later in 1823, in the satire by Hazlitt’s friend Leigh Hunt, Ultra-Crepidarius: a Satire on William Gifford.

The term draws from a famous comment purportedly made by Apelles, a famous Greek artist, to a shoemaker who presumed to criticise his painting. The Latin phrase «Sutor, ne ultra crepidam«, as set down by Pliny and later altered by other Latin writers to «Ne ultra crepidam judicaret«, can be taken to mean that a shoemaker ought not to judge beyond his own soles. That is to say, critics should only comment on things they know something about. The saying remains popular in several languages, as in the English, «A cobbler should stick to his last», the Spanish, «Zapatero a tus zapatos», the Dutch, «Schoenmaker, blijf bij je leest», and the German, «Schuster, bleib bei deinem/deinen Leisten» (the last two in English, «shoemaker, stick to your last»)

answered Jun 12, 2015 at 6:52

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

Mari-Lou AMari-Lou A

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I was surprised how few online dictionaries specifically list this one…

unconversant — not conversant, unfamiliar, not well-versed
…from negated…
conversant — familiar by use or study (usually followed by with)

In my experience, when people say they’re unconversant with X (or not well-versed in X), there’s usually the implication that this lack of knowledge is only to be expected (because X is an obscure fact or field of study, for example).

Perhaps that implication flows naturally from the fact of using a relatively obscure term to describe one’s ignorance (i.e. — whilst disclaiming specific knowledge of X, the speaker conveys to his audience that he’s not «ignorant» in general).

answered Jun 11, 2015 at 14:19

FumbleFingers's user avatar


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How about layman?

A person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular
subject: ‘the book seems well suited to the interested layman’ — Oxford Dictionaries

answered Mar 4, 2016 at 19:06

Dave's user avatar


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I seem to remember Buckley distinguishing between ignorance and nescience. Ignorance was not knowing something you should know. Nescience was not knowing something that there was no reason for you to be expected to know.

I never have been able to validate this distinction when I looked in dictionaries, even old editions. I thought one of my pet peeves had struck again. Where ignorant people pervasively misused ‘nescience’ to the extent that, instead of steadfastly expecting these people to get it right, the dictionary editors insidiously made the incorrect usage correct, thereby causing a significant spike in the number of «knowledgeable scholars» in the general population.

Wait! What? I’m describing our current education system and society in general.

answered Nov 15, 2020 at 15:35

DMC's user avatar

The Lexicon: A Cornucopia of Wonderful Words for the Inquisitive Word Lover
By: William F. Buckley Jr.

This boon to logophiles, culled from Buckley: The Right Word, presents
the author’s most erudite, outré, and interesting words — from
prehensile and sciolist to rubric and histrionic — complete with
definitions, examples, and usage notes. Introduction by Jesse
Sheidlower; illustrations by Arnold Roth.

Google Books gives the definition of sciolist (in William Buckley’s lexicon) as:

sciolist (noun) One whose knowledge or learning is superficial; a pretender to scholarship.
“I don’t believe you. You are an unaccomplished fake. An academic sciolist.”


sciolism — 1st appearing in early 1800s.

The practice, or an instance, of expressing opinions on something
which one knows only superficially or has little real understanding

In the search, I came across this interesting study: The Dunning–Kruger Effect: On Being Ignorant of One’s Own Ignorance


answered Nov 15, 2020 at 17:49

tblue's user avatar


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The only phrase linked to Buckley that I could find was pontificate:

… from those shows on which journalists and commentators are invited
to be pundits — to pontificate regardless of expertise. Buckley

pontificate defined here by Cambridge on line, example.

Mountebank, charlatan, sophist, phony and phoney are not pithy enough to be memorable. But from skimming some of the Articles, I have two suggestions and hope one of them has the right ring to it: the first describes the blague, the other names the blaguer.

spe·cious (spē′shəs) adj.
1. Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious: a specious argument. specious — Oxford Dictionaries

poseur: a person who pretends to be what he or she is not : MW

If you find someone who genuinely remebers the Word of the Day I hope you»l post it.

answered Jun 11, 2015 at 23:06

Hugh's user avatar


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Knowledge building refers to the process of creating new cognitive artifacts as a result of common goals, group discussions, and synthesis of ideas.

Keeping this in view, what do you call someone who is knowledgeable?

A pantomath is a person who wants to know and knows everything. In theory, a pantomath is not to be confused with a polymath in its less strict sense, much less with the related but very different terms philomath and know-it-all.

Also to know, what is another word for knowledgeable experts?

SYNONYMS. acquainted with, familiar with, with a knowledge of, with an understanding of, conversant with, au courant with, au fait with. skilled, expert, competent, proficient. up on, up to date with, abreast of, at home with, no stranger to.

What do you call a person who knows a little bit about everything?

Pantomath. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A pantomath is a person who wants to know and knows everything. The word itself is not to be found in common online English dictionaries, the OED, dictionaries of obscure words, or dictionaries of neologisms.

What is a synonym for more knowledge?

more knowledgeable. [ nol-i-juh-buh l ] SEE DEFINITION OF more knowledgeable. adj.aware, educated.

Write Your Answer

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Великим Служением называем этот подвиг несения Света среди не знающих Света людей.

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Once pregnant, adolescents again are not knowledgeable about their options and often apprehensive of seeking professional help.

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Когда девочка- подросток забеременеет, она, как правило, ничего не знает о своих возможностях, а обращаться за профессиональной помощью часто стесняется.

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This article is intended for beginning hunters, not knowledgeable in weapons and faced the choice what weapons to choose.

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Эта статья ориентирована на начинающих охотников, не разбирающихся в оружии и стоящих перед выбором, какое оружие выбрать.

Sharia law is integrated into»Xeer» through application by lower court judges,

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Законы шариата интегрированы в свод норм обычного права<< хир>> вследствие применения их судьями судов нижней инстанции,

которые нередко не знают формальных законов.

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Since the fraudsters are often not knowledgeable themselves, they often misuse specialized terms,

thereby signalling that the transaction is



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Поскольку мошенники сами зачастую несведущи, они нередко неверно используют специализированные термины,

показывая тем самым, что сделка не является подлинной.

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Since the fraudsters are often not knowledgeable themselves, they frequently misuse specialized terms,

thereby signalling that the transaction is



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Поскольку мошенники сами зачастую несведущи, они нередко неверно используют специализированные термины,

показывая тем самым, что сделка не является подлинной.

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In effect, many times prison staff are not knowledgeable about the legislation

and there is a considerable gap in the implementation of existing safeguards protecting women and girls in conflict with the law against corporal punishment.

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В действительности тюремный персонал зачастую не знает о существовании такого законодательства,

и в применении существующих средств защиты женщин и девочек существует значительный пробел, идущий вразрез с законодательством, запрещающем телесное наказание.

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It is


surprising that knowledgeable gardeners and gardeners greatly respect these large wasps, but the beekeepers do not like them very much.

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Неудивительно, что знающие огородники и садоводы очень уважают этих крупных ос, а вот пасечники их крайне не любят.

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Я всего лишь дроид и не очень сведущ в таких вещах.

Some participants raised concerns that in some

countries police trainers are often not very knowledgeable and professional.

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Некоторые участники выразили обеспокоенность в связи с тем, что в некоторых странах лица, занимающиеся подготовкой полицейских,

часто не имеют достаточного уровня знаний и профессионализма.

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В интересах дисциплины, не показывай, что знаешь больше меня.

But no health system can be sustainable if it is not supported by a knowledgeable and professional workforce.

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Однако никакая система здравоохранения


сможет быть устойчивой, если она не опирается на знающих и профессиональных работников.

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they can also provide control improvements to boost production capacity and guidance to reduce energy consumption by up to 30.

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Они компетентны не только в вопросах оптимизации технологий осушения,

также они могут обеспечить оптимизацию управления оборудованием, что повысит его производительность, и дать рекомендации по снижению энергопотребления до 30.

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Not casually, according to knowledgeable people, wild animals ill, take advantage of this fungus.

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Не случайно же, по свидетельству знающих людей, лесные животные, заболев, пользуются этим грибом.

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Moreover, the person selected for the sample may not be knowledgeable of such offences, whereas another

household member might be a better respondent for events that impact the entire household.

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Кроме того, лицо, отобранное для включения в выборку, может не быть в курсе таких правонарушений, в то время

как другие члены домохозяйства могут лучше ответить на вопрос о событиях, которые влияют на все домохозяйство.

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Legal advice on accidents is necessary and

important because not everyone can be knowledgeable in this area of law

and may


know their rights and duties.

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Консультация юриста по ДТП- дело необходимое и важное,

так как не каждый может быть осведомлен в этой области права

и возможно


знает собственных прав и обязанностей.

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and their readiness to challenge decisions in courts may be constrained by ignorance of the laws or economic considerations.

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Женщины не всегда в полной мере осведомлены о своих правах,

и их готовность оспаривать какие-либо решения в судах может быть ограничена незнанием законов или экономическими соображениями.

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As such, Nelson believes the SEC is not only more knowledgeable about the space than some in the crypto community think,

but are also far more open to crypto tokens than what many initially presumed.

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Как таковой, Нельсон считает, что SEC не только более осведомлена о пространстве, чем некоторые в криптографических сообществах думают, но

также гораздо более открыты для криптографических токенов, чем то, что многие изначально предполагается.

Women have a specific responsibility to collect water and oversee its use in their homes,

they are not considered to be knowledgeable on water, nor is their knowledge considered necessary.

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На женщин возложена обязанность ходить за водой и следить за ее использованием в доме,

хотя считается, что они не разбираются в вопросах водоснабжения и что их знания



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Pero, all said and done, one should not use it as an option to knowledgeable trading.

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Но, все сказано и сделано, не следует использовать его в качестве опции к знающим торговле.

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Most experts also agreed that such programs effectively prevented accidental breaches and

were effective against unsophisticated offenders but not against more knowledgeable offenders, who could easily conceal their true geographical

locations from the software and web-site operators using it.

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Мнения большинства экспертов совпадали также в том, что использование подобных программ действительно предотвращает случайные нарушения и

является эффективным средством противодействия неопытным правонарушителям, но оно не эффективно против более грамотных правонарушителей, которые умеют легко укрывать свое настоящее

географическое местонахождение от соответствующих программ и использующих их операторов web- сайтов.

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Arcadia was the only one interested, but they’re knowledgeable men, so I guess it doesn’t come off!

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Одна лишь» Аркадия» заинтересовалась, но они осведомленные люди, так что, полагаю, она не удалась!

Dennett argues that the misleading aspect of the

story is that Mary is supposed to not merely be knowledgeable about color but to actually know all the physical facts about it,

which would be a knowledge so deep that it exceeds what can be imagined,

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Деннет утверждает, что неясный момент

в этом эксперименте состоит в том, что считается, что Мэри не просто знает о цвете, но, вообще говоря, является знающей все физические факты о нем.

Knowledgeable people are advised vacationers to go here on vacation not alone in passenger cars and in the bus groups.

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Знающие люди советуют отдыхающим отправляться сюда на отдых не в самостоятельно на легковом транспорте, а в составе автобусных групп.

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I don’t know who. Some malcontent who has just enough information to sound knowledgeable and do serious damage.

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Я не знаю кого, какого-нибудь недовольного, у которого достаточно информации чтобы звучать осведомленным и причинить серьезный ущерб.

The discussion should not be bureaucratic or administrative, but directly engaged with persons experienced and knowledgeable in governance 190.

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Обсуждение не должно носить бюрократический или административный характер, нужно работать совместно с людьми, обладающими знаниями и опытом в вопросах корпоративного управления.

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The manager of the dance floor, who has also been appointed judge of the contest by the seven most influential spectators, tries to help but does


have much success-

perhaps because he is

not knowledgeable

enough about the art of dancing the tango,

or perhaps because he has not been provided with enough resources to be effective.

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Администратор танцевального зала, который также включен в состав судей конкурса семью наиболее влиятельными зрителями, пытается помочь без видимого успеха, возможно, потому, что он недостаточно квалифицирован в искусстве исполнения танго,

а может и потому, что он не обеспечил достаточно ресурсов для эффективного проведения конкурса.

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Don’t you think Mr. Neville is


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Разве вы не считаете мистера Нэвилла человеком искусным?

‘NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE’ is a 16 letter
starting with N and ending with E

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