Word for not good at something

What is a word for being bad at something?

wicked. abominable. sinful. impure literary or humorous. low/poor/bad quality.

How do you say you’re not good at something?


  1. poor. adjective. used for saying that something is not as good as it should be.
  2. average. adjective. not very good.
  3. limited. adjective. not very good, or not very great in amount.
  4. inferior. adjective.
  5. disappointing. adjective.
  6. inadequate. adjective.
  7. undistinguished. adjective.
  8. substandard. adjective.

How do you say someone is bad?

100 Ways to Say “Bad”

  1. abject.
  2. abominable.
  3. annoying.
  4. appalling.
  5. atrocious.
  6. awful.
  7. barbaric.
  8. base.

What is another word for not so good?

mediocre; feeble; poor; not very good; not bad; clumsy; abstemious; unhandy; gawky; uneasy; doltish; wooden; owlish; stiff.

How do you say I’m not good?

There are a few ways to express how we feel:

  1. “I don’t feel well.” “I am feeling sick.”
  2. “I am feeling very tired today.” “I have been feeling very run-down lately.”
  3. “I have a bad headache.” “I have a sore arm.”
  4. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Maybe you should go home to bed?”
  5. “I’m still not feeling well.”

What is a nice way to say bad?

What is another word for bad?

terrible awful
dreadful lousy
poor atrocious
cheap crummy
abysmal horrible

How do you say badly nicely?

Is Unexpectable a real word?

Unusual, or unpredictable. Not expected. In these difficult times unexpectable events can take everyone by surprise.

Is the word ” bad ” always a bad thing?

The word bad is well, just that. Its original meaning is still the most common one in use today: “not good in any manner or degree.” But, come on, we all know bad isn’t always a bad thing … in fact, using bad as a word of approval started in the 1890s and was popularized in the 1920s within the jazz scene.

What are the slang words for bad, poor, generally?

The definitions of these slang words appear below the list. old-fashioned; unstylish. There’s no way I’m buying that antwacky dress. See more words with the same meaning: bad, poor, sucks, common, generally displeasing. See more words with the same meaning: old, retro, antiquated. Last edited on Nov 06 2001.

What do you call a person who is bad at something?

The female, the bum lawyer, the incompetent horse-doctor, the busted chiropodist and the young man trying to work his way through college, were his competitors for employment. Patzer is thought to have come from the German word patzer (“a blunderer”), which itself is from patzen (“to blunder”).

Is it bad to be bad but good is good?

Not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good.” People (and Thesaurus.com) have known for a while that sometimes being bad is really, really good—especially in the bad phrases below. Carry on. 1. Badass Leather, motorcycles, mystery: these are the stigmatic indications of someone who is a badass.

What are some synonyms for a bad thing?


  • villanous
  • unwelcome

    What is another word for bad words?

    What is another word for bad word? bad word. Noun. A vulgar word. curse. curse word. cuss. dirty word. expletive .

    What is another word for a bad situation?

    a bad situation. Need synonyms for a bad situation? Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Noun. Used in reference to a situation characterized by a specified degree of trouble or difficulty. strait. difficulty. crisis. distress.

    What is another word for “really bad”?

    The below word list shows a number of words whose meaning is similar to bad. baneful. deleterious. detrimental. evil. hurtful.

  • I’m not much of a writer , but I like to… ?

    What would be the best suited and appropriate word here for immature writers who like to write a diary? Or who are passionate for improving their writing skills? It would probably be a word related to ‘trying’, something that would imply both that I am not fully skilled yet and I that I want to improve (and possibly learn by doing.)

    Lucky's user avatar


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    asked May 4, 2015 at 19:57

    Ardis Ell's user avatar


    You are still in the early stages of learning to write and you know there is plenty of room to grow and become better, but you still love to write. Your heading asked a general question, presumably covering a wide range of activities, not just writing.

    Everyone is in that situation with respect to some aspect of their life — they are called amateurs.

    I love to play tennis and hope to get better — I’m an amateur. My wife loves to cook and continually gets better — she is an amateur.

    answered May 5, 2015 at 4:00

    Ast Pace's user avatar

    Ast PaceAst Pace

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    «Journal» is another word you could use. From Dictionary.com:

    verb (used without object), journalized, journalizing: to keep or make entries in a journal.

    answered May 4, 2015 at 20:35

    Nicole's user avatar


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    Make an attempt, or just attempt. This implies that you are not a master of the activity.

    answered Feb 12, 2016 at 22:39

    csxdog's user avatar

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    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    You’re not good at something, you practice more.

    I can’t admit I’m not good at something.

    Now, try to listen to the inner voice of your critic, who says you are not good at something.

    Give yourself an «F» if people always tell you that you are not good at something and so forth.

    У человека снижается самооценка, если кто-то ему постоянно говорит, что он «плох» в чём-то и т.д.

    For example, if he thinks that he is not good at something, he may worry about his performance and possible failure.

    Например, если он думает, что у него что-то не получается, он начинает беспокоиться о том, что он делает, и боится возможной неудачи.

    Maybe I am not GOOD at something.

    Maybe I am not GOOD at something.

    It taught me an important lesson: Even if you’re not good at something at first, don’t give up.

    Он преподал мне важный урок: даже если у вас что-то не получается, не сдаваться.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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    Любое слово в любом языке не существует само по себе, оно должно сочетаться с другими словами. Английский язык не исключение, в нем это явление называется word collocation (сочетаемость слов). Как правило, у изучающих английский больше всего трудностей вызывает именно сочетаемость предлогов с разными частями речи, ведь она может сильно отличаться от сочетаемости в русском языке. Согласно исследованиям, прилагательное good – самое употребляемое в английском языке. В этой статье мы и рассмотрим, как употреблять good с предлогами at, with и for.

    Как употребляются good at, good with и good for

    Иногда слово может сочетаться с несколькими предлогами, от которых будет зависеть его значение. У прилагательного good есть множество значений, одно из них – знающий, умеющий, способный что-то делать. В этом значении good используется с предлогами at и with.

    Разберемся, как употребляются эти предлоги:

    • Good at = деятельность, практика.

      Мы употребляем прилагательное good с предлогом at, когда человек умеет что-то делать хорошо, обладает какими-то практическими навыками и умениями. В таких случаях мы используем конструкции good at something и good at doing something.

      Jason is good at baseball. – Джейсон хорошо играет в бейсбол.

      She is not good at dancing. – Она не очень хорошо танцует.

      He is good at learning physics. – Ему легко дается физика.

    • Good with = инструмент, отношение.

      Good with используется по отношению к людям и конкретным предметам, а не к областям знаний и сферам деятельности (как предыдущая конструкция). Это выражение значит, что мы знаем, как обращаться с чем-то или как ладить с людьми. В таких случаях мы используем конструкцию good with something/somebody.

      Annie is good with children. She is so kind. – Энни хорошо ладит с детьми. Она такая добрая.

      John is an accountant. He must be good with figures. – Джон бухгалтер. Он должен хорошо считать.

      She is good with household appliances. – Она умеет обращаться с бытовой техникой.

      Для большей наглядности приведем в качестве примера выражение to be good with one’s hands – хорошо работать руками. В этом выражении мы рассматриваем слово hands как инструмент, с помощью которого мы можем что-то сделать.

      Hugh is good with his hands. He repaired a leaky faucet all by himself. – Хью хорошо работает руками. Он сам починил капающий кран.

    • Good for = похвала, польза.

      В данном значении good употребляем с предлогом for. Good for часто используется в выражении Good for you! (Молодец!, Рад за тебя!).

      – I’ve passed the exam and got the best grade in the class. – Я сдал экзамен и получил лучшую оценку в классе.
      – Wow, good for you! – Ух ты, молодец!

      If he wants to beat me out, well hey, good for him! – Если он хочет победить меня, ну что ж, удачи!

      Другое значение good for somebody – полезный для кого-либо.

      You work hard, a long vacation will be good for you. – Ты много работаешь, продолжительный отпуск пошел бы тебе на пользу.

    Чертовски хорош: как усилить высказывание с good for, good at и good with

    Из-за того что появился предлог, слово good не потеряло своего актуального значения: у него по-прежнему есть степени сравнения, с ним сочетаются другие слова.

    Jerome is an Englishman, so he is better at cricket than at baseball. – Джером англичанин, поэтому он лучше играет в крикет, чем в бейсбол.

    Ознакомьтесь с небольшим списком наречий, часто сопровождающих прилагательное good.

    • Very good (not very good) – очень хорошо (не очень хорошо).

      They are not very good at history of England. – Они не очень хорошо знают историю Англии.

    • Really good (not really good) – действительно хорошо (не особо хорошо).

      Healthy diet will be really good for you now. – Здоровое питание пошло бы тебе на пользу сейчас.

    • Extremely good – невероятно, чрезвычайно хорошо.

      He is extremely good with people. – Он чрезвычайно хорошо ладит с людьми.

    • Fairly/Pretty/Quite good – достаточно, довольно хорошо

      Ivy is fairly good at clay modelling. – Айви достаточно хорошо лепит из глины.

    Прилагательное bad работает по тому же принципу, что и good. Мы можем сказать, что человек bad at something, если он плохо что-то делает, или использовать bad for somebody, если что-то окажется не совсем полезным для человека. Но с предлогом with прилагательное bad не используется.

    He is extremely bad at saving money. – У него очень плохо получается копить деньги.

    She is quite bad at math. – Она довольно плохо понимает математику.

    Spending a lot of time in social media is bad for you. – Проводить много времени в социальных сетях вредно для тебя.

    Теперь вы знаете все о прилагательном good с предлогами at, with и for. Не забудьте пройти тест, чтобы удостовериться, что вы отлично поняли эту тему.


    Good at, good with и good for: выбираем правильный предлог

    Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

    Если мы в чем-то хороши или плохи, мы будем хвастаться этим на английском, используя предлог «at». Поэтому мы будем говорить, что мы good at или bad at something.

    Как хорошо владеть английскими предлогами?

    Английские предлоги — очень интересная тема, так как в них нет никакой логики!

    Почему в русском языке мы должны говорить, что ты хорош «в» английском? Разве не логичнее было бы сказать, что вы хорошо владеете английским ,«на» английском или «в» английском?

    Англичане решили, что они предпочитают быть хорошими «при» чем-то и поэтому не используют предлог «from», а «at» (при). Вот как-то так.

    И когда мы говорим на английском, мы всегда должны помнить об этом!

    На самом деле, лучше вообще не заморачиваться с правилами, а повторять целые предложения на английском! Таким образом, вы автоматически научитесь говорить по-английски правильно, вместо того, чтобы думать над каждым предложением!

    Поэтому давайте лучше посмотрим, как это будет выглядеть на конкретных примерах.

    prepositions, предлоги, предлог

    См. также: Английские предлоги (prepositions). Никакой логики.

    to be bad at something

    Something означает «что-то». Иногда в учебниках английского языка можно встретить сокращение sth. Таким образом, to be bad at sth означает «быть плохим в чем-либо».

    Однако, в вежливой Англии, мы редко будем грубо говорить, что кто-то в чем-то плох. Если только в шутку или по незначительному поводу:

    • Tom is bad at singing.

    (Том плохо поет .)

    • She is very bad at cooking.

    (Она очень плохо готовит.)

    • You are bad at planning.

    (Вы плохи в планировании.)

    not bad at

    В то время как not bad at (неплох) по сути означает то же самое, что и good at (хорош).

    • I’m not bad at languages.

    («Я неплох в языках», — сказал один известный полиглот).

    Почему я не могу выучить английский?

    См. также: Почему я не могу выучить английский?

    to be good at something

    Однако в английской культуре, мы гораздо чаще видим похвалу.

    • She is very good at English.

    (Она очень хорошо знает английский.)

    • Is she good at dancing?

    (Хороша ли она в танцах? или «хорошо ли она танцует?»).

    • He isn’t very good at driving.

    (Он не очень хорошо водит машину).

    • We’re good at having fun!

    (Мы умеем хорошо развлекаться!).

    • I’m not very good at PE.

    (Я не очень хорош в физкультуре).

    • That girl is quite good at football.

    (Эта девушка, в целом, неплохо играет в футбол).

    Или, как поет (или, скорее, воет) Sam Smith:

    • I’m way too good at goodbyes.

    (Я слишком хорошо умею прощаться).

    clever at something

    Если вы хотите произвести впечатление, вместо good at something (хорош в чем-то), можете также сказать clever at something (в чем-то умен).

    В основном они означают одно и то же ¹, например:

    • She is clever at English.

    (Она хороша в английском.)

    • He is very clever at painting.

    (Он очень хорошо рисует.)

    А что между ?

    Помимо отрицания «no good» (должно быть not good), как не совсем правильно поет Amy Winehouse в песне выше, наши good at и bad at мы также можем изменять наречиями.

    Я бы сказал, что шкала (по возрастанию) выглядит следующим образом:

    • fairly (достаточно),
    • reasonably (разумно ),
    • quite (достаточно),
    • pretty («хорошо»),
    • very (очень),
    • extremely (чрезвычайно ).


    • She’s extremely good at listening, very good at reading, quite good at writing and fairly good at speaking.

    Как научиться говорить по-английски дома?

    См. также: Как самостоятельно научиться говорить по-английски дома ?.

    Good enough

    Если что-то «достаточно хорошо», мы скажем:

    • She’s good enough at climbing to try a higher mountain.

    (Она достаточно хороша в скалолазании, чтобы попробовать забраться на более высокую гору).

    Хотя эта фраза обычно используется с not:

    • Я чувствую, что я недостаточно хорош в чем-либо…

    (Мне кажется, что я ни в чем не достаточно хороша…).

    модальные глаголы can cannot cant

    «Кто может это сделать? Ты можешь это сделать!» См. также: Три жизни модального глагола can.

    Как хорошо владеть английским?

    Ну, если хочешь слышать «You’re good at English!» все чаще и чаще, тебе нужно еще немного подтянуть свой английский (поскольку ты читаешь пост для начинающих).

    Однако даже самый длинный путь всегда начинается с первого шага!

    Просто запишитесь на крутые курсы английского языка, и вы не успеете оглянуться, как будете говорить как коренной англичанин!

    Конечно, я рекомендую курс английского языка Speakingo, потому что этот практический курс английского языка научит правильно говорить, что обычно является нашей самой большой проблемой. И что интересно, вы учитесь, когда хотите и сколько хотите, совершенно без стресса, потому что здесь вы разговариваете со своим телефоном или компьютером, который вас понимает, хвалит и поправляет, если нужно.

    Такое обучение не только быстрое и эффективное, но и простое и забавное!

    Лучше всего зарегистрироваться и попробовать бесплатно в течение недели, чтобы понять, подходит ли тебе такой метод изучения английского языка!

    Хорошо ли у тебя получается использовать такие слова, как good и bad at?

    Если у тебя есть вопросы, не стесняйся задавать их в комментариях!

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    I am looking for a word or phrase which describe a person who is not good at sports.

    Actually, I got a word «unathletic» from http://thesaurus.reference.com/browse/athletic
    But with further check in the Dictionary, no result comes out. And this editor does not recognize «unathletic.»

    Any suggestion? Emotion: smile

    Merry Christmas.

    • exodejavu
    •   answer


    Hello, that’s quick.

    Is there an informal way to say it?
    The Chinese phrase is very informal, so I’d like a word in English matching the register. =)

    • exodejavu
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    It depends on what aspect of the concept you want to focus on. weak? unskillful? uninterested?

    a frail person, a delicate person, a weakling, someone who is listless, someone who lacks energy, an unfit person, someone who is not in shape, a clumsy person, an uncoordinated person, an inept person, an awkward person, a bungler, a butterfingers, someone who is all thumbs, someone with two left feet, a bookworm, an egghead


    • CalifJim
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    • exodejavu
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    To elaborate on Grammar Geek’s reply:

    A klutz is someone who is clumsy and constantly drops things.  

    I don’t know if I’d use the word «spaz» to describe someone who’s bad at sports specifically.  It means someone a little crazy, overexcitable, or out of control.

    • anonymous
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    I wouldn’t use the word «spaz» at all, ever. I’m pretty sure it comes from «spastic,» describing someone with a muscular disease.

    For someone who doesn’t like exercise or sports at all, except maybe to watch on tv — «couch potato.»

    • khoff
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    • exodejavu
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    Answer this Question

    Subject + be verb + good at + noun…

    • She is good at math.
    • He is good at art.
    • They are good at baseball.
    • Mark is good at everything.
    • Tina is good at computer programming.

    We can also use gerunds.

    Subject + be verb + good at + gerund…

    • She is good at skating.
    • We are good at working together.
    • He is good at debating.
    • Stacy and Jane are good at designing clothes.
    • They are good at cooking Italian food.

    We can add adverbs before “good” to add more feeling or detail.

    • I am very good at drawing.
    • She’s pretty good at Jiujitsu.
    • They’re kind of good at negotiating.
    • Paula is extremely good at bowling.
    • Ben is unbelievably good at persuading other people.

    We can make a negative sentence by using “not good at”.

    • He is not good at baseball.
    • She isn’t good at cooking.
    • I’m not good at giving presentations.

    If we use the expression “not great at”, then this means that we are okay at doing something. Our skill level is average.

    • I am not great at singing, but I am okay.
    • She is not great at expressing her feelings.
    • We are not great at working together.

    Bonus Tips and Points

    1. We can replace the word “good” with any similar word.

    • She is excellent at persuading others.
    • He is great at golf.
    • They are amazing at dancing.
    • She is fantastic at dealing with angry customers.
    • He is skilled at giving presentations.
    • She is wonderful at dealing with children.

    2. We can also use the word “okay” or “not bad at” to show an average skill or ability.

    • She is okay at singing.
    • I am okay at dancing.
    • They are not bad at writing.
    • He is not bad at English.

    3. Here are some examples of questions.

    • Are you good at painting?
    • Are you good at boxing?
    • Is he good at his job?
    • Is she good at public speaking?
    • Are they good at working with others?
    • What are you good at?
    • How are you so good at English?

    Real-World English Conversations

    A) Are you good at English?
    B) Not really. I am just okay at English, but my sister is amazing at English.
    A) Could she help me prepare for my test?
    B) She would if you paid her.

    A) What are you good at?
    B) I don’t think I am good at anything.
    A) Come on. Everybody is good at something.
    B) I guess I am good at cooking.

    A) Is she good at her job?
    B) Yes. She is very good. She might be the best salesperson in our company.

    Use these free English lessons to learn the most common sentence patterns in the English language. If you learn these sentences and questions, it will help you speak English well. Study the lessons thoroughly, practice making your own sentences, and come back to review often. If you do these three steps, your English speaking will improve quickly and you will be able to have natural English conversations.

    English Sentence Patterns for Speaking Index

    When something is neither good nor bad, it can be hard to know which word best describes it. However, this article will help you understand a few good choices to describe this idea. Let’s look into some of the options available to you!

    Which Words Can Describe Being “Neither Good Nor Bad”?

    When something is not good or bad, it’s hard to know what to say. But, we recommend you try out one of these words to see which words for you:

    • Benign
    • Indifferent
    • Moderate
    • Standard
    • Ordinary
    • Average
    • Medium
    • Somewhere in between
    • Mediocre
    • Passable

    Best Words To Describe “Neither Good Nor Bad”

    The preferred version is “benign.” It works well to show that something is between “good” and “bad.” It’s harmless in most ways, and it’s not likely that it’ll ever be viewed as anything more than either good or bad depending on the people looking at it.


    “Benign” works well to show that something is neither good nor evil. It’s common to use when talking about medical issues like tumors that are not harmful or deadly. They are “bad” because they’re a problem in the body, but they are “good” because they cause no damage.

    The definition of “benign,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not harmful or severe.”

    Check out these examples to see how it works:

    • The benign tumor in my brain seems like it’s going to stick around. I wish I could do something to change that!
    • I wish you didn’t have to have such a benign problem! I can’t stand listening to your boring problems anymore!
    • It’s not as benign as you think it is, though I can appreciate why you do. Maybe we can work on communicating better next time?


    “Indifferent” shows a lack of care or allegiance to either “good” or “bad” things. Since we do not care where something is placed on a “goodness scale,” we simply put it in the middle to show it’s between the two.

    The definition of “indifferent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not thinking about or interested in someone or something.”

    These examples will help you with “indifferent:”

    • I’m indifferent about these matters because I know they won’t affect my family or me.
    • I’m too indifferent to make a decision on this, so I’ll leave it to you. I trust that you’ll make the right one!
    • The indifference shown by the public makes it clear that we’re doing our jobs wrong!


    “Moderate” works well to show that something is neither “good” nor “bad.” We can use the word to show that something is between the two values, and there isn’t a true way for us to measure the goodness or badness that might come from it.

    The definition of “moderate,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength.”

    Check out these examples if you want to see it in action:

    • I feel like this is far more moderate than you realize, which is why it won’t affect my decision.
    • This was a moderate outcome. I guess I expected it, but I’m still somewhat disappointed that you all chose it.
    • This was far too moderate for me to want to recreate! Come up with a better idea that might turn heads next time!


    “Standard” works well to show how things should be. Ideally, “good” and “bad” are things that we should strive for or avoid. However, if something is “standard,” it means it should be acceptable to all, and we should all try and get those outcomes.

    The definition of “standard,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “usual rather than special, especially when thought of as being correct or acceptable.”

    Check out these examples to help you with it:

    • Honestly, their response was standard. It wasn’t helpful, but it wasn’t wasted on me either.
    • You can expect them to contact you in the standard amount of time. They won’t get in touch sooner than that.
    • I wouldn’t worry about the standard they set for you. Just do whatever you feel works best, mate!


    “Ordinary” is a great word to use to show that someone or something is not different or special. Therefore, we can show that they are just “average” and somewhere between “good” and “bad.”

    The definition of “ordinary,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not different or special or unexpected in any way; usual.”

    Check out these examples to see how it works:

    • You’re nothing short of ordinary, Patrick.
    • I think the politics in this government are ordinary, and we do not have to fear them.
    • Trust me; this is all far too ordinary to put a single care into!


    “Average” works to show that something is standard and between two values. Typically, we can look at “good” and “bad” as a scale, and “average” things tend to sit somewhere in the middle with no real clarification.

    The definition of “average,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a standard or level that is considered to be typical or usual.”

    Some of these examples might be useful to you:

    • I think you’ve found something that’s entirely average. That’s good to know.
    • Your ideas are average, which is why I keep you here. You’ll never challenge my power.
    • I think you’ve found an average to go to, and I’ll work with what you’ve chosen.


    “Medium” works well when we want to show that a value is between two amounts. In this case, the “amounts” are “good” and “bad.” This helps us to demonstrate that something is firmly in the middle and has no positive or negative effects.

    The definition of “medium,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “being in the middle between an upper and lower amount, size, degree, or value.”

    Why not try some of these examples to see how it works:

    • I believe there’s a happy medium that is neither good nor bad.
    • You should look into a medium that everyone will accept with minimal consequences.
    • Don’t forget to try and bargain on the medium that you get from the deal.

    Somewhere In Between

    “Somewhere in between” is a useful phrase for this situation. It works to show that there is a middle ground that a person or object occupies. They are neither good nor bad, so it’s up to us to place them in the middle based on their actions.

    Here are some examples to help you:

    • I think Jack is somewhere in between morally corrupt and morally just; I just can’t figure it out.
    • This company is somewhere in between good and evil. I don’t know how I feel about that.
    • You’re certainly somewhere in between the two.


    “Mediocre” works well to show that something is acceptable but not good or bad. It works to show that we can talk about things that have no profound positive or negative effect on somebody or something.

    The definition of “mediocre,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “just acceptable but not good; not good enough.”

    Here are some examples:

    • I expected something mediocre from you, and you managed to deliver.
    • I’m not as mediocre as many people seem to think I am.
    • I like the mediocre decisions they’re making because they have a very limited impact on the running of my company.


    “Passable” works well to show that something is happily in between good and bad. It shows that something is good, but not great or bad, but not terrible. It’s the perfect happy medium that many people look for in most objects.

    The definition of “passable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “satisfactory but not excellent.”

    Check out these examples to see how it works:

    • I think it’s fairly passable, which is why I’ve allowed it to go on.
    • Their politics are passable enough, and they don’t really affect me.
    • Your ideas are passable, so I think you should take them to the boss.

    What Does “Neither Good Nor Bad” Mean?

    Now that we’ve seen all the best words let’s check out what it means when something is neither good nor bad.

    “Neither good nor bad” means that something is often harmless. It might not be the most sightly or “good” thing in nature, but it also doesn’t have a profoundly negative effect on the people or things that it’s near.

    You might be a little confused about how things can be somewhere in between the scale of “good” or “bad.” The truth is, it’s a subjective matter. Many people might see certain things as “good,” while others see them as “bad,” and even more see it as somewhere in the middle.

    It’s best to develop your own opinion to see what you think fits into the category of “indifference” or being “benign.”

    What Are Examples Of Something That Is “Neither Good Nor Bad”?

    There are a few good examples of things that are “neither good nor bad.” To help get your head around it, you could look into the following:

    • A malignant tumor (harmless, but tumors are not “good”)
    • Actors in different movie roles
    • Many scientific practices that might me morally unbalanced

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    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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