These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
не пострадали
не пострадал
не пострадала
не навредили
не вредили
не наносит вред
не был нанесен ущерб
не пострадало
не вредит
Local residents are very frightened and try to do everything possible so that their children are not harmed.
Местные жители очень напуганы и стараются сделать все возможное, чтобы их дети не пострадали.
I am relieved to see that you were not harmed.
Two-year-old Autumn was asleep throughout the attack and was not harmed.
Их две-летняя сестра, Осень, спал и не пострадал во время нападения.
The boy was not harmed and is now safe with family.
Ребенок не пострадал и в настоящее время находится в безопасности.
The judge was the only one to receive a letter, though she was not harmed.
Последняя стала единственной, кому письмо дошло, однако судья не пострадала.
Peace, my husband, I am not harmed.
We have been informed that the president and vice president were not harmed.
Нам сообщили, что президент и вице-президент не пострадали.
Karami was not harmed, but three others were wounded.
Карзай не пострадал, однако три человека погибли.
Both sides should ensure that civilians and civilian infrastructure were not harmed.
Были приняты все меры, чтобы гражданское население и гражданская инфраструктура не пострадали.
Although tourists were not harmed by insurgents, arrivals started to decline.
Хотя туристы не пострадали от действий повстанцев, число прибывающих стало сокращаться.
Most grasslands are not harmed by fire.
A fifth person in the home was not harmed.
Никто из пяти человек, находившихся в доме, не пострадал.
The two women he held hostage were not harmed.
По его данным, оба захваченных им заложника не пострадали.
The child was not harmed and was returned to his mother.
The child was not harmed and the mother was able to get her truck back.
Известно, что ребенок не пострадал, женщина смогла удержать коляску.
She was not harmed during the hostilities.
The child was not harmed in the fire.
They were not harmed during their detention.
The cars parked next to the car on fire were not harmed.
Автомобили, которые стояли рядом с загоревшимся авто, не пострадали.
The Libyan leader and his wife were reportedly not harmed.
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I cannot understand how could i arrange the term » not harmed » in this sentences
» We have experts to help make sure that your employees and business assets are not harmed.
My try » Nous avons des spécialistes qui aident vos employés et vos actifs en tout cas
«not harmed» maybe «toxique» something wrong in it .
in this context how i use » Not harmed «
» We have experts to help make sure that your employees and business assets are not harmed.»
«Vos actifs ne sont pas toxiques.» or maybe better «vos actifs sont sains» .
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Synonyms for Not harm. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from
Synonyms for Not harm. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <>.
Synonyms for Not harm. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023.