Word for not knowing any better

I can’t think of a word that would describe the feeling of not knowing any better.

The description is for a child, and the sentence would go like:

He was young and an adjective with this meaning instead of the phrase "didn't know any better"

but I’m not sure if there is one. The words I’ve discarded because they’re just not the exact match of what I’m looking for are: naive, ignorant, immature, guileless.

What I want is a word that expresses that this child was in a difficult position, had grown up in a problematic environment and therefore made a wrong decision. Okay maybe this can’t be described with only an adjective, but maybe a phrase that isn’t «didn’t know any better» but has a similar meaning?
Help? :)

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asked Dec 7, 2015 at 21:52

Phoebs's user avatar


«Young and foolish» is the phrase that springs to mind, as a British English native speaker, anyway…

answered Dec 7, 2015 at 22:25

Gwyn Evans's user avatar

Gwyn EvansGwyn Evans

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If you mean «didn’t know any better» in the sense of «didn’t know that it was wrong», how about «innocent»?

e.g. an innocent error, an innocent entry into the sacred place.

If you mean «knew it wasn’t quite right, but had never been told it was terribly wrong», how about «naive»?

e.g. a naive public statement of private opinions, a naive acceptance of a gift from a shady businessman with ulterior motives.

answered Jun 15, 2018 at 16:10

ProfDFrancis's user avatar


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Ingenuous usually carries the meaning of naïve or unknowing, often because of youth and inexperience.

answered Dec 7, 2015 at 22:29

Cargill's user avatar


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not know (any) better

1. To not have the knowledge or development to behave correctly or make an informed decision. Don’t get so mad at him for writing on the walls—he’s two, he doesn’t know any better.

2. To not have (contradictory) information about something. Used in the construction «if I didn’t know (any) better» to sarcastically or ironically suggest that something is probably or obviously the case. If I didn’t know better, I’d be inclined to believe that these megacorporations don’t actually care two figs about consumers. Say, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were actually enjoying yourself, just like I said you would!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

not know any ˈbetter

not behave well, politely, etc. because you have never learned how to: You can’t blame him for his bad table manners; he doesn’t know any better.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • be behind the times
  • act up
  • bang (people’s) heads together
  • bang people’s heads together
  • bang your/their/our heads together
  • act out
  • play to the gallery
  • play to the gallery, to
  • have/lack the courage of your convictions
  • lack the courage of (one’s) convictions

References in classic literature

He was very young, and did not know any better. Mrs.

I do not know any better qualifications for a friend and companion.»

She was twelve years old and did not know any better. Mapuhi relieved his feelings by sending her reeling from a box on the ear; while Tefara and Nauri burst into tears and continued to upbraid him after the manner of women.

We were cheated by Boko Haram as we did not know any better.

He soon graduated to armed robbery because he did not know any better.

‘If we did not know any better, the message sounded like [Hun Sen] because he is a leader who [speaks] clearly, sharply and straight to the point.»

The hapless consumer who did not know any better end up losing his car and credibility, the auto dealership ends up with an unhappy customer, and the bank is left holding the bag and probably will end up losing money in disposing of the foreclosed vehicle.

Unfortunately the political engineers do not know any better. They only believe in witch-hunts.

Now Bancroft has detailed the events in Cape Town in March this year, telling Fox Sports he did not know any better and just «wanted to fit in and feel valued».

This social stigma that existed around psychiatry centred on the manner in which mental patients had been previously treated in society, where they were unfortunately forced into straitjackets and locked up in asylums, or sold to circus shows by families who did not know any better. Any affliction of the mind, after all, was previously termed as madness, and people unfortunately thought that mental patients were just that — mental.

A hapless truth is that impoverished labourers will continue to make the same basic mistakes without any intentions of doing so for the reason that they do not know any better. Resolving this situation is a long-term task but it critically highlights the requirement for standardising and formalising, to some degree, training for jobs that require skilled labour.

There is a horrific gap between the elite and the disadvantaged in Ekiti and if there is one person who knows how to exploit it, it is Ayodele Fayose, setting the elite against the disadvantaged in society and setting himself as the champion of these people who often do not know any better what is happening to them.

‘Then, why not go after the syndicates, the adults, not the children who do not know any better and are vulnerable?’

But as he wrote he started thinking the boy probably had been brought up to think being gay was unnatural and did not know any better.

Just as I did not judge Mary, we can’t judge parents who are deceived because they did not know any better or could do no more.

Idioms browser

  • not in the same league with (someone or something)
  • not in the same street
  • not in the same street (as someone or something)
  • not in the slightest
  • not inconsiderable
  • not insignificant
  • not judge a book by its cover
  • not just a hat rack
  • not just a pretty face
  • not just another pretty face
  • not just whistling Dixie
  • not just yet
  • not know (any) better
  • not know (one) from a can of paint
  • not know (one) from a hole in the ground
  • not know (one) from a hole in the wall
  • not know (one) from Adam
  • not know (one) from the man in the moon
  • not know (one) is born
  • not know (one’s) ass from a hole in the ground
  • not know (one’s) head from (one’s) tail
  • not know (one’s) head from a hole in the ground
  • not know (one’s) own strength
  • not know (someone) from a bar of soap
  • not know A from a windmill
  • not know any better
  • not know any more about (something) than a hog knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about (something) than a pig knows about Sunday
  • not know B from a battledore
  • not know beans
  • not know beans (about something)
  • not know beans about
  • not know beans about something
  • not know enough to come in out of the rain
  • not know from (something)
  • not know from Adam
  • not know from nothing
  • not know if (one) is afoot or on horseback
  • not know if (one) is coming or going
  • not know if you are coming or going
  • not know one end (of something) from another
  • not know one’s ass from a hole in the ground
  • not know own strength
  • not know shit (about something)
  • not know shit about something
  • not know shit from apple butter
  • not know shit from Shinola
  • not know somebody from Adam
  • not know someone from Adam
  • not know the first thing about
  • not know the first thing about (someone or something)

Full browser

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  • Not Just Another Pretty Face
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  • Not Just Thinking Here
  • not just whistling Dixie
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  • not kids anymore
  • not knock yourself out
  • not know (any) better
  • not know (one is) born
  • not know (one’s) head from (one’s) tail
  • not know (one’s) head from a hole in the ground
  • not know (one’s) own strength
  • not know (one) from a can of paint
  • not know (one) from a hole in the ground
  • not know (one) from a hole in the wall
  • not know (one) from Adam
  • not know (one) from the man in the moon
  • not know (one) is born
  • not know (someone) from a bar of soap
  • not know A from a windmill
  • not know any better
  • not know any more about (something) than a hog knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about (something) than a pig knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about it than a hog knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about it than a pig knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about it than hogs know about Sunday
  • not know any more about it than pigs know about Sunday
  • not know any more about something than a hog knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about something than a pig knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about something than hogs know about Sunday
  • not know any more about something than pigs know about Sunday
  • not know any more about than a hog knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about than a pig knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about than hogs know about Sunday
  • not know any more about than pigs know about Sunday
  • not know B from a battledore
  • not know beans
  • not know beans (about something)
  • not know beans about
  • not know beans about (something)
  • not know beans about something
  • not know better
  • not know born
  • not know enough to come in out of the rain
  • not know from
  • not know from (something)
  • not know from a bar of soap
  • not know from a can of paint
  • not know from a hole in the ground
  • not know from a hole in the wall
  • not know from Adam

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Not knowing any better, he entered the cave and fell asleep with the pups.

Not knowing any better, I put five dollars in.

Not knowing any better at the time, I broke up the roots a bit during transplant.

Not knowing any better, people rationalized it as someone who only turned into a wolfman at night, and what’s different between night and day?

Не зная ничего лучшего, люди рационализировали его как человека, который только превращается в оборотня ночью и в чем разница между ночью и днем?

Being so young and not knowing any better, I started huffing gas every day all the way up to my eighth grade year.

Из-за того что я был так мал и глуп, я начал принимать газ каждый день и делал это до восьмого класса.

not knowing any better, think is real.

I think I became my own stylist by not knowing any better.

Я думаю, я стала сама себе стилистом, потому что никто не знает меня лучше меня самой.

Not having an IT background, and not knowing any better, she had configured the network so that all of the configuration settings existed on a per user basis.

Не имея основ ИТ, и не зная ничего лучше, она настроила сеть так, что все параметры конфигурации имели индивидуальный характер, то есть для каждого пользователя отдельно.

Suzuki and Knudtson, however, suggested that these poor humans lived in a state of «scientific innocence» and that they thus could be excused for not knowing any better.

Однако, Сузуки и Кнадтсон утверждали, что эти бедняги жили в состоянии научной наивности, и поэтому их можно простить за отсутствие более точных знаний.

And because, out of confusion and not knowing any better, we believe in our fantasy that they really are a nasty person, and so we get angry with them, we yell at them, and so on.

И поскольку в силу заблуждения и отсутствия у нас правильного восприятия мы верим в свою фантазию о том, что он ужасный человек, мы злимся на него, кричим и так далее.

«And that’s maybe because of how he was raised, doing what he thought was best, not knowing any better

Может, это из-за того, как его самого воспитывали — он думал, что делает все правильно, потому что не знал, как делать иначе».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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  • #1

Can «Not knowing any better» be translated as «With nothing else to do»?

Thanks :cool:



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No — it means You do not know/have not been taught how to behave/act in a better way.

Last edited: Jun 6, 2007

know any better

After all most of them don’t know any better — В конце концов, их просто так воспитали

It’d be hard for a stranger to believe that you knew any better — Посторонние могут подумать, что ты вообще не можешь вести себя

We poor men in the street simply don’t know any better — Мы, простые люди, такие вот неприспособленные

Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики. — М.:«Русский язык-Медиа» .

Смотреть что такое «know any better» в других словарях:

  • not know any better — not know any ˈbetter idiom to behave badly, usually because you have not been taught the correct way to behave • Don t blame the children they don t know any better. Main entry: ↑knowidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • know better — To be wiser, better instructed (than to do this or that) • • • Main Entry: ↑know * * * know better see ↑know, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑better know better 1 : to be smart or sensible enough not to do something …   Useful english dictionary

  • know better than to do something — know better (than to (do something)) 1. to be wise enough to behave in a more responsible or acceptable way. It was a stupid thing to do, and I thought she knew better. You know better than to interrupt when someone else is talking. Usage notes:… …   New idioms dictionary

  • know better than to — know better (than to (do something)) 1. to be wise enough to behave in a more responsible or acceptable way. It was a stupid thing to do, and I thought she knew better. You know better than to interrupt when someone else is talking. Usage notes:… …   New idioms dictionary

  • know better — (than to (do something)) 1. to be wise enough to behave in a more responsible or acceptable way. It was a stupid thing to do, and I thought she knew better. You know better than to interrupt when someone else is talking. Usage notes: sometimes… …   New idioms dictionary

  • know — know1 W1S1 [nəu US nou] v past tense knew [nju: US nu:] past participle known [nəun US noun] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(have information)¦ 2¦(be sure)¦ 3¦(be familiar with somebody/something)¦ 4¦(realize)¦ 5¦(skill/experience)¦ 6¦(know somebody s qualities)¦ 7… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • any — 1. use with singular or plural nouns. Any can be used with a singular or plural noun, or with an uncountable noun such as homework and happiness, to denote choice from three or more people or things (for choice from two, either is used): • The… …   Modern English usage

  • know — [[t]no͟ʊ[/t]] ♦ knows, knowing, knew, known 1) VERB: no cont If you know a fact, a piece of information, or an answer, you have it correctly in your mind. [V n] I don t know the name of the place… [V …   English dictionary

  • know — know1 [ nou ] (past tense knew [ nu ] ; past participle known [ noun ] ) verb never progressive *** ▸ 1 learn/understand ▸ 2 be familiar with ▸ 3 use particular name for ▸ 4 remember someone for something ▸ 5 experience ▸ 6 have learned something …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • better — 1 adjective (comparative of good) 1 more useful, interesting, satisfactory, effective, suitable etc: Your stereo is better than mine. | a better job with a better salary | It was one of the better Broadway shows I ve seen. | There must be a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • any — an|y [ eni ] function word, quantifier *** Any can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a singular countable noun): It s a puzzle that any intelligent child could solve. (followed by a plural or uncountable noun): Are there …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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