Word for not good with computers


«Oh god how did this get in here I am not good with computers» is a catchphrase often associated with a partially cropped picture of Happy Cat on a white sheet of paper. It is used as an ironic way of indicating that someone is technologically inept.


The phrase came from a Something Awful[2] thread titled «You can’t fight the man, but I’ll damn well try!» posted by user Jer on December 8th, 2004. The thread described how Jer had attempted to fight against a parking ticket using various drawings and diagrams:

To: The City of Sacramento Revenue Division 730 I St. Sacramento, CA 95814 DEAR SIRS I have been the recent recipient of a ticket! This is very bad news for me, and I feel that I have been wronged and must defend my God-given principles. I could pay the ticket off for a mere 50 dollars, but integrity is worth far more than that!! (and I do not have 50 dollars). You are going to find that this letter is overflowing with justice and for this reason I have included a picture of an American flag: GOD BLESS AMERICA!! In this letter, I hope to explain exactly why I do not think I should pay this ticket. Getting out of tickets is a very high priority in my religion, and I was under the impression that America was a place where you could be free from religious persecution. I hope you do not prove me wrong. One day, I came home from work, and it was a very nice day I was in a really good mood because I had a Pepsi, which is my favorite drink, and far better than Coke products, because Coke is red and red is the color of communism! I drove back home to park at my house and change my clothes, and I discovered that the only available parking space was in front of my driveway, so I parked there!! Read on and you'll see why I did this and why it was the right thing, so read on and choose your own adventure! Salutations, eremy Watson more like SARS SECTION 1 (ONE) (PRIMARY) (FIRST): I thought I should start out by showing you what exactly happened here and why I did what I did, I am sorry your honor but I was not thinking clearly, so I plead temporary insanity and I do not think I should have to pay. As the lawyers on TV say, "I object!!!" a diagram of what exactly happened, and he was really nice and did this for me. I hopeI don't have to take him out on a date or do him any favors because he gave me this shifty look as I was getting into my car and said we should play pocket pool sometime. I'm not very good at billiards but here is the picture he made for me: I asked Steve, the guy at the Kinko's down the street to help me out by printing up 1 MY CAR (not a Cumry, that shit is weak firs My diveway fuck ing hoase This is my front an hoe you Bke it Cracked sidewalk, get out and fix it you zy fags TREES AND SHIT T Street, fuckjob The intersection doesn't know whar he fuck! A goddamn bais sep You see!! There was nothing I could do since there was another car parked in front of me and I did not want to hit him because he had a nicer car than I have. It was a Kia or a Hyundai or a Cilantro or something, all these import cars are stealing our jobs and all sound the same to me!!! Anyway he probably has more money than I do and I did not want to mess with him So what am I supposed to do? Should I park in my driveway? WELL NO THAT IS A TERRIBLE IDEA! MORE TICKETS FOR YOU MY FRIEND! Parking in driveway-blocking da sidewalk, mon Blocking sidewalk MORE TICKETS MORE TICKETS = LESS MONEY? FUCK NOW WHAT ( DO YOU SEE NOW??? DO YOU SEE THE SITUATION YOU HAVE PUT ME IN?? I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW SO WHAT SHOULD I HAVE DONE??? I CANNOT PARK ON THE STREET AND I CANNOT PARK IN MY OWN DRIVEWAY THAT I BUILT WITH MY OWN HANDS. WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THIS COUNTRY!! AMERICA HAS GONE TO SHIT NOW THAT BUSH IS IN OFFICE, KERRY WOULD'VE SOLVED ALL THESE PROBLEMS!! I WOULD BE ABLE TO PARK MY CAR IN MY OWN DRIVEWAY, STEM CELLS WOULD BE AVAILABLE ON EVERY STREET CORNER AND AMERICA WOULD BE STRONGER BECAUSE IT SAYS SO ON THE KERRY BUMPER STICKER!!!! DOES KERRY LIE? IF HE DID, DO YOU THINK HE WOULD BE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT? NO!!!! NEXT TIME I WILL PARK MY CAR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET, WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT MISTER BIGSHOT PRESIDENT BUSH! ARAAGAGGGHGHHH Okay I took some time to myself and I think I can think straight now. As I see it, we can easily prevent this kind of thing from happening, so I have a number of solutions to this ticketing problem that is highly rampant! Stop giving the blue car on T Street tickets of any kind. This would solve the problem immediately, but also increase the murder rate in the area, especially the getting-murdered rate of meter maids and assholes that write me tickets for parking in front of my own driveway. 1. Buy me a new house with a longer driveway. It doesn't have to be a very nice house because I'm not that hard to please, but throw me a freaking bone here. Our neighbors hired this Mexican guy named Pedro and he did a really dandy job on their roof, I am sure you could work something out with him so I can park in my own driveway. I do not think he has a cell phone so I do not know his number but I see him with a taco a lot so you can try calling him on that 2. You could give my tickets to my neighbor, since she is a weird bitch and lives in a nicer house. She probably has the money to pay up with, so I think you should give as many tickets to her as you can. As a starting point, you can give her tickets for having barbeques and when I smell the yummy meat, she won't let me have any and tells me to go to a soul food place or something for some chicken and watermelon. Maybe can ticket her for having great ideas because that is certainly one of them 3. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS I HOPE TO HEAR FORM YOU SOON dance:

One of the pages featured a cropped photo of Happy Cat along with the phrase «oh god how did this get in here I am not good with computers»:

oh god how did this get in here I am not good with computers


The cut off Happy Cat photograph was posted to the blog Cryptosystem.org[3] on April 15th, 2005. On February 11th, 2006, the webcomic Toothpaste for Dinner[4] used the catchphrase in a comic.

did i ge'+ here ; am with drivina

The Happy Cat image along with the phrase «oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer» was published in the Badger Herald[18] student newspaper for the University of Wisconsin-Madison (date unknown). The YTMND site «Not Even Doom Madison» featuring the newspaper photo was created on September 29th, 2006 and the sites «Happy cat is not good with computers» and «I’m not good with computers» were created later that year.[5]

COMICS : CLASSIFIEDS COVANCE Bieging Mirle of Medicine to Marke Research study 7068 105 Roseive ss700 ey draw some comics atos ano to crappy though oh god how did this get here or enough of those I am not good with computer (800) 732-2528 Madson, w453704

In 2007, the photograph was reposted on various websites, including Bungie[6], My Confined Space[7] and Meh.org.[8] On January 27th, 2008, the newspaper image reached the front page of Digg[15] and on February 17th, 2010, the same image reached the front page of Reddit[16], accumulating 789 up votes prior to being archived.


The phrase is commonly used to introduce a thread or blog post about something computer-related that has gone wrong, such as website downtime[10], a thread in the wrong forum section[11] or the discovery of an unexpected virus.[12] Sometimes it is used in jest to indicate that a post has been submitted accidentally.[17]

edd REDDIT.COM comments related OH GOD HOW DID THIS GET HERE I AM NOT GOOD WITH COMPUTER (reddit) 154 submitted 1 year ago by [deleted] 39 comments share save hide report

The catchphrase returns a wide range of results on Google[13] and YouTube[14], showing its use in variety of titles and descriptions.

Notable Examples

Oh God how did this get here l am not good with royal painter Oh Godl How Did This Get Here l Am Not Good With Computers... OH GOD HOW DID THIS GET HERE IAM NOT GOOD WITH COMPUTER mamsdemurdtor.aut OH GOD, HOW DID THIS GET HERE AM NOT GOOD WITH COMPSTER memegenerator.not QH GOD AM NOT GOOD WITH COMPUTER quickmeme.com

Search Interest

External references

Just as there is «computerate» to describe those who show familiarity with, and ability to use computers, is there a word to describe the opposite, those who are computer illiterate?

The word I’m looking for includes both those who have access to computers but, for some reason, choose to keep away from them, and those who can read and write but have never seen a computer in their entire lives.

I’m not looking for insulting or pejorative terms.

KillingTime's user avatar


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asked Jun 7, 2014 at 0:34

Centaurus's user avatar


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Computer illiterate may be the best phrase for itself, but if something less potentially pejorative is wanted, perhaps novice would suffice, as in novice computer user or computer novice.

nov·ice noun ˈnä-vəs
: a person who has just started learning or doing something

: a new member of a religious group who is preparing to become a nun or a monk

Note: I included the second definition as a comment on the sensibilities involved in mastering various levels of information and computer technology.

answered Jun 7, 2014 at 13:05

GMB's user avatar


computer-challenged is something that I already heard.

Alternately, consider computer neophyte.

neophyte: a person who is just starting out in a field of activity: a neophyte in snowboarding

answered Jun 7, 2014 at 1:16

Elian's user avatar


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Chances are if a person in a first world country is still computer illiterate at this stage it is because they are in some way afraid or intimidated by learning the technology so technophobe might fit the bill.

answered Jun 7, 2014 at 10:14

GenericJam's user avatar


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If it’s an intentional avoidance of technology, Luddite may fit nicely. It broadly means one who is opposed to especially technological change. While it sometimes has a negative connotation, it can also be used quite lightly: «I’m such a Luddite I can’t even turn on my computer without help.»

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Luddite

answered Jun 12, 2019 at 16:07

saritonin's user avatar


8481 gold badge6 silver badges18 bronze badges


It would seem logical that computer illiteracy is a trait of the cyberphobic

Cyberphobia is an irrational fear of or aversion to computers, specifically, the fear and/or inability to learn new technologies

answered Jun 7, 2014 at 0:37

Third News's user avatar

Third NewsThird News

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digilliterate is something I’ve occasionally seen used.

answered Jun 7, 2014 at 8:43

hvd's user avatar


2551 silver badge10 bronze badges


I think just unmodified «illiterate» would work. No need to bandy about the bush. There is no more excuse these days for being computer illiterate than book illiterate.

answered Jun 7, 2014 at 17:01

moron4hire's user avatar


1791 silver badge4 bronze badges


In our project we call it digital illiterate.

In Dutch we have a word for it, by the way. Digibeet is a word play on digitaal (digital) and analfabeet (illiterate). In English the same would become digiterate. If you Google this word, you will find some references to it.

tchrist's user avatar


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answered Jun 14, 2014 at 8:54

nl-x's user avatar


3171 gold badge2 silver badges14 bronze badges


The construct ‘non-computerate’ has been used in this context in recent publications.

Keep in mind that ‘computerate’ is a 1980’s attempt to popularise a contraction of ‘computer-literate’, which did not meet with overwhelming success (despite inclusion in the Collins English Dictionary).

When it comes to less synthetic options, one who is computer-illiterate by their own intent or desire might be described as a luddite. If they are instead willing users of computers, they might better be described as a novice or neophyte, but none of these terms are specific to computer literacy.

answered Jun 7, 2014 at 2:05

swiftcoder's user avatar


In IT jargon we sometime use lamer.

A lamer is widely understood to be the antithesis of a hacker. While a
hacker strives to understand the mechanisms behind what he or she
uses, even when such extended knowledge would have no practical value,
a lamer only cares to learn the bare minimum necessary to operate the
device in the way originally intended.

ADDED after the OP had added a limiting condition:

I’m not looking for insulting or pejorative terms.

I guess you will hardly find any single-word term (in general, not only in connection with the computer literacy) with a meaning «lack of something», especially «lack of knowledge», with non-negative connotation.

For the IT craft, any word meaning «computer illiterate» would be pejorative :) I cannot see any difference in connotation between lamer and technophobe or digital illiterate or luddite or cyberphobic.

answered Jun 7, 2014 at 9:00

Honza Zidek's user avatar

Honza ZidekHonza Zidek

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Поговорим сегодня о таких оборотах в английском — I’m good with — I’m good at..

Как они переводятся и в каких случаях используются наглядно написала примеры.

I’m good with — I’m good at означает хорошо уметь/владеть чем-то, хорошо разбираться в конкретной области, хорошо знать предмет, быть профессионалом, у вас что-то хорошо получается.
I’m not good with — I’m not good at.. — НЕ получается, не разбираетесь, не знаете, не можете что-то.

Итак, как сказать: Я не дружу с математикой, я отлично плаваю, он силен в английском и т.д..


He is good at math — Он силен в математике.
I am NOT good at math — Я НЕ дружу с математикой.
I am good with numbers — Я не плохо считаю.

She is good at her job — Она отличный специалист в своей сфере.
We are good with computers — Мы профессионалы в компьютерах.
I am not good with computers — Я не дружу с компом.

Things I’m good at — Вещи,которые у меня хорошо получаются.
I am good with children — У меня хорошо получается с детьми. Я лажу с детьми.
I’m not really good at skiing or snowboarding — Я не очень хорошо катаюсь на лыжах или сноуборде.

I am not good with pain — Я плохо переношу боль.
He is good in English — Он силен в английском.
He is good at lots of things — Он во многом разбирается/много что умеет.

I am not good with words — Я плохо разбираюсь в словах.
He is good with cars — Он хорошо разбирается в машинах.
I don’t know what I’m good at — Я не знаю в чем мои способности.

Я умею отлично:

I’m good at drawing — рисовать,
I’m good at video games — играть в компьютерные игры,
I’m good at swimming — плавать,

I’m good at reading — читать,
I’m good at sports — я супер в спорте, спортивный,
I’m good at writing — писать,
I’m good at cooking — готовить,
I’m good at speaking English — говорить по-английски,

I’m good at tennis — играть в теннис,
I’m really good at basketball — я супер в баскетболе.

Если надо сказать: «Я плохо готовлю, пою, танцую…

I’m bad at dancing,
I’m bad at game,
I’m bad at swimming,
I’m bad at Speaking,
I’m bad at cocking,
I’m bad at shopping,
I’m bad at running.

*Нюанс от нейтивов

To me, saying «I’m good at English» implies that you are talking about a school subject.
«I’m good in English» or «My English is good» talks about your abilities in the language itself.

GOOD AT is used when talking about activities or areas of expertise:

  • I’m good at Maths.
  • My sister is good at tennis.
  • Dinosaurs aren’t good at tying their shoelaces.
  • Hulk isn’t good at expressing himself when he’s angry.
  • Einstein was good at Physics.

GOOD WITH is used when talking about people or specific objects:

  • I’m not good with children. I don’t know how to play with them.
  • I’m not good with words. I don’t know how to express myself.
  • Tom’s an accountant, but he’s not good with numbers.
  • If you want to be a zookeeper, you have to be good with animals.
  • Are you good with computers?

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Being good with computers is a relevant skill in nearly any profession. Whether you’re in a tech-based role or industry or mostly use a computer for checking emails, technology is an increasingly important part of most jobs, and that’s not likely to change any time soon. Unfortunately, it’s also incredibly easy for people to think that they’re good with computers just because they know how to navigate Microsoft Office. So, how do you show that you really mean it when you say that you’re tech savvy?

How to highlight computer skills on your resume

  1. Add specific technical skills to your skills section.
  2. Include examples of tech-based accomplishments in your bullet points.
  3. Use action verbs to highlight exactly what you did.
  4. Include the impact of your accomplishments via clear metrics.
  5. Emphasize tech savviness in other areas of your resume.
  6. Get expert feedback on your resume once you’re done.

Find out if your resume shows enough of your technical skills and accomplishments

To show recruiters you’re good with computers, try to emphasize any accomplishments you have that involve technology or software related to your job. An effective way to see if your tech-based accomplishments are strong is to upload it to the tool below — it’ll scan it and let you know if you’ve shown enough of these accomplishments.

List technical skills in your skills section

The good news is, technology is a hard skill (meaning it’s objective and easy to prove), which makes it fine to list in your skills section.

List specific technical skills in the skills section of your resume
  • Do: List specific skills that you’re likely to use in your new role, like Google Calendar, retail management systems, or Python.
  • Don’t: Include basic computer skills that hiring managers expect everyone to have, like Windows 10, Microsoft Office, or email. That could signify that you’re an older worker on your resume and may cause age discrimination.

If you want to find technical skills specific to the job you’re applying to, use our skills search tool below and it’ll give you a list of skills relevant to the job. The tool also gives you the option to add your resume, it’ll perform a quick scan and tell you what skills are missing.

Include technology-based accomplishments

If you want to take it a step further, don’t just list what you know, but explain how you’ve used that knowledge. Include resume bullet points that illustrate tech-based accomplishments, like how you used a software program to complete a project or how you led a transition from one tool to another that saved your company money.

Include examples of accomplishments that show how you’ve used computers or  technology

Include examples of accomplishments that show how you’ve used computers or technology

Use action verbs

Keep your accomplishments focused on what you actually did by starting off with a precise action verb. Get rid of duty-based bullet points like “Responsible for” or “Tasked with” in favor of unique action verbs that tell their own story. Try:

  • Devised
  • Automated
  • Overhauled
  • Coded
  • Assembled
  • Engineered
  • Conceptualized
  • Predicted
  • Diagnosed
  • Deployed
  • Troubleshooted
  • Redesigned

Include clear metrics

What’s better than computer skills? Computer skills that matter — in other words, skills that could save your company time, make money, or solve ongoing problems. Instead of just saying that you used a specific tool or program, specify what the end result was as well.

  • Bad example: Evaluated and reviewed processes for onboarding vendors.
  • Good example: Evaluated and reviewed processes for onboarding vendors saving $750,000 in annual costs while improving bookkeeping efficiency by 10%.

And here’s another example:

  • Bad example: Developed dynamic and interactive websites.
  • Good example: Developed dynamic and interactive websites that ensured high traffic, page views, and user experience which resulted in a 45% increase in sales revenue.

Let’s look at some more examples of how to show you’re good with computers:

How to say you're good with computers on your resume

How to say you’re good with computers on your resume

Get expert advice

If you’re having trouble crafting the perfect resume, Resume Worded Pro lets you buy sample bullet points that show other core skill sets that recruiters want, including management skills, communication, leadership, and teamwork.

Already written a resume that just needs a bit of polish? Score My Resume is a free tool that will provide expert feedback on how to improve your bullet points and target specific keywords.

Examples of showing you’re good with computers on your resume

Ready to add some tech savvy to your resume? Here are some bullet point examples you can use in nearly every situation.

Tech-heavy role or industry

When applying for jobs that heavily rely on technology, use your bullet points to be explicit about where your expertise lies and how it can benefit a potential employer.

  • Built Tableau dashboard to visualize core business KPIs (e.g. Monthly Recurring Revenue), saving 10 hours per week of manual reporting work.

Entry-level positions

If you’re good with computers but haven’t had a chance to use those skills in a professional setting, you can highlight things like relevant qualifications, personal projects, and extracurricular activities.

  • Designed and implemented movie recommendation application in 4-person team using Python in 3-day hackathon.
  • Enabled users to be recommended movies based on 50+ data points; awarded most innovative project by Google engineer.

Mid-level and senior positions

If you’re applying for a more senior position, hiring managers want to see how you’ve used your tech savvy in a leadership role with significant impact.

  • Led evaluation and selection of new CRM system; spearheaded a cross-functional team (Technology, Business Development, Management) to implement the system; successful adoption accelerated revenue growth by 25% in 1 year.
  • Increased productivity by 20% through becoming a subject matter expert of a new automated tracking tool and sharing it with the team.

Specific software programs

If you have much-needed expertise in a niche or widely-used program, choose examples of accomplishments that demonstrate how you’ve used that software in a professional capacity.

  • Utilized AutoCAD and Adobe to create design drawings and complete over 20 projects.

Hardware proficiency

If the job you’re applying for requires working with a specific hardware or machine, letting hiring managers know you’re already familiar with it can cut down on training time and make you a much more attractive candidate.

  • Operated a checkout lane and associated retail equipment, including scale, barcode scanner, belt and cash register with 100% efficiency.

Coding and programming

If you’re familiar with specific programming languages and that’s a skill you’ll be using in the position you’re applying for, go ahead and get specific about what you know.

  • Performed extreme coding to include Java MapReduce, Hive, Avro, Paquet Impala, and Shell Scripting.

Troubleshooting and problem solving

Sometimes, tech savvy isn’t about what you know, but how you figure out what you don’t know. Problem solving is a related and in-demand skill set worth highlighting in your accomplishments.

  • Handled 40 incoming calls daily whilst troubleshooting hardware and software scenarios of over 300 applications on various systems.

Training others to use technology

Being able to use technology is good. Being able to train others to use it? Can be priceless. If you’ve successfully trained other people in specific technology, highlight those accomplishments front and center.

  • Provided technical mentorship to junior team members, performed code and design reviews as well as enforced coding standards and best practices.
  • Trained 15 new employees to transcribe, verify and enter data from source documents directly to the computer, and to operate other office and data processing equipment.

Basic computer literacy

Computer skills don’t have to be complicated. If you’re applying for a position where being good with computers isn’t a given — but may still be an advantage — try highlighting core tech skills in a reader-friendly way.

  • Increased operating efficiency by 32% through updating the company’s database systems, both manually and electronically, and reviewing files and records.
  • Maintained attendance and scheduled vacation days for 40 salaried employees using Excel.

Highlight your skills upfront

If you really want to emphasize your computer skills — say, if you’re applying for a role where those skills are essential or you have a specific in-demand skill set — you can address them in other places, like your resume title, summary, and cover letter.

That doesn’t mean you can come right out and say “I’m tech savvy” or “I’m good with computers.” Recruiters don’t care about your self-assessment — they want results they can judge for themselves. Instead:

  • Include a resume title that’s an exact match for job you’re applying for to help you bypass automated resume screeners
  • Highlight key technical skills in your resume summary, like software programs or tools that are an important part of the job
  • Use synonyms in your cover letter to avoid repeating yourself, like “software proficiency” or “adept at troubleshooting.” Even better if you can point to specific examples!

Highlight key computer skills upfront with a resume title and summary


11. IT and e-commerce


Read this (not very technical)
description and replace the underlined expressions with a more appropriate
word or expression from the box.

This is my new 1. computer that sits on top of a table
or desk
(I’ve also got a 2. small computer which can be carried and held on your knees.)
As you can see, there are six main 3. parts to it. The first is the 4. part of the computer that runs it
and controls what it does
, and this is the most important bit. It
carries the 5. part that stores
and controls the flow of information
, including the 6. round thing that is used for storing
. Mine has a particularly high 7. capacity for storing information,
which means that it’s much faster than most. It came with its own 8. computer
programs package (including one for 9. writing, checking and changing texts, one for 10. calculating in columns of figures,
and one for 11. producing
texts and pictures for magazines
). You can also 12. put in other programs using
the 13. sliding tray for carrying
round, plastic, information-holding things
, or the 14. hole for connecting computer parts
to one another
(into which you can put a 15. small plastic and metal object which
can hold a lot of information

The other five parts of the
computer are the 16. screen
that lets you see what your computer is doing
, the 17. flat thing with the letters and
numbers on it that let you control the computer
, the 18. machine that lets you make copies of
the documents that you create on your computer
, the 19. device for making colour copies of photographs
and other documents which you can put onto your computer
and last
but not least, the 20. device
that you hold in your hand and move across your desk to control the cursor

In my opinion, the best thing
about modern information technology is the 21. network that links millions of computers
from around the world
. Once you’ve got yourself a 22. company that allows you access
and a 23. program that
finds information
you can start using this. It’s especially useful
if you want to get information about something, go shopping or 24. transfer information, games,
music, etc, onto your own computer. You can even ‘talk’ to other computer
users in 25. special places
where you can leave messages and get instant replies
. If you have a
particular interest in something, you can also visit 26. places on the computer where you can
‘talk’ to other people with the same interest

Most companies have their own 27.
special computer pages
which you can look at. Let me 28. turn the computer on, enter my code and access the computer
, and I’ll show you ours. OK, here we go. Oh no, another 29.
advertisement that suddenly
appears on the computer screen
. How annoying. Let me just remove
it. That’s better.

Now, I can never remember the
exact address of our company, so first of all I’ll type it into the 30. Program that helps you find the
information you want
. OK, A and C Black Publishing‘. The
computer identifies the 31. most important or main words and then
gives me 32. connections
to a list of possible sites. This one looks right: ‘www.acblack.com’.
That’s the company’s 33. officially
registered website address
. I’ll click on that.

Bingo! Here’s our 34. front page. You can use this
to find the different books that we publish, and if you want you can even
buy them 35. through the
. Hmm, this book looks good: ‘Check your English Vocabulary
for Business and Administration
‘. Now, before I 36. exit this site, I’ll just 37.
add it to my list of favourites
so that I can find it more quickly next time.

Perhaps the most important
thing, however, is 38. a
special electronic letter-sending facility
, which allows you to
communicate with people around the world in an instant. Let me quickly
check mine. First of all, I need to enter my 39. special word that allows me to enter
the system
. That’s it. Oh dear, nothing very interesting. Mainly a
load of 40. unwanted
. I’ll just 41. remove it: I don’t particularly want to have a new home extension,
pass my bank details to a «solicitor» in Nigeria or buy a pill
that’s guaranteed to improve my love life.

There’s something here from
one of our suppliers with a / an 42. document or file that has been sent with it. You have to
be careful with these: sometimes they contain a 43. hidden routine placed in the program
that destroys or corrupts files
. If you open it, it can do all
sorts of horrible things to your computer. We had one last week that kept 44.
shutting down our system.
We do have 45. something
on our computer that protects against this sort of thing
, but it’s
a bit out of date: we really ought to 46. bring it up to date.


Test your knowledge with this quiz.


What is a JPEG and what
would you use it for?


In computer terms, what is the
difference between a file and a folder?


What is the difference between
freeware and shareware?


You suspect that spyware is
being used on your computer each time you use the Internet. What does this


What is the difference between
the Internet, an intranet and an extranet?


A customer using your website
to buy something has just checked her shopping basket and is now
proceeding to checkout. What is she about to do?


What is a click-wrap agreement?
Is it:

(a) a contract presented
entirely over the Internet

(b) an agreement between two
or more companies to share a single website

(c) an agreement between two
or more companies to pass customer information to each other

(d) a contract that is sent
over the Internet and then returned in the normal post

(e) an agreement by a company
not to send unsolicited advertising to customers.


What do the letters ISP stand


What do we call information
that a website leaves in your computer so that the website recognises you when
you visit it again? Is it:

(a) a biscuit

(b) a cookie

(c) a cracker

(d) a scone

(e) a crumpet


The company you work for sells
its products on the Internet, and also in its own shops around the country.
What is the name we give to this kind of operation? Is it:

(a) a mouse and
house business

(b) a tap and
trot business

(c) a clicks and
mortar business

(d) a hit and run

(e) a surf and
turf business


Many company websites have a
section or page labelled FAQ. What do these letters stand for?


An on-line shop has a small
padlock symbol (
🔒) displayed
at the bottom of the computer screen. What does this mean?:

(a) The website or webpage has
a secure server.

(b) The website will not allow
the user to proceed any further.

(c) The Internet connection
has been broken.

(d) There is, or may be, a
virus on the site.

(e) The user needs to enter a
password to continue.


Your company does a lot of B2B
advertising on the Internet. What does this mean?


You send an email, and then
almost immediately receive a message saying that the person you are trying
to contact is on holiday. What do we call this sort of message?


UCE is the official term for:

(a) an on-line
shop that only sells on the Internet

(b) spam

(c) a username or

(d) a dotcom

(e) a domain name


What is broadband? Is
this the same as an ISDN line?


You are uploading information
on your computer. Are you:

(a) transferring
information from the Internet or another application to your computer?

(b) transferring
information from your computer to a website?


Some websites (especially
those belonging to on-line banks) ask their customers for a PIN before
they can enter the site. What do these letters stand for?


In an IT context, what are banners,
buttons and pop-ups?


You discover that there is an anti-site
on the Internet dedicated to your company. Would you be happy about


What does a computer hacker


In an IT context, what does a firewall


Your company has just been Amazoned.
What has happened to it?


Someone tells you that your
company has a sticky site. What
do they mean?

(a) Your company website is
very slow.

(b) The information on your
company website is out of date.

(c) Your company website is very

(d) Your company website is
very difficult to use.

(e) Your company website is
very interesting.


Someone accuses your company
of phishing. What do they think you have done?


A customer says you have a cobweb
that looks like an angry fruit salad. How would you feel
about this?


Your company website has a lot
of spider food. From a business point of view, why might this be an
advantage to you?


Are you buzzword compliant?


1. A JPEG is a method of
reducing, or compressing, computer files that contain images so that they
can be sent quickly by email over the Internet (it is also the name of a
file that is produced by this method)

2. A file is a set of
information or a document that is stored under a particular name on a computer,
a folder is a group of related programs or documents stored together on a computer

3. Freeware is free software
available on the Internet, shareware is similar, but users are asked to
make a voluntary monetary contribution for its use, or are encouraged to
buy a more advanced version

4. Spyware is computer
software that secretly records the websites you visit on your computer, and
this information is then used by companies who try to sell you things

5. The Internet is a computer system,
or network, that allows people in different parts of the world to exchange information
(using websites and sending emails, etc). An intranet is a computer network
that can only be used within a company or organisation. An extranet is
similar to an intranet, but also allows access by others associated with
that company or organisation (for example, suppliers, buyers, etc)

6. She has finished shopping
and is now going to pay

7. (a) The user ‘signs’ the
contract by clicking on a box or boxes to show that he / she agrees with
the terms and conditions

8. Internet Service Provider

9. (b)

10. (c) (A company that only
does business on the Internet is called a dot.com business. A company that
does not have an Internet shopping facility is known as a bricks and mortar

11. Frequently asked questions

12. (a)

13. Business to business

14. An auto response

15. (b) UCE = unsolicited commercial

16. Broadband is a class of transmission
system that allows large amounts of data to be transferred at high speed
over the Internet; an ISDN line is a digital telephone network that
supports advanced communication services and can be used for high-speed data

17. (b)

18. personal identification number,
a private code number that only the user knows (also required when using a
credit / debit card in a cash machine or in a shop)

19. They are forms of
on-screen advertising

20. No. An anti-site, also
called a hate-site or gripe-site, is a website set up by an unhappy (ex-) customer
so that they can publicly say bad things about your company, and encourage
other people to do the same

21. A hacker is someone who
uses a computer to connect to other people’s computers secretly and often illegally,
so that they can find or change information. The verb is to hack

22. A firewall protects your
computer or network, or certain files and folders on that computer / network,
from being illegally accessed by a hacker (see number 21 above)

23. If a company is Amazoned,
is has lost a large share of its market to a competitor because it has
failed to develop an effective business strategy (especially if it has
failed to utilise IT technology). This is an informal word, named after the
Internet company Amazon.com, who very quickly took a large share of the book
market before expanding into other areas

24. (e) Also called a heavy
site. This is an informal expression

25. Phishing (pronounced like
fishing) is an informal word which refers to sending emails that are
designed to trick people into giving away personal information, such as bank
account details. This information is then used to steal from those people.
More advanced phishers set up bogus websites that look like real websites
(especially ones that look like bank websites) that try to trick the unwary
or gullible

26. You would probably feel
rather unhappy, especially if you were the company’s website manager: a
cobweb site is a website that contains a lot of out-of-date information,
and if it looks like an angry fruit salad, it has an interface that is
particularly unattractive to look at

27. Spider food is an informal
expression that refers to words that are embedded in a web page to attract
search engines. As a result, your website would receive a lot of visitors

28. You are if you were able
to answer most of the questions in this exercise: someone who is buzzword
compliant is familiar with the latest computer and IT terms and
expressions. It is an informal expression.


MS Word is the most widely used applications in MS Office packages. Most of the documents, files are created on Word. You might have come across an error while opening the MS Word Document. Why Word don’t open? What to do when you can’t open MS Word. Follow the article to know answers for all your doubts and fix the problem using the best troubleshooting methods.

Microsoft Word is one of the most used application of Microsoft Office. Word is majorly used for documenting projects, typing notes, making agenda, etc.

Being such a simple and easy to use tool, you might never expect any error or malware within it. However, you may encounter an error after which you might be oblivious and ask yourself as to why Microsoft Word is not opening in Windows 10 or any other versions? Follow the workarounds to repair Microsoft Word files effectively.

Why Is Microsoft Word Not Opening in Windows 11/10?

Being such a useful tool, people always tend to make mistakes or some logical errors might take place which leads to such kind of masked errors.

  • Incompatible MS Word edition for Windows 10
  • An outdated version of MS Word
  • Suspicious add-ins added to your MS Word
  • Abrupt Shutdown of your system or Microsoft Word window

What to do if your MS Word is not working?

There are multiple resolutions if your Word doc is not opening and we have put the major workarounds in black and white and hope that these resolutions work out for you.

Method 1: Open MS Word in Safe Mode and Disable Add-ins

One way to fix Microsoft Word is not opening is to make use of safe mode option. Safe mode helps to open MS with only set of essential files and fixes any add-ins issues in the application.

  1. First of all, open the Run dialog box either from the search bar or using the Windows + R
  2. Enter winword /safe in the dialog box and click OK. This is a user-initiated safe mode.
    fix MS Word not opening
  3. Click the File menu at the top of your screen.
  4. Select Options from the left sidebar on your screen. It should be at the bottom of the list.
  5. On the following screen, click the Add-ins option in the left sidebar.
  6. Find the Manage dropdown menu on the right-hand side pane and click Go next to it.
  7. Untick all the add-ins on your screen and click OK.
  8. Launch Word in normal mode and verify if MS word opening

Method 2: Repair Microsoft Word File Using Task Manager

If your Microsoft Word is not opening in Windows 10, try using this method to quickly troubleshoot the error.
End Process Tree to Fix MS Word not opening

  • Open Task Manager by using the combination (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) or just click on your Taskbar and select Task Manager
  • In the “Details” tab, check if WINWORD.exe is open. If that is open, then your Windows OS think that the app is running efficiently so it does not prompt any error messages
  • Right-click on the running service i.e. WINWORD.exe and select End process tree and restart MS Word again.

This method works for petty issues to save you from a tight spot but cannot resolve major MS Word issues.

Method 3: Open Your Inaccessible Microsoft Word In Safe Mode

Periodically, you might install suspicious or non-trusted add-ins to your MS Word or your system might have faced a power surge or any other generic reason which mildly corrupts your documents and constrain your Microsoft Word from opening files.

However, that can be accessed using safe mode. Open your Microsoft Word files in safe mode by holding down the “Ctrl” button and then double-clicking on the application.

This method works only if there was an abrupt shutdown or any kind of interruption while using Microsoft Word.

Method 4: Repair Microsoft Word File using Repair Option

There is an in-built tool of Microsoft Office that can help you rectify clement errors of your MS Word application. Know how to execute it by following the steps given below.

  • Press Windows button on your computer and type Add or remove programs
  • Find For Office named program and select Advanced options
  • Click Repair and if your app is not working upright, this will fix it.

Above mentioned methods help you fix problem Microsoft Word not opening error if the corruption level is minimum. What if the files are severely corrupted? How to fix MS Word not opening error without losing data?

Here is an efficient and quick way to deal with all MS Word problems. With it’s built-in robust algorithm SFWare Repair Word Document Tool scans and fix your MS Word files effectively without modifying  the original .doc/.docx document. The tool is best known for its repair methodology which fixes your Word files in a jiffy.

Free Download for Windows

Download now to repair your Word files and preview them for free.

Even if you are a novice user or not that much of tech-savvy, SFWare makes it look very simple with its self-explanatory UI.

Fix Microsoft Word Not Opening in Windows Using SFWare?

Download, install and launch SFWare Word Document Repair Tool.

    • Click on Browse and select the inaccessible Word document
    • Click on Repair and the tool will start to repair Microsoft Word filemain screen of the tool to repair MS word file
    • Once the repair process is complete, you can open Microsoft Word which was not opening in Windows 10
    • Click on Click Here to Preview File button to evaluate the quality of the recovered Word file which was inaccessible.
      preview the repaired MS word file


Being such an easy to use tool where you won’t have any hurdles in the process of repairing the word file. However, if you are in a muddle at any point in time, just reach us by clicking on the “24/7 Contact Us” SFWare support center which is on the bottom left of this page.

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