Word for not going to school

I’m not going to school! I’m not going to school!
I don’t go to school on Sundays. I don’t go to school on Sundays.

How to say i won’t go to school today in english?

I won’t go to school this fall. I won’t go to school, not today. I’m not going to school, not today.

How to say and then I go to school?

I go to school, and then I come back here, and then I go to school … I’m going to school, and then I’m coming back here, and then I’m going to school … medical school that’s why I can’t go to Jack’s, which doesn’t mean he has to go to mine.

What will I say in english I won’t go to school tomorrow?

I may not go to school tomorrow. And whether you tomorrow does not go to school. I won’t go to school this fall. I won’t go to school this fall.

How will I go to school in english tomorrow?

I’ll go to school tomorrow, I promise. I’ll go to school tomorrow, I promise.

How to translate into English he goes to school?

He goes to school, studies. He goes to school, studies.

When is am is are used?

Am / is / are is used in Present Simple as a linking verb. It connects the subject with the following noun or adjective and is part of the compound predicate. In such sentences, the linking verb is usually not translated into Russian.

How to say go to school in english?

go to school {verb}

attend school {also} go to school {also}

It’s time for you to go to school. Sign in! You have to go to school.

How to say I went to school in English?

I went to school. I’m off to school.

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But today there are 70 million children not going to school; 70 million children denied the most basic of opportunities.

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Однако сегодня 70 миллионов детей не ходят в школу; 70 миллионам детей отказано


самых элементарных возможностях.

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enrolment rates have become much better, but

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Показатели зачисления

в школы

значительно улучшились,

но по-прежнему по крайней мере 77 миллионов детей не ходят в школу.

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Jeremy is the sort of man who, aged seven,

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Достигнув семилетнего возраста, Джереми сказал матери, что не пойдет в школу, потому что будет помогать ей лепить горшки.

Some activities target vulnerable groups, such as orphans, demobilized child soldiers,

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Некоторые из мероприятий осуществляются в интересах уязвимых групп, таких, как сироты, демобилизованные дети- солдаты,

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There are many reasons for children not going to school, but the end result is the same:

these children and their own children in the future are more likely


be poor and remain poor.

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Причин, по которым дети не ходят в школу, много, но результат всегда один:

эти дети и дети их детей, скорее всего, будут и останутся бедными.

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I mean, it’s all well and good


have your friends over, but what are you doing, letting her out dressed like that,

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Она такая скрытная. То есть, конечно, прекрасно и замечательно приглашать друзей домой, но зачем ты отпускаешь ее


таком виде, на ночь глядя,

With hundreds of millions of people still not going to school, and many


achieving minimum skills at


it is clear education systems are off track


achieve global goals.

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Сотни миллионов по-прежнему не посещают школу, а многие так и


приобретают в ней необходимых навыков- это убедительно

говорит о том, что системы образования


способны обеспечить достижение глобальных целей.

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the findings of these studies, children who work are

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Согласно выводам этих исследований, у работающих детей выше вероятность того,

что их дети также будут работать с раннего возраста и пропускать школу.

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Results: 1759,
Time: 0.0238





It is very important for a student to attend the classes regularly in order to achieve high-quality academic excellence. Similarly, a teacher is also required to take classes regularly.

The absenteeism of the student and the teacher is always discouraged in almost every school. Many schools have different approaches to deal with people who stay absent from school.

In general, everyone has to face foreseen and unforeseen circumstances in life. Practically, it is not possible for an individual to keep the attendance 100%. If you are ill or facing any other problem due to which you cannot come to school, you should communicate your reason for not attending the school.

The best way to communicate is to write an excuse letter. This letter is written to let the reader know that you are absent because of a genuine reason. However, it should be kept in mind that this letter may not work for those people who show habitual absenteeism.

If you are the one who has a genuine reason for being absent, you can write an excuse letter to the principal from being absent from the school. The parents of the child can also write an excuse letter.

Tips for writing an excuse letter for being absent:

These are the tips that you can follow in order to write an effective excuse letter

  1. Keep the tone of the letter formal and be polite while writing the letter
  2. The excuse letter must provide a reason for being absent. This is the most basic reason to write the excuse letter.
  3. Try to explain the situation with honesty. The reader should be able to understand your reason for being absent. So be clear and straight while writing an excuse letter
  4. Include your details in the letter such as name, class name, section name, roll number, etc. so that you can be identified easily.
  5. Keep the letter short by avoiding unnecessary details.
  6. In case of illness, a medical certificate or doctor’s note should be attached to the letter.

Sample Letters



Respected Principal,

I am writing to inform you that our daughter Elaine, who is a student of grade 2 in your school, shall not be able to attend school next week. We will be traveling to France for a week owing to a family event, therefore kindly excuse Elaine from [date] to [date].

We would appreciate it if you can share next week’s study plan so we can cover the course as soon as we return.


Excuse Letter for being Absent in School due to travel


I want to tell you that my son could not attend school for the last three days from [date] to [date]. We were on the visit to a hill station and spent most of the time in traveling from one place to the other. I request you to kindly excuse him for being absent as we could not leave him all alone at home. Kindly attach the missing work in his notebook so that I can make him do it in a short time to come up with the class. I will make sure it won’t happen again and we will always schedule our traveling in the summer holidays.

Thanking you in anticipation!

[Family matters]


Dear Principal,

This is to inform you that our daughter Sarah, studying in grade 7, will be unable to attend school from Wednesday through Friday due to some family matters that require attention. She will be back in the routine from next Monday.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Excuse Letter for being Absent in School due to family matter


It is to inform you that my daughter was unable to attend school for a week from [date] to [date] as we were out of the station for family meet up. My daughter had never met all the members of the expanded family & her father wanted to introduce her to everybody. He wanted her to learn things in a different way as well. I am sorry for not having refused for this trip as I am afraid that it affected her studies badly. I will make sure that she covers all of her missing work within some days & cope up with the class as soon as possible.

Thank you for your consideration!

[Stomach ache]

Dear Principal,

I am writing to explain that my son Martin studying at your school in grade 3 was unable to attend school today. Since yesterday evening he has been complaining of stomach ache. I have taken him to the doctor for medicine and hopefully, he will be better soon.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Excuse Letter for being Absent in School due to stomach ache


Dear Principal,

My child Vincent studies in grade 2 at your school. I am writing to inform you that he is sick and has been vomiting since the early morning. This is why he was unable to attend school today. Please allow him to leave for 2 days (today and tomorrow).

I look forward to your cooperation.


Excuse Letter for being Absent in School due to vomiting


Dear Principal,

My daughter Martha studies in grade 6 at your school. Since yesterday afternoon she is suffering from acute diarrhea. Due to this infection, she is feeling weak. Please allow her 3 days of leave from school so she can recuperate.

Thank you for your understanding.


Excuse Letter for being Absent in School due to Diarrhea

[a Headache]

Dear Principal,

My son Harry was unable to come to school today. He complained of a severe headache in the morning, so I decided to let him rest for a while. He shall be back to school from tomorrow.


Excuse Letter for being Absent in School due to headache



Dear Principal,

My son Aaron will be unable to attend school today. He suffers from asthma and last night he had an asthma attack. We took him to the ER and the attack has subsided, he is not feeling well. Kindly excuse him for today. Hopefully, if he feels better, he will come to school tomorrow.


Excuse Letter for being Absent in School due to asthma


Please excuse my daughter for being absent from school yesterday on [date]. She was ready to come to school when suddenly she had a severe asthma attack that we had to take her to the hospital in no time. Doctors gave her the needed treatment and kept her under observation for the whole day. Despite her fluctuating health condition, I am sending her to school today as her exams are drawing near. It is a humble request to give her the missing work for yesterday and be considerate if she complaints about her bad state.

Thank you!

[Chicken pox]

Dear Principal,

My daughter Mariah has been complaining of itchy marks on her body. Upon taking her to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed her with chickenpox. In order to keep other children at school safe, we wish to keep her at home until she heals and the virus is not contagious anymore. Meanwhile, I would like to request if her teachers can send in worksheets and homework so Mariah may study at home.

I hope the school will cooperate.

Excuse Letter for being Absent in School due to chicken pox

[Family member’s illness]

Dear Principal,

My daughter Elizabeth studies at your school in grade 3. Unfortunately, her grandmother is extremely ill and we would like to spend some time with her. Her grandmother lives in Texas and we will be traveling there this weekend. Therefore, I am requesting for one week of leave for Elizabeth. I would appreciate it if the teachers can share what they will be teaching in the next week so that Elizabeth can cover up for her absence at school.

I look forward to your understanding.


Excuse Letter for being Absent in School for family members illness

[Family emergency]

Dear Principal,

I am writing to inform you that my son Arnold who studies in grade 6 at your school will not be able to come to school for a couple of days. There has been a family emergency that required us to travel to New York.

I look forward to your cooperation.


Excuse Letter for being Absent in School for family emergency

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не ходят в школу

не посещают школу

не ходишь в школу

не ходить в школу

не пойдешь в школу

не идти в школу

не идешь в школу

не в школу

не пойдет в школу

не пошел в школу

не посещая школу

не посещающих школу

не ходит в школу

не пойду в школу

не иду в школу

Most children not going to school are girls.

Worse, children not going to school because they have to work.

К сожалению, очень многие дети не ходят в школу, так как вынуждены работать.

Children and young people are not going to school.

Additionally, 70 per cent of children who are not going to school lives in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Вместе с тем, 72 миллиона детей по-прежнему не посещают школу, 70% из которых проживают в Африке южнее Сахары, в Южной и Западной Азии.

So you’re just not going to school?

I know you’re not going to school.

Parents cannot go to work — and children are not going to school.

School enrolment rates have become much better, but there are still at least 77 million children not going to school.

Показатели зачисления в школы значительно улучшились, но по-прежнему по крайней мере 77 миллионов детей не ходят в школу.

And the first piece we do is about identifying every single girl who’s not going to school.

Наша первая задача — найти всех до одной девочек, которые не ходят в школу.

Are not going to school or are being kicked out

At present 1.75 million children are not going to school in Syria.

5TH GRADE MATH DRILLS You’re not going to school.

I’m not going to school without you.

I would rejoice because I liked not going to school.

If I ever have kids, they’re not going to school.

She’s not going to school like that.

I started to blame myself and my parents also blamed me for not going to school.

Я начал винить себя, и мои родители также обвинили меня в том, что я не пошел в школу.

I’m not going to school today.

I’m not going to school today.

I’m not going to school today.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 173. Точных совпадений: 173. Затраченное время: 186 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


  • #4

But what does that mean? A person says that he is not going to school. Another one says «You are«. Does that mean — «[Oh yes] You are (going)» or «You are (right, there is nothing to do at school)» ?

7. US informal
used to emphasize a positive answer to a negative statement



  • #6

Horrible Brat: [I say] I’m not going to school today!
Stern Parent [who has the last word]: [And I say] You are too! / Oh yes you are! (i.e. You’re going to school even if I have to drag you there by the ear.)


VikNikSor, here is a better definition from our WRF dictionary:
too /tuː/ adv
4. US Canadian informal


: used to reinforce a command: you will too do it!

  • #9

7. US informal used to emphasize a positive answer to a negative statement

An easier-to-understand way of putting it is that it

contradicts a contradiction

, thereby re-affirming the original statement.
«You are too», when it has this meaning, places very strong stress on both «are» and «too», and very little on «you» (sometimes the «you» may even be left out). You are too!
When these words have the ordinary meaning of «also you» [I’m going to the park and you are too], moderately strong stress is on the outer words, and the middle one receives very little stress or can be left out. You are too!

  1. You can not go to school.

It’s perfectly possible to use the sentence above to mean that not going to school is a possible option. Notice that usually the word cannot is written as one word. This anomaly is probably not an accident. Usually if we have an auxiliary that is not contracted with the negative word not, the auxiliary is not stressed, the stress falls on the word not. Notice that this isn’t the case when we say cannot. The stress here falls on the first syllable, in other words on the auxiliary:

  • You cannot go to school.

Compare this with, for example, with have:

  • I’ve not finished yet.
  • I have not finished yet.

When there’s no contraction, the stress is standardly applied to the negative particle not; not to the auxiliary.

Now if we wish to negate the following verb instead of the auxiliary can, so that we mean that there’s an option to not do something, all we need to do is stress the word not instead of the word can:

  • You can not go.

Now if we were very strict about writing cannot as one word instead of two, then we would not need to use italics when we were writing such sentences to indicate the stress here. We could just use two words can not. However, we aren’t all that strict about it at all, and so in order to not be misunderstood it is probably best to use italics when writing to highlight the marked pronunciation.

Now, the Original Poster wisely asked if using a sentence like the above will negate the whole sentence instead of just the verb go. The answer is that it won’t. We might think that the sentence is negated, purely on the basis of the lexical verb being negated. This isn’t the case. We can do a test here to establish the polarity of the sentence. Usually a negative sentence will take a positive question tag and vice versa:

  • You’ve eaten it, haven’t you? (positive sentence, negative tag)
  • You haven’t seen it, have you? (negative sentence, positive tag)

If we stick a tag on a normal sentence where can is negated we will see a positive tag:

  • You can’t do it, can you? (negative sentence, positive tag)

However, if we negate the lexical verb do in this example, instead, by using marked stress, then we get the following result:

  • You can not do it though, can’t you?

Here we see a negative tag, which is a clear sign that the sentence has a positive polarity when the lexical verb is negated.

Of course this is one option open to a writer, if the genre and style aimed for will allow it. They can just stick a tag on the question:

  • You can not go, can’t you!

Arguably, however, it might still be best to use italics here to prevent the reader from having to reread the sentence.



Apr 10, 2014
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  • #1

Hello natives! :) What is correct?
— I am not going to school tomorrow
— I won’t go to school tomorrow.
I think the first one is correct.


Apr 12, 2008
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Retired English Teacher
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Boris Tatarenko

Boris Tatarenko

Senior Member

May 6, 2013
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Russian Federation

  • #3

As far as I know there’s a slight difference in their meanings. Am I right?


Apr 12, 2008
Member Type
Retired English Teacher
Native Language
British English
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  • #4

As far as I know there’s a slight difference in their meanings. Am I right?

There could be, but not necessarily.

38 месяцев назад

Упражнение 5 . Найдите ошибки и исправьте их. 1.We not going to school today. 2 What you doing after school? 3 At the

moment Peter is work in Russia. 4 Does he got a new car? 5 He never wear a hat. 6 He don’t like black coffee. 7 We are have a good time. 8 What you doing now? 9 It rains at the moment. 10 How you like the game?

1.We ARE not going to school today.

2. What ARE you doing after school?

3. At the moment Peter is workING in Russia.

4. Does he gEt a new car?

5. He never wearS a hat.

6. He DOESN’T like black coffee.

7. We are havING a good time.

8. What ARR you doing now?

9. It IS RAINING at the moment.

10. How DO you like the game?

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  • Word for not going away
  • Word for not giving up hope
  • Word for not getting work done
  • Word for not getting to the point
  • Word for not getting things done