Word for not expensive and not cheap


3 She always wears bluch Which words are being defined? 1 be the right size fit 2 not cheap, but not expensive 3 a large cupboard for keeping clothes in 4 popular with people at a particular time 5 the place, where you try on clothes in a shop 6 Armani and Calvin Klein are examples of this 7 a person who works in a shop 8 look after customers and help them to buy things​


Светило науки — 4 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи


3 Она всегда носит голубую одежду. Какие слова определяются? 1 подходить по размеру 2 недешево, но не дорого 3 большой шкаф для хранения одежды 4 популярный среди людей в определенное время 5 место, где вы примеряете одежду в магазине 6 Армани и Кельвин Кляйн являются примерами этого 7 человек, который работает в магазине 8 присматривает за покупателями и помогает им покупать вещи (просто перевод)






If two things match,
they are a similar colour or type. If two things go with each
other, they look good together.

bag matches her coat. Catherine’s bag goes with her coat

If something suits you,
it looks good on you. If something fits you, it is the right size.


In a clothes

A shop assistant [a person who works
in a shop] is serving different
customers [helping them to buy things].



Are these pairs similar in meaning or different in meaning?

1 in fashion and fashionable
_________ similar ______________

2 wardrobe and changing room

3 I’ll take it and I’ll
leave it _____________________________

4 match something and go
with something _____________________________

5 tight and loose _____________________________

6 fit someone and suit
someone _____________________________

7 that’s a shame and that’s
a pity _____________________________


Rewrite the
sentences starting with the words given. Keep a similar meaning.

1 I often shop with my

2 These watches are

3 Your top matches your

4 I like what I’m wearing.

5 Those trousers suit you.

6 Are they the right size?

7 I’d like it to be quite

8 She always wears black.

I often go ____ shopping with my mother _________.

These watches are in ___________________.

Your top goes ___________________.

I like what I’ve ___________________.

Those trousers look ___________________.

Do they ___________________?

I don’t want it to be too ___________________.

She always ___________________in


words are being defined?

be the right size ________ fit_________

not cheap, but not expensive _______________

a large cupboard for keeping clothes in _______________

popular with people at a particular time _______________

the place where you try on clothes in a shop _______________

Armani and Calvin Klein are examples of this _______________

a person who works in a shop _______________

look after customers and help them to buy things _______________


Complete the



недорогой — перевод на английский

Если тебе интересно, я могу недорого продать тебе их

If you’re interested, I’ll sell them to you cheap.

Много хорошей недорогой еды вокруг.

Lot’s of good cheap food around.

Смерть здесь недорого стоит, а?

Death is cheap here, right?

Тут все недорогое.

They’re all cheap.

— Это недорого.

— It’s cheap.

Показать ещё примеры для «cheap»…

— Хороший недорогой номер.

— A very nice room, and inexpensive.

Много мест, много хорошей, недорогой еды.

Lots of space, lots of good, inexpensive food.

Недорогую и с хорошим видом.

Inexpensive, with a good view.

В идеале, метод должен быть недорогим, чтобы отправка и прием огромных объемов информации не требовали больших затрат;

Ideally, the method should be inexpensive. A huge amount of information could be sent and received at little cost.

Это сравнительно недорого.

It’s comparatively inexpensive.

Показать ещё примеры для «inexpensive»…

— Жить там недорого.

There the life is not expensive.

И кстати, моя книга стоит недорого.

And my book is not expensive, by the way.

Это пустяк. И недорого.

It’s nothing, and it’s not expensive.

Они стоят недорого и хорошо служат.

They’re not expensive and work just as well.

Очень хороший и недорогой.

Very good one and not expensive.

Показать ещё примеры для «not expensive»…

Теперь покупка недорого матраса — развлечение для всей семьи.

We believe that buying an affordable mattress Should be fun.

Самые лучшие ландшафты, дикие животные. И совсем недорого.

Best scenery in the world, best animals in the world, totally affordable.

Что-нибудь недорогое, с большими порциями.

Someplace affordable, with big portions.

Большинство из умерших, умерли преждевременно и этого можно было бы избежать при правильном питании и доступе к недорогой здоровой пище.

Most of these deaths here are premature and could have been avoided with correct diet and access to affordable healthy food.

Показать ещё примеры для «affordable»…

Но капитан Гастингс сказал мне, что Вы берёте недорого.

But the Captain said to me what his honorary are reasonable.

— Найдем недорогое жилье.

-and we find reasonable lodgings.

И весьма недорого, всего 2800 долларов.

Quite reasonable at 2,800.

Уверена, мы сможем найти тебе недорогое платье.

I’m sure we can find something reasonable.

И что ещё лучше, я нашла нам прикольный недорогой двухчасовой кружок по украшению кексов в кондитерской.

And best of all I found us a fun, reasonable two-session cupcake decorating class at a bakery.

Показать ещё примеры для «reasonable»…

— Что значит недорогая?

— What’s not much?

Может совсем недорого. — Квентин? — Что?

I mean just as much as to set up the business, Quentin!

Я понимаю, мы познакомились только сейчас и слово моё недорого стоит.

I know we’ve only recently met and my word doesn’t count for much, but if you could see your way to letting me go,

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«inexpensive» is more common, so you see it a lot more often.

However, technically these two words mean different things:

«inexpensive» = means that it is cheap, it does not cost much, the cost is low, it is low in price.

«unexpensive» = means that it is not expensive…but it might not be cheap either. It might be in the middle of the prices. It is not extremely expensive, it is not an unreasonable or high price. But it only says it is not expensive, it does not say if it is easily affordable or cheap. So it often means that it is a reasonable, average, middle range cost.

So to show these in order (highest cost to lowest cost):

— too expensive = the price is way too much, it is unreasonable

— expensive = this will cost a lot, the price is very high, it has to be very important to you or else it is not worth this much, something less expensive might be better, you should decide carefully. But if it is also very high quality or very important, then the high price might be worth paying.

— unexpensive, average, reasonable, middle = the price is not too much, it is a reasonable price, it is in the middle of the prices, it is about average in price. It might still be a lot of money but it is a reasonable amount for this item. It is probably a fair price.

— inexpensive, cheap, low cost, budget = the price is very low, it is easy to pay this price, it does not cost very much to buy this. But it also might be lower quality, because it is so cheap.

«inexpensive» is more common, so you see it a lot more often.

However, technically these two words mean different things:

«inexpensive» = means that it is cheap, it does not cost much, the cost is low, it is low in price.

«unexpensive» = means that it is not expensive…but it might not be cheap either. It might be in the middle of the prices. It is not extremely expensive, it is not an unreasonable or high price. But it only says it is not expensive, it does not say if it is easily affordable or cheap. So it often means that it is a reasonable, average, middle range cost.

So to show these in order (highest cost to lowest cost):

— too expensive = the price is way too much, it is unreasonable

— expensive = this will cost a lot, the price is very high, it has to be very important to you or else it is not worth this much, something less expensive might be better, you should decide carefully. But if it is also very high quality or very important, then the high price might be worth paying.

— unexpensive, average, reasonable, middle = the price is not too much, it is a reasonable price, it is in the middle of the prices, it is about average in price. It might still be a lot of money but it is a reasonable amount for this item. It is probably a fair price.

— inexpensive, cheap, low cost, budget = the price is very low, it is easy to pay this price, it does not cost very much to buy this. But it also might be lower quality, because it is so cheap.

  • #1

Hi, everyone!
Could you, please, help me? What is the most usual way of speaking/writing when using some smaller degree comparatives? I am not referring to all smaller degree comparatives. For example:
This TV set is expensive, but it is less expensive than those or This TV set is expensive, but it is cheaper than those?
This TV set is cheap, but it is less cheap than those or This TV set is cheap, but more expensive than those?
Less late or earlier? (less late sounds horribly to me)
Less fast or slower/more slowly?

It is possible that my question has to do with those adjectives and adverbs that have antonyms, I am not sure.
By the way, I do not know why most English grammar books and dictionaries practically do not refer to smaller degree comparatives. Any possible explanation?
And thanks in advance!

Last edited: Sep 28, 2012

  • #5

Thanks everyone!
Is more slowly correct? Or for this adverb we have the form slower too?

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