Word for not forgetting

What is another word for don’t forget?

bear in mind keep in mind
recall remember
take into account consider
not forget not lose sight of the fact
be mindful of the fact think about

What is another way to say I will never forget?

»not gonna forget exp. »shall never forget exp. »shall not forget exp. »bear in mind exp.

What is a synonym for not free?

restrained; committed; tied; not free.

What to say instead of I Forgot?

What is another word for forgot?

disregarded ignored
overlooked overpassed
neglected omitted
skipped missed
slighted failed

What is a better way to say I forgot?

Let’s quickly review the basic ways to say you forget something: I forget. I can’t remember. I don’t remember. I’m sorry I wasn’t at the meeting.

What is it called to never forget?

Hyperthymesia is a condition that leads people to be able to remember an abnormally large number of their life experiences in vivid detail. …

What is the opposite of being free?

Opposite of the state of being free from imprisonment or enslavement. captivity. incarceration. imprisonment.

How do you say free of cost?

free of cost

  1. chargeless.
  2. complimentary.
  3. compliments of the house.
  4. free.
  5. free ride.
  6. freebie.
  7. gratis.
  8. gratuitous.

How do you say forget in a nice way?

7 Useful English Phrases to Say When You Forget Something

  1. “I lost my train of thought.” lose your train of thought.
  2. “It slipped my mind.” slip one’s mind.
  3. “It’s on the tip of my tongue!”
  4. “It doesn’t ring a bell.”
  5. “It went in one ear and out the other.”
  6. “Can you refresh my memory?”
  7. “I had a senior moment.”

Which is the best synonym for the word forgetfulness?

You know that forgetfulness of everything which comes of a violent confident, reciprocated love. CAMILLE (LA DAME AUX CAMILIAS) ALEXANDRE DUMAS, FILS If I land a heavy stake, or break the bank, all will be well: if not, I must go where I hope to find forgetfulness. THE PIT TOWN CORONET, VOLUME III (OF 3) CHARLES JAMES WILLS

Which is the best synonym for the word refuse?

Synonyms for refuse. chaff, deadwood, debris, dreck. (also drek), dross, dust, effluvium.

Is there such a thing as forgetting where he came from?

Nonetheless, one of Lynch’s online ads says he “has never forgotten where he came from,” and given his background as an ironworker-turned-lawyer and Irish Catholic, if he wins handily today that might help explain why.

  • all
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for forget

fail to remember


  • fail to remember
  • not remember
  • not recollect
  • let slip from the memory
  • fail to bring to mind


leave behind

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for forget

to fail to remember

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for forget

dismiss from the mind

be unable to remember

forget to do something

leave behind unintentionally

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

I want to say about someone that he is «not forgetful» or probably «easy to remember things, hard to forget». But I feel like it’s too mouthful, and English probably has the term for this, but I don’t know how to search for things like this. Can you help me what is the term for «not forgetful»? Thanks.

J.R.'s user avatar


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asked Dec 20, 2017 at 8:35

Chen Li Yong's user avatar

Chen Li YongChen Li Yong

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The most common ways to say that someone is good at remembering things include:

He has a good memory.

She has an excellent memory.

Adjectives such as «mindful» are rarely good substitutes.

«Mindful» means keeping something in mind, and is almost always followed by a description of the thing:

He is mindful of his obligations. (= He is aware of his obliations.)

«Attentive» means either that someone listens well (for example, in class) or that they pay attention to particular things:

She is attentive to the nuances of what people say.

«Retentive» most often describes memory rather than a person («she has a retentive memory»), but ODO also gives this example:

She’s very retentive of any facts about the culture, especially about the language.

answered Dec 20, 2017 at 9:06

rjpond's user avatar


Some common antonyms to forgetful include mindful, retentive, and attentive.

But I find the most colorful way to describe someone who never forgets is to call them an elephant. Why an elephant? Because an old expression goes:

An elephant never forgets.

Though if you decide to call someone an elephant, be prepared to explain this, as without context, someone might think you were calling them fat. ;)

answered Dec 20, 2017 at 8:44

Neil's user avatar


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One way you could say this is that someone has a photographic memory.

However, before you introduce this into your vocabulary, you should know: you’d be using this in a figurative and not literal sense.

Wikipedia says that photographic memory refers to «the ability to recall pages of text or numbers, or similar, in great detail» and also mentions that «true photographic memory has never been demonstrated to exist.»

So, I might say, «Linda has a photographic memory,» but I’d most likely not be referring to the clinical phenomenon; rather, I’d mean that Linda is not forgetful but good at remembering things.

One way writers might distinguish between the two is to use near or almost. Collins has an example usage from the Sunday Times which reads:

I was to discover that he had an almost photographic memory.

I’ve seen other instances where the more figurative use of this term is employed with a dash of hyperbole, such as when Bruce Benderson wrote in his autobiographical work:

If I brought up this episode, she could recall every syllable of it. My mother has a photographic memory.

answered Dec 20, 2017 at 10:56

J.R.'s user avatar


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As a matter of fact, the adjective «memorious» sounds pleasant for a person having a good memory, but, unfortunately, it is too obsolete to be used in modern English.

The phrases that are very common and idiomatic are «a good memory» and «a photographic memory». The former is more common than the latter.

He has a good memory.

He has a photographic memory.

You can also say «He has an amazing memory».

answered Dec 20, 2017 at 19:49

Khan's user avatar


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Not forgetting, of course, Christabel LaMotte… and the ambitious fairy project.

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Не забыв, конечно, Кристабель Ламотт и грандиозный проект фей.

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Ах да, и не забудьте связь города с неким Гарри Поттером….

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Not forgetting, of course, to leave a couple of windows open for fresh air.

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Не забыв, конечно, оставить окно приоткрытым для проветривания.

After that we released balloons in the sky, not forgetting to make a wish.

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Потом во дворе мы отпустили в небо шарики, не забыв загадать желания.

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You might consider the possibility of three meals a day, not forgetting tea!

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А еще советую вам не забыть о трех ежедневных плотных трапезах-


считая чая,!

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Конечно еще частный бассейн не забудем завершить роскошь.

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хочу, чтобы кто-нибудь внезапно обнаружил, что ему не хватило подарка.

The therapist will carefully knead Your tired muscles, not forgetting about any part of Your body.

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Массажистка тщательно разомнет Ваши уставшие мышцы, не забыв ни об одной из частей Вашего тела.

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Let’s bear kindness in our hearts, not forgetting to think over the people surrounding us

and share a piece of our soul with them.

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Давайте нести добро в наших сердцах, не забывать думать за окружающих нас людей

и делиться частичкой свой души с ними.

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We have chosen the first option, at the same time not forgetting about competitiveness of our auto gas as compared to premium

gas sold at gas filling stations of the country.

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Мы выбрали первую опцию, при этом не забыв о конкурентоспособности нашего автогаза в сравнении с« премиум-

газом», продаваемым на АГЗС страны.

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And we should operate it in the light of these characteristics, not forgetting that inside the spine runs the spinal cord and nerve roots.

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И не забывать, что именно в позвоночнике проходит спинной мозг и нервные корешки.

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Besant gave the article scientific coloring, not forgetting to mention Röntgen, Baraduc, Reichenbach,»vibrations and the ether.

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Безант придала статье« научный колорит», не забыв упомянуть Рентгена, Барадюка, Райхенбаха и вибрации в эфире.

At the end of the concert Mikhail Turkish introduced the participants of the legendary group,

thanking for work and presenting to the public each personally, not forgetting and technical workers.

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Под занавес концерта Михаил Турецкий представил участников легендарного коллектива,

поблагодарив за работу и представив публике каждого лично, не забыв и о технических работниках.

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But it must be done systematically, not forgetting that much time and patience are needed.

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Но нужно производить это систематично и не забывать, что потребуется немало времени и терпения.

For 3-5 min until cooked

chanterelles add to the pan sour cream, not forgetting before that to salt the dish to taste.

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За 3-

5 мин до готовности лисичек добавьте в сковороду сметану, не забыв перед этим посолить блюдо по вкусу.

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Install an antivirus program,

check all site’s files to presence of viruses, not forgetting to save the backup copy of the site;

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Необходимо установить антивирусную программу,

проверить все файлы сайта на наличие вирусов, не забыв при этом сохранить резервную копию сайта;

It was important to keep insisting,

while at the same time being patient and not forgetting the importance of diplomacy.

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Важно и далее проявлять настойчивость, но при этом сохранять терпение и не забывать о значении дипломатии.

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For example, you can spread it in bed and scatter it around, not forgetting to open the window at night.

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Еще пижма хорошо сработает для того, чтобы очистить от клопов конкретную зону. Например, можно разложить ее в кровати и разбросать вокруг, не забыв открыть окно на ночь.

The need to simultaneously deliver dramatic acting, meanwhile not forgetting about the technically complex vocals,” noted Maira Mukhamedkyzy.

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В необходимости одновременно воплотить драматическую игру и, в то же время, не забывать о вокале, технически сложных вещах,- отметила Майра Мухамедкызы.

Quickly begin to put them on the girl’s face,

which then will have to decorate the beautiful makeup, not forgetting the elegant dress.

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Поскорее начинай наносить их на лицо девушки,

которое потом надо будет украсить красивым макияжем, не забыв про шикарное платье.

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Foreigners especially respect us for not forgetting our culture, identity and language in spite of all the contributing factors.

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Иностранцы особенно уважают нас за то, что не забываем свою идентичность, культуру, язык, хотя все способствующие этому условия имеются.

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Always say,»Thank you»- this is a way of praising others and

one of the keys of good manners; not forgetting«Excuse me»,»Please»,»You are welcome»,

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Всегда говори« Спасибо»- таким образом ты хвалишь других, и это-

один из ключей к хорошим манерам; не забывай.

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It has mountain scenes that are simply breathtaking not forgetting the castles and ruins that tell stories of famous kingdoms.

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Горный захватывающий дух ландшафт, замки и руины- все это расскажет туристу о истории и укладе жизни местных королевств.

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We stopped at each item and asked why we chose it for consideration, not forgetting that the whole idea of commercialization makes sense only if it is implemented

for the introduction of a life really worth the technological development.

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Мы останавливались на каждом элементе и спрашивали, почему мы выбрали его для рассмотрения, не забывая, что вся затея с коммерциализацией имеет смысл только в том случае,

если она реализуется для внедрения в жизнь действительно стоящей технологической разработки.

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Mr. Chochiev, recently Georgia renamed the Reintegration Ministry into the Ministry of Reconciliation and the Equality of Citizens, and its head Paata Zakareishvili

said that»today Georgia offers Abkhazia and South Ossetia, not forgetting anything, to start all from scratch.

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Борис Елиозович, на днях Грузия переименовала свое министерство по реинтеграции в министерство по вопросам примирения и равноправия граждан и его руководитель Паата Закареишвили заявил,

что« Грузия сегодня предлагает Абхазии и Южной Осетии, не забыв ничего, начать все с нового листа».

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The Committee members should exercise

caution concerning information communicated by NGOs, not forgetting that some NGOs were in fact political opposition

movements that were guilty of the most flagrant human rights violations and lacked all legitimacy as providers of information.

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Члены Комитета должны проявлять осмотрительность по отношению к информации,

поступающей от НПО, и не забывать, что некоторые из них, по сути, являются оппозиционными политическими группами,

виновными в вопиющих нарушениях прав человека, и лишены какой-либо легитимности, которая позволяла бы им передавать информацию Комитету.

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not forgetting (someone or something)

Including; as well as; last but not least. And finally, not forgetting our stalwart IT department—there’s no way we would have been so successful this year without their incredible work. So in the morning, you’ll need to open the blinds, water the plants, and feed the dog. Oh, and not forgetting the heating system, which you’ll need to turn off the night before.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

not forgetting…

(British English) used to include something in the list of things that you have just mentioned: I share the house with Jim, Ian and Sam, not forgetting Spike, the dog.

See also: not

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • aint
  • ain’t
  • not for a instant
  • by no means
  • not by any means
  • hope not
  • (I) hope not
  • not exactly
  • be not much cop
  • be like ships in the night

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